The Green Plant - Horticulture

Chapter 1
The Green Plant
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Value of Plants in Our Lives
Produce and recycle oxygen
Capture and convert sun’s energy
Provide food products and lumber
Provide medicines, fermenting agents, dyes,
• Nurture people physically and
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Five Kingdoms of
the Natural World
1. Monera — one-celled bacteria, etc.
2. Protista — aquatic microorganisms
3. Fungi — defined by possession of cell
4. Animals — derive nutrition from other
5. Plants — derive energy from
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The Plant Kingdom
• Taxonomy
– Study of plant classification
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Tracheophyta Division
• Vascular plants
– Higher plants
• Characterized by internal conducting systems
– Xylem
– Phloem
• Most reproduce from seeds
– Coniferous
• Seeds produced in cones
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Tracheophyta Division
• Most reproduce from seeds
– Angiospermopsida
• Flowering plants
• Seeds reproduced inside fruit from fertilized flower
• Monocots
– Single-seed leaf
• Dicots
– Two-seed leaves
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Plant Nomenclature
• Nomenclature
– Naming of plants
• Each plant has botanical name
– “Latin binomial” name
• Combines genus and epithet
• Names may have variety and/or “cultivar”
– Short for “cultivated variety”
• Most plants also have common names
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Parts of a Plant
• Roots
– Fibrous root
• Network of equal-sized strands
– Tap root
• Dominant central root
– Absorb water and nutrients from soil
– Anchor plants against wind and rain
– Store food products from leaves
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Parts of a Plant
• Stems
– Conduct water and nutrients to other parts
• Principal function
• Leaves
– Major food manufacturer
– Contain chlorophyll
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Parts of a Plant
• Flowers or cones
– Reproductive structures
• Complete flower
– Possesses all parts
• Incomplete flower
– Lacks one or more parts
• Perfect flower
– Has male and female stamens
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The Structure of Plant Parts
• Cell
– Basic structural unit
• Millions of cells comprise each plant part
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The Structure of Plant Parts
• Large groups of similar cells form tissues
• Groups of tissues form organs
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Elements of a Plant Cell
• Protoplast
– Living matter of a cell
• Nucleus contains genetic information
• Cytoplasm
– Everything but nucleus
– Protoplast
• Cytoplasm plus nucleus
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Elements of a Plant Cell
• Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll pigment
• Chlorophyll
– Key to photosynthesis
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Elements of a Plant Stem
• Vascular bundles
– Convey nutrients
• Sieve elements
– Convey food produced by photosynthesis
• Activity in cambium tissue increases stem
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Elements of a Plant Stem
• Buds emanate from nodes on stems
• Internode
– Space between two nodes
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Elements of a Plant Leaf
• Leaf veins
– Important to classification
• Stomates
– Leaf pores
– Water escapes through open stomates via transpiration
– Closed stomates diminish transpiration
• Waxy cuticles make parts of leaves
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Leaf Color
• Result of pigment within cells
• Chlorophyll
– Most common pigment
– Causes green coloration
• Xanthophyll causes yellow coloration
• Carotene causes orange coloration
• Anthocyanins cause red coloration
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Roots and Seeds
• Apical meristem
– Section that elongates
• Meristem protected at base by root cap
• Root hairs
– Most absorbent part
• Seed contains embryo
– Protected by seed coats or pericarps
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Juvenility and Maturity in Plants
• Juvenility
– State when plant cannot flower
• Maturity
– State when plant can flower
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Major Plant Processes
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
What Plants Need for Growth
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
How Light Nurtures Plants
• Threshold value
– Minimum light required
• Plants grow toward light via tropism
• Plants follow light intensity via
• Auxin
– Growth stimulant plants produce
Copyright © 2010 Delmar, Cengage Learning. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
How Light Nurtures Plants
• Photoperiodism
– Response of plants to light changes
• Long-day plants require extended light
• Short-day plants only flower in limited light
• Day-neutral plants not limited
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