Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Geochemical constraints from the Hafafit Metamorphic Complex (HMC): Evidence of Neoproterozoic back-arc basin development in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt H. Abd El-Naby b a,b,* , W. Frisch b a Nuclear Materials Authority, P.O. 530 El-Maadi, Cairo, Egypt Institut für Geologie und Paläntologie, Universität Tübingen, Sigwartstr. 10, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany Received 8 June 2005; received in revised form 23 October 2005; accepted 2 February 2006 Available online 31 March 2006 Abstract The Hafafit Metamorphic Complex (HMC) is a part of the Precambrian belt in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt. Two distinct metamorphic units were identified: gneisses and amphibolites. The gneisses are subdivided on mineralogical grounds into granitic gneiss, biotite-gneiss, hornblende-gneiss and psammitic gneiss. Using major elements discrimination criteria to discriminate between orthogneiss and paragneiss, the granitic gneiss shows igneous origin, whereas biotite-gneiss, hornblende-gneiss and psammitic gneiss show sedimentary origin. The mineralogical and chemical compositions of the granitic gneisses indicate that they are tonalitic to trondhjemitic and have compositions consistent with hydrous partial melting of a mafic source, suggesting subduction-related magmatism. Based on Si, Al and alkali contents of paragneisses, the psammitic gneiss could be classified as metamorphosed lithic arenite, whereas biotite- and hornblende-gneisses are classified as metamorphosed greywacke. Sedimentation may have occurred in a back-arc basin setting with transitional deposition from shallow-marine to terrestrial environment. This sedimentation was probably occurred on a tholeiitic basaltic oceanic crust. The amphibolites are subdivided according to mineralogical basis into clinopyroxene-amphibolite, garnet-amphibolite and garnet-free massive amphibolite. Chemical data of amphibolites shows tholeiitic affinity, which suggests a back-arc geotectonic setting. A generation of the leucogranite along thrust zones is related to the late phase of metamorphism of Hafafit rocks. This interpretation is supported by the similarity between metamorphic age and granite emplacement age. Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hafafit; Nugrus; Geochemistry; Back-arc; Gneisses; Amphibolites 1. Introduction The Neoproterozoic evolution of the Arabian–Nubian shield involves: (1) Formation of ophiolites by rifting of Rodinia (Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996). The ages of the ophiolites range between 900 and 740 Ma (Ries et al., 1983; Kröner et al., 1992, 1994; Loizenbauer et al., 2001). (2) Development of sutures associated with arc accretion between 750 and 650 Ma (Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996; Blasband et al., 2000). (3) Orogenic extension and exhuma* Corresponding author. Present address: King Abdulaziz University, Faculty of Earth Sciences, P.O. Box 80206, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia. E-mail address: (H. Abd El-Naby). 1464-343X/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.02.006 tion of core complexes as constrained by dating of core complex exhumation (Fritz et al., 1996), late- to post-tectonic magmatic activity (Stern and Hedge, 1985; Hassan and Hashad, 1990) and molasse basin formation (Grothaus et al., 1979; Rice et al., 1993; Willis et al., 1988). The previous data suggest close association between tectonic and magmatic activity between 620 and 580 Ma (Fritz et al., 2002). Hafafit area represents one of three major domal structures on the Eastern Desert of Egypt (Fig. 1, inset): Abu Swayel (Finger and Helmy, 1998; Abd El-Naby and Frisch, 2002), Gabal Meatiq (Sturchio et al., 1983; Blasband et al., 2000; Fowler and Osman, 2001; Loizenbauer et al., 2001) and Hafafit area (El Ramly et al., 1984; Greiling et al., 174 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Fig. 1. (a) General geological map of the study area (modified from El Ramly et al., 1993). (b) Detailed geological map of dome A (after El Ramly et al., 1993). 1988; Rashwan, 1991; Fowler and El Kalioubi, 2002). The geology of Hafafit has long been recognized as highly complex (called Hafafit Core Complex), and many theories have been proposed for its tectonic evolution. El Ramly et al. (1984) interpreted the Hafafit gneisses, the associated granitoid cores and the Wadi Ghadir melange (Fig. 1a) as a result of Pan-African convergent and marginal ocean basin processes. Hassan and Hashad (1990) interpreted the granitic gneisses at the core of the domes (Fig. 1) as gneissic granitic intrusions. They named the rock assemblage above the core granite and below the psammitic gneiss as a metamorphosed and deformed ophiolitic melange assemblage, whereas the psammitic gneiss as a metamorphosed sedimentary unit of a quartozo-feldspathic composition. Several models have been postulated to explain the exhumation of Hafafit Metamorphic Complex (HMC). Fritz et al. (2002) interpreted the exhumation of HMC as a result of orogen-parallel extension during convergence. Fowler and El Kalioubi (2002) interpreted the Hafafit Complex as a result of fold interference patterns involving multiply deformed sheath folds. Understanding the geochemical characteristic of the Hafafit unit helps in recognizing its tectonic setting and reconstructing the evolution of a former plate margin. In H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 this paper we report the geochemical data of granitic gneisses, paragneisses, amphibolites and garnetiferous leucogranites, which is a useful guide to constrain the former tectonic setting of the Hafafit Metamorphic Complex. 2. Geological setting and petrography Hafafit area consists of five granite-cored domes (dome A to dome E, Fig. 1a). These domes are composed of medium grade gneisses and are separated from the overlying low grade metamorphic rocks by low angle thrust zones. The rock assemblages in Hafafit area could be grouped into two main units which are separated by Nugrus Thrust. The eastern unit (Nugrus unit) is composed mainly of low grade mica-schists and metavolcanics. This unit is associated with remnants of ophiolitic altered ultramafic and metagabbros. The western unit (Hafafit unit) forms Hafafit domes and includes from core to rim (Fig. 2a): granite gneiss of tonalitic and trondhjemitic composition, banded amphibolite which is overthrusted by ultramafic rocks, alternating bands of biotite- and hornblende-gneiss and the psammitic gneiss at the rim of the domal structure. In some parts, the amphibolite is associated with metagabbro. Both units have been intruded by undeformed leucogranites, especially along thrust zones. Mica-schists are composed mainly of quartz + garnet + muscovite + biotite + plagioclase ± chlorite ± opaque (Fig. 2b). These rocks are strongly microfolded as shown in Fig. 2c. Most of these rocks are substantially altered, with secondary chlorite replacing biotite and sericite replacing plagioclase. The metavolcanics are encountered mainly at the northern border of HMC. They are composed mainly of greyish green,1 fine to medium grained meta-andesites which are porphyritic in some places. They are composed of hornblende and/or actinolite-tremolite and plagioclase with variable proportions of epidote, chlorite and carbonate depending upon the degree of alteration (El Ramly et al., 1993). The cored-granite gneisses are moderately foliated, with a well-developed granoblastic-polygonal texture. Locally, mylonitic texture is observed in strongly deformed varieties. Two main types of granite gneiss occur. The predominant is tonalitic gneiss, consisting of plagioclase, quartz, biotite and, locally, garnet. The other type is trondhjemitic in composition. These rocks show a well-developed millimetre-spaced gneissic banding. In some places, the tonalites are invaded by numerous thin pegmatitic veinlets. The amphibolites form irregular lens-shaped bodies overlain by altered ultramafic. At the southern part of the dome A, the amphibolites are overlained by psammitic gneiss of Gabal Hafafit. Based on their mineral constituents, amphibolites could be classified into clinopyroxeneamphibolite, garnet-amphibolite and massive amphibolite. 1 For interpretation of color in Figs. 2–4 and 9, the reader is referred to the web version of this article. 175 The clinopyroxene-amphibolite is fine-grained and composed of amphibole + clinopyroxene + plagioclase with little quartz and iron oxides. It shows thin alternating bands (few millimeters to one centimeter) of dark grey (amphibole-rich) and dark green (clinopyroxene-rich). The strongly foliation of clinopyroxene-amphibolites (Fig. 2d) could be related to the first deformational event, which led to a metamorphic banding and may be synchronous with the alternating bands of biotite- and hornblendegneisses under amphibolite facies condition. At the late stage of this deformational event, the banding and foliation were deformed by folding as shown in Fig. 2d. This event is previously described by El Ramly et al. (1993). They concluded that the structural framework of the Hafafit area could be a result of four main deformational events: early foliation and folding (D1), thrusting and folding (D2), regional thrusting and folding (D3) and a late phase of gravitational deformation (D4). Details of these events have been discussed by El Bayoumi and Greiling (1984), Kröner et al. (1987), Greiling et al. (1988) and Rashwan (1991). The garnet-amphibolite is abundant in Gabal Hafafit and in the area to the east of dome C. It consists of amphibole + plagioclase + garnet + quartz ± clinopyroxene + iron oxides (Fig. 2e). The garnet is coarse grained (up to 5 mm in diameter). The massive amphibolite is free from garnet and clinopyroxene and found as lenses within the gneisses. It is composed mainly of amphibole + plagioclase + quartz + iron oxides. At the eastern side of Nugrus thrust, the amphibolites are associated with metagabbros. These metagabbros probably pertain to the calc-alkaline metagabbros associating Hafafit gneisses (El Ramly et al., 1993). They are dark green in color, medium-grained and composed of highly saussuritized plagioclase crystals and hornblende which is altered partly to pale green actinolite or chlorite. The ultramafic rocks are found as small masses in the core of the northern Hafafit dome (dome A, Fig. 1b) overlying amphibolites. The contact between them seems to be tectonic where there is no sign for intrusive contact. They are massive dark grey, brown or green in color and represented mainly by serpentinized dunite and pyroxenite. Less altered samples are composed mainly of olivine in a mesh texture of serpentine, whereas highly altered samples are composed of serpentine, talc, chlorite, tremolite and calcite. The clastic sediments in this domain which gave rise to the biotite schists and psammitic gneisses were deposited in a basin associated with an active continental margin. This basin is floored by an old oceanic crust now represented by the fore-mentioned ultramafic-mafic rocks (Rashwan, 1991). The alternating bands of biotite-rich gneiss and hornblende-rich gneiss are encountered between the amphibolites at the core of the domal structure and the psammitic gneiss at the rim. The biotite-gneiss is composed essentially of quartz, biotite, plagioclase, and zircon. Garnet is observed in some samples. Chlorite and epidote are 176 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Fig. 2. (a) Rock assemblages in Hafafit dome A. (b) Secondary electron image of large garnet porphyroblast in mica-schist. (c) Photomicrograph showing micro-folded mica-schist (PPL). (d) Strongly foliated and folded clinopyroxene-amphibolites. (e) Photomicrograph showing garnet porphyroblast in garnet-amphibolite (PPL). occasionally present as alteration phases. The hornblendegneiss consists mainly of hornblende, plagioclase and quartz with some opaques. The psammitic gneiss forms the summits of the main mountain masses in the area (e.g. Gabal Hafafit and Gabal Migif). It is composed essentially of quartz, potash feldspar, plagioclase with minor amphibole, biotite, epidote and zircon. In Wadi Abu Rusheid, the psammitic gneiss is mylonitized and dissected by several shear zones. It is highly metasomatized and reflects high radioactive anomalies. Secondary uranium mineralization is found in the altered zone of the mylonitic psammitic gneiss. It occurs as stains along crevices and fracture surfaces and as acicular crystals filling cavities. Uranophane is the most abundant uranium mineral as deduced from the EDX pattern (Fig. 3). The latest Pan-African activity in the mapped area is represented by a suite of leucogranites and minor intrusions of felsite and aplite which intruded the Hafafit H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 177 Fig. 3. Secondary electron image showing uranophane crystal separated from Abu Rushied paragneisses and their EDX spectrum. gneisses and the ophiolitic assemblage (El Ramly et al., 1993). Elongated narrow intrusive leucogranite is found in the eastern part of the mapped area and parallel to the Nugrus Thrust (Fig. 1a). To the other side of Nugrus Thrust, there is other elongated granitic belt forming Gabal Nugrus. Generally, these leucogranites are garnet-bearing and developed along thrust faults, e.g. garnetiferous granites to the south of Nugrus Thrust, Gabal Nugrus, Gabal El-Faliq and Gabal Mudargag (to the northwest extension of the mapped area). The leucogranites are composed mainly of quartz, orthoclase, oligoclase, garnet and biotite. Several small lens-like plutonic masses of leucogranites are found also in Wadi Abu Rushied. They are medium- to coarse-grained, garnet-bearing and contain abundant of metasedimentary xenoliths. Large K-feldspar phenocrysts are also observed in some localities. Geochronological constraints show that the emplacement ages of the leucogranites are between 594 ± 12 and 610 ± 20 Ma (Moghazi et al., 2004). 3. Analytical methods A total of thirty one representative samples were collected for whole-rock chemical analysis. The samples collected from the banded clinopyroxene amphibolites include both dark grey (amphibole-rich) and dark green bands (clinopyroxene-rich). All samples were crushed in a steel jaw crusher to 3-cm-sized pieces. Fresh pieces were selected, cleaned and crushed again to 3-mm pieces. The products of the last crushing were then pulverised in an agate mill. Loss on ignition (LOI) was determined by heating powdered samples at 850 °C for 3 h. Whole rock major and some selected trace and rare earth elements were analysed using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique at the laboratories of the Mineralogical Institute, Tübingen University, Germany. Absolute accuracy has been assessed by comparison with international reference materials analyzed along with the samples and is generally better than 2%. The results of these chemical analyses are given in Table 1. JEOL JXA-8900RL instrument at the University of Tübingen, Germany, was used to identify some radioactive mineral grains. Analytical conditions were 15-kV accelerating voltage, 10–20-nA beam current, 1–2-lm beam diameter and 10–20 s counting time. 4. Geochemistry 4.1. Geochemistry of paragneisses Fig. 4a is a discrimination diagram (after Demant, 1992) to distinguish between sedimentary and magmatic origins of the gneisses. It shows that the cored granitic gneiss fall in the orthogneiss field, whereas psammitic gneiss, biotiteand hornblende gneisses fall in the paragneiss field. Paragneiss samples are plotted in (Na + Ca)/ (Na + Ca + K) versus Si/(Si + Al) (atomic proportions) in Fig. 4b which defines compositional fields for various sedimentary rocks (Wintsch and Kvale, 1994). Most of the psammitic gneiss fall within the lithic arenite with some samples plot in the arkose to subarkose fields. On the other hand, biotite- and hornblende-gneisses fall within the field of greywacke. Sedimentation may have occurred in a backarc basin setting with deposition of the greywacke in marine environment. This sedimentation was probably occurred on a tholeiitic basaltic oceanic crust. This is indicated from the association of amphibolite representing oceanic crust with biotite- and hornblende gneisses. Plotting of most of the psammitic gneisses in the lithic arenite field may reflect deposition of materials of different sources in a fluvial to shallow-marine environment. Whereas plotting of some other psammitic gneiss samples in the arkose to subarkose fields may indicate a marked transition from sedimentation in shallow-marine environment to sedimentation in a terrestrial environment. The depositional environment of paragneiss is constrained from Fig. 4c (Roser and Korsch, 1986). It suggests sedimentation in an active continental margin setting, with the exception of two samples which plot in the passive Sample Psammitic gneiss H1 72.39 0.615 11.49 4.834 0.096 0.904 1.838 4.006 3.662 0.131 0.46 100.4 Trace elements (ppm) Ba 898 Co 8 Cr 18 Rb 49 Sr 102 V 36 Y 159 Zn 186 Zr 946 Nb 37 Pb 32 Th 15 U 2.8 REE (ppm) La 77 Ce 168 Nd 104 Sm 15 Eu 1.4 Yb 14 H2 76.99 0.293 11.01 3.239 0.063 0.65 0.181 4.209 4.111 0.023 0.23 100.9 Biotitet-gneiss H3 91.55 0.035 4.065 1.224 0.019 0.124 0.02 1.738 1.082 0.011 0.16 100 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H5 77.29 0.027 11.09 1.261 0.054 0.205 0.036 5.071 3.517 0.041 0.86 99.45 764 1.7 8.4 45 18 8.9 215 188 1197 49 32 14 1.9 3.4 1.4 11 184 1.8 1.9 15 110 293 150 2.6 28 1.1 68 9.9 44 661 12 8 133 1075 5863 0 421 225 55 187 230 207 22 1.7 19 31 0 13 0 0 0.9 34 97 59 0 0 10 Granitic gneiss H17 59.71 0.637 18.93 4.869 0.087 2.697 7.472 4.49 0.424 0.127 H4 H18 73.37 0.385 14.66 2.572 0.038 0.758 2.609 5.189 1.089 0.125 H6 77.18 0.029 11.06 1.229 0.066 0.716 0.007 5.203 3.652 0.025 0.49 99.65 H7 86.89 0.07 5.068 2.149 0.029 0.876 0.004 2.289 1.783 0.01 0.27 99.43 H8 76.16 0.034 11.08 1.606 0.06 0.993 0.065 5.442 3.442 0.034 0.44 99.35 77.133 0.199 10.51 2.348 0.046 1.064 3.13 3.412 0.933 0.04 0.37 99.18 H20 77.08 0.244 10.83 3.432 0.033 0.109 0.395 2.683 4.998 0.022 Granitic gneiss H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 65.99 1.037 12.05 8.28 0.144 2.39 3.139 2.994 2.697 0.391 0.92 100 78.76 0.227 10.93 2.541 0.086 1.185 2.042 3.045 1.42 0.02 0.75 101 61.14 0.398 14.54 8.416 0.152 3.976 9.087 1.636 0.592 0.076 0.62 100.6 52.64 1.351 18.02 8.854 0.14 4.515 10.06 3.673 0.348 0.168 0.63 100.4 66.71 0.455 17.17 2.734 0.042 1.699 5.488 4.501 0.862 0.13 0.91 100.7 68.35 0.22 17.81 1.653 0.033 0.707 4.358 5.337 1.061 0.075 0.61 100.2 H15 69.69 0.399 15.86 2.191 0.038 1.056 3.031 5.335 1.302 0.116 0.36 99.37 H16 77.39 0.287 11.99 3.429 0.066 0.898 4.08 2.746 0.108 0.034 0.13 101.1 28 11 35 979 0 10 90 89 3294 173 228 130 27 22 2.4 11 314 1.6 0.4 4.1 204 112 118 4.7 3.9 2.9 18 15 37 946 2.7 14 234 514 4563 217 42 136 31 267 1.2 10 18 144 9.9 23 17 160 0 3.9 2.3 0 682 15 86 57 226 47 92 139 513 21 16 8.7 1.3 525 3.1 13 29 118 4 39 46 175 0 9.3 1.8 0 75 23 68 8.3 139 245 17 71 36 0 6.1 1.1 0 123 33 99 5.1 398 196 25 74 69 0 2.2 0.8 0 229 6.9 28 22 519 47 14 37 164 0 8.3 3.4 1.9 254 1.4 11 24 340 17 12 22 159 0 4.9 9.4 2.8 242 4.4 14 43 333 26 13 32 170 0 8 3.7 2.2 35.5 7.6 18 2.6 159 45 0 12 219 0 3 0 3.6 41 0 36 0 0 7 30 0 3.8 3.5 0 0.5 42 91 60 6.1 0 21 38 0 8.7 0 0.3 1.7 50 73 68 9.4 1.4 8.2 27 0 13 0 0.3 3.5 53 0 5.1 0 0.6 1.7 44 0 21 2.2 1.2 2.4 52 0 9.2 3 1.3 0.9 66 54 30 4.2 1.1 0.7 55 30 19 2.6 0.9 0.8 39 0 5.9 0 0.5 0.7 Leucogranites H19 67.06 0.318 14.2 5.809 0.124 1.985 6.143 3.495 0.681 0.065 Hornblende-gneiss H21 76.51 0.06 12.93 1.051 0.013 0.112 0.257 4.979 3.774 0.014 H22 75.27 0.127 13.84 1.075 0.043 0.345 1.649 4.058 3.394 0.04 H23 75.91 0.16 13.36 1.32 0.022 0.177 1.42 2.88 4.35 0.05 H24 74.91 0.17 14.21 1.11 0.05 0.41 1.2 3.65 4.12 0.06 H25 75.56 0.09 13.01 1.6 0.13 0.22 0.76 3.93 3.86 0.03 Clinopyroxene amphibolites Garnet amphibolites H26 50.67 0.42 16.67 8.586 0.137 8.604 11.12 2.693 0.357 0.029 H29 57.25 0.534 14.12 11.04 0.144 5.774 8.93 1.186 0.325 0.06 H27 48.86 0.449 18.67 4.869 0.097 8.265 15.12 2.427 0.162 0.018 H28 52.18 0.329 16.04 9.32 0.13 4.662 11.8 3.894 0.515 0.158 H30 44.68 0.401 15.03 12.42 0.181 10.42 13.42 1.822 0.191 0.017 H31 47.77 0.336 12.24 7.516 0.147 15.51 12.79 1.332 0.549 0.015 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 CO2 Total 178 Table 1 Major, trace and some rare earth elements of the Hfafit rocks CO2 Total 0.59 100 0.47 100.3 Trace elements (ppm) Ba 113 Co 14 Cr 24 Rb 4.4 Sr 527 V 95 Y 0 Zn 54 Zr 133 Nb 0 Pb 1.6 Th 0 U 1.8 840 3.2 7.5 17 690 25 0 52 267 0 20 14 3.8 83 14 30 4.7 155 160 17 50 64 0 6.3 2.7 0 REE (ppm) La 53.9 Ce 0 Nd 16.7 Sm 0 Eu 1.2 Yb 0.9 110 150 47 8.3 2.1 0.8 50 0 9.5 0 0.5 1.6 0.57 100.4 0.57 100.3 0.44 100.3 0.32 99.96 0.55 100.4 341 2.8 16 79 37 5.7 165 179 1315 46 33 16 0 62 0 5.7 85 19 3.3 90 116 189 81 11 7.6 0 765 0.6 2.7 150.2 210 7.5 19.3 31 150 8.4 15 12 0 441 0.8 9 160 66 11 117 47 140 6 22 14 3.8 632 1.1 7 155 90 10 80 33 156 8.7 32 9 1.6 103 228 120 17 1.4 14.1 72 32 54 8.4 0.6 8.6 63 46 20 4.4 0.7 1.5 77 47 44 12 0.9 4.9 90 112 48 8 1.2 1.6 0.41 99.6 1.02 100.3 1.09 100 1.13 100.1 0.69 100.1 1.19 99.8 2.04 100.2 73 1.8 6 149 70 8 32 83 170 19 21 20 4 216 34.5 233 5.2 354 251 0 61 33 0 0 0 1 13 29 888 3.9 178 123 0 31 21 0 1.3 0 0.7 209 29 86 9.6 226 197 29 84 76 0 1.5 0 0 22 34 200 12 126 302 9.2 84 19 0 6 0 0 113 47 229 4.2 108 459 12 90 15 0 0.5 0 0 83.5 52.4 866 10 123 120 0 45 17 0 1.6 0 1 56 29 22 15 0.5 6 60 0 3.6 2.8 1.2 0.8 56 0 5.4 0 0.5 0.5 31 0 15 3.6 1 2.7 56 0 3.4 2.9 0.8 1 52 0 1.6 1.6 0.8 1.2 41 0 3.1 0.9 0.6 0.3 179 Fig. 4. (a) Al2O3 versus MgO discrimination diagram (after Demant, 1992). (b) Si/(Si + Al) versus (Na + Ca)/(Na + Ca + K) (mole percent) plot for Hafafit paragneisses (after Wintsch and Kvale, 1994). (c) Diagram of log K2O/Na2O versus SiO2 (Roser and Korsch, 1986) for Hafafit paragneisses. margin tectonic setting and hornblende-gneiss sample which plot in the oceanic island arc margin setting. H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 0.37 100.2 180 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Fig. 5. (a) AFM plot of granitic gneisses, leucogranites and amphibolites of Hafafit area. Line shows boundary between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rocks from Irvine and Baragar (1971). (b) Nomenclature of the granitoids of the Hafafit area judging from their normative mineral composition (after O’Connor, 1965). (c) SiO2 versus A/CNK (A/CNK = molar Al2O3/CaO + Na2O + K2O) (Clark, 1992). (d) K2O–SiO2 for Hafafit granitic gneisses and leucogranites. Fields of partial melts of different rock sources are after Gerdes et al. (2000) and references therein. 4.2. Geochemistry of granitic gneisses and leucogranites The calc-alkaline character of Hafafit granitic gneisses and leucogranites is indicated from the AFM diagram (Fig. 5a). This diagram is commonly used to distinguish between tholeiitic and calc-alkaline differentiation trends in a magma series (Irvine and Baragar, 1971). Normative mineral composition of Hafafit granitic samples is plotted in Orthoclase-Albite-Anorthite diagram (Fig. 5b). It classifies the granitic gneiss into tonalite and trondhjemite, whereas leucogranite plots in the field of granite. On the SiO2–A/CNK diagram (Fig. 5c), most of granitic gneiss samples plot in the I-type metaluminous field indicting an igneous source for these rocks, whereas the leucogranite plots in the S-type peraluminous field suggesting partial melting of metasedimentary source. The possible magma source of the studied granitic samples could be inferred from Fig. 5d. It shows that the granitic gneiss could be derived from partial melting of amphibolite source, whereas leucogranite was formed by partial melting of metagreywackes and metapellites. Trace element concentrations of the studied granitic gneiss are normalized to the Oceanic Ridge Granite values as proposed by Pearce et al. (1984). In the diagram shown in Fig. 6, two groups of elements can be distinguished. The first group includes the large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr and La that are highly enriched relative to Oceanic Ridge Granite. The second group consists of the high field strength elements (HFSEs) Ce, Nb, Nd, Sm, Zr, Eu, Y and Yb that show values close to or less than one in most samples. The strong difference between LILEs and HFSEs excludes an oceanic ridge origin of the Hafafit granitic gneiss. The LILEs enrichment characterizes volcanic arcs, within-plate and collision granites. The second group of elements correlates with granites of volcanic arc and collision settings. Based on the tectonic discrimination diagrams proposed by Batchelor and Bowden (1985), the granitic gneisses represent pre-plate collision pluton (subduction regime), whereas the leucogranite is classified as intrusive in a syn-collision setting reflecting restricted range of S-type and anatectic granites (Fig. 7). H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 181 Fig. 6. Ocean Ridge Granite-normalized multi-element diagrams for the Hafafit granitic gneisses. Normalization values from Sun and Mcdonough (1989). Fig. 7. R1–R2 diagram for the Hafafit granitic gneisses and leucogranites (after Batchelor and Bowden, 1985). 4.3. Geochemistry of amphibolites On the diagram of K2O versus SiO2 for arc magmatic series (Peccerillo and Taylor, 1976), the amphibolite sam- ples plot in the low-K tholeiite series (Fig. 8a). The tholeiitic character of Hafafit amphibolite is also indicated on the AFM diagram of Fig. 5a (Irvine and Baragar, 1971). Using a discrimination diagram based on the relation of the ratio Zr/TiO2 versus SiO2 (Winchester and Floyd, 1977), the studied amphibolites are classified as subalkaline basalts (Fig. 8b). The mineral assemblage of the amphibolites (i.e., amphibole + plagioclase + clinopyroxene + garnet ± quartz + opaques) is characteristic of the upper amphibolite facies with temperatures around 600–700 °C and pressures around 6–8 kb (Bucher and Frey, 1994). In Such conditions, the major elements may have been mobilized. So, selected trace elements are often used to give information about the tectonic setting of such highly metamorphosed rocks. Among the trace elements, the high field strength elements (HFSEs) including REE, are the most immobile. Fig. 9 shows the normalized multi-element diagram. It compares the rock chemistry of the studied amphibolites with mid-ocean ridge basalts (the MORB-normalized form proposed by Pearce (1982)). In typical magmatic arcs, the Fig. 8. (a) Weight percent K2O versus SiO2 plot for Hafafit amphibolites. Series boundaries are after Peccerillo and Taylor (1976). (b) Log Zr/TiO2–SiO2 (Winchester and Floyd, 1977). 182 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Fig. 9. MORB-normalized multi-element diagrams for the Hafafit amphibolites. Normalization values from Sun and Mcdonough (1989). abundance of the LILEs (Rb, Ba, K, Th, U, Sr and La) is controlled by the fluid phase and consequently shows variable enrichment. The HFSEs (Ce, Nb, Nd, Sm, Zr, Eu, Y and Yb) are a function of the chemistry of the source and crystal/melt processes and are normally depleted relative to the LILEs (Rollinson, 1993). The amphibolites are variably enriched in LILEs and depleted in HFSEs (Fig. 9). This suggests a mantle source similar to those for E-MORBS and BABBs (Back-Arc Basin Basalts). Field evidence for the association of these amphibolites with paragneisses and for intruding with tonalitic to trondhjemitic magmas (granitic gneiss) precludes an origin in a mid-ocean ridge Fig. 10. (a) Ti–V (Shervais, 1982), ARC = Island Arc Basalts, OFB = Ocean Floor Basalts. (b) Nb–SiO2 diagram (after Pearce and Gale, 1977). (c) Zr–Ti (Pearce and Cann, 1973). LKT: low potassium tholeiites, CAB: Calc-Alkaline Basalts, OFB: Ocean Floor Basalts. (d) Zr–Sr/2-Ti/100 (Pearce and Cann, 1973). H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 183 Fig. 11. (a) Plot of Na8 versus Fe8; (b) Plot of Ba/La versus Ti8 for Hafafit amphibolites (after Taylor and Martinez, 2003). Na8 = [Na2O + 0.115 (8MgO)]/[1 + 0.133 (6-MgO)]; Fe8 = [FeO + 8-MgO]/[1 + 0.25 (8-MgO)] Ti8 = (TiO2) (MgO)1.7/34.3. environment; therefore, we conclude that amphibolitic magmas are BABBs associated with back-arc basin development during convergent process. Because Ti and V are HFSEs and thought to be relatively immobile under conditions of high-grade metamorphism (Rollinson, 1993), we plot Ti versus V for the Hafafit amphibolites (Fig. 10a). They plot in the arc field which is well-correlated with the tectonic setting as suggested by TiO2–Zr diagram (Fig. 10b), where all amphibolite samples fall into the volcanic-arc field. The island-arc character of the studied amphibolites could also be inferred from Fig. 10c and d, where they plot in the filed of low-k tholeiites and island arc basalts. This geochemical signature is consistent with an ensialic back-arc basin origin according to Saunders and Tarney (1991) who stated that ‘‘basalts from ensialic basins often show strong arc-like characteristics’’. Plot of Na8 versus Fe8 (after Taylor and Martinez, 2003) supports the conclusion of volcanic arc setting for Hafafit amphibolites (Fig. 11a). Similarities between the chemistry of the Hafafit amphibolites and composition of lavas from active BAB spreading centers include arc-like components is evidenced by low Na8, Ti8 and Fe8 and the reversal relationship between Ti8 and Ba/La (Fig. 11b). 5. Discussion and conclusion The Hafafit area represents one of the important suture zones in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. It comprises two main units, the western Hafafit unit and the eastern Nugrus unit. The study area is characterized by a distinctive relationship between sedimentation (greywackes and lithic arenite to arkose rocks in back-arc basin which metamorphosed later to paragneisses), tectonic deformation (thrusting and folding), metamorphism (amphibolite facies in Hafafit unit, and greenschist facies in Nugrus unit), and magmatism (arc-related and collision-related granitoids). These processes lead to development of basins (Fig. 12), mountain building and eventual exhumation of HMC. Such features are characteristics of orogenic belts which are located at convergent plate boundaries and along lines of arc collision. The geochemical data of the paragneisses suggested different sedimentary protolithes ranging from lithic arenite to arkose for psammitic gneiss and greywacke for biotiteand hornblende-gneisses. Such variation in sedimentary protolithes of paragneisses may attribute to the changing of the depositional environment from shallow marine to a terrestrial environment. The magmatism in Hafafit area is represented by two main magma generations. The early mafic magma produced tonalite and trondhjemite (precursor of the granitic gneiss) in the early stage of underplating. During the collision stage, the metasediments underwent anatexis which led to final magma producing leucogranite which could be occurred at the waning stages of medium-grade regional metamorphism of HMC. This conclusion is supported by the isotopic compositions of leucogranites of Hafafit area that suggest a metasedimentary source for these rocks (Moghazi et al., 2004). The development of leucogranites in Hafafit and Nugrus area along thrust faults reflects the role of these faults as pathways for these leucogranites. In other word, the shear heating of metasedimentary rocks during synorogenic thrusting contributed to the leucogranite generation. Abd El-Naby and Frisch (in review) interpreted the Sm/ Nd and Rb/Sr ages around 590 Ma as cooling ages from the metamorphic thermal peak which was attained around 600 Ma or slightly earlier. This geochronological data is in accordance with the emplacement ages of the leucogranites in Nugrus area (594 ± 12 and 610 ± 20 Ma, Moghazi et al., 2004). Because of the similarity between the dates of metamorphism and granite emplacement in Hafafit-Nugrus area, we propose that both of metamorphic rocks and leucogranites are the products of the same event that occurred during collision and thrusting of Nugrus unit over Hafafit unit. There are many published data that advocated the generation of leucogranite along shear zones and then, at 184 H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 Fig. 12. Sketch diagrams illustrating the development of Hafafit Metamorphic Complex and its tectonic relation with Nugrus unit. (a) > 680 Ma: subduction of the oceanic crust, ophiolite detachment and thrusting in the Wadi Ghadir, with arc volcanism, arc-related plutonism and back-arc basin development in the Hafafit region. (b) 600 Ma: collision and thrusting of Nugrus unit over Hafafit unit, leucogranite intrusion along thrust zones and regional metamorphism. least partly, migrate along listric faults to higher levels in the crust due to pressure gradients generated by buoyancy and tectonic stresses (Moghazi et al., 2004; Nabelek et al., 2001; Brown and Solar, 1998a,b; Solar et al., 1998). Most of amphibolites are tholeiitic in composition which supports their derivation from a mantle peridotite source by fractional crystallization. This could be expected in continental rift or back-arc basin tectonic settings (Reid et al., 1987; Moore, 1989; Raith and Meisel, 2001). The obtained geochemical data are used to construct a model as shown in Fig. 12. This model is based on PanAfrican convergent and back-arc basin processes. The Pan-African tectonic evolution in the Hafafit-Ghadir region began before 680 Ma ago with the formation of Wadi Ghadir ophiolites (El Ramly et al., 1984). This event occurred synchronously with arc volcanism, arc-related plutonism and back-arc basin development in the Hafafit zone (Fig. 12a). This suggestion is based mainly on: (i) the geochemical data of the cored granitic gneisses which indicate that their protoliths are calc-alkaline, metaluminous, I-type, and generated in subduction-related environment; (ii) the sedimentary origin in active continental margin setting of the psammitic, biotite- and hornblendegneisses as indicated from their geochemical characteristics and (iii) trace element concentrations suggest that amphibolites were formed in an ensialic back-arc setting. The arc-continent or arc-arc collision took place around 600 Ma (Abd El-Naby and Frisch, in review) and was responsible for significant overthrust of the Nugrus unit in a northwest-ward direction onto the back-arc basin (Hafafit unit) and for the second regional metamorphism with medium grade amphibolitic facies in Hafafit unit. Crustal thickening during collision led to a widespread partial-melting and leucogranitic plutonism along thrust zones (Fig. 12b). The suggested model is generally agreeable with the general tectonic model for the entire Arabian–Nubian shield which involves progressive cratonization by formation of H. Abd El-Naby, W. Frisch / Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2006) 173–186 oceanic crust, subduction, magmatic arc development and collision between arc complexes to assemble a continental shield during the period between 900 and 550 Ma (e.g. Frisch and Al Shanti, 1977; Vail, 1985; Kröner et al., 1988; Stern, 1994; Abdel Rahman, 1995; Abd El-Naby et al., 2000). 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