Frequency Response of Transistor Amplifiers Frequency response of CS amplifier, qualitative analyses Quantitative analyses of frequency response for CS and CE amplifiers - optional Cascode amplifier - optional 1/22 CS amplifier medium frequency Full circuit: Medium frequency small-signal equivalent circuit Av g m RD Ri RG RO RD || ro RD 2/22 Frequency response of transistor amplifiers mid-frequency : – coupling capacitors → short-circuits – internal parasitic capacitances → open-circuits low-frequency: - coupling capacitors → equivalent impedances - internal parasitic capacitances → open-circuits high-frequency : - coupling capacitors → short-circuits - internal parasitic capacitances → equivalent impedances • must be taken into consideration: - output resistance of the signal source - load resistance 3/22 • No capacitors in the real signal source load small- signal equivalent circuit • Frequency independent behavior Av ( j ) cst PS Mid-frequency against frequency variations R 4/22 • Coupling capacitors in the real signal source load small-signal equivalent circuit • Frequency dependent behavior • High pass type f , Av ( j ) PS Low-frequency Sets the lower cutoff frequency fL 5/22 • Parasitic capacitors in the real signal source load small-signal equivalent circuit • Frequency dependent behavior • Low pass type f , Av ( j ) PS High-frequency Sets the upper cutoff frequency fH 6/22 Frequency response Due to coupling capacitances Due to parasitic capacitances 7/22 Optional CS amplifier real signal source load vo j Av ( j ) vi j vo(j)=Fo(j)id(j); id(j)=Fs(j)vg(j); vg(j)=Fi(j)vi(j); PS Av Fi j Fs j Fo j Analysis in the low-frequency range 8/22 Analysis in low-frequency range Optional Fi j vg j vi j Fi j jRG CCi 1 j R RG CCi HPF, introduces a pole at the frequency 1 f Li 2 R RG CCi Frequency of the pole: CCi multiplied by the total resistance seen by CCi Generalization: 1 f Li 2 R Ri CCi 9/22 Analysis in low-frequency range Optional id j Fs j v g j id j g mvgs j f Ls 1 1 2 || RS CS gm Generalization: 1 vg j vgs j g m vgs j RS || jCS Frequency of the pole: CS multiplied by the total resistance seen by CS 1 f Ls 2 R ' || RS CS 10/22 Analysis in low-frequency range Optional vo j Fo j id j f Lo 1 2 RD RL CCo Generalization: Frequency of the pole: CCo multiplied by the total resistance seen by CCo 1 f Lo 2 Ro RL CCo • Dominant pole: the greater break frequency between fLi, fLs, fLo if the nearest pole or zero will be at least a decade away. • usually given by fLs, for equal coupling capacitances 11/22 Analysis in the high-frequency range Cds is not shown here because it generates a pole at a much higher frequency that the one generated by Cgs and Cgd Cgd is reflected to the input according to Miller’s theorem Cgd ,ech 1 av Cgd av g m RL' g m RL || RD || ro Cgd ,ech 1 g m R'L Cgd Optional 12/22 Analysis in the high-frequency range Optional Ci Cgs Cgd ,ech Cgs 1 g m R'L Cgd vo j RG 1 Av j g m R' L vi j R RG 1 j R || RG Ci RG Avo g m R' L R RG 1 fH 2 R || RG Ci 1 fH 2 R || Ri Ci 13/22 Numerical example Optional CCi=CCo=Cs=10F, R=20K, RG=2M, RD=10k, RL=20k, Rs=10K, I=400µA. K=100A/V2, (W/L)=18, VA=100V. Cgs=Cgd= 1pF @ I=400A g m 1.2mS Solution: f Li ro 250KΩ 1 1 8mHz 3 6 2 ( R RG )CCi 2 20 200010 10 10 f Ls f Lo 1 1 2 || RS CS gm 1 21Hz 1 2 || 10 103 10 10 6 1,2 1 1 0,5Hz 3 6 2 RD RD 2 10 2010 10 10 fL=21Hz The output resistance of the signal source R does not affect fLi but affects fH 14/22 RG 2 ' Avo g m RL 1.2 6.5 7.7 R RG 0.02 2 Avo dB Optional 20 log( 7,7) 17,7 Ci Cgs 1 g m ro || RD || RL Cgd 1 1 1,2250|| 10 || 201 9,8pF 1 1 fH 820KHz 3 12 2 R || RG Ci 2 20 || 2000 10 9,8 10 15/22 CE amplifier Optional Analysis in the low-frequency range The effect of each capacitor is analyzed considering the other two capacitors with infinite capacity (zero equivalent impedance) f Li 1 1 2π( R Ri )CCi 2π( R RB || rbe )CCi 1 1 f Le ; ' 2π R || RE CE 2πRE CE f Lo RB RB1 || RB 2 RE RE || R ' RE || 1 1 2π( RO RL )CCo 2π( RC RL )CCo rbe RB || R 1 16/22 Analysis in the high-frequency range Optional RB || rbe 1 Av ( j ) g m ( RC || RL ) R RB || rbe 1 jRiCi Ci Cbe (1 g m RL )Cbc RB || rbe Avo g m ( RC || RL ) R RB || rbe Ri rbe || RB || R 1 fH 2π(rbe || RB || R)Ci 17/22 Cascode amplifiers Optional for the CS and CE amplifiers the magnitude of the gain and the bandwidth are in inverse ratio due to Miller’s effect when the gain increases, the parasitic capacitance reflected to the input also increases, so the high breaking frequency decreases RG Avo g m R' L R RG 1 fH 2πR || Ri Cgs 1 g m R'L Cgd to reduce the multiplication effect of the parasitic capacitance it is often use the cascode configuration: - connection of a CS (CE) amplifier followed by a CG (CB) amplifier a technique to build wideband amplifiers 18/22 The cascode configuration with MOSFET Optional medium frequency CS Av 2 Av gm RD same current through T1, T2 gm gm1 gm2 Av1 1 vo g m 2 RD g m RD vo1 Av Av1 Av 2 vo1 1 Av1 g m1 ro1 || vi gm2 1 ro1 gm2 CG Ri RG1 || RG 2 RG Ro RD || (ro1 ro 2 gm2ro1ro 2 ) RD 19/22 High frequency Optional Ci Cgs1 (1 Av1 )Cgd1 Cgs1 2Cgd1 The multiplication factor of Cgd1 is 2, considerable smaller that the one in CS configuration (1 gm R2 ). The value for Ci results much more reduced, that leads to a much higher value of the high cutoff frequency: fH 1 2π( R || RG )Ci the other two poles due to Cgs2 and Cgd2 results to considerable higher frequency than fH Ci introduces the dominant pole at high frequency and determines the 20/22 pass-band of the amplifier Numerical illustration RD 10K RG1 RG 2 4MΩ R 20KΩ I 400μA RL 20KΩ (W / L) 18 VA 100V K 100 Optional μA V2 Cgs Cgd 1pF g m 2K RG RG1 || RG 2 Av W I 2 100 18 400 1200 μS 1.2 mS L 4 || 4 2 M R g m ( RD || RL ) 20 1,2 (10 || 20) 7.9 R RG 20 2000 Ci Cgs 2Cgd 1 2 1 3 pF 1 1 fH 2.7 MHz 2 ( R || RG )Ci 2 (20 || 2000) 103 3 10 12 21/22 The cascode configuration with BJT Optional For identical T1 and T2 transistors RB RB1 || RB 2 rbe rbe1 rbe2 g m g m1 g m2 vo RB || rbe1 1 g m1 g m 2 ( RC || RL ) Av vi R RB || rbe1 gm2 RB || rbe Av g m ( RC || RL ) R RB || rbe 1 fH 2 (rbe || RB || R)(Cbe 2Cbc ) 22/22