The authors would like to thank the University of the Free

B othalia 29,1 (1 9 9 9 )
The authors w ould like to thank the U niversity o f the
Free State for their facilities and the Foundation for
Research D evelopm ent for financial support.
B ASHAW , E.C & H A N N A , W 1990 A pom ictic reproduction In G P
Chapm ann. Reproductive versatility in the grasses. 1 00-130.
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B R O W N , W V & EMERY, W .H .P 1958 A pom ixis in the Gramineae:
Panicoideae. American Journal o f Botany 45: 1 6 5 -2 5 2 .
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Gramineae. Annals o f the Missouri Botanical Garden 68:
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DU PLE SSIS, H & SPIES, J.J 1992 C hrom osom e numbers in the
g en u s Pen tasch istis (P o a cea e, D anth onieae). Taxon
7 0 6 -7 2 0 .
L„ B A R K ER , N.P., A N D E R S O N , H M. & DALLW ITZ, M J
1990. Grasses o f southern Africa. Memoirs o f the Botanical
Survey o f South Africa No. 58: 1—437.
G R E E N H A M , J. & C H A P M A N . G. P 1990 O vule structure and
diversity In G .P Chapm an, Reproductive versatility in the
grasses C am bridge U niversity Press. Cambridge
H A N N A , W W & BA SH A W , E C. 1987 A pom ixis: its identification
and use in plant breeding. Crop Science 13: 7 2 6 -7 2 8
JE N SE N . W.A 1962. Botanical histochemistry Freeman & Company,
San Francisco
JO H A N SE N , D A 1940. Plant microtechnique. M cG raw -H ill, N ew
JO H N ST O N , G W 1953. O bservations on tw in embry o sacs in
Sorghum vulgare. Phytomorphology 3: 3 1 3 -3 1 5 .
KL.OPPER, K .C., SPIES, J.J & V ISSE R , B 1998 C ytogenetic studies
in the genus Pentaschistis (P oaceae Arundinoideae) Bothalia
28: 2 3 1 -2 3 8 .
L A B U SC H A G N E , I F 1990 'n Sitotaksonomiese ondersoek van die
morfologiese ooreenstemmende spesies Pentaschistis airoides,
P patula en P pallida (Poaceae: Arundineae). B .Sc. Hons the­
sis, U niversity o f the O range Free State
LINDER. H P & ELLIS, R P. 1990. A revision o f Pentaschistis
(A rundineae: P oaceae). Contributions from the Bolus
Herbarium 12: 1-124.
M OGIE, M. 1992. The evolution o f asexual reproduction in plants.
Chapman & Hall, London
N A R A Y A N , K .N 1951. Apomixis in Pennisetum . U npublished thesis,
University o f California.
N A R A Y A N A SW A M I, S. 1954. The structure and developm ent o f the
caryopsis in som e Indian m illets. Ill Paspalum scrobiculatum
L. Bulletin o f the Torrey Botanical Club 81: 2 8 8 -2 9 9 .
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caryopsis in som e Indian m illets. IV Echinichloa frum entacea
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N O G LER. G A. 1984 G am etophytic apom ixis In B M. Johri, Em­
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PH ILIPSON, M .N . 1978. A pom ixis in C ortaderiaju bata (Gram ineae).
New Zealand Journal o f Botany 16: 4 5 -5 9 .
PH ILIPSON, M .N. 1986. A reassessm ent o f the form o f reproduction
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S A SS . J.E 1951 Botanical microtechnique Iowa State C o lle g e Press.
A m es.
SPIES, J.J & D U PLE SSIS, H. 1986 The genus Rubus in South
A frica III The occurrence o f apom ixis and sexuality South
African Journal o f Botany 52: 2 2 6 -2 3 2 .
ST E B B IN S, G.L. 1971
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T U R E SSO N , G 1929 Zur Natur und Begrenzung der Arteinheiten
Hereditas 12: 3 2 3 -3 3 3
V E R B O O M . G A ., LINDER. H P & BA RK ER . R.P 1994 Haustorial
synergids: an important character in the system atics o f danthonioid grasses (Arundinoideae: Poaceae). American Journal o f
Botany 81 1601-1 6 1 0 .
V ISSER . N .C . & SPIES, J.J. 1994 C ytogenetic studies in the genus
Tribolium (P oaceae D anthonieae). IV. Section Uniolae. South
African Journal o f Botany 60: 2 7 9 -2 8 4 .
J.J S P IE S * t, K.C. KLOPPER* and B V ISSE R *
* Department o f Botany and G enetics, U niversity o f the Orange Free
State. P.O. B ox 339, 9 3 0 0 B loem fontein
t To w hom correspondence should be addressed
M S received 1998-04-08
$ In a spirit o f co-operation and to publicise this proposed innovation in plant nom enclature in southern A frica, this
note has been subm itted sim ultaneously to the follow ing botanical journals: South African Journal o f Botany, Forum
Botanicum and SABONET News.
A num ber o f far-reaching proposals aim ed at the refine­
ment and sim plification of the International Code o f
Botanical Nomenclature were discussed in some detail at
the N om enclature Section o f the X Vth International
B otanical C ongress (IB C ) held in A ugust 1993 in
Yokohama, Japan. Three o f the main issues were the adop­
tion o f lists of Names in current use (Smith et al. 1993;
Smith & H aw ksw orth 1994), the extended options o f con­
serving and rejecting nam es (Greuter & N icolson 1993),
and the registration o f all new plant names (Borgen et al.
1997; G reuter & Von Raab-Straube 1998). This paper
deals with the last-nam ed issue, namely the proposed sys­
tem by m eans o f which new nam es o f plants and fungi
would have to be dealt with from 1 January 2(XX) onwards.
A rticle 32.1 o f the International Code o f Botanical
N omenclature adopted at the 1993 IBC (G reuter et al.
1994) c o n c lu d e s w ith ‘In addition, subject to the
approval o f the XVI International B otanical C ongress,
nam es (autonym s excepted) published on or after 1
January 2000 m ust be registered.’ Furtherm ore, A rticle
32.2 states that ‘Registration is effected by sending the
printed m atter that includes the protologue(s) w ith the
nam e(s) to be registered clearly identified, to any reg is­
tering office designated by the International A ssociation
for Plant Taxonom y.'
To dem onstrate the feasibility o f a registration system ,
the International A ssociation of Plant Taxonom y (IA PT)
undertakes a non-m andatory tn al o f registration for a
tw o-year period, starting 1 January 1998 (Borgen et al.
1997). D etails of the proposed im plem entation o f the
registration requirem ent (Borgen et al. 1998) will be
considered by the St Louis C ongress in July 1999. Since
M ay 1998, a searchable dem onstration database co n tain ­
ing all nam es trial-registered after January 1998 can be
freely consulted on the Internet (http://w w w .bgbm ueryForm .htm ).
B othalia 29,1 (1999)
A s part o f the registration procedure o f new plant
nam es it is im portant to establish a national Registration
O ffice (RO ) in as m any countries as possible. This w ould
enable editors and authors to register new plant nam es
and com binations in their ow n or a neighbouring coun­
try. It is possible that the registration o f all new plant
nam es w ould becom e m andatory in future, w ith effect
from (but not before) 1 January 2000.
The N ational Botanical Institute (NBI) was recently
approached by the IA PT to serve as RO for South Africa.
The Institute was contacted in view o f its permanence,
national role, reliable com m unication system (telephone,
fax, e-m ail, postal services) and perm anent filing and
library facilities. The N BI provisionally accepted this invi­
tation on behalf o f all South A frican botanists. In the case
o f new nam es and com binations for fungi, however, the
authors have liaised w ith M s Alice Baxter o f the National
Fungal C ollection, and after consultation with her staff she
has agreed that the N BI act as RO for those nam es as well.
An enum eration o f 119 journals or series accredited
with the IA P T appeared in Taxon 47: 498, 499 (1998).
T his list is being regularly updated as new journals are
added and is available on the W eb (http://w w w .bgbm ). It will be pub­
lished annually in the journal Taxon.
A fter consultation w ith som e o f the editors, it is pro­
posed that the follow ing jo u rn als should receive prefer­
ence w hen botanists w orking on the local flora establish
new nam es for plant taxa:
1. Aloe (journal o f the S ucculent Society of South Africa).
2. Bothalia (biannual house journal o f the N ational
Botanical Institute).
3. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium (occasional
publication o f the B olus H erbarium , U niversity of Cape
4. Flora o f southern Africa (occasional publication o f the
N ational B otanical Institute).
5. Flowering Plants o f Africa (biennial publication o f the
N ational Botanical Institute).
6. Palaeoflora o f southern Africa (occasional publication
p u b lish ed in the S trelitzia series o f the N ational
Botanical Institute).
7. South African Journal o f Botany (tw o-m onthly journal
jo in tly published by the N ational B otanical Institute and
the South A frican A ssociation o f B otanists).
8. Strelitzia (occasional publication o f the N ational
B otanical Institute).
Editors o f other South A frican journals who w ould
like their publication to be added to this list should co n ­
tact G.F. Sm ith as a m atter o f priority.
It should furtherm ore be noted that proposals to
restrict publication o f nam es for plant novelties in nonscientific publications will be voted on before or during
the 1999 N om enclature Section o f the M issouri IBC
(L aferriere 1998).
Steps to be taken by authors
A uthors m ust ensure that nam es o f all new taxa and
new com binations are registered and they can do it in one
of the follow ing ways:
1. By sending their m anuscripts to an accredited journal
(the issue o f accreditation is discussed below ). The ed i­
tor o f that journal will then see that registration takes
2. By subm itting a request w ith the relevant printed m at­
ter (in duplicate) and specifying w hich nam es are to be
registered to a recording centre (the nearest RO). T his
applies only to nam es not published in an accredited
journal or serial, for exam ple in a book, m onograph or
thesis. Use o f the apposite form s for registration requests
is strongly recom m ended (although not m andatory).
Registration form s are available from all Registration
Offices. Steps are as follows:
• R egistration form s will be m ailed upon request.
A uthors who wish to use the RO in South A frica run
by the NBI should send their requests to the address
of the senior author o f this paper.
• U pon receipt at the RO, each com pleted registration
form (to be subm itted in triplicate) and the accom pa­
nying two copies or reprints o f the relevant article will
be date-stam ped. By this act, the subm itted nam es
will, technically speaking, becom e registered and
dated (irrespective o f their subsequent processing).
• Each form will be provided w ith the acronym o f the
institution running the RO (PRE for the N ational
H erbarium , Pretoria, in the case o f South A frica), and
an appropriate NBI filing system num ber will be allo ­
cated. At NBI in Pretoria, the filing system will be
m aintained in the M ary G unn Library under supervi­
sion o f the D irector: Research.
• A copy o f the form will be returned to the subm itting
• The R O ’s archival copy o f the registration form will
be faxed to the office of the IA PT w ithout delay.
• The original form along with one copy or reprint of
the article will be sent by registered mail to the IAPT
office w ithout delay. The second copy will rem ain in
the RO archive perm anently, initially as an insurance
against the risk o f postal loss.
Steps to be taken by editors of accredited journals
• For a journal to be accredited, its publishers must
com m it them selves by signing an agreem ent w ith the
• To make the accredited status o f these journals known
to authors and readers, it is suggested by the IA PT that
the follow ing wording be used, appropriately placed
on the cover and/or in the imprint: ‘A ccredited with
the International A ssociation for Plant Taxonom y for
the purpose o f registration of new nam es o f vascular
plants (excluding fossils)’ or ‘A ccredited w ith the In­
ternational A ssociation for Plant Taxonom y for the
purpose o f registration o f new non-fungal plant
nam es’ or ‘A ccredited with the International A sso­
ciation for Plant Taxonom y for the purpose o f regis­
tration of all new plant nam es’. The last statem ent
w ould also provide for new fungal and fossil names.
Bothalia 29,1 (1 9 9 9 )
• The new nam es and new com binations to be regis­
tered should be identified prim arily by being listed in
a separate index in each issue or by being explicitly
enum erated in the sum m ary/abstract or otherw ise
specified by the editor of the journal.
Each individual issue featuring nam es of new taxa or
new com binations m ust be subm itted to a pre-defined
registration office or centre as soon as it is published
and as speedily as possible. This will be Pretoria
(PR E), for South A frica, and may be PRE for neigh­
bouring countries not having their own RO.
The authors w ould like to thank M rs Em sie du Plessis
and D r O tto Leistner, colleagues at the NBI, for their
assistance in com piling this article.
D.H. & ZIM M ER , B 1997. A nnouncing a test and tnal phase
for the registration o f new plant nam es (1 9 9 8 -1 9 9 9 ). Taxon 46:
8 1 1 -8 1 4 .
BO R G EN. L., G R E U TE R , W„ HAW KSW O RTH, D .L .. N IC O L SO N ,
D.H. & ZIM M ER. B 1998. Proposals to im plem ent mandatory
registration o f n ew nam es. Taxon 47: 8 9 9 -9 0 4 .
GREUTER, W., BA RR IE. F.R., BU RD ET. H.M ., C H A L O N ER , W .G.,
D E M O U L IN , V., HAW KSW O RTH, D .L ., J 0R G E N S E N , P.M.,
N IC O L SO N , D .H ., SILVA, P C . & T R E H A N E , P. 1994.
International Code o f Botanical Nomenclature (T okyo C ode).
K oeltz, K oenigstein.
GREUTER, W. & N IC O L SO N , D .H . 1993. On the threshold to a new
nom enclature? Taxon 42: 9 2 5 -9 2 7 .
GREU TER . W. & V O N R A A B -ST R A U B E , E. 1998. R egistration
progress report, 1. Taxon 47: 4 9 7 -5 0 2 .
L A F E R R Ê R E , J.E. 1998. (1 6 - 1 7 ) T w o proposals to restrict publica­
tion in non -scientific publications. Taxon 47: 181.
SM ITH, G .F & HAW KSW O RTH, D .L. 1994. Stability o f scientific
plant nam es— an attainable goal? South African Journal o f
Science 90: 59, 60.
SM ITH, G.F., ROURKE. J.P & OLIV ER . E G H 1993. Stability in
botanical nom enclature. South African Journal o f Science 89:
G.F. SM ITH * and G. G E R M ISH U IZ EN *
* National B otanical Institute, Private Bag X I 01, 0001 Pretoria.
MS received: 1998-09-25.