762 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 9, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 FAST TCP: Fairness and Queuing Issues Liansheng Tan, Cao Yuan, and Moshe Zukerman, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract— This letter considers problems of unfairness and excessive variations of the router queue associated with FAST TCP operations due to inaccurate estimation of the round-trip propagation delay. Using a simple example, we explain unfairness in FAST TCP caused by this inaccurate estimation. We also present analytical and simulation performance studies and show that improving this estimation by giving the first packet in every flow priority can improve fairness and reduce queuing variations. Index Terms— FAST TCP, Diffserv, priority queuing, roundtrip time (RTT), congestion control. Fig. 1. The dumbbell topology used in the simulations. Fig. 2. The active periods of the four flows. I. I NTRODUCTION F AST TCP [3], [4], [5] is a new TCP congestion control algorithm for high-speed long-distance networks; it aims to rapidly stabilize networks into steady, efficient and fair operating points. It uses queuing delay, in addition to packet loss, as a congestion signal. Queuing delay provides a finer measure of congestion and scales more naturally with network capacity than packet loss probability does [4]. Using the queuing delay as a congestion measure in its window updating equation [5], allows FAST TCP to overcome difficulties [9] encountered by currently used algorithms (such as TCP Reno [1]) in networks with large bandwidth-delay products. The window updating manipulations of FAST TCP rely on estimating the round-trip propagation delay (RTPD) using a parameter called baseRTT which is the minimum round-trip time (RTT) observed so far. FAST TCP proposals [3], [4] assume the usual first-in-first-out (FIFO) schedule in routers. This leads to inaccurate estimation of RTPD by baseRTT which results in unfairness [4], [8] and excessive variations of routers’ queues. The contribution of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we demonstrate that certain flows may consistently experience higher queuing delay than others. This gives them higher baseRTT value than others, so they estimate lower queuing delay than they actually have and therefore they obtain higher throughput than the less aggressive flows. Secondly, we examine the benefit achieved by improving RTPD estimation by giving strict priority to the first packet (by Diffserv) in every flow over all other traffic streams. Manuscript received January 14, 2005. The associate editor coordinating the review of this letter and approving it for publication was Dr. Nikos Nikolaou. The work of the first two authors was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Number 60473085; the work of the third author was supported by the Australian Research Council under Grant Number DP0559131. Liansheng Tan and Cao Yuan are with the Computer Science Department of Central China Normal University, Wuhan, PR. China (e-mail: l.tan@mail.ccnu.edu.cn). Moshe Zukerman is with the Australian Research Council Special Research Center for Ultra-Broadband Information Networks (CUBIN), an affiliated program of National ICT Australia, EEE Dept., The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (e-mail: mzu@unimelb.edu.au). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2005.08023. II. FAST TCP W INDOW C ONTROL AND ITS E QUILIBRIUM In [4] the network model of window congestion control algorithm is presented, where the network consists of a set of links with finite capacities and is shared by a set of unicast flows. Let us introduce the following notation used in [4] for source i. The component wi is the congestion window, di is the round-trip propagation delay, qi is the queuing delay estimated by qi = RT T − di . FAST TCP adapts the source window size periodically according to the following equation di wi (t) + αi (wi (t), qi (t)) +(1−γ)wi (t), wi (t+1) = γ di + qi (t) (1) where αi wi if qi = 0 αi (wi , qi ) = otherwise. αi Subsequently, we rewrite (1) as wi (t + 1) = wi (t) + γ(αi − xi (t)qi (t)), (2) where xi = wi /RT T is the sending rate of source i. From (2), the unique equilibrium point (x∗i , qi∗ ) of the FAST TCP system is αi (3) x∗i = ∗ , qi∗ = RT T ∗ − di , qi where RT T ∗ stands for the round-trip time when the router queue reaches its equilibrium. When the router queue reaches its equilibrium, every flow has the same queuing time, by (3), during a period of traffic congestion, each competing flow with the same value of αi should theoretically obtain an equal share of the bottleneck c 2005 IEEE 1089-7798/05$20.00 TAN et al.: FAST TCP: FAIRNESS AND QUEUING ISSUES Fig. 3. The sending rate of the four FAST TCP flows under FIFO. link bandwidth. However, both the experimental results reported in [4] and our simulation results presented in the next section do not demonstrate such equal sharing. 763 Fig. 4. The router queue under FIFO. of RTPD. A similar phenomenon also exists in Vegas [6], [7], [11]. B. Analysis III. FAST TCP UNDER FIFO Considering FAST TCP under the FIFO schedule, we run the following ns2 [2], [10] simulations on the dumbbell network topology shown in Fig. 1 with the four FAST TCP sender and receiver pairs (S1-D1, S2-D2, S3-D3 and S4-D4) each with different active periods (flows) as shown in Fig. 2. For each flow, we set the parameter αi = 200 packets (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) and set every packet size to 1 kbyte. A. Demonstration of unfairness In FAST TCP [4] the component di is the RTPD of source i, but in actual implementation this value is set by minimum RTT observed so far, which is called baseRTT. Clearly, baseRTT may not be an accurate estimate of RTPD. The two are equal only when the queuing delay of the packet that experiences the minimum RTT for each flow is zero. This is not the case in our example as shown in Fig. 4. A late joining FAST TCP flow overestimates its RTPD because ALL its packets experience significant queuing delay thus its baseRTT is too high. Therefore it underestimates its queuing delay relative to early joining FAST TCP flows. This makes the late joining flows more aggressive thus obtaining higher throughput. Considering the notation used in (3), the late flow’s rate xi is greater than that of early joining flows. Flows are said to become active one by one if the next flow becomes active after the previously activated flow reaches its equilibrium. Because FAST TCP reaches its equilibrium quickly [4], the assumption that flows become active one by one is reasonable. As shown in Fig. 4, while there is only one flow in the link, the router queue size is 200 packets; as the late joining flows become active one by one, the router queue size reaches 520 packets, 916 packets and finally 1368 packets. Theoretically, at equilibrium state every source with the same value of α maintains the same number of packets in the router queue. Therefore, increment of router queue should be equal when the four flows join one by one. However, the simulation results shown in Fig. 4 display more rapidly increasing router queue length than expected. It is due to incorrect estimation Let us now consider a general dumbbell network model with n source-destination pairs. In this model, the single bottleneck link is shared by a set of n unicast FAST TCP flows, identified by their sources. We further assume that these flows become active one by one. For each FAST TCP Flow i, let xi be the sending rate (i = 1, 2, · · · , n), which allocation is subject to the capacity constraint: (4) x1 + x2 + · · · + xn = C, where C is the capacity of the link and xi = αi /qi , qi is the queuing delay. We assume that α1 = α2 = · · · = αn = α and that the flows enter the router one by one, and let bi be the increment of router queue when the ith flow enters the link. When there is only one flow in the link: x1 = C, and q1 = b1 /C. Using (3) and (4) we have 1/b1 = 1/α. When the second flow enters the link, because it cannot obtain the correct RTPD, it observes the queuing delay q2 = b2 /C, and the first flow observes the queuing delay q1 = (b2 + b1 )/C, with (3) and (4) we have 1/(b1 + b2 ) + 1/b2 = 1/α. On the basis of the above analyses, we present the following recursion procedure to calculate bi 1 1 = b1 α 1 1 1 + = b1 + b 2 b2 α 1 1 1 1 + + = b1 + b 2 + b 3 b2 + b 3 b3 α .. . (5) 1 1 1 1 + + ··· + = . b1 + · · · + bn b2 + · · · + bn bn α The summation b1 + b2 + · · · + bn is the router queue size, and (b1 + b2 + · · · + bn )/C is the queuing delay. From (5), we compute b1 = α, b2 = 1.618α, b3 = 1.9817α, and then we can prove that bn+1 > bn , and bn is divergent. So when n increases, bn increases rapidly. That is, the queuing delay of late arriving flows increases rapidly with the number of flows. This supports the argument that because of the use of baseRTT 764 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL. 9, NO. 8, AUGUST 2005 Fig. 5. The sending rate of the four FAST TCP flows under the PQ scheme. Fig. 6. to estimate RTPD, the unfairness is likely to increase with the number of flows. results on the sending rate of the four FAST TCP flows and the router queue under the PQ scheme are displayed in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. Just as the theory indicates, the simulation results demonstrate that, by using the PQ schedule, fairness at the equilibrium state is successfully achieved among the FAST TCP flows. If n FAST TCP flows maintain the same bottleneck router queue length using the same α value, each flow will obtain a 1/n portion of the bottleneck link bandwidth, and subsequently the increase of router queue size is lower than under the FIFO schedule. IV. FAST TCP WITH P RIORITY Q UEUE We propose to improve the estimation of RTPD for FAST TCP by using packet marking and priority queue (PQ). A similar idea of using PQ has been used in [11]. However, according to our method, only one flow needs to send one high priority packet, while according to [11] many high priority packets are sent, i.e., out-of-band (OB) control packets, which may overload the priority queue. PQ gives strict priority to specially marked packets so they are sent without queuing delay. This scheme provides the feasibility for FAST TCP to estimate RTPD accurately. We make a small modification in the FIFO mechanism of FAST TCP by marking the type of service (ToS) with the highest priority for the first packet of each flow and assign other packets the normal priority. When the highest priority packet enters the router, it will be dispatched immediately even if the router buffer is not empty. By doing so, FAST TCP obtains better RTPD estimation. We now show that FAST TCP can estimate RTPD accurately using the above method. The equilibrium-sending rate of each flow is x∗i = αi /qi , we still assume that α1 = α2 = · · · = αn = α, the increment bi is calculated by the follow recursion procedure: 1 1 = b1 α 1 1 1 + = b1 + b 2 b1 + b 2 α 1 1 1 1 + + = b1 + b 2 + b 3 b1 + b 2 + b 3 b1 + b 2 + b 3 α .. . 1 1 1 1 + + ··· + = . b1 + · · · + bn b1 + · · · + bn b1 + · · · + bn α (6) Using (4), we solve (6) to obtain: b1 = b2 = · · · = bn = α and x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = C/n. To further study the performance of FAST TCP under this PQ schedule, we now repeat the simulation of Section 3. The model and the parameter settings are kept as before; we only change the FIFO queuing schedule in the PQ. The simulation The router queue under the PQ scheme. V. F INAL R EMARKS We have demonstrated the benefits of giving priority to some packets to better estimate baseRTT in FAST TCP for the case of a single bottleneck model. 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