Restricted Terminal Report UNDP/ROM/76/026(Phase I) ROMANIA (THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF) Building Construction in Earthquake Areas Project Findings and Recommendations Serial N 0. F M R/SC/OPS/84/238(U N D P) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Development Programme Paris, 1984 Building Construction in Earthquake Areas -Er0ject Findings and Recommendatlons Report prepared for the Government of the Socialist Republic of Romania by the United Xations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) acting as Executing Agency for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) e United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural , Organization United Rations Development Progrimme 30 June 1984 @; Wneeco 1984 Printed in fiance I TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph I. INTRODUCTION I11 Background 1 Official Arrangements 2 OEJEGTIVES 11. . A. 3 Long-term Development Objectives 4 ACTIVITIES AND OUTPUTS 5 (a) Consultancy Services 5 Equipment 14 29 Summary 32 Government Contribution 33 General Domestic Activities 34 ACHIEVEIENT OF IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVES Utilization of Project Results v. (5 UNDP/Unesco Activities under the Project (c) IV. (3 Immediate Objectives (b) Individual Fellowships B. (1 CONCUTSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (41 42 (46 ' 5 - - - 2)'.' 4) 40): 32 13 28 31 40 40 45) 45 47) (ii) TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Appendices APPEXDIX A Pages Unesco Consultants , 11 I . APPENDIX B Counterpart Staff 12 APPENDIX C Unesco Fellowships 15 APPENDIX D Ecpipment 16 APPENDIX E List of Mission Reports 18 APPEESDIX F Project Budget Covering - 14 - 17 UNDP Contribution 1. ROM/76/026 - ,. Building Construction in Ehrthquake Areas TERMINAL REPORT I. Background Romania is a country affected by high seismicity. Two destructive 1. earthquakes have affected extensive regions of the country during this century, (1940 and 1977) and it is expected that the seismogenetic processes known to be under way will continue to generate frequent earthquakes over the next decades. Official Arrangements The project document was signed on 5 April 1979 by the Government and 2. 10 April by UNDP and Unesco. It foresaw two years of project activity, with a total UNDP input of US $l5O,OOO, of which US $8,600 was for consultant services, US $27,600 for training and US $113,000 for equipment. Government contribution was foreseen as 85,000,000 lei (equivalent of US $7 million). The project was subsequently extended until 31 December 1983 and the UNDP contribution increased to US $151,055 (Revision H). 11. OBJETIVES Immediate Ob ;i ect ives 3. The immediate objectives of the Project were: - t o assist in the development of earthquake building research and technologies by conducting experimental and numerical analysis of new solutions for structural systems; to improve standards and codes related to aseismic design by means of: (a) furnishing the Central Institute for Building Research, Design and Guidance with modern specialized equipment (Automatic Data Acquisition System); (b) training national earthquake engineering specialists. Long-term Development Objectives The long-term objectives of this project were to assist the Government in the National Plan for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation by developing earthquake building research and new earthquake construction technologies, as well as efficient solutions for aseismic structural systems. These would provide effective protection for man, institutions and properties from social dislocation and economic and ecological disruption associated with potential or realised earthquake hazard., 4. -2- 111. ACTIVITIES AND OmPUTS A. UNDP/Unesco Activities under the Project (a) Consultancy Services 5. There were two consultants who were highly qualified experts: Professor M.A. Sozen (University of Illionois, USA) and Professor J. Penzien The former was in Romania from 20 May to 31 May (University of California, USA). 1980 and the latter from 17 September to 30 September 1980. 1 I 6. In Professor Sozen's report on his two-week mission to the Project he mentions his first trip to Romania in March 1977 and the very favourable impression he gained of the level of technical competence in the Romanian engineering community. He observed that his 1980 consultancy had convinced him that, in the field of structural dynamics and design of earthquake resistant structures, the level of understanding of current technology in Romania compares very well with that in Japan and the USA. In particular, he states that Romanian experience of "typified" buildings "is without parallel in Japan and the American continent". 7. i, The particular shortcoming of the professional community in Romania, in Mr. Sosen's opinion, is their lack of direct contact with professionals in other countries, along with their lack of access to data processing and calculation equipment ~ I In regard to the proposed seismic testing facility, some recommendations 8, are made for training activities which would involve a serious work programme aimed at building a capability for running the facility and other centres with similar systems. Such training would also instil an intimate knowledge of the weaknesses and strengths of other laboratories, thereby enabling exchanges of information to be oriented more effectively. 9. Concerning the planned system in INCERC, incorporating several types of shaking tables and servo-controlled cyclic loading jacks, it is mentioned that the efficient use of such a facility will require that a reasonably powerfil computer centre be under the control of the system manager. 10. Professor Penzien visited in Bucharest the UNDP office, ICCPDC INCERC, the Design Institute "Carpati" and ICB (Institute of Civil Ehgineering). He also visited the Iasi Branch of the Central Institute for Building Research, Design and Guidance (ICCPDC). The discussions carried out during his stay in Romania with specialists from various institutes covered a wide range of topics. These were : - technical aspects of the design of earthquake engineering facilities in research, currently under way in Romania; development of various research methodologies and the achievement of a proper balance between them; , -3- - evaluation and effects on design of seismic hazard and seismic risk; - general problems of structural safety and reliability; - design of high performance special-purpose structures; problems of risk management in existing buildings; selection and development of staff; improved dissemination of scientific information; training of specialists. Lectures were given on the development of research facilities at the University of California (Berkeley) as well as on some analytical research related to soilstructure interaction. 11. Regarding Romanian plans for greatly expanding experimental research in the fiture, Professor Penzien mentioned that plans should also be made for expanding analytical research, particularly in correlation analyses and in computer-aided dynamic response analyses. This latter expansion will, as a matter of course, require better computer facilities. Both consultants answered a questionnaire on the problems of structural 12 safety, which was used as the basis for a panel discussion published in the Romanian journal "Constructii*v,December 1980. Their participation in this panel. greatly contributed to the success of the publication, which aroused considerable interest'in Romanian engineering circles. 0 The discussions with both consultants were particularly useful for the 13 development of the new Romanian earthquake-resistant design code, endorsed in 1981, for the advancement of the design of earthquake engineering research facilities, and for the design of some particular structures. Their mission to Romania was a resounding success. (b) Individual Fellowships Fellowships were granted to Mr. Nicolae Raduinea of INCEXC (Building 14 Research Institute, Bucharest), Radu-Dan Urma of IPCT (Design Institute for Standardized Buildings) and Mr. Dumitru Vasilescu of ICCPDC Iasi. - 15. Mr. Raduinea, research engineer at INCERC, spent the time from 27 January to 26 April, 1980, in the United States at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, to carry out a three months' specialization in the particular field of "Foundation Engineering in difficult ground conditions and seismic regions". He also visited some companies and state agencies active in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. As a result of the studies undertaken and the general experience gained in this time, some modern research projects were developed at the end of the fellowship, such as: .../ -4- total stress analysis concerning natural and consolidated loess soils; up-to-date analysis procesures, where the SHANSEP, Professor CA Ladd's approach, was the mowt usefil; improvement of existing devices to run some modern tests (triaxial with geostatic and extension cpndition, cyclic loads, etc.); experimental investigation on liquefaction potential of sands and loess soils ' ,..As a consequence of his fellowship, Mr. Raduinea was given the responsibility of Staff Chief in the field of soil dynamics at INCERC Foundation Division. , f Mr. Urma, a design engineer at IPCT, stayed in the United States from 16 27 January to 26 April, 1980; (host: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts) where he took some courses on analysis and planning of structural systems, structural dynamics and structural loads. He also visited several companies active in the field of construction of building structures. At the end of the fellowship, many other specialists in Romania were able 17 to profit from the experience provided to Mr. Urma by the technical conferences. In particular new knowledge and data obtained during the training period were used in design activity concerning one storey and multi-storied industrial buildings in seismic areas. Mr. Vasilescu, a research engineer at ICCPDC (Iasi), was awarded a three18. month Unesco, fellowship from 19 February to 18 May, 1980, which was administered by the Institute of International Education in New York. The primary objective of the training programme consisted of advanced 19 studies in Earthquake Engineering at the Department of Civil Ehgineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States. The basic practical activities undertaken by him were aimed at providing 20. opportunities for study, research, lecturing, attendance at professional conferences and observations. The study programme covered the following areas: (i) (ii) Investigation into the effect of earthquake motions on reinforced concrete structures. This topic was still under scrutiny at the Structural Research kboratory of the Department of Civil figkneering at the University of Illinois during the lifetime of the programme mentioned above; studies concerning design procedures for reinforced concrete structural walls used as lateral bracing earthquake resistant multistorey systems; (iii) studies on possibilities for simplifying the inelastic analysis of reinforced concrete frames and frame-wall systems subjected to severe seismic actions. Development and improvement of computer programmes for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structural systems. I -5- After contacting Professor Mete A. Sosen of the University of Illinois 21. (the supervisor of the training programme), a preliminary schedule for the study programme was drawn up. This schedule has been subse&ently detailed to include further topics relevant to the field of Earthquake &gineering and to provide opportunities for the fellow to attend some concurrent seminars and professional meetings. 22. The professional activities undertaken included: - - - visits to the Structural Research Laboratory of the University of Illinois, including documentation on recent advances in Earthquake Ehgineering. These activities provided the fellow with an up-to-date information on the researches being carried out in the United States, in particular at the University of Illinois, related to Building Construction in Seismic Zones; attendance at the Annual Convention of the American Concrete Institute. Relevant to the Earthquake Ehgineering field, the following meetings are mentioned: 307 Subcommittee on Earthquakes, 310 Subcommittee on Seismic Provisions, 428 Subcommittee on Inelastic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structures; studies regarding experimental methods for determing the seismic response of reinforced concrete structures used at the University of Illinois. Some discussions and exchanges of opinion were made on the Earthquake Simulator of the Civil Ehgineering Department and on some questions of earthquake simulation in the laboratory; visit to the Portland Cement Association (PCA) at Skopje; attendance at the Sixth National Meeting of the Universities Council for Earthquake Engineering; further studies on frame-wall structures subjected to strong eqrthquake motions; visit to the Earthquake Ehgineering Research Centre (EERC) of the University of California. These activities provided the opportunity for the fellow to acquire a 23 higher scientific and engineering understanding of the effects of earthquake motions on reinforced concrete structures. It also familiarised him with recent advances that have been made in the United States in the design of earthquakeresistant buildings. The studies carried out and the discussions covering a large number of 24 particular problems of Earthquake Ehgineering (possibilities and limitations of scale model testing, correlation of experimental results with analysis, seismic provisions, etc.) offered many opportunities for exchanging views and contributed to a better orientation of the fellow in the subject, and in the general area of scientific communication. -6- 25. Most of the ideas he acquired were applied in the research activities the fellow carried out in his own institute after terminating the training programme. These activities included about ten research reports on various subjects in Earthquake Ehgineering, the participation of the fellow in certain regional cooperation programmes on Brthquake Risk Reduction and several papers published in technical journals. A fellowship was also granted to Mi. Radu-Serban Comsa, who was at the 26c University of California in Berkeley: from 1 to 28 February 1983. While there, h had discussions with Professors John Lismer and See of the Department of Civil Ehgineering on earthquake effects on soil foundation systems, He then went to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor where he had consultations with Professors F. Richart, R. Woods and E. Wylie, of the Department of Civil Engineering. He remained there until 15 March 1983, Finally, he visited the Department of Civil Ehgineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge where he had discussions with Professors Baligh and Sunder, I > The fifth fellowship under this project was granted to Adrian Cristescu, 27 He went to the Polytechnic College in Milan, Italy, from 9 November 1983 to 6 January 1984, to study planning, general building, configuration, connection and detailing conception for constructions in seismic areas in the field of architectural seismic design. 28. These fellowships provided the Romanim specialists with the opportunity to extend their knowledge, which has proved beneficial to the Institute. It can therefore be said that this programme of the project has been highly successful. Fquipment The research equipment specified for delivery on the basis of Project 29 activities is a Data Acquisition and Processing System based on a PDP 11/34 CPU. The system is to be used in order to perform automated data acquisition during laboratory tests at a high rate, and to process experimental data as well as to perform engineering calculations related to earthquake engineering problems. The configuration of the system was set up by LNCERC, in cooperation with 30 an institute specialized in the field of computer activities. The core of the system, delivered within the framework of the Project, is to be completed by means of some additional peripherals and interfaces, using different financing sources. 31. The delivery of the system has been considerably delayed, apparently due to licensing problems. After the delivery of the system some lengthy discussion took place in connection with the insurance and installment of the system. The conditions specified by the supplier (DEC , France) in 1982 were much less favourable than expected on the basis of previous information, since a large amount of spare parts,had to be bought by the user, the cost of the installment was high and one year's insurance was requested. Given the impossibility of covering all the expenses, which totalled around US $100,000, it was agreed to start the installation of the system using the services of Romanian specialists trained by DEC. This activity was started in December 1982, Tests of the system during this period showed that some compenents of the terminal and of the tape unit had to be replaced. I -7- Contacts with D E , Geneva (which inherited from DEC, F'rancet,the task of keeping contacts with the user) were initiated, and, after conducting checks recommended by DEC, Geneva,in order to detect the components to be changed, a request for replacing the defective components was sent in early February 1983 to DE, Geneva. After the defective components had been replaced or repaired, it turned 31 out that additional components were also defective. After the new request had been accepted and complied with, the installment of the system was completed by Romanian staff, as mentioned above. The last phase of installment included some final minor repair work which could be done in Romania. The system has been operational since early December 1983, and its w r e n t use has greatly assisted INCERC's earthquake engineering research. Summaq 32. In summarizing the development of Project activities and outputs in connection with the contribution of UNDP/Unesco it may be stated that the activities related to consultancy services and to individual fellowships were successfully completed, but that the late delivery of the equipment and the difficulties raised in connection with its installation, led to some considerable delay in using the system . B. Government Constribution The Government's contribution to this project included support of consultant 33. activities, participation in fellowships and preparation for the delivery of the research equipment. General Domestic Activities 34. Concern for earthquake-resistant construction was very strong in Romavlia during the period covered by the Project, since the country was still suffering from the effects of the destructive earthquake of 4 March 1977. The experience of this earthquake was analyzed thoroughly by numerous specialists of research, design and construction institutes and companies, as well as of central state agencies. The summary of earthquake experience, worked out by numerous staffs, included valuable recommendations made by foreign experts and brought about an improvement of design codes and standards. It also made technical solutions used in earthquake-prone areas much more effective. 35. A sustained effort was undertaken on a national scale to upgrade hazardous 36. buildings; indeed the success of rehabilitation activities carried out in Romania during the immediate post-earthquake period met with wide international appreciation. 37 The concern for development of research activities and facilities was also enhanced by the impact of the earthquake. The strong motion network was considerably strengthened (an important role was played in this regard by the UNDP/Unesco Project ROM/77/004), laboratory research methodologies were considerably improved, and development of large-scale research facilities at INCERC Bucharest and at the Iasi branch of ICCPDC is now under way. - - 8The experience of Romanian earthquakes, as summarized by Romanian specialists, 38. has aroused the interest of international specialists on a number of occasions. 39 Over the years Romania developed its own international activities related to earthquake-resistant construction. Besides the bilateral cooperation projects under way or more recently initiated, it should be mentioned that Romania is active in the frame of two UNDP-supported Balkan projects, FER/71j/(a4 (coordinated by Uneseo) and RER/79/015 (coordinated by UNIW). Moreover, Romanian specialists have been active at several international scientific meetings on the topic, where they presented contributions of interest for the participants. t A subject which has increasingly absorbed the attention of Government agencies and specialists, is the concern for existing building stock. This field raises serious technical difficulties, and bears witness to the scope of concern on a national scale. It is bound to remain a high priority of Romanian specialists in the future. 40. IV. ACHI- OF IMMEDIATE OaTECTIVES . It can be stated that, by February 1982, considerable progress had been 41 made towards achieving the immediate objectives, as foreseen in the project document, namely: - - I the consultancy services provided by highly qualified experts made contacts with them particularly efficient and useful; the individual fellowships already granted were very usefil and contributed to the improvement of earthquake engineering research methodologies and design activities; the equipment delivered in 1982 became operational in 1983 and was being used efficiently in research activities; the domestic activities related to various earthquake engineering topics developed according to the terms of the Project Document. Utilization of Project Results 424 The findings and recommendations provided through contacts with consultants resulted subsequently in codes being drafted, the most important of them being the code for earthquake resistant design P.100 81, endorsed in 1981, and applied nationwide in design practice. It was also responsible for the development of research methodologies (particularly in the design of the seismic testing station of INCERC) and in some particular earthquakeresistant design projects. - 43 The knowledge which the individual fellowships granted within the franework of Project activities is currently used in research on foundation and structural engineering, related to earthquake protection. 44. The equipment supplied, put into operation and used in research activities, has provided much-improved conditions for research, increasing the ability of the 1 -9- research staff of INCERC to process data of various kinds proper to earthquake engineering activities. The domestic activities were sustained and efficient and led to significant improvements of design regulations as well as to the development of new earthquake resistant structural solutions used in building practice. 45. v. CONCIUSIONS AND RECOMMEKDATIONS Some comments (correlated with those of the consultants and those experiences of their Romanian specialists involved within this project) should be made. They are: d6 - - - - the level of technical competence in the Romanian tech-ical commnity is good; the existence in Romania of a direct link between research and design is of direct and vital importance; contacts of Romanian professionals with their counterparts of other countries should be improved; the current conditions of access to data processing and calculation equipment constitute a hindrance to research; the concern for risk management in existing construction should not lose sight of the need for determination of priorities on the basis of use and in relation to construction data, the development of categories and of priority systems within given categories, and the initiation of action for high priority buildings. Every effort should be made to assess real damage potential and to develop and implement corrective measures toward reducing overall risk to existing buildings; seismic hazard mapping should be modernized. The seismic hazard maps should be updated to provide a basis for better risk management; more direct experience on non-linear computer analysis of structures is necessary; the lateral drift criterion should be used in the design of framed structures; the joints of large panel construction should be carefilly designed and reductions should be accepted only on the basis of appropriate analysis or tests; experimental research is carried out at a high level; both in Bucharest and Iasi, but more attention should be provided to analytical research, including correlation studies. The analytical research conducted at LNCERC is at an vvoutstandingv* level, but expansion required by covering - 10 the necessary correlation studies with planned experimental research is no less necessary. The seismic testing facility of INCERC Bucharest is well-planned and may be expected to play a role of international importance. Some consultation with experienced and successfbl foreign designers of control systems of shaking tables may be necessary, The decision on the foundation solution for the shaking tables should be adopted, always bearing in mind efficiency, cost and maintenance problems involved in possible solutions, The Iasi facility represents the result of application of high ingenuity, but current work is hampered by a lack df the equipment needed for data acqgisition and processing and by the rough reproduction of the seismic motion; - - - the development o f new experimental facilities requires particular attention for the selection of appropriate staff. Ehgineers designed to use it should be provided with the opportunity of working extensively abroad, with similar systems; improved access to information provided by technical literature, visiting of experimental research stations in operation as well as stimulating publication and dissemination of research results obtained in Romania, should be provided. Although it can be stated that the project was successful in achieving its objectives, there still exists a need for additional assistance in terms of consultant services, individual fellowships, study tours and equipment to meet the requirements of Romania's Country Development Programme. 47 t. Unesco Consultants Name of Consultant Prof. M. A. Sozen Country of Origin USA (University of I1linois Urbana, Illinois) Prof. J. Peneien USA (University of California Berkeley, California) Field of Specialisation Duration of Contract Earthquake Ehginaer-irig - Earthquake Ehgineering O5.Og.80 - 06.09.80 31.05.80 AFFENDIX B Counterpart Staff - Position held Valeriu CRISTESCU Director General of Name I + Quali fication ii Civil engineer ICCPDC k Ion COTAE Deputy Director Civil engineer ICCPDC , Nicolae IUVA Inspector General ICCPDC Civil engineer Ion FZORICEL Mathemat ician Mathematician INCERC Silvia HAGIESCU Scientific Secretary Civil engineer (~r.) INCERC I Dan RADULESGU Senior Research Ehgineer INCERC civil engineer (be) Research kgineer Civil engineer INCERC Horea SAND1 Head of Research Division, INCERC Civil engineer (&.) and mathematician Mihai SIMONICI Senior Research Ehgineer, INCERC Civil engineer Olga STKNCU Senior Research Engineer, INCERC Civil engineer G h e orghe SERBAKESCU Senior Research Ibgineer, INCERC Civil engineer Boris ZADUNAISCHI Ehgineer, EITCERC Electrical mgineer Silvia COVALJ Senior Research Ehgineer, Iasi Director, Iasi brahh of ICCPDC Senior Research Ehgineer, Iasi bramh of ICCPDC Civil engineer I Daniel DIACONlT Constantin M I M I Gheorghe PALAMARU -+ As of February 1983 Senior Research Ehgineer, lasi branch of ICCPDC (~r, I Civil engineer Civi 1 engineer Dumitru VAS1L;ESCU Civil engineer Senior Research Engineer, Iasi branch of ICCPDC .;1 Dan CAPATINA Seniar Design Engineer, IPCT Civil engineer Tiberiu CORNEA Design Engineer Civil engineer Gheorghe CRISTFA Senior Design Ehgineer, IPCT Civil engineer Liviu DASCKFVICI Senior Design Ihgineer, IPCT Civil engineer Doina GIURGEA Design Ehgineer, Civil engineer . IPCT Theodor GIURGEA Senior Design lkgineer, IPCT Civil engineer Calin .IONI!ECU Senior Design Ehgineer, IPCT Civil engineer Radu NEGRU Senior Design Engineer, IPCT Civil engineer Gheorghe SlNDUI;EsCU Senior Design Ehgineer, IPCT Civil engineer Adrian CRISTESCU Design Architect, Architect IPCT Associate Professor ICB Civil. Engineer Liviu CRAINIC Associate Professor ICB Civil engineer Dan DUMITRESCU Professor, ICB Civil engineer Mihail IFRIM Professor, ICB Civi1 engineer Constantin PAVEL Associate Professor ICB Civil engineer! Radu F'RISCU Professor, ICB Civil engineer Alexandru CISMIGIU Professor, Institute of Architecture Civil engineer Ni rcea MIRONESCU Senior Design Ehgineer I.P. Carpati Civi 1 engineer , Civil engineer Traian POPP Head of Division I.P. Carpati Liviu COMES Research Engineer CCSIT MFS Electronics Head of Division CCSIT ME3 Mechanical engineer (nr. 1 Nicolae OPRESCU Senior -'Research Ehgineer, CCSIT MFS Mechanical engineer Virgil MILIU Design Ehgineer IPA Automation engineer - Virgil MARIN - - (I Abbreviations used: ICCPDC : Central Institute for Building Research, Design and Guidance, Bucharest INCERC : Building Research Institute, Bucharest IF'CT : Design Institute for Standardized Buildings, Bucharest ICB : Institute of Civil Ehgineering, Bucharest I.P. Carpati : Design Institute Carpati IPA CCSIT : Design Institute for Automation - MF5 : Centre for Research and Technological %gineering, and Tools Fine Mechanics h .- APPENDIX c TJnesco Fe1lowships & m e of Fellow v Field of Study Place of Study Period of Studx Romania Foundation Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology 27.1.80 - 26.4.8C rigin i Nicolae RAD= (USA) Radu-Dan URMll Romania Building structures Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA 1 27.1.80 - 26.4.8C Dumitru vAS1mcu Romania Building structures University of Illinoi s 19.2.80 - 18.5.8~ - (USA) Radu-Serban C OMSAZ Romania Earthquake effects on soil foundation systems Berkeley, Ann Arbor and Cambridge (USA) 1.2.83 Adrian CRITESCU Romania Architectural seismic design Polytechnic College, Milan, Italy 9.11.84 31.3.83 - 6.1.84 APPENDIX D Equipment (1) List of Major Items o f Equipment Provided by UNDP i' Main components of a data acquisition and crocessing system based on a PDP 11/34 A CKJ: 1; A. Main system 1 CPU 1 Terminal DECWRITER 2 Disk Units 1 Tape Unit 1 Printer 1 Software Operating System and FORTRAN IV PDP 11/34 A(256 to sytes) I11 LA 120 RK 07 TS 11 TA 180 B. Modules for data acquisition IP 11 S 1 Process interface 1 Converter module 3 Analog Multiplexers A 014 A 157 -. - 17,- APPENDIX D (Cont vd) (2) List of additional equipment requested with letter 6369/September 27, 1982 3 Vibration magnetic:recording tapes m x , Width Magnetic tapesfor 14-channel recorder P B Printersprint/hand BrakesVLCP l/4” SCOTCH C E 95411783 800 390 59611602 500 1/0 Subsystem Acceptance Procedure 1/0 Subsystem Diagnostic Estimated price( US$ ) 240 A-SP-H 33-e7 20 -11-CMPCBD-Q DW 11 A UNIBUS to LSI 11-Bus Convertor 20 EX-DW-11 A-IN 30 PDP 11/34 Processor Handbook 20 PDP 11/34 Peripherals Haadbook 20 , APPENDIX E List of Mission Reports + Mission report of Professor M.A. Sozen Mission report of Professor J. Penzien Fellowship report of Mr. B. Raduinea Fellowship report of Mr. R. Urma Fellowship report of Mr. D. Vasilescu + All of them available at ICCPDC - I?,,- i; / AP~JENDIXF Project Budget Covering UNDP Contribution (in US < Country Dollars ) : ROMAMA Project Number : R0M/76/026x) 'J Project Title : Building Construction in Earthquake Areas _____ ~ 1979 Tota1 m/m US$ m/m 1980 US$ 1981 TJS m/m m/m 1982 US$ m/m 1983 US$ m/m US$ I 10. PROJECT PERSONNEL 11. Experts 11.41. Consultants 1.0 8,227 1.0 8,227 8,227 1.0 8,227 19. Component total 1.0 30. TRAIN'ING 31. Individual Fellowship 1 k 26,086 19,486 6,600 total 26 ,086 19 4% 6,600 49. EQUIR@3?7? 115,487 59. PCISCELLIWEOUS' 200 99. GRCWD TOTAL 150,000 39. Component 1091 506 1,753 4,228 200 1099 506 29,666 io,828 x) State-of-the-art of February 1983 based on information ROM/76/026/D/01/13, from Ulesco by the end of 1981. + Request for additional equipment forwarded with letter 6369/27.09. list attached. received 1982 according to +