Ch hildre en’s Hospi H itals S Serve e Child dren from f All A Acros ss Tex xas What’s Happeniing in the Legislature e? There are about seven million children in Texas, and tthe state facces enormouss challenges addrressing the health, h safety y and educatiion requirem ents of this ffast-growing population. Children’s hospittals serve as s the pediatric c safety net, providing sp pecialized me edical care to o child dren without regard to inc come or healtth insurance status. State e funding deccisions have a sig gnificant impact on our ab bility to serve e all children who need th he high-qualitty services that these hospittals provide. The Texas Sena ate Finance Committee C ha as made imp portant restorrations of fun nding for foste er care, Child d Protective Services, S chiildren’s menttal health serrvices, Mediccaid phys sician and de ental paymen nt rates and Medicaid M inp patient hospittal payment rrates for child dren’s hospitals. Although h there are so ome funding needs that a are not addre essed, the Senate bill is a great g step forrward in preserving essen ntial servicess for the mostt vulnerable of ou ur children. The T progress s that the Sen nate has mad de stands in contrast to th he House Appropriations bill, b which serriously impac cts funding fo or children’s h healthcare. The profound pro oposed cuts to Medicaid funding still iin the House e Appropriatio ons bill will harm m the ability of o children’s hospitals to provide p cliniccal care, to trrain and recruit the spec cialized pedia atric clinician ns that childre en need, and d to advance the quality o of pediatric care e through res search and in nnovations in service delivvery. Children’s Hospitals Serve Children from All Across Texas Children’s hospitals are regional centers that serve children from all over Texas. In 2008, children from 243 of the 254 counties in Texas were patients at children’s hospitals, and only 6,000 children live in the other 11 counties. On behalf of children all across Texas, we urge you to share this newsletter and educate your co-workers, colleagues, and other business and personal contacts in rural districts who do not have a children’s hospital, about the importance of children’s hospitals in their communities. For information about how many children in your area have been patients at children’s hospitals visit On Behalf of Children’s Hospitals in Texas, CHAT Has Asked the Texas Legislature to: Preserve funding for inpatient care at children’s hospitals to protect the mission and ability of children’s hospitals to care for all children, irrespective of how sick or injured a child may be. Continue state funding for the children’s UPL program. If it is not possible to continue the state-funded UPL programs, include children’s hospitals in UPL programs funded with local public funds. Support funding to maintain access to primary care and pediatric subspecialty services for children in Medicaid and CHIP, including funding for outpatient children’s hospital services. Legislative Budget and Medicaid in the News The following news stories provide a more in-depth look at how cuts to Medicaid would affect children in Texas. “Texas House budget deals blow to Harris County Analysis: More than $2 billion in Medicaid funding would be lost,” Houston Chronicle, April 5, 2011. “Senate Finance chief: Real budget woe ignored,” San Antonio Express-News, April 7, 2011. How Can You Help? Contact your legislators about the importance of preserving funding for children’s hospitals. To write a personal letter, find the contact information for your legislators here. OR Easily send an electronic message to your legislators here. Become a CHATvocate! There is strength in numbers! Please click on the link below and become involved. We will continue to keep you informed about these important issues throughout the legislative session. You can also help spread the word about the coalition among your co-workers, colleagues, and other business and personal contacts. Educate them about children’s healthcare issues and encourage them to get involved. You CAN make a difference! Click on the link below to become an advocate for Texas children’s hospitals: Jo oin Us on o Face ebook and a Folllow on n Twitte er Follow on Twitter | Friend d on Facebook | Forward to a ffriend Copy yright © 2011 Children's C Hospittal Association of o Texas, All rig ghts reserrved. The Children’s C Hospital Association of Texas (CHAT T) is a non-proffit assoc ciation whose mission m is to ens sure that Texas children have acces ss to effective, high-quality, h co omprehensive an nd appropriately y funde ed healthcare. If I you do not wish to receive an ny further e-ma ails from us, please click k the "unsubscriibe" link below. Our mailing address is: Children's Hospital Association A of Te exas 823 Congress C Ave. #1500 # Austin, Texas 78701 1 Add us u to your address book Unsubs scribe from this list | Update su ubscription prefe ferences | View email in browse er