Degree program in logopedics 300 credits

Division of Logopedics
PO BOX 1000
90014 University of Oulu
Tel: +358 8 553 3385 (office) and 08-553 3393 (amanuensis)
Fax: +358 8 553 3383
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Degree program in logopedics– a prospectus
Logopedics is a multidisciplinary science in the humanities with strong links to behavioral
sciences, which studies the manifestations and causes of disorders in voice, speech, language
and communication. In addition, the discipline focuses on the prevention, rehabilitation and
the affectivity of rehabilitation of these disorders. The degree program in logopedics offers
proficiency to work in the profession as a licensed speech and language therapist, as well as
in areas demanding expertise in speech, language and communication.
The aim of basic studies in logopedics is to educate students to become multidisciplinary
experts. This aim is achieved through the subjects offered and the multidisciplinary nature of
research conducted in this field. The degree program in logopedics, in addition to its major
subject, also deals with the fields of psychology, medicine, phonetics, and linguistics. The
program lasts roughly five years and encompasses theory, supervised clinical learning,
training to become a therapist and independent practice in the field of speech therapy.
Mastering scientific and research skills alongside basic studies is crucial for the development
of this field of science.
The student should, to a certain degree, participate in the research conducted in the
department, for example by assisting as a test subject or data collector. The degree
programme offers proficiencies towards postgraduate studies in the field of logopedics.
Having worked as a licensed speech therapist graduates of the degree program can continue
studying on a four year professional program to become a Specialized Speech and Language
The Finnish health care system defines speech therapy as being medical rehabilitation, the
purpose of which is to prevent, alleviate and remove disorders pertaining to language. Speech
therapy includes, in addition to lingual personal and group rehabilitation, support to adapt to
the disability and coaching for social interactions. An important aspect of the job description
is working in cooperation with the immediate family and environment as well as informing
them about language disorders and the development of speech and language. With these
procedures, the aim is to improve the active participation of the individual in interactional
situations and affect the environment in such a way that the impediment for communication
is reduced to as minor an extent as possible. The speech and language therapist works as an
expert, coordinator and actuator in the rehabilitation of speech and language disorders.
Study entitlement and the beginning of studies
The only way to be admitted to the logopedics degree program is to take the entrance exam.
Basic studies in logopedics can also be completed as a minor subject. Further information
about this option can be obtained from the department office.
Student guidance
The logopedics amanuensis offers student guidance (Tel. 08-553 3393,
Placement into working life
Speech and Language Therapists can often find work, there are numerous posts which have
not been filled and there is need for private speech therapist services. Furthermore, in the
areas of training, research work and development work in assistive technology, there is a
demand for experts in the field of logopedics.
Degree program in logopedics 300 credits
Studies in logopedics 212 credits
Basic studies in logopedics 25 credits
Intermediate studies in logopedics 77 credits
Advanced studies in logopedics 110 credits
Studies in linguistics and phonetics 22 credits
Language and communication 15 credits
Studies in psychology 25 credits
Studies in medicine 17 credits
Optional studies 9 credits
Secondary subject studies in logopedics 25 credits
The logopedics degree program
The degree programme progresses in the form of streams (content unit) and modules (time
The stream of scientific thinking and skills in logopedics
The stream of the development and disorders of communication in logopedics
Module I / The development of language, speech, and communication
Module II / Communication disorders in children
Module III / Hearing
Module IV / The use of voice and fluidity of speech
Module V / Neurological communication disorders in adults
The stream of methodology in logopedics
The stream of clinical skills in logopedics
The stream of linguistics and phonetics and language and communication studies
The stream of psychology
The stream of medicine
Optional studies
The stream of scientific thinking and skills in logopedics
The stream of scientific thinking and skills in logopedics is actualized in all courses in the
logopedics degree program. The central purpose of the stream is for the student to gain an
overview of the research methodologies and scientific communication of the major subject
and its adjacent fields of sciences. The student gains effective knowledge acquisition,
production, and presentation skills; has learned to view available knowledge critically and
adopt ethically acceptable methods in both studies and research. The aim is also for the
student to identify pertinent information for the research being conducted and to form from
its contents an entirety which can be integrated into self-produced knowledge, and when
possible applied to clinical work.
The stream gives proficiencies for continuing education, specialization studies and
postgraduate studies. With a scientific and methodological stream, the student gains the
proficiencies needed in working life as well as a research oriented view about clinical work
and the proficiencies needed to function as an expert or trainer.
The stream of scientific thinking and skills in logopedics I 20 cr
Introduction to logopedics 6 cr
Research methodology and ethics in logopedics I 4 cr
Basic seminar in logopedics and BA thesis 10 cr
The stream of scientific thinking and skills in logopedics II 68 cr
Advanced topics in logopedics 7 cr
Presentation on expertise field 1 cr
Research methodology and ethics in logopedics II 6 cr
Advanced seminar in logopedics I 3 cr
Advanced seminar in logopedics II 3 cr
MA thesis 40 cr
Advanced literature in logopedics 8 cr
The stream of the development and disorders of communication in logopedics
Module I / The development of language, speech, and communication
This study module offers a general overview of normal language, speech, and
communication, its development and factors influencing its development. The courses offer a
foundation for the inspection of language and speech development disorders through
knowledge of normal communication skills and language structures. In addition the study
module deals with questions pertaining to bilingualism and multilingualism.
Socialization into the Language Community 3 cr
Bi- and multilinqual acquisition 2 cr
Stages of language development 5 cr
Module II / Communication disorders among children
The study module, Communication disorders among children, is constructed based on a
comparative normative frame of reference on communication skills and language structures.
The student learns to recognize delays and discrepancies in development as well as how to
apply this knowledge in a clinical context, such as separation diagnostics and rehabilitation
planning with communication disorders as well as the effectiveness of rehabilitation
procedures. The courses contained in this study module operate as the foundation for clinical
customer work and the skills needed for writing reports. In connection with these disorder
courses, demonstrations on how to conduct rehabilitation will be performed.
Delayed language and speech development 5 cr
Mental retardation and autism 5 cr
Neurological communication disorders in children 4 cr
Disorders of written language 3 cr
Child Neurology 1 cr
Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy
Module III / Hearing
This study module integrates the contents of medicine and phonetics courses towards the
evaluation and rehabilitation of hearing disabilities. During the introductory courses or those
courses strongly connected to the hearing study module (content coordination and integration
of the courses), the student already acquires the knowledge to evaluate general
communication, speech and written language. Furthermore, they acquire the skills necessary
to utilize the tools and evaluative methods implemented during this study module. The
application of knowledge and skills from other disorder courses will also be applied in the
rehabilitation of children and adults with hearing disabilities.
Otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery 1,5 cr
Audiology and audiometrics 1,5 cr
Speech and language therapy in hearing impairments 4 cr
Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy
Module IV / The use of voice and fluidity of speech
In the study module, on the use of voice and fluidity of speech, the student becomes
acquainted with normal speech production and fluidity and the evaluation of the factors in the
construction of communication. The student will gain in-depth insight in functional and
anatomical speech deficiencies from both a theoretical and rehabilitational standpoint.
During the course on speech fluidity disorders, the student will be familiarized with the
stuttering and slurring of speech and the principles for rehabilitation from these disorders.
Voice and voice disorders 5 cr
Medical examination and intervention in voice disorders 1 cr
Disorders of fluency 4 cr
Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy
Module V / neurological communication disorders among adults
The aim of this study module, on neurological communication disorders among adults, is for
the student to gain knowledge, for working life and for furthering research skills, about
different sudden and progressive brain diseases and trauma that cause communication
disorders, swallowing disorders as well as those related to communication and aging.
Aphasiology and gerontological logopedics 6 cr
Motor speech disorders and dysphagia 6 cr
Neurology and neuroanatomy 3 cr
Geriatrics 1 cr
Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy
The stream of methodology in logopedics
The stream of methodology in logopedics gives the basic qualifications for clinical work and
deepens the student’s knowledge of the methodology for the evaluation and conduct of
scientific research
Assessment of language and speech development I 2 cr BA degree
Basics of sign language 2 cr BA degree
Assessment in logopedics II 2 cr BA degree
Augmentative and alternative communication 3 cr BA degree
Introduction to statistical analysis 3 cr BA degree
Advanced course in statistical analysis 3 cr MA
The stream of clinical skills in logopedics
The stream of clinical skills in logopedics enables the student to gain the skills necessary to
function as a speech and language therapist. The student will become acquainted with
professional ethics, the multimodality of the profession and various partners during the
traineeship period.
Clinical studies I / BA degree 18 cr
Enrichment of linguistic awareness and tutoring of groups 5 cr
Introduction to clinical practice and professional ethics 2 cr
Supervised speech and language therapy I 8 cr
Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy 3 cr
Clinical studies II / BA degree 39 cr
Supervised speech and language therapy II 8 cr
Clinical orientation 5 cr
Theory of supervision and group dynamics 2 cr
Advanced clinical studies 24 cr
The stream of linguistics and phonetics and language and communication studies
The aim of the study module, Linguistics and phonetics, is to provide the student with a basic
knowledge of the nature of language and speech, as well as the competencies to interpret
and study systematically and scientifically the phenomena of normal language and speech
and its disorders.
Linguistics and phonetics 22 cr / BA degree
Structure of Finnish 3 cr
Introduction to general phonetics and Finnish phonology 4 cr
Introduction to linguistics 4 cr
Research course in clinical phonetics 5 cr
Psycholinguistics 3 cr
Production and structure of speech 3 cr
Language and communication studies 15 cr / BA degree
Foreign language 5 cr
Second official language (Swedish) 5 cr
Literal and verbal communication 5 cr
The stream of psychology
The aim of the psychology study module is for the student to learn the psychological
development and function of an individual and the disorders stemming from psychological
Studies in psychology 25 cr / BA degree
Basic course in psychology 3 cr
Developmental psychology I 4 cr
Introduction to cognitive neuroscience 5 cr
Clinical neuropsychology 5 cr
Mental disorders 4 cr
Developmental psychology II 4 cr
The stream of medicine
The aim of the study module, medicine, is for the student to become acquainted with human
anatomy and the main principles of its function and understand how different trauma and
illnesses are linked to the diagnostics and rehabilitation in the field of logopedics.
Studies in medicine 17 cr / BA degree
Speech anatomy and physiology, orthodontics 2 cr
Medical examination and intervention in voice disorders 1 cr
Medical examination and intervention in craniofacial disorders 1 cr
Pediatrics 1 cr
Otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery 1,5 cr
Audiology and audiometrics 1,5 cr
Child Neurology 1 cr
Neurology and neuroanatomy 3 cr
Psychiatry across the life-span 3 cr
Geriatrics 1 cr
Research in rehabilitation 1 cr
Optional studies
Optional studies support the studies of the student in logopedics and add to the understanding
about logopedics and its connections with different disciplines.
Optional studies 9 cr / MA
For instance
Studies in Finnish
Studies in phonetics
Secondary subject studies 25 credits
694700P Introduction to logopedics
xxxxxxP Socialization into the Language Community
694702P Stages of language development
694704P Assessment of language and speech development I *
xxxxxxP Enrichment of linguistic awareness
and tutoring of groups*
694738P Introduction to general phonetics and
Finnish phonology and morphology
694741P Speech anatomy and physiology, orthodontics
6 cr
3 cr
5 cr
2 cr
3 cr
4 cr
2 cr
*) The manner of performance is different from that of the main subject students
Studies in logopedics 212 credits
Basic studies in logopedics 25 credits
694700P Introduction to logopedics
xxxxxxP Socialization into the Language Community
694702P Stages of language development
694703P Bi- and multilinqual acquisition
694704P Assessment of language and speech development I
694705P Basics of sign language
xxxxxxP Enrichment of linguistic awareness
and tutoring of groups
6 cr
3 cr
5 cr
2 cr
2 cr
2 cr
1st Autumn
1st Autumn
1st Autumn
1st Spring
1st Spring
5 cr
1st Spring2nd Autumn
Intermediate studies in logopedics 77 credits
694707A Research methodology and ethics in logopedics I
694708A Basic seminar in logopedics and BA thesis
4 cr
10 cr
694724A Maturity Test (for Candidate’s Degree/Logopedics)
694709A Delayed language and speech development
694710A Mental retardation and autism
694711A Neurological communication disorders in children
5 cr
5 cr
4 cr
3rd Autumn
3rdAutumn3rd Spring
3rd Spring
2nd Autumn
2nd Autumn
3rd Autumn
1st Spring
694712A Disorders of written language
694713A Speech and language therapy in hearing impairments
694714A Voice and voice disorders
694715A Disorders of fluency
694716A Aphasiology and gerontological logopedics
694717A Motor speech disorders and dysphagia
694718A Assessment in logopedics II
694719A Augmentative and alternative communication
694720A Introduction to statistical analysis
3 cr
4 cr
5 cr
4 cr
6 cr
6 cr
2 cr
3 cr
3 cr
694721A Introduction to clinical practice and professional ethics 2 cr
694722A Clinical demonstrations of speech and language therapy 3 cr
694723A Supervised speech and language therapy I
8 cr
2nd Spring
3rd Spring
2nd Spring
1st Spring
3rd Autumn
3rd Spring
3rd Spring
2nd Spring
2nd Autumn
2nd-4th year
2nd-3rd year
Advanced studies in logopedics 110 credits
694725S Advanced topics in logopedics
7 cr
694726S Presentation on expertise field
1 cr
694727S Research methodology and ethics in logopedics II
6 cr
xxxxxxS Advanced seminar in logopedics I
3 cr
xxxxxxS Advanced seminar in logopedics II
3 cr
694730S MA thesis
40 cr
694737S Maturity Test (for Master’s Degree/Logopedics)
694731S Advanced literature in logopedics
694732S Advanced course in statistical analysis
xxxxxxS Theory of supervision and group dynamics
8 cr
3 cr
2 cr
694734S Supervised speech and language therapy II
694735S Clinical orientation
694736S Advanced clinical studies
8 cr
5 cr
24 cr
Studies in linguistics and phonetics 22 credits
694926Y Structure of Finnish
694738P Introduction to general phonetics and Finnish phonology
694739P Production and structure of speech
694740P Research course in clinical phonetics
3 cr
4 cr
3 cr
5 cr
695252P Psycholinguistics
695250Y Introduction to linguistics
3 cr
4 cr
1st Autumn
1st Autumn
2nd Spring
2nd Spring3rd Autumn
3rd Autumn
1st Autumn
Studies in psychology 25 credits
730085P Basic course in psychology
730086P Developmental psychology I
3 cr
4 cr
1st Autumn
1st Spring
4th AutumnSpring
4th /5th
4th AutumnSpring
4th AutumnSpring
4th Spring5th Autumn
4th Spring5th Autumn
5th Spring
4th Spring
4th Autumn/
4th Spring
3rd-4th year
4th Autumn
5th Spring
730090P Introduction to cognitive neuroscience
730092A Clinical neuropsychology
730093A Mental disorders
730095A Developmental psychology II
5 cr
5 cr
4 cr
4 cr
2nd Autumn
2nd Autumn
2nd Autumn
2nd Autumn
Language and communication 15 credits
Studies in medicine 17 credits
694741P Speech anatomy and physiology, orthodontics
2 cr
694742P Medical examination and intervention in voice disorders 1 cr
694743P Medical examination and intervention in
craniofacial disorders**
1 cr
694744P Pediatrics
694745P Otorhinolaryngology and plastic surgery
694746P Audiology and audiometrics
694747P Child Neurology
694748P Neurology and neuroanatomy
1 cr
1,5 cr
1,5 cr
1 cr
3 cr
694749P Psychiatry across the life-span**
3 cr
694750P Geriatrics**
694751P Research in rehabilitation**
1 cr
1 cr
**) The course is organized every other year
1st Spring
1st Autumn
1st Spring
3rd Autumn
2nd Spring
2nd/3rd year
2nd/3rd year