Planning and Regulation Route Planning New Lines Programme Comparing environmental impact of conventional and high speed rail Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Executive Summary Introduction The New Lines Programme is to test the hypothesis that in 2020, the existing rail lines from London to the North and West will be operating at full capacity and the conventional and the next generation tools for increasing capacity will be exhausted. There will be the need for additional intervention. The programme aims to develop and evaluate the options for building new lines; including in this is the need to evaluate the environmental impacts of such an intervention in terms of expected energy consumption of new rolling stock, understand any step change in energy consumption between new versus existing rolling stock including diesel versus electric and to assess localised environmental impact during and after construction. As a result there is a need to better understand the environmental impact of building one or more new lines in terms of: 1) Performance (energy consumption) of rolling stock, both current high-speed (electric), conventional (diesel) rolling stock and future electric rolling stock; 2) Seating occupancy levels in high-speed versus conventional services; 3) Estimated direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from diesel and electric rolling stock (both in current and likely future electric mix); 4) Estimated emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of rolling stock; 5) The potential energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction of new infrastructure in terms of materials used in the construction of infrastructure (and the energy consumption /emissions per kg of these materials) as well as the energy use/emissions resulting from infrastructure construction activities; 6) The role of energy consumption/emissions savings resulting from modal shift and factoring in demand generation in the overall comparison. This environmental study was carried out to assess the relative environmental performance of conventional and high speed electric rail services. The purpose of this work is to provide an objective comparison between the different options and the key assumptions that affect the outcome of the comparison. In doing this, the work also needs to take into account the long timeframes associated with planning and constructing large railway infrastructure projects including wholly new rail lines (e.g. around 20 years for both the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and Crossrail). Hence comparisons will need to be made on the anticipated performance of future high-speed and conventional rail rolling stock likely to be put into service in the 2025-2030 timeframe. For the purposes of this study, high-speed rail (HSR) services are defined as services faster than typical UK intercity limit of 200 km/hour, typically over 250 km/hour and up to 350+ km/hour. Comparisons in this report are made for similar types of electric rail services for HSR vs conventional rail – i.e. with conventional intercity service rolling stock (up to 200 km/hour), rather than rolling stock used in slower stop-start commuter services. The focus for the work for this project has been on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Other environmental impacts will be considered in more detail at a later phase and are not within the scope of this project. In order to obtain as up to date and accurate information as possible the project team consulted widely with experts in industry and academia, as well as with the Department for Transport (DfT). This was carried out via a letter of introduction and accompanying questionnaire and follow-up by email and telephone interviews. ii Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Summary of Analysis Results and Conclusions The results of the comparative analysis of conventional versus high-speed rail have been presented split between three source areas: 1. GHG emissions resulting from to direct energy consumption by the trains; 2. GHG emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance, use and disposal of new electric rail infrastructure; 3. GHG emissions resulting from the production, disposal and maintenance of electric trains. These results have demonstrated the following points: • Per seat-km conventional rail uses less energy and produces fewer GHG emissions than highspeed rail. High-speed rail would be expected to result in around 9.3% more GHG emissions on average (at 12.8 gCO2eq/seat-km) than equivalent conventional rail (at 11.7 gCO2eq/seat-km) in 2025, according to calculations using central scenario values. This difference drops to 4.4% more over the 30-year lifetime of the trains, with HSR at 7.8 gCO2eq/seat-km and conventional rail at 7.5 gCO2eq/seat-km. This is because the importance of emissions from direct energy consumption decreases due to decarbonisation of electricity generation; • Per passenger-km (pkm) HSR is anticipated to produce significantly lower GHG emissions than conventional rail. This is the case both when assuming typical differences in European occupancy levels between conventional and HSR and for the modelled differences in occupancy levels from the NLP Strategic Business Case. On average HSR (at 30.3 gCO2eq/pkm) is expected to result in around 15% less GHG emissions on average than conventional rail (at 35.7 gCO2eq/pkm) in 2025, according to the calculations using central values. This GHG emissions for HSR reduce further to 18.8% less (at 18.5 gCO2eq/pkm) than conventional rail (at 22.7 gCO2eq/pkm) when considering them over the 30-year lifetime of the trains. The differential increases further when modal shift and demand creation are factored in – to 17.4% less (26.4 gCO2eq /pkm and 32.0 gCO2eq/pkm respectively for HSR and conventional rail) in 2025, and 23.5% less (15.1 gCO2eq/pkm and 19.7 gCO2eq/pkm respectively) over the 30-year train lifetime; • Impact of electricity decarbonisation: When assuming current grid electricity emission factors and electric train models the GHG emissions due to direct energy use of the train accounted for over 80% of the total emissions (with 18% due to rail infrastructure and <1% due to indirect emissions due to trains). However, the direct train component drops to around 28% when assuming the use of new trains over 30 years from 2025 and the CCC’s proposed rapid decarbonisation of UK electricity generation. In this case the emissions resulting from new rail infrastructure dominate, accounting for around 70% of the total. The majority of the emissions from construction of new rail infrastructure result from the use of concrete and steel. Significant gains might therefore be achieved by focussing on reducing the emissions footprint of these materials. • Comparison of conventional and high-speed rail under central assumptions: Conventional and high-speed rail were compared for the different reference routes for services proposed under the NLP Strategic Business Case. Under the central assumptions the total average GHG emissions over the 30 year lifetime of the trains were calculated to be 18.5 gCO2eq/pkm for highspeed rail and 22.7 gCO2eq/pkm for conventional rail. When modal shift and demand creation effects are also included the average figures drop to 15.1 and 19.7 gCO2eq/pkm respectively for HSR and conventional rail. The benefits of modal switching therefore outweigh the counter-action of factoring in demand creation. Due to significantly lower modelled average occupancy levels, the equivalent modelled services direct from Birmingham to Glasgow and Edinburgh have average emission factors around double these figures. • Sensitivity analysis on occupancy levels and passenger numbers: The ±20% sensitivities on occupancy levels and passenger numbers show that as the average percentage occupancy levels of conventional and high-speed rail become closer together, the advantage high-speed rail has in terms of direct emissions per passenger-km is eroded. Parity is reached in their relative emissions when load factors for conventional rail are around 4% lower than those for high-speed rail. However, it is the total passenger numbers that are critical in the analysis, as this affects the allocation of emissions resulting from the rail infrastructure. Therefore a higher number of services with lower occupancy but high overall passenger numbers is strongly favoured over significantly less-frequent but high-occupancy services that potentially move fewer passengers. iii Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail • Sensitivity analysis on the carbon intensity of electricity generation: The sensitivity on the electricity decarbonisation rate shows that varying the assumption on future decarbonisation of electricity generation has a 30-40% impact on the total greenhouse gas emissions and over 60% on the component due to direct energy consumption by trains. Under central (rapid decarbonisation) assumptions the range for the GHG emissions between 2025 and 2055 respectively was from 30.3 to 15.0 gCO2eq/pkm for respectively HSR and 35.7 to 19.0 gCO2eq/pkm for conventional rail (excluding the effects of modal shift and demand creation). • Sensitivity analysis on embedded greenhouse gas emissions: The percentage of recycling of materials at the end of the life of infrastructure (and to much a lesser degree trains) has a very significant impact on the final results. Because of the dominating effect of embedded infrastructure emissions in the overall assessment this puts a high level of importance to designing recyclability into the design of new infrastructure as far as possible. The sensitivities on % tunnels on new line infrastructure and on the type of track also underline the importance of these elements in the overall analysis. Using ballastless track results in significantly higher GHG emissions in its construction compared to conventional track, but no detailed information was available on GHG savings due to reduced maintenance. More detailed evaluation of the GHG savings potential through avoided maintenance would be beneficial to inform the comparison should this option become preferred over conventional track in the future. The sensitivity on the % tunnels on new lines suggests that the alternatives to tunnelling should be investigated where possible. • Sensitivity analysis on modal shift and demand creation: The analysis using information from the NLP Business Case showed that the benefits of modal shift from car and air tranpsort outweighed the counteracting demand creation element in the overall analysis. They also showed that the net benefits due to modal shift and demand creation for high-speed rail services are notably larger than those for conventional rail, further improving high-speed rail’s relative performance. Because of the complexity in changes to rail services and passenger numbers on existing lines it was not possible to quantitavily factor in the impact if abstraction from existing rail. Overall Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work Overall, this work has provided a comprehensive review and evaluation of the elements that contribute to the overall energy consumption and net greenhouse gas emissions from electric rail. Through detailed analysis and sensitivities this study has also explored the impacts of key assumptions on these elements on the overall comparison of the relative performance of future conventional and highspeed rail on proposed new lines. The work has clearly demonstrated the significant net benefit of high-speed rail services over equivalent conventional services in terms of energy consumption and GHG emissions per passenger-km in the context of proposed new line development. Factoring in the net effects of modal shift and journey creation adds to this advantage. Also highlighted is the overriding significance of the GHG emissions due to new rail infrastructure in the anticipated future where the electricity system is highly decarbonised. This in turn puts significant emphasis on the importance of minimising emissions from the construction of any new rail infrastructure, focussing on sourcing lower carbon materials and on the recyclability of end of life components. On the basis of the analysis for this study, the development of new lines to provide high-speed rail services appears to be highly desirable in reducing GHG emissions in the long-term. However, there will be very significant up front GHG emissions from the construction of new infrastructure in the short-term. The results of the work also suggest a number of areas for further research to help better understand and minimise the environmental impact of rail. iv • More detailed analysis of specific proposals including other environmental impacts: This work has provided a preliminary scoping level assessment of the potential impacts of the development a high-speed rail service in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. However, a more detailed assessment would be beneficial once the preliminary proposals have been firmed up. At this stage an assessment of the other environmental impacts would be appropriate, such as emissions of air quality pollutants, noise and land-take. • Research into ways to minimise the environmental impact of new rail infrastructure: The results on the relative importance of infrastructure emissions suggests a more detailed piece of research focussing on this element would be worthwhile to include other impacts such embedded emissions of air quality pollutants. Whilst a preliminary assessment of the impacts have been carried out here, a more in depth life cycle assessment is desirable. Research into the potential for minimisation of the GHG emissions footprint of new rail infrastructure through sourcing of less carbon intensively produced materials would also seem worthwhile. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table of Contents Executive Summary Glossary and Energy Unit Equivalencies 1 2 3 ii viii Introduction 1 1.1 Scope of work 1 1.2 Information collection 2 1.3 Report structure 2 Factors Affecting Comparisons of Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions 3 2.1 Direct energy consumption and emissions from trains 4 2.2 Indirect energy consumption and emissions from trains 15 2.3 Energy consumption and emissions resulting from rail infrastructure 20 2.4 Other factors affecting comparisons 24 Results of Comparative Analysis 32 3.1 Definition of scenarios 32 3.2 Breakdown of relative impacts 35 3.3 Sensitivity analysis on key parameters 40 4 Summary and Conclusions 45 5 References 50 Appendices Appendix 1: Consultation Questionnaire 55 v Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail List of Figures Figure 2.1: Figure 2.2: Figure 2.3: Typical composition of energy demand for high-speed and conventional rail services Energy flow diagrams for passenger trains with and without regenerative braking Energy conversion losses for a German ICE electric multiple unit Figure 2.4: Figure 2.5: Figure 2.6: Figure 2.7: Figure 2.8: Figure 2.9: Figure 2.10: Comfort function demands for a train in UK winter (0°C) 7 Typical breakdown of components in electric multiple unit trains by weight 10 Typical breakdown of components contribution to drag in electric trains 10 Energy consumption of current and future rolling stock (kWh per seat-km) 13 Trend between energy use (kWh/seat-km) and speed (km/h) for European trains 13 Low and High Scenarios for Future Carbon Intensity of UK Grid Electricity 15 Proportional breakdown of materials used in electric rail rolling stock and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal at different recycling rates 18 Breakdown by electric rail infrastructure element of the net embedded greenhouse gas emissions for (at a 50% recycling rate), annualised over the infrastructure lifetime 21 Proportional breakdown of materials used in electric rail infrastructure and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal (at a 50% recycling rate) 23 The core New Line only options from London considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 26 Speed Assumptions for the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 26 Detail on the full option (MB1.4.1) considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 27 Train Service Specification for Full Option (MB1.4.1) considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 27 Modal share of high-speed rail services and flights by journey time 30 Assumptions on the projected improvement in the greenhouse gas emissions from cars and domestic air transport 31 Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per seatkm for different routes (assumes current trains and carbon intensity of electricity) 35 Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per seatkm for different routes (assumes future trains and carbon intensity of electricity) 36 Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per passenger-km for different routes (assumes future trains and carbon intensity of electricity) 37 Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per passenger-km by impact area 38 Summary comparison of the relative performance of conventional and high-speed rail at different timeframe assumptions (NLP-SBC Total) 39 Sensitivity analysis breakdown on the impact of varying occupancy levels and passenger numbers on the comparison of total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail 40 Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on the future decarbonisation electricity generation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail 41 Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on the % recycling of end of life infrastructure and trains to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail 43 Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the infrastructure assumptions on the % tunnels and type of rail track to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail 43 Figure 2.11: Figure 2.12: Figure 2.13: Figure 2.14: Figure 2.15: Figure 2.16: Figure 2.17: Figure 2.18: Figure 3.1: Figure 3.2: Figure 3.3: Figure 3.4: Figure 3.5: Figure 3.6: Figure 3.7: Figure 3.8: Figure 3.9: vi 4 5 7 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 3.10: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on modal shift and demand creation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail 44 List of Tables Table 2.1: Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4: Table 2.5: Table 2.6: Table 2.7: Table 2.8: Table 2.9: Table 2.10: Table 2.11: Table 2.12: Table 2.13: Table 2.14: Table 3.1: Table 3.2: Table 3.3: Table 3.4: Table 3.5: Table 3.6: Principal contributors and example values for the three Davis formula coefficients 6 Elasticities for efficiency measures on total energy consumption for current electric trains 8 Modelled impacts of efficiency measures on energy consumption for Japanese Shinkansen HSR 8 Summary of measures to reduce energy consumption from trains 9 Characteristics of current and future rolling stock used for conventional and high-speed rail 12 Total greenhouse gas emissions (in kgCO2eq per tonne material) resulting from different stages of the material lifecycle (production, recycling, other disposal) 16 Material breakdown for typical electric rail rolling stock and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal at different recycling rates 18 Characteristics of current and future rolling stock used for conventional and high-speed rail and the net greenhouse gas emissions under the central recycling scenario 19 Estimated energy and water consumption per train-drive km for train maintenance and refitting 19 Estimated embedded emissions for electric rail infrastructure based on ballasted or ballastless track, breakdown by element 22 Estimated annual in-use activity elements for electric rail infrastructure and equivalent 2007 emissions factors 23 Typical load factors for European high-speed rail services 25 Modelled average load factors for conventional and high-speed services from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 28 Modelled average modal switch and journey creation for conventional and high-speed services from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) 30 Summary definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions used in the analysis 32 Assumtions for scenarios on the projected greenhouse gas emission factors for electricity, passenger cars and domestic flights 32 Detailed definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions for passenger numbers, occupancy and the proportion of tunnels on new lines for different services 33 Comparison of services in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case with typical European high-speed rail services 34 Definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions for modal shift and demand creation on new lines for different services 34 Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on modal shift and demand creation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail (NLP-SBC Total) 44 vii Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Glossary Term/Abbreviation Definition/Explanation Carbon footprint A measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced Catenary The system of overhead wires suspended above the track that deliver power to electric trains. CH4 Methane CO2 Carbon dioxide eq CO2 or CO2eq Carbon dioxide equivalent: a quantity that describes, for a given mixture and amount of greenhouse gas, the amount of CO2 that would have the same global warming potential (GWP), when measured over a specified timescale (usually 100 years). EMUs Electric Multiple Units – a type of electric train that has powered vehicles across the train formation, rather than a single power vehicle/locomotive at either end with unpowered carriages. GHG Greenhouse gas GWP Global Warming Potential IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LCA Life cycle assessment Load Factor The fractional or percentage occupancy of a train N2O Nitrous oxide Pantograph A pantograph is a device fitted to the roof of the train that collects current from the overhead wires. passenger-km or pkm Passenger kilometre = Unit of measure representing the transport of one passenger over one kilometre. RE Renewable energy seat-km or skm Seat kilometre = Unit of measure representing the movement over one kilometre of one seat available in a train (or other mode of transport) Tare mass The technical term for the total unlaiden mass of a train TOC Train Operating Company Energy Unit Equivalencies From /To - multiply by Gigajoule, GJ Kilowatthour, kWh Tonne oil equivalent, toe viii GJ 1 0.00360 41.868 kWh 277.78 1 11630 Toe 0.023885 8.5985E-05 1 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 1 Introduction The New Lines Programme is to test the hypothesis that in 2020, the existing rail lines from London to the North and West will be operating at full capacity and the conventional and the next generation tools for increasing capacity will be exhausted. There will be the need for additional intervention. The programme aims to develop and evaluate the options for building new lines; including in this is the need to evaluate the environmental impacts of such an intervention in terms of expected energy consumption of new rolling stock, understand any step change in energy consumption between new versus existing rolling stock including diesel versus electric and to assess localised environmental impact during and after construction. As a result there is a need to better understand the environmental impact of building one or more new lines in terms of: • Performance (energy consumption) of rolling stock, both current high-speed (electric), conventional (diesel) rolling stock and future electric rolling stock; • Seating occupancy levels in high-speed versus conventional services; • Estimated direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from diesel and electric rolling stock (both in current and likely future electric mix); • Estimated emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of rolling stock; • The potential energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction of new infrastructure in terms of materials used in the construction of infrastructure (and the energy consumption/emissions per kg of these materials) as well as the energy use/emissions resulting from infrastructure construction activities; • The role of energy consumption/emissions savings resulting from modal shift and factoring in demand generation in the overall comparison. This environmental study was carried out to assess the relative environmental performance of conventional and high speed electric rail services. The purpose of this work is to provide an objective comparison between the different options and the key assumptions that affect the outcome of the comparison. In doing this, the work also needs to take into account the long timeframes associated with planning and constructing large railway infrastructure projects including wholly new rail lines (e.g. around 20 years for both the Channel Tunnel Rail Link and Crossrail). Hence comparisons will need to be made on the anticipated performance of future high-speed and conventional rail rolling stock likely to be put into service in the 2025-2030 timeframe. 1.1 Scope of work 1.1.1 Definition of High-Speed Rail and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts For the purposes of this study, high-speed rail (HSR) services are defined as services faster than typical UK intercity limit of 200 km/hour, typically over 250 km/hour and up to 350+ km/hour. Comparisons in this report are made for similar types of electric rail services for HSR and conventional rail – i.e. with conventional intercity service rolling stock (up to 200 km/hour), rather than rolling stock used in slower stop-start commuter services. Although there are a wide range of environmental impacts resulting from rail, the focus for the work at this stage is primarily on energy consumption/ greenhouse gas emissions. Other environmental impacts (e.g. air quality, noise and land-take) will be considered in more detail at a later phase and are not within the scope of this project. 1 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 1.2 Information collection In order to obtain as up to date and accurate information as possible the project team needed to consult widely with experts in industry and academia. This was to enable the collection of more detailed information and develop of a more nuanced understanding of the issues than could be achieved from a simple review of the available literature. As part of this consultation an introductory letter was sent out in March 2009 requesting cooperation. A questionnaire (provided in Appendix 1) was also provided alongside this request to help identify key information for the analysis. The letter and questionnaire was subsequently followed up in email and telephone conversations and interviews. Advice and information was gratefully received by the project team from the following organisations and individuals which has informed the work: • • • • • • • • Alstom; Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC); DeltaRail; Department for Transport (DfT); Forum for the Future (FFF); Greengauge 21; Hitachi; Professor Roger Kemp (University of Lancaster); 1.3 • • • • • • • Rail Industry Association (RIA); Rail Industry Forum; Rail Research UK (RRUK); Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB); Siemens; Steer Davies Gleave; International Union of Railways (UIC). Report structure The aim of this report is to provide a preliminary assessement of the relative environmental impact of conventional and high-speed rail to help inform the wider business case being developed for the New Lines Programme. The report provides a summary of the results from this project, including the review of literature and consultation with stakeholders, results from comparative analyses, sensitivities and conclusions. This report is structured as follows: 2 • The theoretical background to train energy consumption, measures available to reduce this and, discussion of the different elements affecting the comparison of high-speed and conventional rail are provided in Section 2. • A summary and discussion of the comparative analysis is presented in Section 3; • The summary and conclusions for the work are presented in Section 4, together with recommendations for future work; • References for source material are provided in Section 5. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 2 Factors Affecting Comparisons of Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions This chapter provides a discussion of the major elements that influence the overall energy consumption comparison of conventional and high-speed rail. For the purposes of this work, the comparison is restricted to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. To properly consider the relative impacts a range of factors need to be evaluated. These can be loosely grouped into the following major categories: 1) Direct performance (energy consumption) of the rail rolling stock: In making comparisons it is important to understand both the current situation and the anticipated performance of trains that would be supplied to service new lines (i.e. most likely not going into service before 2025). Comparisons between different trains are most usefully made in terms of the average energy used per seat-kilometre (i.e. total energy used per kilometre for the whole train divided by the total number of seats). 2) Seating occupancy levels and service frequency for high-speed versus conventional rail: Seating occupancy levels (also known as the load factor) directly influence the net energy use / emissions per passenger. There are significant differences between different types of services, with high-speed services typically having higher occupancy levels. Together, average seating occupancy and service frequency provide a measure of the intensity of the use of the rail infrastructure. This is important to enable the embedded emissions from infrastructure to be allocated on a per passenger-km basis. 3) Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production (current and likely future electricity mix): Assumptions on the projected carbon intensity of electricity in the future will significantly impact on the relative importance of the components of direct energy consumption by rail vehicles versus other elements such as the indirect/embedded energy consumption/emissions from rolling stock and infrastructure production and disposal; 4) Indirect emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of rolling stock: A complete assessment of the impact or rail rolling stock needs to factor in the energy consumption and emissions resulting from the production, disposal and maintenance phases, as well as the direct energy consumption considered in earlier sections. There may be differences between the types or volumes of different materials used for conventional and HSR rolling stock that will affect their relative impacts; 5) Energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction and use of new rail infrastructure: These can be very significant in size and could potentially significantly alter the picture if there are significant differences between conventional rail and HSR in the total passengers carried on rail new infrastructure. Elements include: a) Materials used in the construction of infrastructure (and the energy consumption /emissions per tonne of these materials); b) Energy use/emissions resulting from infrastructure construction activities; c) Annual variable energy use/emissions from infrastructure use and maintenance. 6) Energy consumption/emissions savings resulting from modal shift and factoring in demand generation: Modal shift (e.g. from car and air transport to rail) and journey creation have effectively opposing impacts on the overall evaluation. Whilst modal shift from other modes of transport will provide additional benefits, demand creation effectively reduces the benefits of the higher occupancy rates (and total passenger numbers) typically achieved by high-speed rail. It is therefore important to provide a quantitative estimate of their respective impacts in the overall evaluation. Abstraction from existing rail services is much more complex to quantify due to changes in the type and frequency of service provision affecting the total energy consumption and passenger-km. The primary focus of the project work was initially on the first three categories. However, it was important to consider the other areas where they may influence the relative comparison between HSR and conventional rail. The analysis presented in Section 3 has shown the importance of including the 3 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail other elements in the comparison, particularly the embedded emissions from construction of new rail infrastructure. The following sub-sections provide a more detailed discussion of the different elements and a summary of the default and sensitivity data used for the analysis in Section 3. 2.1 Direct energy consumption and emissions from trains 2.1.1 Theoretical background to energy consumption The direct energy consumption of electric train systems from electric substation to wheel-rail interface can be broken down into four main areas: • • • • Energy required to overcome the train’s resistance to movement; Energy lost due to inefficiencies in the traction system between pantograph and wheel; Energy used for on-board passenger comfort functions; and Losses in the electrical supply system between the substation and pantograph. Figure 2.1 shows the breakdown of energy demand for power taken from the catenary for high-speed and conventional electric trains; it can be seen that the majority of demand for energy is to provide motive power to overcome running and inertial \ grade resistance. Figure 2.2 shows the energy flow for trains with and without regenerative braking (which feeds power back into the catenary that would otherwise be dissipated as heat in friction brakes). Figure 2.1: Typical composition of energy demand for high-speed and conventional rail services Regional (with regeneration) Regional (without regeneration) Intercity (with regeneration) High Speed (with regeneration) 4 22% 69% 9% 20% 63% 17% 20% Inertia and grade resistance Notes: 20% 61% 19% 0% 22% 68% 10% High Speed (without regeneration) 20% 27% 53% Intercity (without regeneration) 28% 37% 35% 40% 60% Running resistance Reproduced from UIC EVENT (2003) Project report p27 80% 100% Comfort functions Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.2: Energy flow diagrams for passenger trains with and without regenerative braking a) Energy flow diagram for a passenger train without regenerative braking Energy fed in at electric substation Net energy intake Train Mechanical energy at the wheels (train motion) Catenary losses Comfort functions Inertia and grade resistance Losses in traction system Air resistance and friction Eventually dissipated in brakes b) Energy flow diagram for a passenger train with regenerative braking Energy fed in at electric substation Net energy intake Train Mechanical energy at the wheels (train motion) Energy returned to catenary Comfort functions Inertia and grade resistance Losses in traction system Air resistance and friction Regenerative braking Dissipated in brakes Losses in traction system Notes: Catenary losses Reproduced from UIC EVENT (2003) Project report, Figures 2 and 3. 5 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Energy required to move the train The energy required by the traction system accounts for around three-quarters of a train’s direct energy use in service (UIC EVENT 2003), as indicated earlier in Figure 2.1. Traction energy demand falls into two main categories: energy required to overcome inertial (ie accelerating the train) and grade resistance, and energy needed to overcome running resistance (friction and drag). The energy needed to overcome inertial and grade resistance is caused by and hence directly proportional to train mass. Energy used is not dissipated but stored as kinetic and gravitational potential energy respectively, and thus is theoretically fully recoverable. Regenerative braking aims to recover as much of this energy as possible, but inefficiencies and operational restrictions mean that inevitably a proportion is lost. The acceleration profile of the train (eg number of stop/start cycles, driving style) affects the amount of energy needed to overcome inertia; topography of the line affects the energy input needed due to grade resistance. All energy needed to overcome running resistance is due to friction and is disspiated, mostly as heat. An empirical expression for train resistance R on a straight level track is given by the Davis formula (UIC EVENT 2003, RSSB 2007a) as: R = A + Bv + Cv 2 Where A, B and C are constants for a given train-track system: • A is the rolling resistance component independent of train speed v; • B is the train resistance component dependant on train speed v; • C is a coefficient dependent on train aerodynamic properties, proportional to the square of train speed. Table 2.1: Principal contributors and example values for the three Davis formula coefficients Principal contributors Journal resistance; rolling rotational resistance; track resistance Flange friction; flange impact; wave action of rail; wheel to rail rolling resistance Head end wind pressure; skin air friction on train sides; rear air drag; air turbulence between vehicles; yaw angle of constant wind A B C Example values1 2240 43.53 4.41 Sources: Based on information from RSSB (2007a) and UIC EVENT (2003) Notes: 1 Figures for the Swedish X2 high-speed train in a 6-car configuration running at 200km/h (v = 55.56m/s) calculated from p20 of the EVENT final report. It can be seen from the example values given in Table 2.1 that for a train travelling at 200 km/h (55.56 m/s) the aerodynamic term (Cv2) is around an order of magnitude greater than the other two terms, which are similar to each other in magnitude. From this it can be concluded that: • For modern high-speed rail travel, aerodynamic resistance dominates, and; • For a given train, the resistance to motion increases approximately with the square of train speed. Losses in traction systems Inefficiencies in various electrical and mechanical components in the train traction system lead to energy being dissipated as heat, which in turn leads to a demand for ancillary energy for cooling. Modern electric trains draw power from overhead lines, transform to DC (if necessary) before using a traction inverter to provide 3-phase AC power to synchronous motors. State-of-the-art 16.7Hz 15kV AC systems are around 85% power efficient at full load, with 50Hz AC or DC systems reporting higher efficiencies (UIC EVENT, 2003). However it should be noted that overall power efficiency is lower at lower loads, meaning that energy efficiency over a typical load cycle will be much lower than at peak load. The inverse power train (used in regenerative braking) has approximately the same efficiency as the forward power train (Kemp 2009, Hitachi 2009). 6 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail In some cases (e.g. transformers), the most efficient components are also the heaviest, and so there is a trade-off between reducing weight and reducing traction system losses when optimising traction components. Figure 2.3: Energy conversion losses for a German ICE electric multiple unit 6% 12% Gear Motor Traction inverter 26% 40% DC link Rectifier Transformer 10% 5% 1% Auxiliaries Sources: Based on information from UIC EVENT (2003) Project report, p36 Comfort functions Comfort functions include lighting, heating and ventilating coaches for passenger comfort. Whilst this is mainly required during operation there is demand during stabled hours for cleaning and maintenance and to ensure a comfortable temperature when the train begins operation. Comfort function energy demand depends strongly on ambient temperature. The UIC EVENT (2003) study estimated that comfort functions account for around 20% of the energy consumption of a train on average. Since comfort function energy use is independent of train speed, a train that travels at higher speeds or spends less time idling between stations will have a lower comfort function energy use per seat-km than the same train taking more time to cover a given distance. Figure 2.4: Comfort function demands for a train in UK winter (0°C) Passenger area climate control 10% 8% Heating of secondary spaces 56% Coach ventilation 26% Lighting etc Sources: Based on information from UIC EVENT (2003) Project report, p43 Losses in supply system Losses occur in the electrical supply system due to resistance in catenary lines and inefficiencies at substations. However, such losses will be constant for an electrical system supplying power at a given voltage, regardless of the characteristics of the trains in the system. For this reason supply system losses are not discussed further in this section. 7 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 2.1.2 Principal measures to reduce energy consumption in electric rail Measures to reduce energy consumption in electric rail can be grouped into two categories: technical measures where hardware is modified to reduce its consumption in given operating conditions, and operational measures where the operating conditions are modified to reduce the energy consumption of hardware. These measures are summarised in Table 2.4, and the most significant are discussed in more detail below. None of the studies reviewed or interviews conducted as part of this research pointed to any measures, technical or operational, which only applied to one of high-speed or conventional rail services. The rolling stock manufacturers interviewed affirmed that the main technical measures planned to reduce energy consumption in new rolling stock are common to both high-speed and conventional rail, and the magnitude of benefit achieved by each measure was broadly similar. Table 2.2 shows the elasticities1 for three key efficiency measures on overall train energy consumption: improving the efficiency of the traction system, reducing train mass and reducing train running resistance (friction and drag). The effect of regenerative braking on the elasticities is also shown. It can be seen that the elasticities are very similar for high speed and intercity trains; the likely differences for elasticities with regard to train mass and running resistance are discussed in and respectively. Similar levels of significance for the different types of measure can also be seen in the simulated impacts for the Japanese high-speed Shinkansen trains in Table 2.3 (WCHSR, 2008). It is important to note that considering elasticities alone can be deceptive. In considering how to target effort, the relative ease (and cost) of making improvements and the total remaining potential for improvements also needs to be taken into account. For example, it may be that it is easier or more cost effective to make significant reductions in train mass than to improve traction efficiency. Furthermore, it is important to also take account of potentially counter-balancing effects of different options. For example, high-efficiency transformers tend to be heavier, offsetting electrical efficiencies gained. The consensus amongst the rolling stock manufacturers interviewed was that high-speed trains will always consume more energy per seat-km than conventional trains with the same technological refinements, and that the current proportional difference in direct energy consumption is unlikely to change significantly in the next 20-30 years. Table 2.2 Elasticities for efficiency measures on total energy consumption for current electric trains Train type High speed without regenerative braking High speed with regenerative braking Intercity without regenerative braking Intercity with regenerative traking Notes: Elasticities with regard to: Traction Train Running Efficiency Mass Resistance 1.00 0.17 0.63 1.11 0.12 0.66 1.00 0.19 0.61 1.12 0.14 0.65 Reproduced from UIC EVENT Project report, Table 2. Table 2.3 Modelled impacts of efficiency measures on energy consumption for Japanese Shinkansen HSR Measures Level of measure Reducing vehicle weight Reducing air friction Efficiency of main electrical circuit 1 ton/car decrease 10% decrease 1% increase Notes: Impact on energy Impact for consumption 1% change -1% -0.4% -6% -0.6% -4.0% -4.0% Based on figures on effects estimated by simulation for Shinkansen vehicles with regenerating brake, 515 km from Tokyo to Osaka (WCHSR, 2008) 1 Elasticity is defined as the level of influence an energy efficiency measure has on total energy consumption; for example, if for a certain train the elasticity with regard to reducing train mass is 0.17, reducing the train mass by 10% will reduce overall energy consumption by 0.1 x 0.17 = 1.7%. 8 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.4: Type of measure Techical Summary of measures to reduce energy consumption from trains Measure Typical effect on energy Typical Applicability for HSR vs CR consumption Elasticity Broadly similar effects to both Mass See elasticities in Table 2.2; types of train; slightly more reduction WCHSR (2008) report a 1 ton/car 0.12 benefit to services with more decrease in weight on Shinkansen 0.14 frequent stops. reduces energy consumption/CO2 emissions by 1% (Table 2.3). More significant at higher Aerodynamics See elasticities in Table 2.2; speeds as proportion of and friction WCHSR (2008) report a 10% 0.65 energy demand due to reduction in air drag on Shinkansen 0.66 aerodynamic drag is greater. reduces energy consumption/CO2 emissions by 6% (Table 2.3). The potential for reducing Reducing See elasticities in Table 2.2; 1% energy consumption is the traction reduction in energy use of a traction same for both train types. system losses component reduces overall energy 1.11 use by 1%, more if regenerative 1.12 braking is employed as efficiency of both traction and regenerative braking systems are improved. A prerequesite on any Regenerative Kemp (2009) has estimated 5-7% modern electric train. More braking energy savings on intercity services; benefit to services with more UIC EVENT (2003) implies trains N/A frequent stops. that employ regenerative braking use 8-9% less energy than trains that do not. Improved TGV duplex achieves almost 30% Equally applicable to both space reduction in energy per seat-km over types of train; some utilisation single-storey TGV. N/A strategies (double-deck, wide body) incompatible with UK infrastructure. Improved Reducing passenger climate control Trains that travel more km comfort energy consumption by 10% would per day will have function reduce overall train energy use by 0.1 proportionally lower comfort efficiency around 1%2. function energy demand per seat-km. Operational Increase load UIC EVENT (2003) states increasing Equally applicable to both factor the load factor has the biggest types of train; high-speed 1 potential of any measure to reduce trains typically have higher energy on a passenger-km basis. load factors than intercity services. Efficient RSSB (2007a) estimate a potential Equally applicable to both N/A driving for up to 7.5% of overall traction types of train. Not an issue strategies energy use. for consideration in this study. Notes: (a) Typical elasticities assume trains are fitted with regenerative braking systems. Estimates are derived from UIC EVENT (2003). Mass reduction All of the rolling stock manufacturers interviewed cited mass reduction as the most significant measure to reduce energy consumption of future models. Reducing train mass will reduce train energy use in several ways. Primarily it reduces the energy needed to overcome inertial and grade resistance; though theoretically recoverable by regenerative braking, inefficiencies in the traction system mean that in reality only a proportion can be returned to the catenery in this way. The total regenerative braking cycle, where energy is drawn from the catenary, put into train motion through the motors and then converted back through the inverse drive train, has a typical maximum efficiency of (0.85 x 0.85 = 0.72) (UIC EVENT 2003, Kemp 2009). In some cases (and more likely for heavier trains or trains travelling at higher speed) the braking force needed is greater than that available using regenerative 2 Calculation based on UIC EVENT 2003 figures 9 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail braking, meaning additional dissipative braking is used, further reducing the cycle efficiency. Reducing the train mass reduces the use of the comparitively inefficient regenerative braking cycle. Additionally, mass reduction will reduce frictional running resistance. Mass reduction is typically achieved through reducing the weight of specific components (e.g. carbodies, bodies, bogies etc.) or through a system-based approach to lightweighting (e.g. the articulated train design favoured by Alstom, which reduced the number of bogies by around 20% by placing them between cars). Mass reduction will benefit services with less homogenous velocity profiles (more accellerating and decelerating) most (i.e. those that accelerate and decelerate more often). Figure 2.5: Typical breakdown of components in electric multiple unit trains by weight Carbodies 15% 21% Powered bogies, motors and drives Trailer bogies 17% Propulsion equipment 22% Interior 10% Miscellaneous (heating, batteries etc) 15% Sources: Based on information from UIC EVENT (2003) Aerodynamics and friction As previously mentioned, at speeds above 200km/h aerodynamic drag dominates resistance to train motion. Figure 2.6 shows a breakdown of a train’s drag by component; it shows that for a long train (as high-speed and intercity train sets typically are), surface friction and drag around the bogies dominate aerodynamic drag. The main strategies to reduce drag are streamlining the nose and tail profile of the train, reducing flow separation around the bogies, pantograph and train body by streamlining, and reducing the skin friction on the train roof and sides. More effort has gone into reducing the drag of high-speed trains as at higher speeds aerodynamic drag is more significant, but the same principles apply to conventional trains. Interviewees suggested that improvements to medium and high speed train aerodynamics are incremental and that developments in the next 20-30 years are unlikely to radically alter the contribution of drag to energy demand, particularly in the UK where regulation prevents some radical aerodynamic train shapes (Hitachi 2009, Kemp 2009). Figure 2.6: Typical breakdown of components contribution to drag in electric trains 3.5% 4.5% Front Tail 27.0% Bogies and wheels Pantographs 45.5% 7.5% 4.0% 8.0% Ventilation etc Underfloor equipment Surface friction on side and roof Sources: Based on information from UIC EVENT (2003) 10 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Reducing traction system losses New model specifications from the major rolling stock manufacturers report improved efficiency in the traction system, both by improvements in the major components (for example permanent magnet motors, medium frequency transformers) and improvements in the energy management control software for the system as a whole. The fundamental technologies are the same for both high-speed and conventional rail rolling stock and consequently forecast percentage energy savings are also similar. Reducing energy consumption for comfort functions The principal component of comfort function energy use is air heating and cooling (UIC EVENT 2003). Energy demand in air temperature control can be reduced either by reducing heat transmission through improved coach insulation, or reducing fresh air intake through CO2 monitoring (fresh air intake dependant on number of passengers rather than number of seats). In addition, energy can be supplied from waste heat rejected from traction equipment (particularly in electric multiple units, EMUs) if the requirement is for heat. It is thought that there is significant scope for energy savings in this area (Kemp, 2009), but there is no anticipated difference in reduction of comfort function energy use between high-speed and conventional trains. 2.1.3 Energy consumption of current and future rolling stock In making comparisons between conventional and high-speed rail the previous sections have discussed the theoretical background to energy consumption and the potential impacts of different energy saving measures that might be applied. However, it is important not only to factor in these considerations, but also the more practical market limitations on what new train types will actually be available to be put into service at the 2025 timeframe. Compared to the road transport sector, the rail industry is relatively small and trains have much longer service lives. As such, there are relatively few train manufacturing companies and train model platforms available. Also as a result of this there are relatively much longer development cycles for new platforms and much lower frequencies of platform replacement. This makes it easier to foresee with greater certainty the likely characteristics and performance of different types of electric trains in the timeframe we are interested in. The train manufacturers consulted as part of this work have confirmed that the conventional and high-speed rail platforms they are currently marketing will essentially be the ones that would be supplied for the 2025 timeframe. Although it is likely there will be some smaller incremental improvements in the efficiency of the currently available platforms, major improvements are unlikely. The following Table 2.5 provides a summary of the characteristics of different conventional and highspeed rail rolling stock, based on information from ATOC (2009) and DfT (2009a). The data on energy consumption presented in this table and in Figure 2.7 are approximate figures based on a combination of in-service measurements and modelled data. In real applications the actual achieved energy consumption will vary significantly depending on the particular characteristics of a given service. Factors that can significantly affect the actual performance will include elements such as: • Service distance and number of intermediate stops; • Line gradients; • Service speeds; • Variations in service speed along the route (e.g. due to major curves, junctions, etc.), It can be seen from the table and figure that similar levels of improvements (15-20% reduction in kWh/seat-km) have been achieved for conventional and high-speed rail rolling stock between the 1990 timeframe and the most recent models (excluding the Japanese Shinkansen). In addition, in Figure 2.8 shows a much less pronounced increase in energy consumption than has previously been suggested. For the purposes of comparisons in this study we have taken the proposed Hitachi Super Express (HSE) for the UK Intercity Express Programme (IEP) and Alstom AGV as representative of the likely performance of rolling stock in the 2025 timeframe for conventional and high-speed rail respectively. In this case, the relative increase in the energy consumption per seat-km of the AGV and the HSE compared to equivalent current designs is around 18%, which is also consistent with the trend line in Figure 2.8. 11 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail The AGV is a train prototype rolling stock design from Alstom intended as the successor to France’s current TGV high-speed trains, with a commercial service speed up to 360 km/h (220 mph). The AGV will have distributed traction with motors under the floors of the passenger carriages, instead of the current TGV configuration with separate power cars at either end of the train. This arrangement is used on many regular-speed multiple-unit trains and also high-speed trains such as the Siemens Velaro and Japan's Shinkansen trains (Wikipedia, 2009) built by Hitachi. Not having separate, dedicated power cars creates additional space that enables the AGV to provide higher seating density compared to current models. This design feature is also employed in the Hitachi Super Express (HSE) trains. Alstom offer the AGV in configurations from seven to fourteen carriages, with a total of 250-650 seats (depending on internal layout and number of carriages). The AGV weighs less than its rivals which reduces its power consumption, and it consumes significantly less energy than previous TGV designs. Other design elements implemented to reduce the energy consumption of the AGV include articulation and permanent magnet motors. Both of these elements contributed to a reduction in the number of bogies, leading to further weight and aerodynamic benefits. It can be seen from Table 2.5 that both the HSE and the AGV have similar seating capacities at similar train lengths. However, the AGV has shorter vehicles and therefore a larger number in each train unit for a similar capacity. Table 2.5: Train Characteristics of current and future rolling stock used for conventional and high-speed rail Conventional Rail High Speed Rail Class Class AVE Shinkan Hitachi Class 390 TGV TGV Alstom 91 373 S103 -sen 700 Super Pendolino Reseau Duplex AGV IC225 Velaro Series Express Eurostar 1989 2003 1993 1992-6 1995-7 2004 1998 Future Future Year Max Speed, 200 km/h Service 200 Speed,km/h * Seating Capacity 536 Length (m) 247 Vehicles per unit 11 Tare mass 498 (tonnes) Mass per vehicle 45.3 (tonnes) Mass per train 2.02 metre (tonnes) Mass per seat 0.93 (tonnes) Energy 0.035 consumption * (kWh/seat-km) 225 200 300 300 300 350 300 360 200 200 300 300 300 300 270 300 439 215 9 649 260 10 750 394 20 377 200 10 545 200 10 404 200 8 1323 400 16 650 250 14 460 412 723 386 384 425 634 510 51.1 41.2 36.2 38.6 38.4 53.1 39.6 36.4 2.14 1.58 1.84 1.93 1.92 2.13 1.59 2.04 1.05 0.63 0.96 1.02 0.70 1.05 0.48 0.78 0.033 0.028 0.041 0.039 0.037 0.039 0.029 0.033 Sources: Figures for the Class 91 IC225 and Hitachi Super Express were supplied by DfT (2009a) based on public information on the IEP. All other figures are based on figures from ATOC (2009), produced for Greengauge 21. Notes: 12 * The energy consumption figures are based on the service speed. Here the service speed represents the typical maximum speed of the train in service, usually dictated by the limits of the line infrastructure. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.7: Energy consumption of current and future rolling stock (kWh per seat-km) Energy Consumption, kWh/seat-km Conventional 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.05 Class 91 IC225 (1989) Class 390 Pendolino (2003) Hitachi Super Express (Future) Class 373 Eurostar (1993) High Speed TGV Reseau (1992-6) TGV Duplex (1995-7) AVE S103 Velaro (2004) Shinkansen 700 Series (1998) AGV (Future) Figure 2.8: Trend between energy use (kWh/seat-km) and speed (km/h) for European trains 0.065 Energy use, kWh/seat-km 0.060 0.055 0.050 0.045 0.040 0.035 0.030 0.025 150 200 250 300 350 Speed km/h Notes: This plot the trend-line of speed versus energy consumption has been updated from the original presented in the RSSB (2007) traction energy metrics report using data from the more recent ATOC (2009) work and information from the IEP (DfT, 2009a). Although the anticipated AGV performance is taken as representative for future UK HSR, the highspeed Japanese Shinkansen 700 trains already achieve lower energy consumption than the AGV, as shown in Table 2.5. In fact the newest model, the N700, has reportedly even lower energy consumption per seat-km – an improvement of up to 19% over the 700 series (WCHSR, 2008). However, there are a number of important barriers to trains with the energy performance of such trains being used in the UK. The main barriers3 are linked to standards and interoperability: the wide body of the Shinkansen (which allows for 3+2 seats across the carriage as opposed to 2+2 in the EU) and 3 Cited by both Hitach and by ATOC in discussions as part of the consulation for this project, and in the RSSB (2007) report. 13 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail long nose section are incompatible with UK infrastructure. Furthermore, crashworthiness regulations in the EU mean that European trains are heavier and cannot utilise certain parts of the train for passenger seating when compared to their Japanese counterparts. Other measures used to improve the performance per seat-km of rail in Europe include the doubledeck configuration used by the TGV Duplex. However, as for the wide-body configuration, the need for future cross-compatibility of future rolling stock with the wider UK electricited network is a significant limiting factor. Long-distance direct services are favoured for a number of reasons in the UK (including minimising cost and maximising stock utilisation). It is therefore likely that any highspeed rolling stock procured for new high-speed lines would also need to be compatible to run on conventional speed electrified infrastructure. This would preclude new rollingstock utilising either the wide-body or double-deck designs to reduce energy consumption per seat. 2.1.4 Emissions from electricity generation In establishing the lifetime emissions impacts resulting from direct rail energy consumption of different options it is important to factor in the likely change in the carbon intensity of the future electricity generation mix over time. Taking into account that services on any new lines would not be in place before 2025 at the earliest, and the typical 30 year lifetime of rail rolling stock this means developing suitable electricity carbon intensity scenarios to at least 2055. Two legislative proposals will drive the decarbonisation of the UK electricity generation mix in the short and long term: 1. The EU’s commitment to a 20% reduction in GHGs by 2020 (rising to 30% if an international agreement can be reached beyond 2012) together with the EU Renewable Energy Directive target of 20% of EU energy consumption to come from renewable sources by 2020. As a result of effortsharing between Member States, the UK-specific target is 15% reduction by 2020; 2. The UK’s domestic Climate Change Act target of an 80% reduction in GHGs by 2050 on a 1990 baseline. In the short term the UK renewables share for electricity generation will need to be increased from around 5% currently to between 30-37% by 2020. This is because it is assumed the bulk of the 15% UK renewables target will need to come from electricity rather than other energy carriers (e.g. oil based transport fuels). In the long term the UK’s statutory target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 is taken as given, giving an approximate upper bound to the likely generation mix in this timeframe. However, detailed energy system modelling and analysis has shown that decarbonising electricity generation is one of the most cost-effective ways of making significant reductions in national carbon emissions. The Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) analysis has shown the greater potential and cost-effectiveness of carbon emissions reductions in electricity generation in the short to medium term. CCC has therefore recommended much faster decarbonisation of the electricity sector and a more significant net contribution in the long term as essential to achieve the 2050 80% reduction goal (CCC 2008, ATOC 2009). This accelerated decarbonisation would require substantial measures to stimulate renewables, nuclear and carbon capture and storage in the short-medium term. For the analysis carried out in this study we have therefore constructed two scenarios for the future carbon intensity of electricity, similar to those suggested by ATOC (2009) in their analysis for Greengauge 21, presented in Figure 2.9. In the high scenario a 4% year-on-year reduction in carbon intensity is assumed from 2010. The low scenario is more aggressive than the high scenario in terms of the rate at which the carbon intensity of electricity generation decreases and follows the rapid decarbonisation pathway proposed by CCC (2008)4. In both cases we have assumed the downward trend continues after 2050, with essentially complete decarbonisation of electricity generation by 2070. In addition to the direct emissions of CO2 from electricity generation there are also smaller direct emissions of other greenhouse gasses - methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). These account for around 0.7% of the total direct emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from electricity production. There are also further indirect emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses resulting from the 4 For 2010-2020: DECC Energy Model, CCC abatement scenario, (extended ambition, central fuel prices); for 2025-2050: MARKAL modelling for the CCC (80% trajectory), adjusted to take account of losses in transmission and distribution. 14 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail extraction, transport and distribution of the primary fuels used in electricity generation. These indirect emissions have been estimated to add a further 12% (Carbon Tust, 2008) to the total (and are primarily due to the fossil fuel based component of generation). For completeness, we have included both the direct and indirect emissions of all the greenhouse gases in the analysis for this study. Figure 2.9: Low and High Scenarios for Future Carbon Intensity of UK Grid Electricity Projection of Carbon Intensity of UK Grid Electricity 0.60 Low Scenario 0.50 kgCO2 per kWh High Scenario 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 2005 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 Notes: The above figure only includes the direct emissions of CO2 from electricity generation. Resistive losses from transmission and distribution systems are included in the figures presented. 2.2 Indirect energy consumption and emissions from trains A complete assessment of the impact or rail rolling stock needs to factor in the energy consumption and emissions resulting from the production, disposal and maintenance phases, as well as the direct energy consumption considered in earlier sections. Whilst no quantitative information has been identified on the energy and emissions resulting purely from the rolling-stock manufacturing process, information is available on the breakdown (in tonnes) of material used in the construction of a typical electric vehicle unit. It is expected there would be some differences between different models of rolling stock in terms of the relative breakdown of materials, but no model-specific information has been identified. However, discussions with rolling stock manufacturers as part of this study have at least indicated that there are no fundamental differences expected between conventional and highspeed trains. The assumption made for this study is therefore that the relative material breakdown by weight of different rolling stock is similar. A number of data sources were consulted to obtain information on the emissions due to the manufacturing, recycling and disposal of the materials in question. Where data for specific materials was not available, proxy data have been used when possible based on the closest equivalents. The results for the group of materials included are summarised in the following Table 2.6, together with the primary source basis of the data. This dataset includes the materials utilised in analysis of embedded emissions from rail infrastructure in later Section 2.3. 15 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.6: Total greenhouse gas emissions (in kgCO2eq per tonne material) resulting from different stages of the material lifecycle (production, recycling, other disposal) Production Recycling Other Disposal Material Aggregates Aluminium Bricks Concrete Copper Glass Lubricating oil Plastic Plywood Silt/soil Steel Synthetic rubber Wood Aggregates Aluminium Bricks Concrete Copper Glass Lubricating oil Plastic Plywood Silt/soil Steel Synthetic rubber Wood Aggregates Aluminium Bricks Concrete Copper Glass Lubricating oil Plastic Plywood Silt/soil Steel Synthetic rubber Wood Total Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, kg/tonne material 8 11,000 192 1,090 1,700.9 840 1,004.8 3,100 887.1 4 3,100 2,774.1 84.3 -4 -9,000 10 -4 1,723.8 -315 0 -1,500 250 16 -1,300 40 250 10 10 10 10 10 10 3,938.6 40 10 10 10 40 10 Primary Data Source GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) DfT (2007) SimaPro, 2007 SimaPro SimaPro GHG CF (2009) SimaPro GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) SimaPro SimaPro, 2007 GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) SimaPro, 2007 SimaPro N/A GHG CF (2009) SimaPro GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) SimaPro SimaPro, 2007 GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) GHG CF (2009) Sources: GHG CF = Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors, 2009 update (forthcoming), Annex 9; SimaPro = Data from the SimaPro EcoInvent database (extracted 2007). Notes: It is assumed that the alternative to recycling a material is disposal is to landfill = other disposal. For each of the materials, the relevant factor from the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors was used (2009 update - Annex 9, forthcoming). In the absence of factors from this source, the SimaPro lifecycle analysis software tool was used to calculate emissions associated with production and recycling (where applicable) of most of the other material elements. The database values generally represent average European production conditions, which is appropriate for the materials in question. For the rest of the materials listed above, alternative sources of data were used to obtain the energy usage to produce or recycle the material. These alternate sources are described below. Glass: Because data on the energy used to produce or recycle toughened or laminated glass were not available, data for regular glass from the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors have been used as a 16 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail proxy. According to Berryman,5 a glass recycling company, laminated and toughened glass can be recycled, though separating the laminate from the glass does add an extra step (and cost) to the process. After the glass is recovered, it is crushed and sold to the glass making industry. The glass would be used for making bottles and glasses as opposed to being used for flat glass again. At this point the process of recycling is the same as that for non-laminated flat glass; thus, emissions for recycling flat glass have been used as a proxy. Lubricating Oil: No specific information on the emissions from recycling lubricating oil has been identified. Much of the waste oil collected for recovery in the UK is processed (by removing excess water and filtering out particulates) and used as a fuel burnt in heavy industry and power stations. For this study, unrecycled lubricating oil is therefore assumed to be burned and the appropriate emission factor from the forthcoming 2009 update to the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors has been used. The preferred option for lubricating oils is re-refining for reuse as a base lubricant, although this doesn't currently occur on a large scale in the UK.6 In comparison to the cost of burning waste oil, the cost of recycling oil is relatively high, making it difficult for regenerated or laundered oil to compete with virgin. In addition, it is not easy to market recycled lubricant, which is more poorly perceived to be of poor quality compared to its virgin alternative7. Concrete: DfT (2007) quotes a figure from the Carbon Trust for the production of concrete of 1.09 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of concrete. In the absence of other data, figures for the recycling or disposal of concrete are assumed to be similar to comparable figures for aggregates from the forthcoming 2009 update to the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors. [Relevant to the assessment rail infrastruce covered in Section 2.3, but presented here for completeness]. Bricks: The emissions resulting from the production of bricks were taken from IJLCA (2003). In the absence of other data, figures for the recycling or disposal of concrete are assumed to be similar to comparable figures for aggregates from the forthcoming 2009 update to the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors. [Relevant to the assessement rail infrastruce covered in Section 2.3, but presented here for completeness]. The net greenhouse gas emissions or a given train will vary significantly depending on the level of recycling of the component materials at the end of its life. Three scenarios have been set up to illustrate the sensitivity of this assumption (a) No recycling (low scenario); (b) 50% recycling (central scenario); and (c) 90% recycling (high scenario). The following Table 2.7 provides a summary of the material composition of a typical electric rail vehicle and the corresponding production and disposal emissions for the different recycling scenarios. Figure 2.10 illustrates the percentage breakdown due to different materials in terms of the vehicle tonnage and in terms of the net greenhouse gas emissions for different recycling scenarios. 5 Berryman ( 7 DTI (2001), “Waste Oil Recycling.” Available at 6 17 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.7: Material breakdown for typical electric rail rolling stock and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal at different recycling rates Component Material Steel Aluminium Copper Glass Lubricating oil Wood Plastic (and rubber) Total Tonnes % Total 27.05 12.60 1.20 0.82 0.63 1.45 3.43 47.18 57% 27% 3% 2% 1% 3% 7% 100% Net GHG Tonnes CO2eq Tonnes GHG /tonne train Central Low High Central Low High 66.41 81.96 3.08 0.56 1.87 1.47 3.95 159.31 84.13 138.73 2.05 0.70 3.11 1.30 6.08 236.09 52.23 36.55 3.90 0.46 0.88 1.61 2.25 97.89 1.41 1.74 0.07 0.01 0.04 0.03 0.08 3.38 1.78 2.94 0.04 0.01 0.07 0.03 0.13 5.00 1.11 0.77 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 2.08 Sources: Breakdown of materials used in typical electric rolling stock vehicle was sourced from DeltaRail (2007). GHG emission factors per tonne of material are based upon the data in Table 2.6. Notes: Information is presented for the following recycling scenarios: Low = No recycling, Central = 50% recycling, High = 90% recycling of materials used in the production of the train at the end of its lifetime. The remainder (any materials not recycled) are assumed to go to landfill. Figure 2.10: Proportional breakdown of materials used in electric rail rolling stock and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal at different recycling rates Material breakdown of a typical electric train Net GHG (no recycling) Steel Steel Aluminium Aluminium Copper Copper Glass Glass Lubricating oil Lubricating oil Wood Wood Plastic Plastic Material Breakdown Net GHG Emissions – Low (No Recycling) Net GHG (50% recycling) Net GHG (90% recycling) Steel Steel Aluminium Aluminium Copper Copper Glass Glass Lubricating oil Lubricating oil Wood Wood Plastic Plastic Net GHG Emissions –Central (50% Recycling) Net GHG Emissions – High (90% Recycling) Sources: Breakdown of materials used in typical electric rolling stock vehicle was sourced from DeltaRail (2007). GHG emission factors per tonne of material are based upon the data in Table 2.6. 18 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail The final element in the evaluation of the relative lifecycle impacts of conventional and high-speed rail is to take account of their respective levels of activity in terms of total lifetime vehicle km. The following Table 2.8 provides a summary of the estimated net emissions for the different trains identified earlier in Section 2.1.3. Under the assumption that high-speed rail vehicles travel roughly 20% further in their lifetime compared to conventional equivalents the HSE and AGV trains taken as representative for the 2025 timeframe appear to perform similarly per seat-km travelled. Table 2.8: Characteristics of current and future rolling stock used for conventional and high-speed rail and the net greenhouse gas emissions under the central recycling scenario Train Seating Capacity Vehicles per unit Tare mass (tonnes) Mass per vehicle (tonnes) Emissions from production and disposal, tonnes CO2eq Typical lifetime train-km (million) Emissions over lifetime, kgCO2eq/train-km Emissions over lifetime, gCO2eq/seat-km Notes: Conventional Rail High Speed Rail Class Class AVE Shinkan Hitachi Class 390 TGV TGV Alstom 91 373 S103 -sen 700 Super Pendolino Reseau Duplex AGV IC225 Velaro Series Express Eurostar 536 439 750 377 545 404 1323 649 650 11 9 20 10 10 8 16 10 14 498 460 412 723 386 384 425 634 510 45.3 51.1 41.2 36.2 38.6 38.4 53.1 39.6 36.4 1,682 1,553 1,391 2,442 1,304 1,297 1,435 2,141 1,722 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 15 15 0.140 0.129 0.116 0.163 0.087 0.086 0.096 0.143 0.115 0.26 0.29 0.179 0.22 0.23 0.16 0.24 0.11 0.177 Typical lifetime train-km for high-speed rail is based on a 30 year lifetime and information from Siemens on typical annual travel of 500,000 km, with the typical annual travel by conventional rail taken to be 400,000 km. In addition to the embedded emissions resulting from the production and disposal of materials for rail rolling stock, there will also be emissions resulting from the in-service maintenance of rail rolling stock. Information was available from IJLCA (2003) on the average electricity, heating and drinking water used, presented in Table 2.9. According to our research and consultation with industry experts for this study, there is no reason to suggest that there should be any significant differences between figures for conventional and high-speed rail. Therefore the figures from Table 2.9 are taken to be applicable to both types of service. Table 2.9: Estimated energy and water consumption per train-drive km for train maintenance and refitting Element Train maintenance and refitting Area Operation Item Electricity Heating Drinking water Value 0.191 0.811 3.881 Units kWh/tdkm kWh/tdkm kg/tdkm 2007 Net GHG, kgCO2eq /tdkm 0.117 0.149 0.000004 Sources: Activity data was sourced from IJLCA (2003), with corresponding net GHG per tdkm calculated for 2007 using emission factors for electricity, gas and water use (supply and treatment) from the forthcoming 2009 update to the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors. Notes: tdkm = train-drive km, the number of km travelled by the train 19 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 2.3 Energy consumption and emissions resulting from rail infrastructure In this section is discussed both the embedded energy consumption and emissions from rail infrastructure and the emissions resulting from its ongoing operation and maintenance. The embedded emissions resulting from the construction and eventual decommissioning of rail infrastructure are expected to be very significant primarily due to the very large quantities of steel and concrete used, which are both highly energy intensive in their production. Therefore in the evaluation of the relative significance of such emissions it is necessary to understand both: A. If there might be differences between the infrastructure required for conventional and high-speed rail, and how significant these might be overall in terms of materials and construction emissions. B. If there are significant differences in the intensity of use of this infrastructure, and how that could affect the comparison per seat-km or passenger-km over the lifetime of the infrastructure. Both of these elements have been explored in detail as part of this study, through research and consultation with rail industry experts. In terms of the potential differences between the infrastructure requirements, the following provides a summary for different elements: • Stations: It is assumed that the requirements of stations for high-speed and conventional rail services would be the broadly similar, with few differences in total embedded energy from construction and maintenance work on stations. • Track: The types of track that can be used for conventional of high-speed services are essentially the same. Both conventional ballasted track (with gravel driveway) and ballanstless track can be equally be used for conventional and high-speed services. The main difference for conventional ballasted track used for high speed services is that greater quantities of ballast are required with larger stone sizes. Ballastless track has significantly higher embedded emissions due to the higher volume of concrete (4-6 times more than ballasted track). However, some studies have suggested that over its lifetime this may be offset to a significant degree by decreased maintenance. • Tunnelling: The construction energy use is expected to be broadly similar for both high speed and conventional rail requirements. • Distance and Curves: Conventional rail would not require banked curves due to the tilting technology (e.g. as already used by Pendolino rolling stock in the UK). However, depending on the required curvature, in some cases high speed lines may still require banked curves or superelevation, potentially adding to the embedded emissions. • Catenaries and other infrastructure: Both conventional rail and high speed require similar catenaries infrastructure for electrification. Signalling equipment needs to be of higher performance for high-speed rail services, but this is unlikely to affect the volume of component materials and the corresponding greenhouse gas footprint. • Land area: Due to the pressure caused when two trains pass each other at high speeds (250-350 kph), the width of the transport corridor for high-speed lines needs to allow for a greater distance between tracks (1-2 metres) when compared with conventional rail. Whilst this might be significant in terms of land-take, it is unlikely to have a significant impact in terms of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions compared to the materials used in infrastructure construction. These findings seem to indicate that broadly there are no anticipated differences between the infrastructure requirements for conventional versus high-speed rail that might lead to significant differences in embedded or in-use (e.g. maintenance) energy consumption or net greenhouse gas emissions. However, the importance of differences in the intensity of use of the infrastructure for conventional versus high-speed rail can only be established with an estimate for the embedded and in-use emissions. Estimates for the embedded emissions from new rail infrastructure have therefore been developed based on materials use, materials transport (construction materials and excavated soil) and energy used for boring tunnels. The results of these calculations on embedded emissions are presented in 20 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.10. This table provides figures for central, low and high recycling scenarios and a split of figures for open track sections, tunnel track sections and an average for (a typical) 10% tunnels as proportion of the total line km. Separate totals are also presented for track using standard gravel ballast and for ballastless track to give low and high estimates respectively on the total potential embedded infrastructure emissions. Illustrative breakdowns of the materials use and greenhouse net gas emissions are also provided in Figure 2.11 and Figure 2.12, under assumptions of central (50%) recycling and 10% tunnelling. The table and figures illustrate several points: First, the importance of the assumptions made on tunnelling (and bridges), which contribute significantly to the overall totals. Second, the type of track laid has a significant impact on the total embedded emissions - in the order of 30-40 tonnes CO2eq per rail track km. Third there is an overiding impact resulting from the use of concrete and steel in the total GHG emissions, which can account for over 75% of the total embedded greenhouse gas emissions (from less than 50% of the raw materials used in the construction). Whilst the embedded emissions look very large, they will be much reduced when distributed per passenger carried over the track, which can be as high as 9-10 million per year for major city-to-city services alone (e.g. Eurostar) and higher still if services to multiple destinations are operated. This will be explored in detail in the discussion of the main results (Section 3). Figure 2.11: Breakdown by electric rail infrastructure element of the net embedded greenhouse gas emissions for (at a 50% recycling rate), annualised over the infrastructure lifetime Ballastless Track Gravel Bed 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Tonnes CO2 eq per rail track km per year Notes: Rails Rail driveway OHLE Structures and Wires Tunnels Bridges (road / railway) Construction of buildings Material transport Tunnelling (10%) Figures are based on annualised emissions based on the anticipated lifetime of individual elements and with tunnels estimated at 10% of the total km 21 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.10: Estimated embedded emissions for electric rail infrastructure based on ballasted or ballastless track, breakdown by element Element Railway track Railway passenger stations Other TOTAL (Low) Area Rails Rail driveway (gravel bed) (ballast, sleepers, etc) Item Steel Steel Concrete Gravel OHLE Structures and Wires Steel Aluminium Copper Tunnels (10%) Soil Concrete Steel Bridges (road / railway) (1%) Concrete Steel Construction of buildings Concrete Bricks Material transport (t/rtkm) Transport Tunnelling (10%), MWh/rtkm Electricity Average (Tunnels 10%) Open sections Tunnel sections Railway Track Rail driveway (ballastless) Other TOTAL (High) Material transport (t/rtkm) Average (Tunnels 10%) Open sections Tunnel sections Concrete Steel Transport Tonnes per rtkm 282 39 990 7,950 500 70 138 27,000 4,400 210 890 49 0.65 1.30 42,521 1,213 4,500 132 33,542 Life (years of use) 30 30 30 15 30 30 30 100 100 100 50 50 100 100 100 60 60 Net GHG emissions, kgCO2eq per Tonnes CO2eq per rtkm tonne per year Other Production Recycling Disposal Central Low High 3,100 -1,300 10 23.1 29.2 18.2 3,100 -1,300 10 3.2 4.0 2.5 1,090 -4 10 36.1 36.3 35.9 8 -4 10 5.8 9.5 2.9 3,100 -1,300 10 40.9 51.8 32.2 11000 -9,000 10 15.3 25.9 6.8 1701 1,724 10 11.8 7.9 15.0 4 16 10 4.6 3.8 5.2 1,090 -4 10 48.1 48.4 47.8 3,100 -1,300 10 5.2 6.5 4.1 1,090 -4 10 19.5 19.6 19.4 3,100 -1,300 10 2.4 3.0 1.9 1,090 -4 10 0.007 0.007 0.007 192 10 10 0.003 0.003 0.003 8.405 8.405 8.405 15.7 15.7 15.7 0.411 5.0 5.0 5.0 236.5 266.7 212.4 162.1 191.3 138.7 906.7 944.7 876.3 1,090 3,100 8.405 -4 -1,300 8.405 10 10 8.405 82.0 5.4 7.5 270.6 200.8 945.4 82.5 6.8 7.5 298.0 227.2 980.6 81.6 4.2 7.5 248.8 179.6 917.3 Sources: Material data was sourced mainly from IJLCA (2003), EIR (2007) and DfT (2007) with corresponding net GHG per tdkm calculated using emission factors for different materials from Table 2.6. An estimated 12,125 MWh/tunnel km electricity use is based on the energy used by Tunnel Boring Machines at 90% of max operation x 48.5 TJ/km(line) from Eurotrib (2008). Notes: 22 rtkm = rail-track km. OHLE = overhead line equipment. Emissions from material transport have been estimated based on a 50:50 split of 100km round-trips by articulated HGVs and diesel rail freight according to current UK average emission factors (GHG CF, 2009). Electricity emissions have been estimated based on average for the anticipated construction period (2010-2025) from the projected emission factors summarised in Section 2.1.4. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.12: Proportional breakdown of materials used in electric rail infrastructure and corresponding net emissions of greenhouse gases for production and disposal (at a 50% recycling rate) Breakdown of Embedded Rail Infrastructure Tonnes/track-km by Material Breakdown of Embedded Rail Infrastructure Tonnes/track-km by Material Steel Concrete Steel Concrete Gravel Aluminium Gravel Aluminium Copper Soil Copper Soil Bricks Bricks Materials (conventional ballasted track) Materials (ballastless track) Breakdown of Embedded Rail Infrastructure Tonne GHG Emissions by Element Breakdown of Embedded Rail Infrastructure Tonne GHG Emissions by Element Steel Concrete Steel Concrete Gravel Aluminium Gravel Aluminium Copper Soil Copper Soil Bricks Transport Bricks Transport Electricity Electricity GHG emissions (conventional ballasted track) Notes: GHG emissions (ballastless track) Soil = soil excavated as part of construction activities for rail driveway and from tunnelling (estimated 10% of total km) In addition to the embedded emissions resulting from the production and disposal of materials for new rail infrastructure, there will also be emissions resulting from the in-service maintenance of infrastructure and heating of track points to avoid de-icing in winter. Information was available from IJLCA (2003) on energy for heating points, and consumption of energy and materials building operation and maintenance. This data is presented in Table 2.11 and taken to be applicable to both conventional and high-speed services. Based on illustrative energy and water carbon intensity figures for 2007, the figures in Table 2.11 for in-use infrastructure emissions appear to be insignificant next to the total embedded infrastructure emissions. Unfortunately no information has been identified to enable an estimate of the embedded energy use and greenhouse gas emissions from rail track maintenance. It has therefore not been possible to ascertain to what degree savings in track maintenance activities might offset the greater materials footprint of ballastless track over conventional track with gravel bed driveways. Table 2.11: Estimated annual in-use activity elements for electric rail infrastructure and equivalent 2007 emissions factors Element Area Railway track Points Maintenance Operation Railway passenger stations Maintenance of buildings Item Heating No data Electricity Heating Drinking water Concrete Bricks Value 840 No data 9.72 35.3 196 70 160 Units kWh/rtkm No data Wh/passenger Wh/passenger g/passenger mg/passenger mg/passenger 2007 GHG EF 514.2 No data 0.0059505 0.0064938 0.0000002 0.0000765 0.0000323 Units kgCO2eq /rtkm kgCO2eq /passenger Sources: Activity data was sourced from IJLCA (2003), with corresponding net GHG per tdkm calculated for 2007 using emission factors for electricity, gas and water use (supply and treatment) from the forthcoming 2009 update to the Defra/DECC GHG Conversion Factors. Notes: rtkm = rail-track km. 23 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 2.4 Other factors affecting comparisons 2.4.1 Service occupancy levels/ passenger load factors When comparing similar types of train or service it is appropriate to consider energy consumption and emissions per seat km as a basis for comparison of their relative performance. However, different types of service can have markedly different levels of passenger occupancy. The level of occupancy is principally influenced by the following factors: • Intrinsic demand for a particular journey; • Length of train/seating capacity available; • Service frequency; • Train configuration planning and punctuality of services; • Type of service /number of railway station stops – load factors tend to fall as stops increase; • Segregated lines for high speed, regional, commuter and freight traffic; • In-cab signalling systems for traffic management; • Time of day. Train occupancy levels (load factors) are a highly sensitive variable in the evaluation of impacts and have a significant impact on the net emissions per passenger km. A discussion of occupancy/load factors for high speed and conventional lines is therefore important. Average occupancy levels/load factors from the literature The load factors of conventional rail services across UK TOCs range from 25% to 48%, with a median of 31%, or positive skew (RSSB, 2007). However, these average statistics hide significant variations between different service segments and times. For example, services such as Euston – Glasgow achieve high average occupancies of 45% (DfT, 2009a), on which the first 100km is often standing only but the final 100km is considerably less busy. Conventional intercity load factors are generally significantly lower than those for high speed services due to lenient reservation systems and lower marketability of the service. In the UK a typical load factor for conventional intercity services is around 40% (RSSB, 2007). In comparison, the following Table 2.12 summarises typical load factors for European high-speed rail services, which range from 42% to as high as 88%. The lower load factors of the German ICE services are notable compared to the French TGV and Spannish AVE. The primary reason for this is considered to be a degree of over-capacity provided by the ICE services (ATOC, 2009a) in order to compete more effectively with services from new low-cost airlines. On ICE lines, services are run closer to the capacity of the network than comparable TGV and Eurostar services. Load factors above 60% are achieved by TGV and Eurostar in most cases, which is achieved by running trains under the capacity of the infrastructure and pulling passengers to the train times (Network Rail, 2009). It is also notable that the medium-long distance high-speed rail services seem to achieve higher average load factors than the shorter distance services. This is presumably due to the increased competition with road at lower distances, where road transport can more effectively compete in terms of journey time. 24 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.12: Typical load factors for European high-speed rail services Route Country London to Paris (Eurostar) Paris to Strasbourg (TGV First class) Paris to Strasbourg (TGV Second class) Paris to Marseille (TGV First Class) Paris to Marseille (TGV Second Class) Nurnberg to Ingolstadt (ICE) Berlin to Hamburg (ICE) ICE Average Madrid to Sevilla (AVE) Malaga to Cordoba (AVE) AVE long distance average AVE medium distance average UK-France France France France France Germany Germany Germany Spain Spain Spain Spain Distance, km 496 487 487 740 740 90 288 472 159 - Load Factor 64% 77% 88% 60% 76% 42% 49% 50% 85% 56% 70% 56% Year Source 2009 2007 2007 2003 2003 2006 2006 N/A 1997 2007 2007 2007 Telegraph, 2009 ESPA, 2007 ESPA, 2007 BNET, 2003 BNET, 2003 RG, 2006 RG, 2006 EEA, 2000 MEET, 1997 UIC, 2009. UIC, 2009 UIC, 2009 Comparisons with Data from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case The Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) considers a range of options in a corridor running from London to the North West and Scotland, including connections with Heathrow. Several core New Line only options were investigated outlined in Figure 2.13, although other options integrated with the classic network have also been considered. The business case carried out demand modelling across a range for speed scenarios from conventional intercity rail speeds (125 mph / 200 kph) up to the current top end of high-speed rail services (225 mph / 360 kph). The speed profile of the primary high-speed scenario investigated is defined in Figure 2.14, with the full option provided in more detail in Figure 2.15. Additional information was produced on service frequencies, passenger miles and loadings relating to the full option (MB1.4.1). These were broken down into the component station to station flows with allday loading factors assumed over a 16 hour day. Figure 2.16 below shows the train service specification for a standard hour for the full option (MB1.4.1). 25 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.13: The core New Line only options from London considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) MB1.0 MB1.1 MB1.2.1 MB1.4.1 London to Manchester, Birmingham via a diverging mainline with a link allowing services between Birmingham and Manchester With new line to Liverpool and Warrington With new line to Preston and Edinburgh and Glasgow Full option Figure 2.14: Speed Assumptions for the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) Assumed maximum speeds on N ew Lines from London Central 200mph 90mph 0-10miles 125mph 10-25miles London Central Notes: 26 125mph 25-10miles N ew Line 90mph 10-0miles Destination Line speed maximum on New Line: 200mph (320kph), Line speed on diverging routes at junctions: 125mph. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.15: Detail on the full option (MB1.4.1) considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) Edinburgh Glasgow Caledonian Junc Preston GM North Manchester Liverpool GM South Warrington Mersey Junction WM North WM South Birmingham WM West Junc. London Central Figure 2.16: Train Service Specification for Full Option (MB1.4.1) considered in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) Option MB 1.4.1 (TPH) Formation 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 Glasgow Edinburgh Preston Liverpool Warrington Manchester Birmingham London 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Notes: In this service diagram, each line represents an individual return service that operates hourly (there being 18 in total). 27 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Research for the New Lines Programme (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) has carried out demand modelling resulting in the load factors shown in Figure 2.15. These are based on services running to the maximum capacity of the proposed new line infrastructure indicated in Figure 2.15. In this modelling a modest estimate for journey creation has been used to not distort current demand. This means that load factors could increase depending on the amount of induced demand, and also into the future. Table 2.13: Modelled average load factors for conventional and high-speed services from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) Route Overall for all services London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Warrington - Liverpool London - Preston - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham -Manchester - Preston - Edinburgh Birmingham - Preston - Edinburgh Notes: Modelled Load Factors Conventional: High-Speed: 125mph (200kph) 200mph (320kph) 33% 42% 27% 34% 33% 42% 36% 47% 36% 47% 42% 54% 26% 34% 11% 14% Figures for high-speed services are averages for particular routes based on more detailed estimates by route subsection. The estimates for occupancy levels on conventional speed routes are based on the average difference in modelled total passenger numbers for conventional and high-speed services. There is a clear difference between the modelled load factors from Table 2.13 and those of currently operating European services from Table 2.12. The mean average for the modelled services is 42%, compared to load factors typically above 60% for currently operating European services. One of the reasons for this difference is that the modelled figures represent the capacity of the proposed new line, and therefore show the maximum number of services available with their correlating load factors. New lines are likely to conform to a model similar to that of the ICE (i.e. providing services closer to the capacity of the line infrastructure). Furthermore, the demand figures (passenger numbers and load factors) from NEW LINES PROGRAMME (2009) are based on modelling up to 2026. Therefore these figures can be considered to be a conservative estimate as demand would be expected to increase further into the future. It is anticipated that services on a new high-speed line would not be hop-on conventional style with low loadings (i.e. lower speed commuter line or local services). Instead it is anticipated they would be frequent enough to ensure a pick and drop train on the same route does not detract from demand, even when including platform waiting times. This would allow more room for demand growth or journey creation over time. Current intercity type services running along the same route as new lines would most likely be reduced to pick and drop style, to avoid competition for the high speed line and also improve access to local stations. This should also improve the load factor of services on the new lines. Splitting or joining of trains at certain points in a given service can be an effective way of improving load factors. The German ICE trains do successfully implement splitting and joining when given a straight, long platform and appropriate service load factors (although it is not used to a great extent). In the UK, this option is rarely used due to health and safety concerns, possibilities of a malfunction, consequences for other services and a lack of appropriate platforms. However, splitting and joining would not be ruled out for new lines in the first instance (Network Rail, 2009). 2.4.2 Service frequency/infrastructure utilisation Earlier sections have already referred to the potential significance of service frequency /infrastructure utilisation in evaluating the relative impacts of conventional and high speed rail. In other studies it has been common not to factor in the embedded emissions of infrastructure into the overall analysis, negating the need to consider overall utilisation of this infrastructure. However, the discussion and estimated emissions of greenhouse gasses resulting from infrastructure presented in Section 2.3 have highlighted the significant importance of this element. 28 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Load factors are very important in evaluating the relative performance in terms of energy consumption and emissions resulting from the use of conventional and high-speed rolling stock. However, in the context of embedded emissions from infrastructure load factors need to be combined with information on service frequency or total passenger numbers in order to get an accurate representation of the intensity of infrastructure utilisation. This information is needed to allocate embedded emissions from infrastructure on a per passenger km basis. For example, a service operating at 60% load factor and 2 services per hour will transport the same number of people per day as a similar service (with the same number of train seats) running at 40% load factor and 3 service per hour. In this example, whilst the energy use/emissions resulting from the train will be lower per passenger km in the first case, the embedded energy consumption/emissions component will be the same in both cases. Part of the attraction of high-speed rail services from this perspective is that they generally attract higher passenger numbers than similar conventional rail services. Therefore the environmental impact of embedded emissions from the infrastructure would be lower per passenger km travelled compared to conventional equivalents. However, this benefit may be partly offset by journey creation, discussed in the following Section 2.4.3. 2.4.3 Modal shift and journey creation To make a complete assessment, both modal shift and journey creation need to be factored into the equation. Rail services have demonstrated a significant ability to achieve high market shares in midrange transport services, where journey times are competitive with those for other transport modes as illustrated in Figure 2.17. Research from Spain provided by UIC (2009) has also concluded that: wherever high speed rail coexists with the other modes of transport, it attracts passengers away from flights, private cars, coaches and conventional trains (regardless of whether the latter continues to exist or disappears). The research also concludes that introducing high-speed rail services also introduces additional demand that was not there previously and that analysis cannot therefore be limited to comparson with the conventional trains. Factoring modal shift and journey creation into the overall evaluation have effectively opposing impacts. It is clear that modal shift from other modes of transport to high-speed rail will provide additional benefits to the overall result. However, factoring in demand creation effectively reduces the benefits of the higher occupancy rates (/passenger numbers) typically achieved by high-speed rail. This is demonstrated in Table 2.14, which presents modal shift and journey creation percentages derived from the demand modelling for the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case. The table also includes illustrative comparisons of the impacts of these figures, using assumptions on the projected performance of future cars and aircraft. These assumptions have also been summarised in Figure 2.18, with the following basis for the car and air emission factors: • Cars: Assume by the year 2070 all cars are powered either by grid electricity or renewably produced hydrogen, resulting in effectively zero net emissions. Emission factors are assumed to decrease linearly from 2007 averages to 2070. Load factors are similar to current average of 1.6. • Domestic Flights: Assume by the year 2070, 60% technical and other efficiency improvements to aircraft and systems, plus 50% sustainable biofuel at 80% net CO2 saving. Emission factors decrease linearly from 2007 averages (GHG CF, 2009) and include direct and fuel cycle emissions. The impacts of radiative forcing from other non-CO2 greenhouse gases (mainly NOX and water vapour) are excluded as their impacts currently have significant uncertainty attached to them. Load factors are similar to current averages. In making the comparison, ideally one would also factor in the relative impacts of abstraction from rail services on existing infrastructure. However, modelling under the NLP Strategic Business Case assumes significant changes to the types and frequencies of the services operated on existing infrastructure as a result of new line development. Such changes could have a +ve or –ve net impact on the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail. It has not been possible to quantify the size of this impact in the overall analysis. 29 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 2.14: Modelled average modal switch and journey creation for conventional and high-speed services from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009) Type High-Speed Average Conventional Average Demand component (%) GHG Emissions, gCO2eq/pkm From From New From From New Net Car Air Demand Car (1) Air (2) Demand (3) Change 8.3% 1.4% 24.3% -5.99 -1.86 4.70 -3.15 7.9% 1.3% 19.6% -5.67 -1.81 4.67 -2.81 Notes: (1) Illustrative figures based on 30-yr cumulative average performance of cars of average occupancy of 1.6 (2) Illustrative figures based on 30-yr cumulative average performance of domestic flights (3) Illustrative figures based on 30-yr cumulative average electricity generation factors and central assumptions for all other elements (i.e. % recycling, % occupancy factors, % tunnels, total passenger numbers, etc). Figure 2.17: Modal share of high-speed rail services and flights by journey time Source: 30 Presentation by Jim Steer (Director, Greengauge 21) at an International Rail Air Conference on ‘Integrating HighSpeed Rail with Heathrow’, (GG21, 2008a) Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 2.18: Assumptions on the projected improvement in the greenhouse gas emissions from cars and domestic air transport Projection of Carbon Intensity of Cars and Short-haul Air 0.25 Cars Air kgCO2eq per pkm 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 2005 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 31 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 3 Results of Comparative Analysis This section presents the results from the comparative analysis of high-speed rail versus conventional rail services and sensitivities on the assumptions for the key parameters that influence the comparison. The principal assumption made in the analysis is that the comparison is made for equivalent services on new line infrastructure and therefore is not a comparison of high-speed rail with existing rail services. 3.1 Definition of scenarios In this section is a summary of the main assumptions used in the analysis for the general results and the sensitivity analyses. As part of the analysis a number of variables were explored to understand the significance of different elements to the total greenhouse gas emissions. The following Table 3.1 provides a summary of the scenarios that have been defined. Additional detail on the values used in the analysis are provided in Table 3.2 (for electricity, cars and flights) and in Table 3.3 (for passenger numbers, % tunnels and % occupancy by reference route). The figures provided in Table 3.2 are based upon the scenarios discussed and defined in earlier report sections 2.1.4 (for electricity) and 2.4.3 (for cars and domestic flights). Table 3.1: Summary definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions used in the analysis Conventional Train Model High-Speed Train Model Occupancy % and Passenger numbers (1) Rail Driveway type Recycling % at end of life of infrastructure and trains Tunnel % of total line km Time Period for electricity, car and air emission factors Electricity Scenario Modal Switch and Demand Creation Notes: Central / Default Low Hitachi Super Express Hitachi Super Express Alstom AGV Alstom AGV Central -20% Conventional Gravel 50% Conventional Gravel 0% Ballastless Track 90% Central 30-yr Cumulative Av. (or 2025 (2)) Low Central -20% 2055 +20% 2025 (or 2007 (2)) High +20% Assumtions for scenarios on the projected greenhouse gas emission factors for electricity, passenger cars and domestic flights Relevant time period: 2007 2025 2055 30-yr Cumulative Av. 32 Low -20% (1) For the purposes of the scenario analysis the occupancy levels/load factors and passenger numbers were assumed to be intrinsically linked, i.e. 20% change in the load factor results in a 20% change in the total numbers of passengers transported. (2) In some cases different time periods have been used as the basis for certain scenario comparisons. The 30-year cumulative average factor represents an average of the relevant emission factors over the 2025 – 2055 period for electricity (in kgCO2 per kWh), cars and domestic air (in kgCO2 per passenger km). Table 3.2: Notes: High Class 91 IC225 Class 373 Eurostar +20% Electricity Scenario kgCO2eq/kWh Low High 0.612 0.612 0.218 0.306 0.023 0.083 0.066 0.177 Transport Scenario kgCO2eq per pkm Car Air 0.151 0.202 0.108 0.166 0.036 0.106 0.072 0.136 The total GHG emission factors include both direct emissions (i.e. from electricity production, or from the car tailpipe or aircraft engine) and indirect emissions (i.e. from the production and distribution of the electricity generation fuel or transport fuel). Indirect emissions account for around 11% of the overall total for electricity and 15% for transport fuels. The 30-year cumulative average factor represents an average of the relevant emission factors over the 2025 – 2055 period for electricity (in kgCO2 per kWh), cars and domestic air (in kgCO2 per passenger km). Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 3.3: Detailed definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions for passenger numbers, occupancy and the proportion of tunnels on new lines for different services Million passengers per year Reference Route Typical European NLP-SBC Total (2) London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Typical European NLP-SBC Total (2) London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Notes: Type (1) Central Low HS 8.0 6.4 HS 20.4 16.3 HS 8.5 6.8 HS 10.6 8.5 HS 5.8 4.6 HS 5.8 4.7 HS 6.7 5.4 HS 2.1 1.7 HS 0.8 0.7 C 6.2 5.0 C 15.9 12.7 C 6.6 5.3 C 8.2 6.6 C 4.5 3.6 C 4.5 3.6 C 5.2 4.2 C 1.6 1.3 C 1.3 1.1 % Tunnels % Occupancy High Central Low High Central Low High 9.6 24.5 10.2 12.7 7.0 7.0 8.1 2.5 1.0 7.5 19.1 8.0 9.9 5.4 5.4 6.3 2.0 1.6 10.0% 11.6% 19.7% 21.8% 12.3% 10.2% 10.3% 10.7% 9.3% 10.0% 11.6% 19.7% 21.8% 12.3% 10.2% 10.3% 10.7% 10.3% 8.0% 9.3% 15.8% 17.4% 9.8% 8.2% 8.2% 8.6% 7.5% 8.0% 9.3% 15.8% 17.4% 9.8% 8.2% 8.2% 8.6% 8.2% 12.0% 13.9% 23.7% 26.2% 14.8% 12.3% 12.3% 12.9% 11.2% 12.0% 13.9% 23.7% 26.2% 14.8% 12.3% 12.3% 12.9% 12.3% 50% 42% 34% 42% 47% 47% 54% 34% 14% 39% 33% 27% 33% 36% 36% 42% 26% 11% 40% 34% 27% 34% 37% 37% 43% 27% 11% 31% 26% 21% 26% 29% 29% 34% 21% 8% 60% 51% 41% 51% 56% 56% 65% 41% 16% 47% 39% 32% 40% 43% 44% 50% 32% 13% (1) HS = High-speed rail; C = Conventional rail. (2) The figures for NLP-SBC Total takes into account the overlap of services using the same infrastructure and represents the average figures per typical km over the entire length of the new lines. The Central scenarios provided in Table 3.3 are based primarily on outputs from the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009). The corresponding High and Low scenarios are based on a +20% and -20% sensitivity around the central assumptions respectively. The data for the NLP-SBC Total Average reference route are weighted average figures for each parameter over the entire proposed rail service network. The figures for the number of passengers are higher than for the individual routes because they represent the average per km of track taking into account different services share the some stretches of track. The track utilisation intensity was also been factored into the calculations allocating embedded greenhouse gas emissions from rail infrastructure for different services in the following sub-sections. The demand figures (passenger numbers and load factors) from NEW LINES PROGRAMME (2009) are based on modelling up to 2026. Therefore these figures can be considered to be a conservative estimate as demand would be expected to increase further into the future. As already discussed earlier in Section 2.4.1, there is a clear difference between the modelled load factors from Table 3.3 and those of currently operating European services. A more detailed comparison is provided in Table 3.4, which shows an average occupancy of 65% for the European high-speed services reviewed. However, one of the reasons for this difference is that the modelled figures represent the capacity of the proposed new line, meaning comparison with the German ICE services is likely to be a closer match than the others. A central occupancy figure for typical European services of 50% is therefore used for comparisons in the analysis. The impact of demand creation was estimated by effectively removing these passengers from the equation, thereby decreasing the overall percentage occupancy levels and increasing the GHG emissions per passenger-km. The impact of modal switching was estimated by subtracting the emissions that would have been generated by passengers travelling by car and air from the total8. The assumptions on percentage modal shift and demand creation are presented in Table 3.5. 8 One passenger from an air service would not have any significant impact on the net emissions since the flight would still operate. However, for the purposes of this analysis it is assumed that the modal switching of significant numbers of passengers beteen air and rail services (as suggested by demand modelling) would result in the proportional reduction of the air passenger transport services. 33 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Table 3.4: Comparison of services in the New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case with typical European high-speed rail services Reference Route NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh London - Paris Madrid - Sevilla Cordoba - Malaga Berlin - Hamburg Nuremberg - Munich Paris - Marseille Paris - Strasbourg Average European Notes: Population London London London London London Birmingham Birmingham 13,122,500 13,122,500 13,122,500 13,122,500 13,122,500 2,284,093 2,284,093 Birmingham Manchester Liverpool Glasgow Edinburgh Glasgow Edinburgh 2,284,093 2,240,230 1,103,089 2,300,000 450,000 2,300,000 450,000 London Madrid Cordoba Berlin Nordberg Paris Paris 13,122,500 7,061,748 325,453 5,000,000 500,132 12,672,000 12,672,000 Paris Sevilla Malaga Hamburg Munich Marseille Strasbourg 12,672,000 1,500,000 576,725 4,300,000 2,600,000 1,804,550 702,000 Distance Journey Load (km) Time (mins) Factor 764 179 42% 185 46 34% 290 66 42% 322 83 47% 612 131 47% 604 129 54% 467 120 34% 451 116 14% 496 472 155 288 171 740 487 401 135 165 77 100 60 180 140 121 64% 85% 56% 49% 42% 73% 86% 65% Av. Speed, km/h 256 241 263 233 280 281 233 233 220 172 198 173 171 247 209 198 Services 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 Class 373 (Eurostar) AVE (RENFE) AVE (RENFE) ICE 3 (Deutsche Bahn) ICE 3 (Deutsche Bahn) TGV (SNCF) TGV (SNCF) Definition of the Central, Low and High scenario assumptions for modal shift and demand creation on new lines for different services Service Type High Speed Rail Conventional Rail 34 Population Destination Population figures are for the wider metropolitan area/ conurbation where data is available (only city figures were available for Edinburgh), rather than the city itself. Table 3.5: Notes: Origin Central 8.3% 7.9% Car Low 6.7% 6.3% High 10.0% 9.5% Central 1.4% 1.3% Air Low 1.10% 1.06% High 1.64% 1.60% New Demand Central Low High 24.3% 19.4% 29.1% 19.6% 15.7% 23.6% The central case is based on information from the NLP Strategic Business Case (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009), with the Low and High scenarios being sensitivities of ±20%. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 3.2 Breakdown of relative impacts This section provides a summary of the breakdown of emissions resulting from direct energy consumption by the trains, indirect emissions resulting from trains (rolling stock embedded emissions and from maintenance) and those from rail infrastructure (embedded and in-use emissions). In the results provided in the following sub-sections, all variables (as defined in Section 3.1) are set to their central values /defaults unless otherwise stated. 3.2.1 Relative impacts per seat-km This section provides a comparison of the relative performance of conventional and high-speed rail independently of passenger occupancy levels and total passenger numbers. As a frame of reference it is useful to consider how the currently active conventional and high-speed rolling stock might compare on the proposed new lines infrastructure and services. The following Figure 3.1 provides a comparison of the estimated net greenhouse gas emissions per seat-km for the different reference routes assuming: • • • 2007 values for grid electricity emission factors; Conventional Rail energy consumption = Class 91 IC225; High-Speed Rail energy consumption = Class 373 Eurostar. Figure 3.1: Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per seat-km for different routes (assumes current trains and carbon intensity of electricity) Conventional High-Speed Total GHG Emissions, gCO2eq per seat-km 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Rail Infrastructure Train Direct Train Indirect 35 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Unsurprisingly Figure 3.1 shows that the higher energy consumption high-speed trains results in greater net greenhouse gas emissions. Also the emissions directly resulting from the train’s energy consumption account for on average over 80% of the total emissions. In contrast, the indirect emissions from the train’s production, maintenance and disposal account for less than 1% of the total. Emissions from production, maintenance, disposal and use of the electric rail infrastructure (and stations) account for around 18% of the total. Looking forwards and considering how the future rail rolling stock might perform on average over its lifetime, Figure 3.2 shows a significantly different picture. In this example the following is assumed: • • • 30-year cumulative average factor represents an average of the relevant emission factors over the 2025 – 2055 period for electricity (in kgCO2 per kWh), grid electricity emission factors; Conventional Rail energy consumption = Hitachi Super Express; High-Speed Rail energy consumption = Alstom AGV. As before it can be seen that on a per seat-km basis conventional rail has lower total emissions. However, because of the significant decarbonisation of electricity generation over the 30 year period the emissions resulting from the provision and use of the rail infrastructure now dominate. In this scenario the infrastructure emissions account for around 70% of the total, with the direct emissions from train use only accounting for 28% of the total. This is a very important result as it clearly highlights the need to incorporate low carbon construction and materials procurement in any new line development programme. As shown earlier in Figure 2.12 in Section 2.3, the majority of the emissions from construction of new rail infrastructure result from the use of concrete and steel. Significant gains might therefore be achieved by focussing on reducing the emissions footprint of such materials. Figure 3.2: Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per seat-km for different routes (assumes future trains and carbon intensity of electricity) Conventional High-Speed Total GHG Emissions, gCO2eq per seat-km 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Rail Infrastructure 36 Train Direct Train Indirect Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 3.2.2 Relative impacts per passenger-km This section provides a comparison of the relative performance of conventional and high-speed rail independently of passenger occupancy levels and total passenger numbers. As a frame of reference it is useful to consider how the currently active conventional and high-speed rolling stock might compare on the proposed new lines infrastructure and services. The following Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.3 provide a comparison of the estimated net greenhouse gas emissions per passenger-km for the different reference routes with the central assumptions, i.e.: • • • • 30-year cumulative average factor represents an average of the relevant emission factors over the 2025 – 2055 period for electricity (in kgCO2 per kWh), grid electricity emission factors; Conventional Rail energy consumption = Hitachi Super Express; High-Speed Rail energy consumption = Alstom AGV; Modal shift and demand creation are factored into the results. The figures demonstrate the importance of factoring rail service load factors and total passenger numbers into the analysis. The higher modelled and typical load factors achieve by high-speed rail vs equivalent conventional rail services result in significantly lower total greenhouse gas emissions per passenger-km over all the routes for high-speed rail. The relatively low load factors on the services to Glasgow and Edinburgh originating from Birmingham result in values much higher than the average. Figure 3.3: Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per passenger-km for different routes (assumes future trains and carbon intensity of electricity) Total GHG Emissions, gCO2 eq per passenger-km Conventional High-Speed 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Typical European NLP-SBC Total London - Birmingham London - Manchester London - Liverpool London - Glasgow London - Edinburgh Birmingham - Glasgow Birmingham - Edinburgh Rail Infrastructure Notes: 5 Train Direct Train Indirect The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. 37 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail The higher occupancy levels by themselves contribute to reducing the direct and indirect train emissions per passenger-km of high speed rail below (illustrated in Figure 3.4). As discussed in earlier sections, greater total passenger numbers transported over the new lines also results in a proportional reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions per passenger-km due to the infrastructure and is by far the most important component. The enhanced modal switching achieved by high-speed services also contributes to reducing their per passenger-km impact compared to conventional equivalents. This is explored in more detail in the sensitivity analysis in Section 3.3.4. Figure 3.4: Breakdown of the total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail per passenger-km by impact area Total: NLP-SBC Total Typical European 0 High-Speed 5 Conventional 10 15 20 25 Total gCO2eq per passenger-km Infrastructure: NLP-SBC Total Typical European High-Speed 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km Conventional 14 16 Direct Train: NLP-SBC Total Typical European High-Speed 0.0 1.0 Conventional 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Train Direct gCO2eq per passenger-km Indirect Train: NLP-SBC Total Typical European High-Speed Conventional Notes: 38 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 Train Indirect gCO2eq per passenger-km The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. 0.50 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail The following Figure 3.5 provides an illustrative comparison of the relative performance of conventional and high-speed rail per passenger-km at different time periods. The figure clearly shows the shifting significance of the direct energy consumption of the trains over time. At the end of the new trains’ lifecycle in 2055 the carbon intensity of electricity generation (and of car and air transport) has decreased very significantly. The principal reason why emissions from infrastructure and indirect emissions from trains are higher in 2055 is because the allocated credit for modal shift is lower in 2055 compared to 2025 as cars and flights have significantly decarbonised. Figure 3.5: Summary comparison of the relative performance of conventional and high-speed rail at different timeframe assumptions (NLP-SBC Total) Total: Conventional High-Speed 2007 2025 2055 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 14 16 18 Total gCO2eq per passenger-km Infrastructure: Conventional High-Speed 2007 2025 2055 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km Direct Train: Conventional High-Speed 2007 2025 2055 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Train Direct gCO2eq per passenger-km Indirect Train: Conventional High-Speed 2007 2025 2055 Notes: 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Train Indirect gCO2eq per passenger-km Figures for 2007 assume train efficiencies for the Class 91 IC225 and Class 373 Eurostar for representative conventional and high-speed rail. Figures for 2025 and 2055 assume train efficiencies for the Hitachi Super Express and Alstom AGV for conventional and high-speed rail respectively. Modal shift, demand creation are also included. 39 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 3.3 Sensitivity analysis on key parameters The following sub-sections provide a number of sensitivity analyses on the major variables that influence the overall calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from high-speed and conventional rail. These include: • • • • 3.3.1 Service occupancy levels and total passenger numbers; The carbon intensity of electricity generation; Various infrastructure aspects, including the type of track used, the level of recycling of materials at the end of the track’s lifetime and the proportion of tunnels along new lines; The influences of modal shift and demand creation on the overall assessment. Sensitivity on service occupancy / passenger numbers This section provides a sensitivity analysis of the load factors and corresponding passenger numbers for the central, low (-20%) and high (+20%) scenarios. The assumptions for the demand modelling for the new lines business case is relatively conservative. There is potential for services on the proposed new lines to reach the upper end of the range used in the sensitivity analysis as the services become more established (Network Rail, 2009). The results in Figure 3.6 demonstrate the significant impact assumptions on occupancy levels and total passenger numbers have on the result. As the average percentage occupancy levels of conventional and high-speed rail become closer together, the advantage high-speed rail has in terms of direct emissions per passenger-km is eroded. For the current assumptions on the relative efficiencies of conventional and high-speed rail trains, parity is reached when load factors for conventional rail are around 4% lower than those for high-speed rail. However, it is the total passenger numbers that are critical in the analysis, as this affects the allocation of emissions resulting from the rail infrastructure. Therefore a higher number of services with lower occupancy but high overall passenger numbers is strongly favoured over significantly less-frequent but high-occupancy services that potentially move fewer passengers. Figure 3.6: Sensitivity analysis breakdown on the impact of varying occupancy levels and passenger numbers on the comparison of total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail Total: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Total gCO2eq per passenger-km Infrastructure: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central Notes: 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km High and Low scenarios are based on a +20% and -20% sensitivity around the central assumptions respectively. The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 3.6: Sensitivity analysis breakdown on the impact of varying occupancy levels and passenger numbers on the comparison of total GHG emissions from conventional and high-speed rail (continued) Direct Train: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.6 0.7 Train Direct gCO2eq per passenger-km Indirect Train: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central Notes: 3.3.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Train Indirect gCO2eq per passenger-km High and Low scenarios are based on a +20% and -20% sensitivity around the central assumptions respectively. The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. Sensitivities on the carbon intensity of electricity generation The following Figure 3.7 provides the results of sensitivity analyses on the effect of different future rates of electricity decarbonisation in comparison to the result using the most current UK average grid electricity emission factor. The figure shows that varying the assumption on future decarbonisation of electricity generation has a 30-40% impact on the total greenhouse gas emissions and over 60% on the component due to direct energy consumption by trains. The impact on indirect emissions from infrastructure and trains is much less significant. Figure 3.7: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on the future decarbonisation electricity generation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail Total: Conventional High-Speed High Low 2007 Notes: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Total gCO2eq per passenger-km The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. The High and Low decarbonisation scenarios assume the respective 30-year average electricity emission factors for the period 2025-2055. 41 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Figure 3.7: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on the future decarbonisation electricity generation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail (continued) Infrastructure: Conventional High-Speed High Low 2007 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km Direct Train: Conventional High-Speed High Low 2007 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.5 0.6 Train Direct gCO2eq per passenger-km Indirect Train: Conventional High-Speed High Low 2007 Notes: 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Train Indirect gCO2eq per passenger-km The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. The High and Low decarbonisation scenarios assume the respective 30-year average electricity emission factors for the period 2025-2055. Sensitivities on the time period for electricity have already been presented earlier in Figure 3.5, which illustrated the shifting significance of the direct energy consumption of the trains over time due to significant decreases in the carbon intensity of electricity (and of car and air transport) by 2055. 3.3.3 Sensitivities on embedded greenhouse gas emissions The sensitivity analysis on the level of recycling of materials from rail infrastructure and trains presented in Figure 3.8 shows the high level of importance this consideration has in both areas. Because of the dominating effect of embedded infrastructure emissions in the overall assessment this puts a high level of importance to designing recyclability into the design of new infrastructure as far as possible. The sensitivities on % tunnels on new line infrastructure and on the type of track presented in Figure 3.9 also underline the importance of these elements in the overall analysis. Discussions with industry experts as part of the consultation process for this work indicate that there is at the moment no particular preference for either rail track type for either conventional or high speed rail. However, should ballastless track become a more preferred option for other reasons in the future, more detailed 42 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail evaluation of savings potential through avoided maintenance would be beneficial to inform the comparison in terms of net greenhouse gas emissions. The sensitivity on the % tunnels indicates it would be worthwhile to factor in the relative greenhouse gas emissions of tunnelling versus less direct routing in any decision-making on pathways for future new line infrastructure. Figure 3.8: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on the % recycling of end of life infrastructure and trains to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail Infrastructure: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km Indirect Train: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central Notes: 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Train Indirect gCO2eq per passenger-km The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. Figure 3.9: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the infrastructure assumptions on the % tunnels and type of rail track to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail Conventional Gravel Ballast: Conventional High-Speed High Low Central Ballastless Track: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km Conventional High-Speed High Low Central Notes: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Infrastructure gCO2eq per passenger-km The figures presented also take into account the net impacts of modal shift and demand creation on the totals. 43 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 3.3.4 Sensitivity on modal shift and demand creation The following Figure 3.10 and Table 3.6 provides illustrative comparisons the potential importance of modal shift for high-speed rail services in comparison to conventional equivalents on the basis of demand modelling for the business case for new lines (NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009). The figure and table show that the benefits of modal shift outweigh the counteracting demand creation element in the overall analysis. They also show that the net benefits due to modal shift and demand creation for high-speed rail services are notably larger than those for conventional rail, further improving high-speed rail’s relative performance. Figure 3.10: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on modal shift and demand creation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail Conventional High-Speed None High Low Central Notes: 0 5 10 20 25 Total gCO2eq per passenger-km Central, Low and High scenarios are defined in Table 3.5 based on information from NEW LINES PROGRAMME (2009). Low = Central - 20%, High = Central + 20% Table 3.6: Sensitivity analysis on the impact of the assumptions on modal shift and demand creation to the comparison of conventional and high-speed rail (NLP-SBC Total) Value Total emission, gCO2eq per passenger-km Net emission change due to modal shift and demand creation, gCO2eq per passenger-km 44 15 Service Type High-Speed Conventional High-Speed Conventional Central 15.1 19.7 -3.4 -3.0 Low 15.7 20.3 -2.7 -2.4 High 14.4 19.1 -4.1 -3.6 None 18.5 22.7 0 0 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 4 Summary and Conclusions Data Collection and Consultation The purpose of this project is to provide an objective comparison of the relative energy consumption and environmental impact of conventional versus high-speed rail. This is to help inform the wider business case being developed as part of the New Lines Programme (NLP) into HS2. In doing this, the work also needed to take into account the long timeframes associated with large infrastructure projects. Hence comparisons needed to be made on the anticipated performance of future HSR and conventional rail rolling stock in likely to be put into service in the 2025-2030 timeframe. In order to obtain as up to date and accurate information as possible the project team consulted widely with experts in industry and academia. This enabled the collection of more detailed information and development of a more nuanced understanding of the issues than could be achieved from a simple review of the available literature. Factors Affecting Comparisons of Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions For the purposes of this study, high-speed rail (HSR) services are defined as services faster than typical UK intercity limit of 200 km/hour, typically over 250 km/hour and up to 350+ km/hour. Comparisons in this report are made for similar types of electric rail services for HSR vs conventional rail – i.e. with conventional intercity service rolling stock (up to 200 km/hour), rather than rolling stock used in slower stop-start commuter services. The focus for the work for this project has been on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Other environmental impacts will be considered in more detail at a later phase and are not within the scope of this project. To properly consider the relative impacts a range of factors needed to be evaluated, the following provides a summary of the main factors and their impact on the assessment: 1) Direct performance (energy consumption) of the rail rolling stock: This is the principal (and sometimes only) element considered in the assessment of different types of trains and services. The principal measures available to reduce the energy consumption of electric trains include (in order of significance according to the manufacturers consulted: (a) weight reduction, (b) aerodynamic improvements (particularly significant for HSR) and (c) improvements in the overall electrical efficiency (including the regenerative braking systems). According to industry experts the relative performance of HSR and conventional rail is not anticipated to change significantly in the future. Information obtained on the typical energy consumption of the forthcoming Alstom AGV (0.033 kWh/seat-km) and the Hitachi Super Express (0.028 kWh/seat-km)9 were taken as representative for HSR and conventional rail rolling stock going into service in the 2025-2030 timeframe. These trains also have similar seating capacities (650, 649) at similar lengths (250m, 260m). The relative impact of energy consumption to the overall picture is anticipated to decrease significantly in the future with the decarbonisation of electricity generation. 2) Seating occupancy levels and service frequency for conventional versus high-speed rail: Seating occupancy levels (also known as the load factor) directly influence the net energy use / emissions per passenger-km from trains. There are significant differences between different types of service. HSR services typically have higher occupancy levels which counter-balance the higher energy use of the trains compared to conventional rail. Together, average seating occupancy and service frequency provide a measure of the intensity of the use of the rail infrastructure in terms of overall passenger numbers. The total number of passengers carried per km of track has a significant impact on the allocation of the emissions resulting from provision and use of rail infrastructure on a per passenger-km basis. Information was collected on typical European highspeed services, with different strategies adopted in terms of service provision in different cases. Eurostar and TGV services tend to run at levels well under the network capacity and obtain very high load factors. Conversely the German ICE services tend to operate much closer to network capacity and achieve lower average occupancy levels. This is also the type of operation applied in the detailed demand modelling carried out for the wider business case by NEW LINES PROGRAMME (2009). Passenger numbers and occupancy levels were provided from the 9 As specified for the Department for Transport’s Intercity Express Programme (IEP) 45 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Strategic Business Case for the main new line/ service option and are used the analysis for this project. 3) Direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from electricity production (current and likely future electricity mix): Assumptions on the projected carbon intensity of electricity in the future significantly impact on the relative importance of the components of direct energy consumption by trains versus emissions due to other elements such as the production, maintenance and disposal of infrastructure and trains. Significant decarbonisation of electricity generation is expected in the timeframe new rolling stock would be utilised as part of meeting the challenging statutory UK national target of 80% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 (based on 1990 levels). This will significantly reduce the direct emissions from electric rail in the future, so high and low electricity decarbonisation scenarios were developed. Indirect emissions of GHGs from electricity generation (from production and distribution of primary fuels) are also significant (around 11% of total) and should therefore be accounted for in the overall analysis; 4) Indirect emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of rolling stock: A complete assessment of the impact of proposed new trains also needs to factor in the energy consumption and emissions resulting from their production, maintenance and disposal phases. This study has identified no obvious differences between the types or proportions of different materials used for conventional and high-speed trains that would significantly affect their relative impacts. Data on the net life-cycle emissions resulting from the production and disposal of different materials has been used to estimate a greenhouse gas footprint in tonne CO2eq per tonne of vehicle for a typical electric train. Due to the very high lifetime km travelled by rail vehicles the resulting net emissions per km are small compared to emissions due to the direct energy consumption of trains currently (around 1%). However, their significance will increase in the future as electricity generation decarbonises. The information identified on energy and materials use for train maintenance suggested these were of even lower significance (less than 0.1% of current direct in-use emissions) and are also considered unlikely to be significantly different for conventional versus high-speed trains. 5) Energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction and use of new rail infrastructure: At the start of the project this area was identified as potentially being very important given the anticipated decarbonisation of the electricity system. The industry experts consulted did not anticipate any differences in the infrastructure required by conventional versus high-speed rail that were likely to significantly affect the embedded infrastructure emissions. However, despite this any significant differences between conventional and HSR in the total numbers of passengers carried on new rail infrastructure are expected to have a strong influence on the overall comparison of their relative environmental performance. This is because the embedded infrastructure emissions will be lower per passenger km where the emissions are spread over a greater number of passengers for otherwise similar routes and services. Since high-speed services typically attract higher load factors / passenger numbers this was anticipated to favour high-speed rail in the overall comparison. Detailed information was identified in the course of the project on the following elements that enabled the quantification of GHG emissions for this area: a) Volumes of materials used per km in the construction of new electric rail infrastructure (for track with gravel ballast as well as ballastless track) - dominated by steel and concrete. b) Information on the GHG emissions per tonne of material used in the track infrastructure; c) Energy use/GHG emissions from major infrastructure construction activities (e.g. tunnelling); d) Annual variable energy use/GHG emissions from infrastructure use (e.g. point heating). Detailed information on modelled demand and passenger numbers for different reference routes were sourced from the NLP Strategic Business Case in order to estimate the net greenhouse gas emission per passenger-km component resulting from infrastructure. Unfortunately, no information on the maintenance of infrastructure was identified that would enable estimation of its impact. 6) Energy consumption/emissions savings resulting from modal shift and factoring in demand generation: Modal shift and journey creation have effectively opposing impacts on the overall evaluation of the environmental impacts of rail. Modal shift from other more carbon intensive modes of transport will provide additional benefits. However, factoring in demand creation effectively reduces the benefits of the higher occupancy levels (/ total passenger numbers) typically achieved by high-speed rail. It was therefore identified as important to provide a quantitative estimate of both of these impacts in the overall evaluation. Information on both modal shift and demand creation was sourced from the NLP Strategic Business Case. This was 46 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail used together with assumptions on the projected carbon intensity of passenger cars and domestic air travel to estimate the net impact on the comparison of conventional rail and HSR. Comparative Analysis Results The results of the comparative analysis of conventional versus high-speed rail have been presented split between three source areas: 4. GHG emissions resulting from to direct energy consumption by the trains; 5. GHG emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance, use and disposal of new electric rail infrastructure; 6. GHG emissions resulting from the production, disposal and maintenance of electric trains. These results have demonstrated the following points: • Per seat-km conventional rail uses less energy and produces fewer GHG emissions than highspeed rail. High-speed rail would be expected to result in around 9.3% more GHG emissions on average (at 12.8 gCO2eq/seat-km) than equivalent conventional rail (at 11.7 gCO2eq/seat-km) in 2025, according to calculations using central scenario values. This difference drops to 4.4% more over the 30-year lifetime of the trains, with HSR at 7.8 gCO2eq/seat-km and conventional rail at 7.5 gCO2eq/seat-km. This is because the importance of emissions from direct energy consumption decreases due to decarbonisation of electricity generation; • Per passenger-km (pkm) HSR is anticipated to produce significantly lower GHG emissions than conventional rail. This is the case both when assuming typical differences in European occupancy levels between conventional and HSR and for the modelled differences in occupancy levels from the NLP Strategic Business Case. On average HSR (at 30.3 gCO2eq/pkm) is expected to result in around 15% less GHG emissions on average than conventional rail (at 35.7 gCO2eq/pkm) in 2025, according to the calculations using central values. This GHG emissions for HSR reduce further to 18.8% less (at 18.5 gCO2eq/pkm) than conventional rail (at 22.7 gCO2eq/pkm) when considering them over the 30-year lifetime of the trains. The differential increases further when modal shift and demand creation are factored in – to 17.4% less (26.4 gCO2eq /pkm and 32.0 gCO2eq/pkm respectively for HSR and conventional rail) in 2025, and 23.5% less (15.1 gCO2eq/pkm and 19.7 gCO2eq/pkm respectively) over the 30-year lifetime of the trains; • Impact of electricity decarbonisation: When assuming current grid electricity emission factors and electric train models the GHG emissions due to direct energy use of the train accounted for over 80% of the total emissions (with 18% due to rail infrastructure and <1% due to indirect emissions due to trains). However, the direct train component drops to around 28% when assuming the use of new trains over 30 years from 2025 and the CCC’s proposed rapid decarbonisation of UK electricity generation. In this case the emissions resulting from new rail infrastructure dominate, accounting for around 70% of the total. The majority of the emissions from construction of new rail infrastructure result from the use of concrete and steel. Significant gains might therefore be achieved by focussing on reducing the emissions footprint of these materials. • Comparison of conventional and high-speed rail under central assumptions: Conventional and high-speed rail were compared for the different reference routes for services proposed under the NLP Strategic Business Case. Under the central assumptions the total average GHG emissions over the 30 year lifetime of the trains were calculated to be 18.5 gCO2eq/pkm for highspeed rail and 22.7 gCO2eq/pkm for conventional rail. When modal shift and demand creation effects are also included the average figures drop to 15.1 and 19.7 gCO2eq/pkm respectively for HSR and conventional rail. The benefits of modal switching therefore outweigh the counter-action of factoring in demand creation. Due to significantly lower modelled average occupancy levels, the equivalent modelled services direct from Birmingham to Glasgow and Edinburgh have average emission factors around double these figures. • Sensitivity analysis on occupancy levels and passenger numbers: The ±20% sensitivities on occupancy levels and passenger numbers show that as the average percentage occupancy levels of conventional and high-speed rail become closer together, the advantage high-speed rail has in terms of direct emissions per passenger-km is eroded. Parity is reached in their relative emissions when load factors for conventional rail are around 4% lower than those for high-speed rail. However, it is the total passenger numbers that are critical in the analysis, as this affects the allocation of emissions resulting from the rail infrastructure. Therefore a higher number of 47 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail services with lower occupancy but high overall passenger numbers is strongly favoured over significantly less-frequent but high-occupancy services that potentially move fewer passengers. • Sensitivity analysis on the carbon intensity of electricity generation: The sensitivity on the electricity decarbonisation rate shows that varying the assumption on future decarbonisation of electricity generation has a 30-40% impact on the total greenhouse gas emissions and over 60% on the component due to direct energy consumption by trains. Under central (rapid decarbonisation) assumptions the range for the GHG emissions between 2025 and 2055 respectively was from 30.3 to 15.0 gCO2eq/pkm for respectively HSR and 35.7 to 19.0 gCO2eq/pkm for conventional rail (excluding the effects of modal shift and demand creation). • Sensitivity analysis on embedded greenhouse gas emissions: The percentage of recycling of materials at the end of the life of infrastructure (and to much a lesser degree trains) has a very significant impact on the final results. Because of the dominating effect of embedded infrastructure emissions in the overall assessment this puts a high level of importance to designing recyclability into the design of new infrastructure as far as possible. The sensitivities on % tunnels on new line infrastructure and on the type of track also underline the importance of these elements in the overall analysis. Using ballastless track results in significantly higher GHG emissions in its construction compared to conventional track, but no detailed information was available on GHG savings due to reduced maintenance. More detailed evaluation of the GHG savings potential through avoided maintenance would be beneficial to inform the comparison should this option become preferred over conventional track in the future. The sensitivity on the % tunnels on new lines suggests that the alternatives to tunnelling should be investigated where possible due to the tunnelling’s relatively high GHG impact. • Sensitivity analysis on modal shift and demand creation: The analysis using information from the NLP Strategic Business Case showed that the benefits of modal shift outweighed the counteracting demand creation element in the overall analysis. They also showed that the net benefits due to modal shift and demand creation for high-speed rail services are notably larger than those for conventional rail, further improving high-speed rail’s relative performance. Because of the complexity in changes to rail services and passenger numbers on existing lines it was not possible to quantitavily factor in the impact if abstraction from existing rail. Overall Conclusions Overall, this work has provided a comprehensive review and evaluation of the elements that contribute to the overall energy consumption and net greenhouse gas emissions from electric rail. Through detailed analysis and sensitivities this study has also explored the impacts of key assumptions on these elements on the overall comparison of the relative performance of future conventional and highspeed rail on proposed new lines. The work has clearly demonstrated the significant net benefit of high-speed rail services over equivalent conventional services in terms of energy consumption and GHG emissions per passenger-km in the context of proposed new line development. Factoring in the net effects of modal shift and journey creation adds to this advantage. Also highlighted is the overriding significance of the GHG emissions due to new rail infrastructure in the anticipated future where the electricity system is highly decarbonised. This in turn puts significant emphasis on the importance of minimising emissions from the construction of any new rail infrastructure, focussing on sourcing lower carbon materials and on the recyclability of end of life components. On the basis of the analysis for this study, the development of new lines to provide high-speed rail services appears to be highly desirable in reducing GHG emissions in the long-term. However, there will be very significant up front GHG emissions from the construction of new infrastructure in the short-term. The results of the work also suggest a number of areas for further research to help better understand and minimise the environmental impact of rail. Recommendations for Future Work • 48 More detailed analysis of specific proposals including other environmental impacts: This work has provided a preliminary scoping level assessment of the potential impacts of the development a high-speed rail service in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. However, a more detailed assessment would be beneficial once the preliminary proposals have been firmed up. At this stage an assessment of the other environmental impacts would be appropriate, such as emissions of air quality pollutants, noise and land-take. Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail • Research into ways to minimise the environmental impact of new rail infrastructure: The results on the relative importance of infrastructure emissions in the overall equation suggests a more detailed piece of research focussing on this element would be worthwhile to include other impacts such embedded emissions of air quality pollutants. Whilst a preliminary assessment of the impacts have been carried out here, a more in depth life cycle assessment might be desirable. Research into the potential for minimisation of the GHG emissions footprint of new rail infrastructure through sourcing of less carbon intensively produced materials would also seem worthwhile. 49 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 5 References Alstom, 2009. Information provided in email and telephone conversations by Alstom in response to the project questionnaire, April 2009. Alstom, 2009a. “AGV The Latest Revolution in Very High Speed Trains”, information brochure downloaded from the Alstom website, May 2009. Available at: Atkins, 2008. Capacity Constraints on Mainline Routes, by Michael Hayes, Atkins, 2008 ATOC, 2009. ATOC analysis for Greengauge 21 on the CO2 impacts of High Speed Rail, “Energy consumption and CO2 impacts of High Speed Rail: ATOC analysis for Greengauge 21”. Available from the Greengauge 21 website at: ATOC, 2009a. Information provided by ATOC in response to the project consultation, May 2009. ATOC, 2007. Baseline Energy Statement, ATOC, 2007. BNET, 2003. TGV maintains its dominance over air. Article from the International Railway Journal by David Briginshaw, August 2003. Available on BNET at: CCC, 2008. Building a Low-Carbon Economy –The UK's Contribution to Tackling Climate Change, launch presentation by CCC for their inaugural report, 1 December 2008. Available from CCC’s website at: Carbon Trust, 2008. “Carbon Trust Carbon Footprinting and Product Labelling Scheme: Emission Factor Data Sheet, Version 6.6” Carbon Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2 February 2008. DfT,2009. Britain’s Transport Infrastructure, High Speed Two, DfT, January 2009. DfT, 2009a. Information provided in email and telephone conversations with rail experts at the Department for Transport, May 2009. DfT, 2007. “Estimated Carbon Impact of a New North-South Line”, London, Booz Allen Hamilton Ltd for the Department for Transport, 12 July 2007. Available from the DfT website at: EEA, 2000. Indicator 22-23: Vehicle utilisation, from Indicators on transport and environmental integration in the EU: TERM 2000. Available from the EEA’s website at: EIR, 2007. "Bering Strait Tunnel, Alaska-Canada Rail. Infrastructure Corridors Will Transform Economy", by Richard Freeman and Dr. Hal Cooper, EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) Economics, 21 September 2007. Available at: ESPA, 2007. The Espa Express, Newsletter of The Empire State Passengers Association, September - October 2007, Vol. 31, No. 5. Available at: Eurostar, 2009. Update of Eurostar CO2 Emissions using Energy Logging Train Data, Report to Eurostar, Independent research undertaken by: Paul Watkiss Associates, February 2009. Executive summary is available from: Eurotrib, 2008. Railways, energy, CO2 - Part 2. Online article from the European Tribune, Thu Jan 24th, 2008 at 08:40:09 AM EST, Available at: 50 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail UIC EVENT, 2003. Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Technologies for Rolling Stock and Train Operation of Railways (EVENT) Final Report (2003), International Union of Railways (UIC) \ Institute for Future Studies & Technology Assessment (IZT) GG21, 2008. Linking Heathrow to a national High-Speed Rail network, a presentation by Jim Steer (Director, Greengauge 21) at the International Rail-Air Organisation’s (IRAO) converence ‘Integrating High Speed Rail with Heathrow’, London Victoria Park Plaza Hotel, 23rd October 2008 GHG CF (2009). Defra/DECC Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors – 2009 update (forthcoming), produced by AEA for Defra and DECC, June 2009. The current versions (and those from previous years) of the conversion factors are available from Defra’s website at: Hitachi, 2009. Information provided in telephone interviews with Hitachi representatives in response to the project questionnaire, May 2009. IJLCA, 2003. “Ecology Profile of the German High-speed Rail Passenger Transport System, ICE”, by Christian von Rozycki and Heinz Koeser (Martin-Luther-University, Germany) and Henning Schwarz (Deutsche Bahn AG, Germany). An LCA Case Study published in the International Journal of LCA 8 (2) 83 - 91 (2003). IMechE, 2007. A response to the Government White Paper “Delivering a Sustainable Railway, A LowCarbon Transport Vision for the Future” from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) to a Call for Evidence from the House of Commons Transport Committee Inquiry into the Government’s White Paper on Rail (Cm 7176). Response provided: 9 October 2007. Kemp, 2009. Information provided in telephone interview with Professor Roger Kemp, Lancaster University, March 2009. Kumagai, 2008. Dr. Norimichi Kumagai (2008), Keystone of High Speed Rail: Safety & Environment, Railway Technical Research Institute of Japan, presentation to the 6th World Congress on High Speed Rail MEET, 1997. Estimating Emissions from Railway Traffic. A report by Morten W. Jørgensen and Spencer C. Sorenson for the Project MEET: Methodologies for Estimating Air Pollutant Emissions from Transport. Project funded by the European Commission under the Transport RTD Programme of the 4th framework program. 1997. Network Rail, 2009. Information provided in telephone conversations with Network Rail experts concerning initial plans for HS2 / New Lines. May 2009. NEW LINES PROGRAMME, 2009. “New Lines Programme Strategic Business Case”, Network Rail, 2009. Siemens, 2009. Information provided by email to AEA by Siemens AG in response to the project questionnaire, May 2009. RG, 2006. Football fever fuels DB traffic boom. Article by Murray Hughes in Railway Gazzette International, 1 September 2006. RSSB, 2007. T618 - Traction Energy Metrics, a report for RSSB by Interfleet and Lancaster University, December 2007. Available from RSSB’s website at: RSSB, 2007a. Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) (2007), T618 – Improving The Efficiency Of Traction Energy Use, a report for RSSB by Interfleet and Lancaster University, December 2007. Available from RSSB’s website at: Telegraph, 2009. Eurostar feeding on hunger for travel, article by Andrew Cave, from the Telegraph online, 12 April 2009. Available at: 51 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail UIC, 2009. “Energy consumption and emissions of High Speed trains” (published in Spanish in “La importancia de la velocidad”, by Alberto Garcia Alvarez, researcher of the Spanish Foundation for the Railways (“Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles”), and Professor in the engineering University of Comillas in Madrid, edited by: Romo, E. and Zamorano, C. (2008). Draft English translation supplied by UIC, 2009 van Wee et al (2003). Environmental impacts of high-speed rail links in cost–benefit analyses: a case study of the Dutch Zuider Zee line. Bert van Wee (Delft University of Technology), Robert van den Brink and Hans Nijland (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)), Transportation Research Part D 8 (2003) 299–314 WCHSR, 2008. “Keystone of High Speed Rail: Safety & Environment”, UIC 6th World Congress on High Speed Rail, Amsterdam 2008. Presentation by Dr Norimichi Kumagai, Dr. Executive Director, Railway Technical Research Institute, JAPAN. Available from UIC’s website at: Wikipedia, 2009. Summary information and images on Alstom’s AGV, downloaded May 2009.à_grande_vitesse 52 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Appendices Appendix 1: Consultation Questionnaire 53 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail 54 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail Appendix 1: Consultation Questionnaire 55 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail STUDY ON HIGH-SPEED RAIL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE VERSUS CONVENTIONAL RAIL Introduction The purpose of this study is to access and examine information on the current and future energy/greenhouse gas emissions performance of (electric) high-speed rail (HSR)10 and conventional rail11. The essential information required to evaluate this performance can be loosely grouped into the following major categories: 1) Performance (energy consumption) of the rail rolling stock: a) Current high-speed (electric) and conventional (electric, diesel) rolling stock; b) Future electric rolling stock (on up to a 20 year timeframe); 2) Seating occupancy levels in high-speed versus conventional rail services. 3) Estimated direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from diesel and electricity use (current and likely future electricity mix); 4) Estimated emissions resulting from the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of rolling stock; 5) Information relating to the potential energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction new rail infrastructure: a) Materials used in the construction of infrastructure (and the energy/emissions per kg of these materials); b) Energy use/emissions resulting from infrastructure construction activities. The primary focus of the project work is on the first three categories; however it is important to consider the other areas where they may influence the relative comparison between HSR and conventional rail. A significant amount of data/information is has already been identified on comparisons between existing rolling stock. However, given for the likely timeframe for the potential development of new lines for HS2, i.e. potentially up to 15-20 years, there is a need to identify new information on the likely performance of future rolling stock. A number of significant claims have been made for forthcoming HSR technology by manufacturers (e.g. 20%-30% reduction in energy consumption compared to current generation. There is a need to investigate such claims in more detail and in comparison to potential related technological advances in conventional rail. Of equal importance is evidence on the potential differences in passenger loading factors for HSR versus conventional rail services, as this will have a marked impact on their relative performance per passenger km. We are writing to you to request your assistance in filling in this short questionnaire about your activity / knowledge of this area. We have identified you as the key contact in this area of work, but if this is not the case could you please forward the email to the relevant contact and let us know. The timescale of this work is necessarily tight: preliminary results are needed by the middle of April. Consequently we would be grateful for swift responses. 10 Defined as services faster than typical UK intercity limit of 200km/hr, and up to 300+km/hr Comparisons are for similar types of services for HSR vs conventional rail – i.e. conventional intercity service rolling stock (up to 200 km/hr), rather than rolling stock used in slower stop-start commuter services 11 56 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail STUDY ON HIGH-SPEED RAIL ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE VERSUS CONVENTIONAL RAIL – QUESTIONNAIRE NOTE: If there is any information you would like to provide anonymously (i.e. not directly attributed to your organisation), or is commercially confidential (i.e. not to be directly disclosed in any study documentation), please indicate/highlight this clearly in your response. RETURN OF REPONSE Please type responses into the boxes provided and email your completed document to: To: (Tel. 0870 190 6490) Cc: (Tel. 0870 190 2844) (Tel. 0870 190 2634) Your name/role: Organisation: Contact details: Email: Telephone no.: Address: Please mark the area(s) in which you are able to provide information, and add further detail in the corresponding section(s). Section Yes / No (as appropriate) A Likely performance (energy consumption) conventional electric rail rolling stock of future HSR and B Evidence on seating occupancy levels in high-speed versus conventional rail services C Material on embedded energy/emissions resulting from construction, maintenance and decommissioning of new electric rail rolling stock D Information relating to the potential energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction of new rail infrastructure (e.g. materials, energy from construction activity) 57 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail A. Likely performance (energy consumption) of future HSR and conventional electric rail rolling stock Q1 Are you able to provide information on the anticipated future performance of high-speed and conventional electric rail rolling stock (2020-2030 timeframe)? [Ideally this would be in kWh per seat-km, plus (or if not available) % improvement over a specific current model] Response: Q2 What are the key technological / other measures utilised in achieving reduction in energy consumption in future models, and their approximate % contribution to improvements? Response: Q3 To what extent are the measures / improvements in efficiency planned for high-speed rail rolling stock transferable to conventional rail? Response: Q4 Is there anything else you feel we should take into account in this area? Response: B. Evidence on seating occupancy levels in high-speed versus conventional rail services Q5 Can your provide, or point us to information / experience / evidence on the relative seating occupancy of high-speed rail services, particularly in relation to equivalent conventional lower speed intercity rail services? Response: Q6 Is there anything else you feel we should take into account in this area? Response: 58 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail C. Material on embedded energy/emissions resulting from construction, maintenance and decommissioning of new electric rail rolling stock Q7 Can you provide (or direct us to) any information on the embedded energy / emissions from new electric rail rolling stock? [For example, information on materials use per train/seat equivalent, energy from construction activity, maintenance, recyclability for disposal, etc.] Response: Q8 Are there likely to be any significant differences between electric HSR or conventional rail rolling stock? [Specifically, changes that could affect embedded energy/emissions in their construction, maintenance and decommissioning]12 Response: Q9 Is there anything else you feel we should take into account in this area? Response: D. Information relating to the potential energy consumption/emissions resulting from construction of new rail infrastructure (e.g. materials, energy from construction activity) Q10 Can you provide (or direct us to) any information on the embedded energy/emissions from new electric rail infrastructure? [For example, information on materials use per km of new line, energy from construction activity, maintenance, etc.] Response: Q11 Are there likely to be any significant differences between the infrastructure necessary to support electric HSR or conventional rail services? [Specifically, changes that could affect embedded energy/emissions in their construction/maintenance] Response: Q12 Is there anything else you feel we should take into account in this area? Response: 12 For example, additional energy required for implementation of rail banking, use of continuous welded rail, etc. 59 Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional and High-Speed Rail E. Other comments Q13 Do you have any other comments, or is there anything else you feel we should take account of in comparing high-speed and conventional rail? Response: 60