Trials in Life a. Trials are a fact of life. They come in all different

Trials in Life
a. Trials are a fact of life. They come in all different shapes, sizes and length of time.
b. What does the Bible say about trials?
i. It guarantees we will have trials John 16:33; Act 14.22b; I Peter 4:12.
c. To count it all joy – James 1:2 Definition of count – Involves careful deliberate judgment, means to evaluate,
to consider. James tells us to count our trials as joy.
d. When trials come we must make a choice.
i. Is our attitude going to be one of joy or one of bitterness and anger?
ii. Counting trials as joy is a decision we must make with the mind and not our emotions.
iii. It is a matter of faith.
e. It tests our faith. James 1:2-3 Charles H. Spurgeon states “If we cannot believe God when circumstances seem
to be against us, we do not believe Him at all.”
f. It develops our faith. I Peter 1:6-7
g. It develops character. Romans 5: 3-5 “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through
experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success
achieved.” Helen Keller
h. It achieves Eternal glory – II Corinthians 4:16-18.