Autumn Term 1 - 2015 Home Learning Tasks for Foundation Stage

Autumn Term 1 - 2015
Home Learning Tasks for Foundation Stage
Please use the Home-School diary to make a note of the tasks completed by your child
each week and provide us with feedback about what your child has particularly enjoyed
or benefitted from and anything they have found tricky and need more help with…
We know this is the key skill children need in order to be successful in their learning
We ask that you share a story with your child at least 5 times a week. This could be their
school library book or any other favourite book from home.
For parents of children in F2 we also ask that you spend about 5 minutes listening to your
child read their reading book and talk together about the book at least 3 times each
Encourage your child to:
 Ask questions about books they read or have read to them.
 Question new or unknown vocabulary.
 Explain their opinions or express their feelings about books they have read or
listened to.
 Predict what might happen next based on what has been read so far.
In addition to their reading books F2 children will also bring home sight vocabulary words
to learn. These words need to be practised for approximately 5 minutes at least 5 times a
week in order to develop instant recognition.
We ask that your child completes a phonic or spelling task every week. Suggested tasks
are listed below
F1 Phonics activities
PHASE 1 ACTIVITIES- Suggested activities & websites: – Phase 1 activities - Phase 1 activities - pre reading games
 Introduce a new nursery rhyme
 Take a walk with your child and listen to the sounds they can hear
 Make a simple shaker eg. a pot with a lid containing pasta, and shake it in time to
a favourite song
 Find things around the house that make a noise eg. keys, crisp packet. Hide them
behind your back and make the different sounds. Ask your child to guess which
object is making the sound.
F2 phonic & spelling activities
Suggested websites: – Phase 2 activities - Phase 2 activities - This website contains activities for children and
also has a section for adults. – Literacy games
Week 1
Week 2
Introduction of s,a,t,p phonemes
Watch Mr Thorne & Jolly Phonics videos for s
Practise Jolly Phonics action for s
Go on a hunt for ‘s’ words around your house or garden. How many things can
you find that contain this sound? eg sock, sofa.
Repeat the above activities for a, t & p.
Play ‘Buried Treasure’ on - Phase 2 focusing on s, a, t & p
Introduction of i, n, m, d
Watch Mr Thorne & Jolly Phonics videos for i, n, m & d
Practise Jolly Phonics action for i, n, m, & d
Write the sounds s a t p I n m d on cards and make some simple words. Ask your
child to say the individual sounds and then help them to blend them into words.
For examples of sounding and blending see
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
19 10.15
Introduction of g, o, c, k
Watch Mr Thorne & Jolly Phonics videos for g, o, c, k
Practise Jolly Phonics action for g, o, c, k
Choose one of the new sounds and help your child to make up an alliterative
sentence eg Clever cats can climb on castles.
Play ‘Picnic on Pluto’ on Phase 2 focusing on g, o, c & k
Introduction of ck, e, u, r
Watch Mr Thorne & Jolly Phonics videos for ck, e, u, r
Find words that rhyme with sock or tick. Write the words down for your child and
look at the ck ending on each of the words.
Play ‘Buried Treasure’ on - Phase 2 focusing on ck, e, u
Watch Mr Thorne & Jolly Phonics videos for h, b, f, l
Practise Jolly Phonics action for h, b, f, l
Go on a hunt for ‘h’ words around your house or garden. How many things can
you find that contain this sound? eg hat, handbag.
Repeat for b, f & l.
Play ‘Phoneme Pop’ – Letters & Sounds version on focusing
on the first 2 sets of letters.
Letter Formation
In addition to the above activities it would be helpful to practise letter formation
with your child, focusing on n, m, h, r to begin with. This does not always need to
be done on paper but could be drawn in the air, on each other’s backs, written in
shaving foam or in trays of rice etc They can also be formed by driving toy cars
around the letter shape or writing the letter outside using water and an old
squeezy bottle such as a washing up liquid bottle or just using a wet paintbrush. Zip
lock bags filled with cheap hair gel or something similar can also be used for
practising letter formation.
See & skywriting
for demonstrations of letter formation and writing repeater for
letter formation practice.
See Foundation Stage Maths Challenges
If you are looking for a bit more, then these are our
Optional Extras…
Our theme for this half term is ‘Me and my family’.
Below are some suggested activities that you may wish to try with your child.
 Make a family tree by drawing or finding photographs of your family and sticking
them onto a tree shape.
For example:
 Can you find the tallest and shortest members of your family?
 Make a book with 1 page for each of your senses.
I like to see……., I like to hear…..., I like to smell…….., I like to touch……..,
I like to taste……..
You could draw pictures or cut them out of magazines and catalogues.
We hope you will enjoy our Home learning activities with your child