A FULLY IN-BAND IVIULTITONETEST FOR TRANSIENT INTERMODULATION DISTORTION by Robert R. Cordell Bell- Laboratories HOImdel, NJ 07733 ABSTRACT test for A specially deslgned three tone lntermodulatlon (TIM) 1s proposed. translent intermodulation dlstortion The test employs three tones to simul-taneously produce beat distortlon even-order difference and odd-order triple products near I kHz-, and resuLts 1n extremely simple, Vet advantage of the sensltive lnstrumentati-on. A signlflcant test is that the stimulus and response both li-e 1n-band. INTRODUCTION lntermodulatlon The heightened awareness of translent (TIM)L,2,3 brlngs wlth lt the need for efflcient distortion and economical testlng technlques which can obJectively measure this dlstortion while providlng good correlation Three tests are wlth subJectlve l1stenlng test results.. currently in use: the slne-square DIMr4 20-kTz THD,2 and t h e n o ' ia r i t v - m o d u l a t e d s a w t o o t h . ) Each of these tests has various lndivldual disadvantages (e.g., expensive j-nstrumentatlon, unrealistic test slgnal characterlstlcs, insensi-tivity to I'softil TIM, etc. ) , but they all suf fer from the fact that elther much of the stlrnufus (test products) signal) or much of the response (dlstortion Thls can cause spectra lie considerably out-of-band. r e s u f t s 1 n m a n yb a n d - } l m i t e d testing problems or unreallstic good examples are tape Particufarly or nonflat systems. Another example of recorders and phono preampllflers. growing imporLance is dlgltal audio systems, where antla'l i asi nc cutoff f i I ter" just ero omn'lnrrarl WhlCh intrOdUCe a Very Sharp above 20 kHz. of the CCIF The test proposal here i-s a modification The CCIF test 1s frequency IM test. two-tone difference adequately sensltlve and does not require expensive but has the fatal disadvantage of aftnost instrumentation, total lnsensitlvity to odd-order distortlon mechanlsms. To retain the advantages and el_lminate the odd-order lnsenslproblem, a thlrd ton,e is added. The frequencies tivlty -l- are selected to simultaneousry prod.uce a triple-beat product (A-!-C) sllehtIy below I k]Hz and a difference-frequenby product (B-C) slightly above I kHz. We will refer to the new test as the I'multitone intermodulatlon test'r (MIM). Because the peak slgnal slope of the test ls not grossly 1n excess of that of worst-case program signals, and belause the measured product fal1s 1n the most sensltive portion of ;he audible spectrum, good subjective correlation can be expee!ed. THE NATURE OF TIM In discussing audio amplifier dlstortlon issues, it is convenient to divlde dlstortion types lnto two categories: statlc and dynamlc.4 static dlstortion fevels depend only on the amplltude of the si-gnaI, while dynamic dlstortlon levels depend on both the amplltude and frequency of the slgnal. Arternatlvely, one may say that dynamlc dlstortlon ls a function of the rate-of-change of the signal.2 In general, 1ow-frequency dtstortion t e s t s , s u c h a s S M P T EI M and 1-kHz THD, measure static ampllfier dlstortions, whlle high-frequency distortlon tests, such as ZO-kHz THD and CCIF (e.g., f9- and 20-kHz dlfference tone) measure dynamic ampl1f1er distortions. Transient lnternodulation dj-stortion (TIM) is a type of dynamic intermodulation prodlstortion duced by a partlcular mechanlsm. In any casej distortlon produced by a nonis inevitably linearlty sornewhere in the ampllfler, and a given nonlinearity will produce measurable dlstortlon products (elther harmonic or intermodulation) with any test which adequately exerclses the nonlinearity. As an example, a simple high frequency sinusold adequately exerclses the TfM mechanism 1n an anplifier a n d p r o d u c e s a n e a s 1 1 y m e a s u n a b l - eT H D product indlcatlng the presence of TfM.2 The TIM mechanism is quite simple and is easily understood by referring to the highly simpllfied power amplifier schematlc shown 1n Fig. 1. The differential pair conslsting of Qt and Q2 acts as a transconductance amplifler. Its a'rrnan'F nrr{-n',+u C ri f !i V u v se !S) tuhr er s bu ao S o se n u .f ir ur a u rf r i tu n f va n In' pg iu. Il 7 , fi rvr ge Irp O k {?J , whlch ln turn drives the output stage. At m1d and high frequencies the predriver stage acts as an integrator due to the action of compensating capacitor Cl; the slgnal current from Ql is integrated bo form the drive voltage for the output stage. As a result, the slgnal level in the first stage is proportional to frequency for a given n rrrnr'F vqvy*v is r Tn the time rr-ra time derivative domain the sisnal of the output -2- 'in the fJrst s tvaq 6r ur e u sI-gna1, and so 1ts Disto output rate-of-change. amplitude 1s proportional produced by ampllfier stages such as these which torfion are situated prior to the point of frequency compensati-on, and whlch 1s a funcflon of the rate-of-change as a result ' (TIM). intermodulabion distortion is calLed transient pair is characterlzed by a well-behaved The dlfferentlal (the tanh functlon). Thus, symmetrical statlc nonlinearlty mechanism made dynamic in TIM ls a static distortion 1s situated in behavlor by the fact that the nonlinearity where slgnal amplltudes are proa part of the circuit in the portlonal- to frequency (or output rate-of-change stage is driven ff the dlfferential tlme domain sense). to clipping by the slgnal amplltudes lt must handle, then occurs, the well-known phenomenon of slew rate llmiting If the slgnal ampli-tudes and so-ca1led 'rhard" TIM resul-ts. but not in this stage are enough to cause distortlon subsfewlng TIM 1s then so-calledrtsofttror clipplng, produced. The mechanism 1s simple, well behaved, and well understood. There is no mystery about it. Because TIM depends on the rate-of-change of the program appralsal of TIM mechanlsms and measurslgnal, a reallstlc 1ng technlques requlres some conslderatlon of expected program characteristics. Based on discussi-ons elsewhere, it can be concl-uded that program sources are not as fast (peak as some mlght thlnk, a normallzed rate-of-change ( v /vs)/v p e a k t o 0 . 9 7 5 amplltude ratlo)-ol slope to 9.05 This corresponds to seeming to be the upper l-lmlt .6 r'[ 'd a power bandwidth of l-ibtle more than 10 kHz or so, and l - e s s t h a n ' a 3 V , / U Sr a t e - o f - c h a n g e f o r a 1 0 0 - w a t t a m p l - l f l e r . even on slew rate ltmltlng' This suggests that outright extremely T I M , i s a n l e v e l s o f h l g h w l t h f a i r l y ampllflers rare evenL. The real problem is clearly subsfewing TIM. out that what we hear as TIM Tt is afso worth polntlng products whlch show up in 1s undoubtedly intermodulation the midband as the resul-t of complex lntermodulatj-on interactions among several hlgh-frequency components. Thls observation is lmportant when evalua"tlng the effect of feedback factor on TIM, because feedback factor is a products functlon of frequency and reduction of dlstortion by feedback depends on the feedback factor at the product f z ra ne rY rq av rn. nv Jr r a . It is tempting at thls point to draw sone concluslons about in ahead of power amplifiers the use of low-pass fllters f ilter s u c h a q u e s t A l t h o u g h for TIM-free reproduction. the when the input signal is, can prevent slew rate limiting and may improve s&V, a square wave wlth a l0-ns rlsetlme, lt will do performance with certain TIM tests, amplifier -3- little, if anything, toward prevention of subslewlng TIM under normal program condltions because it witl not significantl-y affect the rate-of-ehange of a slgnal characterized by a maximum power bandwldth of only about 10 kHz. The LPF seems only useful for eliminating high-level ultrasonic disturbances whlch should not exist ln the first place. We can conelude from thls that so-called 'rnon-sl_ew llmitedrr ampllfler deslgns (whlch often incorporate an lnput LPF to guarantee that slewing cannot occur, regardless of the input slgnal rlsetime) do not necessarily achieve subjectively better TTM performance than ordi"nary deslgns. EXISTING TESTS FOR TTM Three tests now exist for measuring bhe TIM performance of an ampllfier. They are the s14e-square DIM test proposed by Otala,q hlgh-frequency THD,z and the polarity-modul_ated sawtooth recently proposed. by Sansui.5 ft should be polnted out that none of these tests makes any dlstinction between TIM and any other form of dynamic intermodulatlon dlstortlon;1t is not llkeIy that the ear does so, either. An important characteristic of all dynami-c lntermodulatlon .tests is peak rate-of-change of the test slgnal, since this is the real- functlon drlving the nonl-inearity, rather than amplltude alone. As we wll-l- see shortly, some .of the tests resort to rather hlgh rates-of-change to achi_eve acceptable sensi-tivlty. The measurement fLoor of a test is just as important in assessing the merlt of a test as the sensltlvity. A test whlch produces large numbers but whlch also has a high measurement f100r is not really more sensitive or merltorious than a test which produces smarler numbers and has a correspondingly lower measurement floor. fn a sense, what we are really concerned about is the dynamlc range of the test. ft must be recognized that the varlous distortion tests produce a number which ls merely a metrlc for actual performance, and whose absolute value 1s of limlted significance when compared to a number generated by a different dlstortion test. r f a n l n d i v i d u a l - c l - a i m s t o b e a b l e t o h e a r 0 . 0 1 _n e r e e n t THD, he ls merely saying that he can hear the effect of the distortion products produced. und.er program conditions by an amplifier whlch measured 0.01 percent rHD in the laboratory. pIM-30 The slne-square test was,,pfgposed specifieally for testlng TIM in audio ampllfiers.Ll,10 T h e t e s t c o r n bj . n e s a 3 . f 8 - X H Z -4- 4:1 peak, amplitude square wave and a 15-kHz sine wave ln a b y a single pole f i l t e r e d ' i s w a , t e s q u a i " t h e and. D I M -30, denoting " i i i o:,o k H z . T h e t e s t i s r e f e r r e d t o a s w i t h 3 0 kHz filtering' distortlon " iy n a m i c l n t e r m o d u l a t i o n d Amorestringenttestwibhl00-kHzfllterlnghasalsobeen products of 15 kHz various lnrermodutation ;";;;;";:4-"Fh; are measured on i.Ur--i"d 1rs lnreger multlples ;i;t-3:tg r a s hion and referred R M s summed1n an . ,p"6t"um analyzer, percentage. d l s tortlon a a t a r r l v e t o to the I5-kHz alnplriude (V/vs)/v high normallzed rate-of-change of 0.32 The fairly d i s t o r t i o n d y n a l i c of the DIM-30 test read'iIy excites l s not t e s t t h e o f s e n s l t l v i t y t h e mechanlsms. However, r a t e of-change b e c a u s e e x p e c t m i g h t o n e g r e a t a s quite as -the i t s peak h a l f tovrl the stope exceeds is ritrry d,riv slgm o r e A ' t i m e " v " r E t h e o f value for only inorrl 6 percent h i g ! f a i r l y t h e i s t e s t l n i s o f limitation nlflcant a good spectrum anaLyzet wlth 99 dl. ?f floor: distortlon This dynamic range *irr viEtd a ftoor of 0.035 percent.o impalrstheabilityofthetesttomeasuresubslewlngTlM. heavily on Because the test signal rate-of-change depends w ave' this s q u a r e ol-rt-of-uu"a (>20 kH;) harmonlcs of the for r e s u lts o p t l m i s t i c test can be led to glve somewhat In ' f l l t e r s l o w p a s s f r o n t e n d incorpo"Itfttg amplifiers a nd useful lnformatlon general, rroweveri trt" tEst-ylelds p e r f o r mance. a m p l l f i e r o f spectral display a very interesiing TheprimaTydisadvantageof'this.usefultestlstheexpenslve and exiremely tedlous procedure. lnstrumentltion 20-kHz THD appearance ' a slne Although seemlngly not very dynamic 1n t hlgh irequency 1? ttolg..than adequately wave of sufficrEnLrv TIM.mechanisms' amplifler aynarnic ln terms of-exerclsin[ h a ve been suggested m e a i u r e m e n t s T H D and so htgh_freq"u""v For singl-e-number tests 2]-kldz as a good test for fiU.2 the largest fHO- (fiffO-ZOl ts preferred because it developes for any ( 0 . 1 2 5 $ / v s ) / V ) r a t l o peak slope/peak inplitude in-band slnusoid. is not quite as At a glven peak-to-peak amplitude, THD-20 peak sLope; s m a l l e r t h e o f sensltive as DIM-30 because an order of l e a s t a t i s f l o o r however, 1ts measirement a more sensil s I t magnitude lower than that for DIM-30 ' tivetestforsoftTlMandhasagreateroveralldynamlc are with adequate sensltivlty uiityr""s ;;;;"lg--riiopartlcular O f u s e ' w l d e s p r e a d 1 n b u t moderatery expen"iuu, -5- ls the fact thab most amplifier slgnlficance include a quote of THD up to 20 kHz at rated While the front-end bandwidth a serious example specificatlons power. wlth THD-20 test is nob misled by ampliflers it ls mlsled 1f the overall low-pass filters, This can be of the DUT is not at least I00 kHz. for problem in testlng phonograph preampllfiers, SAWTOOTH POLARITY-MODULATED sawtooth measurement technlque The polarlty-modulated p r o p o s e d b y Sansul, its primary advantage was recently an fn practlce' belng inexpenslve instrumentatlon.) 20-kHz sawtooth waveform has 1ts polarlty unfiltered Thus, lts reversed at approxlmately a 7B-Hz rate. applireversal, W l t h o u t t h l s r a t e . a t asymmetry reverses asymmetrical sawtooth signal cation of the high-frequency, even- or od&order wlll cause the ampllflerfs to an amplifler w h o s e magnitude g e n e r a t e d c o f f s e t to a nonllnearitles The dc offset depends on the severlty of the nonfinearlty. forned by ls prlmarily due to even-order nonlinearltles of the sawtooth fundaordlnary second harmonic dlstortton 1s mental-. The dc offset due to odd-order nonllnearitles between the prlmarily due to "2A-8il type intermodulatlon In the event sawtoothts fundamental and second harmonlc. one might that these offsets are of opposite polarity, The readlng could result. speculate that an optlmlstic perlodic polarlty r e v e r s a l m e r e l y r r c h o p s t rt h i s d c o f f s e t The much lnto an easily measured low-frequency ac slgnal. higher frequency test slgnat is el-lmlnated in the analyzer inexpensive low-pass flltering. by relatively from the extremely Thls test derlves most of its sensitivity sawtooth edges which it applies to the sharp unflltered is The normal-ized rate-of-change under test. ampllfler ( v a n d ( p r o b a b l y 1 0 l e a s b a t / V ) / v s ) extremely high n^nqprrrpntIv the test sJena'l rate-of-change is very large. Amplifiers without input LPFs wlth moderate, but adequate, sl-ew rate, and which test extremely well in the previous r.t vvr.vvYqvrrv fU.spP vsoht s e A ? , hv Lc vsrr e u ^v ^ Jnv e v vn e sf a d tn sl cw pafg limit on thls test and poor showlng. The subjective glve an unjustlflably of this test is also questionabfe because its corretation risetime ls so much faster than that of music. because this test depends so heavily on extreme Flna]ly, signal stop" (and on out-of-bbnd sawtooth harmonics) 1t witt ne eailty misled in its assessment of TIM (particularly which incorporate input substewlng TIM) by amplifiers Iow-pass fiLters. The low-pass fil_ter not only reduces the peak s1gna1 sIope, but also reduces the waveform asymmetry and second harmonie l-evel, resultlng 1n a particularly serlous l-oss ln sensitivity to odd-order nonlinearities. A MULTTTONETIM TEST Although each of the existing tests has meri-t, each al-so has some dlsadvantages. rb seems that the foll-ow1ng llst of desirabLe test characteristlcs w o u l _ ds u f f i c e t o d e scrlbe an almost ldeal TfM test: (1) lnexpensive lnstrumentatlon, (Z) simple measurement procedure, (3) good sensitivlty (particularly to mldband even- and odd-order IM products), (4) in-band itlmulus and response, (5) good subjectlve correl-atlon due to musi-c-l-lke test slgnal rlsetimes. None of the exlsting tests meet a1l of these goa1s. The multitone IM test to be presented here represents an attempt to get closer to this ideal-. The multltone intermodulation test (MIM) i-s a variation of the well-known CCIF two-tone IM test ln which two hlghfrequency tones spaced apart by a small frequency difference (e.g., f9 and 2O kTz) are applled to the unlt under test and the difference frequency IM product 1s measured. The tone sources need not be very low ln dlstortlon, and s1mp1e low-pass flltering permits separation of the distortion product from the stlmuIus, thus permltting exceJ_lent sensitlvlty. The ccrF test has been.used wd-th some success for measurement of hlgh-frequency dlstortlon, but it 1s sensltlve only to even-order distortion mechanisms. Its total insensitivity to odd-order distortion mechanisms, which are the more prominent sources of distortion in many contemporary designs, render 1t useless as a rellabl_e general purpose TrM measurement tool. rf a spectrum analyzer or other sharp cutoff filtering technique is used to l-ook at tle rr2A-Brrproducts as well_, which in this example lie at 18 and 2L kHz, then the test will_ also be sensltlve to odd-order products; under these condltlons, however, the lnstrumentation eost becomes high.tl In order to retain the advantages of the CCIF test white incorporating odd-order sensltlvlty, a third tone has been added. The three frequencles are chosen so that the three tones produce a trlple beat product (A-B-C) at slightty below I kHz, whlle two of the tones produce a CCIF-like difference frequency product (B-C) at slightly above I kHz. Specifically, the three equal-leve1 tones are at 9.00, -T - 10.05 and 20.00 kHz, resulting i-n odd-order products at 950 Hz and even-order products at 1050 Hz. lt should be emphasized that the dlfference frequency product contalns contrlbutlons from all even-order mechanlsms, not Just second order. s1milarly, the triple beat product iontains contrlbutlons f r o m a l - ] , o d d - o r d e r m e c h a n i s m l n n rv ri r4rPs rw .urr-r hr rnr 6 l "v ordgr. 12 The even- and odd-order products are serected to Lie fairly cl-ose to each other in frequency so that both products can be passed through a relatlvery narrow bandpass fil-ter centered about--L kHz, lmprovlng immunity tb nolse generated ln the unlt under test. The photos 1n Flgures 2-6 ilrustrate the appearance of the test in the frequency and tj-me domalns.^ Flgure 2 shows the appearance of the undistorted test si[nal on a spectrum anal.yzer (2 kHz/dj-v, 30-Hz BW), wh1]e Flg. 3 lflustrates the distortlon products added to the Jpectrum when the test slgnal 1s passed through a 741 operatlonal i r c r " un pncer rs "var rt 1i n6 e sar.rm r pnf ' lri r rf e a vt 4a rnr ri r nr vr vr -c r " tvi - r .nbo bc-4.i e4nir trne r e q vnrfs t 1 0 at an output ]evel of 4.2 v p-p. The products of here are seen at the extreme 1eft of the photo at aboub I kiHz. Notlce there are two unequal very closely-spaced products there; these are the odd- and even-order products. Flg. 4 1g . l'closeuptt centered on t kHz (eOO Hz/aiv, f0_Hz BWf clearly showing the odd-order product on the ]eft and the smaLler even-order product on the right. The top osci.l_loscope trace in Fig. 5 i.fl-ustrates the appearance of the three-tone MrM test slgnal when the sweep 1s synchronlzed to the filtered and extracted distorti-on pioducts shown in the lower trace. Finally, the dlstortion products,at 950 and 1050 Hz are shown wlth a slower sweep in Flg. 6. The "artplitude-modulatedr! appearance 1s due to the two products beatlng againsb each other. If the products were equal in arnplltude, the apparent modulation depth would be 1O0 percent. The distortion percentage will be deflned here as the value of the 950-Hz and 1050-Hz distortion products, measured together on an average responding ac voltmeter, referred to the rms varue of a sine wave of the same peik-to-peak amplltude as the three-tone MrM test signal. rn the case of power amplifiers, the test power tever wil_t be defined as the average power corresponding to a slne wave of the same peak-to-peak amplitude as the MIM test slgnal. The choice of 1 kHz as the approximate frequency where products are made to appear i-s somewhat arbit,"^r-n hrr i s -8- choosing a higher First, based on two consid.erations. for a given frequency band requires sharper fil-tering T h e s e c o n d consideratlon r e j e c t i o n . s l g n a l tevet of test observation that what 1s normally is based on the earlier is lnterheard as a result of high-frequency distortlon rather m i d b a n d modulatlon products fotded down into the most e a r i s t h e B e c a u s e h a r m o n i c s . than high-frequency products of this near I kHz, the lntermodr:lation sensitive with this cholce, test have been chosen to appear there. the test accurately takes into account any IM distortion product reduction at midband frequencies afforded by negative feedback which may be larger in the midband than at the upper band edge. THD-20, for example, does not posslbillty into account (THD-20 may actually take thii p e s s i m i s t i c ln thls regard because its secondbe somewhat amplitudes depend on the feedback and thlrd-harmonic factors at 4o tHz and 60 kHz, respectively). ttimpulsivett 1n Somemay wonder if this test, not being nature, wlll adequately exercise and expose TIM dlstortlon ttyesrrr for the same mechanisms. The answer is a clear exercise of the reasons that 20kHz THD measurements do: p eak slew rate of p r l m a r i l y t h e o n d e p e n d s TIM mechanisms on the waveshape of the the test slgnal, and very llttle The peak slew rate of the three-tone test test signal. that of a full-ampli-tude two-thirds slgnal Is approximltety signifi(V/us ) /Y) , stil1 ( 0 . 0 8 q a b o u t i . e . Z}-Lltlz sinusold , cantly more than worst-case program (0.05 (V/us)tv) '6'('6 Because of the sma]ler peak slew rate stlmulus compared with percentages other TIM tests, somewhat smaller distortlon o p e r a t i ng at a given g i v e n n o n l i n e a r l t y a are produced from peak-to-peak voltage l-eveL. However, the greatly reduced measurembnt floor makes up for thls in terms of overall measurement technique dynamic ran€5e. Also, because of lts somewhat fower peak test slgnal s1erythan THD-20 or DIM-30 rate', MIM is somewhat l-ess sensltive ' t h a r d " TIM mechanisms, in whlch an to certain forms of smal] slew rate is exceptionally with a relatlvely amplifier ./ and then suddenly r ate limit s l e w t o i t s linear rlght up Such an generates TIM wtren pushed beyond that 1lmit ' whose slew rate was between 8.4 and t2.5 V/Vs and inplifier whose rated output was l-00 V p-p would be a case in point ' Presumably the three-tone test would show no TIM, while Howe.ver, THD-20 or DIM-30 wou]d indicate TIM at rated output. T I M * p r o ducing t h e would not enter wlth program the ampllfier be t h e r e f o r e w o u l d t e s t slewing region and the three-tone Such T I M f r e e . a s a m p l i f i e r t h e accuraie ln characterizing a d e q u a t e l y t h a n m o r e b e w o u l d a n d u n u s u a l , v e r y a case 1s handled if the three-tone test resufts are quoted i-n -9- Rated slew rate wlll combination with rated slew rate. slewi-ng ( i. e. , I'hard" TIM) always handle the outright TIM which is what ls usually condltion; it is the'rsoft" heard and for which better measuring techniques are needed. INSTRUMENTATION As mentioned earlier, simplicity and economy of instrumenLation are lmportant virtues of the MfM distortlon measuring technique, and this ls iflustrated by the simplified block diagrams of bhe MfM test slgnal generator :nd MTM nrodrrnf. nnnl qhor^rn vz.a'r, i n tr'i crnrAs 7 and fl rcsnpe- With the exception of the ac VTVM, the entire tively. generator/analyzer prolobype fits ln a 3-I/2 by 6 by 10 inch box. The generator consists of three simple fixed-frequency Weln bridge oscillators whose outputs comblne at an inverting summer amplifler to form the composite test signal. ground of the summer operationaf The virtual amplifler due to the minimlzes lntermodulation among the oscillators summlng operatlon. Metal shlel-ds isolate the oscillators to prevent from each other and from the summing amplifier intermodulaLion due to coupling of other signals lnto the osclllators. to A maJor advantage of the MIM technique ls the ability utilize inexpenslve signal sources for each of the three component frequencles without serlous concern for their The osclllators harmonic distortlon characteristics. a slngle used here are extremely slmple in deslgn, utilizing rms operational amplifler and a FET. They produce t voIts, at about 0.0l-percent THD; larger val-ues of THD would still were, howevqr, carefully The oscillators be acceptable. dcsi onpd tv nv n r n vdu ru rU os F PL I n v vrl ^ r n I r vnr J eL se \vr sar r \ /J f , rs se thc sttm nf soltrc.o - to the UUT, and anal-yzer noises is the major contributor produced by Dlstortlon measurement fl-oor of the system. the summer 1s well below bhe system measurement floor. Because there is over three octaves of frequency difference between the product frequency and the lowest test slgnal rf fn c ua vr qr Lar nr vaJ r, / \vruFr Jr \ r cs rhr 4r r! yn 4r rnr ru l nroniso IJrvvfeu f i ' l t - c r . , i n +or r b if s v llnnecFssArV in the MfM product analyzer. As shown in Fig. 8, the test processed by a pair of Z-kHz slgnal from the UUT is first bo attenuate the third-order Bubterworth low-pass fllters original test signal components by over 70 dB while lntroThe of 1 kHz. ducing no significant foss 1n the vicinity voltage follower are of the simple unity-gain filters ru vl a p fs 6 l ir b qo9 n rrii I i .z.ins A sinsl e ooerati-Ona1 -10- amplifier.rJ EaCh filter is followed by 20 dB of gain to mai-ntaj-na good signal-to-noise ratlo. To minimize the product detecti-on noise bandwidth and to achieve further attenuation at the test slgnal frequencies, the test signal from the UUT is next passed through a fourth-order Butterworth bandpass fllter whose bandwidth is about L50 Hz and whose gain is approximately 10. A s t a n d a r d a c V T V I v ic o m p l e t e s t h e M f M p r o d u c t a n a l y z e r . The sain *n I . 4 of the ! ,l .r U _r 1- Iv analvz.er yn u6 ua ^l . c a n e - l f i r r ui iL- vr rL v J the ic a is set d j -h^'t DfBI.ld.I +a^# UCJL nnnl r to 'l ^r,^"t agVgf naznonL vLrlu Pvl be 1000 ^f d.U nan ver at v rha UllE I L kHz,. r L ! ! u t ihFttt l]il./L{u! rillirrnlI so e v fu rhr aL aS with aa rnr aa lLv JqLavr L 1read ffOm ac VTVM The measurement floor of the generator/analyzer combination is 0.0002 percent with a 1.414-V peak slgnal l-evel into Lhe analyzer, and is due al-most entirely to thermalnoise. A redesign of the first could push analyzer filter this figure befow 0.0001 percent, but in most practlcal situatlons the thermal noise of the UUT w111 set the measurement floor. For example, a I00-watt amplifier with (20 kqz flat) a 100 dB S,/N ratio will generate about 28 UV of noise at its outpuf in the nolse bandwidth of the At the maxlmum BO-V p-p test l-evel- this will anal-yzer. result ln an additlonal nolse of 1.0 UV af the analyzer lnput. This is less than the anal-yzerrs 2 uv of referred input noise and wil-l therefore only increase the mea.surement floor to about 0.00022 percent. However, at a much smaller 2.8-V p-p tesL leve1, the fu1l 28 pV of amplifier noi se wi I I anncar at f.he analvz.cr s r l u 4 J a v r Jnnrrt 4 r r y 4 v :nri result in a of about 0.0028 percent. measurement floor For comparJ-son, THD-20 aLso has a noise f1oor which may be dominated by UUT noise. In this case, however, the .l f oor i s hi gher hv e f ao f.nr, nf 20-?O J v ment bandwidth must be on the order a spectrum analyzer 1s used. heeause the measure- of 100-200 kHz unless EXPERIMENTALRESULTS In order to see how the multltone IM test compares with others 1n practice, THD-20, DfM-30 and MIM were measured The resul-ts, representing and plotted for five circuits. performance for four operational amplifier configurations and one power amplifier, are shown 1n Flgures 9-13. A 741 operational amplifier operating ln the inverting measured, and the unity gaj-n configuration was first configuration results are shown in Fig. 9. The inverting -11 - due to high-frequ9n9{ was chosen bo eliminate distortion the amplifier c o n f i guratlon t h i s In c o m m o n - m o d ee f f e c t s . 2 slew rate' t 0 ' 6 5 V / v s a a n d b a n d w i d t h exhibited a 500-kHz indicate c u r v e s d l s t o r t l o n t h e t h r o u g h l i n e s d a s h e d The p e a k r a t e o f change the polnt at which the test slgnal-ts onrreIs the device slew rate. ev4s^v A11 three tests indicate a simllar trend of distortl0n asthetestlevellsincreased,wlthasomewhatfaster Below is approached' raLe of rise as the slew rate limit the s l e w i n g , c a u s e s s i g n a l D I M 3 0 t h e the level at whlch tests track each other quite well wlth a more or less THD-20 lies 4-7 dB befow constanb declbel difference: DIM-30,whileMIMlles30-35dBbelowDIM-30'Although uru ries 30_35 dB below DIM-30, its measurement floor for the test is-only 0.00022 percent (not shown), 38 ag below that for DIM. the results for the 'same 741 operaFigure 10 illustrates galn of 10 ' operated at an invertlng amplifier tiSnal Here the closed-lobp bandwldth 1s approximately 75 kHz' about tO'65 V/us' while the slew rate is stilt fevels are somewhat with the exception that the distortlon higherduetothesma]Ierfeedbackfactor,therelative behavlor of the three tests is about the same, wlth MIM 27 dB below DIM-30. In this case, the MIM typically mLisurembnt ft-oor 1s only 23 dB below the DIM-30 floor. The increase in the MIM me€rsurementffoor here is due to the lncreased u*pri-rr"r noise produced by the 74t in trre X10 configuratlon. Figure 11 shows the same data for..a /48 operational ampllcompensated with 4 pF and operated at a fier externally to the 741 with the firfs ampt-i-fier ls similar giin of I0. compensated. Because the Exception that lt is-externally compensati-on increases the slew rate to about lighter !2.g V/vs, greatly reduced TIM 1s expected, and this is conflrmed bY Lhe curves. further reduction in TIM when the Flgure 12 illustrates is operated *+tl ,t snaller 2 pF implifier ?46-;p";ationai w h i c h yields-a--t4'8-VUs slew rafe' conp"ns4ting capa"itor m e a s ures of TIM show reductions. t h r e e a l 1 As expectedl TestresultsforapowerampliflerareshownlnFig.13. o f a -pcpbrnocxei m r na t e l y . L 9 7 0 v l n t a g e ' w ? s This 70-watt amplifier, for issues of TIM and designed without particular slow quasl(4 V/us). It also uses a falrly t h e only n o t i s T I M " "pt "l itm " entary output stage, so c" io" m A gain' MIM 1s d l s t o r t i o n ' d y i a m i c ,otr""L of significant -12- typicall_y 27 dB below DIM-30 for levels less than those At higher wfricn cause slewing on the DIM-30 slgnal. The e v ident' 1 s greater separatlon levefs, a slightly s h a l l o w sIope, r a t h e r 1 t s w i t h c u r v e , f f t O l Z O behavlor of the a n o m a f o u s . r a b h e r seems CONCLUSION intermodulation A new method for measuring transient dlstortion and other forms of dynamlc ampllfier distortlon test are t h e o f p r i m a r y advantages has been proposed.. The p r o cedure, m e a s u r e m e n t s l m p l e inexpensive tnstrumentatlon, advanl a t t e r T h " r e s p o n s e . a n d s t l m u l u s i n b a n d f u l l y and b a n d l l n i t e d m a n y in tage allows the test to be utlltzed tests mlght not syJtu*s where other dynamic distortLon p r o p e r l y . work Although the test is not as stringent, as others in terms and as a result ylelds smalfer oi p"a[ rate-of-change, with other dynanlc correlatlon p e r c e n t a g e s , dlstortion tests 1s good and' dynamlc range ls slmilar ' distortlon high Because the best does not resort to unreallstically good t e s t , u n d e r a m p l i f i e r rates-of-change to stress the e x p e c t e d ' b e c a n subJective correlatlon - 1? - REFERENCES t. 2. I'The Theory of Transient M. Ota1a, E. Lelnonen, IEEE Transactlons on Intermodul_ation Dlstortlon,rr Acoustlcs, Speech and Signil Processlng, Vol' ASSP-25' No. 1, pp. 2-8, Feb. I97T ' f r A nO v e r v i e w W. G. Jung, M. L. Stephens, C' C' Todd, 6 8 , June - Aug'' N o s ' 6 3 , of SrD and'TiM," Audl;, voi. 10?o L ) 3. lr. | t . '' i n F e e d b a c k A m p . l i fi e r S , P. Garde, ,,TranSient Dlstortion J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 26, No. 5, pp' 314-321, May, 1978. t'A Method for Measuring E. Lelnonen, M. Otala, J. Cur1, (TIM)," J' -Audio Transient Intermodul-atlon Distortlon q , p p . 1 7 0 1 7 7, April 1977' N o . 2 5 , Eng. Soc., Vo]. 5.S.Takahashl,S.Tanaka,'tAMethodofMeasuringTransient The 63rd Conventlon of Intermodulation Dlstortionr" # L \ 7 8, May I979' p r e p r l n t Audio Eng. Soc., 6. 7. 8. g. T. HoIman, "Dynamic Range Requirements of Phonographic Audio, pp' 72-79, July L977' Preamplifi"rs,r' I'A method f or Measuring R . R . C o r d e l - 1 , t t C o m m e n t so n Transient lntermodulatlon Distortionr , " J. Audio'Eng' S o c . , V o I . 2 7 , N o . 4 , p p . 2 9 5 - 2 9 6, A p r i l 1 9 7 9 ' of The J. Lammasriiemi,K. Karinieminen, "Dlstrlbution C o n v e n t ion of 6 2 n d phonograpir-Signal Rate of Changer" L 9 7 9 ' The Audlb fng. Soc., March t ' C o m m e n t so n t C o r r e f a t i o n A u d i o D i s R. R. .Corde11, 27' Iti"ii"""tents' tortion ,tr J ' Audio Eng' Soc' , Vol ' 1 9 7 9 . No. 4, pp. 297-298, APril l0.E.Leinonen,M.otala,||CorrelationAudioDistortion Measurem"r',ii,;'1. Audio Eng' soc', Vol' 26' No' L/2' pp. ]r2-l-g, Jan ./Feb - 1978' ll.J.S.Aagaardr"ADlmprovedMethodforThelvleasurement IRE Trans, Audlo' of Nonlinear Audio Diitortioflr" N o v . , / D e c. L 9 5 9 . 12. 'rRelations Between M. V. Callendar, S. Matthews, AmplitudesofHarmonicsAndlntermodulationFrequenElectronlc Engineer, June 1951' ;r;4," 13.P.R.Geffe,r'HowtoBulldHigh-QualityFiltersout Nov' 11, I976' of Low-Q""iitv--parts,tr Electr6nlcs, -14- Ql Q2 0.33 FIGURE1: A Highly Sinplified power Amplifier F I G U R E2 : S^P( e Z ck tHr uz m / d or f t h e M I I { , 3 O H zB W ) i"rt- iig"aI MIM.spectrun-inclucling FIGURE 3: aiiiottion Produtts Produced !{at- a galn a 74L op-anp operating 4'2VP-P' o f i O 1 e v e 1 a i t of C l o s e u P of the MII'{ F I G U R E4 : c e ntered near lkHz for products APPearance of the FIGURE5: s i g nlL (toP trace) MIl"{test and the extracted l{IM distortion Products (bottoin SweeP synchron:.zeo trace). to bottom trace. Extracted I'{IM FIGURE 6: distortion Products as viewed with a slower sweep than in Fig. 5 and sYnchronized to Note "anPlitude enielope. modulated" aPPearance due to presence of both even- and irdd-order distortion Products Fl osc. 9.00kHz F I G U R E7 : MIM Test Signal Source 2-kHzLPF 3rd ORDER BUTTERWORTH l-kHz BPF 4th ORDER 150 Hz BW F I G U R E8 : MIM product Analyzer 100 Drll-30 10 THD-20 1.0 z o H 0.1 H tt o E{ (a H a It 0. 01 0.001 0.0001 0.5 10 I ' OUTPUT,V P-P F I G U R E9 : D i s t o r t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a 7 4I o p e r a t i o n a l amplifier operating as a unity-gain inverter (vs = i12v) . 3o 1.00 10 TED-z0 1.0 a o H €{ G 0.1 o F ul H a tr. 0.01 0.001 0.0001 Q.5 10 1.0 3o OUIPUT' V p-p F I G U R E1 0 : D i s t o r t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s f o r a 7 4 1 o p e r a t i o n a L arnplifier operating at an inverting gain of l-0' 100 10 1.0 DIM-30 v o H H cd o H v) 0'.1 THD-20 H a \R 0.01 l{ru 0. 001 0. 0001 0.5 1.0 10 OUTPUT, V p-p characteristics Distortion F I U G R E1 1 : conpensated with externally amplifier gain of 10. an inverting for a 748 operational 4 pF and operated at 30 100 10 1.0 zo H H 0.1 DII'I-30 o H ct, H THD.2O a \R 0.01 0. 001 0. 0001 0.5 .0 10 3o OUTPUT, V p-p FIGURE12: Distortion characteristics amplifier externally compensated with an inverting gain of t0.- for a 748 operational 2 pF and operated at 100 Dil'r-30 10 1.0 a o I'TIM H E{ 0.1 o H 6 H o \R 0.01 0. 001 0.0001 10 3o 100 OUTPUT,V p-p F I G U R E1 3 : D i s t o r t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s anplifier with substantial TIM. for a 70-watt power