Improving the detection and management of Domestic Violence (DV) in the Emergency Department through multidisciplinary education and novel screening Ealing Hospital 2013 - 2015 H Robertson, J Hanlon, A Thomson, S Halstead, S Jones, F Sackey, F Wisniacki First and second authors contributed equally to this poster The Homicide Review (2013) states that healthcare professionals are not doing enough to safeguard victims from Domestic Violence. It highlighted that professionals were poor at sharing information and were often unsure of the correct process to follow in cases of DV. In recognition of this we set out to: • Assess the existing approach to potential cases of DV in the Emergency Department (ED). • Improve the identification and management of cases of DV presenting to the hospital’s ED • Facilitate training and teaching of healthcare professionals. Left, right and below: ‘useful contacts’ card, one-sheet screening form and world-cup related awareness poster: examples of the multiple ways we have tried to improve standards. Audit 1: Aug 12’-13’ Existing situation Audit 2: Nov 14 DV teaching and confidence questionnaire 11 confirmed DV 2290 cases analysed • 80% had experienced DV • 95% felt confident after teaching vs.65% before 1 referred to DV service 6 identified children at home 5 had other follow up No further resources offered A questionnaire also measured current knowledge, barriers and confidence Audit 3: July-Oct 14’ Missed opportunities of screening 367 triggering cases 56 attributed to possible DV One case had been screened using tool 1. 2. Following our repeat audit in December 2014, we found disappointing uptake rates of our onesheet screening initiative, despite informal teaching and promotion. 3. New and exciting initiatives are now underway, including regular, organised multi-disciplinary staff education to promote awareness and use of the one-sheet screening. 6. 4. 5. 7. 8. With kind permission from Greater Manchester against Domestic abuse 9. Project themes o Identification and screening o Staff education and raising awareness o Facilitating the referral pathway o Safeguarding o Improving patient safety ACTIONS for Re-audit Engagement of the urgent care centre Accurate data capture of all victims of assault to include those of DV Opening of a Victim Support Service within the hospital Intensive training of all ED staff on the screening tool and referral pathways for DV including adequate documentation. Ensure screening tool easily accessible to department Ensure ‘useful contacts’ card is available to the public and provided where appropriate. Re-audit of questionnaire and form following teaching Focus Group discussion to consider new initiatives to improve detection. Re-audit May 2015 “New projects for uncommon presentations need continuous promotion, discussion and reflection to really get them off the ground.” Coming soon: put a STOP with a DOT