I I I I 1 HXDROGEOTHERMAL CONDXTXONS IN EIRE by C.R. Aldwell and D.J. Burdon HYDROGEOTHERMAL CONDITIONS IN EIRE by C.R. Aldwell * and D.J. Burdon ** An original paper prepared for section 14.2 Fossil fuels, of the XXVI International Geological Congress, Paris, 1980. Ref. No. 14.0068. SUMMARY Hydrogeothermal conditions in Eire have not yet been substantially investigated, but a project entitled "Geothermal Energy Potential of Ireland" is planned to commence in mid-1980, with.EEC assistance. The data presented here, mainly on warm springs, forms part of the preparation for this project. The 17 known warm springs are listed in Table 1, and shown on Figs. 1 and 2. Temperatures of the Leinster Group of warm springs have been collected since 1971, and most were chemically analysed at end-1979, Tables 3 and 4. From a study of the location, geological and geophysical setting and hydrological, thermal and hydrochemical characteristics, a number of inferences have been reached. These may be summarised here: (i) Several warm springs occur on higher ground than might be expected; (ii) Some have been made functional only by man's activities; (iii) The Leinster warm springs appear to be distributed at 8 krn distances apart; (iv) All the warm springs issue from Dinantian limestones, mainly from the Visean; (v) Some small Tertiary intrusives have been reported from their vicinity; (vi) The occurrences can often be related to fold structures, as along a syncline; (vii) Certain gravity lows may have some connection with these warm springs; (viii) Discharges increase in spring and fall in autumn, indicating groundwater flow controlled by the normal hydrological cycle; (ix) Temperatures peak in spring and decline in autumn, but are irregular; (x) Most of the warm springs show no abnormal hydrochemical characteristics;· (xi) High Cl and TDS are found in three springs occurring along a synclinal structure, but two other springs located there have as yet not been analysed; (xii) There are faint indications that Si and I increase with increasing temperature. Of the Munster warm springs, those in Cos. Clare and Limerick appear to be similar to those of Leinster. However, the Mallow Spa spring, the best-known in Ireland, issues where the Dinantian limestones are highly compressed, downfolded and thrust. Boreholes in the Mallow area adjacent to the spring have located warm water. While the mineralization of the Lower Carboniferous in Ireland has been attributed to hydrothermal concentration and precipitation of base metals, present-day geothermal circulation bears no relationship to such ancient activity. However, the groundwater circulation is considered as due to the effects of heat, on cirCUlation cells of the order of 50 km 2 , with conduction- *Geological Survey of Ireland, 14 Hume Street, Dublin 2. ** Consultant, Geological Survey of Ireland; and Director, Minerex Ltd. convection uprising of warm water in the centre of each cell, and recharge and downflow at the edges, as in Fig. 7. Depths of circulation may be of the order of 700 metres. As yet, the source of the heat has not been identified, while the problem of heat conservation by impermeable strata or cover is under consideration. In brief, the problem has been but stated; intensive investigation under the "Geothermal Energy Potential of Ireland" project will be required to solve the mechanisms and lead to the proper utilisation and management of this natural energy resource of the country. HYDROGEOTHERMAL CONDITIONS IN EIRE CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION I-I. Scope and Objective I-2. Historic warm Springs 1-3. Terrestial Heat Flow in Ireland II WARM SPRINGS OF IRELAND II-I. 1I-2. 1I-3. 1I-4. 1I-5. 1I-6. 1I-7. III ORIGIN AND FUNCTIONING III-I. III-2. 1II-3. 1II-4. IV Location Geological Setting Geophysical Setting Hydrological Characteristics Thermal Characteristics Hydrochemical Characteristics Main Inferences Palaeozoic Thermal Springs and Mineralization Present-Day Circulation of Warm Groundwater Heat Sources and Heat Conservation Conclusion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REFERENCES Table 1. The seventeen Warm Springs located in Leinster and Munster, to which reference is made in the text. Table 2. Swnmary of Lithological Data from Trim No.1 Well (sunk, 1962) as affecting the main group of Leinster Warm springs (from Sheridan, 1972). Table 3. Temperatures and major chemical constituents of the waters of the Irish warm springs, based on samples taken on 15 Nov., and on 4 & 7 Dec., 1979. Analyses made at State Laboratory, College of Science, Dublin. Table 4. Trace elements found in the waters of Irish warm springs, based on samples taken on 15 Nov., and on 4 & 7 Dec., 1979. Analyses made at the state Laboratory, College of Science, Dublin. Fig. 1. Location of the recorded Warm Springs of Ireland Fig. 2. Location characteristics and geological setting of the main group of Leinster Warm Springs Fig. 3. Annual Temperature Variations for Enfield (No. 1005) and for St. Gormans (No. 1007) for the years 1976 and 1978. Fig. 4. Triangular Diagram plotting of of Irish Warm Springs Fig. 5. Trace elements Silicon and Iodine plotted against Water Temperatures Fig. 6. Convection Circulation of groundwater in Lower Carboniferous times (after Russell, 1978) Fig. 7. Possible present-day groundwater circulation feeding the Leinster Group of Warm Springs. Chemi~al Composition of the waters Ballinalack No .1011 Hurler's No.2004 .Cro~5 Newca5tle No.2003 ~~~~i.~S'€~rl;allOW We~t Spa &. Borehole r~ L::::J ....'.4l:n1t tMdt-d tjrn.r:stonr\ ~*' DoLin .nd Dolo:n.;lLS Culm o FIGURE 1 - LOCATION OF THE RECORDED WARM SPRINGS or IRELAND (Carboniferous lithology after Charlesworth) HYDROGEOTHERMAL CONDITIONS IN EIRE C.R. Aldwell and D.J. Burdon I INTRODUCTION The paper attempts to bring together and present existing data on hydrogeological conditions in Ireland, with emphasis on the known warm springs of the country. It does not deal with the granites and other potentially hot dry rocks. The paper marks a preliminary stage in initiating the study of the geothermal energy potential of the island. I-I. Scope and Objective On the "Atlas of Subsurface Temperatures in the European Community" (Haenel, editor, 1980), the Republic of Ireland is shown as a blank. Though some temperature data has been obtained, it has not been published, except in very abbreviated form as in "Terrestial Heat Flow in Europe" (Cermak and Rybach, editors, 1979). However, some data has been collected over the past 9 years on the warm springs of Ireland, and there are also scattered records from the past. This paper endeavours to bring together such data, plus that obtained by the authors, relating to the 17 known warm springs (including a very few warm boreholes) recorded in Ireland. The warm springs occur in rather restricted areas, as shown on Fig. 1; and no attempt has been made to study or record hydrogeothermal conditions outside the areas of the known warm springs. The field data collection was intensified towards the end of 1979, when almost all the known warm springs were sampled and their waters chemically analysed under uniform conditions to produce comparable results. The establishment of a projectto make a preliminary investigation and assessment of the "Geothermal Energy Potential of Ireland" has given added impetus to the compilation of this present paper on hydrogeothermal conditions in Ireland. The 'Geothermal Project' is expected to receive the support of the Commission of the European Communities (R. & D. Energy Programme), and to commence formally on I July, 1980. It is hoped that the collection and analysis of existing hydrogeothermal data made here will contribute a little to the successful launching of this Project. As part of the Project, it is hoped to obtain a better understanding of the functions of known and still-to-be-discovered warm springs and boreholes, together with their potential for energy development and use. Low enthalpy sources, such as the Irish warm springs, have potential in many fields, including horticulture, carp ponds, swL~ing pools, feed waters to industry and possibly space heating. 1-2. Historic Warm Springs There are innumerable springs and spring wells in Ireland; they are enshrined in place names, in myths and in legends. There are many holy wells and springs, christianized sites of druidic worship and healing; these usually bear the name of a saint. However, warm springs or wells are rare; the holy wells are not marked by any physical difference from ordinary wells. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there were many spas, of varying reputation and importance; except for Mallow, their groundwaters were at normal temperatures. At the still important spa of Lisdoorivarna, the waters are warmed prior to drinking - 2 - 0 0 Normal groundwater in Ireland varies from 9.5 to 10.5 C. It tends to lie in the cooler range in the north, and possibly at higher elevations. Warm springs are considered as having appreciably higher temperatures than "normal", at least for a part of the year. Thus a spring 0 or well whose temperature was not reliably recorded as more than 12 C at 0 some time could not be called a warm spring or well; and plus 13 C would be a more normal lower temperature limit. Such a low-temperature "warm spring" would feel cool to cold in summer, and would only feel very slightly warm even in winter. Hence, nmny slightly warm springs may well have escaped notice. It will be difficult to identify all Irish warm springs in the lowest temperature range. The Mallow Spa spring is the oldest recorded warm spring in Ireland. Rutty (1957) states "Mallow-water was first discovered and introduced into practice by Dr. Rogers of Cork about the year J724." Rutty also reports on the "two tepid springs in the county of Dublin", at St. Margarets (No. 1009 here) and Ballydowd (No. 1013 here, but not relocated on the ground). Two of the main warm springs of Leinster were brought into operation by man's activities. Louisa Bridge spring (No. 1001) came into operation when the Royal Canal was being constructed in 1794; Enfield spring became known in the 1890s, when gravel was being excavated for a railway line. Until quite recently, the number of warm springs recognised in Leinster were limited to two or three. Grainger and Davies in 1966 state "Now, however, a third warm spring has come to light in the region", referring to st. Gorman's (No. 1007), visited by Du Noyer on 21 July, 1859, but thereafter forgotten by investigators. In the 1970s however, attention began to be given to the warm springs, in particular those of Leinster. Numerous temperature readings have been collected by one of the authors since 1971. Enquiries were made regarding hitherto unidentified warm springs. So, when Fahy, (1974, 1975) studied the biology of the Enfield spring (No. 1005) he was able to present a map showing the location of 10 warm springs. Horne (1977) drew attention to two warm springs in Munster, at Newcastle West (No. 2003) in Co. Limerick, and Hurler's Cross (No. 2004) in Co. Clare. Even as this paper was nearing completion news was received of a 'new' warm spring at Clonee, Co. Meath; this has been included in Table 1. So, by Spring 1980, it can be said that there are 17 warm springs (including boreholes) known in Ireland. They are listed in Table 1, with positions indicated on Figs. 1 and 2. Dunlavin spring (No. 1012) is rejected; it could not be found on the ground when its reputed locality was examined by one of the authors. Of the 17 accepted, 11 occur in Cos. Dublin, Kildare and Meath, and are shown in some detail in Fig. 2; if Ballydowd (No. 1013) were relocated, i t would fall within this area too. Further west in Leinster, there is Ballinalack (NO. 1011) spring or bore, reported by Prof. P. Br~ck, but not as yet examined by the authors. In Munster, there is the famous Spa at Mallow, issuing from a pool and in the well constructed within the Spa House. Warm water was also encountered in the borehole in the nearby Cattle Mart, and possibly in another bore (now shut) close to the Spa itself. The warm springs at Newcastle West and at Hurler's Cross have already been mentioned. / ... FIGURE 2 - LOCATION CHARACTERISTICS AND GEOLOGICAL SETTING OF THE MAIN GROUP OF LEINSTER WARM SPRINGS 2.1°.".---, / " I ..zso ;/;80 ,, \ 8 I \ • \ x \ 1'h J /"",-- --'f.. • \ " / I ~-~\ , \ , -21-0 I . - _-...... Y / '.;--5'./ ' .... " "\~." . "\ \, '---r\ " ~ .... ,, \ Namurian ••••• Vi5aan ••••••• Tourna16ean •• WARf'l Old Red Sand. ~ '- Matamorphic~. Grani te= ••••• --_ ... . + 20°C ••••••• ~ ;. ~ / 15 °C - 20 °C.... a 0 12 C - 15 C •••• () • STRUCTURE • Deep Borehole... - -",r -",. I % .~{. -$- " I "..- L __ /1.t., /"~ ........ -. I.~ t o " . . . -\J..... , \, " I • Syncline •••• __ • + \ ... .'.... '. . " . . -- SPRINGS . Anticline •• / Silurian ••••• '/ A' I GEOLOGY "..-- ....... cy..,(-r..", /} I I /I \"6,. IJ. J: fJ. . \ \ 7. I 310 w A{,.1 -,rIm / ..,/ ' / ./ ,Z:JO ? • \--../.// 'X', / I " / \ \ I J I "" .--- ....... - 3 - Name or Names Ref. No. County 1001 Louisa Bridge, Leixlip Kildare 1002 Bride's River, or Breda's Well, Kilcock Kildare 1003 Kewnins Mills Spring Meath 1004 st. Patrick's Well, Celbridge Kildare 1005 Enfield, Kilbrook or Cappagh Spring Kildare 1006 Dysart Spring Kildare 1007 St. Gorman's or Hotwell House Spring Meath 1008 Ardenew Spring, Longwood Meath 1009 St. Margaret's Well, Tobar Mairaide Dublin 1010 Spring on Cash's Farm, Clane Kildare 1011 Ballinalack Spring or Bore Westmeath 1013 Ballydowd or Hermitage Spring (Not located) Dublin 1014 Clonee Spring (reported in March, 1980) Meath 2001 Spa Well, Mallow Cork 2002 Mart Borehole, Mallow Cork 2003 st. Bridget's Well, Newcastle West Limerick 2004 Tobar Mackann, Hurler's Cross Clare TABLE 1. Seventeen warm springs located in Leinster and Munster, to which reference is made in the text. - 4 - 1-3. Terrestial Heatflow in Ireland The heat produced in the crust of the earth by decay of radioactive elements was studied by Joly (1857-1933) and considered by him to be a prime factor in causing the major orogenies; he summarised his findings in the 1924 Halley Lecture at Oxford. Joly's interest had been stimulated by the radio-activity of the Leinster granite, but the subject of terrestial heat (from depth or crust-generated) was not pursued in Ireland. At the end of 1979, Prof. A. Brock prepared a comprehensive report on "Geothermal Energy in Ireland" for the National Board for Science and Technology. In Chapter 6 he deals with the "Geothermal Data in Ireland". While this comprehensive review tends to emphasise data existing or inferrable on the "hot dry rocks", it covers the whole position, including the low-enthalpy wet rocks. With Dr. Brock's permission, the data relevant to wet rocks is summarised here. From 18 heat flow values from deep boreholes in the Carboniferous Limestone determined by ~tr. Wheildon (unpublished and -2 uncorrected for climatical factors) heat flow under Ireland averages 60 mWm , with rather higher values in the north. From data on 7 boreholes analysed by Cermak & Ryback (1979), the average heatflow value was calculated at 64.6 mwm- 2 , with a value as high as 81 mWm- 2 for the Portmore borehole in the extreme north. Dr. Brock then examines the geophysical evidence, in particular gravity lows which might indicate buried granites, including possibilities at Navan and Drogheda(Leinster warm springs) of small granitic bodies, and a much larger buried granite under Kerry (as Howard, 1975). Dr. Brock briefly reviews possible conditions favourable for useable heat in wet rocks, identifying two possible areas - the Limerick/Shannon area with thick Namurian shale cover over Dinantian limestones, and the Munster Basin of Old Red Sandstone cover over a possible buried granite. The terrestial heat flow in Ireland is therefore very close to the world average, which is reported at 65 mwm- 2 ; the average thermal gradient is 25 0 C/kilometer depth. Useful energy is extracted in areas of above normal heat flow and temperature gradient. However, warm springs do exist in Ireland, and seem to indicate that there are at least limited zones of increased heat flow, with convection flow of warm groundwater assisting the primary conduction heat transfer through 'the rocks. So, the investigation of the warm springs of Ireland is now proceeding, and the position reached by Spring, 1980 is reported here. II - WARM SPRINGS OF IRELAND Based on old records, and following field data collection from 1971, a first report on Irish warm springs formed part of a paper "Groundwater Investigations in Ireland" read at the "Hydrology in Ireland" meeting of May, 1979 (Aldwell and Burdon, 1979). In this present paper, all available data has been collected and presented under the headings of location, geological and geophysical settings, and hydrological, thermal and hydrochemical characteristics. The twelve main inferrences drawn from the data conclude this item. / ... - 5 - II-l. Location The general location of the 17 warm springs listed in Table 1 are shown on Fig. 1, while the main Leinster group (Nos. 1001 to 1010) are located in more detail on Fig. 2. There are rumours of other warm springs which need to be investigated; it is anticipated that the planned geothermal energy investigation will reveal more such springs. The Leinster springs tend to occur along the Meath/Kildare border, as in Fig. 2. The country is open, slightly rolling, with varying depths of persistant Quaternary cover. A noticable feature is the fact that several of the springs (as Nos. 1002, 1007, 1008) occur on high ground, small rises or mounds. This is particularly remarkable in the case of Bride's River Kilcock (No. 1002) from which the stream splits and flows in two directions. At least two of the Leinster springs were brought into existance by man's activities. Louisa Bridge spring, Leixlip (No. 1001) started to flow or to be identified when the Royal Canal was being constructed in 1794; it was quickly developed as a spa (Maxwell, 1974). Enfield spring became known in the 1890s, when gravel was being excavated for railway line construction (Davies & Hill, ]965).. The other springs appear to be long established; that at St. Germans (1007) was examined by geologist Du Noyer on 21 July, 1859, and his comments are written on the back of the 6" sheet. Signi!icance is attach.ed to the fact that some of th.e warm springs issue from high ground, and to the fact that two of the larger were brought into existance by man's activities. Another point of possible significance for the Leinster warm springs shown on Fig.2 is their distance apart. When plotted, their rather uniform distance apart was noticed, and when scaled appeared to be of the order of 8 kilometres. Circles of 8 km diameter have accordingly been drawn ~round the 11 warm springs on Fig. 2. Could the enclosed areas (about 50 km ) be those contributing to each individual warm spring? Are additional warm springs more likely to be found in such gaps as those between Nos. 1009 and 1001, and between Nos. 1010 and 1006? Of the Munster group of springs, those at Mallow are by far the bestknown and unique in their occurrence. Rutty (1757) gives much information. Dalton (1889) gives several references, including Jephson (1834) who states 0 0 that in autumn/winter 1833, temperatures ranged from 67 F (19.33 C) to . o o 71.3/16 F (2l.77 C) at the main Spa, while a spring 100 yards to the north ~ow Lady's Well) was lOF warmer (max. 22.33 0 C). Mallow warm springs occur in a deep glen, on the edge of the town, and close to the Blackwater river. There is a Spa House. In the past decade, two boreholes drilled nearby encountered warm water; the one at the Mart (No. 2002) is in use, the other is closed and the warmth of its water has been queried. The two other known Munster springs, at Newcastle West (No. 2003) and at Hurler's Cross (No. 1004) occur in open rolling country, with no special topographic expression, though No. 2003 is near an old rath and on slightly higher ground. / ... - 6 - II-2. Geological Setting The known warm springs all issue from Dinantian limestones. For the main Leinster group of 11, Fig. 2 shows that they emerge mainly from Visean limestones, except the small spring (No. 1010) at Cash's farm issuing from the underlying Tournaisian. This applies to the warm springs in Co. Limerick and in Co. Clare. The Mallow springs and boreholes are also from the limestone, but are associated with a major thrust zone. Fig. 2 brings together such geological data as is available from the main area of warm springs in Leinster. Most of the area is covered by Quaternary deposits, of varying thickness and nature; rock exposures are poor. The main data comes from MacDermot & Sevastopulo (1972), and Sheridan (1972), while Turner (1952), Nevill (1957), Bruck (1971) and Williams & McArdle (1978) have also been studied and relevant data extracted. Data on ~rtiary sills/dykes comes from Sheridan (1972), Selwyn Turner et al (1972) and Byrne et al (1971). The region of the warm springs lies between the granite, metamorphics and Silurian of the Leinster Caledonian granite massif on its south-east, and the Ordovician-Silurian Balbriggan and Louth blocks on its north. Here, conglomerates, sandstones and siltstones of desertic and fluvio-esturine environments were laid down in Devonian and into Lower Carboniferous times, as the Tournaisianseas gradually transgressed from the south and south-west, as Clayton & Higgs (1979). It could have been well into Lower Tournaisian time before marine limestones began to interdigitate with coastal sandstones under the area of Fig. 2. By the Upper Tournaisian, shelf limestones with isolated Waulsortian reef mounds were forming under the main portion of Fig. 2. The Waulsortian mounds were more frequent and much thicker to the west and away to the southwest, to the areas of warm springs Nos. 2003 and 2004; this is shown clearly in Figs. 1 and 2 of MacDermot & Sevastopulo (1972) . There was a break at the end of the Tournaisian, with some uplift and faulting, but marked also by increased marine transgression, as onto the edges of the Leinster granite massif. In the region of the Leinster warm springs, there was a sharp change to deposition of argillaceous limestones of basinal facies; the 800 or so metres of the Rathmolyon Shale Formation (with pyrite) cut in the Trim NO. 1 boreholes is dated as "Cl or younger, ranging up to C2Sl" (Sheridan, 1972, p. 330), and so of Lower Visean age. These shales were followed by limestones, in part with reefs of Visean type and towards the top of the Visean with bedded limestones, argillaceous, with some chert and silica. These limestones are succeeded by Namurian strata, often found occurring as perched synclines, as at Summerhill (Nevill 1957) . The total thickness of the Tournaisian + Visean is of the order of 2,220 metres (Sheridan, 1972) plus more than 760 m of overlying Namurian (Nevill, 1957). The thickness of the underlying Devonian is unknown for the area of Fig. 2. The detailed information obtained from the Trim No.1 borehole is very relevant to the study of the rocks from which the warm springs issue. The lithology/thicknesses are summarised in Table 2. The fact that the boreholes intersected some 4.5 metres of an olivine dolerite dyke or sill at from 740.7 to 745.2 metres below surface is also of importance when considering local sources of heat within the sedimentary and underlying sequences. / ... - 7 - Lithology Thickness (m) + 335 m Agher Formation, (P l - 2 ). Bedded limestone, dark grey, with shales; agrillaceous, pyritic, with some chert and silica. + 183 m Bray Hill Formation, exposed above the collar of the borehole; mainly reef micrites Collar of Borehole at 79,03 (259.3'); + 4.3 m. l.8m Superficial deposits; measurements from Rotary Table @ Quaternary Bray Hill Formation. A reef complex, with two major reef successions, separated by thin transition zones. 401 m 37 m Rathmolyon Limestone Formation. Argillaceous limestones, grading upwards into the Bray Hill Formation, but with a sharp basal junction. Mainly oosparites 193 m Rathmolyon Oolite Formation. 806 m to 770 m Rathmolyon Shale Formation (Cl to C2Sl) . Shales, dark grey, platy, indurated, calcareous; crinoid debris common, pyritic and siliceous; with some limestone zones, especially in the middle of the succession. (4.5 m) Olivine-Dolerite Dyke/Sill. Intruded into upper part of the Rathmolyon Shale Formation. Potassium-argon age dating gave 65 (+ 11) million years, or PalaeoceneEocene on the New Holmes Scale. 330 m to 300 m TABLE 2. ~thmolyon Basal Clastic Formation, (Z2-Cl). The formation commences at the first sandstone bed encountered, though beneath it there are limestones and shales. It ends in sandstones and siltstones. It is noted that "By analogy with other boreholes in Ireland, it is suspected that a continental facies of Upper Old Red Sandstone type is present at no great depth belmv the bottom of Trim No. 1 Well" Summary of lithological data from Trim No. 1 Well (sunk, 1962) as affecting the main group of Leinster Warm Springs (from Sheridan, 1972). - 8 - The presence of sills/dykes of intrusive basalt has been reported from at least three places within or bordering the region of these warm springs. The earliest report is by Cruise (1871), an 18" wide dyke in a road-cutting about l~ miles WNW of Duleek, Co. Meath, as noted by Selwyn Turner et al (1972), when reporting on Tertiary igneous activity at Navan, Co. Meath.-- They found that a sill at the Tara mine was some 51 million years old by K-Ar dating, and so "not later than Lower Eocene, not earlier than Middle Eocene". In describing the occurrences, Byrne et al (1971) note "The basalt sills transgress the Carboniferous series, independent of structures, and are considered to be Tertiary ..• at Tara's Navan mine, there are generally two such sills, varying in thickness from one to ten feet". The third recorded occurrence is that in the Trim No. 1 Well, where the 4.5 metre thick sill or inclined dyke of olivine basalt was dated as 65 (± 11) million years. It is accepted that these sills/dykes are related to the Antrim Basalts,whose K-Ar determinations indicate a Palaeocene-Eocene age some 65 million years BP. According to Miller & Brown (1963) the Upper Lava Series of the Antrim basalts have an K-Ar age of 74 million years; later they indicated that the presence of zeolites in basalt tend to give K-Ar ages which are too great (Miller & Fitch, 1964). However, on palynological grounds, the Antrim basalts are considered to be of Miocene or even Pliocene age, and so much younger (Sabine & Watson, 1965, p. 506). The matter is of importance here, as late Tertiary intrusions (say 15 to 20 million years ago) might have initiated some thermal groundwater circulations which could have persisted, after the initiating heat source had diminished or ceased to act. The rocks underlying the w~rm springs of Leinster have been gently folded and deformed during the Hercynian orogeny. The folds tend north-east to south-west, rather than the prime east-west direction seen in the south of Ireland. They appear to have been reoriented by the resistant blocks in their neighbourhood, or to follow deeper Caledonian structural trends. On Fig. 2, three anticlinal and two synclinal axial traces are indicated; the two of the north-west are based on Fig. 1 of Sheridan (1972); the other three are based on the form of the Tournaisian/Visean contact. While detailed and more precise mapping of the springs and some of the structures is required, i t may be noted here that: (i) Springs 1009, 1001, 1004, 1010 and 1014 lie along the synclinal structure inferred for the two Tournaisian outcrops: and (ii) The warmest springs are not far from the axial plane of the Summerhill syncline (No. 1005) and from the the Rathmolyon anticline (No. 1007). The rocks were thus folded and deformed long before the intrusion of the Tertiary dyke/sill intersected 740.7 to 745.2 metres below surface in the Trim No.1 Well. Thus, the intrusion will cross-cut the bedding whether it be a sill or a dyke (vertical or inclined) . Such an intrusion may be expected to swell, and form a larger body of magma, where the plane of intrusion intersects a shattered (as anticlinal crests) or open (as palaeokarstic limestone) volume in the intruded rocks. Such large volumes of intrused lava could have provided areas favourable for heat storage and the initiation of thermally-controlled groundwater circulation in the enclosing rocks; how long such a mechanism could continue would depend on the size, initial temperature and rate of cooling of the intrusive body. / ... - 9 - Boreholes drilled for water, particularly in the western portion of Fig. 2, often encountered a black shale or mud, which is very fine and can be separated from the water obtained only by long sedimentation. The material could be weathered shale, or residual from limestone weathered under peri-glacial conditions. In the south of Ireland, the geological setting for the two warm springs (No. 2003 at Newcastle West and No. 2004 at Hurler's Cross) is not dissimilar to that of the main group of Leinster warm springs. As yet, however no start has been made on relating information on the geology of these areas to the occurrence of these two warm springs. The Mallow warm spa, and the boreholes near it, appear to be in an unique geological setting for Ireland. The waters issue from the Lower Carboniferous limestone where i t was strongly compressed and deeply downfolded in the Hercynian orogeny. The thickness of the Dinantian limestones is about 1,700 metres thick tas determined by Hudson & Philcox (1965) some distance to the north. The limestone has been eroded from the anticlinal hills to the south, but is preserved in the synclines. At Mallow, the intensity of the folding was such that i t was relieved by thrusting; a major thrust can be traced westwards from Mallow to the sea at the head of Dingle bay. There is also much faulting at Mallow. The depths to which the limestones have been down folded and downthrust at Mallow are uncertain. But the depth of burial and the possibilities of deep groundwater circulation in such limestones must be major factors in bringing this warm spring into existance. 11-3. Geophysical Setting As yet, the existing geophysical data has not been fully examined and used to assist in understanding the factors controlling the location and functioning of the warm springs of Ireland. Under the Leinster warm springs area, i t is considered that the suture which is postulated as marking the closing of the Iapetus ocean extends from Salterstown through Navan and to the Slieve Bloom mountains, (as Fig. 8, Phillips et aI, 1976). Thus the region was in Caledonian times and into the Devonian/Lower Carboniferous, a place where the edges of two plates were in collision and subduction. As such, it was a probable place for thermal circulation of oceanic brines producing ore deposits in the accumulating Carboniferous sediments, (Russell, )978) as in Fig. 6 here. However, there could be little in such conditions to affect present day thermal activity, though some relationship cannot entirely be discarded. Gravity investigations (as Murphy, 1962, 1974) have revealed a number of gravity lows of medium size (as under Navan) as well as groups of lows of very small extent. It seems probably that the medium sized lows are not due to buried granites, but to a greater thickness of sediments than originally estimated. The very small gravity anomalies (Murphy, 1962) occur rather to the west of the main area of Leinster warm springs, but some could occur in the actual spring area. These lows show a marked NE-SW elongation, and could be solution caves in the Carboniferous limestone located or initiated by faulting which has opened up the limestone to circulating groundwater. But as such, the water-filled (or gravel-filled) shallow cavities would not necessarily have any connection with the circulation of warm groundwater. It may be noted that the main Iapetus suture is supported by a fault postulated on lithostratigraphical grounds / - 10 - Cas Harper & Brenchley, 1972). 'I'his has also been associated with the lines of small gravity anomalies, and there could be some reactivation of such a major fault in later times. It could prove to be a zone where abnormally deep groundwater circulation occurs. With regard to Mallow, and the other warm springs of the south, a major gravity low under Kerry was first considered as due to a great thickness of Devonian-Lower Carboniferous sediments. Later, it was indicated that a major buried granite (Armorican ?) was more likely to have produced the large gravity low, (Howard, 1975). Such a deep granite, with a thick cover of low-conductivity rocks, might possibly have some genetic relationship to the warm springs of Munster. Brock (1979) has drawn attention to the thickness of sediments, and the low conductivity of the Namurian cover, in the Shannon basin; this may have some influence on the small warm springs of Cos. Limerick (No. 2003) and Clare (No. 2004). The limited work done on geothermal gradients and heat flow in Ireland was noted under Item 1-3 of this paper. In general, geophysical investigations of very many types have been used in Europe over the past decade. They have proved very useful in elucidating the characteristics of already-located geotherw~l fields and assisting in their development and management, as reported in the many papers presented to the First (December, 1977) and Second (March, 1980) Seminars on Geothermal Energy of the commission of the European Communities. Indirectly, they can assist in prospecting for geothermal anomalies, but such investigations have to be specifically oriented to obtain such information. It does not appear that they have been very successful in finding new geothermal fields. 11-4. Hydrological Characteristics No systematic gaugings have been made of the yields of the Irish warm springs. However, it is certain that most, probably all, show strong seasonal variations in discharge, with maximum flows in spring and into summer, while many of them go dry, or have negligible flows, in the autumn and into winter. Minimum flow, or middle point of dryness, can be SeptemberOctober. None of the springs have definitely large flows; maxima for the bigger springs would be in the range of 5 to 10 litres per second; if the springs were developed, this might be increased slightly under gravity discharge. Usually, spring discharge is in the 1 to 4 lit/sec. range, and some are wells with little obvious discharge. The spring regime is thus the normal one for groundwater recharged during the winter months, and discharging this water some four to eight months later. No doubt, careful gaugings will permit closer correlation wie1 precipitation-infiltration, while recession curves can be constructed and analysed, permitting some deductions as to the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer. 11-5. Thermal Characteristics In general, temperature observations on the waters of the warm springs have not been made in a systematic manner, or extended over a long range of time. However, over the past nine years, temperatures of the Leinster group of springs have been measured throughout the years by one of the authors. In November-December, 1979 temperatures were measured with the same standardized instrument and in the same manner for almost all of the Irish warm springs; these temperatures form part of Tables 3 and 4. I I I I J .J J. S 0 -- o .N --~--f -22C: 1 . - 0 Is=. o ·21- ·0 .19_ l. . 0 -18- .: f - - - i -l 0 4= -- 13 FIG. 3. 0 Annual Temperature Variations for Enfield (No.1005) and for St. Gorman1s (No.I007) Springs for years 1976 and 1978. - 11 - It might be possible to go back over old records and the limited publications, to see if there have been significant changes in temperature over tQe past 200 years or so. But the only old reliable data appears to lie is that given by Rutty for the period about 1757. He notes Mallow spa 0 0 0 water as issuing at 68 F (20 C), as compared with 20.7 e measured on 15 Nov. 1979 (Table 36. Rutty also notes that st. Margarets (NO. 1009) 0 o registered 51 F (lO.SoC) or 5S F C12.8 C) on 20 July, 1752; this would 0 compare with 17.2 C on the morning of 7 December 1979. In a study of the biology of the Enfield spring, Fahy (1975) gave some temperature figures, based apparently on a recording thermometer placed in the spring; he 0 0 reports in his Table I a range from 6 to 22.5 C. He also states that the spring has a day-degree quota of 6,606, as against 3,835 for an Irish isothermic spring. Fahy (1975, p. 112) mentions but three thermal springs recorded in Ireland, and introduces the supposedly warm spring at Dunlavin in Co. Wicklow, with the footnote "The area was visited by me; the spring was not located". From the periodic temperature measurements made on the main Leinster group of springs (Fig. 2), those for the Enfield (NO. 1005) and st. Gormans (No. 1007) have been selected for presentation here, Fig. 3. During the eight years to end-1978, Enfield water temperature was recorded 62 times and that of St. Gormans 64 times. No self-registering or min-max thermometers were used. Periods when the springs had dried-up or become stagnant were noted; such low/nil flows tended to occur from August to November. Figure 3 shows water temperature for Enfield and for st. Gormans over the calander years 1976 and 1978. These were years for which good records were available, and which come after the 1974-76 drought. The plottings show how temperatures reach a peak in the spring, and then fall quite sharply from May'to October, to rise again during the winter. The discharges also increase in spring and fall in autumn. So, as flow increases, so does temperature; as flow decreases, so do temperatures fall. It is considered that this relationship is of considerable significance. The source of the heat which warms the water must be much greater than the amount of heat taken away by the water. It suggests that the larger the volume of water moving underground, the more it is brought into contact with zones of more heat or higher temperatures. This may indicate a deeper circulation in the ground when winter infiltration has recharged the aquifers and the water is moving strongly towards its discharge point. The degree-days for the two springs have also been calculated, due to irregularity of measurement and that fact that st. Gormans was dry for part of the year, degree-days are only approximate. Enfield showed o 0 7820 degree-days (21.3S C average) in 1976 and 7380 degree-days (20.22 C 0 average) in 1978. St. Gormans showed_6230 degree-days in 1976 (17.06 e 0 average) and 6790 degree-days (18.61 C average) in 1978. The differences in average and from year to year may have significance, but certainly need to be related to volumes of water discharged if the data is to be used as an analytical tool. / ... - 12 - i Spring No. Sample NO. Date, 1979 °c 2001 I 15/11 11.3° 2001 II 15/11 20.7° 2002 III 15/11 17.6° 2003 IV 4/12 13.7° 2003 V 4/12 13 .8° 1009 VI 7/12 17.2° 1001 VII 7/12 16.2° 1002 VIII 7/12 13 .2° 1003 IX 7/12 14.2° 1005 X 7/12 23.3° 1005 XI 7/12 23.3° 1007 XII 7/12 20.2° 1008 XIII 7/12 13.0° 1006 XIV 7/12 13.8° 1004 Ca mgE/lit Mg K 4.72 2.64 0.31 0.10 3.60 1.28 0.50 0.03 4.20 1.04 0.47 0.05 3.44 1.44 0.60 0.03 3.40 1.32 0.59 0.03 6.84 0.88 0.56 0.06 5.92 2.72 9.09 0.23 4.60 2.04 0.43 0.03 5.60 0.76 0.39 0.03 3.92 2.16 1.13 0.05 3.84 2.08 1.13 0.05 4.80 1.20 0.41 0.03 6.56 0.64 0.31 0.03 5.76 1.40 0.48 0.07 4.64 2.40 2.61 0.08 Sum Cations HC03 mgE/ li t Cl " N03 " S04 " 7.77 4.96 0.68 0.21 1. 92 5.41 4.16 0.62 0.17 0.46 5.76 4.56 0.62 0.31 0.27 5.51 4.72 0.59 0.36 5.34 4.64 0.59 0.24 8.34 5.88 1.10 0.26 l.10 17.96 5.40 12.57 0.10 7.10 6.44 0.48 0.24 6.78 6.24 0.48 0.24 7.26 5.84 1.27 0.19 7.10 5.92 1.33 0.20 - - - 7.54 6.64 0.61 0.04 0.25 7.71 6.48 1.25 0.04 - 6.44 5.76 0.49 0.06 0.15 - 9.73 5.60 4.00 0.03 0.12 Sum Anions 7.77 5.41 5.76 5.67 5.47 8.34 18.07 7.16 6.96 7.30 7.45 6.46 7.54 7.77 9.75 236 132 7 4 302 24 13 92 180 64 12 1 214 22 10 22 210 52 11 2 278 22 19 13 172 72 14 1 282 21 22 170 66 14 1 282 21 15 296 136 209 9 329 446 6 230 102 10 1 393 17 15 280 38 9 1 381 17 15 196 108 26 2 316 45 12 192 104 26 2 341 47 12 - - 342 44 13 3 359 39 16 53 232 120 60 3 342 142 2 - - - 328 32 7 1 405 22 2 12 288 70 11 3 395 45 2 - 240 60 9 1 354 18 4 7 - - 810 3.0 0.02 0.29 370 248 368 7.40 565 2.4 0.02 0.02 286 2208 244 7.52 607 4.4 0.02 0.02 334 228 262 7.41 589 5.0 0.02 0.02 296 236 244 7.60 869 3.6 0.01 0.02 528 296 386 7.23 431 1.4 0.23 0.01 1160 296 432 7.28 768 3.4 0.02 0.07 370 322 332 7.24 741 3.4 0.03 0.06 380 312 318 7.26 745 2.6 0.04 0.01 386 292 304 7.31 744 2.8 0.01 0.01 404 296 296 7.35 690 0.8 0.01 0.01 412 288 300 7.26 809 0.6 0.03 0.02 440 332 360 7.11 814 0.6 0.01 0.01 480 324 358 7.19 907 0.45 0.15 0.01 636 280 352 7.32 Ma Ca mg/lit Mg " Na " K " HC0 mg/lit 3 Cl " 11 N03 11 S04 Sum of above Nitrate (as N) Free/Sol.Am. (N) Albuminoid (N) TDS (ppm) Total Alkali Total Hardness pH TABLE 3. - - 569 3.4 0.01 0.01 292 232 236 7.84 - - Temperatures and main chemical constituents of the waters of the Irish warm springs, based on samples taken on 15 November and 4 and 7 December, 1979. Analyses made at State Laboratory, College of Science, Dublin. XV 7/12 12.2( ----- Dol. t;" 2001 2002 2003 p.p.m. ~H)l22- 15.11.79 15.11. 79 4.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 7.12.79 Noh: ' .. 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1JJ_O~ 10Ql J..QQB 565 607 569 1431 768 7~1 907 745 814 680 ~---------~ Rr mod.• u 20.7 C; u 17.6 C; 13.:guC;a 16·.2 C: u 2 • Mallow 5Q~ ) l'lill.o.ML.BtL- ) Newcastle \,/ ) -t.. OU1 "o!l' A d rl i;:.~Ef~~ ~. ~ _.~ ~o Three from Munster (1'1) i/p.r 1%1 12.2 Cj Ce1bridg~ 23. 3:[; EofieJ...d~ 1 3 • 8 C.L____12Y 5 aLi 20.2: C..;--S.t.cGOIJUan!....: _JL~_ J..:t;J)oW~.d.eJl£W~ A6q .lL2-=-.c.;--..SL_"J'1ar.-gaI.£J .. - tlumbrlS 01. in 0«01(10'1(. with wolrr - point numbtl~ ;n th. study 0'.0. 12 0 20°C ..•••••••••• _ o + 20 C ...•.•. _ ••..••• 0 Temperature range in December, FIG.4. 1979." Triangular Diagram Plotting of Chemical Composition of the waters of Iris~ Warm Springs. I~os. 1001, 1004 and 1009 form a group apart. - FIGURE 5 - TRACE ELEMENTS SILICON AND IODINE PLOTTED AGAINST WATER TEMPERATURES 25° 25° 24° ....5c:r 23° ~ I . 0 220 a: L.. 210 w - a: 200 ....c:r ::J . w .... L9 a L1 cI. M2 I .I 15° J ° 14 I o' 15° pLS 140 . 130 mg!li tre 2 3 .I PM3 . I 4 / / OL3 / ~30~6 \. ...... ./ / 16° 0L1 / OM3 L4 . . . . . . . . . -0- -- -- -:- o I'll 1 / / / / I I ISO / / 5 19° / o?s '", . 64/ M1 / 9'L9 L2 ;' 20° -/ \ \ \ ." OLS ~1° / I I I 0 22° / / 10L? 0/ ./ 9' / oj / l'12 °t i .0 i I ' 0 / / / L3.1 -/ L6 (/ .OQ2 M3 I Silicon in / 1 ./ .I .I ./ .I / / ./ I- / /- Ml L5 o / ./ .I ./ / ./ .I .J ./ O.1rt1 .I .'.1 19° ~ a ./ 'OL? a: w -ieo ./ ./ ./ / 0 / . ./ .I t.:l OLS' OL5 ./ . ::J / I ./ :3 " /" ./ / / / . / / -) / 15° -. .. :-13° 00 . I 3 I 4 I T 6 I 7 I l 1 I 12° 1 I Iodine in~g/litr8 2 I 14° o 8 I 9 I _:1 11 12 I ( ,I i I j I I, ! I I ! , r - 13 - 11-6. Hydrochemical Characteristics Investigators of one or other of the warm springs have in the past taken samples and had chemical analyses made. In this respect, the report of Plunkett & Studdert (1883) on the Mallow Spa spring is of interest; Fahy (1974, 1975) also had some chemical analyses made on the Enfield (1005) spring. But it was only towards the end of 1979 that there was a systematic sampling of almost all of the known springs, with the analyses carried out under uniform conditions at the State Laboratory in the College of Science. The results of these analyses are presented here in Table 3 and 4. The results are strictly comparable, though the absolute values of some of the trace elements (not normally determined in water in this laboratory) are less certain. The percentage amounts of the major ions are plotted on the triangular diagram of Fig. 4, while the trace elements si and I are plotted against temperatures on Fig. 5. (i) Major Anions and Cations. In general, the major ions indicate rather normal groundwater issuing from these springs. TDS tend to lie in the range of 280 to 480 ppm, which is normal for Irish groundwaters from limestone aquifers. Much of the chlorine is in the 15 to 30 mg/lit range, normal for such waters and reflecting the rather high Cl content of Irish groundwaters (as Burdon & Cullen, 1980). However, it is clear that there are three springs in Leinster which have definitely abnormal chemical characteristics and this is also well-marked on Fig. 4. They are: NO. 1001 (Louisa Bridge) with Cl = 446 and TDS = 1160; No. 1004 (st. Patrick's Well) with Cl = 142 and TDS = 636; and No. 1009 (St. Margarets) with Cl = 39 and TDS = 582. From Fig. 2, i t can be seen that these three springs have already been grouped together as lying "along the synclinal structure inferred from two Tournaisian outcrops" (Item 11-2. (i». It is unfortunate that No. 1010 was not sampled in December, 1979, and that the existence of No. 1014 (Clonee) was reported only when this study had almost been completed. Repeated chemical analyses from these five springs (1009, 1014, JOO] 1004 and 1010) will be awaited with interest. It will be noted that the other high Cl values (45 and 47 mg/lit) come from springs Nos. 1005 and 1006, which are close together, but which differ much in temperature. In fact, all efforts to find a direct relationship between the major anions and cations in solution and the temperatures of the springs proved unavailing. It may be said that the main chemical composition of the Irish warm springs is not related to the temperature of these springs. The most mineralized (No. 1001, Louisa Bridge) had a temperature of l6.2 o C on 7.12.79; the hottest (No. 1005, Enfield) has but some 400 ppm of TDS, 0 but a temperature of 23.3 C on 7.12.79. The coolest is also rather highly mineralized. (ii) Trace Elements. The trace elements determined were Si, I, F, B, Se and Ba, as in Table 4. In addition total Fe and dissolved Fe were determined, though it seemed improbable that they would yield diagnostic information. The accuracy of some of the determinations is doubtful, since such elements are not normally determined in water analyses. It can be seen that they are erratic. Efforts were made to relate them to temperature. In the cases of Si and I, there was some limited success, as shown on Fig. 5. - 14 - Spring No. Sample No. Date, 1979 2001 2001 2002 2003 I II III IV 15/11 17.6 4/12 13.7 15/11 11.3 °c pH TDS ppm EC ~mhos) Total Fe (mg/li t) Dissolved mgsi/lit If/g/lit F flg/li t B /f.g/lit SeJtg/lit Ba Ca: Mg Ratio TABLE 4. 7.40 370 570 2.90 15/11 20.7 7.52 286 7.60 296 42 7.41 334 525 0.25 0.05 3.3 1.0 100 28 Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil 1. 79 2.81 4.04 2.40 Nil 3.2 0.9 100 73 0.75 0.20 0.10 5.2 1.5 - 0.30 0.03 3.8 3.0 63 2003 V 4/12 13 .8 7.84 292 510 0.35 0.10 4.2 6.0 160 23 0.75 1009 1001 1002 1003 VI VII VIII IX 7/12 17.2 7/12 16.2 7/12 13 .2 7/12 14.2 7.23 528 830 0.25 7.28 1160 1970 1.90 Nil Nil 0.9 6.0 140 50 0.9 9.8 440 60 Nil Neg Nil 2.57 7.77 Neg' Nil 2.18 1005 X 7/12 23.3 1005 1007 1008 1006 XI XII XIII XIV 7/12 23.0 7/12 20.2 7/12 13 .0 7/12 13 .8 7.24 370 665 1.00 0.05 3.4 1.3 140 53 7.26 380 659 1.00 0.05 3.2 2.5 120 30 7.31 386 715 0.80 0.05 5.4 10.9 280 60 7.35 404 708 0.35 0.05 5.7 12.0 290 92 7.26 412 645 0.20 0.15 3.9 3.0 220 78 7.11 440 751 0.20 0.15 2.6 1.1 100 153 7.19 480 765 0.20 0.20 3.6 3.9 200 182 Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil Neg Nil 2.25 7.37 1.81 1.85 4.00 10.25 4.11 I Trace elements found in the waters of Irish warm springs, based on samples taken on 15 November and on 4 and 7 December, 1979. Analyses made at the State Laboratory, College of Science, Dublin. 1004 XV 7/12 12.2 .- 7.32 636 1070 0.35 0.15 3.7 4.3 270 52 Neg Nil 1. 93 • - 15 - They merit only very brief discussion. For Silicon, it will be noted that 1009 and 1001 lie well away from the main envelope showing Si increasing as temperature increases.; these are springs noticably high in Cl and TDS. The third spring of this little group, No. 1004, lies well within the envelope. It is generally reported that the si of thermal waters is affected by the TDS of such waters. For Iodine, there is only a very slight tendancy for I to increase as temperature increases. The points most off the line of Fig. 5, are 2001 and 2002 (Mallow Spa), 1007 (st. Germans) and 1001 (Louisa Bridge) . While it could be said that the I of the first three of these was lower than might be expected, and that the I of No. 1001 is higher than might be expected considering their temperatures, the basis for such an attribution is slight and weak. Further work on trace elements is clearly required. (iii) Gases. In some of the springs, as Enfield and Mallow, an appreciable amount of gas is given off, bubling up through the waters. Its composition has not been determined, though the earlier work of Plunkett & Studdert (1883) is of interest. Generally, the gases are odourless, though a faint whiff of sulphur or hydrogenated sulphur is sometimes detected; i t may arise from decomposition of organic matter in the mud of the spring. (iv) 11-7. Isotopes. As yet, there have been no isotope determinations. Main Inferences It is considered of use to present here the 12 main inferences which have been drawn with regard to these warm springs. Location (i) (ii) (iii) Geology Hydrology Hydrothermal Hydrochemical Some have been made functional by man's activities. The Leinster springs appear to be 8 km apart. (iv) All issue from Dinantian limestones, some 1,500 to 2,500 m thick. (v) Some small Tertiary intrusives have been reported from their vicinity. (vi) ~eophysics Several occur on higher ground than might be expected. (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) Their occurrences can often be located with respect to fold structures. Certain gravity lows may have some connection with these warm springs. Discharges increase in spring, as expected for meteoric waters under the hydrological cycle. Temperatures peak in spring, decline from May to Oct; they are irregular. Most of the warm springs show no abnormal hydrochemical characteristics. High CI and TDS are restricted to three springs occurring along a synclinal structure. There are faint indications that Si and I increase with increasing temperature. M'ddl~ Slo9~ CrySlol\'n~ bos.m.nt or ductilp' lower crust FIGURE 6 10 om CONVECTION CIRCULATION OF GROUNDWATER IN LOWER CARBONIFEROUS TIMES (after Russell, 1978) - 16 - III ORIGIN AND FUNCTIONING As yet, the data presented and analysed in the foregoing item of this paper is too slight to allow of any firm hypothesis to be advanced as to the origin and functioning of the warm springs of Ireland. However, some ideas have been formulated and are put forward for discussion here. III-I. Palaeozoic Thermal Springs and Mineralization Over the past two decades, the ability of thermal springs, often of brines, to leach and deposit metalliferous elements and form ore deposits has received renewed attention and confirmation, as in the Red Sea investigations. Such an origin has been postulated for the Irish base metal deposits found and exploited in the Lower Carboniferous of Ireland, as Williams & McArdle (1978) and Russell (J978). The latter postulated infiltration of sea water of the transgressive Tournaisian seas into the great thickness of underlying Lower Palaeozoic sediments. In these the waters circulated under thermal forces, leaching out lead, zinc, copper and sulphur, and deposited them in the limestone sediments forming on the bed of the sea. Russell's diagram representing these events is reproduced here as Fig. 6. Since then, much heat has flowed out of the crust, and there can be no possibility of such past thermal circulation of groundwater influencing the supply of warm water to certain springs in Ireland. But it seemed desirable to include this hypothesis of past circulation of warm/ hot brines through the rocks which underlie the Dinantian limestones of Ireland, and from which the present day warm springs issue. III~2. Present-Day Circulation of Warm Groundwater It is thought that the present day groundwater circulation feeding warm water to certain springs is due to the effects of a heat source or sources which has modified the normal groundwater circulation of the region on the main warm springs of Leinster, and possibly those of Cos. Limerick and Clare. Mallow would be an exception, as usual. Fig. 7 sets out the manner in which hydrotherrr01 cells are considered to function. The idea is often applied to low-temperature circulation of groundwater, as in Facca's (1973) diagram of the basic model of a low temperature hot water field. The cells are some 8 kilometres in diameter. Main infiltration occurs in lows (from streams ?) while discharge is on highs. These are based on location features. The springs form part of the hydrological cycle, with winter infiltration resulting in increased yields (or higher groundwater levels) in spring. Some of the springs dry-up in summer/autumn. This concept should become more definite as actual discharges are gauged and related to the precipitation and infiltration. / ... FIGURE 7 - PRESENT~DAY POSSIBLE ~ "I:, " '. oJ. ~~, ~ It .. ~ " It ~~ ~ ,tV" V' ~ ~ ~.. "v '-'_1, .AI I ~ . i- --.L Downward Flow ofl Cold Water • ~ I ~ -:} ~ A 'f 1 permitting free Groundwater ~ ~ ~ CircUlati~ ~ ." ~ "-. .::Jr ¥t '" t 'b -¥ ~ ,.,\ . . .-)I tv ., ~ 4:'" 1 ~r ';-:a .,., . 1\I \"' + PorOU5 Formation5 ~ V,'. ~~.>;r ;:r .;:;, ~~ . ~ -'7 "" u 200 m +J Gl co 3 -0 300 m C ::J '0 ~ 1 . , 400 m t-'l ~ o t+- 500 m 1 600 m 700 m CD U til t;.. H :J U1 3 ~ Gl Form of Geother.. ........ mal Gradient .< '. .0 800 m III ..c +J 0- 900 m • less PoroU5 Formation-at Depth 100 m 1 1 ... ::J U ~ If )1-, /f '\ . ~ ~~ c ~~ ~~;t ~ of Warm Water +J .-j ~ ,'-1 IJ, Upward F1 ow~ - _ ....... l' 11 1 "')\ »-ooV l' \ ""co· ~-f\;----""'" I \J-i'JIJ"' It c o _"~I fA' -/~-~ ;f/\ I I Warm Spring I ~f t. 1-1 ~. if ~.)"::J ~~'_'*1~/. ~ 6f ·1-.... ~ ,.. ~ ~ Jt -(, l' .\A\'\. 1. .. ~ It: 1\ M .1- I I~~ J' HALF-CELL>, I Infilt-! Warm Spring ration Zone ~ I'~ ~ .........t ~ CELL I Main , '~+-. ~ 8 KILOMETER DIAMETER I Spring I I .,....... HALF - CELL I Warm I .t ~. GROUNDWATE8 CIRCULATION FEEDING THE LEINSTER GROUP OF WARM SPRINGS g - 17 - The effects of heat on the circulation of groundwater can be very striking, in particular when considered from the hydrogeological viewpoint. By raising temperatures of groundwater, its viscosity will be decreased, so that its transmissibility will be increased. Thus, raising temperatures from lOoe to 20 0 e will increase flow by over 30%, all other conditions remaining the same. Heating also decreases the density of the warmed groundwater, and such density differences reinforce gravity-controlled flows. As such thermal flow continues, much more heat will be brought up in the water by convection than by the earlier conduction in the rock and/or static water. Rising temperatures can induce thermal shattering of the rock, and increase permeability. While such flow mechanisms are considered here for basins of say 8 kilometres diameter, they have been studied on a continental scale by one of the authors in the great artesian basins of North Africa and Arabia (Burdon, 1978). The depths to which groundwater circulation might extend can be inferred according to the assumed geothermal gradient and the amount of 0 mixing. Accepting a geothermal gradient of 25 e/kilometer, and an increase o 0 0 of water temperature of 15 e (from 10 e to 25 e), then the depth of circulation below surface would be of the order of 600 metres with no mixing. If there is much admixture of cooler (and shallower) groundwater to the rising warm water, then the depth of circulation could be much greater. The fact that spring water temperatures rise as flow increases canbe explained in a number of ways. strong thermal upflows may push aside other waters and result in less mixing. The greater the volume of upflow, the more heat is brought up, so that water temperatures tend to rise. The hydrochemistry does not shed too much light on the problem. The geology indicates that evaporite deposits occur and are to be expected in the shelf limestones, as in the Upper Tournaisian. Sulphate nodules and lenses have been reported, but i t would seem that halite was not precipitated. High chlorine and total dissolved solids characterise three springs (No. 1001, Lousia Bridge; No. 1004, st. Patrick's well; and No. 1009, St. Margarets) lying on a NE to SW line and possibly along the axis of a syncline in the Lower Visean. There would be reason for believing that these springs obtain their more-then-average mineralised groundwaters from deeper beds with some evaporites. The other springs have chlorine which can in part be due to cyclic chlorine in the precipitation, though as already noted NOS. 1005 and 1006 also are comparatively high in chlorine. While there are no apparent direct correlationships between temperatures and hydrochemistry, the latter supports the idea that the groundwater circulation is sufficiently deep in at least one group of warm springs to have gone down to the evaporite beds thought to exist in the Upper Tournaisian. There is little information as to the formation conditions which allow groundwater to circulate freely down to depths of the order of 700 metres. The Hercynian folding of the rocks must have opened up flow paths on anticlines and synclines. The geological location of several of the warm springs would suggest connections with anticlinal or synclinal axes. The extent and depth of Quaternary karstification in Ireland is still very uncertain; but karstification below say 100 metres from surface is not very likely, controlled as i t should be by low sea levels during and soon after the glacials. However, if evaporite beds, as gypsum, anhydrite and halite, form appreciable sequences in the general carbonate succession, then their solution in circulating groundwater (not controlled by the availability of free carbon dioxide in the water), could result in deep karstification. ~uuld - 18 - The effects of the varying thicknesses of Quaternary cover also call for some comment, since at least two of the warm springs became active only as the result of man's activities. It would seem that the boulder clay is effective in holding down such other rising warm groundwaters as may occur, and dissipating their heat (which is not large) into the overburden and so to the atmosphere. Under natural conditions, springs can break through where there are fluvio-glacial patches of sand and gravel in the main cover of boulder clay. In such areas, hot springs could have come into existence without man's intervention. 111-3. Heat Sources and Heat Conservation The present review and analysis of existing data have shown that Tertiary basic intrusives occur in the carbonate formations through which the warm springs rise and from which they issue. Dating back probably to the Palaeocene-Eocene on K-Ar evidence (though possibly younger on palyneological indications), these basic intrusives are no longer sources of geothermal heat. But i t is just possible that they initiated the present cellar circulation of groundwater in this area of Leinster, and that once initiated it has continued to function with lesser amounts of o heat supplied by the normal geothermal gradient (say 2S C/km) of the area. Gravity measurements showed lows around Navan and Drogheda. It was inferred that these indicated the presence of small masses of buried granite. Now it seems more probably that they are due to the much greater thicknesses of Balaeozoic sediments underlying the region. Buried granites are thus an unlikely source of the heat for the circulation of these warm springs. No study has been made of the possible amounts of heat generated by radio-active decay within the sediments, still less of the basement. Such would seem to be a very unlikely heat source, and may be put aside for the present. Finally, there are possible effects of heat conservation by a cover of low-conductivity formations. The 800 or so metres of Rathmolyon Shale Formation (Lower Visean age) could indeed act as a cap rock to hold down heat arriving in the underlying Tournaisean limestones. Limited opening (as on antclines and synclines, or along faults) might permit concentrated upflow of heat (water-bo'rne) and provide localised heat upflows for the waters in the overlying limestones, (1150 metres thick according to Table 2) . The effects of the cover of mainly impermeable Quaternary deposits has already been noted; it will not affect the deep circulation of the groundwater. 111-4. Conclusion This compilation and analysis of the Jata on the warm springs of Ireland has shed a little light on hydrogeothermal conditions in some of the wet rock areas of Ireland. In particular twelve main inferences have been drawn regarding the warm springs of Leinster, as in Item 11-7. In turn, this data has been used to formulate a possible picture of thermally controlled circulation of groundwater in cells some B kID in diameter and extending down to say 700 metres below surface, as in Fig. 7. Almost - 19 - nothing can be inferred as to the source of the heat driving this thermal circulation of warmed groundwater. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND REFERENCES The thanks of the authors are due to Dr. C.E. Williams who has encouraged and facilitated this investigation, and to colleagues in the Geological Survey and outside who have supplied information on many aspects of the wor~ not least to the staff of the State Laboratory. In the course of preparing the "Geothermal Energy Potential of Ireland" project the authors have had very fruitful discussions with their colleagues Professors Peter Br~ck of Cork, Professor Andrew Brock of Galway, as well as Messers Eamon Kinsella and Keith Robinson of the National Board for Science and Technology. And as the paper was being finalized, there was a useful visit to several of the springs in the company of Drs. K. Louwrier, R. Haenel and W.M. Edmunds. The practical field discussions will facilitate the more efficient collection of further data and the application of findings to the possible development of a valuable energy resource of the country. The debt of the authors to other workers is acknowledged by the following list of references. REFERENCES ALDWELL, C.R. and BURDON, D.J., (1979) "Groundwater Investigations in Eire" Proc. 'Hydrology in Ireland' meeting May 1979; IHPNat. Committee. BROCK, A. (1979) "Geothermal Energy in Ireland" Internal Report, Nat. 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