Full list of my publications

CC Journal
1. Dang T.-Tung and Frankovič B.: Agent based scheduling in production systems. In:
International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 40, No. 15, ISSN 0020-7543
print/ISSN 1366-588X, Taylor&Francis Ltd., pp. 3660-3679, 2002.
2. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovič B. and Budinská I.: Optimal creation of agent coalitions for
manufacturing and control, In: Journal of Computing and Informatics, Vol. 22, 2003, p.
3. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovič B. and Budinská I.: The multi-agent approach to supply chain
management optimization, in: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, No. 4, Vol. 3, 2003, p.
4. Dang Thanh-Tung, Con Sheahan, Baltázar Frankovič and Ivana Budinská: A Polynomial
algorithm for single machine batch processing. Submitted to International Journal of
Production Research (2004).
5. Dang Thanh-Tung, Con Sheahan, Baltázar Frankovič and Ivana Budinská: Using agent
coalitions for improving plan quality. In "Intelligent Systems at the Service of
Mankind, Volume 2", Editors: Wilfried Elmenreich, J. Tenreiro Machado, Imre J. Rudas
(to appear).
Highly Refereed Conferences
6. Dang Thanh-Tung; Con Sheahan; Baltazár Frankoviè; Ivana Budinská: New algorithms
for solving single-item reverse auction. In the 16.th IFAC World Congress, Praha 2005.
7. Dang Thanh-Tung; Con Sheahan; Baltazár Frankoviè; Ivana Budinská: Random start and
forward search applied to solve multi-criterion planning problems. In the 16.th IFAC
World Congress, Praha 2005.
8. Dang Thanh-Tung, Baltázar Frankovič and Ivana Budinská: A Polynomial algorithm for
single machine batch processing. In proceeding of the 4th Int. Conference on Intelligent
System Design and Application (ISDA 2004). Budapesť, Hungary, August 2004, Volume
2, pp. 771-776. ISBN 9-637154-29-9.
9. Dang T-Tung: "Improving plan quality through agent coalitions". IEEE International
Conference on Computational Cybernetics – ICCC’04, Vienna, Austria, 2004, ISBN 3902463-02-3, p. 171-176.
10. Budinská I., Frankovič B., Kasanický T., Dang T.-Tung: A Multi-agent Support System
for Modelling, Control Design, and Simulation; In Proc. of IFAC Multitrack Conference
on Advanced Control Strategies for Social and Economic Systems September 2 - 4,
2004,Vienna University of Technology, Vienna Austria, On CD ROM 6pages (printed
version will be available later this year as a Lecture Notes)
11. Budinská I., Dang T.-Tung: Ontology Utilization in MARABu – a Support System for
Modelling, Simulation and Control Design, In Proc. of the IEEE International
Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, INES 2004, September 19-21, 2004,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 301-307, Eds.: Sergiu Nedevschi, Imre J. Rudas, Editorial:
U.T. Pres, ISBN 973-662-120-0
12. Dang T.-Tung, Hluchý L., Budinská I., Nguyen T. G., Laclavík M. Balogh Z.:
"Knowledge management and data classification in Pellucid." In Intelligent Information
Processing and Web Mining, Advances in Soft Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2003, ISSN
1434-9922, ISBN 3-540-00843-8, p. 563-568.
13. Dang T-Tung, Frankovič B. and Budinska I.: Knowledge management and data
classification in Pellucid. 5th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,
Angers – France, 23-26, April 2003, 209 – 216.
14. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovič B. and Budinská I.: Agents Coalition in Coordination Process.
In XV IFAC World Congress b’02, Barcelona, 2002. Award: YOUNG ASIAN
15. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovič B. and Budinská I.: Create agents’ Coalition Based on a
Dynamic Programming Approach. In: Proceedings of the ECAI 02, Workshop “Agent
Technologies and Logistics”, Lyon, France, pp. 16-24, 2002.
16. Dang T.-Tung and Frankovič, B.: Cooperating Agents for Planning and Scheduling. In
Proceeding of The IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing, Modeling, Management and
Control – MIM 2001, Prague, Czech Republic, By Kovacs, G. (Eds.), Mim2001 ISBN
0080439624, Elsevier Science Ltd., pp. 06-11, 2001.
17. Frankovič B. and Dang T.-Tung: Scheduling of Production Using the Multi-Agent
Approach by Hierarchical Structure. In proceedings of The 14th International Conference
on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems
(IEA/AIE-2001), Budapest, Engineering of Intelligent Systems, LNAI 2070, SpringerVerlag, ISBN 3-540-42219-6, pp. 622-632, 2001.
18. Frankovič B. and Dang T.-Tung: Agent Based Scheduling In Production Systems. In
Proceeding of The 16th International Conference on Production Research ICPR-16.
Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.
International conferences and domestic journals
19. Dang T. - Tung, Filka M., Frankovič B. and Labatova S.: Hierarchická metóda
rozvrhovania prevádzkových úloh. In Proceeding of The“ Informatics and Algorithms
2000”, Prešov, Slovak Republic, pp. 70-74, Sep. 2000.
20. Frankovič B., Dang T.-Tung and Filka M.: Multi-agentové Hierarchické Decentralizované
systémy. AT&P Journal Vol. 11, pp. 42-45, 11/2000.
21. Frankovič B. and Dang T.-Tung: Solution of scheduling problem in large production
system, In Proceeding of the ICCC 2001, Krynica, Poland, ISBN 83-91340-07-04, pp.
525-531, 2001.
22. Frankovič B., Budinská I., and Dang T.-Tung: Agent based approach for manufacturing
scheduling. In Proceeding of the IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Engineering
Systems (INES-2001), ISBN 952-15-0689, Helsinki, pp. 163-168, 2001.
23. Frankovič B., Budinská I. and Dang T-Tung: Multi agent systems in production planning
and scheduling. In AT&P Journal Plus 2, pp. 3-8, 2001.
24. Dang T.-Tung: Dissertation work, submitted for the minimum examination. 2001.
25. Frankovič B., Budinská I., and Dang T.-Tung: A Multi-Agent Coordination in A Process
of Production System Control. In Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on
Intelligent Engineering Systems (IEEE - INES 2002), ISBN 953-6071-17-7, Opatija,
Croatia, pp. 403-409, 2002.
26. Frankovič B., Budinská I., and Dang T.-Tung: Production Optimization via Dynamic
Programming. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Robotics in AlpeAdria-Danube Region (RAAD 2002) - CD. Hungary, 2002.
27. Frankovič B., Budinská I., and Dang T.-Tung: Creation of Ontology for Planning and
Scheduling. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Computational
Intelligence, ISBN 963 7154 12 4, Budapesť, pp. 73 –84, 2002.
28. Budinská I., Frankovič B. and Dang T.-Tung: Optimal Agent Coalition Structures in
Production Systems. In Proceedings of The International Carpathian Control Conference
(ICCC 2002), ISBN 80-248-0089-6, Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp. 549-554, 2002.
29. Frankovič B., Budinská I. and Dang T.-Tung: Analyticko hierarchický proces pre určenie
optimálnej koalície agentov. In: Zborník z medzinárodnej konferencie Kybernetika
a informatika, ISBN 80-227-1749-5, Trebišov 4.-6. septembra 2002, Slovakia (CD), in
30. Dang T.-Tung and Nguyen T.-Giang: Agent Platform Evaluation and Comparison.
Technical Report, Pellucid Project 5FP IST-2001-34519. http:// pellucid.ui.savba.sk.
31. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovic B., Budinska I.: "Knowledge Management and its Application
for Assisting Public Employees" In the Proceedings of the IEEE Intenational Conference
on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC-03), Siofok, Hungary, August 29-31, 2003. Editor
I. J. Rudas, p. 27-32, ISBN 963 7154 17 5.
32. Dang T.-Tung, Frankovic B., Budinska I.: "Case-Based Reasoning Applied for CASDecision System". In the Proceedings of the second IFAC Conference Control Systems
Design (CSD'03), September 2003, Slovakia.
33. Lavlavík M., Balogh Z., Hluchý L., Nguzen G.T., Budinska I., Dang T. – Tung: Pellucid
Agent Architecture for Administration Based Processes. In: Proc. of International
Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce, Vienna,
February 12-14, 2003, pp. 577-584, ISBN 1740880692.
34. Budinská I., Dang T.-Tung: A Case Based Reasoning in Multi-Agent Support System,
Proceedings the 6th International Scientific - Technical Conference PROCESS CONTROL
2004, 7 strán na CD ROM, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, June 8-11, 2004.
35. Frankovič B., Budinská I., Dang T.-Tung: Multi Agent System Rules in Logistics
Planning, in Proc. of SAMI 2004, January 2004, Herľany, Slovakia, ISBN 963 7154 23
X, pp. 31-37
36. Frankovič B., Budinská I., Dang. T.-Tung.: Agent based coordinated job/shop scheduling
in production processes, In Proc. Of 5th International Szmposium of Hungarian
Researchers on Computational Intelligence, Nov.11-12, 2004, Budapest, pp19-28
37. Frankovič B., Budinská I., Dang T.-Tung: Cooperative Agents for Experience and
Knowledge Management, In. Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging
Telecommunications Technologies and Applications ICETA 2004, September 16-18,
2004, Kosice, Slovakia, pp.205-211, Eds.: Frantisek Jakab et al, Editorial: Elfa, s.r.o.,
ISBN 80-89066-85-2