Business Continuity Exercise Program (BCEP) Information

Business Continuity Exercise
Program (BCEP)
Information Packet
This exercise program was developed by the
Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
A Member of the Texas A&M University System
Given the recent lessons learned from the economic impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita,
TEEX is developing tools to decrease the impact of the next disaster on businesses. Disasters as
well as the small disruptions affect your business, your customers, and your profits. According
to U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, over 40% of all companies that experience a disaster
never reopen and over 25% of the remaining companies close within two years.
Business Continuity Planning Course
The Business Continuity Planning Course provides organization managers the information
necessary to plan for, respond to and recover from catastrophic events. Built upon the concepts
of risk analysis and business impact planning, this course is designed to provide the roadmap to
organizational emergency response for the coordinated response during and after a catastrophic
event in which company facilities and processes are interrupted. The 16-hour course provides
the organizational managers with the critical decision making process and some key factors to be
considered in the trans-, and post-event periods.
Business Continuity Planning Technical Assistance
The Business Continuity Planning Technical Assistance provides hands on development of the
Business Continuity Plan for the requesting agency. The technical assistance commences with
an on-site visit to determine the level of existing continuity planning, business processes and the
scope of the organizational complexity. Through facilitated hands on development with the
organizational Emergency Response Planning Team, the business continuity expert will assist in
conducting a business impact assessment, risk analysis and will assist the ERT in development of
the BCP for the organization. At the completion of the technical assistance the organization will
have made the decisions and been equipped with the tools to manage a successful Business
Continuity Program.
Business Continuity Exercise Program
The Business Continuity Exercise Program provides on site realistic disaster exercises to assess
your continuity plan using field tested exercise and simulations incorporating Homeland Security
Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) methodologies and the National Incident
Management System (NIMS)/Incident Command System (ICS) principles. Planners work in a
collaborative manner with your staff to fashion an exercise that achieves your goals and
objectives. At the conclusion of the exercise, a formal After Action Report (AAR) and
recommended Improvement Plan (IP) will be provided to the organization.
Exercise Objectives
The Business Continuity Plan Exercise Program is designed to help prepare companies,
corporations, jurisdictions or other entities to assess their continuity of operations response and
recovery plans using field tested exercise and simulations developed by the National Emergency
Response and Rescue Training Center (NERRTC). The exercise provides organization managers
the opportunity to:
1) Test and review existing plans and procedures developed to ensure continued operations
during and subsequent to a catastrophic event and
2) Provide useful information and feedback to tailor or revise these plans and procedures based
on issues observed and learned as a result of the exercise.
3) Apply a format for the exercise that supports the organizations needs (e.g. tabletop, functional,
or full scale as desired).
The BCPEP is modeled after proven Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
(HSEEP) methodologies and upon both the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and
Incident Command System (ICS) principles. Exercise planners work in a collaborative manner
with your staff to fashion an exercise that achieves your goals and objectives. Through an
interactive tabletop, functional or complex full scale exercise, the BCPEP provides critical
decision makers a rare opportunity to assess the organization’s business continuity plan and
implement with confidence necessary improvements identified during the exercise. The exercise
focuses on the exchange of information between participants at various levels and often from a
variety of agencies with strong emphasis on information acquisition, sharing, assessment and
subsequent decision making. Subject matter experts (SMEs) with real world experience provide
valuable assistance and feedback to the participants throughout the exercise and will aid in
identification and documentation of strengths and weaknesses in the business continuity plan and
decision making processes. At the conclusion of the exercise, a formal After Action Report
(AAR) and recommended Improvement Plan (IP) will be provided to the organization if desired.
All information obtained during the planning and exercise design and development stages, as
well as the results of the exercise itself, are handled in accordance with the wishes of the
organization to be exercised. Non-disclosure, trade secrets, sensitive information, proprietary
data or information, and similar documents or information will be carefully and strictly handled
in accordance with the guidance provided by the customer. Documents, disks, CDROMs,
pictures, hard copy and any other electronic media utilized or developed will also be handled
confidentially as directed and agreed.
Exercise Methodology/Process
Phase 1
Exercise month minus 90 days
Conduct Exercise Orientation Meeting
Phase 2
Exercise month minus 90 to 60 days
Conduct Exercise Planning Meetings
Phase 3
Exercise month
Exercise Activities
Exercise planners provide information on format of
exercise, role of participants and controllers and
facilitate development of exercise goals and objectives.
Exercise Activities
Exercise planners work with company personnel to
formulate relevant scenarios, timeline and scale of
Exercise Activities
Conduct the Exercise
Simulated disaster incident with company staff working
in roles they would play in actual event, facilitated by
Conduct After Action Reviews
Facilitated discussions during key phases of the
exercise to review lessons learned, reinforce strengths
in the plan/execution and identify areas of
Phase 4
Exercise month plus 30 to 60 days
Submit Post Exercise Report
Exercise Activities
Per the customer’s request, exercise planner provides a
report highlighting the exercise events, training
observations of facilitators and recommended
improvement areas.
Intended Audience
The course should bring together representatives from the multiple departments that have responsibility to plan for,
respond to, recover from and mitigate against any incident of such significance that the business continuity plan is
implemented. The participants should include senior administrators, policy makers, decision makers, and selected
management or supervisory level personnel of the business being exercised and other critical personnel identified by
the business. The participants that will be invited will be at the discretion of the agency. The below listing
identifies potential participants that might be selected to participate.
Chief Operating Officers, Chief Executive Officers, and other Decision Makers
Chief Financial Officer/Finance/Audit
Internal Review
Risk Management
Business Continuity
Technology personnel, including Information Management, Network Services, etc.
Human Resources/Personnel
Operations and Related
Maintenance and Related
Quality Assurance/Control
Inventory Management and Control
Records Management
Environmental Services
Emergency Responders
Physical Security
Public Information/Media Relations
Customer Relations
Emergency Management
Contracted/supporting agencies/entities (as applicable and invited)
Regulatory Agencies (as applicable and invited)
Public sector agencies that might be involved in response; city, county/parish, state,
and federal agency personnel who would work with the entity and aid in resolution
during a business continuity incident (as applicable and invited)
Like/similar entities (as applicable and invited)
Other potentially involved professions or disciplines unique to the threat/risk (as
applicable and invited)
Resource Requirements
The following items are provided by the customer for the delivery of the exercise:
Classroom/facilities capable of handling sufficient tables and all exercise
participants for the requested exercise format
Projection screen
Flip chart and/or whiteboard or chalkboard
Flip chart markers and/or whiteboard markers or chalk
The following items are provided by TEEX for delivery of the exercise:
Exercise materials
Facilitators to support requested exercise format
Facilitation equipment