8. Frequency Response 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 1 8.1 Bode Plots Use of the Laplace Transform Variable Motivation Frequency range of the signals is different depending on application: • audio signals: 20Hz till 20kHz; • electrocardiograms: 0.05Hz to 100Hz; • video signals: dc to 4.5MHz. When amplify these signals it is necessary to know how is changed the magnitude and the phase of the frequency components. Investigation of the feedback circuit: • How the feedback affects the magnitude and the phase shift of the amplifier? • Stability investigation. s = jω • Simplifies the analysis of the circuit, it avoids dealing with the complex numbers during the analysis. • From the results after the analysis in s-domain can be derived time domain properties of the circuit (by applying inverse Laplace transform) as well frequency domain properties (s = jω). • Poles and zeros: useful tool in the circuit description. s-domain impedances: Bode plots: simplified plots of the gain of the amplifier vs. frequency and the phase shift of the amplifier vs. frequency. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits L ⇒ sL; C⇒ 1 sC 2005/2006 2 Poles and Zeroes An Example: The Lowpass RC Circuit Poles: the roots of the denominator. Zeros: roots of numerator. For the circuit from the example: no zeros, one pole at: 1 s=− RC Break Frequencies Figure 8.1 Low-pass RC filter. In the expression for Av: s = jω = j2πf 1 Av ( f ) = 1 + j 2πRCf By applying of voltage divider principle Av (s ) = vo (s ) = 1 sC vin R + 1 sC (8.1) 1 RCs + 1 (8.2) Av (s ) = Av ( f b ) = 1 = 0.707 ∠ − 45o 1 + j1 (8.4) Vo 1 = Vin 1 + j ( f / f b ) (8.5) 1 2π RC (8.6) Av ( f ) = fb = 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits (8.3) 2005/2006 3 Gain Magnitude Expressed in Decibels Av ( f ) = 1 (8.7) 1 + ( f / fb ) 2 Av ( f ) dB = −20 log 1 + ( f / f b ) [ Av ( f ) dB = −10 log 1 + ( f / f b ) 2 ] (8.9) For f << fb |Av(f)|dB = 0. [ Av ( f ) dB = −10 log ( f f b ) = −20 log( f f b ) 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.2 Logarithmic frequency scale. (8.8) 2 For f >> fb Logarithmic Frequency Scales 2 ] decade: change the frequency of 10 times. octave: change the frequency 2 times. dB/decade: increasing or decreasing the gain in dB when frequency increases 10 times. dB/octave: increasing or decreasing the gain in dB when frequency increases 2 times. Example: 20 dB/decade = 6 dB/octave TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 4 The Magnitude Bode Plot The Phase Plot θ = − arctan( f / f b ) Figure 8.3 Bode plot for the low-pass RC filter. [ Av ( f ) dB ≅ −10 log ( f / f b ) 2 ] (8.10) Av ( f ) dB ≅ −20 log ( f / f b ) (8.11) Av ( f b ) dB ≅ −3 dB (8.12) 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.4 Bode plot for phase of the low-pass RC filter. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 5 Example 8.1 Bode Plot for a RC Circuit with One Pole and One Zero 1 2π R2C (8.15) 1 2π (R1 + R2 )C (8.16) fz = Prepare Bode Plots of magnitude and phase of the voltage transfer function Av(f)=Vo / Vin for the circuit shown in Figure 8.5. (The component values have been selected to result in convenient break frequency.) fp = Av ( f ) = Solution Av (s ) = Vo (s ) = sR2C + 1 Vin s (R1 + R2 )C + 1 (8.14) Av ( f ) = 1 + j( f f z ) 1 + j( f f p ) (8.17) 1+ ( f fz ) 2 (8.18) 1+ ( f fz ) 2 Av ( f ) dB = 20 log 1 + ( f f z ) 2 − 20 log 1 + ( f f p ) 2 θ = arctan ( f f z ) − arctan ( f f p ) (8.19) (8.20) Figure 8.5 Circuit for Example 8.1. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 6 Av ( f ) dB = 20 log 1 + ( f f z ) 2 − 20 log 1 + ( f f p ) 2 (8.19) Figure 8.6 Bode plots of the terms on the right-hand side of Equation (8.19). 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.7 Bode plot of the magnitude of Av for the circuit of Figure 8.5. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 7 θ = arctan ( f f z ) − arctan ( f f p ) (8.20) Figure 8.8 Approximate plots of the terms of Equation (8.20). 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.9 Bode phase plot of the voltage-transfer function for the circuit of Figure 8.5. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 8 Simple Check of the Bode Plot At very low frequencies (f → 0): •Very high impedance of C (ZC → ∞); •No current flows; •No voltage drop over R1; •Vo = Vin and Av = 1 (0dB). Figure 8.5 Circuit for Example 8.1. At very high frequency (f → ∞): •Very small impedance of C (ZC → 0); •The voltage gain is defined from the voltage divider R1 – R2: R2 1× 103 Av = = = 0.1 (− 20dB) 3 3 R1 + R2 3 ×10 + 1×10 The corners in the Bode plot are determined from the pole and the zero (the corner frequencies). Figure 8.7 Bode plot of the magnitude of Av for the circuit of Figure 8.5. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 9 Example 8.2 Bode Plot for a High Pass RC Filter From the voltage divider principle: Prepare Bode plots of the magnitude and phase of the voltage transfer function Av=Vo / Vin (f) for the circuit illustrated in Figure 8.10. Solution: Av = R2 Z + R2 Z = R1 + where Av (s ) = fp = 1 sC sR2C s (R1 + R2 )C + 1 1 2π (R1 + R2 )C j f fp R2 Av ( f ) = R1 + R2 1 + j f f p Figure 8.10 Circuit of Example 8.2. (8.21) (8.22) (8.23) f / fp R2 Av ( f ) = × 2 R1 + R2 1+ ( f / f p ) 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 10 Av ( f ) dB = 20 log R2 2 + 20 log( f / f p ) − 20 log 1 + ( f / f p ) R1 + R2 (8.24) Av ( f ) dB = −12 + 20 log( f / 3.98) − 20 log 1 + ( f / 3.98) 2 Figure 8.11 Plots of the terms on the right-hand side of Equation (8.25). 8. Frequency Response (8.25) Figure 8.12 Magnitude Bode plot for the circuit of Figure 8.10. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 11 θ = 90o − arctan( f / 3.98) Figure 8.13 Plots of the terms on the right-hand side of Equation (8.26). 8. Frequency Response (8.26) Figure 8.14 Bode phase plot for the voltage-transfer function of the circuit shown in Figure 8.10. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 12 8.3 The Miller Effect Miller effect: an impedance, connected between input and output of an amplifier (parallel feedback impedance) can be replaced equivalently by two impedances in parallel to the input and output. V f = Vi − Vo Vo = Av Vi V f = Vi (1 − Av ) If = Vf Zf = Vi (1 − Av ) Zf Z in, Miller = Zf 1 − Av Z out, Miller = Figure 8.24 A feedback impedance can be replaced by impedances in parallel with the input and output terminals. 8. Frequency Response Z f Av Av − 1 Av < 0, otherwise Zin, Miller is negative. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 13 Miller Effect Applied to Feedback Capacitance Cf Amplifier Cin, Miller Amplifier Cout, Miller Amplifier, having parallel feedback capacitance Cf, and its Miller equivalent circuit. Zf = Z in, Miller = Z out, Miller 8. Frequency Response 1 jω C f Cin, Miller = C f (1 − Av ) 1 jω C f (1 − Av ) Cout, Miller = Av = jω C f ( Av − 1) TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits C f Av ( Av − 1) 2005/2006 14 8.4 The Hybrid - π Model for the BJT The rπ - β Model The Hybrid - π Model Figure 8.29 Hybrid- π equivalent circuit. It is an expansion of the rπ– β model of the BJT. Figure 8.27 The rπ– β model for the BJT. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 15 Figure 8.29 Hybrid- π equivalent circuit.. rx – base spreading resistance. It is the ohmic resistance of the base region. (~10Ω) gm – transconductance and accounts for amplifying properties. (10..600mS) rπ – dynamic resistance of base-emitter junction (1..2..3kΩ) Cπ – capacitance (diffusion + depletion) of baseemitter junction (~102pF) rµ – reflects base-width modulation. Few MΩ and usually is neglected. gm = rπ = I CQ (8.47) VT ro – reflects the upward slope of output characteristics of the BJT. (10..100kΩ) Cµ – depletion capacitance of collector-base junction. (Few pF) 8. Frequency Response β TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits VA ro ≅ I CQ (8.43) 2005/2006 16 Figure 8.30 Hybrid-π model with rx = 0, rµ = ∞, ro= ∞, and the capacitors replaced by open circuits. This approximate low-frequency model is equivalent to the rπ– β model of Figure 8.27. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 17 Example 8.7 Determining the Hybrid - π Parameter by Using the Data Sheet Use the data sheet in Appendix B to determine values for the hybrid - π equivalent circuit for a typical 2N2222A transistor at a Q - point of ICQ=10 mA and VCEQ=10 V. Assume that VT=26mV. Results: g m = 0.385 S β = 225 Figure 8.31 Hybrid-π model for the 2N2222A at ICQ =10 mA and VCEQ = 10V. For these values, β ≈ 225. rπ = 585Ω rµ = 1.5MΩ rx = 19 Ω C µ = 8 pF Cπ ≅ 196 pF 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 18 8.5 Common - Emitter Amplifiers at High Frequencies Figure 8.33 Common-emitter amplifier. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 19 Figure 8.33 Common-emitter amplifier. RL' = RL || RC || ro (8.49) Rs' = rπ || [rx + (RB || Rs )] (8.50) RB = R1 || R2 8. Frequency Response (8.51) Figure 8.34 Equivalent circuit of Figure 8.33b after removing rµ, replacing ro, RC, and RL by their parallel equivalent, and replacing the circuit to the left-hand side of b' by its Thévenin equivalent. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 20 Figure 8.35 Simplified equivalent circuit for the common-emitter amplifier. Vo = − g m rπ RL' Avb' = Vo = − g m RL' Vπ ( CT = Cπ + C µ 1 + g m R 'L fH = 8. Frequency Response (8.52) 1 2π Rs' CT (8.53) ) (8.54) (8.55) Figure 8.36 High-frequency behavior of the commonemitter amplifier. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 21 Example 8.8 High Frequency Response of the Common - Emitter Amplifier Consider the common - emitter amplifier shown in Figure 8.37. Initially, we assume that RE1=0, and then this circuit has the same small signal equivalent circuit as the circuit illustrated in Figure 8.33. It can be demonstrated that the Q-point is at approximately ICQ=10 mA and VCEQ=10 V. The values of the hybrid - π parameters for the transistor at this Q-point are shown in Figure 8.31. Use the result derived in this section to find the upper half-power frequency and the formulas of Chapter 4 to find the midband value for Avs. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits Figure 8.37 Circuit for Example 8.8. 2005/2006 22 Solution: rx = 19Ω rπ = 585Ω Cπ = 196pF ro = 22.5kΩ g m = 0.385S rµ = 1.5MΩ Rin = RB || [rπ + (β + 1)RE1 ] = (10kΩ ) || [585 + 226 × 0] = 553Ω C µ = 8pF Avs = RL' = RL || RC || ro = 510 || 510 || 22.5kΩ = 252Ω Rin vo = Av Rs + Rin vs = −96.9 Rs' = rπ || [rx + (RB || Rs )] = 585 || [19 + (10kΩ || 50 )] = 61.5Ω ( CT = Cπ + Cµ 1 + g m R 'L 553 = −88.9 50 + 553 ) = 196 + 8(1 + 0.358 × 252) = 196 + 784 = 980pF fH = 1 1 = = 2.64MHz ' −12 2π Rs CT 2π × 61.5 × 980 × 10 β ≅ rπ g m = 585 × 0.385 = 225 vo − β RL' − 225 × 252 Av = = = vin rπ + (β + 1)RE1 585 + (225 + 1)× 0 = −96.9 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.38 Gain magnitude versus frequency for the common-emitter amplifier of Example 8.8. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 23 8.8 Low Frequency Response of RC - Coupled Amplifiers Vo RL j( f / f 2 ) = × V y Ro + RL 1 + j ( f / f 2 ) Coupling Capacitors f2 = 1 2π (Ro + RL )C2 Avo = Figure 8.47 Amplifier with coupling capacitors. Vo Vx V y Vo Avs = = × × Vs Vs Vx V y (8.71) Vx Rin j ( f / f1 ) = × Vs Rs + Rin 1 + j ( f / f1 ) (8.72) f1 = 1 2π (Rs + Rin )C1 8. Frequency Response Avs = Vy (8.74) (8.75) (8.76) Vx Rin j ( f / f1 ) RL j( f / f 2 ) × × Avo × × Rs + Rin 1 + j ( f / f1 ) Ro + RL 1 + j ( f / f 2 ) Avsmid = Rin RL × Avo × Ro + RL Rs + Rin Avs = Avsmid × j ( f / f1 ) j( f / f2 ) × 1 + j ( f / f1 ) 1 + j ( f / f 2 ) (8.77) (8.78) (8.73) TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 24 Avs = Avsmid × j ( f / f1 ) j( f / f 2 ) × 1 + j ( f / f1 ) 1 + j ( f / f 2 ) (8.78) Two break frequencies in the terms j ( f / f1 ) 1 + j ( f / f1 ) and j( f / f 2 ) 1 + j( f / f 2 ) Figure 8.48 Magnitude Bode plot for the amplifier of Figure 8.47. (We have assumed that f1 > f2.) 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 25 Exercise 8.17 Find the break frequency for the amplifier of Figure 8.52. If we want to reduce the lower half power frequency of the amplifier, which capacitor is most critical? Should we increase or reduce its value? Solution: The amplifier has three coupling capacitors, determining three break frequencies: 1 f1 = 2π (Rs + Ri1 )C1 = 1 = 0.796Hz 3 3 −6 2π 100 × 10 + 100 × 10 × 1× 10 ( ) f2 = 1 2π (Ro1 + Ri 2 )C2 1 = 53.1Hz 3 3 −6 2π 1× 10 + 2 × 10 × 1× 10 1 f3 = 2π (Ro 2 + RL )C3 = = ( ) 1 = 15.9kHz 2π (2 + 8)× 1× 10 −6 Since f3 >> f1 and f3 >> f2 , the break frequency is f3 = 15.9kHz. C3 must be changed to >100µF. Figure 8.52 Amplifier for Exercise 8.17. 8. Frequency Response TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 26 Bypass Capacitors Figure 8.53 Discrete common-emitter amplifier. 8. Frequency Response Figure 8.54 Gain magnitude versus frequency. TLT-8016 Basic Analog Circuits 2005/2006 27