Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of a Low Phase Noise

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of a Low Phase Noise
Frequency Synthesizer for High Sensitivity FM Receiver
Marianne M. Kamal
Renewable Energy Department Arab Organization for Industrialization
Abstract — This paper shows the design methodology of a
low phase noise frequency synthesizer used for high sensitivity
FM receivers. Stability and noise analysis for the frequency
synthesizer are discussed in details with the effect of the
critical parameters in each case. System modeling and
simulation using Matlab was performed after determining the
parameters of each block of the complete frequency
synthesizer and simulation results are shown at the end of this
Fig. 1. Block diagram of direct digital frequency synthesizer
Keywords-component — Frequency synthesizer; System
analysis; Noise analysis; matlab modeling.
Indirect synthesizers operate by “locking” the output of a
frequency source usually a VCO to that of another
“cleaner” source known as the reference frequency. A
phase-locked-loop-based frequency synthesizer with
narrow loop bandwidth is the most commonly used
technique due to its high performance, namely, low phase
noise and low spurious tones. In addition, the narrow loop
bandwidth makes it unsuitable in an agile system where
fast frequency switching is needed. Fig. 2 shows the block
diagram of the PLL based frequency synthesizer.
A frequency synthesizer is a system that generates
different output frequencies from a given input reference
frequency. The majority of frequency synthesizers utilize a
classic PLL with a loop divider in the feedback path. This
system produces an output frequency equal to the input
reference frequency times the division factor, N. The
division factor or modulus can be changed to synthesize
different frequencies. The technique used to vary the
modulus differs with the type of frequency synthesizer
architecture that is used [1].
The output from frequency synthesizer can either be
directly or indirectly related to the input. The direct
synthesizer produces an output that is directly proportional
to the input and is best known for its fast switching and
very fine frequency resolution. It can also easily be
integrated because no off chip components are required.
But due to technology limitations, it takes large power
consumption to synthesize very high frequencies directly.
Usually a second frequency translation is needed to shift
the center frequency to the GHz range.
Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the direct digital
frequency synthesizer.
Fig. 2. PLL based frequency synthesizer
Another known architecture is the frequency
synthesizers with prescalers. The prescaler is a frequency
divider that is capable of operating at high VCO output
frequencies. The prescaler divides the VCO output
frequency by a factor of V. This value V is not tunable.
Generally following the prescaler is another divider stage
that is programmable.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
A block diagram of a PLL frequency synthesizer with a
prescaler is shown in Fig. 3.
Frequency synthesizer is an integral block in high
performance wireless transceivers.
The role of frequency synthesizers in receivers is to
generate an accurate signal used for frequency translation
and channel selection.
The choice of receiver architecture has a great influence
on high easy it would be to implement a monolithic
frequency synthesizer. As shown in fig. 5 an ideal frequency
synthesizer generates a single frequency tone. In RF
receiver case, it mixes with the received RF signal spectrum
and shifts it down to base-band.
Fig. 3. Block diagram of frequency synthesizer with prescaler
This system produces an output frequency related to the
input reference frequency, as in
ƒout = V * N * fref
In some cases another divider is added at the input
stage, before the phase detector block. The function of
this block is to divide the frequency of the crystal
oscillator by some divisor; R. the output from this
block is the comparison or reference frequency, which
is compared with the output from the programmable
divider in the phase detector block. This topology is
used in this paper and is shown in fig. 4.
Fig. 5. Role of frequency synthesizers in receivers
The down- conversion of the modulated RF signal,
needs a stable VCO to generate the LO signal, for channel
selection. Frequency synthesizer is a sort of programmable
VCO that generates various LO signals, from a common
reference oscillator (usually a crystal oscillator) as shown
in fig.6.
Fig. 4. Frequency synthesizer with divider at the input stage
This paper is organized as follows; the second section
discusses frequency synthesizers and their role in receivers.
Section 3 states the key parameters in the synthesizer
performance. Section 4 recapitulates the architecture and
system specifications. In section 5 design methodology and
system analysis, incorporating both stability and noise
analysis, are presented. Matlab model and simulation results
are presented in section 6. Finally, the conclusion is
discussed in section 9.
Fig. 6. Block diagram of FM receiver front-end
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
(2) The static phase error is zero between the input reference
signal and the feedback signal even if the reference signal is
not equal to the center frequency of the VCO. (3) The
architecture also exhibits high immunity to power supply
The ideal output spectrum of a frequency synthesizer
should be a single tone at the desired frequency in order to
provide the reference frequency for frequency translation.
All known VCO's have built-in phase noise spectrum, which
makes the LO energy to spread over the nearby channels
and this limits the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the
On the other hand, frequency synthesizer is an
analog/mixed signal (AMS) device, in which the analog
(VCO) circuit performance is greatly affected by the noise
produced by the digital (divider and PFD) circuits. Hence,
the key parameters in designing frequency synthesizers is
to generate low phase noise and low-spur signals, while
achieving fast settling time when it is hopping from a
certain frequency to another. The settling time is largely
determined by the loop bandwidth.
B. System specifications
The frequency synthesizer has to generate signals with
frequencies from 81.7 MHz to 91.7 MHz with steps of 25
1) Reference Division Ratio
A crystal of 1MHz was used with the frequency
synthesizer. Since the reference frequency is 25 kHz a
"reference divider" was placed after the crystal oscillator.
The divider ratio equals 1 MHz / 25 kHz = 40.
2) Loop Bandwidth
The design of the loop bandwidth involves
compromising between stability and noise performance.
The loop bandwidth should be less than 1/10 of the
reference frequency; therefore it should be less than 2.5
A. Architecture
Fig. 7 depicts the general block diagram of the
architecture used in this paper, phase locked loop based
frequency synthesizer with charge pump. This architecture
is a digital PLL that uses a charge pump as the output of the
The PFD compares the input reference signal and the
feedback signal to produce two control signals up and
down. These control signals control how much error
current flows into the loop filter. The current of charge
pump charges and discharges the loop filter to produce the
VCO control voltage. The VCO signal is then divided in
frequency via feedback divider and fed back to the
phase/frequency detector.
3) Switching Time
In the switching time, the following rule is used:
Switching time = 50 / fref
Where fref is the reference frequency. Hence switching
time is equal to 2ms.
4) Feedback Division Ratio
The feedback divider consists of two-stage dual modulus
divider (DMD). The divide ratios of the utilized feedback
dividers are Nmin= 3268 and Nmax= 3668.
5) Phase Noise
It is well known that the frequency spectrum of an
oscillator with jitter consists of impulses with side
skirts of energy as shown in fig.8. These skirts are
known as phase noise.
Fig.7. Frequency synthesizer architecture
This architecture has the following advantages: (1) The
phase frequency detector allows the synthesizer to have a
pull in range that is only limited by the VCO tuning range.
Fig. 8. Frequency spectrum of a signal with phase noise
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
The phase noise corrupts both the unconverted and
down-converted signals. When the desired signal and a
nearby interferer are mixed with non-ideal LO signal, the
tail of the interferer spectrum corrupts the down-converted
signal in the band of interest and thus reduces the signal to
noise ratio (SNR). The degradation in the SNR of the
system and reciprocal mixing effect are discussed in details
in the system analysis section.
The synthesizer can be designed in such a way to
minimize the phase noise of the output signal. Generally,
the dominant sources of phase noise are from a noisy
reference signal or from a noisy oscillator. Also other PLL
non-idealities, such as phase-detector dead zone and power
supply fluctuations can contribute to phase noise. The way
the frequency synthesizer is designed depends on what is
the dominant source of noise in the loop. The phase noise
was chosen to be -70 dBc /Hz at least. This value was
chosen according to the calculations performed in the
system analysis as will be discussed later.
Therefore the division ratios (Nmin, Nmax) are
determined from the following formula: Nmin = fmin/Δƒ,
Nmax= fmax/Δƒ, where fmin and fmax are the minimum
and maximum values of the VCO output frequency,
respectively. So, we have: Nmin= 81.7 MHz/ 25KHz =
3268 and Nmax= 91.7 MHz/25KHz = 3668. The geometric
mean Nmean= ( N min  N max ) = 3462 was used in
defining other synthesizer parameters.
3) Determine the Damping Factor
The "damping factor (ζ)," has an effect on the speed and
stability of the system. As a compromise between speed
and stability, ζ is optimally set to the value of 0.707.
4) Determine Natural Frequency
The "natural frequency (ωn)," has a significant effect on
the loop bandwidth. For a CPPLL with a passive loop filter,
the "loop bandwidth (ω3dB)", is related to the natural
frequency by the following equation:
3db  n (2 2  1  ((2 2  1) 2  1))
6) Spurious Frequencies
Typical systems require that all sidebands be about 60 to
70 dB below the carrier.
So, when η = 0.707 is assumed we'll have: ω 3dB = 2.06
ωn. It is desirable to make the loop bandwidth less than
1/10 of the input reference frequency (25 kHz) in order to
avoid the continuous time approximations of the charge
pump synthesizer breaking down. However, it is desirable
to make the loop bandwidth as wide as possible in order to
suppress the VCO phase noise that is the dominant source
of phase noise.
In order to compromise between stability and noise
performance, the loop bandwidth is set to: ω3dB = (ωref
/10)* 0.75 = 11.781 krad/s. This results in a natural
frequency equal to: ωn = ω3dB /2.06 = 5.7 krad/s.
In the following section the adopted design methodology
that significantly enhances the performance of the
frequency synthesizer is described in steps. Also system
analysis which incorporates stability analysis and noise
analysis for the system is described in this section.
A) Design Methodology
The design methodology can be summarized in the
following steps [5]:
5) Determine VCO Gain.
The charge pump will no longer behave ideally if the
VCO control voltage rises too high or falls too low.
Therefore, the VCO control voltage is limited to VDsat from
the supply rails. With a power supply of 3.3V, a VCO
control range of 2.2V can be assumed with a sufficient
margin for process variations. This results in the following
VCO gain: Kvco= 2π (81.7 - 91.7MHz) / 2.2= 28.6
1) Determine VCO Tuning Range.
The maximum and minimum output frequencies of the
VCO determine the tuning range of the frequency
synthesizer. As previously mentioned the maximum and
minimum frequencies are 81.7 MHz and 91.7 MHz
respectively so the tuning range is determined as 10MHz.
2) Determine the loop division ratio
The loop division ratio range is the range that the
programmable divider in the feedback path is operating.
This is largely determined by the synthesizer frequency
resolution Δƒ. Here, we choose Δƒ equal to the channel
spacing 25kHz.
6) Determine Charge Pump Current and Loop Filter
Fig.9 depicts a part of the utilized loop filter. The loop
filter capacitor, C1, and the charge pump current, I, are
related to the natural frequency, the loop division factor,
and the VCO gain by the relation:
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
C1=(I. Kvco) / (2π.Nmean.ωn2)
In this work since the loop bandwidth was designed to
be less than or equal 1/10 the comparison frequency as
previously discussed, the first point of stability is achieved.
The second point can be determined by examining the
transfer function of the frequency synthesizer in an open
state. From the general block diagram of the frequency
synthesizer the transfer function, as in
In fig. 10. it can be shown the transfer function of the
frequency synthesizer is:
Fig. 9. The Loop Filter
It is desirable to have a high charge pump current
because it results in a higher loop gain and thus a more
stable system. However, having a large charge pump
current will result in a large capacitor. We choose I = 25
µA and C1 = 1.14 nF.
7) Determine Loop Filter Components.
The loop filter resistor is used to set the "damping factor
(ζ)," according to the following equation: R= 2ζ/ωn. C1.
With ζ= 0.707, ωn= 5.7 krad/s, C1= 1.1nF, R= 225K. The
second loop filter capacitor, C2, used to suppress ripple in
the control voltage is fixed to be less than a tenth of the
main loop filter capacitor C1 so that the loop can still be
considered a second order system. As C2 < C1/10= 0.11nF,
so a value of 100 pF was chosen for C2.
Fig. 10. Frequency Synthesizer general block diagram
Where, T(s) is the closed loop transfer function, G(s) is
the open loop transfer function and equals KpF(s)Ko/s, Kp
is the transfer function of the PFD in volts/Hz, Ko/s is the
transfer function of the VCO in Hz/volt and F(s) is the
transfer function of the loop filter.
The synthesizer is unstable when 1 + G(s) = 0, Hence, the
system is unstable at the frequency where the magnitude of
the open loop transfer function is unity and the phase angle
is –180 degrees. This condition must be avoided by the
proper selection of the loop filter parameters. If only a
capacitor is used as the loop filter, the following transfer
function is obtained:
B) System Analysis
The system analysis helps us to determine the
impairment of the synthesizer on the whole receiver
performance and determining the specifications of each
block of the frequency synthesizer. Stability analysis and
noise analysis are described in the following section.
1) Stability Analysis
There are certain conditions that must be satisfied for the
frequency synthesizer to be a stable system. Care must be
taken in choosing the type of loop filter that is used in the
synthesizer and also in designing the bandwidth of the
loop. Steady-state stability is an important criterion in the
design. There are two ways to make the loop filter unstable:
The first is to design a loop filter with a loop bandwidth
that is more than 1/3rd of the comparison frequency. The
second is to design a loop filter such that the poles of the
closed loop system fall in the right hand plane.
It can be observed that this is an unstable system because
there are two poles on the imaginary axis. This means the
damping factor is zero. Any excitation input to the system
will result in a steady “phase oscillation” with a frequency
equal to the natural frequency of the system.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
In order for the loop to be stable a zero must be added to
the loop filter in order to move the loop’s poles from the
imaginary axis into the left plane. This is typically done by
adding a series resistor to the loop filter so the transfer
function becomes as in
The following table, TABLE I., lists the main
specifications and components’ values for the loop filter to
maintain a stable system.
Table 1
Loop bandwidth
Cut off frequency
Damping factor (ζ)
Here there is an s term in the denominator. This means
that there is a non-zero damping factor. Now, any excitation
to the system will result in a dampened oscillation with a
natural frequency equal to the following:
Natural frequency (ωn)
The damping factor of the system is equal to:
A formal stability limit is given in the following
inequality, as in
Components’ Values
2) Noise Analysis
The well-known noise sources are specifically crystal
reference (TCXO) noise; phase detector noise; and VCO
phase noise. A plot of the commonly analyzed noise sources
described above at the synthesizer output is shown in fig.12.
The most effective noise source is the phase noise, so in the
next part the phase noise and its effect, also the limitations
on SNR of the receiver are discussed.
The switching interaction between the charge pump and
the loop filter causes a great deal of ripple on the VCO
control voltage with the series RC loop filter. This ripple
may be suppressed by adding a small capacitor, C2, in
parallel with the loop filter. If C2 is made smaller then 0.1
C1 it may be neglected in the loop analysis because it is at a
frequency greater then a decade from the zero of the filter.
An extra pole is added to assist the attenuation of the
sidebands at multiples of the comparison frequency that
may appear, fig. 11.
Fig. 12. Noise sources in frequency synthesizer
Phase noise and its effect on receiver Performance
In a receiver, the spurious tones and phase noise of the
frequency synthesizer can mix with the undesired signal and
produce noise in the desired channel as shown in fig.13.
This reduces the sensitivity and selectivity of a receiver [4].
Fig. 11. Loop filter circuit
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
Where, Nop (Δf) is the phase noise at offset Δf, Posc is
the oscillator power, I is the Interfere signal power, S is the
desired signal power, C/N is the carrier to noise ratio and
BIF is the IF bandwidth.
Suppose that S/I = 1mA (0dBm) therefore I/S = 1000,
C/N = 15.8 (12dB) and BIF = 10 KHz therefore,
Nop (Δf) /Posc ≤ -82 dB. For Nop (Δf) / Posc = -70 dBc/Hz,
I/S = 63.3.
iii) Limit of Maximun Signal to Noise Ratio
The phase noise of a local oscillator will limit the
maximum SNR that can be achieved by the receiver [4].
The following analysis shows the degradation that happens
to the SNR of the system from the local oscillator phase
noise. For a signal that has a 5-kHz RMS frequency
deviation, the square of this signal is the modulating power
contained in that signal, as in
Fig. 13. Effect of phase noise tones in a receiver
Phase noise is generally specified in dBc/Hz at a given
offset frequency for a particular carrier. Therefore, the
measure of phase noise is the difference between the
absolute power level, Pfc, of the VCO at frequency fc and
the single sideband noise power, Poffset, at an offset
frequency, foffset, in a specified bandwidth (usually 1Hz).
This gives the equation for phase noise at any given offset,
as in
Ps (5 kHz) = 25 MHz2
The power in the FM demodulator output is the square of
the incidental frequency modulation, as in
PN = β2f
Where βf is the Incidental frequency modulation, and can
be found, as in
With the units of the phase noise in dBc/1Hz (usually
written as dBc/Hz) and P(fc) and P(foffset) in dBm and
dBm/Hz respectively. fig. 14. Shows SSB measure of phase
This is a measure of the RMS frequency instability over
a band of offset frequencies and £(f) is the phase noise, f2
is the frequency offset, fa and fb are the modulation
bandwidth. The signal to noise ratio is the ratio between Ps
and Pn is, as in
SNR = Ps / Pn
If we take for example SNR of 12dB and signal
bandwidth of 5 kHz, from (17) Pn= 6.2dB and from (15)
ßf = 3.07dB. Phase noise £(f) can be calculated from (16)
to be –56.3 dBc\Hz. This means that the local oscillator
must not increase the value –56 dBc/Hz or else degradation
in the total SNR will occur.
If £(f) changed to be –50 dBc/Hz, from the above
equations SNR can be calculated equals to 5.78 dB. So
SNR degrades from 12 dB to 5.78 dB due to a change in
phase noise from –56.3 dBc/Hz to –50 dBc/Hz.
Fig. 14. Measuring SSB Phase noise
ii) Phase Noise Limitations on Receiver Selectivity
and Dynamic Range
Suppose that the ratio of the interferer signal power I to
the desired signal power S is I/S. Let the interferer be
displaced from the desired signal by a distance Δf, and let
the receiver's IF bandwidth be BIF. The required phase
noise performance to keep Sout = Nout ≥ (C/N) min, as in
Nop (Δf) / Posc ≤ 1 / ((I/S) (C / N) min BIF) (13)
iv) Channel Blockers &Reciprocal Mixing
In wireless applications, out-of-band signals or blockers
(Vb) can be much larger than in-band ones (Vd).
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
In order to get rid of such nuisance, the SNR has to be
increased by a headroom factor HR = (1+ (Vb/Vd) 2). In
addition, when the desired signal and the interfere are
mixed with non-ideal LO, the tail of interfering spectra
corrupts the converted signal and thus reduces the SNR.
This effect is called the reciprocal mixing [4]. The
reciprocal mixing effect is shown in fig. 15.
The receiver noise floor in a one-Hertz bandwidth is the
sum of the receiver's noise figure, F, in dB and -174
Pn=F-174 (dBm/Hz)
The noise generated in the receiver from a nearby carrier
is the sum of the carrier power; Pc, in dBm and the SSB
phase noise of the local oscillator at an offset frequency
equal to the difference between the carrier frequency and
the frequency to which the receiver is tuned.
Po = Pc + £(f) (dBm/Hz)
Fig. 16. Time and Frequency Representations of Spurious Tones
The most common type of spur is the reference spur.
Depending on the cause of the reference spurs (either
leakage or mismatch), the spurs may behave differently
when the comparison frequency or loop filter is changed.
Fig.17. shows the idea of the reference spur.
Fig. 15. Reciprocal Mixing
Fig. 17. Typical reference Spur plot
The apparent noise floor of the receiver is the sum of
these two powers. For Pc = -107 dBm, we have Pn = F 174 = 12 - 174 = -162 dB and Po = -107 - 56.3 = -163.3
dBm/Hz. So, the apparent noise floor = -159 dB and phase
noise at this offset is equal to – 70 dBc/Hz.
Reference spurs are intended to refer to spurs that appear
at spacing equal to the comparison frequency from the
At lower comparison frequencies leakage effects
dominates pulse effects, the later refers to inconsistencies
in the pulse width of the charge pump.
v) Spurious Tones
The other critical performance parameter in a frequency
synthesizer is the spurious tone level. Spurious tones can be
defined as systematic timing fluctuations in an oscillator
waveform. Spurious tones are measured in dBc at a specific
frequency location in the spectrum. It is simply the power
difference between the carrier and spurious tone signals in
dB as shown in fig. 16. The effect of spurious tones in a
radio transmitter and receiver is very similar to that of
phase noise.
Frequency synthesizer is a non-linear system. However,
it can be described with a linear model if the loop is in
lock, fig.18. The loop is in lock when the phase error signal
produced by the phase detector settles on a constant value.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
The closed loop transfer function response is shown in
fig. 21.
Fig. 18. Frequency Synthesizer linear model
Fig. 19. Shows the model developed in Matlab for the
frequency synthesizer.
Fig. 21. Closed loop response
Step response of the frequency synthesizer was
simulated in Matlab and the output is shown in fig. 22.
Fig. 19. Matlab model for the frequency synthesizer
The open loop transfer function response is shown in
fig. 20.
Fig. 22. Step response
Fig. 23 illustrates the root locus of the system and
showing that we reached a stable system, and fig. 24 shows
the impulse response simulation results.
Fig. 20. Open loop response
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
The noise contribution from both the loop filter and the
phase frequency detector was also simulated and the results
showed minimal noise added to the system from these two
blocks. The noise from the loop filter was found to be -140
dBc/Hz, while that of the phase frequency detector is
approximately -138 dBc/Hz. Fig. 26. shows the simulation
results for the above mentioned blocks.
Fig. 23. Root locus
Fig. 26. Noise contribution from loop filter and phase frequency
In this work design and system analysis of narrow band
frequency synthesizer parameters using mathematical
model and simulation using Matlab was discussed. The
designer of the frequency synthesizer faces trade-offs
related to the resolution, convergence speed, power and
phase noise of the synthesizer. The basic factor that limits
the performance of the narrow-band synthesizer is the low
sampling rate of the phase difference. This sampling rate is
dependent upon the frequency step of the synthesizer which
is equal to the narrow loop bandwidth.
Charge pump frequency synthesizer with prescaler
architecture was chosen in the paper as this topology is
capable of operating at high VCO frequency with fast
settling time. The results showed that the system has
minimum spurs and low phase noise together with good
settling time and stable loop.
Fig. 24. Impulse response for the system
Fig. 25. shows the phase noise of the frequency
synthesizer as simulated in Matlab. The phase noise
obtained from the simulation = -83 dBc/Hz.
Fig. 25. Phase noise simulation results
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B. Razavi, "Analysis, Modeling and Simulation of Phase Noise in
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L. Lin, Design Technology for High Performance Integrated
Frequency Synthesizers for Multi-standard Wireless Applications,
PhD thesis, UCB, 2000.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
C. John Grebenkemper, Local oscillator Phase noise and its effect
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