A Polar Modulator Transmitter for GSM/EDGE

A Polar Modulator Transmitter for GSM/EDGE
Michael R. Elliott, Tony Montalvo, Brad P. Jeffries, Frank Murden, Jon Strange, Member, IEEE, Allen Hill,
Sanjay Nandipaku, Member, IEEE, and Johannes Harrebek
Abstract—This 0.5- m SiGe BiCMOS polar modulator IC adds
EDGE transmit capability to a GSM transceiver IC without any
RF filters. Envelope information is extracted from the transmit IF
and applied to the phase-modulated carrier in an RF variable gain
amplifier which follows the integrated transmit VCO. The dualband IC supports all four GSM bands. In EDGE mode, the IC produces more than 1 dBm of output power with more than 6 dB of
margin to the transmit spectrum mask and less than 3% rms phase
error. In GSM mode, more than 7 dBm of output power is produced
with noise in the receive band less than 164 dBc/Hz.
is the AM and
is the PM. This is the input signal
to both the PM and AM signal paths.
The PM path limits the IF signal IF to remove the AM.
The limited signal is then used as the reference input to a translational loop PLL. The PLL locks the VCO to the transmit frequency, transfers the PM of the reference input onto the VCO,
and acts as a tunable high-Q filter for input noise contributors in
the transmitter. The resulting VCO output from the PLL is then
HE EDGE standard [1] is an enhancement to GSM
designed to accommodate higher data rate communica-shifted
tions. In order to achieve this, the modulation (
[eight–phase–shift keying (8-PSK)]) uses both amplitude
modulation (AM) and phase modulation (PM) versus GSM
(GMSK) which requires only PM. Most GSM transmitters use
an on-channel voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) that is phase
modulated with a translational loop phase-locked loop (PLL)
[2], [3]. This architecture is very efficient for constant AM,
since all RF filtering can be eliminated, but it is incompatible
with nonconstant-AM such as EDGE.
The AM of EDGE requires a linear transmitter architecture.
One conventional approach for linear transmitters is direct upconversion with an I/Q modulator. Unfortunately, since linear
amplifiers tend to be noisier than saturated amplifiers, the upconverter output is likely to have a wideband noise floor that
would fail the noise requirements of the standard. As a result,
RF filtering would be required at the transmitter output to meet
the receive-band noise requirements. Further, a linear modulator
is likely to consume more power than a nonlinear modulator.
A polar modulator architecture [4]–[8] was chosen to avoid
the external RF filters that would likely be necessary with other
transmitter topologies and for compatibility with existing GSM
transmitters for an efficient dual-mode solution. A simplified
block diagram of the GSM/EDGE transmitter is shown in Fig. 1.
An I/Q modulator generates an EDGE (or GSM) modulated IF
output from the baseband inputs. The IF output contains both
AM and PM in EDGE mode, which can be generically represented as
Manuscript received April 15, 2004; revised July 8, 2004.
The authors are with Analog Devices, Inc., Greensboro, NC 27409 USA
(e-mail: michael.elliott@analog.com).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2004.836340
The IF signal IF is also input to the AM path where the AM
is extracted by mixing the IF signal with an amplitude-limited
version of itself, yielding
which can also be represented as
The undesired
component is removed by the amplitude
. The PM
path filter leaving only the desired AM signal
and AM signals are then recombined in the RF variable-gain
amplifier (VGA) at the output of the transmitter.
In GSM mode, the AM path is disabled and the transmitter
reverts to a conventional nonlinear offset PLL transmitter.
This implementation includes two RF paths, each covering
two bands to form a quad-band solution. The low band covers
the GSM-850 (824–849 MHz) and GSM-900 (880–915 MHz)
bands. The high band covers the DCS (1710–1785 MHz)
and PCS (1850–1910 MHz). A detailed block diagram of the
complete transmitter is shown in Fig. 2 with both signal paths
and the required calibration circuits. Although the solution is
a complete GSM/EDGE transceiver, the focus of this paper is
the polar modulator IC.
One of the key challenges in the polar modulator architecture
is the tradeoff between the RF spectrum and noise. A summary
of the requirements [1] is shown in Table I. A system-level analysis of a polar modulator reveals that inadequate bandwidths in
the PM and AM paths result in spectral regrowth that can violate the transmit mask requirement as imposed by the standard.
This spectrum degradation can be understood by comparing the
amplitude and phase components of the signal to the composite
signal and the transmit mask, as seen in Fig. 3. Note that the
phase component of the signal exceeds the mask requirement
by over 25 dB at 400-kHz offset from the carrier.
0018-9200/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Fig. 1. Simplified transmitter block diagram.
Fig. 2.
Detailed block diagram.
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between AM and PM bandwidths and margin to the transmit mask at the critical offset
of 400 kHz from the carrier. At 400-kHz offset, the spectrum
is the most sensitive to transmitter impairments that result in
spectral regrowth. Clearly, wider modulation bandwidths result
in more margin to the mask requirement. However, as the signal
path bandwidths are increased, the out-of-band noise also increases. The most stringent noise requirement in EDGE mode
is the noise in the receive band at 20-MHz offset from the carrier. The transmit mask requirements are the same for both the
The transmit output in the presence of AM-path dc offsets
contains both the desired signal and an undesired PM component with an amplitude equal to the dc offset. The PM signal
exceeds the 400-kHz offset spectral mask requirement by more
than 25 dB, as shown in Fig. 3. This translates to a dc offset
limit in the amplitude path of 0.2% relative to the peak of the
envelope, as verified with system simulations. In addition to dc
offsets, finite isolation from input to output in the RF VGA can
provide a path for the PM signal to leak to the transmit output
and degrade the spectral mask. This is discussed in greater detail in Section III-C.
A. PM Calibration
Fig. 3.
Signal bandwidths.
low and high bands, but the noise requirement is more difficult
in the low band, so the focus will be on the low band.
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the PM bandwidth and
margin to the transmit mask on one axis and receive-band noise
margin on the other axis for EDGE mode. The transmitter is
designed to have 6-dB margin to the transmit mask requirement
to minimize the back-off required in the power amplifier—thus
maximizing its efficiency. The receive-band noise target includes 3 dB of margin to ensure manufacturability. Thus, the
phase modulator bandwidth must be between 3.5–4.0 MHz
or about 6%. The phase modulator is a PLL which has
variation of
significant bandwidth variation due to the
the integrated VCO. The VCO gain variation can result in
nearly 30% bandwidth variation. A calibration is utilized to
minimize bandwidth variation, as described in Section III-A.
The polar transmitter has other impairments that can degrade
spectral mask performance beyond just the bandwidth requirements. These impairments include delay mismatch between the
AM and PM paths, dc offsets in the amplitude path, and finite
RF isolation between the PM signal and the transmit output. The
AM and PM signals must be correctly time aligned before recombination at the RF VGA. The delay mismatch system simulations demonstrate the requirements, as shown in Fig. 6. Notice
that the EVM performance is relatively insensitive, but the spectral mask margin degrades significantly with delay mismatch.
As a result, the group delay of the AM path must match the
group delay of the PLL PM path to meet the transmit mask requirements.
The amplitude path is also sensitive to dc offsets which provide a leakage path for the PM signal to the transmit output. This
can be observed mathematically as follows:
which can also be expressed as
The conflict between the narrow bandwidth required for noise
filtering and the wide bandwidth required to meet the RF spectrum mask dictates very tight control of the phase and envelope bandwidths as described in Section II. The bandwidth of
the transmit PLL (i.e., the phase modulator) is proportional to
is the charge-pump current and
the VCO gain. The VCO gain could have 50% variation and,
as a result, the bandwidth can also vary significantly. In order
to maintain the bandwidth with the required 6% accuracy, we
must calibrate the charge pump current such that the
product is roughly constant.
The standard allows 200 s for the frequency synthesizer to
lock prior to a transmit burst. Since the transmit PLL lock time
is much less than 200 s, we can use that time to calibrate the
bandwidth. A block diagram of the calibration scheme is shown
in Fig. 7. The first step to calibrating the bandwidth is measuring
. Before we measure
, we must set the VCO frequency to close to the desired carrier frequency since
depends on frequency.
The calibration begins with the calibration of the VCO’s
2 bits of tank tuning. The control voltage is disconnected from
the PLL and set to a reference voltage, and the frequency is
determined by counting VCO periods for “ ” times the period
of the 13-MHz GSM reference clock. “ ” is set such that the
resolution is on the order of 1 MHz which is a good tradeoff
between calibration time and the desired accuracy. The counter
output is
is the GSM reference time base and
VCO period. The VCO frequency is then
is the
A successive approximation (SAR) algorithm is used to minimize the error between the VCO frequency and the desired carrier frequency, which is represented by “TX channel” in Fig. 7.
After the coarse frequency adjustment is completed, another
SAR algorithm is used to set the VCO frequency close to the
desired transmit carrier frequency by driving the control voltage
with a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). This is required to acvariation with control voltage within each
count for the
Fig. 4. Modulation bandwidth requirements.
Fig. 7.
Fig. 5. Receive-band noise and transmit mask versus PM bandwidth (EDGE
Phase-bandwidth calibration block diagram.
control voltage to two different settings and measuring the fre. A digital algorithm uses
quency deviation
data to set the charge-pump current inthe measured
versely proportional to
In GSM mode the output SNR requirement is 6 dB more stringent than in EDGE mode. However, the PM bandwidth is much
narrower than in EDGE mode. Thus, in GSM mode, the translational-loop PLL bandwidth is automatically reduced to meet
the more stringent receive-band noise specifications. The bandwidth is reduced by decreasing the charge pump current by a
factor of two and doubling the loop filter pole capacitance. The
slight increase in closed-loop peaking of the PLL response is
tolerable due to the relaxed bandwidth requirements in GSM
mode and the added stability of the bandwidth calibration that
is not typically present in most PLLs.
B. RF Path: GMSK Modes
Fig. 6.
Transmit mask and EVM versus delay mismatch (EDGE).
capacitor setting of the VCO. Once the VCO is operating at
is measured by forcing the
the transmit frequency, the
A simplified schematic of the GSM-band PM path in GMSK
mode is shown in Fig. 8. The description of the PM path is focused on the GSM band which has a much more stringent noise
requirement. The DCS/PCS band implementation is simply frequency scaled from the GSM-band implementation. The most
difficult requirement is the noise in the receive band, as mentioned in Section II. Ideally, the noise should be dominated by
Fig. 8. GMSK signal path.
the VCO. For this to be true, the RF driver’s noise contribution
should be very small.
The VCO—shown on the left of Fig. 8—uses a PMOS core
despite the availability of SiGe bipolar transistors. The SNR is
optimized by maximizing the voltage swing on the tank which is
and by minimizing the noise current added
proportional to
. Thus,
by the cross-coupled pair, which is proportional to
transistors with a low
are preferable for a low-noise VCO.
The inductors are made with 4- m-thick aluminum. The inductor Q is about 11 at 870 MHz. We use two single-ended inductors rather than a center-tapped structure—which could have
higher Q in less area—because electromagnetic simulations predict that this structure reduces magnetic coupling from the VCO
to the transmitter’s output. As mentioned in Section II, any coupling from the phase-modulated carrier to the output results in
degradation of margin to the transmit mask. The varactors are
made from collector-base pn diodes. The VCO’s frequency is
digitally tunable in four roughly 45-MHz steps in order to cover
the wide tuning range requirement with reasonably low
The primary challenge here is low phase noise at 20-MHz
offset from the carrier. Aside from the obvious requirements
of a high-Q tank and minimal
in the core transistors, a
low-noise bias current is critical to achieving low phase noise.
The bias current is derived from a low-noise (i.e., high current)
reference and low-pass filtered using an off-chip capacitor. Further filtering of high-frequency noise that could be
downconverted to the carrier frequency is applied by the tail
inductor/capacitor combination [9]. The tail current is proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT). A PTAT tail current keeps
the voltage swing on the tank roughly temperature-independent
since the temperature coefficient of the metal used to make the
inductors results in a roughly inverse PTAT tank impedance.
The VCO signal must be amplified in order to drive the
50- external load at 5 dBm. The ultimate noise requirement
is 165 dBc/Hz at 20-MHz offset from the carrier. Practically,
that noise will be dominated by the VCO which means that any
elements following the VCO must contribute very little noise.
Consider a simple calculation of the RF driver’s base-current
noise contribution. The RF driver amplifier in GMSK mode is a
simple differential pair with a roughly 16-mA tail current. The
SNR at the input to the RF driver considering only the driver’s
base current noise with a noiseless tail current is
is the rms signal amplitude at the input to the
is the effective parallel impedance of the
driver and
VCO’s tank. With a 500-mVp input amplitude,
, the SNR is about 162 dB/Hz, which would
clearly not be acceptable. Thus, the VCO’s relatively high
output impedance must be isolated from the RF driver with a
buffer. The buffer also isolates the VCO’s tank from the input
capacitance of the driver, which enhances the tuning range.
The VCO buffer is a simple emitter follower which is lightly
capacitively coupled to the tank. As seen in (9), special care
must be taken to minimize the noise current being injected into
the tank. In fact, the design of the VCO’s buffer should be an
integral part of the VCO design itself.
The GMSK driver is a simple open-collector fully switched
differential amplifier. If the tail current has a low-pass noise
characteristic, that noise is upconverted to the carrier frequency
and results in a bandpass output noise characteristic. Simulations predict that, as long as the input amplitude is several hundred millivolts or larger, the output noise will be dominated
by upconverted bias current noise. The ratio of dc current to
noise current of a resistively degenerated current source (neglecting noise contributions from base resistance and from the
base-voltage source) is
Fig. 9. EDGE mode RF driver.
is the voltage drop across the degeneration
resistor. Due to voltage headroom constraints, the maximum
is 600 mV. If our target for this contributor
to noise is 175 dB/Hz, the minimum bias current is 14 mA.
We use 16 mA to ensure adequate SNR under all process
conditions. Special care must be taken to lowpass filter the
base voltage source and to ensure that the base voltage source
has sufficiently low impedance to make the current source’s
base current noise negligible. We reuse the capacitors from
the envelope path filter to provide a sufficiently low-frequency
filter of the GMSK driver’s bias voltage.
C. RF Path: EDGE Modes
A simplified schematic of the RF path used for EDGE
modes—with the EDGE-specific components emphasized—is
shown in Fig. 9. The VCO and VCO buffer are the same as
those in Fig. 8. The RF driver consists of Q1–6. Q7–8 is the
GMSK-mode driver described in the previous section with
the tail current source omitted since it is a high impedance
in EDGE mode. Q9–10 is a dummy driver that is included
to ensure balance. Q7–10 are shown here to emphasize the
importance of balance. The output signal is
where is the carrier frequency,
is the PM, and
is the
amplitude of the input signal. The envelope information is repre. Note that, although the circuit appears to be
sented as
is always greater
balanced, the envelope is always positive so
than .
is 16 mA. The maximum instantaneous output
mA and
. On average,
power is achieved when
is about 0.707 16 mA since the peak-to-average ratio
of the EDGE signal is 3 dB. Coarse power control—in three
6-dB steps—is provided by digitally deselecting fingers of Q5
and Q6. Additional power control is provided in the envelope
detector circuits with 1-dB step resolution for a total range of
38 dB. The amplitude path also provides an additional 30 dB of
analog-controlled attenuation for power ramping.
At first glance, it may appear that the EDGE-mode RF path is
similar to a linear modulator since Q5/6 are essentially a linear
transconductor. The difference is that a linear modulator requires a complex mixer and a quadrature local oscillator and so
is inherently noisier than this implementation of a polar modulator. Further, since Q5/Q6 are not, on average, in their balanced
state, they are less noisy than a balanced transconductor consuming the same current.
Recall that the phase-modulated carrier has much wider bandwidth than the desired output signal. Leakage from the EDGE
driver’s input to the output can result in a failure of the transmit
mask requirement. The input signal amplitude is 500 mV and
the amplitude at the collectors is about 800 mVp (2 dBm in 200
). Recall from Section II that the phase-modulated carrier fails
the transmit mask by 25 dB and our transmit spectrum goal by
31 dB. Thus, the isolation required at maximum gain is 35 dB.
The isolation requirement is increased as the output power is
reduced. We use very careful layout to ensure that the coupling
from the driver’s input to the output is perfectly balanced.
Imperfect matching of the capacitance at the collectors of Q5
and Q6 provides another path for the phase-modulated carrier
to leak to the output. The rectification at those nodes creates a
frequency component at twice the input frequency, which mixes
with the input frequency to produce an input frequency component at the output. Minimizing those capacitances and ensuring
adequate matching solves the problem.
is yet another mechanism
Imperfect matching of
by which the phase-modulated carrier can leak to the output as
shown in Section II. System simulations predict that the dc offset
Fig. 10.
Envelope-filter simplified schematic.
Fig. 11.
Die photograph.
Fig. 12.
in the envelope path must be less than 0.2% relative to the peak
of the envelope signal. This corresponds to a dc offset referred to
the bases of Q5 and Q6 of less than 1 mV. The desired matching
is achieved by using large interdigitated devices
and as much degeneration as voltage headroom will allow.
The envelope path circuits—described in the next section—cannot achieve the desired offset so a calibration is
required. A low-input-offset ( 0.25 mV) comparator measures
the dc offset between the bases of Q5 and Q6. The offset is
minimized by an 8-b DAC using a successive approximation
D. Envelope Path Filter Implementation
A simplified single-ended representation of the amplitude
path filter is shown in Fig. 10. The filter has two primary
requirements, wideband noise suppression and delay matching
Transmitter output spectrum (EDGE mode).
of the amplitude path to the PM path. The PM path is a type-II
PLL which has the following generic transfer function:
which yields the following group delay
It can be seen from this equation that the group-delay characteristic of the PLL is near zero at low frequency offsets which is
the region of interest. Thus, the amplitude path filter must maintain the same low group-delay characteristics.
filter implementation mimics the PLL with two
integrators and a zero for compensation. The first integrator is
formed by the
cell Q1/R2 and load capacitor C2. The second
cell Q2/R4 and load capacitor
integrator is formed by the
Fig. 13.
(a) Transmit mask versus frequency (low band; 400-kHz offset). (b) Transmit mask versus frequency (high band; 400-kHz offset).
C1. The zero is implemented at the filter input with R1/C1.
In order to minimize the output noise of the filter, the voltage
output is not buffered prior to the VGA input so as not to introduce any unfiltered wideband noise or additional current dissipation. As a result, the VGA input impedance must be accounted
for in the design of the filter.
As shown in Fig. 10, the output of the amplitude filter is a
voltage input to the RF VGA. The signal of interest, however,
is the collector current,
, of the RF VGA, as described in
Section III-C. That is, the transmit output AM is controlled by
the VGA
output current
. This current output
be a linear representation of the AM signal to prevent spectral
mask degradation. System simulations predict an HD3 of 40
dBc to prevent significant impacts on the 400-kHz mask. The
final Gm cell of the amplitude filter (Q2/R4) is a scaled version
(Q3/R5). This results in voltage distortion
of the RF VGA
at the output of the filter to predistort the input voltage to the
VGA such that a linear relationship is maintained.
The polar modulator IC is implemented in 0.5- m SiGe
BiCMOS with a die area of 7.8 mm . A die photograph is
shown in Fig. 11. A spectrum of the transmitter output in
EDGE mode along with the transmit mask is shown in Fig. 12.
Clearly, the transmitter has significant margin to the requirements. The spectral integrity is maintained across all transmit
bands in both GSM and EDGE modes, as shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 14 shows a plot of the receive band noise measurements
for both GSM and EDGE modes against the requirements of the
Fig. 14.
(a) Receive band noise (low band). (b) Receive band noise (high band; 1910 MHz).
In this paper, a polar modulator IC for EDGE was described.
The polar modulator architecture eliminates the requirement
for external surface acoustic wave filters that would likely
be required with a linear transmitter because the RF path is
composed of fully saturated—and thus low-noise—circuits.
Implementation challenges were analyzed and the primary
challenge—phase-modulator bandwidth control—was addressed by a calibration of the transmit PLL’s loop bandwidth.
Measurement results prove that the solution meets the EDGE
and GSM requirements with comfortable margin.
standard. The stability of the noise and spectral performance is
due to the calibration techniques employed, in particular, the PLL
bandwidth control as described in Section III-A. A summary of
the transmitter measured performance is shown in Table II.
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Michael R. Elliott received the B.S. degree from the
University of Missouri-Rolla in 1994 and the M.S.
degree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
in 1995, both in electrical engineering.
He joined Analog Devices, Inc., Greensboro, NC,
in 1996 as an Analog Integrated Circuit Designer. His
areas of interest include high-speed data converters,
frequency synthesizers, and communications circuits
and systems.
Tony Montalvo received the B.S. degree in physics
from Loyola University, New Orleans, LA, in 1985,
the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from
Columbia University, New York NY, in 1987 and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from North
Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 1995.
From 1987 to 1991, he was a Flash Memory Designer with AMD. From 1995 to 2000, he with was
with Ericsson, Research Triangle Park, NC, where he
was the Manager of the RF and Analog IC group.
Since 2000, he has been the Director of the Analog
Devices Raleigh Design Center, Greensboro, NC. He is also an Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University. He holds 15 patents and has authored
or coauthored 10 papers.
Dr. Montalvo has been on the ISSCC Program Committee since 2002. He was
named Outstanding Teacher in 1995 at North Carolina State University.
Brad P. Jeffries received the B.S. degrees in electrical engineering and computer engineering from
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 2000.
In 2000, he joined Analog Devices, Inc., Greensboro, NC, where he has been involved in the design
of communications integrated circuits.
Frank Murden received the B.S. degree from the
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, and the M.S.
degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, both
in electrical engineering.
Since graduation, he has been with Analog Devices, Inc., Greensboro, NC, doing a wide variety of
Jon Strange (M’00) received the B.Sc. degree in
physics from the University of Durham, Durham,
U.K., in 1984 and the M.Sc. degree in microelectronics from the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
U.K., in 1985.
From 1985 to 1987, he was a Researcher with
the VLSI Department, Thorn-EMI Central Research
Laboratories, and from 1988 to 1991 he held several
design and engineering management positions for
LSI Logic. In 1991, he cofounded Mosaic Micro
Systems, Ltd., an analog design consultancy specializing in RF and radio system IC design. Since 1996, he has been with Analog
Devices, Inc., Kent, U.K., were he is currently Engineering Director within the
RF and Wireless Business Unit responsible for IC product design in the area of
radio systems integration. He has authored eight technical papers and has been
granted two U.S. patents, with four pending.
Mr. Strange receoved the the Chalmers Prize in physics in 1984.
Allen Hill received the B.S. degree from Guilford
College, Greensboro, NC.
He is an Applications Engineer with 23 years experience at Analog Devices, Inc., Greensboro, where
he is presently with the Communications Group of
the High Speed Converters Division.
Sanjay Nandipaku (M’00) received the B. Tech. and
M.S. degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology,
Madras, in 1988 and 1991, respectively, both in electrical engineering.
His interests lie in the area of communication
system design, specializing in RF wireless systems
area. He is currently an RF System Design Engineer with Analog Devices, Inc., Wilmington, MA,
working on the development of architectures and
products for mobile wireless market space. Prior to
this, he was a Research Engineer with the Center for
Development of Telematics, Bangalore, India, and the RF Group Lead with
Midas Communication Technologies, Madras, India.
Johannes Harrebek was born in Aarhus, Denmark,
on May 11, 1971. He received the M.Sc.E.E. degree
from University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark, in
He was a Research and Development (R&D)
RF Engineer with Cortech from 1995 to 1998 on
DECT terminal development. In 1998, he joined
Bosch Telecom, Denmark, as an R&D RF engineer on HSCSD GSM mobile phone development
projects with a focus on frequency synthesis and
antenna design. From 2000 to 2001, he was with
the Department of GSM/EDGE Systems, Siemens Mobile, Denmark. He
joined Analog Devices, Inc., in 2001 on the Analog Devices EDGE radio
implementation project and is now RF Systems Development Manager with
Analog Devices Wireless System Applications Center, Aalborg, Denmark,
developing form factor reference designs on the latest Analog Devices wireless
systems solutions.