Plan Review Hand-out - 120mph 3 sec gust (V-asd) - Exposure B [NOTE: 2012 WFCM Lists wind speeds based on 700-yr return period. Equivalent 700-yr for 120mph (V-asd) equals 150mph (V-ult)] GENERAL All work/materials shall conform to the Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code (LSUCC) [LAC 55:VI.301]. It is the responsibility of individual builders and/or contractors to comply with all listed codes. Design Criteria CODES: IBC 2012 International Building Code (Commercial) IRC 2012 International Residential Code (Residential) IPC 2012 International Plumbing Code IMC 2012 International Mechanical Code IEBC 2012 International Existing Building Code NEC 2011 National Electrical Code WFCM 2012 Wood Frame Construction Manual ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures SSTD 10-99 Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential Construction ICC 600 2008 Standard for Residential Construction in High-Wind Regions Loads Live Loads: Attics, Uninhabitable ..................= 10psf Attics (with limited storage)........ = 20psf Roof........................................... = 20psf Wind Loads: Basic Wind Speed, V-asd ........................ = 120mph Basic Wind Speed WFCM V-ult equivalent = 150mph Exposure Category ................................... = B General Framing All wood framing in regions where the basic wind speed (V-asd) equals or exceeds 110mph, the requirements of WFCM, SSTD 10-99, and/ or ICC 600 are applicable [LAC55:VI.301.A.3.a.ii.(b), IRC 301.2.1.1, and IBC 1609.1.1]. All wood framing members shall be #2 Southern Yellow Pine (Unless otherwise noted). All lumber in contact with earth, concrete and/or masonry shall be treated. Floor, attic and roof framing shall be as per plan or sized according to requirements not to exceed maximum span tables per WFCM 2012. Provide bridging where shown or when joists exceed 8 foot span. Provide double floor joist or beams under non-load bearing walls when joists are parallel to wall. Load bearing walls parallel to joists shall be directly supported by beams, girders, or other load bearing walls. [WFCM] Where load bearing walls above are perpendicular to floor joists, walls shall not be off set from load bearing beams or walls below more than the width of the floor joist [WFCM]. Wood Connectors Foundation (Slab-on-grade) Uplift connectors shall be provided for a continuous load path to transfer all lateral and vertical loads from from the roof, wall, and floor systems to the foundation. All Exterior walls, bearing walls, columns and piers shall be supported on concrete footings [WFCM, SSTD, ICC 600]. Connectors shall be installed with the maximum number of fasteners per the manufacturer's recommendations and specifications unless specifically noted otherwise. Concrete footings/foundation shall have a minimum specified compressive strength of 2500 psi [IRC, SSTD, AND ICC 600]. See Uplift Connector Tables (attached) for minimum allowable rated connectors that may be used for this project. Sheathing Use 7/16" APA Exposure 1 rated sheathing on all exterior walls, shear-walls, and roof. Plywood is an acceptable alternate for APA Exposure 1 rated sheathing. Floor sheathing shall be APA rated 3/4" thick minimum CD Tongue & Grove nailed to floor joists with 8d common nails @ 6" O.C. at edges & 12" O.C. at intermediate joists. Edges of wood structural panel roof sheathing supported at 24 inches on center, shall be supported with blocking or edge clips. [WFCM] Nailing pattern for shear wall sheathing (exterior walls): - 8d common/10d box @ 6" O.C. at all edges/perimeter - 8d common/10d box @ 12" O.C. all interior studs. [WFCM Table 3.11] Nailing Pattern for roof sheathing: Interior Zone: (not within 4'-0" of roof edge) - 8d common/10d box @ 6" O.C. at all edges. - 8d common/10d box @ 12" O.C. at in the field. Perimeter Edge Zone: (within 4'-0" of roof edge) - 8d common/10d box @ 6" O.C. at all edges. - 8d common/10d box @ 6" O.C. in the field. Gable Endwall Rake: - 8d common/10d box @ 4" O.C. at edges. - 8d common/10d box @ 4" O.C. in the field. [WFCM Table 3.10] Anchor Bolts All anchor bolts shall be ASTM A307 Bolts with standard hooks and shall have a minimum embedment of of 7". Each bolt shall have a 3"x3"x 1/8" square washer [WFCM, SSTD, & ICC 600]. Anchor bolts shall be a minimum 5/8" x 10" bolt spaced no greater than as indicated within attached hand-out for 120mph & within 12" of each corner [WFCM Table 3.2B, SSTD, ICC 600]. Corner Hold-downs Hold-down anchors shall be place at each shear-wall end (exterior wall corners), unless otherwise noted, with minimum capacities per detailed hold down chart within attached hand-out. [WFCM Table 3.17F, SSTD, ICC 600]. All exterior footings shall have a minimum of two (2) # 5 rebar. The outer bar of the foundation reinforcing shall be continuous around corners using corner bars or by bending the bar. Minimum bar lap shall be 25 inches [SSTD and ICC 600]. Slab shall not be less than 3 1/2" thick. The slab shall have 6x6w1.4 X W1.4 welded wire fabric at mid-height or synthetic fiber reinforcement. Double layer of welded wire fabric 3 feet wide shall be provided around the perimeter of the slab [SSTD and ICC 600] (see detail). Exterior footings shall be a minimum of 12 inches within natural undisturbed soil [IRC ]. Exterior footing depth (T) shall be a minimum of 20" (U.N.O.). Exterior footing Width (W) shall be a minimum of 12" (U.N.O.) [SSTD and ICC 600]. Interior footings Depth (T) shall be a minimum of 6" and Width (W) shall be a minimum 12 inches (U.N.O.) [SSTD and ICC 600]. Doors and Windows All windows in buildings located within windborn debris regions (120mph or greater or within a mile of the coast) shall be impact resistant or protected with an impact-resistant covering meeting the requirements of ASTM E 1996 and ASTME 1886 OR shall be provided with pre-cut 7/16" minimum plywood panels for each opening with attachment hardware in accordance with IBC 1609.1.2 and IRC 301.2.1.2. All windows shall be designed and installed to withstand design wind loads [IBC & IRC 301.2.1]. Roll up doors shall be designed and installed to withstand design wind loads [IBC & IRC 301.2.1]. All windows shall have a maximum U-Factor of 0.75 & Solar Heat Gain Coefficient rating of 0.40 [IRC 2006 as amended per LAC55:VI.301]. Rafter Span Table ‐ Exp "B" (WFCM T3.26A Foot Note 3) SPAN (ft) RAFTER SIZE @ 24" O.C. Up to 6' 2 X 4 6'‐1" to 9'‐0" 2 X 6 9'‐1" to 11'‐5" 2 X 8 11'‐6" to 13'‐5" 2 X 10 13'‐6" to 16'‐0" 2 X 12 Rafter spans based on wind speed factors for 150mph (V‐ult) / 120mph (V‐asd) for all pitches per Table 3.26A foot note 3 CEILING JOIST SPANS (Unihabitable attics with storage LL = 20psf) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 13'‐6" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 17'‐5" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 20'‐9" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 24'‐0" 2 X 10 12" O.C. CEILING JOIST SPANS (Unihabitable attics NO storage LL = 10psf) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 17'‐8" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 23'‐4" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 26'‐0" 2 X 10 16" O.C. Note: Max lumber span prescriptively is 26' Floor Joist Span Table (Living areas LL = 40psf / DL = 10) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 9'‐9" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 12'‐10" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 16'‐1" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 18'‐10" 2 X 12 16" O.C. 18'‐0" 2 X 10 12" O.C. 21'‐9" 2 X 12 12" O.C. Floor Joist Span Table (Bedroom areas LL = 30psf / DL = 10) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 10'‐9" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 14'‐2" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 18'‐0" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 21'‐1" 2 X 12 16" O.C. 19'‐10" 2 X 10 12" O.C. 24'‐2" 2 X 12 12" O.C. Plan Review Hand-out Page 1 of Plan Review Hand-out Page 2 of Shearwall Corner (end) Hold‐down capacity requirements (Re: WFCM T3.17F) Required Hold down Capacity (lbs) Per story Wall Height (ft) 8 3488 9 3924 4360 10 Note: Holddown capacities are tabulated per story. Required holddown capacities shall be summed from the story above to the story below. Connectors shown are are example manufactured Hold-downs by Simpson and/or USP. Prescriptive alternative per WFCM or manufactured Hold-downs may be used based on design uplift capacity rating. Plan Review Hand-out Page 3 of Exposure "B" Rafter and Stud to Top Plate Connection (Re: WFCM T3.4) 700‐yr (V‐ult) MPH Rafter Spacing and/or Stud Min lbs. spacing at top plate *** Roof Span uplift req L / S Acceptable Simpson Connectors ** Acceptable USP Connectors ** LFTA6, LTW12, MTW12, SPT's, RSPT4, H1, H2A, H2.5A, H2.5T, H3, H4, SPTH's, SPTHW's,RT3A, RT4*, RT5*, RT7, H5*, H8, H10A*, H10S*, H10‐2*, RT7A*, RT8A*, RT10, RT15*, RT16A*, H11z*, H14* RT16‐2* X</= 24' 315 197/102 16 o.c. LFTA6, LTW12, MTW12, SPT's, RSPT4, H1, H2A, H2.5A, H2.5T, H3, H5*, SPTH's, SPTHW's,RT3A, RT4*, RT5*, RT7, H8, H10A*, H10S*, H10‐2*, RT7A*, RT8A*, RT10, RT15*, RT16A*, H11z*, H14* RT16‐2* 150mph (V‐ult) X</= 36' 435 197/102 [120mph (V‐asd)] LFTA6, LTW12, MTW12, SPT's, SPTH's, H1, H2A, H2.5A, H2.5T, H8, H10A, SPTHW's,RT3A, RT4, RT5, RT7, RT7A, H10S, H10‐2*, H11z*, H14 RT8A, RT10, RT15*, RT16A*, RT16‐2* X</= 24' 472 295/153 24 o.c. LFTA6, LTW12, MTW12, SPT's, SPTH's, SPTHW's,RT3A, RT4, RT5, RT7, RT7A, H8, H10A, H10S, H10‐2*, H11z*, RT8A, RT10, RT15*, RT16A*, RT16‐2* H14 X</= 36' 653 295/153 NOTE: Single Asterisk "*" denotes connectors that meet the L/S Requirement and therefore would not require the prescriptive 8d or 10d box nails (No. toe nailed per Table 3.4A) at rafter connection to top plate for L/S alternative (See Table 3.4A). V-ult 120mph (V-asd) NOTE: Double Asterisk "**" denotes connectors provided by a specific manufacture listed to meet required uplift loads. Although a specific manufacture type connector may be listed, any approved uplift connector with equivelant uplift capacities may be used. NOTE: Triple Asterisk "***" denotes connection requirements based on the following: Where rafters or trusses are not attached directly to studs, rafters or trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be attached to the stud with uplift connections in accordance with this table (see figure 3.2j‐k). Exposure "B" ‐ Sill Plate to Stud uplift connection (One Story ‐ Raised floor) (Ref: WFCM TABLE 3.2) Example acceptable Simpson or USP Min plf of connectors (Equivalent connectors by 700‐yr (V‐ult ) MPH Stud Spacing Roof Span uplift req other manuf may be used) 150mph (V‐ult ) [120mph (V‐asd)] 16 o.c. X </= 24' 167 H6, LTW's, LFTA's or MTW's H6, LTW's, LFTA's or MTW's X </= 36' 258 Each stud shall be fasten to top and bottom plate with two (2) 16d Common Nails or (2) 40d Box nails per stud to plate connection to meet lateral connection requirements for wind loads. Exposure "B" ‐ Bottom Plate to Stud uplift connection (One Story ‐ slab on grade) (Ref: WFCM TABLE 3.2) Example acceptable Simpson or USP connectors (Equivalent connectors by 700‐yr (V‐ult ) MPH other manuf may be used) Stud Spacing Roof Span Min PLF req H4, H8, TSP, SSP, DSP, SP1, SPH4, SPH4R, RSP4, (SPH6's for 2 X 6 walls), RSPT4, MPA1 X </= 24' 167 150mph (V‐ult ) 16 o.c. [120mph (V‐asd)] H4, H8, TSP, SSP, DSP, SP1, SPH4, SPH4R, RSP4, (SPH6's for 2 X 6 walls), RSPT4, MPA1 X </= 36' 258 Each stud shall be fasten to top and bottom plate with two (2) 16d Common Nails or (2) 40d Box nails per stud to plate connection to meet lateral connection requirements for wind loads. Plan Review Hand-out Page 4 of Ridge Straps required when collar ties in upper 1/3 not provided. See prescriptive reference per WFCM Table A-3.6 2x4 min for stripping fasten at each rafter point with (2) #8 deck screws Collar ties when used in lieu of Ridge Straps shall be placed in the upper 1/3 of attic space and fasten per WFCM Table A-3.6 footnote 5 Nominal 1X6 or 2X4 Collar Ties (Recommend 2X6 when used to also reduce rafter spans) Rafter to Rafter Connection at Ridge 150mph (V‐ult) / 120mph (V‐asd) Exposure "B" ref: WFCM Table A‐3.6 Rafter Strapping over Ridge No. of 8d Common or 10d Box Collar Ties at top 1/3 Nails in each end of 1‐1/4" 20 No. of 10d Common or 12d Box Nails at each end of collar tie guage strap Roof Pitch Roof Span = X 4 @ each end X </= 24' 3:12 6 @ each end X </= 36' 3 @ each end X </= 24' 4:12 5 @ each end X </= 36' 3 @ each end X </= 24' 5:12 4 @ each end X </= 36' X </= 24' 2 @ each end 7:12 to 12:12 X </= 36' 3 @ each end Plan Review Hand-out Page 5 of CEILING JOIST SPANS (Unihabitable attics NO storage LL = 10psf) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 17'‐8" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 23'‐4" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 26'‐0" 2 X 10 16" O.C. Note: Max lumber span prescriptively is 26' CEILING JOIST SPANS (Unihabitable attics with storage LL = 20psf) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 13'‐6" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 17'‐5" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 20'‐9" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 24'‐0" 2 X 10 12" O.C. Rafter Span Table ‐ Exp "B" (WFCM T3.26A Foot Note 3) SPAN (ft) RAFTER SIZE @ 24" O.C. Up to 6' 2 X 4 6'‐1" to 9'‐0" 2 X 6 9'‐1" to 11'‐5" 2 X 8 11'‐6" to 13'‐5" 2 X 10 13'‐6" to 16'‐0" 2 X 12 Rafter spans based on wind speed factors for 150mph (V‐ult) / 120mph (V‐asd) for all pitches per Table 3.26A foot note 3 Plan Review Hand-out Page 6 of V-ult 120mph (V-asd) Zone 1 - Interior Zone Zone 2 - Perimeter Edge Zone Zone 3 - Gable Endwall or Rake Truss Plan Review Hand-out Page 7 of Floor Joist Span Table (Living areas LL = 40psf / DL = 10) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 9'‐9" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 12'‐10" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 16'‐1" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 18'‐10" 2 X 12 16" O.C. 18'‐0" 2 X 10 12" O.C. 21'‐9" 2 X 12 12" O.C. General Anchorbolt 150mph (V-ult) / 120mph (V-asd) 170mph (V-ult) / 130mph (V-asd) Floor Joist Span Table (Bedroom areas LL = 30psf / DL = 10) SPAN JOIST SIZE SPACING 10'‐9" 2 X 6 16" O.C. 14'‐2" 2 X 8 16" O.C. 18'‐0" 2 X 10 16" O.C. 21'‐1" 2 X 12 16" O.C. 19'‐10" 2 X 10 12" O.C. 24'‐2" 2 X 12 12" O.C. 180mph (V-ult) / 140mph (V-asd) Plan Review Hand-out Page 8 of V-ult 120mph (V-asd) V-ult 120mph (V-asd) Note: This table is the prescriptive alternative in lieu of using hurricane clips at stud top and bottom plate connections. Hurricane clips/straps still required around all openings. Plan Review Hand-out Page 9 of