Type B Group Safety Standard Type A ISO12100 Series often refers to Type B IEC60204-1 (Safety of Machinery - Electrical Equipment of Machines - Part1: General requirements). As IEC60204-1 is an important standard pertaining to electrical devices, a list of its requirements is provided as follows. The numbers in brackets refer to article/sub-article numbers IEC60204-1. ■General requirements (4) Electrical components and devices shall be suitable for their intended use and conform to relevant IEC standards where such standards exist. ■Incoming supply conductor terminations & devices for disconnecting and turning off (5) ■Protection against electric shock (6) ・Protection by enclosures (6.2.2) At least IP2X or IPXXB is required to protect against direct physical contact with voltage. IP1X or IPXXA is required for a protective system in which the opening of a door disconnects a voltage. IP2X or IPXXB is required for live parts having a voltage after opening the door. (Refer to IEC60529). ■Protection of equipment (7) Protection of equipment against short circuit, overload current, ground fault, overvoltage due to lightning and switching surges, abnormal temperature; loss of or reduction in the supply voltage; overspeed of machines/machine elements; incorrect phase sequence. ■Equipotential bonding (8) ■Control circuits and control functions (9) ●Control circuits (9.1) ・The normal voltage shall not exceed 277 V when supplied from a transformer. (9.1.2) ・Control circuits shall be provided with overcurrent protection (9.1.3) ●Control functions (9.2) ・Start functions (9.2.1) ・There are three categories of stop functions. (9.2.2) Category 0: Stopping by removal of power (non-controlled stop) Category 1: Controlled stop with power available to the machine actuators to stop and then removal of power when stopped (controlled stop). Category 2: Controlled stop with power left available to the machine actuators. ・Emergency stop ( Emergency stop overrides all other functions and operations in all modes. Emergency stop achieved by Category 0 or Category 1. ・Monitoring of command actions ( ・Two-hand control ( Two-hand control type is selected by the risk assessment ・Enabling device ( Manually operated auxiliary control device used in conjunction with a start control. It should have the feature of connecting to a Category 0 stop or to a Category 1 stop. ●Protective interlocks (9.3) The closing or resetting of an interlocking safeguard shall not initiate machine motion or operation that can result in a hazardous condition. 10 SAFETY CONCEPTS BOOK ■Operator interface and machine-mounted control devices (10) ●Location and positioning Readily accessible for service and maintenance; selection and installation of actuators of hand-held control devices; colors and markings of (illuminated) pushbutton switches; light indicators and displays; color of emergency stop pushbutton actuators (red); shape (mushroom) and background color (yellow) ■Electronic equipment (11) Programmable controllers (PLC) shall conform to IEC61131-1/-2. ■Control gear: location, mounting and enclosures (12) Operation and maintenance; protection against external influences; protection against mechanical, electrical and heating effects. ■Conductors and cables (13) Suitable for operating conditions (e.g., voltage, current, etc.); suitable for external influences (e.g., temperature, corrosive substances, mechanical stress, fire, etc.) ■Wiring (14) All connections shall be secured against accidental loosening. ■Electric motors and associated equipment (15) Conformity to IEC60034-1 is desired. Provided with over-current and overload protection. ■Accessories and lighting (16) Requirements for accessories and local lighting ■Marking, warning signs, and reference designations (17) Durability of supplier's name (trademark), warning signs, etc. ■Technical documentation (18) The information necessary for installation, operation, and maintenance of the electrical equipment of a machine shall be supplied in the form of drawings, diagrams, charts, tables, and instructions ■Testing and verification (19) General mechanical and electrical requirements −Electrical equipment in compliance with technical documentation −Continuity of protective bonding circuit −Insulation resistance tests −Voltage tests −Protection against residual voltages −Functional tests SAFETY CONCEPTS BOOK 11 Type B Group Safety Standard Type B IEC60204-1 often references the requirements for opening/closing parts of components used, the requirements for programmable controllers, the IEC60947 series, and the IEC61131 series. IEC60947-1: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General rules IEC60947-5-1: Low-voltage switch gear and control gear - Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Electromechanical control circuit devices IEC61131 Series: Programmable Controllers These standards define in details the structural requirements of components used (insulation distances), features (opening/closing functions), and testing methods. Electrical components of a machine in conformity to these requirements are considered safe for use. 12 SAFETY CONCEPTS BOOK