
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k
fgekpy izns'k jkT; 'kklu }kjk izdkf'kr
ohjokj] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk lfpoky;
f'keyk] 8 fnlEcj] 2014
la[;k% fo0l0&fo/kk;u&ljdkjh fo/ks;d@1&33@2014-&&fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k
,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;ekoyh] 1973 ds fu;e 140 ds vUrxZr fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt ¼la'kks/ku½
fo/ks;d] 2014 ¼2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 12½ tks vkt fnukad 8 fnlEcj] 2014 dks fgekpy izns'k fo/kku
lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir gks pqdk gS] loZ&lk/kkj.k dh lwpukFkZ jkti= esa eqfnzr djus gsrq izsf"kr fd;k tkrk gSA
fg0 iz0 fo/kku lHkkA
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 12
fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt ¼la'kks/ku½ fo/ks;d] 2014
¼fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir :Ik es½a
fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 ¼1994 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kad 4½ dk vkSj la'kks/ku
djus ds fy, fo/ks;dA
Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds iSaSlBosa o"kZ esa fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr :Ik esa ;g
vf/kfu;fer gks%&
1laf{kIr uke vkSj izkjEHk-&&¼1½ bl vf/kfu;e dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt
¼la'kks/ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2014 gSA
;g 20 flrEcj] 2014 dks izo`Ùk gqvk le>k tk,xkA
2/kkjk 2 dk la'kks/ku-&&fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 ¼ftls blesa blds
Ik'pkr~ ßewy vf/kfu;eÞ dgk x;k gS½ dh /kkjk 2 esa]&
¼d½ [k.M ¼13½ ds Ik”pkr~ fuEufyf[kr u;k [k.M ¼13&d½ vUr%LFkkfir fd;k tk,xk vkSj
fo|eku [k.M ¼13&d½ vkSj ¼13&[k½ dks Øe”k% ¼13&[k½ vkSj ¼13&x½ ds :Ik esa iqu%
la[;kafdr fd;k tk,xk] vFkkZr~%&
^^¼13&d½ ^^eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh^^ ls bl vf/kfu;e dh èkkjk 134 ds v/khu
fu;qDr iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ dk eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh vfHkizsr gS(^^(
¼[k½ [k.M ¼27&d½ esa] ^^xzke iapk;r }kjk^^ “kCnksa ds LFkku ij ^^iapk;r }kjk^^ “kCn j[ks
3/kkjk 2 dk la'kks/ku-&&ewy vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 134 ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr /kkjk j[kh
tk,xh] vFkkZr~%&
^^134- iapk;r lfefr vkSj ftyk ifj’kn~ ds eq[; dk;Zdkjh vfèkdkjh vkSj lfpo dh fu;qfDr-&¼1½
izR;sd iapk;r lfefr esa] [k.M fodkl vf/kdkjh bldk eq[; dk;Zdkjh vfèkdkjh gksxk vkSj
izR;sd ftyk ifj’kn~ esa] ljdkj }kjk fu;qDr vf/kdkjh bldk eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh
gksxkA iapk;r fujh{kd] iapk;r lfefr dk lfpo gksxk vkSj ftyk iapk;r vf/kdkjh] ftyk
ifj’kn~ dk lfpo gksxkA
bl vf/kfu;e }kjk ;k blds v/khu vfHkO;Dr :Ik ls vU;Fkk micfU/kr ds flok;] eq[;
dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh&
¼d½ bl vf/kfu;e }kjk ;k blds v/khu ;k rRle; izo`Ùk fdlh vU; fof/k ds v/khu mls
fofufnZ’V :Ik ls vfèkjksfir ;k iznÙk lHkh “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djsxk(
¼[k½ ljdkj }kjk cuk, x, fu;eksa ds vuqlkj] ;FkkfLFkfr] iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~
ds vf/kdkfj;ksa vkSj deZpkfj;ksa dk Ik;Zos{k.k vkSj fu;U=.k djsxk(
¼x½ lHkh ladekaZs ds fu’iknu dk Ik;Zos{k.k vkSj fu;U=.k djsxk(
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼?k½ lHkh ladekaZs vkSj fodklkRed Ldheksa ds “kh?kz fu’iknu ds fy, vko”;d mik; djsxk(
¼³½ iapk;r lfefr vkSj lEc) foHkkxksa ds [k.M Lrj ds dk;kZy;ksa ds chp leUo;
LFkkfir djsxk vkSj] ;FkkfLFkfr] iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ ds izLrkoksa dk le;
ds Hkhrj fu’iknu lqfuf”pr djsxk(
¼p½ ;FkkfLFkfr] iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ dh izR;sd cSBd esa vkSj mldh fdlh
vU; lfefr dh cSBd esa mifLFkr jgsxk rFkk fopkj&foe”kZ esa Hkkx ysxk] fdUrq mls
dksbZ izLrko is”k djus ;k er nsus dk vf/kdkj ugha gksxk( vkSj
¼N½ ,slh vU; “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx vkSj ,sls vU; ÑR;ksa dk fuoZgu djsxk] tSls mls
iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk U;Lr fd, tk,aA
bl vf/kfu;e }kjk ;k blds v/khu vfHkO;Dr :Ik ls vU;Fkk micfU/kr ds flok;] lfpo&
¼d½ bl vf/kfu;e }kjk ;k mlds v/khu ;k RkRle; izo`Ùk fdlh vU; fof/k ds v/khu mls
fofufnZ’V :Ik ls vf/kjksfir ;k iznÙk lHkh “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djsxk(
¼[k½ lHkh ladekaZs ds fu’iknu dk Ik;Zos{k.k djsxk(
¼x½ iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ rFkk bldh LFkk;h lfefr;ksa vkSj vU; lfefr;ksa dh
CkSBdksa dh dk;Zokfg;ksa ls lEcfU/kr lkekU; eqnzk vkSj leLr dkxt&i=ksa rFkk
nLrkostksa dh vfHkj{kk djsxk(
¼?k½ iapk;r dh fuf/k esa ls /ku dk vkgj.k vkSj laforj.k djsxk(
¼³½ iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ dh izR;sd cSBd esa vkSj bldh fdlh vU; lfefr
dh cSBd esa mifLFkr jgsxk rFkk fopkj&foe”kZ esa Hkkx ysxk] fdUrq mls dksbZ izLrko
is”k djus ;k er nsus dk vfèkdkj ugha gksxkA ;fn mldh jk; esa iapk;r lfefr ;k
ftyk ifj’kn~ ds le{k dksbZ izLrko bl vf/kfu;e ;k fdlh vU; fof/k ds micU/kksa]
rn~/khu cuk, x, fu;e ;k fd, x, vkns”k dk mYya?ku djus okyk gS ;k vlaxr gS]
rks mldk ;g dÙkZO; gksxk fd og mls] ;FkkfLFkfr] iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~
ds /;ku esa yk,(
¼p½ iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ vkSj bldh lfefr;ksa dh cSBdksa dh dk;Zokfg;k¡Wa
vfHkfyf[kr djsxk( vkSj
¼N½ ,slh vU; “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djsxk vkSj ,sls vU; ÑR;ksa dk fuoZgu djsxk] tks mls
le;≤ ij iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ }kjk U;Lr fd, tk,aA
¼4½ izR;sd O;fDr] ftlds dCts esa xzke iapk;r ;k iapk;r lfefr ;k ftyk ifj’kn~ ls lEcfU/kr
/ku] ys[ks] vfHkys[k ;k vU; lEifÙk gS] mi/kkjk ¼1½ esa fufnZ’V vf/kdkjh dh] bl iz;kstu ds fy, fyf[kr
v/;is{kk ij] mDr vfèkdkjh ;k v/;is{kk esa mls izkIr djus ds fy, mlds }kjk izkf/kÑr O;fDr dks
rRdky ,slk /ku lkSaisxk ;k ,sls ys[kksa] vfHkys[kksa ;k vU; lEifÙk dks ifjnÙk djsxkA^^A
4- 2014 ds fgekpy izns”k v/;kns”k la[;kad 5 dk fujlu vkSj O;ko`fÙk;ka¡-&&¼1½ fgekpy izns”k
iapk;rh jkt ¼f}rh; la”kks/ku½ v/;kns”k] 2014 dk ,rn~}kjk fujlu fd;k tkrk gSA
¼2½ ,sls fujlu ds gksrs gq, Hkh] bl izdkj fujflr v/;kns”k ds v/khu dh xbZ dksbZ ckr ;k
dkjZokbZ] bl vf/kfu;e ds rRLFkkuh micU/kksa ds v/khu dh xbZ le>h tk,xhA
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
mn~ns';ksa vkSj dkj.kksa dk dFku
fgekpy izns”k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 dh /kkjk 2 ds [k.M ¼27&d½ ds fo|eku micUèkksa ds
vuqlkj ^^iapk;r lgk;dksa^^ dks xzke iapk;r }kjk fu;qDr fd;k tkrk gSA ljdkj us iapk;r lgk;dksa ds
laoxZ dks xzke iapk;r ;k [k.M laoxZ ls ftyk laoxZ esa lEifjofrZr djus dk fofuf”p; fd;k gS rkfd
mudh lsok,a ftyk esa dgha ij Hkh yksdfgr esa mi;ksx esa ykbZ tk ldsaA blfy,] ljdkj ds fofu”p; dks
dk;kZfUor djus ds vk”k; ls iapk;r lgk;d ds in dks fØ;k”khy in ekurs gq,] iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh
/kkjk 2 ds [k.M ¼27&d½ dk la”kks/ku djuk vko”;d gks x;k FkkA blds vfrfjDr eq[; dk;Zdkjh
vf/kdkfj;ksa dks ftyk ifj’knksa esa vf/klwpuk rkjh[k 29&1&1996 }kjk fu;qDr fd;k x;k Fkk] rFkkfi
fgekpy izns”k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 esa ftyk ifj’kn~ ds eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkfj;ksa dh ,slh
fu;qfDr ds ckjs dksbZ vfHkns”ku ugha fd;k x;k FkkA fgekpy izns'k iapk;rh jkt ¼ftyk ifj’kn~ esa iapk;r
lgk;dksa dh fu;qfDr vkSj lsok “krsZa½ fu;e] 2014 ds vUrxZr iapk;r lgk;dksa ds p;u ds fy, lfefr dh
v/;{krk eq[; dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh }kjk dh tkuh gSA blfy, iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 2 esas [k.M
¼13&d½ dks vUr%LFkkfir djus ds fy, la”kks/ku djuk vko”;d gks x;k FkkA blds vfrfjDr] vf/kfu;e
dh /kkjk 134 ftyk ifj’kn~ vkSj iapk;r lfefr ds dk;Zdkjh vf/kdkjh vkSj lfpo dh fu;qfDRk vkSj muds
dÙkZO;ksa rFkk mÙkjnkf;Roksa ls lEcfU/kr gS] fdUrq muds dÙkZO; vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro fofufnZ’V :Ik ls fu/kkZfjr
ugha fd, x, gSaA blfy, ljdkj dh ikWfyfl;ksa vkSj izksxzkeksa ds le;c) dk;kZUo;u dks leFkZ cukus ds
fy, mudh viuh&viuh Hkwfedk vkSj mÙkjnkf;Roksa dks Li’V djus ds vk”k; ls iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk
134 dks izfrLFkkfir djus dk fofu”p; fd;k x;k FkkA
fo/kku lHkk l= esa ugha Fkh vkSj fgekpy izns”k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 esa mi;qZDr la”kks/ku
djus vfuok;Z gks x, Fks] blfy, egkefge jkT;iky] fgekpy izns”k }kjk Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds vuqPNsn
213 ds [k.M ¼1½ ds v/khu fgekpy izns”k iapk;rh jkt ¼f}rh; la”kks/ku½ v/;kns”k] 2014 ¼2014 dk
fgekpy izns”k v/;kns”k la[;kad 5½ 18 flrEcj] 2014 dks iz[;kfir fd;k x;k Fkk] ftls jkti=] fgekpy
izns”k esa 20 flrEcj] 2014 dks izdkf”kr fd;k x;k FkkA vc mDr v/;kns”k dks fcuk fdlh mikUrj.k ds
fu;fer fo/kku }kjk izfrLFkkfir fd;k tk jgk gSA
;g fo/ks;d mi;qZDr mn~ns”;ksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, gSA
¼vfuy 'kekZ½
izHkkjh eU=hA
Bill No. 12 of 2014
further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 (Act No. 4 of 1994).
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Sixty-fifth Year of
the Republic of India as follows:—
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Short title and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called the Himachal
Pradesh Panchayati Raj (Amendment) Act, 2014.
It shall be deemed to have come into force on 20th day of September, 2014.
Amendment of section 2.—In section 2 of the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj
Act, 1994 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘principal Act’),—
(a) after clause (13), the following new clause (13-A) shall be inserted and existing
clauses (13-A) and (13-B) shall respectively be renumbered as (13-B) and (13C), namely:“(13-A) “Chief Executive Officer” means Chief Executive Officer of
Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad appointed under section 134 of this Act;”;
in clause (27-A), for the words “by the Gram Panchayat”, the words “by the
Panchayat” shall be substituted.
Substitution of section 134.—For section 134 of the principal Act, the following
section shall be substituted, namely:—
“134. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and Secretary of Panchayat Samiti and Zila
Parishad.—(1) In every Panchayat Samiti, the Block Development Officer, and in every
Zila Parishad, the officer appointed by the Government, shall be its Chief Executive
Officer. The Panchayat Inspector shall be the Secretary of Panchayat Samiti and the
District Panchayat Officer shall be the Secretary of Zila Parishad.
Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the Chief Executive
Officer shall—
(a) exercise all the powers specifically imposed or conferred upon him by or
under this Act or under any other law for the time being in force ;
(b) supervise and control officers and officials of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila
Parishad, as the case may be, in accordance with the rules made by the
Government ;
(c) supervise and control the execution of all works;
(d) take necessary measures for the speedy execution of all works and
developmental schemes;
(e) co-ordinate between the Panchayat Samiti and Block level
offices of the concerned departments and shall ensure timely execution of
resolutions of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may be;
attend every meeting of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad, as the case may
be, and the meeting of any other committee thereof and to take part in the
discussion, but shall not have the right to move any resolution or to vote; and
(g) exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions as may be
entrusted to him by the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad or State Government.
Save as otherwise expressly provided by or under this Act, the Secretary shall(a) exercise all the powers specifically imposed or conferred upon him by or
under this Act or under any other law for the time being in force;
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
(b) supervise execution of all works;
(c) have custody of common seal and all papers and documents connected with the
proceedings of the meetings of the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad and
of its Standing Committees and other Committees;
(d) draw and disburse money out of the Panchayat fund;
(e) attend every meeting of the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad and the meeting
of any other Committee thereof and to take part in the discussion, but shall not
have the right to move any resolution or to vote. If in his opinion any proposal
before the Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad is in contravention or is
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, or any other law, rule or order
made thereunder, it shall be his duty to bring the same to the notice of the
Panchayat Samiti or the Zila Parishad, as the case may be ;
record proceedings of the meetings of Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad and
its Committees ; and
(g) exercise such other powers and discharge such other functions as may be
entrusted to him by the Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad from time to time.
Every person in possession of moneys, accounts, records or other property
pertaining to Gram Panchayat or Panchayat Samiti or Zila Parishad shall, on the requisition for this
purpose in writing of the officer referred to in sub-section (1), forthwith hand over such moneys or
deliver such accounts, records or other property to the said officer or the person authorized by him
in the requisition to receive the same.”.
Repeal of H.P. Ordinance No.5 of 2014 and savings.—(1) The Himachal Pradesh
Panchayati Raj (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2014 is hereby repealed.
Notwithstanding such repeal anything done or any action taken under the Ordinance
so repealed shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this
According to the existing provisions of clause (27-A) of section 2 of the Himachal
Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1994, “Panchayat Sahayaks” are appointed by the Gram Panchayat.
The Government has decided to convert the cadre of Panchayat Sahayaks from Gram Panchayat
or Block cadre to District cadre, so as to utilize their services anywhere in the District
in public interest. Thus, in order to give effect to the Government decision and considering
that the post of Panchayat Sahayak is a functional post, it became necessary to amend clause (27A) of section 2 of the Act ibid. Further, the Chief Executive Officers were appointed in the Zila
Parishads vide notification dated 29-1-1996, however, no reference with regard to such
appointment of Chief Executive Officers of Zila Parishads has been made in the Himachal
Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1994. The Chief Executive Officer is to head the committee for
selection of Panchayat Sahayaks under the Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj (Appointment and
Conditions of Service of Panchayat Sahayaks in Zila Parishads) Rules, 2014. Therefore, an
amendment was necessitated to insert clause (13-A) in section 2 of the Act ibid. Further, section
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
134 of the Act deals with the appointment of the Executive Officer and Secretary of Zila Parishad
and Panchayat Samiti and their duties and responsibilities, but their duties and responsibilities
had not been specifically demarcated. Thus, in order to clarify the respective roles and
responsibilities to enable time bound implementation of policies and programmes of the
Government, it was also decided to substitute section 134 of the Act ibid.
Since, the Legislative Assembly was not in session and the aforesaid amendments in the
Himachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 were to be made urgently, as such, the Himachal
Pradesh Panchayati Raj (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2014 (H.P. Ordinance No.5
of 2014) was promulgated under clause (1) of article 213 of the Constitution
of India by Her Excellency the Governor of Himachal Pradesh on 18-9-2014
which was published in the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh on 20-9-2014. Now, the Ordinance is
being replaced by a regular legislation without any modification.
This Bill seeks to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
, 2014.
fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk lfpoky;
fnukad % 8 fnlEcj] 2014
la[;k% fo0l0-fo/kk;u&ljdkjh fo/ks;d@1&32@2014-&&fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k
,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;ekoyh] 1973 ds fu;e 140 ds vUrxZr fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k
¼la'kks/ku½ fo/ks;d] 2014 ¼2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 7½ tks vkt fnukad 8 fnlEcj] 2014 dks fgekpy
izns'k fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir gks pqdk gS] loZ&lk/kkj.k dh lwpukFkZ jkti= esa eqfnzr djus gsrq izsf"kr
fd;k tkrk gSA
vkns'k }kjk]
fg0 iz0 fo/kku lHkkA
2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 7
fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k ¼la'kks/ku½ fo/ks;d] 2014
¼fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir :Ik esa½
fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k vf/kfu;e] 1996 ¼1996 dk vf/kfu;e la[;kad 14½ dk
vkSj la'kks/ku djus ds fy, fo/ks;dA
Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds iSalBosa o’kZ esa fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr :Ik esa ;g vfèkfu;fer gks %&&
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
1- laf{kIr uke-&&bl vf/kfu;e dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k
¼la'kks/ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2014 gSA
2- /kkjk 17 dk la'kks/ku-&&fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k vf/kfu;e] 1996] ¼1996 dk
14½ dh /kkjk 17 dh mi/kkjk ¼4½ ds izFke vkSj f}rh; ijUrqd ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr ijUrqd j[kk
tk,xk] vFkkZr~%&&
^^ijUrq fuf/k dk lnL; vius fodYi ij] izos'k ds le; ikap gtkj #i, ds vkthou vfHknku dk
,d eq'r lank; dj ldsxk ;k] rRi'pkr~] 'ks’k jkf'k dk lank; djds] ftlls mlds ys[ks esa dqy
tek jkf'k ikap gtkj #Ik, gks tk,] fdlh Hkh le; vkthou lnL;rk ds fy, fodYi ns
mn~ns';ksa vkSj dkj.kksa dk dFku
fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fuf/k vf/kfu;e] 1996 dh /kkjk 17 dh mi/kkjk ¼4½] fuf/k ds
lnL; ds :Ik esa izos'k ds le; ikap gtkj #Ik, dk lank; djus ij] vkthou lnL;rk ds fy, micU/k
djrh gSA blds vfrfjDr] fuf/k ds fo|eku lnL;ksa dks fgekpy izns'k vf/koDrk dY;k.k fufèk ¼la'kks/ku½
vf/kfu;e] 2011 ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k ls nks o’kZ dh vof/k ds Hkhrj vFkkZr~ 2013 rd vkthou lnL;rk
dk fodYi nsus dk volj iznku fd;k x;k FkkA vc] fgekpy izns'k vfèkoDrk dY;k.k fuf/k dh U;klh
lfefr us ladYi fd;k gS fd bl nks o’kZ dh 'krZ dks gVk fn;k tk, rkfd fuf/k ds lnL; ;k rks okf’kZd
lnL;rk ds fy, fodYi ns ldsa ;k visf{kr Qhl dk lank; djus ij fdlh Hkh le; vkthou lnL;rk
ds fy, fodYi ns ldsaA U;klh lfefr ds vuqjks/k ij fopkj fd;k x;k vkSj le; lhek dh bl 'krZ dks
gVkus dk fofu'p; fd;k x;k rkfd fuf/k dk lnL; fdlh Hkh le; vkthou lnL; cuus ds fy, fodYi
dk iz;ksx dj ldsA blls iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e esa la'kksèku djuk vko';d gks x;k gSA
;g fo/ks;d mi;qZDr mn~ns'; dh iwfrZ ds fy, gSA
¼dkSy flag Bkdqj½
izHkkjh eU=hA
/keZ'kkyk %
rkjh[k ---------------------------- ] 2014
foRrh; Kkiu
izR;k;ksftr fo/kku lEcU/kh Kkiu
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Bill No. 7 of 2014
further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1996 (Act No. 14 of
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Sixty-fifth Year of
the Republic of India as follows:—
1. Short title.—This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund
(Amendment) Act, 2014.
2. Amendment of section 17.—In section 17 of the Himachal Pradesh Advocates
Welfare Fund Act, 1996, in sub-section (4), for first and second provisos, the following proviso
shall be substituted, namely:—
“Provided that a Member of the Fund may at his option make one time payment of life
subscription of five thousand rupees at the time of admission or, thereafter, may opt at any
time for life membership by making payment of the balance amount so as to credit to his
account total sum of five thousand rupees.”.
Sub-section (4) of section 17 of the Himachal Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund Act, 1996
provides for lifetime membership by making payment of five thousand rupees at the time of
admission as a member of the fund. Further the existing members of the fund were afforded an
opportunity to opt for life time membership within two years from the date of commencement of
the Himachal Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 2011 i.e. upto 2013. Now, the
Trustee Committee of the Himachal Pradesh Advocates Welfare Fund has resolved that this
condition of two years may be removed so that the members of the fund may either opt for annual
membership or may at any time opt for life membership on payment of requisite fee. The request of
the Trustee Committee has been considered and it has been decided to remove this condition of
time limit so that a member of the fund may exercise option at any time for becoming life time
member. This has necessitated amendment in the Act ibid.
This Bill seeks to achieve the aforesaid objective.
, 2014.
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk lfpoky;
fnukad % 8 fnlEcj] 2014
la[;k% fo0l0-fo/kk;u&ljdkjh fo/ks;d@1&34@2014-&&fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k
,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;ekoyh] 1973 ds fu;e 140 ds vUrxZr fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj vkokl x`g½
foykl&oLrq,a dj f}rh; la'kks/ku fo/ks;d] 2014 ¼2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 8½ tks vkt fnukad 8
fnlEcj] 2014 dks fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir gks pqdk gS] loZ&lk/kkj.k dh lwpukFkZ jkti=
esa eqfnzr djus gsrq izsf"kr fd;k tkrk gSA
vkns'k }kjk]
fg0 iz0 fo/kku lHkkA
2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 8
fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj vkokl x`g½ foykl&oLrq,a dj f}rh; la'kks/ku fo/ks;d] 2014
¼fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir :Ik esa½
fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj vkokl x`g½ foykl&oLrq,a dj vf/kfu;e] 1979 ¼1979 dk vfèkfu;e
la[;kad 15½ dk vkSj la'kks/ku djus ds fy, fo/ks;dA
Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds iSalBosa o’kZ esa fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr :Ik esa ;g
vfèkfu;fer gks%&&
1laf{kIr uke-&&bl vf/kfu;e dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj vkokl x`g½
foykl&oLrq,a dj f}rh; la'kks/ku vf/kfu;e] 2014 gSA
2/kkjk 6&³ dk la'kks/ku-&&fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj
vfèkfu;e] 1979] ¼1979 dk 15½ dh /kkjk 6&³ esa]&
vkokl x`g½ foykl&oLrq,a dj
'kh’kZd Þtutkrh; vkSj nqxZe {ks=ksa ;k fiNM+h iapk;rksa esa u, gksVyksa ds LoRoèkkfj;ksa }kjk
foykl&oLrq dj dk lank; djus ls NwV dh ckcr fo'ks’k micU/kÞ ds LFkku ij ßdfri;
ekeyksa esa foykl&oLrq dj ds lank; ls NwVß 'kh"kZd j[kk tk,xk(
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr mi/kkjk j[kh tk,xh] vFkkZr~%&
bl vf/kfu;e esa fdlh ckr ds gksrs gq, Hkh] ;fn ljdkj dh ;g jk; gS fd jkT; esa
tutkrh;] nqxZe ;k xzkeh.k {ks=ksa ;k fiNM+h iapk;rksa esa Ik;ZVu dks c<+kok nsus ds vk'k; ls
yksdfgr esa ,slk djuk vko';d ;k lehphu gS] rks og ,d Ldhe vf/klwfpr dj ldsxh
vkSj u, gksVyksa ds jftLVªhÑr LoRo/kkfj;ksa dks] tks ,sls tutkrh; ;k nqxZe {ks=ksa esa izFke
vizSy] 2012 ds i”pkr~] fiNM+h iapk;rksa esa izFke vizSy] 2013 ds i”pkr~ vkSj xzkeh.k {ks= esa
izFke vizSy] 2014 ds i”pkr~ izpkyu esa vk, gSa] ,sls gksVyksa ds izpkyu esa vkus dh rkjh[k
ls nl o’kZ dh vofèk ds fy,] foykl&oLrq dj ds lank; ls] ,sls fucZUèkuksa vkSj 'krks± ds
v/;/khu] tSlh mDr Ldhe esa fofufnZ’V dh tk,a] NwV ns ldsxhAß ( vkSj
mi/kkjk ¼2½ esa LIk’Vhdj.k I vkSj II ds LFkku ij fuEufyf[kr Li’Vhdj.k j[kk tk,xk]
“Li"Vhdj.k-& bl /kkjk ds Ikz;kstu ds fy,]&
(I) ßtutkrh; vkSj nqxZe {ks=ß ls]
ftyk ykgkSy ,oa fLifr]
pEck ftyk dk ikaxh vkSj HkjekSj mi e.My]
jksgMw+ mi&e.My dk MksMjk Dokj {ks=]
ftyk f'keyk dh jkeiqj rglhy dk iUnzg chl ijxuk] eqfu'k] njdkyh vkSj
xzke iapk;r dk'kkikV]
dqYyw ftyk dk iUnzg chl ijxuk]
dkaxM+k ds cStukFk mi&e.My ds cM+k Hkaxky {ks=]
ftyk fdUukSj]
fljekSj ftyk esa mi rglhy dejm ds dkBokM+ vkSj dksjxk iVokj o`Ùk]
js.kqdkth rglhy ds HkykM+&HkYkkSuk vkSj lkaxuk iVokj o`Ùk vkSj f'kykbZ
rglhy dk dksVk ikc iVokj o`Ùk] vkSj
e.Mh ftyk esa djlksx rglhy dk [kU;ksy&cxM+k iVokj o`Ùk] ckyh pkSdh
mi rglhy ds xkMk xqlS.kha] eB;kuh] ?ku;kM+] Fkkph] ckxh] lksexkM+ vkSj
[kksykuky] Ik)j rglhy ds >kjokM+] dqVx<+] xzkeu] nsox<+] VªSyk] jksik]
dFkksx] flYg&g<+okuh] gLriqj] xzkepkj vkSj HkVsugj iVokj o`Ùk] Fkqukx
rglhy ds fp;w.kh] dkyhikj] ekux<+] Fkkp&cxM+k] mRrjh ex: vkSj nf{k.kh
ex: iVokj o`Ùk vkSj lqUnjuxj rglhy dk cVokM+k iVokj o`Ùk]
vfHkizsr gS(
ßfiNM+h Ikapk;rksaß ls ,slh iapk;rsa vfHkizsr gSa] tks ljdkj }kjk fiNM+h iapk;rsa vf/klwfpr
dh tk,a( vkSj
(III) ^^xzkeh.k {ks=** ls ,sls LFkkfir i;ZVu {ks=] tks ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,] ds
flok; fdlh uxjikfydk dh Bhd ckgjh lhekvksa ls rhu fdyksehVj ls ckgj dk {ks=
vfHkizsr gSA”A
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
mn~ns';ksa vkSj dkj.kksa dk dFku
jkT; esa tutkrh;] nqxZe vkSj xzkeh.k {ks=ksa rFkk fiNM+h iapk;rksa esa Ik;ZVu dks c<+kok nsus rFkk ,sls
{ks=ksa esa vkjkenk;d gksVy izlqfo/kk,a vkSj lsok,a miyC/k djkus ds vk'k; ls] fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj
vkokl x`g½ foykl&oLrq,a dj vf/kfu;e] 1979 ds v/khu jkT; esa xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa u, gksVyksa dks] ,sls
gksVyksa ds izpkyu esa vkus dh rkjh[k ls nl o’kZ dh vof/k ds fy,] foykl&oLrq dj ds lank; ls NwV
iznku djus vkSj jkT; ljdkj dks] foykl&oLrq dj ls NwV ds ,sls izksRlkguksa dks miyC/k djkuss gsrq Ldhe
vf/klwfpr djus ds fy,] l'kDr djus dk fofu'p; fd;k x;k gSA blfy, iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk
6&³ dks la'kksf/kr djuk vko';d gks x;k gSA
;g fo/ks;d mi;qZDr mn~ns';ksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, gSA
¼izdk'k pkS/kjh½
izHkkjh eU=hA
/keZ'kkyk %
rkjh[k -------------- ]2014
foÙkh; Kkiu
fo/ks;d ds micU/kksa ds vf/kfu;fer gksus ij] dj ds laxzg.k esa dqN deh gks ldrh gS ftldk
vuqeku ugha yxk;k tk ldrk gSA fo/ks;d ds micU/k vf/kfu;fer gksus ij fo|eku ljdkjh rU= }kjk
izofrZr fd, tk,axs vkSj blls dksbZ vfrfjDr O;; vUroZfyr ugha gksxkA
izR;k;ksftr fo/kku lEcU/kh Kkiu
fo/ks;d dk [k.M 2 jkT; ljdkj dks xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa u, gksVyksa] tks izFke vizSy] 2014 ds
Ik'pkr~ izpkyu esa vk, gSa] ds jftLVªhÑr LoRo/kkfj;ksa dks foykl&oLrq dj ds lank; ls NwV iznku djus
dh O;OkLFkk djus ds fy, Ldhe vf/klwfpr djus ds fy, l'kDr djrk gSA 'kfDr;ksa dk ;g izR;k;kstu
vfuok;Z vkSj lkekU; Lo:Ik dk gS A
Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vuqPNsn 207 ds v/khu jkT;iky dh flQkfj'ksa
¼ufLr la[;k% bZ-,Dl-,u- ,Q-¼6½&1@2004 ywt&IV½
fgekpy izns'k dh jkT;iky] fgekpy izns'k ¼gksVy vkSj vkokl x`g½ foykl&oLrq,a dj f}rh;
la'kks/ku fo/ks;d] 2014 dh fo’k;&oLrq ds ckjs esa lwfpr fd, tkus ds Ik'pkr~] Hkkjr ds lafoèkku ds
vuqPNsn 207 ds v/khu fo/ks;d dks fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir djus vkSj ml ij fopkj djus dh flQkfj'k
djrh gSaA
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Bill No. 8 of 2014
further to amend the Himachal Pradesh Tax on Luxuries (in Hotels and Lodging Houses)
Act, 1979 (Act No.15 of 1979).
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Sixty-fifth Year of the
Republic of India as follows:—
1. Short title.—This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Tax on Luxuries (in Hotels
and Lodging Houses) Second Amendment Act, 2014.
2. Amendment of section 6-E.—In section 6-E of the Himachal Pradesh Tax on Luxuries
(in Hotels and Lodging Houses) Act, 1979,—
(a) for the heading “Special provisions relating to exemption from payment of luxury tax
by proprietors of new hotels in tribal and hard areas or in backward Panchayats”, the
heading “Exemption from payment of luxury tax in certain cases” shall be substituted;
(b) for sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:—
“(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, if the Government is of the
opinion that in order to promote tourism in the tribal, hard or rural areas or in
backward Panchayats in the State, it is necessary and expedient in public interest
so to do, it may notify a scheme and exempt the registered proprietor of new
hotels in such tribal or hard areas which came in to operation after 1st April,
2012, in backward Panchayats which came into operation after 1st April, 2013
and in rural area which came into operation after 1st April, 2014, from the
payment of luxury tax for a period of ten years from the date the hotels
commences operation, subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be
specified in the said scheme.”; and
(c) in sub-section (2), for explanations I and II, the following Explanation shall be
substituted, namely:—
“Explanation.- For the purpose of this section,—
“ tribal and hard areas” means,—
District Lahaul Spiti,
Pangi and Bharmour Sub-division of Chamba District,
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Dodra Kawar Areas of Rohru Sub-division,
Pandrah Bis Pargana, Munish Darkali and Kashapat Gram Panchayat of
Rampur Tehsil of District Shimla,
Pandrah Bis Pargana of Kullu District,
Bara Bangal Areas of Baijnath Sub-division of Kangra.
District Kinnaur,
Kathwar and Korga Patwar Circles of Kamrau Sub-Tehsil, Bhaladh Bhalona
and Sangna Patwar Circles of Renukaji Tehsil and Kota Pab Patwar Circle of
Shillai Tehsil, in Sirmour District, and
Khanyol-Bagra Patwar Circle of Karsog Tehsil, Gada-Gussaini, Mathyani,
Ghanyar, Thachi, Baggi, Somgad and Kholanal of Bali-Chowki Sub-Tehsil,
Jharwar,Kutgarh, Graman, Devgarh, Trailla, Ropa, Kathog, Silh-Hadhwani,
Hatpur, Ghamrchar and Bhatenhar Patwar Circle of Padhar Tehsil, Chiuni,
Kalipar, Mangarh, Thach-Bagra, North Magru and South Magru Patwar
Circles of Thunag Tehsil and Batwara Patwar Circle of Sunder Nagar Tehsil
in Mandi District ;
(II) “backward Panchayats” means such Panchayats as may be notified backward
Panchayats by the Government ; and
(III) “rural areas” means area falling beyond three kilometres from the immediate
outer limits of a municipality, except such established tourist area as may be
notified by the Government.”.
In order to promote tourism in tribal, hard and rural areas, and in backward Panchayats
in the State and to provide comfortable hotel facilities and services in such areas, it has been
decided to provide exemption from payment of luxury tax under the Himachal Pradesh Tax on
Luxuries(in Hotels and Lodging Houses) Act, 1979, to new hotels in rural areas in the State for a
period of ten years from the date such hotels commences operation and to empower the State
Government to notify a scheme for providing such incentives of exemption from luxury tax. This
has necessitated amendments in section 6-E of Act ibid.
This Bill seeks to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
The ........... , 2014
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
The provisions of the Bill when enacted may result some reduction in tax collection which
cannot be quantified. The provisions of the Bill when enacted will be enforced by the existing
Government machinery and no additional expenditure will be involved.
Clause 2 of the Bill seeks to empower the State Government to notify a scheme for
providing exemption from payment of Luxury Tax to the registered proprietors of new hotels in
rural areas which came into operation after 1st April, 2014. The proposed delegation of power is
essential and normal in character.
(Excise and Taxation Department File No. EXN-F (6)-1/2004-Loose-IV)
Governor of Himachal Pradesh having been informed of the subject matter of Himachal
Pradesh Tax on Luxuries (in Hotels and Lodging Houses) Second Amendment Bill, 2014,
recommends under article 207 of the Constitution of India, the introduction in and consideration of
the said Bill by the Legislative Assembly.
fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk lfpoky;
fnukad% 9 fnlEcj] 2014
la[;k% fo0l0-fo/kk;u&ljdkjh fo/ks;d@1&40@2014-&&fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k
,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;ekoyh] 1973 ds fu;e 140 ds vUrxZr fgekpy izns'k fo|qr forj.k izca/ku
mÙkjnkf;Ro fo/ks;d] 2014 ¼2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 10½ tks vkt fnukad 9 fnlEcj] 2014 dks fgekpy
izns'k fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir gks pqdk gS] loZ&lk/kkj.k dh lwpukFkZ jkti= esa eqfnzr djus gsrq izsf"kr
fd;k tkrk gSA
vkns'k }kjk]
fg0 iz0 fo/kku lHkkA
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
2014 dk fo/ks;d la[;kad 10
fgekpy izns'k fo|qr forj.k izca/ku mÙkjnkf;Ro fo/ks;d] 2014
¼fo/kku lHkk esa iqj%LFkkfir #i esa½
nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk] fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh fofu;ked vuqikyu ds {ks=ksa esa foRrh; iquxZBu /kkj.kh;
vk/kkj ij leFkZu ds ek/;e ls miHkksDrkvksa dks Ik;kZIr fo|qr iznk; dks leFkZ cukus ds fy, jkT; ds
LokfeRok/khu forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh foRrh; vkSj izfrpkyu izfrorZu rFkk nh?kZdkfyd /kkj.kh;rk
lqfuf'pr djus gsrq jkT; ljdkj ds mRrjnkf;Roksa rFkk mlls lEcfU/kr ;k mlds vkuq"kafxd uhfr funs'kksa
vkSj fofHkUu vU; mik; vf/kdfFkr djus gsrq micU/k djus ds fy, fo/ks;d A
Hkkjr x.kjkT; ds iSalBosa o"kZ esa fgekpy izns'k fo/kku lHkk }kjk fuEufyf[kr #i esa ;g vf/kfu;fer
1- laf{kIr uke] ykxw gksuk] foLrkj vkSj izkjEHk-&&¼1½ bl vfèkfu;e dk laf{kIr uke fgekpy izns'k
fo|qr forj.k izcaèku mRrjnkf;Ro vfèkfu;e] 2014 gS A
¼2½ bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/k] foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk ds mÌs';ksa ds vuqlkj] fo|qr ds forj.k esa
yxs gq, jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRok/khu jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu cksMZ ;k
foHkkx dks ykxw gksaxsA
¼3½ bldk foLrkj lEiw.kZ fgekpy izns'k jkT; eas gksxk A
¼4½ ;g ,slh rkjh[k dks izo`Ùk gksxk] tSlh jkT; ljdkj jkti= esa vfèklwpuk }kjk fu;r djs A
ifjHkk"kk,a-&&¼1½ bl vf/kfu;e eas tc rd fd lanHkZ ls vU;Fkk visf{kr u gks]&
¼d½ “dk;Z ;kstuk” dk ogh vFkZ gksxk tks bl vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3 esa bldks leuqnsf'kr gS;
¼[k½ “ladfyr rduhdh vkSj okf.kfT;d gkfu” ;k “,-Vh-,.M lh ykWl” ls forj.k iz.kkyh ds ÅtkZ
vkxr vkSj izkI; ÅtkZ dk vUrj vfHkizsr gS ftlesa izkI; ÅtkZ ns;dkafdr ÅtkZ ds mRiknu vkSj
laxzg.k {kerk ds cjkcj gksxh;
¼x½ “izkf/kdj.k” ls fo|qr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 70 dh mi/kkjk ¼1½ esa fufnZ"V dsUnzh; fo|qr izkf/kdj.k
vfHkizsr gS;
¼?k½ “cksMZ” dk ogh vFkZ gksxk tks fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 esa bls leuqnsf'kr gS;
¼³½ “laxzg.k {kerk ” ls mlh o"kZ ds fy, ns;dkafdr dqy jktLo ds dqy olwyh; jktLo dk
vuqikr vfHkizsr gS;
¼p½ “ fo|qr vf/kfu;e” ls ;Fkk izo`Ùk fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 vfHkizsr gS;
¼N½ “jktdks"kh; mRrjnkf;Ro vkSj ctV izcU/ku lhek” ls le;≤ ij ;Fkk izo`Ùk] jkT; ds
jktdks"kh; mRrjnkf;Ro vkSj ctV izcU/ku ls lEcfU/kr] ifjfu;e ds v/khu dsUnzh; ljdkj dh
jkT; ljdkj ds m/kkj ij vf/kjksfir lhek vfHkizsr gS;
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼t½ “foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk” ;k “,Q vkj ih” ls dsUnzh; ljdkj }kjk dk;kZy; Kkiu la[;k%
20@11@2012&,ihMhvkjih rkjh[k 5 vDrwcj] 2012 ds fucU/kuksa ds vuqlkj vf/klwfpr foRrh;
iquxZBu Ldhe ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj jkT; ljdkj }kjk ;Fkk vf/klwfpr forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh
ds foRrh; iquxZBu ds fy, ;kstuk vfHkiszr gS;
¼>½ “izeq[k fu’iknu ladsrd ¼dsihvkbZt½” ls jkT; vk;ksx }kjk vfèkdfFkr fu"iknu ekud] ;fn
dksbZ gS] vkSj@;k foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk] ;fn dksbZ gS] vfHkiszr gS vkSj ,slh vof/k rd tc rd
fd dsihvkbZt vfèkdfFkr ugha dj fn, tkrs rks bl vf/kfu;e dh vuqlwph esa ;Fkk micaf/kr
dsihvkbZt fo|eku jgsaxs;
¼´½ “uksMWy cSad” ls jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds foRrh; iquxZBu ds iz;kstuksa ds fy, vkSj jkT;
ljdkj jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh vkSj Hkkxhnkj m/kkjnkrk ds lkFk leUo; ds iz;kstu ds fy,
foRrh; lsokvksa ds foHkkx }kjk ukefunsZf'kr cSad vfHkizsr gS;
¼V½ “fofgr” ls bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj }kjk cuk, x, fu;eksa }kjk fofgr vfHkizsr gS;
¼B½ “vuqlwph” ls bl vf/kfu;e ls layXu vuqlwph vfHkizsr gS;
¼M½ “jkT; vk;ksx” ls fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 ¼2003 dk 36½ dh /kkjk 82 ds v/khu xfBr fgekpy
izns'k fo|qr fofu;ked vk;ksx vfHkizsr gS;
¼<½ “jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh” ;k “forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh” ls fo|qr ¼iznk;½ vf/kfu;e] 1948
¼1948 dk 54½ dh /kkjk 5 dh mièkkjk ¼1½ ds v/khu xfBr fgekpy izns'k jkT; fo|qr ifj"kn~
lhfer ;k ljdkjh dEiuh ;k jkT; ljdkj ds vUrxZr fo|qr ds forj.k ds fy, vfHk;ksftr
foHkkx vfHkizsr gS; vkSj
¼.k½ “jkT; ljdkj” ls fgekpy izns'k ljdkj vfHkizsr gS;
¼2½ bl vf/kfu;e esa mu leLr 'kCnksa] tks blesa vfHkO;Dr #i ls ifjHkkf"kr ugha gaS] ds ogh vFkZ
gksaxs tks foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk] fo|qr vfèkfu;e] 2003 ;k rn~/khu tkjh dh xbZ vf/klwpukvksa] cuk, x,
fu;eksa vkSj fofu;eksa ds v/khu muds fy, leuqnsf'kr fd, x, gSa A
3- jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcUèku fooj.kh dk jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds le{k izLrqr fd;k tkuk-&&¼1½
jkT; ljdkj] nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk] miHkksDrk laj{k.k] fofu;ked vuqikyuk] fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh] jkT;
forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds foRrh; iquxZBu ds {ks= lfgr jkT; ljdkj }kjk jkT; esa fo|qr forj.k ls
lEcfU/kr fd, x, mik;ksa ij jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcU/ku fooj.kh dks izR;sd foRrh; o"kZ esa ctV l= ds
nkSjku jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds le{k j[ksxh rkfd mUgsa /kkj.kh; vk/kkj ij jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh
ifjpkyu vkSj foRrh; {kerk ds vuq#i yk;k tk lds vkSj ftlesa fuEufyf[kr lekfo’V gksxk%&
¼d½ vkxkeh foRrh; o"kZ ds fy, /kkjk 4]5]6 vkSj 8 ds v/khu micaf?kr 'krksZa ;k micU/kksa ls lEcfU/kr
izeq[k fu’iknu ladsrd izkIr djus gsrq vkSj vU; dk;Zdykiksa dh fof'kf’V;ka] ftudh jkT;
forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh dh foRrh; vkSj ifjpkyu izfrorZu ij lEHkkO; foo{kk,a gSa] ljdkj dh
ikWfyfl;ksa vkSj ;qfDr;ka vf/kdfFkr djrs gq, jkT; fo|qr forj.k ;kstuk dh fooj.kh;
¼[k½ le;c) dk;ZØe vf/kdfFkr djrs gq, nh?kZdkfyd] e/;e dkfyd] vYidkfyd vk/kkj ij fuEu
ds fy, dk;Z ;kstuk&
izeq[k fu’iknu ladsrdksa dks izkIr djus gsrq ;qfDrxr iwfoZdrkvksa dks fu"ikfnr djuk(
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
izeq[k fu"iknu ladsrdksa vkSj ;qfDrxr iwfoZdrkvksa dk vuqJo.k djuk vkSj mudh
vuqikyuk lqfuf'pr djuk]
izfd;k esa@izfØ;k ds nkSjku izfrlwpuk iFk] vkSj
,sls vU; dk;Zdyki tks bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj }kjk laR;Dr ck/;rkvksa dks
iwjk djus vkSj bl vfèkfu;e ds mÌs';ksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, visf{kr gksa%
ijUrq dk;Z ;kstuk esa okLrfod fu"iknu vkSj izeq[k fu"iknu ladsrdkas esa fopyu dk
foyksiu djus vkSj U;wure djus ds fy, mik; vUrfoZ’V gksaxs;
¼x½ ;FkkfLFkfr] jkT; fo|qr vuqKfIr/kkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj }kjk ,slh 'krksZa ;k bl vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk
4]5]6 vkSj 8 ds v/khu micfU/kr micU/kksa lfgr vuqikyuk ds fu/kkZj.k vf/kdfFkr djrs gq,
jkT; forj.k fu’iknu fooj.kh A
¼2½ jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcU/ku fooj.kh ,sls iz#i esa gksxh] tSlk fofgr fd;k tk, A
¼3½ jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcU/ku fooj.kh fdUgha ifj.kkeksa] ftlls vuqKfIrèkkjh fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003
ds v/khu] fof'k’Vr;k mDr vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 55 esa fufnZ"V le; lhek ds fy, nk;h gksxk vkSj mDr
vf/kfu;fefr ds v/khu fdUgha vis{kkvksa ds lEcU/k esa izkf/kdkfj;ksa ds fdUgha vkns'kksa vkSj funs'kksa ds izfrdwy
izHkko Mkys fcuk gksxh%
ijUrq bl /kkjk dh dksbZ Hkh ckr fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 ds v/khu fdlh vis{kk dh NwV vrfgZr ugha
gksxh A
4- jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh /kkj.kh;rk ds fy, nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj
fuEufyf[kr ekeyksa ds fy, leqfpr mik;ksa dh O;oLFkk djsxh] vFkkZr~%&
¼d½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh ekax dk vkdyu] ladfyr rduhdh vkSj okf.kfT;d gkfu vkSj
nh?kZdkfyd vk/kkj ij fo|qr dh miyCèkrk rFkk jkT; vk;ksx ds vuqeksnu ls ekax dh iwfrZ ds
fy, ÅtkZ ds Ø; gsrq] nh?kZdkfyd ;k e/;e ;k vYidkfyd djkjksa ds ek/;e ls lafonk,a(
¼[k½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh jkT; vk;ksx ds vuqeksnu ls ladfyr rduhdh vkSj okf.kfT;d gkfu
dks de djus ds fy, le;c) jksMeSi rS;kj djuk%
ijUrq jksMeSi bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Ùk gksus dh rkjh[k ls Ng ekl ds Hkhrj rS;kj fd;k
¼x½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ÅtkZ ifjdyu vkSj leLr 33 ds0oh0 QhMjksa] 11 ds0oh0 QhMjksa dh
laijh{kk vkSj miHkksDrk vuqØef.kdk lfgr forj.k VªkalQkeZjksa rFkk miHkksDrkvksa ds izR;sd izoxZ
dh le;c) ehVfjax dk ftEek ysrk gS vkSj ,slk djrs le; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dks ehVfjax
izkS|ksfxfd;ksa esa uohure ifjo/kZu ij fopkj djuk gksxk%
ijUrq ÅtkZ ds ifjdyu vkSj vads{k.k dh ckcr jksMeSi vkSj leLr miHkksDrkvksa ds fy,
le;c) ehVfjax bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr gksus dh rkjh[k ls Ng ekl ds Hkhrj rS;kj fd;k
tk,xk vkSj blds fy, jkT; vk;ksx ls vuqeksnu fy;k tk,xk%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd miHkksDrk vuqØef.kdk bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr gksus dh rkjh[k ls nks
o"kZ ds Hkhrj iw.kZ dh tk,xh%
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
ijUrq ;g vkSj Hkh fd jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ÅtkZ vads{k.k] laijh{kk] ehVfjax vkSj
QhMjksa rFkk forj.k Vª~kalQkeZj&okj miHkksDrk vuqØef.kdk dh ckcr v/kZokf"kZd izxfr fjiksVZ
izkf/kdj.k vkSj jkT; vk;ksx dks izLrqr djsxk;
¼?k½ ;fn jkT; ljdkj fdlh miHkksDrk ;k miHkksDrkvksa dh fdlh Js.kh dks dksbZ lgk;dh iznku
djuk visf{kr le>rh gS rks jkT; ljdkj Li"Vr;k miHkksDrk ;k miHkksDrkvksa dh fdlh Js.kh]
ftldks bls iznku fd;k tkuk gS] dk o.kZu djrs gq, vfxze eas lgk;dh dh izek=k ?kksf"kr
djsxh vkSj ,slk djrs le; jkT; ljdkj fofu;kedksa dh Qksje }kjk fofo/k o"kZ ds fy, rS;kj
fd, x, forj.k VSfjQ ds fofu;ekas }kjk funsZf'kr gksxh;
¼³½ okf"kZd ctV dk izko/kku djuk vkSj ;fn izfrc)rk gS rks fo|qr vfèkfu;e] 2003 dh /kkjk 65
ds vuqlkj le; ij lgk;dh Hkh tkjh djuk;
¼p½ ;g lqfuf'pr djuk fd bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr gksus dh rkjh[k dks ;k blls iwoZ jkT; ljdkj
ds fofHkUu foHkkxksa vkSj laLFkkvksa dks fo|qr iznk; ds fy, fo|qr izHkkjksa dk dksbZ cdk;k ugha gS
vkSj ,slk djus esa vlQy jgus dh n'kk esa bls okf"kZd ctV vuqnku esa lek;ksftr fd;k
ijUrq jkT; ljdkj blds fofHkUu foHkkxksa vkSj laLFkkvksa dks iznk; dh xbZ fo|qr ds fy,
izHkkj ns; rkjh[k ds Hkhrj jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dks lank; djuk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy,
vuqnkuksa lfgr ctV izko/kku djsxh;
¼N½ bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr gksus ds izkjEHk dh rkjh[k ls ,d o"kZ ds Hkhrj ogka fo'ks"k U;k;ky;
LFkkfir djuk tgka fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 dh /kkjk 153 ls 157 ds vuqlkj fctyh dh pksjh
dks idM+us ds fy, ;g LFkkfir ugha fd, x, gSa;
¼t½ ;g lqfuf'pr djuk fd LVsV yksM fMLiSp lsaVj dks fdlh jkT; vfèkfu;e ds v/khu ;k }kjk]
tSlk jkT; ljdkj }kjk vf/klwfpr fd;k tk,] LFkkfir ;k xfBr fdlh ljdkjh dEiuh ;k
fdlh izkfèkdj.k ;k fuxe ¼jkT; ikjs"k.k mi;ksfxrk ls vU;Fkk½ }kjk bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr
gksus dh rkjh[k ls Ng ekl ds Hkhrj ifjpkfyr gks vkSj vU; mik;ksa dh O;oLFkk djuk tks
fØ;k'khy vkSj foRrh; Lok;Ùkrk] LorU= vkSj /kkj.kh; jktLo L=ksr vkSj i;kZIr tu'kfDr
lqfuf'pr djsxh%
ijUrq ,slh ljdkjh dEiuh ;k dksbZ izkf/kdj.k ;k fuxe] fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003 dh /kkjk
32 vkSj 33 ds v/khu fofufnZ"V ls vU;Fkk fdlh ÑR; esa 'kkfey ugha gksxh;
¼>½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds lEcU/k eas] leuq’kaxh] la;qDr tksf[ke mBkus okyh dEifu;ksa dk
xBu ;k fMohtu dh vU; Ldheksa] lekesyu] foy; ;k iquxZBu ;k O;oLFkk,a djuk tks
ifj.kkeh ,UVVh dh ykHknkf;drk vkSj {kerk esa vfHko`f) djsxh] vkfFkZd n{krk] yksd futh
Hkkxhnkjh] izfr;ksfxrk dks izksRlkgu vkSj miHkksDrk ds fgrksa dk laj{k.k lqfuf'pr djuk; vkSj
¼¥½ ,sls vU; mik; tks fofgr fd, tk,a A
5- jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds fy, foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk-&&¼1½ foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk
vf/klwfpr gks tkus ij] jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds foRrh; iquxZBu ds izpkyu djus ds lkFk&lkFk]
jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, leqfpr mik; djsxh fd foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk esa ifjpkyu
vkSj foRrh; izkpy ds iz{ksi&iFk fu;r le; lhek ds Hkhrj izkIr gks tk,a A
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼2½ jkT; ljdkj] jkT; vk;ksx ds fdlh vkns'k ;k funs'k ds v/;/khu] jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh
ds foRrh; nkf;Roksa dk ftEek ysus ds fy, vkSj jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh foRrh; ifjpkyu gkfu;ksa
vkSj fgrksa ds foRriks"k.k ds fy, foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk esa fopkfjr ifjpkyu vkSj foRrh; iz{ksi&iFkksa dks
izkIr djus ds fy, rFkk ,sls vU; mik;ksa] tks fdlh foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk ;k fdlh vU; foRrh;
iquxZBu Ldhe esa fofufnZ"V fd, tk,a] ds fy, ;kstuk vfèklwfpr djuk%
ijUrq ;s jktdks"kh; mRrjnkf;Ro] jkT; jktdks"kh; mRrjnkf;Ro vkSj ctV izcU/ku lhek] ;fn dksbZ
gS] esa miyC/k ctV izfrcU/kksa@foRrh; lhekvksa ds laxr gksaxs%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd jkT; ljdkj jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dks _.k ds #i esa fdlh Hkh foRrh;
nkf;Ro dks muls okil fy, tkus ds i'pkr] lek;ksftr ugha djsxh^%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd ;fn foRrh; mRrjnkf;Ro vkSj ctV izcU/k vf/kfu;e] 2005] ;fn dksbZ gS] ds
v/khu _.k&ldy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn vuqikr lfgr ;fn jktdks"kh; vUrj ik;k tkrk gS rks ljdkj foRr
vk;ksx }kjk le;≤ ij rFkk vf/klwfpr lqlaxr jktdks"kh; o"kZ dh mldh 'kq) _.k ysus dh lhek
dks ikj ugha djsxh%
ijUrq ;g vkSj Hkh fd ;fn fdlh fof'k"V o"kZ esa jkT; ljdkj dk foRrh; vUrj ewyr% izf{kIr ls
vf/kd ik;k tkrk gS rks ;g ;Fkklk/;'kh?kz vfrfjDr nkf;Roksa dks gkFk esa ysxh A
¼3½ jkT; ljdkj] jkT; foRr ij blds izHkko ds izHkkoh vuqJo.k ds fy,] jkT; ctV foojf.k;ksa ds
Hkkx&#i jktdks"kh; iquxZBu ;kstuk ;k ,slh vU; foHkkxh; Ldhe cuk,xh A
¼4½ jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh foRrh; iquxZBu ;kstuk eas
;Fkk micfU/kr ds flok; izpkyu gkfu ds fy, fufèk dk izko/kku djus ds fy, vYidkfyd _.k ugha
ysxk A
6- ys[kk mik;-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd jkT; forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh bl vf/kfu;e
ds izo`Rr gksus dh rkjh[k ls Ng ekl ds Hkhrj l'kDr lfefr LFkkfir djsxh tks jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIr/kkjh ds ys[kk [kkrksa esa izkI; rFkk Mwcr vkSj “kadkLin _.k dh igpku O;oLFkk] vkSj cVVs&[kkrs
Mkyuk lqfuf'pr djsxh%
ijUrq jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ys[kk ikWfyfl;k¡ rS;kj djsxk] tks blds foRrh; izcU/ku vkSj blds
izkI;kas ds izcU/ku vkSj Mwcr vkSj “kadkLin _.k ds fy, micU/k djus gsrq] ftlesa cV~Vs&[kkrs eas Mkyus ds
fy, le;&lhek vUrfoZ"V gks] O;oLFkk djsxh A
¼2½ jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh us bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Rr gksus dh
rkjh[k ls nks o"kZ ds Hkhrj foRrh; ys[kk ekudksa ds vUrxZr fLFkj ifjlEifRr;ksa dh lkekU;r% LohÑr
ifjHkk"kk ds vuqlkj fLFkj ifjlEifRr jftLVj dh vfLrRo tkap iw.kZ dj yh gS vkSj mls rS;kj dj fy;k
ijUrq mi/kkjk ¼2½ esa fufnZ’V mDr ;kstuk dks jkT; vk;ksx dks vuqeksnu ds fy, izLrqr fd;k
¼3½ jkT; ljdkj vf/klwpuk }kjk] fuEufyf[kr ls feydj cuus okyh ,d l'kDr lfefr xfBr
¼i½ iz/kku lfpo ¼foRr½]
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼ii½ iz/kku lfpo ¼ÅtkZ½]
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
lnL;; vkSj
¼iii½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dk izeq[k
lnL;&lfpo A
7- fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj dk ;g lqfuf'pr djuk dÙkZO; gksxk fd jkT;
forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds funs'kd cksMZ esa fØ;k'khy] ukefunsZf'krh vkSj LorU= funs'kdksa dk vuqdwyre
la;kstu gks%
ijUrq ;g fd fØ;k'khy funs'kdksa dh la[;k ¼v/;{k ,oa izcU/k funs'kd@izcUèk funs'kd lfgr½ cksMZ
dh okLrfod la[;k ds ipkl izfr'kr ls vf/kd ugha gksxh%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd jkT; ljdkj }kjk fu;qDr ukefunsZf'kr funs'kdksa dh la[;k nks ls vf/kd ugha
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd LorU= funs'kdksa dh la[;k dEiuh vf/kfu;e] 1956 ds micU/kksa ds vuqlkj gksxh A
Li"Vhdj.k% ‘LorU= funs'kd’ ls forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh dk va'kdkyhu funs'kd vfHkizsr gksxk] tks]&
¼d½ funs'kd dk ikfjJfed izkIr djus ds vykok] jkT; forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh] blds funs'kdksa] blds
izoj izcU/ku] bldh fu;a=h dEiuh blds leuq"kafx;ksa vkSj lg;qDrksa rFkk jkT; ljdkj] tks
funs'kd dh LorU=rk dks izHkkfor djs] ds lkFk dksbZ lkjoku /kuh; lEcU/k ;k laO;ogkj u
j[krk gks;
¼[k½ cksMZ Lrj ij ;k cksMZ ls ,d Lrj uhps izcU/ku gSfl;rsa j[kus okys O;fDr;ksa ls lEcfU/kr ugha gS;
¼x½ iwoZoÙkhZ rhu o"kZ ds nkSjku fuEufyf[kr esa ls] fdlh dk Hkkxhnkjh ;k dk;Zikyd ugha gS] ;k
Hkkxhnkj ;k dk;Zikyd ugha Fkk%&
¼i½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds lkFk lEcfU/kr dkuwuh ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ ;k vkUrfjd ys[kk
ijh{kk QeZ ;k dj ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ ;k ÅtkZ ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ ;k izcU/ku ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ
;k tksf[ke ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ ;k chek ys[kk ijh{kk QeZ; vkSj
¼ii½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds lkFk lkjoku~ lEcU/k j[kus okys vf/koDrk¼vksa½ dk iSuy ;k
dkuwuh QeZ ¼QekZsa½ ;k ijke'kZnk=h QeZ ¼QekZsa½ ;k fo'ks"kK¼ fo'ks"kKksa½;
¼?k½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dk lkjoku~ iznk;drkZ] lsok iznku djus okyk ;k xzkgd ;k
iV~VkdrkZ ;k iV~Vk/kkjh ugha gS tks funs'kd dh LorU=rk dks izHkkfor djs;
¼³½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh] vFkkZr~ ernku fd, tkus okys 'ks;jksa ds CykWd dk 2 izfr'kr ;k
mlls vf/kd dk Lokeh gS] dk lkjoku 'ks;jèkkjd ugha gS; vkSj
¼p½ ;ksX;rk] lR;fu"Bk] izfr"Bk okyk O;fDr gS tks bathfu;fjax ;k fofèk ;k vFkZ'kkL= ;k okf.kT; ;k
foRr ;k izcU/ku esa vgZrk j[krk gks vkSj fo|qr mRiknu ;k ikjs"k.k ;k forj.k ds {ks=ksa esa Kku
vkSj vuqHko j[krk gks A
¼2½ jkT; ljdkj] ifCyd miØe foHkkx] Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk] jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkfj;ksa ds leLr
cksMZ lnL;ksa vkSj ofj"B izcU/kdx.k ds fy, ;Fkk vf/klwfpr ifCyd lsDVj miØeksa ds fy, fuxfer 'kklu
iz.kkyh ij ekxZn'kZd fl)kUrksa dh i)fr ij vkpkj lafgrk vf/kdfFkr djsxh] ftlesa cksMZ vkSj izcU/ku ds
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
e/; mRrjnkf;Roksa dh Hkwfedk vkSj foHkktu dh Li"V :Ik js[kk rks lfEefyr gksxh ijUrq bl rd lhfer
ugha gksxhA
8- fofu;ked vuqikyu vkSj VSfjQ nkf[ky djuk-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj] fo|qr vf/kfu;e] 2003
vkSj rn~/khu cuk, x, fu;eksa vkSj fofu;eksa rFkk fofu;ked funsZ'kdksa vkSj uhfr;ksa dh jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIrèkkjh }kjk vuqikyuk dh izkfLFkfr dk ,d o"kZ esa nks ckj ewY;kadu djus ds lkFk&lkFk ,sls vafre
ewY;kadu ls vuuqikyu dh izsj.kk dks ifj'kksf/kr fd, tkus gsrq mBk, x, dneksa dk Hkh ewY;kadu djsxh A
¼2½ jkT; ljdkj] lgh ¼Vªwvi½ ;kfpdkvkssa] ladfyr jktLo vis{kk vkSj VSfjQ ;kfpdkvksa rFkk jkT;
forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh }kjk] jkT; vk;ksx }kjk fofufnZ"V vkns'kksa ;k fofu;eksa ds vuqlkj bZa/ku vkSj Ø; dh
xbZ fo|qr ykxr ds dkj.k lek;kstu ;kfpdkvksa dk fu;fer vkSj le; ij nk;j djuk lqfuf'pr
¼3½ mi/kkjk ¼2½ ds gksrs gq, Hkh] jkT; ljdkj dk ;g dRrZO; gksxk fd og jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIr/kkjh dks fuEufyf[kr dks de djus ;k lekIr djus gsrq] jktdks"kh; micU/k ;k vuqnku dh
O;oLFkk djs] ;fn jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dh vlQyrk ds dkj.k dksbZ izfrdwy foRrh; izHkko iM+rk
¼d½ okLrfod ÅtkZ Ø; ykxr vkSj jkT; vk;ksx }kjk vuqeksfnr ÅtkZ Ø; ykxr esa QsjQkj(
¼[k½ ladfyr jktLo vis{kk dh vU; enksa dh okLrfod vkSj vuqeksfnr O;; esa QsjQkj tSls fd
ifjpkyu vkSj vuqj{k.k O;; rFkk iwathxr O;;] ijUrq ml rd lhfer ugha( vkSj
¼x½ vkiwfrZ dh vkSlr ykxr vkSj jktLo dh vkSlr olwyh ds e/; QsjQkj%
ijUrq vkiwfrZ dh vkSlr ykxr vkSj jktLo dh vkSlr olwyh ds e/; esa QsjQkj] ;fn
dksbZ gks] dks bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Ùk gksus dh rkjh[k ls rhu ls ikap o"kZ dh vof/k ds Hkhrj iwjk
dj fy;k tk,xkA
¼4½ jkT; ljdkj ;g lqfuf'pr djsxh fd fofu;ked ifjlEifÙk;k¡] ;fn dksbZ gks] bl vf/kfu;e ds
izo`Ùk gksus dh rkjh[k ls rhu ls ikap o"kZ dh vofèk ds Hkhrj ;k jkT; vk;ksx }kjk ,slh fdlh fu;r
vof/k] ;fn dksbZ gk]s ds Hkhrj] tks Hkh iwoZrj gks] 'kh?kzrk ls ifjfu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gSA
9- le>kSrk Kkiu-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj vkSj jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh] bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Ùk
gksus dh rkjh[k ls Ng ekl ls vuf/kd dh vof/k ds Hkhrj izR;sd foRrh; o"kZ ds fy,] jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIr/kkjh ds izeq[k fu’iknu ladsrdksa vkSj fu’iknu ewY;kadu ds fy,] y{; fu/kkZfjr djus gsrq bl
fufeRr ,d le>kSrk Kkiu djsxh%
ijUrq le>kSrk Kkiu] jkT; laforj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dks] bldh fof/kd vkSj fofu;ked ck/;rkvksa ds
fu"iknu rFkk vuqikyu gsrq vf/kdre Lok;Ùkrk iznku djus ij dsfUnzr gksxk ftlesa fuEufyf[kr lfEefyr
gksxk ijUrq mlh rd lfer ugha gksxk%&
¼d½ okf"kZd jktLo vis{kk vkSj VSfjQ ;kfpdkvksa dks le; ij nk;j djuk vkSj jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIr/kkjh }kjk Ø; fd, x, bZa/ku vkSj ÅtkZ dh ykxr ds ys[ks lek;kstu(
¼[k½ foosdiw.kZ fuos'k vkSj iwathxr O;; ;kstuk( vkSj
¼x½ miHkksDrkvksa dks Ik;kZIr vkSj ogu djus ;ksX; fo|qr iznk; miyC/k djokus gsrq foRrh; izcU/ku%
ijUrq ;g Hkh fd le>kSrk Kkiu] bl vf/kfu;e vkSj jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcU/ku fooj.kh
esa micfU/kr leLr foRrh; vkSj izpkyu izkpyksa ds fy, fu’iknu ehy iRFkj lkfcr gksxk A
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼2½ jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh] jkT; ljdkj dks izR;sd Ng ekl esa bl vf/kfu;e ds fofHkUu
micU/kksa ds v/khu ;Fkk visf{kr] blds ifjpkyu vkSj foRrh; fu"iknu ij ,d fjiksVZ izLrqr djsxk%
ijUrq ;g fd fjiksVZ esa fu"iknu ehyiRFkj vkSj bu fu"iknu ehyiRFkjksa ds okLrfod fu"iknu izkIr
djus ds fy, ,slh ;qfDr vkSj ;kstuk vf/kdfFkr gksxh tSlh jkT; ljdkj }kjk fofgr dh tk,%
ijUrq ;g vkSj fd jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ;fn djkj ik, x, ehyiRFkjksa dks izkIr djus esa
vlQy jgrs gSa rks os iqujhf{kr ;qfDr;ka vkSj ;kstuk,a bafXkr djsaxs A
10- vuqJo.k rU=-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj] bl vf/kfu;e ds izHkkoh dk;ZUo;u gsrq] vfèklwpuk }kjk
fuEu ls xfBr ,d lfefr dh LFkkiuk djsxh%&
¼d½ eq[; lfpo] fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
¼[k½ iz/kku lfpo ¼foRr½]
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
¼x½ iz/kku lfpo ¼ÅtkZ½]
fgekpy izns'k ljdkj
¼?k½ jkT; laforj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dk izeq[k
¼³½ jkT; ds LokfeRo okyh mRiknu ¼tujsfVax½
dEiuh dk izeq[k
¼p½ jkT; ds LokfeRo okys ikjs"k.k vuqKfIr/kkjh
dk izeq[k
¼N½ uksMy cSad ds izfrfuf/k vkSj
jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds
rhu eq[; m/kkjnkrk
lnL;( vkSj
¼t½ dsUnzh; fo|qr izkf/kdj.k ls izfrfuf/k
11- vuqikyu izofrZr djus ds mik;-&&¼1½ /kkjk 10 ds v/khu LFkkfir lfefr] izR;sd rhu ekl esa]
bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj ij laR;Dr nkf;Roksa ds vuqikyu dk iqujh{k.k djsxh vkSj mipkjh
mik;ksa] ;fn dksbZ gkas] dh laLrqfr djsxh vkSj jkT; ljdkj] ,sls iqujh{k.kksa dk fu"d"kZ jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds
le{k j[ksxhA
¼2½ bl vf/kfu;e esa ;Fkk micfU/kr ds flok;] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj ij laR;Dr
nkf;Roksa dks iwjk djus esa jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds vuqeksnu ds fcuk dksbZ fopyu vuqeÙk ugha fd;k tk,xk A
¼3½ tgka vdfYir ifjfLFkfr;ksa ds dkj.k] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj ij laR;Dr nkf;Roksa
dks iw.kZ djus esa dksbZ fopyu gS] ogka /kkjk 10 ds v/khu LFkkfir lfefr jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds le{k
fuEufyf[kr Li"V djrs gq, ,d dFku nsxh%&
bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj ij laR;Dr nkf;Roksa dks iw.kZ djus esa fopyu ds
D;k ,slk fopyu lkjHkwr gS vkSj bldh jkT; forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh ds foRrh; rFkk
ifjpkyu izfrorZu ij lEHkkO; foo{kk,a gSa( vkSj
/kkjk 10 ds v/khu LFkkfir lfefr }kjk dh xbZ laLrqfr;ksa ij jkT; ljdkj }kjk fd, tkus
okys izLrkfor mipkjh mik; A
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼4½ jkT; ljdkj }kjk dÙkZO;ksa ds vuuqikyu ij dsUnzh; ljdkj leqfpr dk;Zokgh dj ldsxh
ftlls vukcaVu dksVk] vkfn ls ÅtkZ gsrq jkT; vik= gks ldsxk A
12- jkT; ljdkj dh fu;e cukus dh 'kfDr;k¡-&&¼1½ jkT; ljdkj] bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa dks
dk;kZfUor djus ds fy,] vf/klwpuk }kjk] fu;e cuk,xh A
¼2½ fof'k"Vr;k vkSj iwoZxkeh 'kfDr dh O;kidrk ij izfrdwy izHkko Mkys fcuk] ,sls fu;e
fuEufyf[kr leLr ;k fdlh ekeys gsrq micU/k dj ldsaxs] vFkkZr~%&
/kkjk 3 esa fufnZ"V jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcU/ku fooj.kh dk iz#i(
nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk gsrq ,sls vU; mik; tSls /kkjk 4 ds v/khu visf{kr gksa( vkSj
dksbZ vU; ekeyk ftls fofgr fd;k tkuk visf{kr gS ;k tks fofgr fd;k tk, A
13- fu;eksa dk jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds le{k j[kk tkuk-&&jkT; ljdkj }kjk cuk;k x;k izR;sd
fu;e blds cuk, tkus ds i'pkr~ ;Fkk&'kD;'kh?kz jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds lnu ds le{k j[kk tk,xk A
14- ln~HkkoiwoZd dh xbZ dkjZokbZ ds fy, laj{k.k-&&bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu ln~HkkoiwoZd dh xbZ
;k fd, tkus ds fy, vk'kf;r fdlh ckr ds fy, dksbZ Hkh okn] vfHk;kstu ;k vU; fof/kd dk;Zokgh
jkT; ljdkj ;k jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ;k jkT; ljdkj ds fdlh vfèkdkjh ;k jkT; forj.k
vuqKfIr/kkjh ds fo:) ugha gksxh A
15- vU; fof/k;ksa dk ykxw gksuk oftZr ugha-&&bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/k rRle; izo`Rr fdlh vU;
fof/k ds micUèkksa ds vfrfjDr gksaxs u fd mlds vYihdj.k esa A
16- dfBukbZ;k¡ nwj djus dh 'kfDr-&&¼1½ ;fn bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa dkss dk;ZfUor djus esa
dksbZ dfBukbZ mRiUu gksrh gS rks jkT; ljdkj] jkti= esa izdkf'kr vkns'k }kjk ,sls micU/k dj ldsxh]
tks bl vf/kfu;e ds micU/kksa ls vlaxr u gksa vkSj tks ,slh dfBukbZ;ksa dks nwj djus ds fy, vko';d
izrhr gkas %
ijUrq ,slk dksbZ vkns'k] bl vf/kfu;e ds izo`Ùk gksus dh rkjh[k ls rhu ekl dh vof/k ds volku ds
Ik'pkr~ ugha fd;k tk,xkA
¼2½ bl /kkjk ds v/hku fd;k x;k izR;sd vkns'k mlds bl izdkj fd, tkus ds Ik'pkr~
;Fkk&'kD;'kh?kz jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds le{k j[k tk,xkA
17- vf/kfu;e dk dfri; ekeyksa esa ykxw u gksuk-&&¼1½ bl vf/kfu;e dh dksbZ Hkh ckr ,sls fdlh
forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh dks ykxw ugha gksxh tks jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRok/khu ;k fu;U=.kk/khu ugha gS ;k
jkT; forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds vfLrRo mRrjkf/kdkjh dks tks jkT; ljdkj }kjk LokfeRok/khu ;k
fu;U=.kk/khu ugha gS A
¼2½ mi/kkjk ¼1½ ds gksrs gq, Hkh] bl vf/kfu;e ds v/khu jkT; ljdkj }kjk tkjh leLr funs'k ml
vof/k ds fy, ykxw jgsaxs ftlds fy, jkT; ljdkj }kjk ,sls funs'k tkjh fd, x, FksA
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼/kkjk 2 ¼1½ ¼´½ vkSj ¼3½ ns[ks)a
n`"VkUr izeq[k fu"iknu ladsrd ¼ds vkbZ iht+½
bl vf/kfu;e dh /kkjk 3 esa ;Fkk micfU/kr jkT; fo|qr forj.k izcUèku fooj.kh esa fuEufyf[kr {ks=ksa
esa izeq[k fu"iknu ladsrd lfEefyr fd, tk,axs ijUrq ,sls {ks=ksa rd lhfer ugha gksaxs%&
;kstuk %
¼d½ nh?kZdkfyd] e/;edkfyd vkSj vYidkfyd vk/kkj ij ÅtkZ vkSj 'kh"kZ dfe;ksa dks nwj djus gsrq
lgh ekax izkDdyu lfgr fo|qr mRiknu ,d o"kZ ds Hkhrj ladfyr rduhdh ,oa okf.kfT;d
gkfu;ksa dh ekax vkSj izkDdyu ds iwokZuqeku] f}rh; o"kZ ls vkxs iwokZuqeku ds vuqlkj fo|qr dk
mikiu vkSj vkxkeh rhu ls ikap o"kksZa esa miHkksDrvksa dks 'kr&izfr'kr fo|qr dh vkiwfrZ dk
ftEek ysuk(
¼[k½ ljdkjh foHkkxksa vkSj laLFkkvksa }kjk fo|qr ns;ksa dk lank;-&Pkkyw ns; fcyksa ds vkus dh ns;
rkjh[k ds Hkhrj lanRr fd, tkus gSa(
¼x½ forj.k gkfu deh iz{ksi iFk-&ladfyr rduhdh ,oa okf.kfT;d gkfu;ksa ds 30 izfr'kr ls vf/kd
gkfu;ksa ds fy, 3 izfr'kr okf"kZd dh nj ls vkSj 30 izfr'kr ls uhps dh gkfu;ksa ds fy, 1-5
izfr'kr dh nj ls de fd;k tkuk gS(
¼?k½ lgkf;dh ds fy, O;oLFkk-&blds fy, micU/k ljdkj }kjk ctV esa O;oLFkk ds ekè;e ls
vfxze esa fd;k tkuk pkfg,(
¼³½ leLr 33 ds0oh0 QhMjksa] 11 ds0oh0 QhMjksa vkSj forj.k VªkalQkeZjksa dh ÅtkZ ys[kksa vkSj ÅtkZ
laijh{kk-&,d ls nks o"kZ ds Hkhrj iwjk fd;k tkuk gS(
¼p½ 'kr&izfr'kr ehVfjax vkSj miHkksDrk lwpdkad-&rhu o"kZ ds Hkhrj izkIr fd;k tkuk gS(
¼N½ pksjh ds ekeyksa dks fuiVkus ds fy, ,d o"kZ ds Hkhrj fo'ks"k U;k;ky; LFkkfir djuk] ;fn os
igys ls LFkkfir ugha gSa A
II. foRrh; iquxZBu%
¼d½ laxzg.k n{krk esa lq/kkj-&;fn ;g 95 izfr'kr ls 99 izfr'kr ds chp gS] rks 1-5 izfr'kr izfro"kZ
dh nj ls];fn ;g 90 izfr'kr ls 95 izfr'kr ds chp gS] rks 3 izfr'kr izfro"kZ dh nj ls vkSj
;fn ;g 80 izfr'kr ls 90 izfr'kr ds chp g]S rks 5 izfr'kr izfro"kZ dh nj ls c<+kbZ tkuh gS(
¼[k½ iwoZorhZ izkI;ksa dh olwyh-&tc rd dkedkt iawth lax.kuk esa vk;ksx }kjk ekud lEcU/kh Lrj
rd vuqKkr ugha dj fn;k tkrk gS] iwoZoÙkhZ izkI;ksa dk]s 20 izfr'kr izfr o"kZ dh nj ls de
fd;k tkuk gS(
¼x½ lans;ksa vkSj vU; nkf;Roksa dk ifjfu/kkZj.k-&tc rd ekud lEcU/kh Lrj izkIr ugha gks tkrk gS]
izfr o"kZ 20 izfr'kr dh deh(
¼?k½ iwathxr O;; ds lkFk&lkFk bldh fuf/kxr ;kstuk-&vk;ksx }kjk fofufnZ"V fd, x, ekudksa ds
vuqlkj izR;sd o"kZ le; ij vuqeksfnr fd;k tkuk(
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
¼³½ vYidkfyd fo|qr Ø; dh izek=k vkSj nj-&izR;sd o"kZ 10 izfr'kr ls 15 izfr'kr ls vf/kd
¼p½ vkdkfLedh nkf;Roksa dk fuoZgu-&izR;sd o"kZ 20 izfr'kr(
¼N½ deZpkfj;ksa ds dkfyd izlqfo/kk nkf;Roksa dk fuoZgu-&iwoZorhZ deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, ,d o"kZ ds Hkhrj
vkSj orZeku rFkk lsokfuo`Ùk gks jgs deZpkfj;ksa ds fy, lsokfuo`fRr dh rkjh[k dks A
III. ys[kk mik; %
¼d½ okf"kZd ys[kksa dks le; ij rS;kj fd;k tkuk vkSj mudh laijh{kk ¼okf"kZd ys[ks 30 flrEcj dh
ns; rkjh[k ds Hkhrj rS;kj fd, tkus gSa vkSj mUgsa pkyw ys[kksa ds ekun.Mksa ds lkFk iqu% Js.khc)
fd;k tk,xk½ (
¼[k½ Mwcr vkSj 'kadkLin _.kksa@cV~Vs [kkrksa ds fy, micU/k djuk A
IV. fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh %
¼d½ fØ;k'khy funs'kdksa dh la[;k-&dsUnzh; ifCyd lsDVj miØeksa gsrq fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh ds
fy, ekxZn'kZd fl)kUrksa ds vuqlkj(
¼[k½ LorU= funs'kdksa dh la[;k-&dsUnzh; ifCyd lsDVj miØeksa gsrq fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh ds fy,
ekxZn'kZd fla)kUrksa ds vuqlkj A
fofu;ked mik; %
¼d½ vkSlr jktLo olwyh vkSj vkiwfrZ dh vkSlr ykxr ds e/; vUrj-& rhu ls ikap o"kZ dh vof/k
eas nwj fd;k tkuk gS(
¼[k½ fofu;ked ifjlEifÙk;ksa dk ifjlekiu-&rhu ls ikap o"kZ dh vofèk esa ifjlekIr fd;k tkuk gS(
mn~ns';ksa vkSj dkj.kksa dk dFku
ÅtkZ eU=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj us jkT; ljdkj dks] jkT; ds LokfeRok/khu forj.k vuqKfIrèkkjh ds
foRrh; vkSj ifjpkyuh; izfroZru vkSj nh?kZdkfyd /kkj.kh;rk dks lqfuf'pr djus ds n`f"Vxr] miHkksDrkvksa
dks fo|qr dh i;kZIr vkiwfrZ djus vkSj nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk] vkfn dks leFkZ cukus gsrq] ekWMy jkT; fo|qr
forj.k izcU/ku mRrjkf;Ro fo/ks;d ifjpkfyr fd;k gS A
ekWMy fo/ks;d dk ijh{k.k fd;k x;k vkSj jkT; ds LokfeRok/khu forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds foRrh;
vkSj ifjpkyuh; izfrorZu vkSj nh?kZdkfyd /kkj.kh;rk dks lqfuf'pr djus gsrq blesa vko';drkuqlkj
ifjorZu fd, x, gSa A blfy,] ,d ,slh fof/k dks vf/kfu;fer djus dk fofu'p; fd;k x;k gS] tks
miHkksDrkvksa dks foRrh; iquxZBu nh?kZdkfyd ;kstuk] fuxfer 'kklu iz.kkyh] fofu;ked vuqikyukvksa ds
{ks=ksa esa /kkj.kh; vk/kkj ij lg;ksx ds ek/;e ls i;kZIr fo|qr iznk; djus vkSj uhfr funs”kksa vkSj mlls
lEcfU/kr ;k mlds vkuq"kafxd fofHkUu vU; mik;ksa dks vf/kdfFkr djus esa leFkZ cukus ds fy,] jkT; ds
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
LokfeRok/khu forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds foRrh; vkSj ifjpkyuh; izfrorZu vkSj nh?kZdkfyd /kkj.kh;rk dks
lqfuf'pr djus gsrq jkT; ljdkj ds mRrjnkf;Ro dk micUèk dj lds A izLrkfor fo/kku dk eq[;
mn~ns'; fuEufyf[kr gS]&
¼d½ _.knkrkvksa dks _.k gsrq jkT; nkf;Ro vkSj xkj.Vh vfHkizkIr djds lqfo/kk iznku djuk(
¼[k½ jkT; esa forj.k lsDVj esa foRrh; vuq”kklu ykuk(
¼x½ forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds d`R;ksa ds fy, okf.kfT;d vfHklaLdj.k dk izcU/k djuk(
¼?k½ forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh dks muds izpkyuksa dh n{krk esa lq/kkj djds jktLo dh lqn`<+ o`f) dks
lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, jkT; ljdkj ij mRrjnkf;Ro laR;Dr djuk(
¼³½ forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds ldy rduhdh ,oa okf.kT;d gkfu de djus ds iz;kl dks Rofjr
¼p½ lsok dh dher dh iwfrZ ds fy, VSfjQ dk fu;fer iqu%fu/kkZj.k lqfuf'pr djuk(
¼N½ ldy rduhdh ,oa okf.kT;d rFkk ldy jktLo ds e/; vUrj dks /khjs&/khjs nwj djuk(
¼t½ forj.k vuqKfIr/kkjh ds ys[kksa dh le; ij laijh{kk lqfuf'pr djuk( vkSj
¼>½ forj.k vuqKfIr/kkfj;ksa dks mudh c<+rh ekaxksa dh iwfrZ gsrq mUgsa vkSj vf/kd fo|qr vftZr
djus esa leFkZ cukus gsrq foRrh; n'kk esa lq/kkj djuk A
;g fo/ks;d mi;qZDr mn~ns';ksa dh iwfrZ ds fy, gS A
¼lqtku flag iBkfu;k½
izHkkjh eU=h A
foRrh; Kkiu
fo/ks;d ds vf/kfu;fer fd, tkus ij jktdks"k ls dksbZ vfrfjDr vkorhZ ;k vukorhZ O;;
vUroZfyr ugha gksxk vkSj fo/ks;d ds micU/k fo|eku ljdkjh rU= ds ek/;e ls dk;kZfUor fd, tk,axs
izR;k;ksftr fo/kku lEcU/kh Kkiu
fo/ks;d dk [k.M 12 bl fo/ks;d ds micU/kksa dks izHkkoh cukus ds iz;kstu ds fy, jkT; ljdkj
dks fu;e cukus gsrq l'kDr djrk gSA 'kfDr;ksa dk izLrkfor izR;k;kstu vfuok;Z vkSj lkekU; Lo:i dk
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Bill No. 10 2014
to provide for responsibilities of the State Government to ensure financial and operational
turn-around and long-term sustainability of the State-owned Distribution Licensee to enable
adequate electricity supply to consumers through financial restructuring, support on sustainable
basis in the areas of long term planning, corporate governance, regulatory compliances, and laying
down of policy directives and various other measures connected therewith or incidental thereto.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Sixty- fifth Year of the
Republic of India as follows:1. Short title, applicability, extent and commencement.—(1) This Act may be called
The Himachal Pradesh State Electricity Distribution Management Responsibility Act, 2014.
(2) The provisions of this Act shall, in accordance with the objectives of the Financial
Restructuring Plan, apply to the State Distribution Licensee owned by the State Government or the
Board or the Department under the State Government engaged in distribution of electricity.
It extends to the State of Himachal Pradesh.
(4) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint.
Definitions.—(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires –
(a) “Action Plan” shall have the meaning assigned to it in section 3 of this Act;
(b) “Aggregate Technical & Commercial Loss” or “AT&C Loss” means the difference
between the energy input into the distribution system and the energy realised
wherein the energy realised shall be equal to the product of energy billed and
collection efficiency;
(c) “Authority” means the Central Electricity Authority referred to in sub- section (1) of
section 70 of the Electricity Act;
(d) “Board” shall have the meaning assigned to it under the Electricity Act, 2003;
(e) “Collection efficiency” means the ratio of total revenue realized to the total revenue
billed for the same year;
(f) “Electricity Act” means the Electricity Act, 2003 as in force;
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(g) “fiscal responsibility and budget management limit” means limit imposed on State
Government borrowings from Central Government under the statute relating to
fiscal responsibility and budget management of the State, as may be in force from
time to time;
(h) “Financial Restructuring Plan or “FRP” means a plan for financial restructuring of
the Distribution Licensee as notified by the State Government in accordance with
the provisions of the Financial Restructuring Scheme notified by the Central
Government in terms of Office Memorandum No. 20/11/2012-APDRP, dated 5th
October, 2012;
(i) “Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)” means the performance standards laid by the
State Commission, if any, and/or in the Financial Restructuring Plan, if any, and till
such time the KPIs are laid down, the KPIs as provided for in the Schedule to this
(j) “Nodal Bank” means the bank nominated by the Department of Financial Services,
for the purposes of financial restructuring of the State Distribution Licensee and for
the purposes of co-ordination with the State Government, State Distribution
Licensee and the participating Lenders;
(k) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made by the State Government under this
(l) “Schedule” means schedule appended to this Act;
(m) “State Commission’’ means the Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory
Commission constituted under section 82 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003);
(n) “State Distribution Licensee” or “Distribution Licensee” means the Himachal
Pradesh State Electricity Board Ltd. constituted under sub-section (1) of section 5 of
the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948 (54 of 1948) or the Government Company or the
Department under the State Government engaged in distribution of electricity; and
(o) “State Government” means the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
(2) All other words in this Act, not expressly defined herein, shall have the meanings
assigned thereto under the Financial Restructuring Plan, the Electricity Act, 2003, or notifications,
rules, and regulations made thereunder.
3. State Electricity Distribution Management Statement to be laid before the State
Legislature.—(1) The State Government shall lay, in each financial year during the Budget
Session, before the State Legislature, a State Electricity Distribution Management Statement on the
measures taken by the State Government in relation to electricity distribution in the State including,
in the areas of long-term planning, consumer protection, regulatory compliance, corporate
governance, financial restructuring of the State Distribution Licensee, so as to bring about the
operational and financial viability of the State Distribution Licensee, on sustainable basis and
which shall comprise of the following :—
(a) State Electricity Distribution Strategy Statement laying down the policies and strategies
of the State Government for achieving the Key Performance Indicators, for the ensuing
financial year, relating to the conditions or provisions provided under sections 4,5,6 and
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8 and description of other activities which have potential implications on financial and
operational turn-around of the State Distribution Licensee;
(b) action plan, on long-term, medium term and short-term basis, laying down time bound
programme to(i)
execute strategic priorities to achieve Key Performance Indicators,
monitor and ensure compliance of the Key Performance Indicators, and strategic
feedback loop for in/ mid-course corrections, and
such other actions as may be required to meet the obligations cast under this Act on
the State Government and achieve the objectives of this Act:
Provided that the action plan shall contain steps for eliminating and minimizing
deviation in actual performance and Key Performance Indicators;
(c) State Electricity Distribution Performance Statement laying down an assessment of
compliance, by the State Electricity Distribution Licensee or the State Government, as the
case may be, with the conditions or provisions provided under sections 4,5,6 and 8 of this
(2) The State Electricity Distribution Management Statement shall be in such form as may be
(3) The State Electricity Distribution Management Statement shall be without prejudice to
any consequences to which the State Distribution Licensee may be liable under the Electricity Act,
2003 in particular, the timeline referred to in section 55 of the said Act, and any orders and
directions of the authorities in relation to any of the requirements under the said enactment:
Provided that nothing in this section shall imply relaxation of any requirement under the
Electricity Act, 2003.
4. Long term Planning for sustainability of State Distribution Licensee.—The State
Government shall take, appropriate measures, to provide for the following matters, namely:—
(a) that the State Distribution Licensee estimates the demand, Aggregate Technical
Commercial loss and availability of electricity on long term basis and contracts with the
approval of the State Commission, through long or medium or short term agreements for
purchase of power to meet the demand;
(b) that the State Distribution Licensee prepares, with the approval of the State Commission,
a time bound road map for Aggregate Technical and Commercial loss reduction:
Provided that the road map shall be prepared within six months from
coming into force of this Act;
the date of
(c) that the State Distribution Licensee undertakes energy accounting and auditing of all 33
kV feeders, 11 kV feeders and Distribution Transformers alongwith consumer indexing
and time bound metering of each category of consumers and in doing so the Distribution
Licensee should consider latest developments in metering technologies:
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Provided that the road map in relation to energy accounting and auditing and time
bound metering of all consumers shall be prepared within six months from the date of
coming into force of this Act and approval for the same shall be sought from the State
Provided further that the consumer indexing shall be completed within
from the date of coming into force of this Act:
two years
Provided further that the State Distribution Licensee shall submit to the Authority
and the State Commission half yearly progress reports with respect to energy accounting,
auditing, metering and feeders and Distribution Transformers wise consumer indexing;
(d) that if the State Government requires the grant of any subsidy to any consumer or class of
consumers, the State Government shall declare the quantum of subsidy in advance
categorically stating the consumer or the class of consumers to whom it is to be provided
and in doing so, the State Government shall be guided by the Regulations for Multi Year
Distribution Tariff evolved by Forum of Regulators;
(e) create annual budgetary provision and also timely release of subsidies, if committed, in
accordance with section 65 of the Electricity Act, 2003 on actual basis;
(f) ensure that there are no arrears of electricity charges for electricity supplied to various
Departments and Institutions of the State Government on or before the date of coming
into force of this Act, and in case of failure to do so, it would be adjusted against the
budgetary grant:
Provided that the State Government shall make budgetary provisions including
grants, to ensure payment to the State Distribution Licensee within due date of the charge
for electricity supplied to its various Departments and Institutions;
(g) set up, within one year from the date of coming into force of this Act, special courts,
where it has not been done, to tackle theft of electricity in accordance with sections 153
to 157 of the Electricity Act, 2003;
(h) ensure that the State Load Despatch Centre is operated within six months from the date of
coming into force of this Act, by a Government company or any authority or corporation
(other than the State Transmission Utility) established or constituted by or under any
State Act, as may be notified by the State Government, and provide for other measures
which shall ensure functional and financial autonomy, independent and sustainable
revenue streams and adequate manpower:
Provided that such Government company or any authority or corporation shall not
engage in any functions other than those specified under sections 32 and 33 of the
Electricity Act, 2003;
(i) provide for the formation of subsidiaries, joint venture companies or other schemes of
division, amalgamation, merger or reconstruction or arrangements in relation to the State
Distribution Licensee which shall promote the profitability and viability of the resulting
entity, ensure economic efficiency, public private partnership, encourage competition and
protect consumer interests; and
(j) such other measures as may be prescribed.
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5. Financial Restructuring Plan for State Distribution Licensee.—(1) In the event that a
Financial Restructuring Plan has been notified, inter-alia, to operationalize the financial
restructuring of the State Distribution Licensee, the State Government shall take appropriate
measures, to ensure that the trajectories of the operational and financial parameters in the Financial
Restructuring Plan, are achieved within the stipulated time frame.
(2) The State Government shall, subject to any order or direction of the State Commission,
notify a Plan to undertake financial liabilities of the State Distribution Licensee and for achieving
the operational and financial trajectories considered in the Financial Restructuring Plan for
financing of operational losses and interest of the State Distribution Licensee and such other
measures as may be specified in the Financial Restructuring Plan or any other financial
restructuring scheme:
Provided that these fiscal responsibilities shall be consistent with the budgetary constraints /
fiscal limits available in the State fiscal responsibility and budget management limit, if any:
Provided further that the State Government shall not adjust any financial liability, after it has
taken them over, as loan to the State Distribution Licensee:
Provided further that if the fiscal space including Debt- Gross State Domestic Product ratio
under the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2005, if any, is available, the State
Government shall not exceed its net borrowing ceiling of the relevant fiscal year as notified by the
Finance Commission from time to time:
Provided further that if in a particular year the State Government has fiscal space available
more than the originally projected, it shall take over the additional liabilities as soon as possible.
(3) The State Government shall make Financial Restructuring Plan or such other financial
scheme a part of the State budget statements for effective monitoring of its impact on the State
(4) The State Government shall ensure that the State Distribution Licensee does not resort to
short term loans for funding operational losses except as provided in the Financial Restructuring
6. Accounting measures.—(1) The State Government shall ensure that the State
Distribution Licensee establishes, within six months from the date of coming into force of this Act,
an Empowered Committee to ensure identification, provisioning and write offs of receivables and
bad and doubtful debts in the books of accounts of the State Distribution Licensee:
Provided that the State Distribution Licensee shall prepare accounting policies which shall
provide for its financial management and management of its receivables and provisioning for bad
and doubtful debts containing timeline for writing them off.
(2) The State Government shall ensure that the Distribution Licensee completes physical
verification and preparation of fixed assets register on a commonly accepted definition of fixed
assets under the financial accounting standards within two years from the date of coming into force
of this Act:
Provided that the said plan referred to in sub-section (2) shall be submitted to the State
Commission for approval.
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(3) The State Government, by notification, shall establish an Empowered Committee
consisting of,(i) Principal Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh
(ii) Principal Secretary (Power) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh:
Member; and
(iii) Head of the State Distribution
7. Corporate Governance.—(1) It shall be duty of the State Government to ensure that the
Board of Directors of the State Distribution Licensee has an optimum combination of functional,
nominee and independent directors:
Provided that the number of functional directors (including Chairman-cum-Managing
Director/Managing Director) shall not exceed fifty percent of the actual strength of the Board:
Provided further that the number of nominee Directors appointed by the State Government
shall be restricted to a maximum of two:
Provided further that the number of Independent Directors shall be as per provisions under the
Companies Act, 2013
Explanation:-‘Independent Director’ shall mean a part-time director of the distribution
licensee who,(a) apart from receiving director’s remuneration, does not have any material pecuniary
relationship or transaction with the State Distribution Licensee, its Directors, its senior
management, its holding company, its subsidiaries and associates, and the State
Government, which may affect the independence of the Director;
(b) is not related to persons occupying management positions at the Board level or at one
level below the Board;
(c) is not a partner or an executive, or was not a partner or an executive during the preceding
three years, of any of the following:(i)
the statutory audit firm or the internal audit firm or tax audit firm or energy audit
firm or management audit firm or risk audit firm or insurance audit firm, that is
associated with the State Distribution Licensee; and
the panel of advocate(s) or legal firm(s) or consultant(s) and consulting firm(s) or
expert(s) that have a material association with the State Distribution Licensee;
(d) is not a material supplier, service provider or customer or a lessor or lessee of the State
Distribution Licensee, which may affect the independence of the Director;
(e) is not a substantial shareholder of the State Distribution Licensee i.e. owning 2% or more
of the block of voting shares; and
is a person of ability, integrity and standing, having qualification in engineering or law or
economics or commerce or finance or management and having knowledge and
experience in the areas of generation or transmission or distribution of electricity.
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(2) The State Government shall lay down a code of conduct in line with the Guidelines on
Corporate Governance for Public Sector Enterprises, as notified by the Department of Public
Enterprises, Government of India, for all Board Members and senior management of the State
Distribution Licensee, which shall include but be not limited to a clear delineation of the roles and
division of responsibilities between the Board and the management.
8. Regulatory compliance and tariff filings.—(1) The State Government shall, twice in a
year, evaluate the status of compliance by the State Distribution Licensee with the Electricity Act,
2003 and Rules and Regulations made thereunder as also regulatory directives and policies as well
as steps taken to rectify instances of non-compliances since the last such evaluation.
(2) The State Government shall ensure regular and timely filing of true-up petitions,
Aggregate Revenue Requirement and tariff petitions, and petitions for adjustments on account of
fuel and cost of power purchased by the State Distribution Licensee, as per the orders or regulations
specified by the State Commission.
(3) Notwithstanding sub-section (2), it shall be the duty of the State Government to make
fiscal provision or provision of grant to the State Distribution Licensee if there is an adverse
financial impact due to the failure of the State Distribution Licensee to minimize or eliminate the
following :(a)
variations in the actual power purchase cost and the power purchase cost approved by
the State Commission;
(b) variations in the actual and approved expenditure of other items of the Aggregate
Revenue Requirement such as but not limited to Operation and maintenance expenditure
and capital expenditure; and
variation between average cost of supply and average realization of revenue:
Provided that the variation, if any, between average cost of supply and average
realization of revenue, shall be bridged/ filled in a period of three to five years from the
date of coming into force of this Act.
(4) The State Government shall ensure that the regulatory assets, if any, are liquidated
expeditiously in a period of three to five years from the date of coming into force of this Act, or
within such period stipulated, if any, by the State Commission, whichever is earlier.
9. Memorandum of Understanding.—(1) The State Government and the State
Distribution Licensee, shall, within a period not exceeding six months from the date of coming into
force of this Act in this behalf, enter into a memorandum of understanding for setting targets for
Key Performance Indicators and performance evaluation of the State Distribution Licensee for each
financial year:
Provided that the memorandum of understanding shall be aimed at providing greater
autonomy to the State Distribution Licensee to perform and comply with its legal and regulatory
obligations including but not limited to.(a) timely filing of Annual Revenue Requirement and tariff petitions and adjustments on
account of fuel and cost of power purchased by the State Distribution Licensee;
(b) prudent investment and capital expenditure planning; and
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(c) financial management, to enable adequate and affordable electricity supply to
Provided also that the memorandum of understanding shall provide for performance
milestones for all the financial and operational parameters provided in this Act and State
Electricity Distribution Management Statement.
(2) The State Distribution Licensee shall submit every six months, a report to the State
Government, on its operational and financial performance as required under various provisions of
this Act:
Provided that the report shall lay down the strategy and plan for achieving the performance
milestones and actual performance against these performance milestones as may be prescribed by
the State Government:
Provided further that the State Distribution Licensee shall indicate revised strategies and plans
in case they fail to achieve the agreed milestones.
10. Monitoring mechanism.—(1) The State Government shall, by notification, establish a
Committee for effective implementation of this Act, consisting of:
(a) Chief Secretary
Government of Himachal Pradesh:
(b) Principal Secretary (Finance) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh:
(c) Principal Secretary (Power) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh:
(d) Head of the State Distribution Licensee:
(e) Head of the State owned Generating
Head of the State owned Transmission
Representatives of the Nodal Bank
and three major Lenders of the State
Distribution Licensee:
Members; and
(h) Representative from Central Electricity
Authority :
11. Measures to enforce compliance.—(1) The Committee established under section 10
shall review and recommend remedial measures, if any, every quarter, compliance of the
obligations cast on the State Government under this Act, and the State Government shall place
before the State Legislative Assembly, the outcome of such reviews.
(2) Except as may be provided under this Act, no deviation in fulfilling the obligations cast
on the State Government under this Act, shall be permissible without approval of the State
Legislative Assembly.
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(3) Where owing to unforeseen circumstances, there is a deviation in fulfilling the
obligations cast on the State Government under this Act, the Committee established under section
10 shall make a statement before the State Legislative Assembly explaining(i)
the reasons for deviation in fulfilling the obligations cast on the State Government
under this Act;
whether such deviation is substantial and has potential implications on financial and
operational turn-around of the State Distribution Licensee; and
the remedial measures that the State Government proposes to take on the
recommendations made by the Committee established under section 10.
(4) Non-compliance of the duties by the State Government may attract appropriate action by
the Central Government that may render the State ineligible for power from the unallocated
12. Powers of State Government to make rules.—(1) The State Government shall, by
notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules
may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:(i) the form of the State Electricity Distribution Management Statement referred to in
section 3;
(ii) such other measures for long term planning as may be required under section 4;
(iii) any other matter which is required to be, or may be, prescribed.
13. Rules to be laid before State Legislature.—Every rule made by the State Government
shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before House of the State Legislature.
14. Protection of action taken in good faith.—No suit, prosecution or other legal
proceeding shall lie against the State Government or State Distribution Licensee or any officer of
the State Government or State Distribution Licensee, for anything which is in good faith done or
intended to be done under this Act.
15. Application of other laws not barred.—The provisions of this Act shall be in addition
to and not in derogation of the provisions of any other law for the time being in force.
16. Power to remove difficulties.—(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, the State Government may, by order published in the Official Gazette, make
such provisions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as may appear to be necessary for
removing the difficulty:
Provided that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of three months from the
date of coming into force of this Act.
(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made,
before the State Legislative Assembly.
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17. Act not to apply in certain cases.—(1) Nothing in this Act shall apply to any
Distribution Licensee that is not owned or controlled by the State Government or to a successor
entity of the State Distribution Licensee that is not owned or controlled by the State Government.
(2) Notwithstanding sub-section (1), all directives issued by the State Government under this
Act shall continue to apply for the period for which such directions were issued by the State
(Section 2(1)(l) and (3) )
Illustrative Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The State Electricity Distribution Management Statement as provided in section 3 of this
Act shall include but not limited to, the Key Performance Indicators in the following areas:-I.
Planning :
power Procurement with accurate Demand Estimation to mitigate Energy and Peak
Shortages on long-term, medium-term and short-term basis-undertake forecasting of
demand and estimation of Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses within one year,
procurement of power as per forecast from second year onwards and 100% electricity
supply to consumers in next three to five years;
(b) payment of dues of electricity by Government Departments and Institutions.—the current
dues have to be paid within due date of raising of bills;
(c) distribution loss reduction trajectory.—Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses to be
reduced @3% per year for losses above 30% and @ 1.5% per year for losses below 30%;
provisioning of subsidy.—it should be provided upfront by the Government by way of
budgetary provision;
energy accounting and energy auditing of all 33 kV feeders, 11 kV feeders and
distribution transformers.—to be achieved within one and two years;
100% Metering and Consumer Indexing.—to be achieved within three years;
(g) setting up Special Courts for settling theft cases.—to be set up within one year, if not
already set up.
Financial Restructuring:
(a) improvement in collection efficiency.—to be increased @ 1.5% per year if it is between
95 to 99%, @ 3% per year if it is between 90 to 95% and @ 5% per year if it is between
80 to 90%;
(b) recovery of past receivables.—past receivables to be reduced @ 20% per year till the
normative level allowed by the Commission in the working capital computation;
liquidation of payables and other liabilities.—20% reduction every year till normative
levels are achieved;
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(d) Capital Expenditure alongwith its funding plan.—to get timely approved every year as
per the norms specified by the Commission;
quantum and rate of short term power purchase.—not more than 10 to 15% every year;
discharge of Contingent liabilities.—20% every year; and
(g) discharge of terminal benefit liabilities of the employees.—within one year for the past
employees and for currently retiring - on the date of retirement;
III. Accounting Measures :
(a) timely preparation and audit of Annual Accounts (Annual Accounts to be prepared within
due date of 30th September and realigned with the current accounting standards); and
(b) provision for bad and doubtful debts/write offs;
IV. Corporate Governance :
(a) number of Functional Directors.—as per Guidelines for Corporate Governance for
Central Public Sector Undertakings; and
(b) number of Independent Directors.—as per Guidelines for Corporate Governance for
Central Public Sector Undertakings;
Regulatory Measures,(a) gap between Average Revenue Realization and Average Cost of Supply.—to be
eliminated in a period of three to five years; and
(b) liquidation of Regulatory Assets.—to be liquidated in a period of three to five years.
The Ministry of Power, Government of India has circulated the Model State Electricity
Distribution Management Responsibility Bill to the State Government with a view to ensure
financial and operational turn-around and long-term sustainability of the State owned Distribution
Licensee to enable adequate electricity supply to consumers and long term planning etc.
The Model Bill has been examined and need based changes have been made to ensure
financial and operational turn-around and long term sustainability of the State owned Distribution
Licensee. As such, it has been decided to enact a law which may provide for responsibility of the
State Government to ensure financial and operational turn-around and long-term sustainability of
the State-owned Distribution Licensee to enable adequate electricity supply to the consumers
through financial restructuring, support on sustainable basis in the areas of long term planning,
corporate governance, regulatory compliances and laying down of policy directives and various
other measures connected therewith or incidental thereto. The main objective of the proposed
legislation is to,(a) provide comfort to the lenders by securing State takeover of and guarantee for debt;
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(b) bring about financial discipline in distribution sector in the State;
(c) provide a commercial orientation to the functioning of the Distribution Licensee;
(d) cast responsibility on the State Government to ensure a steady flow of revenue to the
Distribution Licensee by improving the efficiency of their operations;
(e) accelerate the Aggregate Technical and Commercial loss reduction effort of
Distribution Licensee;
ensure regular redetermination of tariff to cover cost of service;
(g) gradually elimination of the gap between Average Cost of Supply
Revenue Requirement;
and Annual
(h) ensure timely audit of Distribution Licensee accounts; and
improve the financial health of the Distribution Licensee to enable them to procure
more electricity for meeting their growing demands.
This Bill seeks to achieve the aforesaid objects.
The .................. , 2014.
The Bill if enacted, shall not involve any additional recurring or non-recurring expenditure
from State Ex-chequer and the provisions of the Bill shall be implemented through the existing
Government machinery.
Clause 12 of this Bill seeks to empower the State Government to make rules for the purpose of
giving effect to the provisions of the Bill. The proposed delegation of power is essential and
normal in character.
Shimla-2, the 10th December, 2014
No. HFW-B(A)8-1/2003(Loose)-VIII.—The matter regarding providing medical facilities
to the former Governors and Lt. Governors residing in Non-CGHS cities i.e. the cities where
CGHS/Central Govt. Health Scheme is not in operation, was engaging attention of the Government
for sometime past.
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Now, after careful consideration of the matter, it has been decided that medical facilities to
former Governors and Lt. Governors will be given according to instructions issued by Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare vide this letter No.F.No.H.11014/1/2010 (CGHS) (P) dated 8-2-2013.
This issues with the prior concurrence of the Finance Department obtained vide their
U.O.No.Fin.(C)A(3)-5/2013 dated 28-10-2014.
By order,
Sd/Addl. Chief Secretary(Health).
Date, the 29th November, 2014
No. HFW-B(B)15-18.2013.—The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to order to shift
the posts of Sister Tutors from GNM Training School, IGMC, Shimla (which has now been
upgraded to Sister Nivedita Government Nursing College, Shimla) as well as from other nonfunctional Training Schools to 5 functional GNM Training Schools in the State to fulfill the Indian
Nursing Council requirement as under:—
Sr. Name of Trg. School from Present
Name of the Trg.
No. where the post of Sister sanctioned
School to where the
Tutor has to be shifted
posts of Sister post has to be
shifted and existing
9 posts of Sister Tutors are
Training. School, IGMC,
Now the said Training
School has been upgraded to
Sister Nivedita Government
Nursing College, Shimla
and teaching faculty has
been created during the year
2012 as under:-Principal=1
Lecturer =8
MPW Trg. School
Mashobra (NonFunctional)
3 posts
Total Strength of
Sister Tutor after
required by INC
GNM Trg. School
Khaneri Rampur(4
4+5=9 posts
GNM Trg. School
Mandi(4 posts)
4+4=8 posts
GNM Trg. School
Tanda Kangra(3)
3+3+2=8 posts
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
MPW Trg. School Una 2 posts
MPW Trg.School Male 2 posts
GNM Trg.School
Nahan Sirmaur(5)
5+1=6 posts
MPW Trg.
School(Female), Solan
GNM School
3+3=6 posts
By order,
Sd/Addl Chief Secretary (Health).
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iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ekStk tMtk xzke lHkk lSu dh lSj] fodkl [k.M ukgu] ftyk fljEkkSj
esa vuqlwph&d eas fofufnZ’V LFkkuh; {ks=ksa dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
vr% fgekpy izns”k ds jkT;iky] fgekpy izns”k iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e] 1994 ¼o’kZ 1994 dk
la[;kad 4½ /kkjk 3 dh mi&/kkjk ¼2½ }kjk iznRr “kfDr;ksa dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ftyk fljekSj] fodkl [k.M
ukgu ds vuqlwfp&d esa fn, x, fofoj.k vuqlkj xzke lHkk {ks= dks uxj ifj’kn~ ukgu esa lfEefyr djus
dk izLrko djrs gS] vkSj ;Fkk visf{kr lEcfU/kr xzke lHkk lnL;ksa dh tkudkjh ,oa lkoZtfud vk{ksi vkSj
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dks] bl lEcU/k esa lq>koksa ,oa vk{ksiksa dks izkIr djus rFkk mu ij fopkj djus ds fy, izkf/kd`r djus ds
vkns'k nsrs gSa(
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vkifRr ;k lq>ko izLrqr djus gks rks og vius vk{ksi ;k lq>ko bl vf/klwpuk ds tkjh gksus ds fnuakd ls
rhl ¼30½ fnuksa dh vof/k ds Hkhrj mik;qDr] ftyk fljEkkSj dks izLrqr dj ldsxkA mijksDr fu;r vof/k
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jkT; ljdkj] ftyk fljekSj ds vuqlwfp&d esa of.kZr xzke lHkk lSu dh lSj ds {ks=ksa dks mDr xzke
lHkk ls vioftZr djus ds mijkUr uxj ifj’kn~ ukgu esa lfEefyr djus ckjs vfUre vf/klwpuk] bl
lEcU/k esa mik;qDr ftyk fljekSj dh flQkfj'k ds n`f"Vxr] tkjh djsxhA
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xzke lHkk lSu dh lSj ls vioftZr djds uxj ifj’kn~ ukgu dh lhekvksa esa lfEefyr fd, tku okys {ks=A
Ø0la0 ekStk tM+tk
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483@313@165 ls 486@313@165
488@388@165 ls 489@388@165
522@388@174 ls 523@388@174
524@388@174 ls 525@388@174
527@388@174 ls 529@388@174
531@388@174 ls 534@388@174
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542@388@174 ls 543@388@174
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300&17 fc?kk
Dated, the 5th December, 2014
No. HHC/Admn. 3(338)/92-I.—01 days earned leave for 17-11-2014, with permission to
prefix Sunday on 16-11-2014, is hereby sanctioned, ex-post-facto, in favour of Shri B.L.Soni,
Secretary of this Registry.
Certified that Shri B.L.Soni has joined the same post and at the same station from where he
had proceeded on leave after the expiry ofthe above leave period.
Certified that of Shri B.L.Soni would have continued to officiate the same post of Secretary
but for his proceeding on above leave.
By order,
Sd/Registrar General.
Dated, the 05th December, 2014
No. HHC/Admn.3(242)/86.—06 days commuted leave on and w.e.f. from 17-11-2014 to
22-11-2014, with permission to affix Sundays on 16-11-2014 & 23-11-2014, ishereby
sanctioned,ex-post-facto, in favour of Sh. O.P.Sharma, Court Master of the Registry.
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Certified that Sh. O.P.Sharma, has joined the same post and at the same station from where
he proceeded on leave, after the expiry of the above leave period.
Certified that of Sh. O.P.Sharma would have continued to officiate the same post of Court
Master but for his proceeding on above leave.
by order,
Sd/Registrar General.
Date, the 05th December, 2014
No. HHC/Estt.3(509)/2000-I.—05 days earned leave w.e.f. 01-12-2014 to 05-12-2014,
with permission to prefix Sunday falling on 30-11-2014, is hereby sanctioned, in favour of Shri
Subhash Chand Sharma, Secretary of this Registry.
Certified that Shri Subhash Chand Sharma is likely to join the same post and at the same
station from where he proceeds on leave after the expiry of the above leave period.
Certified that of Shri Subhash Chand Sharma would have continued to officiate the same
post of Secretary but for his proceeding on above leave.
By order,
Sd/Registrar General.
Dated, 2nd December, 2014
No. HHC/Admn.2(115)12.—Hon’ble the Chief Justice, is pleased to grant extension in
service in favour of Sh. Suresh Thakur, Superintendent Grade-I, office of District and Sessions
Judge, Kullu for a period of one year on and w.e.f. 01-05-2015 to 30-04-2016 beyond the age of
superannuation i.e. 58 years till the attainment of age of 59 years, in public interest, subject to the
following conditions:
(i) The option once exercised will be treated as final and shall not be allowed to be
withdrawn/changed in any circumstances.
(ii) During the extension, Sh. Suresh Thakur, aforesaid, shall continue to draw the same
pay, which was being drawn by him at the time of attaining the age of superannuation i.e. 58 years.
Provided that increases in the dearness allowance as may be sanctioned by the Government
from time to time shall be admissible during the extension.
jkti=] fgekpy izns'k] 11 fnlEcj] 2014@20 vxzgk;.k] 1936
Provided, further that the officer will be considered for promotion in case of availability of
promotional post during the extended service. In case of such promotion, pay will be fixed from the
date of promotion.
(iii) The officer will be entitled to receive pensionary benefits on completion of his
extended service.
(iv) The extension in service will be subject to satisfaction of the High Court and the High
Court may withdraw the extension given at any stage.
As a consequence of the extension in service so granted to Sh. Suresh Thakur,
Superintendent Grade-I, who is due to retire from service on attaining the age of superannuation on
30-04-2015(A.N.), shall now retire from service on 30-04-2016(A.N.), subject to the aforesaid
By order,
Sd/Registrar General.
Before the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Solan, District Solan (H. P.)
In the matter of :
Shri Hari Ram s/o Shri Bhangi Ram, r/o Village Kotla, P.O. Bhawguri, Tehsil Kasauli,
District Solan, H.P.
. . Applicant.
General Public
. . Respondent.
WHEREAS, applicant Shri Hari Ram s/o Shri Bhangi Ram, r/o Village Kotla, P.O. Bhawguri,
Tehsil Kasauli, District Solan, Himachal Pradesh has submitted an application before the
undersigned for entry of his son name Sahil Kashyap in the G.P. Bhawguri, Tehsil Kasauli,
District Solan record, as his son name entered in G.P. Bhawguri record as Dixit Kashyap which is
The general public of the concerned area is hereby called upon to file objection, if any,
regarding entry of "name Sahil Kashyap" in the G.P. Bhawguri, Tehsil Kasauli record in writing
to this office. The objections should reach in this office on or before 8th, January, 2015 positively;
otherwise necessary order will be passed to enter his name in the concerned office.
Sd/Sub-Divisional Magistrate,
Solan, District Solan (H. P.).
fu;U=d] eqnz.k rFkk ys[ku lkexzh] fgekpy izns'k] f'keyk&5 }kjk eqfnzr rFkk izdkf'kr
bysDVªkWfud gLrk{kfjr jkti=] oSclkbV http://rajpatrahimachal.nic.in ij miyC/k gS ,oe~ vkWuykbu lR;kfir fd;k tk ldrk gS