CHEM 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM ANSWER PRINTED FIRST NAME Ian R. Gould KEY PRINTED LAST NAME ASU ID or Posting ID Person on your LEFT (or Aisle) Person on your RIGHT (or Aisle) 1__________/20 ......................9__________/24 ......................... • PRINT YOUR NAME ON EACH PAGE! 2__________/20........................10__________/20 ....................... • READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY! 3__________/27........................11__________/24 ......................... • USE BLANK PAGES AS SCRATCH PAPER 4__________/10.......................12__________/24 ....................... work on blank pages will not be graded... 5__________/38.......................13__________/24 ......................... •WRITE CLEARLY! 6__________/64.......................14__________/28 ......................... • MOLECULAR MODELS ARE ALLOWED 7__________/8.........................15__________/32 ......................... • DO NOT USE RED INK 8__________/12....................... • DON'T CHEAT, USE COMMON SENSE! Total (incl Extra)________/375+5 Extra Credit_____/5 H He B N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar H/H ~1.0 Me/Me ~0.9 Ga Ge As Se Br Kr H/Me ~1.4 Et/Me ~0.95 In Sn Sb Te I Xe Me/Me ~2.6 i-Pr/Me ~1.1 Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Me/Et ~2.9 t-Bu/Me ~2.7 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W small range range of values broad peak Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg O H C N N H C O C H C C N 2850–2960 H 1680 C OR 2000 10 200 R C OH O C H O C CH3 –H2C NR2 C CH2 8 160 7 140 6 120 5 100 Aromatic CR2 C CH 4 80 3 60 RC CR Alkyl 3Y > 2Y > 1Y 2 40 –OCH2– R C N R2C H ~15 C C 1500 –OCH2– NMR Correlation Charts Aromatic Ar H mainly 8 - 6.5 9 180 ~2 H NR2 1650 2500 H H C 1710 3000 11 220 O ~8 ~2 C C O 2200 –H2C X (δ, ppm) H ~10 H 1600 O C amine R NH2 variable and condition alcohol R OH dependent, ca. 2 - 6 δ O C H H C C 1735 CH broad ~3000 O R C OH ~7 C C H C O C O H 3500 H H O H broad with spikes ~3300 broad ~3300 N C 2200 O H 1600–1660 O 2720–2820 2 peaks 3000– 3100 N H C C H C 3300 Approximate Coupling Constants, J (Hz), for 1 H NMR Spectra Infrared Correlation Chart H Gauche Eclipsing usually strong O C H (cm-1) C Interaction Energies, kcal/mol Li Be 1 20 0 0 Alkyl 3Y > 2Y > 1Y C X C NR2 CHM 234, Spring 2011, FINAL EXAM NAME - 2- Question 1 (20 pts.) Provide IUPAC names for the following structures, do not forget to use E/Z and R/S as appropriate. a) 1 2 CO2H 3 4 (2S)-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoic acid OH b) 8 7 6 5 O Br 4 2 3 (2S)-bromo-6-methyloct-(6E)-en-4-one 1 Question 2 (20 pts.) Serum creatinine levels are used to measure renal function. Creatinin exists in several tautomeric forms, two are shown below. Write a curved arrow-pushiung mechanism that shows how the structure on the left is converted into the one on the right. Show where all protons come from and go to (no +H+/-H+) Show all resonance contributors to the intermediate structures Label the Lewis acid/base and and Bronsted acids/bases as appropriate N LB/BB H N N O O H H H N H N N H N O LA/BA N H H N O H H N H H N N H3O+ O N H N H LA/BA H N O H H O H LB/BB CHM 234, Spring 2011, FINAL EXAM -3 - NAME Question 3 (27 pts.) For the following acid/base equilibrium: a) draw the curved arrows showing bond making/breaking b) indicate which is the STRONGER and the WEAKER acid and base on each side c) give a BRIEF explanation for your choice of stronger/weaker that includes the phrase "energy of the electrons" H H H H H H slower N H N N N H H + + H faster weaker base weaker acid stronger acid stronger base larger pKa smaller pKa equilibrium lies on THIS side the weaker base has the lower energy electrons, the non-bonding electrons in A are stabilized by resonance, are this lower in energy d) Indicate which reaction (left to right or right to left) is faster and which is slower and indicate on which side the equilibrium lies e) Draw a PROPERLY labelled reaction energy diagram, indicate the position of the transition state and include a drawing of the transition state Energy H ‡ H H ‡ N N H H Reaction Coordinate Question 4 (10 pts.) Indicate which of the following two structures A and B you would expect to be the stronger Bronsted BASE, and give a brief explanation that includes the term "energy of the eletrons". Assume that both structures are completely FLAT. A B In A the electrons are in an aromatic system and are thus stabilized and lower in nergy, less reactive, and thus a weaker base, in B the electrons are in an antiaromatic system Extra Credit Question (5 pts). Which kind of molecule was used in the new Two-Electron Sensitization Process for Photography that Dr. Gould worked on when at Kodak? amine ester amide aldehyde -4- CHM 234, Spring 2011, FINAL EXAM NAME Question 5. (38 pts.) Give the mechanisms for formation of the "Normal" and the "Conjugate" addition products in the following reaction. Show all resonance structures of the intermediates, show where all protons come from and go to (no +H+/-H+) and label the Lewis/Bonsted acids/bases as appropriate O O EtO– +Na/EtOH EtO H EtO O H + EtO Conjugate EtO Normal H OEt EtO H O O EtO EtO O EtO b) Both products form with the same exothermicity, draw a reaction energy diagram for both reactions ON THE SAME DIAGRAM, label the activation energy for the rate determining step for each reaction EtO O energy O EtO resonance stabilized, lower in energy O OH smaller Ea EtO OH + EtO– EtO reaction coordinate c) Under the reaction conditions, the conjugate product will tautomerize back into a ketone, give the curved arrow-pushing mechanism for this reaction Show all resonance structures of the intermediates, show where all protons come from and go to (no +H+/-H+) and label the Lewis/Bonsted acids/bases as appropriate LA/BA O H O OEt LB/BB EtO– +Na/EtOH EtO EtO O EtO EtO–H LA/BA O EtO LB/BB -5- CHM 234, Spring 2011, FINAL EXAM NAME Question 6 (64 pts) Provide the missing products, reagents/conditions or reactants, as required. Do not forget to include absolute and relative stereochemistry as appropriate unless otherwise indicated a) 1. excess CH3I NH2 2. Ag2O/ H2O 3. heat 1. HO O b) / H+ cat. N H HO O ignore stereochemistry 2. CH3Br 3. H3O+ O H2N OH Ph c) Cl 1 equivalent NMe2 Ph HN OH O NMe2 CO2CH3 CO2CH3 (±) d) heat 1 equivalent O O HO e) O O H+ O O O H O f) O OH HCl cat. heat H H -6- CHM 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM NAME Question 6, Contd... Provide the missing products, reagents/conditions or reactants, as required. Do not forget to include stereochemistry as appropriate. O O O g) OH H3O+ heat O O O OH H2N CH2 H H Br 1. NaCN h) 2. LiAlH4 3. H3O+ Question 7 (8 pts) Give a reactants and reagents/conditions that will give the following structure in a Claisen reaction O O 1. Na+ –OMe/MeOH OMe OMe 2. H3O+ O O O ignore + MeO stereochemistry OMe excess Question 8 (12 pts) Give a synthesis of the provided carboxylic acid from malonic ester. TREAT THIS AS A SYNTHESIS QUESTION. This is a FIVE STEP synthesis, give reagents/conditions and the intermediate molecules AT EACH STEP. O O O EtO OEt malonic ester OH H3O+ / heat Na+ –OEt/EtOH O EtO O O OEt EtO EtBr EtBr O EtO O Na+ –OEt/EtOH OEt EtO O O OEt O OEt -7- CHEMISTRY 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM NAME Question 9 (24 pts.) For the cycloaddition reaction below a) Draw the curved arrow-pushing that describes the bond-making and breaking processes. Et Et Δ Me + Pr Me Me Pr Et Et Me b) Draw the HOMO and LUMO of the reactants as requested, ON TOP of the structures that are redrawn below Et Pr anti-bonding Me bonding HOMO Me Et LUMO c) Is the cycloaddition reaction shown above allowed or forbidden. Give a BRIEF explanation that includes the words suprafacial and/or antarafacial as appropriate this is antarafacial on the cation and suprafacial on the alkene, which is forbidden based on FMO theory since there is a bonding and an anti-bonding interaction interaction between the pairs of atoms involved in making the two new sigma bonds Question 10 (20 pts) Give the mechanism for the following reaction • AS APROPRIATE, SHOW WHERE ALL PROTONS COMES FROM AND GO TO (no +H+/-H+) • DRAW ALL RESONANCE CONTRIBUTORS for the intermediates as approriate • At each INTERMOLECULAR step, INDICATE THE Lewis acid and base (LA or LB) and whether they are also Bronsted acids and bases (BA or BB) as appropriate O O O O OH + O LA + OH LB O O O O H O LB/BA O O O O H O LA/BA O CHEMISTRY 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM NAME -8- Question 11 (24 pts.) Give a curved arrow-pushing mechanism for the following reactionShow where all protons come from and go to (no +H+/-H+) Show all resonance contributors to the intermediate structures Label the Lewis acid/base and and Bronsted acids/bases as appropriate OH O LB/BB O H3O+ H H O+ LA/BA H O OH O O+ H O LA/BA O H LB/BB H O O H H H OH O H O O H O H O H LA/BA LB/BB H O+ H H LA/BA O H LB/BB -9- CHM 234, Spring 2011, Final Exam NAME Question 12 (24 pts) Provided are spectra for a compound with molecular formula C6H12O2 a) Give the degrees of unsaturation 1 degree of unsaturation ________________ b) On the infrared spectrum, indicate the peaks that identify the functional groups in the molecule (including C(sp3)-H). Indicate BOTH the functional group, and where appropriate, the specific BOND in the functional group that corresponds to the peak. 3401 H C 2879 1463 sp3 1089 1450 1199 2939 1372 O O 1739 c) draw the structure and clearly indicate which hydrogens correspond to which signals in the proton nmr spectrum (only) 2 peaks here e 3H d 2H O d b CH2 e a CH2 c C O H3C CH3 CH2 c 2H b 2H a 3H CHM 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM - 10 - NAME Question 13 (24 pts.) Show how you would make the target componds on the right from the starting compounds on the left. Show reagents and conditions where appropriate, and the structures of important intermediate compounds. Do not show any (arrow pushing) mechanisms. If necessary, you must indicate steps that require separation of isomers NO2 separate isomers O Cl AlCl3 Cl HNO3/H2SO4 O O Cl2/AlCl3 Zn/Hg/HCl/H2O Cl Cl Question 14 (28 pts) Show how you would make the target componds on the right from the starting compounds on the left. Show reagents and conditions where appropriate, and the structures of important intermediate compounds. Do not show any (arrow pushing) mechanisms. These 2 questions use only reactions from the basic sets that were provided on the class website ignore stereochemistry a) PCC NBS, hν Na+ –OH Br O 1. BH3.THF 2. –OH/H2O2 OH OH b) Ph Br K+ –O-t-Bu 1. BH3.THF 2. –OH/H2O2 OH PCC O H 1. PhMgBr 2. H3O+ CHM 234, Spring 2011 FINAL EXAM NAME - 11 - Question 15 (32 pts.) In each case, synthesize the (target) molecules on the right from the starting molecules the left. this can not be done in one reaction. Give reagents and conditions and the intermediate molecules at each step. Do not show any mechanisms or transient intermediates. a) N HNMe2/H+ H2/Pd/C HBr, ROOR O Br MgBr 1. Mg.THF H O OH PCC 2. H3O+ H b) Br N O O O O HO OH H+ Cl Br NH2 O O Na+ –CN O CN O O 1. LiAlH4 2. H3O+