Physics 2C 1 Winter 2016: Course Policy DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Physics 2C Winter 2016 February 1st, 2015 University Physics – Fluids, Waves, Thermodynamics, and Optics Web page: INSTRUCTOR: Prof. Jérémie Palacci, Office Hours: Thursdays, 11AM-Noon, Mayer Hall Addition 4222 Course Coordinator: TAs: Patti Hey, 2571 Mayer Hall Addition, 822-1468, 2C: Kris Mackewicz Office Hours: Wednesdays, 1130AM-1230AM, Lounge on the 4th floor of Mayer Class Schedule: Lectures: TuTh 3:30PM-450PM GH242 Quizzes: Fr 8:00AM-8:50AM GH242 Discussions: Wed 8:00AM-8:50AM GH242 Problem Sessions: Mo 8:00PM-9:50PM PCYNH106 Final Exam: Tu – 3/15/2016 3:00PM-5:59PM TBA Final Examination: The final examination will cover all of the material of the course. Please check your final exam schedule and inform the instructor of any conflicts within the first two weeks of the quarter. Books: Halliday & Resnick & Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 10 th Edition, Vol. 1 Part 2 & Vol. 2 Part 4, John Wiley & Sons. Or Phys. 2C custom, 10th edition Prerequisites: Physics 2A, Math 20C and concurrent enrollment in Math 20D Trigonometry, vectors, and calculus will be used in lectures, problem sets and exams. Help Is Available: Problem solving sessions will be held on Wednesdays as well as Monday evenings. At these sessions, problems will be worked out and the weekly lectures gone over. Attendance is voluntary, but students are encouraged to use these meetings to help master course material and prepare for quizzes. Discussion sections are optional. A minimum of one student needs to be there on time, otherwise the section is cancelled for that week. Physics 2C Winter 2016: Course Policy 2 Individual assistance is available during office hours for instructor and TAs. The Physics Dept. tutorial center (location 2702 Mayer Hall Addition) is also open Sunday-Thursday from 3-8 p.m. Piazza forums: You need to try to solve problems and explain how far you got before asking for guidance or hints – do not expect TAs or instructor to do all the work for you in solving your homework! Acad. Dishonesty: Please read “UC Policy on Integrity of Scholarship” in the UCSD General Catalog: All quizzes and the final exam are “closed book” (you are allowed scantrons, pencils and calculators only). No laptops, tablets or cellphones are allowed. Turn off your cell phones. No texting, emailing or talking is allowed until you submit your scantron and leave the room. All work is individual; do not look at your neighbor’s quiz. We will check IDs when you submit your scantrons. Any observed violation of these rules will be immediately reported to Academic Integrity Office. A student found in violation of UCSD Academic Integrity policy may result in an F grade in the course. Course Format: Physics 2 A-B-C-D is a lecture course covering mechanics, electricity and magnetism, waves and modern physics. Physics 2C is a calculus-based science-engineering general physics course covering fluid mechanics, waves in elastic media, sound waves, temperature, heat and the first law of thermodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves, geometric optics, interference and diffraction. HW Assignments: Problem sets are assigned as selections from each text chapter. Solutions will be available on the TED website. The problems will be worked in detail during the problem session. The homework will not be graded. Quizzes: 8 Quizzes will be given, beginning in the 2nd week (Jan. 15, 22, 29, Feb. 5, 19, 26, Mar. 4, 11 )– there will be no quizzes during Week 1, or Week 6 (Feb. 12). Quizzes are 45mins max. They start at 8:05AM and finish at 8:50AM. If you start late, you still have to stop at 8:50AM. BE ON TIME FOR THE QUIZZ if you want the full 45mins. You should check the answer, which corresponds to the right answer or the closest to the right answer. Physics 2C Winter 2016: Course Policy 3 Your lowest 2 quiz scores will be dropped. Remaining 6 quizzes will contribute to 60% of your overall grade, at 10% each. We will provide relevant formula sheet for each quiz. You are allowed to use calculator and pencils/scantrons only. Not allowed: books, laptops, tablets, phones or any other materials. Please turn your cellphones off during the quiz. Using a phone for any reason during the quiz or the final exam is violation of academic integrity. Talking to another student during the quiz or the final exam (for any reason), or looking at their exams is violation of academic integrity. If you have any questions or concerns during the quiz or the exam, raise your hand and ask the TA or the proctor. There will be no make-up quizzes or exams. You must purchase your own scantron form for quizzes (Red Scantrons, No. X101864-PAR). They are available at the Bookstore and the general store co-op for $0.15 each. You will need a No. 2 pencil to fill in the scantron. When results of exams are posted on the TED website, they will be listed by PID number. At each exam you are to enter your PID into the top right area of the Scantron labeled ID Number. You are to replace the initial A in your PID with the number 0. Clickers: You have the opportunity to participate in lecture by utilizing the inclass clicker system (iClickers). Each clicker has a unique serial number on the back of the remote. In order to receive credit for your participation, you will need to register your clicker remote on TED. Every question given in lecture is worth up to 2 points, you will be given one point for merely answering with a point given for answering correctly. You are allowed to discuss clicker questions with your fellow students in class if you like. Clickers will become part of lecture beginning the week 2 of the quarter. Grading Policy: Quizzes Final Exam Clickers 60% (Determined by sum of your top six quiz scores) 35% 5% Add/Drop: Use WebReg to add/change/drop, drop from waitlists. See Toni Moore (534-1745; <>) in the Physics Department, Student Affairs Office, Mayer Hall Addition, Room 2581, if you have any problems with WebReg. If you need advice, see the TA or the instructor, but they do not sign any cards. If you are on the waitlist, please remember that TAs or instructor cannot move you from waitlist (registrar office does that automatically) or increase the enrollment size (set by fire marshal rules). Physics 2C 4 Winter 2016: Course Policy Physics 2C, Win’16 – Tentative Schedule Week 1 Date Jan. 5 Jan. 7 chapter 18 18 Fr Topic Overview/ Temperature and Heat First Law of Thermodynamics, Conduction, Convection, & Radiation No Quizz Tu Th Jan. 8 2 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Tu Th F Ideal Gases, Molar Specific Heats Degrees of Freedom Quiz 1 -- Math HW & Chap. 18 19 19 3 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 22 Tu Th F Entropy, Second Law Engines and Refrigerators Quiz 2 -- Chap. 19 20 20 4 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Tu Th 14 14 Jan. 29 F Density and Pressure Archimedes’ Principles Bernoulli’s Equation Quiz 3 -- Chap. 20 Feb. 2 Tu 14 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Th F Archimedes’ Principles Bernoulli’s Equation SHM & Waves Quiz 4 -- Chap. 14, 15, 20 Feb. 9 Tu 16 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Th F Superposition of Waves, Standing Waves & Resonance Sound Waves No Quiz 7 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Tu Th F Interference, The Doppler Effect Electromagnetic Waves, Polarization Quiz 5 -- Chap. 15, 16, 17 (no Doppler effect) 17 33 8 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Tu Th F Reflection and Refraction Mirrors and Images Quiz 6 -- Chap. 17 (Doppler effect), 33 33 34 9 Mar. 1 Mar. 3 Mar. 4 Tu Th F Geometrical Optics Optical Interference, Young’s Experiment Quiz 7 -- Chap. 33, 34 34 35 Tu Th F Diffraction, Diffraction Gratings Class Review Quiz 8 -- Chap. 34, 35 35 10 Mar. 8 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 FIN Mar. 15 Tu 3-6PM 5 6 15 17