DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A 600 S. Grand Central Parkway, Suite 350 ● Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4512 ● 702-676-1500 ● Fax: 702-676-1518 Tina Quigley, General Manager ADDENDUM NO. 1 RFQ NO. 14-083 BUS PRODUCTION MONITORING AND INSPECTION SERVICES FOR 21 HEAVY DUTY LOW FLOOR 60-FOOT COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS (CNG) TRANSIT BUSES November 5, 2013 The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada herewith issues this addendum to the above-referenced project. Except as modified herein, all other terms and conditions shall remain in effect. REQUEST FOR QUOTES 1. The Quotes due date and time remains November 14, 2013, at 3:00 p.m. EXHIBIT B 2. Discard the Technical Summary and replace with the attached Revised Technical Summary dated 11/5/13. Issued by: SHARON HAUHT, CPSM, C.P.M. Purchasing Analyst Attachments: Technical Summary cc: Steve Gebhard Rudy Long 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description 100-002 100-003 100-004 Revision: B Value Description (blank means unset) XCELSIOR COACH Xcelsior - 60' coach. LENGTH STRUCTURAL MATERIAL (S),Structural material - carbon steel. Propulsion system - ISL G CNG engine. 201-005 FUEL/PROPULSION SYSTEM BUMPERS 201-015 FRONT TOW EYES (B),Front tow eyes - basic set-up, incorporated in front chassis. Tow adapters are required. 203-005 FRONT AXLE 203-005b SECUREMENT OF BRAKE LININGS SHOCK ABSORBERS (B),Front axle - M.A.N. VOK-07-F, GAWR 15,873 lbs. With disc brakes. Hub mount, Knorr cylinders, Ferodo lining. (S),Securement of brake linings - bonded. 203-011 203-050 (B),Bumpers - Romeo Rim, three piece, front and rear bumpers. Rear has anti-ride feature. (S),Shock absorbers - Koni. 204-005 FRT AXLE AND WHEEL SPLASH APRONS REAR AXLE 204-005b CENTER AXLE 204-005d REAR AXLE GEAR OIL 204-070 (B),Rear axle drain plug - magnetic external hex head. 205-005 REAR AXLE DRAIN PLUGS REAR AXLE SPLASH APRONS TIRES 205-010b WHEELS (A),Wheels - Alcoa 22.5" x 8.25" aluminum. Polished finish. 209-005 POWER STEERING PUMP POWER STEERING HOSES POWER STEERING RESERVOIR POWER STEERING OIL SAMPLING POWER STEERING DRAIN PLUG POWER STEERING UNIT (B),Power steering pump - Ixetic (Luk) power steering pump for Cummins engines. 204-140 209-005a 209-008 209-008b 209-008d 209-010 219-001a 219-005a 219-005b 219-005d 219-005f 219-005g 219-005h 219-010 219-010a 219-010b (A),Front axle and wheel splash aprons - full width, fore of axle and wheels. Also, two additional aprons aft of the wheels. (B),Rear axle - M.A.N. 4.56:1. Model HY-1350-F. GAWR 28,660. With disc brakes, hub mount, Knorr cylinder, Ferodo lining. (B),Center axle - ZF model AVN132-NF1, GAWR 25,350. With disc brakes, hub mount, Knorr cylinder, Ferodo lining. (B),Rear axle gear oil - petroleum based. (C),Rear axle and wheel splash aprons - two pieces behind rear axle - no center piece, two behind rear wheels and two pieces behind centre wheels. (B),Tires - 305/70R/22.5, NFIL supplied Goodyear G152+ (68mph). (S),Power steering hoses - NFIL (Manuli) Equator 2 and GH100 hose at steering box and NFIL (Manuli) Equator 2 in engine compartment. (S),Power steering reservoir - required. (A),Power steering oil sampling - required. (B),Power steering drain plug - magnetic plug. (S),Steering box - Sheppard M110, power assisted, frame mounted. ENGINE,HP,TORQUE,TY (S),Engine - Cummins ISL G CNG, 320 horsepower with 1000 LB FT torque. PE ENGINE AIR (B),Air compressor - Wabco HD 30.4, twin cylinder, turbo aspirated. COMPRESSOR STARTER (ELECTRIC) (S),Electric starter - Delco 42MT, 24 volt heavy duty cranking motor, with PLC cut-out. ALTERNATOR NONHYBRIDS CUMMINS DIPSTICK,LOCATION ENGINE & TRANS FLUID FILL TAGS ROAD SPEED (A),Alternator - Niehoff C803, 28 volt, belt driven. Used with Niehoff regulator. (S),Cummins dipstick, location - static oil level indicator, on streetside of engine. (S),Fluid fill ID tags - for engine and transmission dipsticks. (C),Road speed - top road speed is governed. Set at 65 MPH (105 KPH). TRANSMISSION/HYBRID (B),Transmission - Allison B500R (with retarder). DRIVE TRANSMISSION (S),Transmission shifting - foot on brake enables shift when in neutral. SHIFTING ALLISON TRANSMISSION (B),Allison transmission speeds - primary mode: 6 speed Performance, secondary mode: 6 speed Economy. SPEEDS S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 1 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 219-010d (B),Allison non-hybrid transmission retarder - 1 stage from accelerator (25% retarder), 2 stages from brake pressure switches (66% and 100% retarder at 1 and 4 PSI). (B),Allison transmission fluid level display - display provided. 219-010f 219-010g 219-010h ALLISON NON-HYB TRANS RETARDER ALLISON TRANS FLUID LEVEL DISPLAY ALLISON TRANS AUTOSHIFT TO NEUTRAL ALLISON TRANSMISSION PROGNOSTICS 219-010m FUEL ECONOMY FEATURES 219-010mb FUEL ECONOMY FEATURES 219-010md RELS DEACTIVATION 219-010n (A),Allison auto-shift to neutral - immediately shifts to neutral when transmission left in gear and park brake applied, and after 5 minute delay when brake interlock applied. (A),Allison transmission prognostics - the ECU program has Prognostics set to ON and ENABLED. Prognostics: Oil Life Monitor, Filter Life Monitor, Transmission Health Monitor. Must use Transynd synthetic fluid. (S),Fuel economy feature - transmission is programmed to reduced engine load at stop. (S),Fuel economy feature - transmission is programmed to load based shift scheduling. (B),Reduced engine load at stop deactivation - brake release. ALLISON TRANSMISSION (A),Allison transmission warranty - extended. WARRANTY 219-010pa FLUID,ALLISON TRANS (B),Transmission fluid - Transynd synthetic. 219-025 AIR CLEANER (B),Air cleaner - Donaldson. Reusable housing with disposable cartridge/filter. 219-025a AIR RESTRICTION INDICATOR EXHAUST SYSTEM (B),Air restriction indicator (air filter minder gauge) - mounted to a bracket on the curbside of the engine gauge/switchbox. (S),Exhaust system - using muffler and tubing. (A),Exhaust tail pipe orientation - curved pipe pointing to rear. 219-035b EXHAUST TAIL PIPE ORIENTATION EXHAUST BLANKETS FOR CUMMINS DIESEL OR CNG 219-045 ENGINE SWITCH BOX 219-045b ENGINE SPEED CONTROL AT SW BOX ENGINE COMPT GAUGES,BASIC P-CLIPS,ENGINE COMPT & HVAC BELT GUARD (B),Engine switch box - basic configuration with run control, start and engine compartment light switches. Located at curbside of center rear in engine compartment. (A),Engine speed control at engine switch box - Morse throttle (controls engine RPM). 219-035 219-035a 219-050 (B),Cummins Diesel / CNG exhaust blankets - provided for the exhaust tubes. 219-175a (S),Engine compartment gauges - CAN communicator programmable to multiple functions. Located at engine switchbox. (B),Engine compartment and HVAC system p-clips - UMPCO 775 SST with high temperature boxed silicon cushion provided to secure air and fluid lines to structure. (C),Belt guards - both the engine pulley guard and the A/C unit guard are hinged. Both guards and support beams (engine struts) to be yellow powder coated. BELT GUARD LATCHING (A),Belt guard latching - 1/4 turn square key with rubber hood latch. 219-195 OIL SAMPLING 231-005 RADIATOR 219-090 219-175 231-010a 231-020 (A),Oil sampling - required for transmission, using probalizer fittings. (C),Radiator - EMP cooling system with full diagnostic capabilities (individual fan speed control). Large radiator with 10 fans, XPL3D. ENGINE COMPARTMENT (S),Engine compartment and HVAC hoses - a combination NFIL (Manuli) Equator 1, Equator 2, Nozone and & HVAC HOSES GH100 hose for fluid and air system hoses. SURGE TANK (S),Surge tank - 5 gallon SST tank. 231-020a LOW COOLANT INDICATION / SENSORS (S),Low coolant indication / sensors - an early warning sensor at the surge tank signals the instrument panel Low Coolant telltale. A lower sensor signals engine shutdown and the Check Engine and Low Coolant telltales. 231-020b SURGE TANK PRESSURE TEST PORT SURGE TANK PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE (B),Surge tank pressure test port - provided. SURGE TANK SIGHT GLASS COOLANT TUBES (S),Surge tank sight glass - graduated sight glass (glass material). 231-020d 231-020e 231-040 (B),Surge tank pressure relief valve - Radiator cap (LEV-R VENT), built into surge tank cap. (S),Coolant tubes - SST. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 2 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 231-070 HYDRAULIC/POWER STEERING SYSTEM FLUID (B),Hydraulic / power steering system fluid - Dexron III, mineral based. 231-075 (B),Coolant fluid / antifreeze - 50/50 pre-mixed distilled water with ethylene glycol with anti-corrosion additive and bittering agent. Pink fluid. (S),Transmission oil cooler - B500 Rocore without sump. 234-005 COOLANT FLUID/ANTIFREEZE TRANSMISSION/HYBRID DRIVE OIL COOLER TRANSMISSION/HYBRID OIL COOLER HOSES COOLANT RECOVERY TANK WATER FILTER 241-040 CNG FUEL TANKS 241-040a CNG FUEL LINES AND FILL RATE CNG PRESSURE RELIEF DEVICE CNG UNLOADER PROVISION CNG FUEL FILL RECEPTACLES CNG FUEL LINE IDENTIFICATION CNG TANK ISOLATION VALVES CNG FUEL FILL DOOR INTERLOCK CNG ROOF EQUIPMENT NON-SKID SURFACE AIR COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE LINE AIR TANKS (B),CNG fuel tanks - for US 60' coach. Includes eight Lincoln Composite 16.1" OD x 120" long CNG roof mounted cylinders. Total system capacity is 26,360 scf at 3600 psi. (B),CNG fuel fill lines and rate - 1.00" SST lines with Swagelok fittings, fast fill rate. 231-085 231-085a 231-120 241-040b 241-040d 241-040e 241-040g 241-040h 241-045a 241-065a 246-001 246-005 (S),Transmission / hybrid drive oil cooler hoses - NFIL (Manuli) Equator 1. (S),Coolant Recovery tank - required. (B),Water filter - for Cummins, single release filter, pre-charged, with gate type shut-off valves. (B),CNG pressure relief device - Circle Seal Controls. Operating pressure: 0 - 3600 psi. Operating temperatures: -65 F to 250 F, thermal relief (nominal 219 F). (B),CNG unloader provision - for Swagelok AFS valve with quick connect fitting. (B),CNG fuel fill receptacle - for US customers: Sherex Series 3600 and 5000 receptacles set at 3600 psi. Compatible with Series 1000 and 5000 nozzles. With dust cap. (S),CNG fuel line identification - SST lines are labeled with yellow adhesive warning labels at every 36". (A),CNG tank isolation valves - required. (S),CNG fuel fill door interlock - shuts down engine when fuel fill door is open. Prevents engine restart. Programmable timing details are required for Electrical. (B),CNG roof equipment, non-skid surface - provided where required. (S),Air compressor discharge line - Teflon 2807 SST braided hose. (A),Air tanks - two dual compartment ceiling-mounted tanks combining wet and rear brake tanks, front accessory and kneeling tanks, and four single tanks for front brake, center brake, rear accessory and emergency park brake release. 246-005a EMERGENCY AIR BRAKE (A),Emergency air brake release air tank - required. RELEASE AIR TANK 246-005b (A),Air tank drain valves - manual valves except for Haldex auto-moisture ejection valve for wet tank. 246-015 AIR TANK DRAIN VALVES KNEELING 246-015b LEVELING VALVES (S),Leveling valves - Barksdale. 246-020 DOOR INTERLOCK 246-040 246-060 DRIVER'S PARK BRAKE ALARM PARK BRAKE PRESSURE SETTING AIR DRYER (B),Door interlock - applied to entrance and exit doors. Foot on brake to release interlock, applied via multiplex system programming. (B),Driver's park brake alarm - if the Master Run switch is in the OFF or PARK positions, the kneeling alarm is triggered to alert the driver that the park brake is not set. (S),Park brake pressure setting - park brake light is activated at 75 psi. 246-060a AIR DRYER LOCATION (S),Air dryer location - behind the rear streetside wheelhouse, on the bulkhead. 246-060d AIR DRYER VOLTAGE (B),Air dryer voltage - 12 volt. 246-065 PARK BRAKE ACTUATION PARK/EMERG BRAKE LOCATION GOVERNOR (C),Park brake actuation - mechanical valve with an electrical solenoid and yellow guarded momentary toggle switch to apply the park brakes. (S),Park and emergency brake release control location - on side console. 246-040a 246-065a 246-100 (S),Kneeling - full front kneeling with rapid recovery. (B),Air dryer - Bendix AD9 Tandem air dryer with IPC (Integrated Puraguard Cartridge). (S),Governor - Bendix D2. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 3 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 246-100a GOVERNOR LOCATION (B),Governor location - remote mounted to the hydraulic reservoir bracket (near air compressor). 246-105a REAR AIR CHARGE FITTING LOCATION REAR AIR CHARGE CONNECTOR TYPE MUFFLER TANK,REMOTE DRAIN FRONT TOW CONNECTOR FRONT AIR CONNECTOR ARRANGEMENT (S),Rear air charge fitting location - routed to curbside of engine, next to transmission dipstick. (B),Front air charge connector - 1/4" male NPT fitting with tag. 246-130 FRONT AIR CHARGE CONNECTOR FLEXIBLE AIR LINES 246-225 ABS (S),ABS braking system - Wabco. 246-230 TRACTION CONTROL (B),Automatic traction control - Wabco system, to reduce drive wheel overspin. 246-NEW (C),Bus to bus air charge system- required. 260-005d BUS TO BUS AIR CHARGE FOUR BATTERIES,TYPE/MFR BATTERY CABLES 260-010 BATTERY TRAY 260-025 POSITIVE BATTERY DISCONNECT SW BATTERY VOLTAGE EQUALIZER JUMP START MANUFACTURER JUMP START LOCATION (B),Positive battery disconnect switch - required with quick access through flip-open door. ROOF FAIRING / SKIRTS ENCLOSURE P.A. AMPLIFIER MFR / TYPE GOOSENECK MICROPHONE GOOSENECK MICROPHONE LOCATION (S),Roof fairing / skirt enclosure - CNG tank enclosure for XN's. 246-105b 246-105f 246-120 246-120a 246-125 260-005b 260-030 260-035 260-035a 260-820 269-002 269-003 269-003a Revision: B (B),Rear air charge connector type - male 1/4" NPT fitting. (B),Muffler tank remote drain valve - required. (B),Front tow connector fitting - 1/4" male NPT fitting with tag. (B),Front air connector arrangement - located below the bumper, streetside. (S),Flexible air lines - Synflex colour coded. Green: rear service brakes and supplies. Red: front service brakes. Brown: parking brake. Black: accessories and brake hose. Yellow: compressor and governor. Blue: suspension. (C),Batteries - four maintenance free Odyssey 31 AGM batteries. Post connection 3/8" (positive) x 3/8" (negative). 1150 CCA. (S),Battery cables - red heat shrink on 24 volt positive cable end and light blue heat shrink on 12 volt positive cable end. (B),Battery tray - extended slide out battery acid resistant polyethylene enclosure with SST sub frame, SST bearings and rubber isolation mounts. Located aft of the curbside rear wheelhouse. Note: battery access door opens to the side. (A),Battery voltage equalizer - Vanner 100 amp with J1939. (A),Jump start - Goodall. (A),Jump start location - near the battery disconnect switch at the fusebox. Accessible via the flip-open door. (A),P.A. amplifier manufacturer / type - included with AVA or AVL system. (B),Gooseneck microphone - REI, approximately 30" long from base to end of microphone. Black neck and head. (B),Gooseneck microphone location - inverted, clipped to the A-pillar. 269-003b GOOSENECK (B),Gooseneck microphone switch - built into microphone. MICROPHONE SWITCH 269-005 INTERIOR SPEAKER (B),Interior speaker manufacturer - TCB. MFR 269-005bb PRIMARY INTERIOR (B),Primary interior speakers, quantity - eight: six to light panels, two above rear bench. SPEAKERS,QTY FOR 60' 269-010 (C),Exterior speaker, locations - above entrance and exit doors, includes baffled cover. 273-005 EXTERIOR SPEAKERS,LOCATION EXTERIOR SPEAKER MFR HEADLIGHTS 273-005a DAY RUN HEADLIGHTS (B),Day run headlights - required. 269-010a (S),Exterior speaker manufacturer - REI. (S),Headlights - NFIL Xcelsior LED headlights. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 4 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 273-005b FRONT TURN SIGNALS (S),Front turn signals - NFIL amber LED. Integrated with headlight assembly. 273-010 TAIL LIGHTS QTY PER SIDE THREE TAIL LIGHT ARRANGEMENT TAIL LIGHTS MFR (A),Tail lights quantity per side - three. WHITE BACK-UP LIGHT MFR STOP LIGHTS ON WITH RTRDR/REGEN BRAKE STOP LIGHTS ON WITH PARK BRAKE OR INTERLOCK (S),White back-up light manufacturer - 4" Dialight LED. CENTER STOP / DECELERATION LIGHTS SIDE TURN SIGNALS,TYPE / QTY PER SIDE (C),Center stop/ decel lights- one red Dialight 18" X 1" LED center stop light, and 2 amber Dialight 18" X 1" LED decel lights (outer) above the engine door. (B),Side turn signals, type and quantity per side - 3 amber Dialight LED with guards. Lamps are at fore of all wheelhouses except curbside front which is aft. For 60' coaches. KNEELING/RAMP LIGHT AT ENTRANCE MARKER / CLEARANCE LIGHTS REFLECTORS (S),Kneeling / ramp deployment warning light at entrance - 2.5" Dialight LED. REAR LICENCE PLATE LIGHT TIMED SHUT-OFF,ENTR AREA LIGHTS TIMED SHUT-OFF,EXIT AREA LIGHTS INTERIOR PASSENGER LIGHTING INTERIOR LED LIGHT FUNCTIONALITY PASSENGER LIGHT LOWER MOUNTING HDWR (B),Rear licence plate light - LED. 277-010a TINTED LED PASSENGER LIGHT COVERS (B),Tinted LED passenger light covers - white for all lights. 277-020 DRIVER'S LIGHT (B),Driver's light - one sealed 2.5" white high output LED light. 277-030 ENGINE COMPARTMENT (B),Engine compartment lights - four 1.38" LED lights. LIGHTS REAR DECK STEP LIGHT (S),Rear deck step light - LED. 273-010a 273-010b 273-010d 273-010e 273-010f 273-015 273-020a 273-025 273-035 273-040 273-045 273-050a 273-055a 277-005 277-005f 277-005h 277-035 277-040 277-055 277-070 277-070a 277-080 277-105 (B),Three tail light arrangement (top to bottom) - amber, red (stop/tail), white. (A),Red / amber tail light manufacturer - 7" Dialight LED. (B),Stop light activation by transmission retarder / regenerative braking - required. (S),Stop light activation - when park brake or interlock are engaged. (B),Marker and clearance lights - Dialight LED all around. (S),Reflectors - self-adhesive decals installed at NFIL basic positions. (B),Timed shut-off of entrance area lights (interior and/or exterior) - the program is set to shut the lights off when the door closes. (S),Timed shut-off of exit area lights (interior and/or exterior) - the program is set to shut the lights off five seconds after the door closes. (B),Interior passenger lighting - TCB LED, 24 VDC. (B)Interior LED light functionality-first bank of light on each side turn on when entrance door is opened and off when door is closed. (A),Passenger light lower mounting hardware - Phillips head captive screws. INTERIOR DOOR HEADER LIGHTS EXIT AND ENTR MECH BOX SERVICE LIGHTS SIDE CONSOLE COMPT SERVICE LIGHT REAR PLC AND FUSEBOX SERVICE LIGHTS (B),Interior door header lights - one LED strip light (approx 18" long) provided above exit (if applicable) and entrance doors. With anti-glare shield. For Smartrend. (A),Exit (if applicable) and entrance mechanism box lights - round LED with switch, at basic locations. ARTIC JOINT AREA LIGHTS FRT DEST SIGN COMPT SERVICE LIGHT (A),Articulated joint area lights - TCB LED lights, two aft facing, two forward facing. (A),Side console compartment service light - LED light. (S),Rear PLC compartment and fusebox lights - provided, LED. (A),Front destination sign compartment service light - LED. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 5 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 280-001a PASSENGER SIGNAL CHIMES, FOR 60' (A),Passenger signal chimes - for 60' coach with two exits. Three basic chimes, one above driver and one at each exits. Chimes have single tone which sounds once for regular activation, twice for wheelchair positions. 280-006 TOUCHTAPE PASSENGER SIGNALS PASS SIGNAL AT WHEELCHAIR POSITIONS (A),Touchtape passenger signals - yellow. Positions dependent on seating layout, wheelchair restraints, etc. 280-015 280-025 280-025a (A),Passenger signals at wheelchair positions - touch pads. PUSH BUTTON SIGNAL (A),Push button signal at exit - mounted facing aisle on stanchions fore and aft of exit. AT EXIT PUSH BUTTONS,VERT (C),Push button passenger signals on vertical and seat stanchions - set at various locations as per customer AND SEAT STANCHIONS requirement. 280-025b PUSH BUTTON (C),Push button signals, front wheelhouse stanchions - required, location and quantity as per customer SIGNALS,FRT W/HOUSE requirements. STANCH 284-001 284-001a ELECTRONIC CONTROL (S),Electronic control system - Vansco. SYSTEM SYSTEM VOLTAGE (S),System voltage - 24 VDC primary, 12 VDC secondary. 284-001b SWITCHES (S),Switches - water resistant. 284-001d SPARE INPUT/OUTPUT PORTS HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS INSTRUMENT PANEL (S),Spare I/O (Input/Output) ports for multiplex system modules - minimum 10% input and 10% output. 284-005g 286-001 286-001a (S),Hazard warning lights - front, side and rear lights flash for hazard warning. (S),Instrument panel - acrylic material with luminescent lighting, with Vansco Instrument Panel Cluster module. (S),Shift selector - located on instrument panel. 286-001b SHIFT SELECTOR LOCATION EXTERIOR LAMP TEST 286-010a SPEEDOMETER 286-010b AUDIBLE SOUND,TURN SIGNALS/HAZARDS BRK/ACCEL INTERLOCK (A),Brake accelerator interlock deactivated warning - provided by audible alarm and separate red warning DEACTIV WRNG lamp on instrument panel. (Must have in California.) 286-010e 286-055 286-055a 286-065 286-065a (S),Exterior lamp test - simultaneously depress both turn signals. (S),Speedometer - part of Vansco instrument panel cluster. Set to display miles. With odometer (the display can be toggled to show Trip1, Trip 2, engine hours). (B),Turn signal and hazard warning audible sound - using click sound for turn signal and for hazard warning. DOOR MASTER SWITCH (A),Door master switch location - installed in destination sign compartment. LOCATION RETARDER SWITCH (A),Retarder switch location - in destination sign compartment. LOCATION SILENT ALARM (A),Silent alarm - required. SILENT ALARM SW LOCATION DIAGNOSTICS PLUG LOCATIONS SECUREMENT OF HARNESSES AUX AIR GAUGE (A),Silent alarm switch location - with side console switch assembly. (S),Wiring decal, rear PLC and fusebox - provided, laminated. 304-001a WIRING DECAL,REAR PLC AND FUSEBOX WIRING DECAL,SIDE CONSOLE EXTERIOR PAINT TYPE 304-001d PAINTED JACK PADS (A),Painted jack pads - Safety Yellow. 304-010 CORROSION PROTECTION (B),Corrosion protection - grit blasted frame, moisture cure zinc-rich primer (applied for 12 year warranty protection), anti-chip undercoating, corrosion preventive coating sprayed inside frame tubes up to roof line. 286-070 289-001 290-500 296-001 296-001a (B),Diagnostics plug locations - at forward face of the SDS barrier (above driver) and at the engine switch box. (S),Securement of harnesses - hellerman tyton clamps, with Panduit releasable cable ties. (B),Auxilliary air gauge - not required. (B),Wiring decal, side console - laminated, shipped loose. (S),Exterior paint type - DuPont Imron Elite high solids polyurethane. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 6 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 304-015 EXTERIOR LOGOS,NFIL (B),Exterior logos, NFIL - required. 304-020 NFIL SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE DECALS INTERIOR DECALS, CUSTOMER SPECIFIC INTERIOR PASSENGER RELATED DECALS,LANGUAGE (A),New Flyer safety and maintenance related decal package - safety decals in English /Spanish, maintenance decals in English. (A),Customer specific interior decals - required. KNEELING / RAMP DECALS AIR TANK DECALS (S),Kneeling / ramp decals - NFIL basic ramp & kneeling decal (red on white) and an arrow decal (red and black) provided near the kneeling / ramp deployment lights. (B),Air tank decals - NFIL basic. EXT FLEET NUMBERS,NON-ROOF EXTERIOR FLEET NUMBERS,ROOF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (B),Exterior fleet numbers, non-roof - required (reflective or non-reflective as per spec). 304-020a 304-020b 304-025 304-030 304-035 304-035a 306-005 306-005a 306-010 306-010a FIRE EXTINGUISHER LOCATION SAFETY TRIANGLES (A),Interior passenger related decals, language - English / Spanish. (A),Exterior fleet numbers, roof - required (reflective or non-reflective as per spec). (B),Fire extinguisher - 5 lb ABC class. With gauge, hose and mounting bracket. UL compliant for US customers. (A),Fire extinguisher location - inside the curbside equipment box. (B),Safety triangles - triangle reflector. (A),Safety triangle location - in equipment box on curbside luggage rack. 350-002a SAFETY TRIANGLE LOCATION FIXED PEDAL BRAKE/THROTTLE ANGLE 350-005 BRAKE VALVES (B),Brake valve - E6. 350-015 TURN SIGNAL SWITCHES DIMMER SWITCH (B),Turn signal switches - basic switches, floor mounted. (C),Hazard warning light switch location - on side console with extended toggle switch. 350-030 HAZARD WARNING LIGHT SW LOCATION STEERING COLUMN 350-030a STEERING WHEEL (A),Steering wheel - 3 spoke, 20" diameter hard plastic. 350-035 DUAL HORN (S),Dual horn - provided with splash shield. 400-001a JACKING / LIFTING PADS (S),Jacking / lifting pads - 4" diameter pads at front and rear chassis. 405-001 ARTICULATED JOINT 420-005 DEFROSTER ACCESS (S),Defroster access door - top hinged with two gas struts, quarter turn 5/16" square key quad latches. DOOR EXTERIOR SIDE PANELS (S),Exterior lower side panels - fiberglass. 350-015a 350-015d 420-010 (B),Brake / Throttle pedal angle - both set at 45 degrees from pedal to floor. (B),Dimmer switch - basic foot switch. (S),Steering column - Douglas Autotech with tilt and telescopic features. (B),Articulated joint - ATG, grey bellows 420-035a CURB & STREET ENG,S/CONS DOORS,STRUTS (B),Struts for curb and street side engine compartment, battery compartment and side console access doors supported by gas struts. 420-035d CURB SIDE ENGINE COMPT DOOR BATTERY COMPARTMENT DOOR STREET SIDE ENGINE COMPT DOOR SURGE TANK DOOR (C),Curbside engine compartment door-Vented door which includes battery disconnect switch access door (using a gas strut) also includes CNG fuel fill access door. (B),Battery compartment door - solid door located aft of the curb side rear wheel, separate from the engine compartment. (B),Streetside engine (radiator) access door - with wavy screen. SIDE CONSOLE DOOR LATCHES (S),Side console door latches - quarter turn chrome plated 5/16" square key quad latches. 420-035e 420-035f 420-040a 420-045 (S),Surge tank door - basic hinged door. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 7 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 420-050 ENGINE DOOR (A),Engine door - screened door with built-in handle. 420-050a ENGINE DOOR STRUTS (S),Engine door struts - two, the streetside strut has a locking mechanism. 420-050b ENGINE DOOR LATCHES (B),Engine door latches - quarter turn chrome plated 5/16" square key quad latches. 420-050e 420-060 REAR LICENSE PLATE RETENTION RAIN GUTTER 420-065 ROOF HATCHES / VENTS (B),Roof hatches / vents - two basic hatches at front and rear, 24" X 24". 420-065a ROOF HATCH INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE (A),Roof hatch instruction language - English / Spanish. 420-070 WIPERS (B),Wipers - wet arm Sprague 24 volt electric. Intermittent. 420-075 (B),Washer bottle - 5 US gallon with electric powered pump. 420-080 WINDSHIELD WASHER BOTTLE WINDSHIELD WASHER FILL LOCATION LOWER DRIVER'S VENT 420-120 FENDERS (C),Fenders - molded polyurethane, with wheel skirt mounting brackets at center and rear. 420-120a WHEEL COVERS (A),Wheel covers - required for rear wheels (includes center wheels if 60' coach). 420-125 EXTERIOR UPPER REAR (B),Exterior upper rear - louvered style fiberglass door for RR HVAC. 420-125a EXT UPPER REAR DOOR STRUTS EXT UPPER REAR DOOR,LATCHES FRONT LICENSE PLATE LOCATION FRONT LICENSE PLATE RETENTION INSULATION,SIDEWALL AND ROOF INSULATION,EXHAUST CAVITY ENGINE COMPARTMENT INSULATION CEILING PNLS AFT OF FRT W/HS INCL RR PLC CEILING / HVAC COVER PANELS ABOVE FRT W/HS (A),Exterior upper rear door, struts - two, curbside has locking mechanism. 422-006 ENTRANCE / DRIVER'S AREA PANELS COLOUR (B),Entrance/driver's area panels colour - black. Includes dash, dest sign c/out, ent. mech. box, driver's o/head panels. and if used, ent. floor heat duct, frt. RH harness cover is black powder coated alum. 422-006b DRIVER'S CEILING PANEL MATERIAL INTERIOR PIER PANEL MATERIAL PIER PANEL COLOUR (B),Driver's ceiling panel material - melamine. INTERIOR SIDEWALL MELAMINE INTERIOR ENGINE COMPT ACCESS PANEL INTERIOR UPPER REAR PANEL (B),Interior sidewall melamine colour - Charcoal Grey Gloss. 420-075a 420-125b 420-135 420-135a 421-010 421-020 421-030 422-005 422-005a 422-009 422-010 422-015b 422-025 422-035 Revision: B (B),Rear license plate retention - centered with bottom retainer and two upper inserts. (S),Rain gutter - .44" cross section bonded. (S),Windshield washer fill location - accessed via a flip-out door built into the exterior side console access door. (B),Lower driver's vent - provided. (S),Exterior upper rear door, latches - quarter turn chrome plate 5/16" square key latches. (B),Front license plate location - on center of defroster door. (B),Front license plate retention - four inserts. (S),Insulation, sidewall and roof - polyisocyanurate foam. meets Docket 90 spec. (S),Exhaust cavity insulation - Heat-resistant fiberglass mat. (S),Engine compartment insulation - noise reduction acoustical foam, retained by perforated aluminum panels. (B),Ceiling panels aft of the front wheelhouses (including rear PLC) - Antique white plastic, SST trim. (B),Ceiling / HVAC cover panels above front wheelhouses - Antique White fiberglass. (B),Interior pier panel material - ABS plastic. (B),Pier panel colour - Antique white, ABS plastic. (S),Interior engine compartment access panel - there is a single hinged panel under the rear seat. (B),Interior upper rear panel - bulkhead panel covered with carpet / fabric material. With return air grille for RR mount HVAC system. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 8 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description 422-035a 422-035e 422-050 422-060 422-061 422-061a 422-065 422-070 422-070a 422-070b 422-085 Value Description (blank means unset) CARPET / FABRIC,UPR (B),Upper rear interior carpeted / fabric panel - Charcoal Grey carpet with 1/2" plywood backing. REAR INT PANEL C/S,S/S RR BULKHEAD (B),Curb and street side rear bulkhead access panels - carpeted DB plywood. ACCESS PANELS HRNS/AIR LINE COVERS (A),Harness / air line covers at upper deck - Black Textured powdercoat. AT UPPER DECK FRT DEST SIGN DOOR LATCHES DRIVER'S OVERHEAD PANEL DRIVER'S LOCKER LATCH DRIVER'S COAT HOOK AND STRAP SECURE DIAGNOSTIC STATION (B),Front destination sign door latches - short wing quad latches. SDS ENCLOSURE COLOUR SDS ENCLOSURE DOOR LATCHES FRT SUNVISOR/ROLLERBLIN D (B),SDS enclosure colour - Flat Black with Cashmere Black melamine panel. (S),Driver's overhead panel - with locker. (B),Driver's locker latch - short wing quad latch. (B),Driver's coat hook and strap - located on the forward face of the harness cover behind the driver. (C),Secure diagnostic station - above street side front wheelhouse. Incorporates driver's barrier, w/o take one holder just supply solid panel. Also include powered cooling fan. Qty of trays per spec/MRL. (C),SDS enclosure door latches - one 5/16" square key quad latch (lower) and one CH751 keyed lock (upper). (C)Front rollerblind - black mesh blind with 10 inch solid vinyl at bottom. Scissor type with 20" travel. 422-085a SIDE (C),Side rollerblind - black mesh blind with 10 inch solid vinyl at bottom. Scissor type with 20" travel SUNVISOR/ROLLERBLIN D 422-090 SQUARE KEY T-HANDLE (A),Square key t-handle - shipped loose. 422-105 ENTRANCE MECHANISM (B),Entrance mechanism box door latch - short wing quad latch. BOX DOOR LATCH 422-160 GRAB HANDLE NEAR FRONT ROOF HATCH ARTICULATED JOINT CLOSEOUTS AD FRAME,SDS ENCLOSURE FLOORING 422-210 423-010 450-010 (B),Grab handle near front roof hatch - chrome handle. (B),Articulated joint closeouts - Pretoria Grey. (C),Ad frame,SDS enclosure - 11 x 17 rearward facing (B),Flooring - lower deck uses pressure treated NT ACQ plywood. Upper deck uses composite for step and floor to the rear wheelhouses and NT DB ACQ plywood to the rear. (B),Driveshaft / transmission access panels - one panel only set in the floor to access the driveshaft. 450-013 DRIVESHAFT / TRANSMISSION ACCESS PANELS 450-025b (C),Tarabus floor covering - Palladium 8805 Helios NT (2.2 mm / 0.086" thick), for aisle and underseats. 450-025e TARABUS FLOOR COVERING STEP TO UPPER DECK 450-025f STANDEE LINE (B),Standee line - yellow. 450-025g ENTRANCE NOSING (B),Entrance nosing - nosing is 2" wide yellow anti-skid applied to the ramp. 450-025h EXIT NOSING (B),Exit nosing - 2.5" yellow nosing for Altro / Tarabus flooring. 450-025j REAR SEAT RISER COVERING MATERIAL GRIT FLOORING AT ARTIC JOINT DRIVER'S PLATFORM FLOORING DRIVER'S PLATFORM TRIM OUTER WHEELHOUSES (B),Rear seat riser covering material - same material and colour as used for the flooring. 450-025k 450-030 450-030a 450-045 Revision: B (B),Step to upper deck - yellow anti-slip coating is applied to the edges and vertical faces of the step. (B),Grit flooring at articulated joint - black non-aggregate anti-slip coating. (A),Driver's platform flooring - Tarabus. (B),Driver's platform trim - SST. (B),Outer wheelhouses - SST front and rear. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 9 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Revision: B Value Description (blank means unset) 450-055 INTERIOR FRONT (C),Interior front wheelhouse (luggage rack) colours - Matte black, painted stipple. An LED aisle light is W/HOUSE (LUGG RACK) provided on the streetside. Also, 17" high SST scuff guards are provided. COLOURS 460-005 WINDSHIELDS (B),Windshield - 72% light transmittance green laminated. With blue shade band for street and curb sides. 460-005a WINDSHIELD PROTECTIVE FILM PASS / DRVR'S WINDOWS MANUFACTURER (B),Windshield protective film - required for coach delivery beyond a 500 mile radius of Final Assembly. FLUSH PASSENGER WINDOWS FLUSH WINDOW GLAZING WINDOW FRAME COLOUR WINDOW EMERGENCY EGRESS SIDE DESTINATION SIGN WINDOWS PASS WINDOW LINERS AND COATINGS PASS WINDOW THICKNESS DRIVER'S WINDOW,FLUSH DRIVER'S WINDOW GLAZING DRIVER'S WINDOW SHADE BAND DESTINATION SIGNS MFR DEST SIGN CONTROL UNIT LOCATION HANOVER FRT.DEST.SIGNS FRONT DESTINATION SIGN GLASS CURB SIDE DESTINATION SIGN LOCATION (C),Flush passenger windows - fixed, non-opening. HANOVER CURBSIDE DEST.SIGNS REAR ROUTE SIGN,LOCATION HANOVER REAR ROUTE SIGNS ACS (ORBITAL/TMS) AVA SYSTEM (C),Hanover curbside destination sign - White LED, 8 X 96. 470-061 AUTO VEHICLE MONITORING SYSTEM (AVM) (A),Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) system - Fleetwatch required as per spec/MRL. 470-075 NEW FLYER CONNECTDIAGNOSTIC & MONITORING SYSTEM (B),New Flyer Connect-Diagnostic & Monitoring - required without driver maneuver awareness system (DMAS). 480-005 STREET SIDE MIRROR MANUFACTURER HADLEY STREET SIDE MIRROR STREET SIDE MIRROR POWER OPTIONS STREET SIDE MIRROR ARM (B),Street side mirror manufacturer - Hadley. 460-010 460-010a 460-010d 460-010h 460-010j 460-010k 460-010p 460-010s 460-011 460-011d 460-011e 470-001 470-001a 470-005a 470-010 470-025 470-025e 470-035 470-035e 470-060f 480-005a 480-005b 480-005f (A),Passenger and driver's windows, manufacturer - Arow Global (Stormtite) flush mounted. (C),Flush window glazing - grey, 9% light transmittance, tempered. (B),Window frame colour - all window frames are black anodized. (S),Emergency egress windows - minimum quantity based on FMVSS requirements or the customer spec, whichever is the greater of the two. (B),Destination sign window - curb side. Fixed clear top and fixed bottom. Bottom matches passenger window glazing. (review 470 for side sign details). (C),Window liners and coatings - Suntek film to be installed by vendor post delivery. (A),Passenger window thickness - 6 mm. (A),Driver's window, flush mounted - with single sliding sash (forward), with exterior and interior handles. Nonegress. (A),Driver's window glazing - tempered with minimum 70% light transmittance. (B),Driver's window shade band - not required. (A),Destination sign mfr - Hanover, LED display system. (B),Destination sign control unit location - under driver's overhead panel. (C),Hanover front destination sign - white LED, 17 x 160 pixels. (B),Front destination sign glass - laminated. (C),Curbside destination sign locations - one sign mounted at first window aft of entrance door; a second sign mounted at first window forward of the rear exit door. (B),Rear route sign location - at the lower center of the rear HVAC door. For CNG coaches. (C),Hanover rear route sign - white LED, 15 x 48. (C),ACS (Orbital / TMS) AVA system - provisions to include installation of ground plates, fishwire/conduit as per customer spec. Ship loose all necessary equipment for full install to offsite location for service to install before delivery (B),Hadley street side mirror - 8" x 15", 2/1 (upper portion is flat, smaller lower portion is convex). (A),Street side mirror power options - dual remote control, not heated. (The upper and lower portions are remote controlled.) (B),Street side mirror arm - basic, pull-back. Mirror arm is manually returned to its previously set position after deflection. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 10 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Revision: B Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 480-006 CURB SIDE MIRROR MANUFACTURER HADLEY CURB SIDE MIRROR CURB SIDE MIRROR POWER OPTIONS CURB SIDE MIRROR ARM INTERIOR MIRRORS,MANUFACTUR ER (B),Curb side mirror manufacturer - Hadley. (B),Driver's rear view mirror - 8" x 15", black, convex. 480-010b DRIVER'S REAR VIEW MIRROR SPOT MIRROR 480-010d EXIT DOOR MIRROR (C),Exit door mirror - Convex, 12" diameter located on streetside stanchion. 490-005 ENTRANCE DOOR (B),Entrance door - Vapor slide glide. 490-005a ENTR DOOR LIMIT (A),Entrance door limit switch - solid state proximity switch. SWITCH SET-UP ENTRANCE DOOR DUMP (B),Entrance door dump valve - Required. Located at side console. VALVE ENTR/EXIT (A),Entrance / exit door frangible cover instructions (for emergency release), language - English and Spanish. FRANG.COVER,LANGUA GE 480-006a 480-006b 480-006e 480-010 480-010a 490-005d 490-005f 490-005g 490-006 490-015 490-015a 490-030 491-005 491-005a 491-005b 491-005d ENTR/EXT FRANGIBLE COVER HAMMER ENTRANCE DOOR HANDLES ENTRANCE DOOR CONTROLLER DOOR CONTROLLER HANDLE ENTRANCE DOOR GLAZING EXIT DOOR SLIDE GLIDE EXIT LIMIT SWITCH EXIT DOOR CONTROL (A),Hadley curb side mirror - 10" x 11", 2/1 (upper portion is flat, smaller lower portion is convex). (B),Curb side mirror power options - dual remote control, not heated. (The upper and lower portions are remote controlled.) (B),Curb side mirror arm - basic, pull-back. Mirror arm is manually returned to its previously set position after deflection. Mirror can be folded forward or backward for bus wash. (A),Interior mirrors, manufacturer - Hadley. (B),Spot mirror - 6" diameter flat mirror, located at curb side front. (A),Entrance / exit frangible cover hammer - a red hammer, for breaking the cover and is clipped to each box. Includes lanyard. (B),Entrance door handles - yellow powder coated. (B),Entrance door controller - basic with 5 position settings. (B),Entrance door control handle - non-removable. (S),Entrance door glass - full length single piece, 72% green. (B),Exit door - wide Ameriview Vapor Slide Glide, 45.2" between panels. 60' coach with two exits, one at front and one at rear unit. (A),Exit door limit switch - solid state proximity switch. (B),Exit door control - driver controlled at side console. (B),Exit door sensitive edge - sensor on the vertical edge provided with all exit doors. 491-035 EXIT DOOR SENSITIVE EDGE EXIT FRANGIBLE COVER SECUREMENT EXIT BASEPLATE / ELEC PNL ACCESS EXIT DOOR ASSIST HANDLES EXIT DOOR GREEN LIGHT EXIT DOOR GLASS SIZE 491-035a EXIT DOOR GLAZING (B),Exit door glazing - 6 mm. 491-005g 491-005j 491-006 491-020 526-001b 60' PASSENGER SEAT QUANTITY 526-005 PASSENGER SEAT MANUFACTURER 526-005b AMERICAN SEATING SEATS 526-005ba AMERICAN SEATING D90 SPEC (B),Exit frangible cover securement - magnetic latch. (B),Exit baseplate access- at each exit door, Tcb set-up, through removable ad frame. (B),Exit door assists - yellow powdercoated. (B),Exit door green light - LED green light indicates that the exit door is set to open. (B),Exit door glass size - full length. (A),60' passenger seat quantity - 56. (B),Passenger seat manufacturer - American Seating. (A),American Seating passenger seats - Vision stainless seat. Details as per customer spec. (A),American Seating passenger seats D90 spec - required. (Note: some fabric colours might not be available in D90, review with Engineering). S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 11 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 526-005d REAR BENCH SEAT (S),Rear bench seat - 1-3-1 hinged seat. 526-005e PASSENGER SEAT MOUNTING SEAT MOUNTED GRABRAIL FIRST SEAT,CURBSIDE UPPER REAR FIRST SEAT FORE EXIT DOOR DRIVER'S SEAT MANUFACTURER RECARO DRIVER'S SEAT MODEL DRIVER'S SEAT MATERIAL DRIVER'S SEAT BELT (B),Passenger seat mounting - cantilever with pedestal wheelchair barriers. 526-005f 526-005h 526-005j 526-006 526-006b 526-006f 526-006g Revision: B (A),Seat mounted grabrails - stainless steel. (B),First seat at curbside upper rear - forward facing. (C),Forward facing at rear exit and aisle facing at center exit (B),Driver's seat manufacturer - Recaro. (B),Recaro driver's seat - Ergo AM80. The fore / aft seat travel is 9.25". (A),Driver's seat material - all fabric. (A),Driver's seat belt - lap belt with retractor on right hand side. 526-006ga DRIVER'S SEAT BELT ALARM 526-006j DRIVER'S SEAT,DOCKET 90 SPEC 526-006k DRIVER'S SEAT BASE RISER 526-006s DRVR'S SEAT HEADREST 526-007 WHEELCHAIR POSITIONS,QUANTITY 526-007a W/CHAIR POSITIONS,RESTRAINT SYSTEM (A),Driver's seat belt alarm - required to warn driver that seat belt is not connected. 526-007e SHOULDER HARNESS,W/CHR RESTRAINTS (C),Shoulder harness for wheelchair restraints - secured to structure (pier panel),one on curbside and two on streetside. 526-010 STANCHION / GRABRAIL (C),Stanchion / grabrail style - curved style vertical stanchions. Using seamless fittings for vertical and STYLE horizontal stanchions. OVERHEAD (B),Overhead horizontal grabrails - SST. HORIZONTAL GRABRAILS 526-010a (B),Driver's seat D90 spec - Not required. (B),Driver's seat base (riser) - black powdercoated steel. (B),Driver's seat headrest - required. (C),Wheelchair positions - three. Locations: one aft of the curbside and two aft of the streetside front wheelhouses. (B),Wheelchair restraint system - restraint system for forward facing wheelchair position(s). Manufacturer, position, material color / type and details as per customer spec. 526-010aa OVERHEAD GRABRAIL HANDHOLD STRAPS 526-010ab OVERHEAD GRABRAIL HANDHOLD STRAPS,QUANTITY (A),Handhold straps on overhead grabrails - grey PVC straps, secured to horizontal stanchions, locations as per customer spec. (A),Overhead grabrail handhold straps, quantity - thirteen. 526-010b (C),Vertical stanchions at exits and rear riser steps - blue powdercoated SST. VERT STANCH AT EXITS & RR RISER STEP 526-010d VERT FORE OF S/S FRT W/HOUSE 526-010da VERT AFT OF S/S FRT W/HOUSE 526-010e VERT.STANCHIONS,CUR BSIDE FRONT 526-010ea VERT AFT OF C/S FRT W/HOUSE 526-010f VERTICAL STANCHIONS AT SEATS (B),Vertical stanchion fore of streetside front wheelhouse - black carbon steel. (A),Vertical stanchion aft of streetside front wheelhouse - to match colour of forward of streetside wheelhouse stanchion (option 526-010d). (C),Vertical stanchion fore of curbside front wheelhouse - blue powdercoated carbon steel. (A),Vertical stanchion aft of curbside front wheelhouse - to match colour of forward of curbside wheelhouse stanchion (option 526-010e). (C),Vertical stanchions at seats - blue powdercoated carbon steel. 526-010j ARTIC JOINT (C),,Articulated joint handholds or straps or seats - center hoop mounted grabrails on one side and passenher HANDSTRAPS/GRABRAI seats(2) on other. LS 526-010jb ARTIC JOINT GRABRAIL COLOUR FRONT CURBSIDE LUGGAGE RACK 526-010k (C),Articulated joint grabrail colour - blue powdercoated SST. (C),Front curbside luggage rack - horizontal black tube wraps around aft, aisle and fore sides, carbon steel. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 12 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Value Description (blank means unset) 526-010m FAREBOX GRABRAIL (A),Farebox grabrail - basic, black carbon steel. 526-015 CURBSIDE MODESTY (B),Curbside modesty panel, fore of upper deck - .375" thick melamine. PANEL,FORE UPR DECK FORE OF UPR DECK (B),Fore of upper deck melamine modesty panels - charcoal gloss. MELAMINE MODESTY PNLS 526-015a 526-015b C/SIDE FORE UPR DECK MOD PNL, GAP UPPER PANEL,C/SIDE FORE OF UPPER DECK FORE OF EXIT(S),BARRIERS / GRABRAILS (S),Gap at bottom of curbside fore of upper deck modesty panels - approximately 2" diagonally. CENTER EXIT MODESTY PANEL UPPER PANEL,AFT OF CENTER EXIT EMERGENCY INSTRUCTIONS NEW OPTION,526 GROUP 60' HVAC SYSTEM (B),Modesty panel aft of the center exit door - basic width (colour as per option 526-015a). (S),HVAC motor type - brushless motor for primary heating & cooling system. 549-002b HVAC UNIT MOTOR TYPE REFRIGERANT 549-002d HVAC AIR INTAKE (B),HVAC air intake - recirculated air only. 526-015e 526-035 526-039 526-039e 526-055 526-NEW 549-001b 549-002a Revision: B (A),Upper panel at curbside fore of upper deck - clear polycarbonate. (A),Fore of exit(s), barriers and grabrails - upper panel, .38" clear polycarbonate, basic width (approximately 17.75"). Also, lower melamine panel (colour as per option 526-015a). (B),Upper panel at center exit modesty panel - 0.38" clear polycarbonate, basic width (approximately 17.75"). (A),Emergency instruction - Mylar decal. English / Spanish. (C),Draft shield at entrance - smokey polycarbonate panel mounted on fore side of curb side wheelhouse behind entrance door. (B),HVAC system manufacturer and type - Thermo King RLF front rooftop A/C with high performance condenser & rear TK T15 evaporator A/C unit. Safe-T-Walk is provided for rooftop units. (A),Refrigerant - R-407C freon. 549-002ea HVAC RETURN AIR (B),HVAC return air filter - polyester filter installed at the return air grille for RLF evaporator coil with a basic FILTER filter (polyester) installed at the return air grille of the T15 unit. 549-002f HVAC PULLDOWN SPEC (A),HVAC pulldown spec - meets White Book. 549-002g HVAC SYSTEM VALVES (A),HVAC system valves - brass ball valves with basic handles. 549-002h (B),A/C and heater line clamps - Breeze. 549-003a A/C AND HEATER LINE CLAMPS A/C COMPRESSOR 549-004 HVAC ELECTRONICS 549-004a 549-020 HVAC CONTROL PANELS A/C PRESSURE READINGS BOOSTER PUMP (B),HVAC electronics - Thermo King Intelligaire 3, valid for A/C or heater units. With limited diagnostic capabilities. (B),HVAC control panel - Thermo King, installed at the HVAC unit. 549-025 DEFROSTER (A),Defroster - with Litton brushless 24V motor. Using stepless variable speed control. 549-100 AUXILIARY HEATER (B),Auxiliary heater - not required. 580-005 WHEELCHAIR RAMP (B),Wheelchair ramp - NFIL ramp at front door. 32" wide, with 1:7 slope. 580-005a FRONT RAMP CONTROL (S),Front ramp control - ramp switch at driver's instrument panel. 580-005d 600-025 WHEELCHAIR RAMP,SURFACE BACK-UP ALARM (B),Wheelchair ramp surfaces - covered with Full Metal Jacket anti-skid treatment. The leading edge is yellow FMJ, the side flanges are painted yellow. (B),Backup alarm - basic alarm located on curbside. 600-027 GROUND STRAP (A),Ground straps - two straps, one located at the front and the second at the rear of coach. Note: for 60's, second strap is at the rear of the rear coach. 549-004d (B),A/C compressor - Thermo King X640. (B),A/C pressure readings - A/C system pressure readings can be obtained via the Thermo King Intelligaire 3 control unit. (B),Booster pump - EMP WP29 booster pump. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 13 of 14 DocuSign Envelope ID: 753F6DD9-6A17-48AE-AEE9-AB35CE47DD6A Technical Summary For: SR-1825 LAS VEGAS,NV 21 X XN60 Option# Description Revision: B Value Description (blank means unset) 600-050 INTERIOR (A),Interior fan(s), manufacturer - Bergstrom, 12 volt. FAN(S),MANUFACTURER 600-050a (A),Dash fan(s), quantity and location - one at right of center. 600-065 DASH FANS,QTY AND LOCATION SDS TRAY QUANTITY 600-075 FAREBOX PEDESTAL (C),Farebox pedestal - SST, 1" high. 600-076 FAREBOX (C)Farebox - GFI Odyssey, 41" tall. 600-076a FAREBOX,SUPPLIED BY (A),Farebox source of supply - supplied and installed by NFIL. 600-076b FAREBOX POSITION / HOLES CURBSIDE FRONT EQUIPMENT BOX DRIVER'S STORAGE BOX BEHIND SEAT REGISTR/REGUL/LEGAL NOTICE HOLDER AUTOMATIC PASSENGER COUNTER TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROL SYSTEM VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM,MFR CAMERA COLOUR TYPE (A),Farebox position / connector holes - located in NFIL preferred position whether installed by NFIL or by customer. (A),Curbside front equipment box - black, aluminum with paddle latch, no lock. FIRE SUPPRESSION CNG AMEREX FIRE DETECTION SENSORS METHANE DETECTION, CNG METHANE DETECTOR LOCATION BICYCLE RACK,MFR/MODEL SPORTWORKS BICYCLE RACK MOUNTING (C),Fire Suppression - Amerex SafetyNet system with 2 x 25lb dry chemical agent tanks. 600-100 600-101 600-126 600-177 600-178 600-225 600-225a 600-225b 600-276a 600-276b 600-277 600-277a 600-300 600-300a (A),SDS tray quantity - dependant on customer tray and electronic systems requirements. (A),Driver's storage box behind seat - basic box with paddle latch, no key. The box is to include a chamfer to allow for driver's seat clearance. (A),Registration or Regulation or Legal Notice holder - required, details and location as per customer spec. (C),Automatic passenger counter system - included in the AVA/AVL system. (A),Traffic signal control system - required. Details as per customer spec. (A),Video surveillance system - interior and exterior cameras, quantity, details and location as per customer spec and installation / approval drawing. (A),Video surveillance system - Safety Vision system, equipment as per customer spec. (A),Camera colour type - all cameras are colour as per customer spec and installation / approval drawing. (A),Amerex fire detection sensors - two at streetside and two at curbside of engine compartment. (B),Methane detection - Amerex Safety Net System, details as per customer spec. (C),Methane detector locations - two in engine compartment, two in passenger compt (one in front & one in rear unit), two in CNG tank area (under each clam shell). (A),Bicycle rack, manufacturer / model -Sportworks, DL2-WP (wide profile), front mounted. (A),Sportworks bicycle rack mounting - bolted slide-in standoff with bolted pivot. 600-300b SPORTWORKS BICYCLE (A),Sportworks bicycle rack removal - quick release rack. RACK REMOVAL 600-300d SPORTWORKS BICYCLE (A),Sportworks bicycle rack material/colour - satin finish SST. RK MATL/COLOR 600-300f BICYCLE RACK MFR LOGO BICYCLE RACK INSTRUCTIONS 600-300g (A),Bicycle rack manufacturer logo - provided. (A),Bicycle rack instructions - English. S=Standard, B=Base, A=Available, C=Custom 11/5/2013 Page 14 of 14