APPENDIX D SELECTED DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE REPORT TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-1. none FTI Consulting Schedule 3 D-2. IM-SEC 007326-65 March 9, 2000, Letter from Monk to Ricketts, together with CIM Ventures Round Trip Loan documents (excerpt) D-3. IM-SEC 001409 E-mail from Ricketts to Weaver and Maggio, dated January 30, 2002 D-4. GT SEC 0130512-29 New Client Evaluation Form submitted by Ramler to GT for Refco engagement D-5. GT SEC 0004084-88 April 11, 2005, Memorandum to file from Ramler concerning fraud assessment of Refco audit D-6. AAREF 00015841-43; AAREF 00004997-99; AAREF 00005556-57; AAREF 00010201-02; AAREF 00012494; GT SEC 0031852 Annual schedules of Loans Receivable from Unconsolidated Affiliates for years 1998-2003 D-7. AAREF 00011967 May 10, 1999, Memo from Ramler re Receivables from Affiliates D-8. AAREF 00003029-34 AA audit sign-off meeting memorandum concerning paydown of receivables from affiliates D-9. AAREF 00000569-76 April 7, 1999, Confirmation Request Letter from RCM to RGHI with February 1999 RGHI Account Statement D-10. none Assignment Agreement, dated October 28, 1997, between Refco, Inc. and Wells Limited as to Niederhoffer accounts, signed by Bennett on behalf of Wells - Appendix D, p. 1 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-11. GT E SEC 2001093420010934.0010 E-mail from GT auditor to Mutterer at Refco transmitting a list of items GT needed for the RCC audit and reflecting plan to trace amounts due RCC to books of affiliates D-12. REFCO-0009-001370; 0009-001378 RGHI @ RCC statement example from February 2004 D-13. REFCO-0009-000282-290 RGHI @ RCM statement example, from November 2004 D-14. GT SEC 0002001 Credit Risk Analysis Report from Refco reflecting $545 million transactions with RGHI and Liberty Corner on consecutive lines D-15. GT SEC 0075030-31 Credit Risk Analysis for the $545 million Liberty Corner transaction reflecting Outridge calling it a “mistake” D-16. GT SEC 0077662 Credit Risk Analysis for the $700 million Liberty Corner transaction D-17. GT SEC 0005943 Credit Risk Analysis for the $345 million Liberty Corner transaction D-18. GT SEC 0032688 “Developing the Audit Plan” portion of GT Audit Program for Refco Group Ltd. LLC for re-audit of 2002 financial statements (excerpt) D-19. GT SEC 0130713 Notes from Ramler desk file containing references to $450 million and Liberty Corner D-20. GT EX 001976 Notes from GT professional standards group reflecting a discussion with a lawyer and noting that “Refco makes firm uncomfortable” and “we would be sued” D-21. EY-REF-005815 October 6, 1998, E-mail from Neidhardt to R. Schachat regarding interest expense treatment D-22. EY-REF-004941-44 August 2001 E&Y e-mails regarding large intercompany debt - Appendix D, p. 2 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-23. EY-REF-004428 June 25, 2002, E-mail from Neidhardt regarding propriety of accrual of interest income on intercompany receivable D-24. EY-REF-024453-54 October 8, 1998, E-mail from Neidhardt referencing large intercompany debt D-25. EY-REF 002117-20 May 17, 1999, Letter from Neidhardt to Rossi regarding Wells losses D-26. EY-REF-005863 February 9, 1999, Memo to file from Neidhardt regarding BAWAG transaction D-27. EY-REF-025104-10 February 2002 E&Y memo to file regarding RGL restructuring D-28. EY-REF 000334 March 7, 2002, E&Y file notes regarding Refco “guarantees and pay down of receivable at yearend” D-29. EY-REF 000080 November 20, 1997, E&Y file notes regarding firm risk on N Loss D-30. EY-REF 000287 October 17, 2002, Neidhardt e-mail regarding $750 million intercompany debt and year end pay down D-31. EY-REF-022645 June 4, 2003, Neidhardt e-mail regarding large intercompany debt D-32. EY-REF 003278-79 November 10, 2005, Neidhardt memo to file regarding E&Y’s 2003 “resignation” D-33. MB02328934 Collins’ handwritten notes of his telephone conversation with Weaver on February 1, 2000 D-34. MB02325177 February 22, 2000, Letter from Ricketts to Monk regarding February 2000 RTL D-35. MB02035648-49 Draft guaranty for use with February 2001 RTL with Delta Flyer containing handwritten changes apparently made by Collins - Appendix D, p. 3 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-36. MB02035650-51 Draft indemnity for use with February 2001 RTL with Delta Flyer containing handwritten changes apparently made by Collins D-37. MB02339720 February 16, 2001, Letter from Ricketts to Collins regarding February 2001 RTL D-38. MB02035690-706 Draft loan agreement for February 2001 RTL with Delta Flyer containing handwritten changes made by Collins D-39. REFCO-HC-0533882-83 E-mail from Koury to Maggio, with copies to Collins, Schultz, and Pazzol, dated May 20, 2005, transmitting copies of May 2005 RTL documents D-40. REFCO-E-008209041-55 Letter from Collins to Bennett, dated September 27, 2004, enclosing Mayer Brown’s statement for legal services rendered from August 1, 2004 through August 31, 2004, describing, in part, services for “preparation of loan agreement, indemnification and guaranty for Liberty Corner” (excerpt) D-41. MB02002443-2601 Composite Execution Copy RGL Note Agreement, dated as of June 29, 2000, Relating to $111,000,000 9.18% Senior Notes Due June 29, 2005 (excerpt) D-42. MB02003172-3295 Execution Copy of RGL $339,500,000 Revolving Credit Agreement, dated as of June 23, 2003 (excerpt) D-43. MB02071243-58 Letter from Bennett to Collins, dated October 15, 1999, regarding net worth of RGHI, with handwritten comment, apparently in Collins’ writing, stating “minus loans to RGH” - Appendix D, p. 4 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-44. MB02376667 Memorandum from Schultz, dated February 11, 2002, pertaining to the potential sale of a portion of RGHI’s membership shares in RGL, and describing a transaction whereby RGHI would sell 51% of its voting membership shares in RGL, and the purchaser would pay $700 million ($350 million to be paid by the assumption of liabilities of RGHI and the remainder by cash) D-45. MBRM-EX 00066153-57 Draft “Letter Agreement,” dated June 11, 2002, to be signed by RGL, RGHI, BOI, and the still unidentified purchaser, whereby the “Company” [RGL] agreed that “$350 million of the Purchase Price for the Participation right shall be used or caused to be used for the retirement of intercompany debt of Refco Group Holdings, Inc.” D-46. REFCO-0010-000540-53 Letter from Neidhardt to Trosten, dated April 29, 2002, providing summary of various alternatives for restructuring a new investment by BAWAG in RGL, and mentioning a $750 million obligation or debt balance from RGHI to RGL D-47. MB02069381-87 Final “Letter Agreement,” dated July 12, 2002, whereby, as part of PPA, the “Company” [RGL] agreed that “$350 million of the Purchase Price for the Participation right shall be used or caused to be used for the retirement of inter-company debt of Refco Group Holdings, Inc.” D-48. MB02057884-87 Memorandum from Collins, dated November 3, 1997, transmitting “the initial agreements with the Niederhoffer accounts which were superseded by the more formal legal agreements distributed earlier today,” together with letter agreements dated October 28, 1997, signed by Bennett on behalf of Refco - Appendix D, p. 5 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-49. MB02072959-95 Second Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement of RGL, bearing document no. 16341929.14, containing generic signature page for “Profits Member” (excerpt) D-50. EY-REF-004335-42 Signature pages of various “Profit Members” of RGL, faxed from RGL to E&Y on September 9, 2003, bearing document no. 16341929.14 D-51. WGM-L 0017759-62, 6881, 790, 823, 961, 969, 971-73 Equity Purchase and Merger Agreement (excerpt) D-52. REFCO-0008-117417-74 E-mail from Berger at McDermott Will (counsel for BAWAG and DF Capital) to Collins, dated July 29, 2004, transmitting drafts of DF Capital Purchase Agreement and Funds Flow spreadsheet, including Funds Flow for “Repayment of $390 Million Overdraft made by BAWAG to RGHI” (excerpt) D-53. REFCO-E-008221755-56 E-mail from Collins to Berger at McDermott Will, dated July 30, 2004, confirming that Bennett and BAWAG representative have signed off on the funds flow and the latest draft of the DF Capital Purchase Agreement D-54. none Transcript of testimony of Trosten before NASD arbitration panel on July 14, 2005 (excerpt) D-55. WGM-L 0007925 Letter of Intent between Refco and THL regarding LBO D-56. WGM-R E157000 E-mail regarding Refco management issues D-57. KPMG-THL 0024322-25 Project Royce chronology D-58. WGM-L 0012431, 37-38, 49-51, 63-64 May 21, 2004, Draft KPMG report on LBO diligence (excerpt) D-59. WGM-L 0025262 E-mail regarding Refco management issues D-60. KPMG-THL 0019714-16 KPMG possible additional due diligence procedures - Appendix D, p. 6 - TAB DOCUMENT NUMBER DESCRIPTION D-61. THL/UCC 00033266-67 May 31, 2004, E-mail from Schoen to Lee regarding proposed meeting with Bennett D-62. WGM-L 0025237 June 2, 2004, E-mail from Schoen to Jaeckel regarding results of meeting with Bennett D-63. JM001 0001-03 January 8, 2002, Memo from Bennett to executives explaining provision of profits membership interests D-64. none Profits membership interest redemption letters for 7 Refco executives D-65. MWE 0002927-47 Proceeds Participation Agreement D-66. WGM-L 0010228 May 17, 2004, Draft KPMG report on LBO diligence D-67. WGM-R 0003327, 34, 3839, 41, 52-53 Sexton questionnaire disclosing profits interest (excerpt) D-68. THL SEC 00035137-38 July 26, 2005, Memorandum from DiDomenico to Jaeckel regarding “Refco Solvency Information Request” D-69. WGM-R 0011571-75 August 10, 2005, Letter from Refco, Inc. to Murray Devine D-70. WGM-R 0011556-65 August 10, 2005, Letter from Murray Devine to the Board of Directors of Refco, Inc. D-71. PwC 064848 August 17, 2005, Schedule of greenshoe dividends to be paid to pre-existing shareholders D-72. THL/SEC 00005263 Refco Proceeds Summary spreadsheet - Appendix D, p. 7 -