Version 8.6.1 Release Notes SITS:Vision Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 May 2013 Please note the following important points: All clients will require new licence codes for version 8.6.1. Clients should check they have received the appropriate licences before installing version 8.6.1. Licences can be downloaded from the web site by some authorised users or requested from Customer Services at Hessle. The release notes describe the key features of the version 8.6.1 release and identify where major enhancements have been implemented. These are presented under the sections: Menu System (MENSYS), Programmes (CAMS), Admissions (MAS), Students (SRS), Institution Published Programmes (IPP) and System Parameters (SYP). It is expected that these release notes will be made available to users as appropriate to their areas of work. The release notes documentation assumes detailed knowledge of the software. Information about technical implications with the upgrade are described in the Technical release notes section. Menu System (MENSYS) Admissions (MAS) Institution Published Programmes (IPP) Students (SRS) Programmes (CAMS) System Parameters (SYP) Technical The entity changes associated with this release can be viewed from the Entity Change Log report in the Downloads page of Student Related Entities Tribal maintains a table (MEN_ASE, accessed via the option SAE) that is used to decide some interdependencies and conditions in the merging and deletion of student records. This table controls the DMM, archive and ACU processes. Universities may have altered this table so we do not provide it each release. You can get the table in XPC format from FAQ 8240 on The following table lists the student-related entities added in v8.6.1: Student Related Entity Additions in 8.6.1 Dictionary Entity Description SRS STX Student Extra Details (SRS01, Students – Basic Data) SRS PRL Paperless Record Log (MAS01, Admissions – Basic Data) SRS SUK Statutory UK Data (SRS01, Students – Basic Data) SRS SUKE Statutory UK Employment Status (SRS01, Students – Basic Data) SRS UAB UCAS Applicant Background (MAS01, Admissions – Basic Data) CAMS SMW Student Module Waiting List (CAM37, Programmes – Waiting Lists and Ranking in Mod Reg) The information in the manual is the property of Tribal Education Ltd which is part of Tribal Group plc. You may 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 1 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes reproduce and circulate this material, in paper or electronic form, for use within your own institution. You must not disclose or issue the manual in any form to any other party, including making the manual available on a publicly accessible web site. If you wish to amend the manual to reflect institutional procedures or policy, you may but copyright remains with Tribal Education Ltd. It is advisable to keep a copy of amended documents to ensure that on the next release you are able to re-incorporate your changes. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 2 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Menu System (MENSYS) – Software Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 1 Standard Reports and Letters 2 e:Vision Functionality 3 Task Manager 4 Address 5 Menu Functions 6 Master 7 Generic Data Maintenance 8 Users and Security 9 Document Manager 10 Stu-Talk 11 Award Certificate Printing 12 SQL Tools 13 Projects 14 MS Reporting 15 General 1 Standard Reports and Letters (MEN01) 1.1 SLPs now cached In order to improve performance we have enabled the caching of Standard Letter Parameters (SLP). This can be controlled using the logical CACHE_SLP in the assignment file. If there is no value in the logical then the default will be to enable SLP caching. The cache can be cleared by using a screen that reloads user settings such as User Security Role (USR) or Customer Maintenance (CUS). PPL 021212 SLP 1.2 Database index updated on GSL to include fields GSL_FLD5-9 An index has been updated on the Generated Standard Letters (GSL) table to include the fields GSL_FLD5-9. These fields are often used for linking GSL records to the original entity against which a letter has been generated. PPL 022449, PMR 001212 GSL 1.3 New SRL Syntax toolbar A new SRL Syntax Toolbar has been created to help users quickly and more efficiently insert SRL text into the SITS application. The toolbar can be used throughout the system to insert syntax into any field, therefore making writing and building SRL syntax much easier. PPL 025191 SRL Syntax Toolbar 1.4 Snippets of information can now be inserted more easily The Letter Text Snippet (LTS) screen has been created to hold information that a user will use frequently. The four different types of snippet that can be created are: Text, HTML, Javascript and Style Sheet/CSS. They can be inserted into: · Standard Report/Letter (SRL) using the Quick insert screen · Most places using the new SRL Syntax Toolbar · Standard Letter Parameter (SLP) 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 3 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes · Table Update Process (TUP). PPL 025278 LTS 1.5 Enhancement to the Email Utilities (YEML) table The Email Utilities (YEML) table has been improved. There are now more fields on YEML relating to the Email (EML) table that will help users to retrieve a more specific set of EML records, which they can resend or delete depending on which action they choose to run. If users have existing repeating batch jobs for the program MEN_YEML, these will need to be stopped after the upgrade, and recreate the jobs using the new YEML screen. This is due to the availability of many more selection fields. PPL 025382 YEML 1.6 Emails will now retry depending upon the SMTP error code The error messages that are given when an email fails are now real SMTP error codes , if an SMTP error code is unavailable it will fall back to using the Uniface error messages. Both of these error messages are still recorded on the Email (EML) table, if EML records are set to be created. Whether or not the email will retry is now based upon the SMTP code that is given. If the error code is anything other than a 5XX code then the email will retry (if the retries is set in the System Parameter (SYP) MEN_ZGSL_02). PPL 025383 EML 2 e:Vision Functionality (SV101) 2.1 Username remains populated on incorrect login There has been an enhancement to SIW_LGN and SIW_IPP_LGN so that when you log onto e:Vision with invalid login criteria the username you entered stays populated so that you do not have to re-enter it next time you try to log in in the same session. PPL 024077, 024772 SIW_LGN, SIW_IPP_LGN 2.2 Parent/child menu style It is now easier to create a parent and child style menu on e:Vision. This can be done by adding the styling from the Portal Page Tabs page in the manual to the body-start-tabs.hts file. This requires the System Parameter SIW_PORTAL01 to be set to Y and this then makes every tab a list item and every child a nested list item. PPL 025045 SIW_PORTAL 2.3 Cross field validation Comparison Mode It is now possible to validate two fields against each other in e:Vision. Currently this is only available in Task Manager and one of the modes available is comparison. Comparison mode allows you to compare two Task Questions (TTQ) with each other. The Cross Field Validation (CFV) table holds information about the fields that are to be validated and the type of comparison that will take place, for example, Field 1 will equal Field 2 or Field 1 will be greater than Field 2. The Cross Field Validation Wizard is accessed from the Add button on the CFV table which will make configuring the validation much simpler and quicker. PPL 026262 CFV 2.4 Cross field validation Combination Mode 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 4 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Another mode of validation, Combination, has been added to the Cross Field Validation (CFV) functionality. Only available in Task Manager , the Combination mode allows two Task Question (TTQ) to be validated with each other to check both values exist on a record in the system, for example a Programme (PRG) and Route (ROU) code both exist on a Programme Route (PRU) record. Like the comparison mode, the CFV table holds information about the fields to be validated and the amount of hits (the amount of records) the values entered into the TTQs need to return in order to have a successful validation. PPL 026713, 026784 CFV 2.5 Improvements to the Web Guide The HTS file section of the Mensys Web Guide has been re-written to provide more examples and explanation of the Uniface XHTML tags. The Web Resource Files section of the Mensys Web Guide has been updated and extended to bring it in line with the new functionality in Version 8.6.1. PPL 025872 WRF 3 Task Manager (SV202) 3.1 Condition Builder Tool added to TEC A Condition Builder tool is now available on the Task Element Conditions (TEC) screen when users select True or False as the Operator for Task Element Condition Rule (TCR) . This will allow users to build True/False type conditions other than just answers to questions in conditions. PPL 025678 TEC 3.2 Logical TTQ_ENCODE_BLANK_INPUT added A new logical, TTQ_ENCODE_BLANK_INPUT, has been added to control whether double quotes are encoded in the default values field on the Task Question (TTQ) table when the field input type is set to blank. The encoding of double quotes will be on unless the logical is set to N. PPL 025984 TTQ 3.3 Two options added to Action on Pass dropdown Two new options, Hide and Blank and Non-Editable, have been added to the Action on Pass dropdown on the TTQ Conditions tab on the Task Question (TTQ) screen. The Hide and Blank option allows a field to be hidden if the condition specified is passed, and if the page is re-submitted any value in the Message Task (MTK) answer for this question will be blanked out. This option is particularly useful when showing or hiding buttons in a Task, for example if a button is set to Hide and Blank and is pressed by a user, if the page is re-submitted the button will become available again as the MTK answer for this question will be blanked out. The Non-Editable option allows a field to be non-editable if the condition specified is passed. PPL 020233, 026552 TTQ 3.4 Tasks within Tasks (TKT) It is now possible to create Tasks within Tasks within the SITS:Vision application. This functionality has been developed to 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 5 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes make the setting up and using of Tasks (TKT) much more efficient. It is designed to allow users to create tasks which are actually multiple tasks put together, but are viewed and completed in one seamless process. A new Element Type of Task has been added to the Task Element (TTE) screen which, quite simply, when selected allows a user to specify another task to be inserted into the task being created. PPL 025186 TKT 3.5 Task Import It is now possible to import Tasks (TKT) into other Tasks within the SITS:Vision application. The Task Import screen, like the Task within Tasks functionality, has been developed to make creating Tasks much simpler and more efficient. This can be a particularly useful tool when creating lengthy or complex tasks which have similar steps to other tasks already in existence in the system, as such tasks can be imported and customised for a particular requirement quickly and easily. The Task Import Screen is available from the Other menu bar from the Task Element (TTE) screen. PPL 025187 TKT 3.6 Web Validation field added to TTQ The Web Validation checkbox has been added to the Task Question (TTQ) screen. When this is checked it enables validation of a TTQ to take place at the moment a user exits the field rather than using the Reload step on validation error? check box on Task Element (TTE) , which performs the validation when a user proceeds to the next step. PPL 025190 TTQ 3.7 File Upload Restrictions It is now possible to place restrictions on the files uploaded as part of a Task Question (TTQ) of type Upload . A new tab on the TTQ screen, Upload Options, allows for file size and type restrictions to be placed on any files users upload as part of the TTQ. PPL 025725 TTQ 3.8 Cross Field Validation Comparison Mode It is now possible to validate two fields against each other in e:Vision. Currently this is only available in Task Manager and the mode available is comparison, this allows you to compare two Task Question (TTQ) with each other. The Cross Field Validation (CFV) table holds information about the fields that are to be validated and the type of comparison that will take place, for example, Field 1 will equal Field 2 or Field 1 will be greater than Field 2. The Cross Field Validation Wizard is accessed from the Add button on the CFV table which will make configuring the validation much simpler and quicker. PPL 026262 CFV 3.9 Cross Field Validation Combination Mode Another mode of validation, Combination, has been added to the Cross Field Validation (CFV) functionality. Combination mode allows two Task Question (TTQ) items to be validated with each other in order to check that both values exist on a record in the system, for example a Programme (PRG) and Route (ROU) code both exist on a Programme Route (PRU) record. Like the Comparison mode, the CFV table holds information about the fields to be validated and the amount of hits (the amount of records) the values entered into the TTQs need to return in order to have a successful validation. More information on the Combination mode can be found on the CFV page in the Task Manager section of the online manuals. PPL 026713, 026784 CFV 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 6 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 3.10 Advanced selection list In e:Vision, when a user is presented with the list button, it is now possible to use advanced selection lists that use the Javascript plugin data tables. Advanced selection lists are currently only available in Tasking. PPL 025285 TTQ 3.11 Question Name on TTQ extended The character length of the Question Name field (TTQ_QUID) on the Task Question (TTQ) screen has been increased from 50 characters to 500. This has been done in order for the field to hold more text and therefore allow the field to have more flexibility. PPL 026888 TTQ 4 Addresses (SRS01) 4.1 AFD Worldwide Address integration (TM2) SITS:Vision now integrates with AFD Worldwide Address. It is now possible to search for an address by country code. New items have been added to the System Parameters: · SIW_ADD_003 (External Postcode product in use in e:Vision) – 'AFD07' · MEN_LOG_004 (External Postcode product in use) – 'AFDWA'. Also a default Country Code can be specified in the new System Parameter (SYP) MEN_YADD_10 (Default COD Code for Address lookups) which will be used if a country code is not supplied at the time of the call. PPL 027200 MEN_YADD 5 Menu Functions (MEN01, MEN02) 5.1 Quick Analysis - Mathematical Analysis enhancements A new dropdown field Sort value as has been added to the Mathematical Quick Analysis results screen (MEN_YQA2A) for Mathematical analysis mode Quick Analysis . It now allows the user to specify how the sort should be done. For example, it can be sorted by String, Number, Date, Time or Date/Time. The Mathematical Quick Analysis results screen (MEN_YQA2A) can now display the results in a chart by selecting the appropriate tab. Customers should note that, although Tribal use Google Charts in Quick Analysis, no data is sent to Google. For more information on Google Charts please see here . PPL 015889 MEN_YQA1, MEN_YQA2A 6 Master (MEN02) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 7 Generic Data Maintenance (SV201) 7.1 Retrieve Templates can now be created for Vistas It is now possible to create Data Maintenance Retrieve Templates (DMTs) within a Vista. The retrieve template can be used to save (and quickly load) a commonly used set of retrieval criteria. This functionality is enabled through the new Use Ret. Templates check box on DMV. Retrieve templates can either be made private or public, in order to allow users within a Vista to take advantage of a common set of retrieval criteria. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 7 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 022480 DMT 7.2 Offer text function on Academic Clearance & Decision Entry (ACD) in a Vista It is possible to use a JavaScript function in a Course Application Supervisor Access (CAP) vista to replicate the offer text functionality on the Academic Clearance & Decision Entry (ACD) screen. Set up details for this function can be found on the Vista Hints and Tips page in the Generic Data Maintenance section of the Online Manuals. PPL 026994 DML 8 Users and Security (MEN02) 8.1 User password algorithm changed to a one-way hash The algorithm used to encrypt User Security Role (USR) and Master User Access (MUA) passwords have been changed to an industry standard one-way cryptographic hash that is 88 characters in length and BASE64 encoded. This makes the passwords even more secure and extremely difficult to decrypt, even if the stored value is known. PPL 023893 USR 8.2 Enable LDAP to use its own Uniface Server Type A new MEN_YAPP_LDP service form has been created for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). This is partly to improve performance, but also enables clients to optionally map the LDAP security check to use a separate Uniface Server Type (UST) . Using a different Uniface Server Type (UST) makes it easier to monitor and control LDAP issues separately to the normal Uniface Application Server logs. PPL 019451 LDP 8.3 Advanced users can now access the disabled client system The new logical ALLOW_ACCESS_USERS has been created so you can define a list of advanced users that can access the client system when it is disabled. The new system parameter MEN_LOG_002 can also hold a list of advanced users that will be able to access the disabled client system. These two lists will be combined into one list to check whether a user can have access to the disabled system, or not. PPL 024988 USR 9 Document Manager (MEN10) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 10 Stu-Talk (MEN12, MEN13, MEN14) 10.1 New field added to HTTP Parameter Builder to define request timeout A Timeout field used to define the maximum time allowed for a request to complete has been added to the HTTP Parameter Builder on both the DataEvent-out-tray-rule (MEN_EOR_H) and DataTransfer-in-tray class (MEN_TIC_H) screens. PPL 027202 MEN_EOR_H, MEN_TIC_H 10.2 Stu-Talk Publish and Subscribe 2.0 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 8 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes A new version of Stu-Talk (2.0) has been written. N.B. Please be aware that this functionality is currently in BETA. Please consult the manuals for advice before using this enhancement. This new version includes: · Service Operations (OPE records) have been made available to third party applications creating an API with the ability to drop off data via web service calls. · Area specific programs and operations (PRAs with OPEs) can be defined in publish and subscribe configuration to generate/consume data. · Stu-Talk 2.0 data in and out tables can be configured to run multiple monitors per SMG code. PPL 027201 DTO, DTI, DTC, DTS, HTM, MCG, CMD 11 Award Certificate Printing (MEN03) 11.1 Restrict Certificate generation where no Student Ceremony (SCY) record exists System Parameter (SYP) MEN03_004 has been introduced to specify whether or not a Certificate (CER) record should be created, through Process Student Awards (PSA) option 8, when a Student Ceremony (SCY) record does not exist for the student in the ceremony specified on screen. If no ceremony is specified on PSA then the parameter value will have no effect. PPL 023418, PMR 001134 CER 11.2 Award date added to Award Certificate Printing An award date range has been added to the Award Certificate Printing (ACP) screen to allow certificates to be printed based on the Award date on the Certificate (CER) . PPL 023425, PMR 001248 ACP 12 SQL Tools (MEN08) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 13 Projects (MEN16) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 14 MS Reporting (MEN18) 14.1 Cascading parameters support Various enhancements regarding the integration between MS Reports and SITS:Vision have been made. These include: · Support for cascading parameters in both e:Vision and SITS:Vision. · The ability to select multiple values for each parameter. · The choice to view reports either in the same or new browser window/tab in e:Vision. PPL 027203 MEN_POD_MSREP, MEN_YROP_MS, MEN_YSOP 15 General (MEN01, MEN02) 15.1 Tribal Web Resource Files and Tribal Web Resource File Log tables added The Tribal Web Resource File (XWRF) table has been added to hold information about the Tribal released Web Resource 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 9 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Files, including the latest Tribal modification date and what software update the file was last updated in. The Tribal Web Resource File Log (XWFL) table has been added to hold information about each version of the Tribal released Web Resource Files. These records will be useful in identifying the changes tribal have made to the Web Resource File (WRF) records. PPL 025873 XWRF, XWFL 15.2 Web Resource File Maintenance enhancements The Web Resource File Maintenance Utilities (FMU) process screen has been enhanced in order to make it easier to use. More fields have been added to the top of the screen so users can give a more detailed selection criterion. New fields have also been added to the Web Resource File (WRF) screen to make it more understandable. More information about the current state of the Web Resource File is available, along with information about the Tribal Web Resource File (XWRF). PPL 025872 FMU, WRF 15.3 New option added to Menu Generation (MenGen) application A new option has been added to the MenGen application which allows Tribal Web Resource File Log (XWFL) records to be created for new or modified Tribal Web Resource File (XWRF) records. This is available via option 5 on the MEN_GEN screen. PPL 022980 MEN_GEN 15.4 New Export button when comparing files An export button has been added to the Compare (MEN_XWRF_TXT2) screen so that users can export the files they want to compare and compare them in an external program if preferred. PPL 024215 MEN_XWRF_TXT2 15.5 New screen available to Edit Web Resource Files (WRF) records within client It is now possible to edit the content of Web Resource Files (WRF) directly within Client. WRF files of type HTS will now have the option on screen to Edit Content ; users can then make and save amendments to the file contents directly on the left hand side of the screen making the editing of these files much more efficient. Other facilities such as the ability to copy full contents or sections from existing Web Resource File Logs (WFL) and Tribal Web Resource File Logs (XWFL), and export and import are also available on this screen. PPL 026073 WRF 15.6 Exclude fields from comparison check when importing via XPC When using Export/Import Utilities (XPC) to import records it now only compares the fields that are being imported rather than all fields on the records. Also, it is now possible to sort the records by clicking any of the column headers on the Import Review (MEN_XEPC_1) screen. PPL 025319 XPC 15.7 CAP session values can now be used on RGD The Use Session specific SCJ/SPR? checkbox on the Role Group Definition (RGD) entity has been changed into a Use Session dropdown list so that you can also use CAP values. The new values available in the dropdown list are: 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 10 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes · SCJ & SPR · CAP · SCJ & SPR & CAP PPL 026154 RGD 15.8 Print Screen popup enhanced The Print Screen popup which is accessible from the Misc or File menus, pressing <ctrl>+p or choosing Print from the right click menu has been enhanced. It now displays information about the printer which the records are going to be printed to, and the Print Mode is now a radio group to enhance usability. PPL 017252 MEN_YPRT 15.9 Performance of BTU improved The performance of the Batch Table Update process from the BTU screen has now been improved so that the processing time for each Table Update Audit Report (TAR) record is consistent. PPL 026414 MEN_XTUP 15.10 Field auditing allows more than 9,999 changes a day You can now create more than 9,999 audit records when using field auditing . As a result of this, the Store Time now forms part of the Audit History (MEN_AUH) primary key. PPL 024780 MEN_AUD 15.11 AUP option 2 allows more than 10,000 APH records in one process It is now possible to convert more than 10,000 program entity audit records into Audit Program History (MEN_APH) records in one go using option 2 on the Audit Processes (MEN_AUP) screen. PPL 024780 MEN_APH 15.12 Keyboard section of Introductory Guide The Keyboard section in the Menu System (MENSYS) -> Introductory Guide has been extended to provide sub-sections for the function keys, control and gold keys character keys and other keys. 15.13 Entity Reference section of Manual The Entity Reference section now uses the jQuery DataTables JavaScript library to list the components and to list the entities in each dictionary. This provides interactive paging and searching facilities, making it easier to find a specific entity. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 11 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Admissions (MAS) – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 1 Enquirers 2 Interviews 3 General Admissions 4 External Link 5 Student Clearance Checks 6 Confirmation and Clearing 7 Applicant Transfer 8 Points Based Immigration 1 Enquirers (MAS03) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 2 Interviews (MAS01) 2.1 Course Interview/Open Day screen You can now define a link between a MAS Course (MCR) and an Interview/Open Day (IOD) event using the Course Interview/Open Day (CIO) screen. PPL 026781 CIO 3 General Admissions 3.1 CAP Maintenance Status (CAP_STAC) and Dec/Rsp (CAP_IDRC) have been added as selection fields on the CAP Maintenance (CAP1) screen. These fields enable users to produce the inconsistencies report on specific groups of applicants. The checks for missing UCAS id have been removed and the following checks have been added: · Check for no personal ID · Mismatch between AES and APID · AES inconsistency PPL 019753, PMR 001089 CAP1 3.2 Primary key of CAP available for SRL style text The primary key of the retrieved CAP record can now be accessed in the Other CAP Fields (SRS_ACD_CAP) tab on the Application Clearance & Decision Entry (ACD) screen. The dummy fields STUC.CAP (CAP_STUC), APFS.CAP (CAP_APFS) and CAPS.CAP (CAP_SEQN) have been added as hidden fields which are populated during CAP retrieval. This can now be referenced in any SRL or RQH syntax which calls this function. Previously due to performance issues, the full primary key of the retrieved CAP was not available. PPL 022842 ACD 3.3 Performance issue on Application Form tab In response to the performance issue arising from the use of the UCAS Application Form view tab on Application Clearance & Decision Entry (ACD) , amendments have been made as to when the system retrieves the data from 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 12 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes UCAS to complete the view. It is recommended that you make a different tab active when moving between several retrieved course applications, as the application form is only retrieved when the UCAS Application Form view tab is active. This change has been included in software updates 850-0073, 851-0045 and 860-0010. PPL 008495 ACD 3.4 Fields added to Student Module Application Four fields (SMA_MOD1, SMA_NAM1, SMA_SUBJ and SMA_LANC) have been added to the Student Module Application (SMA) table in the ‘Claimed’ area of the screen. The Other Module, Other Module Name and Subject Area fields are free format text fields of 30 characters each. These fields could be used to record a module or award that had been taken at a different institution. The Language field is validated by the Language (LAN) table and could record the language that the module or award was studied in. PPL 022655 SMA 3.5 User Defined Fields added to Qualification Status User Defined Fields (UDF) have been added to the Qualification Status (QST) screen. These are accessed via the UDF button. PPL 022427 QST 3.6 Online setup and maintenance tab for Online Admissions Portal As well as being able to create an admissions portal via SITS:Vision client, a new Setup tab has been integrated into the admissions portal to enable a user to maintain the portal as well as add more desks and folders via a simple setup navigation screen. The setup screen and the level of functionality within can be controlled so that the right users have the right controls to use the screen. PPL 024234 3.7 Admissions Portal messaging The Messages Tab enables users to get a quick snapshot of what messages (MHD records) are unread and/or outstanding for applicants within an admissions portal. The message system can work as an independent page or it can be combined with the Tabbed Web Pages functionality so that when a user clicks on a name in the messages list, they are taken directly to the tabbed webpage content for that applicant which could contain more information about the messages. Both the messages tab screen and tabbed web pages require bespoke content to suit an institution’s needs. PPL 024717 3.8 Admissions Portal Default Folder The Academic Year field has been added to the Folder Tree Default Folder (FTD) screen. This allows the user to specify different default folders for each academic year. When viewing the default folder on the dashboard this will now display both the name of the folder and how many applications it holds. Note: For any pre-existing FTD records an academic year will now need to be added in the field to ensure that it shows up in the dashboard. PPL 026255, 025980 FTD 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 13 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 3.9 Admissions Portal Folder Type A Folder Type (FOT) table has been created so that Folders (FOL) can be grouped. This allows users to specify a Folder Type on FOL. PPL 026253 FOT 3.10 Admissions Portal drag and drop functionality Drag and drop functionality has been added to the setup tab of the admissions portal to allow users to easily move Folders (FOL) within a Desk (DSK) providing they have the right level of access. This re-ranks the folder accordingly. Desks can also be moved in this way. Also, by clicking on a Folder or Desk that is already selected, the user can edit the name of it in the setup tab of the admissions portal. PPL 026258 3.11 Fields added to Student Qualifications & Experience The following fields have been added to the Student Qualifications and Experience (SQE) table: Subject Name SQE_ESUN SQE_EQEN External Qualifications and Experience Name Date Taken SQE_TKND Valid From Date SQE_VABD Valid To Date SQE_VAED Summary SQE_SUMM The Grade (SQE_ESGC) field has also been extended from 6 to 12 characters. The Subject name and Qualification name fields on SQE are populated by the UCAS import when the Subject Code and the External Qualification Code are populated. The Subject name (SQE_ESUN) is populated from Examination subject name (ESU_NAME) on the Examination Subjects (ESU) table. The Qualification name (SQE_EQEN) is populated from Full name (EQE_NAME) on the External Qualifications and Experience (EQE) table. These fields can be amended manually. PPL 026133, 026521, 026811 SQE 3.12 Agent added to Quick Applicant Setup Details of the Agent (AGN) that is handling the application can now be entered on Quick Applicant Setup (QAS) . System Parameter (SYP) SRS_QDAD_05 defines whether the agent code is stored on the Agent Linkage (AGL) record or on the Agent (APF_AGNC) field on the Application Form (APF). PPL 026251 QAS 3.13 Defaulting fields when changing course through e:Vision A System Parameter ( MAS01_008 ) has been added to give institutions the option to automatically update the Course Block from the MCR record when a course change takes place through an ACD vista. Where this parameter is set to N, the system will not amend the course block on ACD to match the block defined on the appropriate MCR record. Where this parameter is set to Y, the system will automatically amend the course block on ACD to match the block defined on the appropriate MCR record. However, if the block is manually amended prior to the change of MCR code on the ACD vista, the system will not over-write this manual amendment with the block defined on the MCR regardless of the parameter value of MAS01_008. PPL 025106 MCR 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 14 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes External Link (MAS02) 4.1 UCAS Data for HESA Two new fields have been added to UCAS Data for HESA (UDH): · Highest Expected Qualification QUALENT3 Level UDH_HEQE · Highest Attained Qualification QUALENT3 Level UDH_HAQE PPL 024824 UDH 4.2 UKPASS XML-link The processing of Postgraduate applications available via the XML-link to UKPASS has been developed. This includes the XML-link Import/Export Control (XIE) that enables scan, import and export processes. An option on XIE enables the download of attachments supplied by applicants. There are a number of new key screens involved in the XML process. These include: XIE: XML-link Import/Export Control XUD: XML-link Update Dates XAPP: XML link Reference Data XREP: XML_link Reports XTL: XML-link Transactions There are further screens that also enable the setup of the XML. The Duplicate Matching Process (XDUP) has been amended to include the matching and import of UKPASS applications. This UKPASS XML-link process is described in the XML-link > UKPASS section of the online manuals. PPL 016053, 024835, 024837, 026265 XIE, XDUP 4.3 Review CAP Details The layout at the top of the Review CAP Details (RCD) screen has changed slightly. The AES code and Inst fields are now dropdown lists. The values in the dropdowns are dependent upon an Admissions Entry System - Cycle details (AEC) record for the relevant Cycle and Institution. PPL 026268 RCD 4.4 Grade Field extended The Grade field (ESG_CODE) on the Exam Subjects Mark Scheme Conversion (ESG) table has been extended from 6 to 12 characters. This is to handle future BTEC results when grades could be more than 6 characters in length. The Grade field (SQE_ESGC) on the Student Qualifications & Experience (SQE) table has been extended to 12 characters. The Grade field (CXD_ESGC) on the CAO Exam Details List (CXD) table has also been extended to 12 characters. PPL 026521 ESG 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 15 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 4.5 UCAS Applicant Background A UCAS Applicant Background (UABD) record is created for a UCAS applicant during the import of the ivStarX – Extra Statistical Data. The ivStarX data is imported and UABD records are generated when System Parameter (SYP) MAS02_058 is set to ‘Y’. When the SYP is set to ‘N’, then no UABD records are created. By storing the ivStarX data in a separate table this enables institutions to decide which fields on the Student (STU) record they want to amend. In this way previously entered data is not overwritten when the ivStarX data is imported. PPL 019366, PMR 001129 UABD 4.6 CAO Applicants In order to identify those applicants that have a “change of mind” status sent by CAO, the system has been amended to use UST-014 to define the Applicant Status (CAP_STAC) on the course application that is now obsolete. It will be necessary for institutions who import data via the Central Admissions Office (CAO) in Ireland to amend the UST>UAS table accordingly. The institution should decide the coding structure to be used to identify these “change of mind” applicants (i.e. AM) and add this to the Status (STA) table. Once this has been added to the Status Table, the UST014>UAS should be amended to include the new “change of mind” status against the CAP entity. PPL 024032 UST, CAO 5 Student Clearance Checks (SRS01) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 6 Confirmation & Clearing (MAS01) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 7 Applicant Transfer (MAS01) 7.1 Applicant Transfer (ATR) System Parameters Two System Parameters (SYP) have been added to populate default retrieval criteria when the Applicant Transfer (ATR) screen is first opened. These values can be amended within the ATR screen. The parameters are: · SRS_ATR1_30 – sets the default Year of Entry (CAP_AYRC) and Month of Entry (CAP_MTHC) · SRS_ATR1_31 – allows any field on the CAP entity to be set with a default value. PPL 019759, PMR 001138 ATR 8 Points Based Immigration (SRS29) 8.1 Source for SELT scores on VCR Institutions can now source their English Language Qualification and Progression Details data from the SITS database, no longer having to depend on Source of Return Fields (SRFs). The sources for these sections on the Visa CAS Request (VCR) are primarily the Student UK Data (SUK) and Student Qualifications & Experience (SQE) records for the appropriate Course Applicant (CAP) or Student Course Enrolment (SCE). Two System Parameters (SYP) SRS_VCR_011 and SRS_VCR_012 have been created to determine SQE Type (SQT Code) and the Expiry Date for the SELT scores. More information can be found in the Visa CAS Request section of the online manuals. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 16 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes This has been released in Software Updates: 850-0077S (UKBA & SUK), 851-0050S + 860-0016S (UKBA) and 8510049S + 860-0015S (SUK). PPL 023393, 025749 VCR, XVCR, SUK, SQE, SQU 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 17 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Published Programme (IPP) – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 1 IPP General 2 Enquirers 3 Applications 4 Publishing 5 Bookings 6 Call Centre 1 IPP General (IPP01) 1.1 IPP manual Further work has been undertaken to enhance the IPP section of the manual . The structure of the IPP section has been amended and the folders are shown below: The Web processes chapter now contains pages relating to IPP processes that are common to all areas of IPP, e.g. Logging in/out, Single sign on and Confirmation emails. Within the Web processes chapter the Online Payment page has been divided into sections and the Exemption from Payments section has been improved. The Applications chapter now contains Application Form and Application Process sections. Referees information has been removed from the Document Upload chapter and is now in the Referees chapter. A Data Maintenance chapter has been created containing Data Import Tool, Data clean-up and Change Registration Course/Occurrence. A new section has been added that lists the source of the records created by the IPP Transfer process. PPL 025149, 022164 1.2 System Parameter SRS_IPP_103 – Default Navigation Bar The setup of the default navigation bar links have now been moved from boilerplate BP002 on Program Access (PRA) SIW_IPP_TAB to 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 18 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes System Parameter (SYP) SRS_IPP_103. If an institution had customised this boilerplate then this will need to be copied to SYP SRS_IPP_103. Note that the order of each item has been switched (i.e. Logout= LOGOUT becomes LOGOUT=Logout). PPL 014482 SYP 1.3 Reverse Transfer If an applicant or enquirer was previously matched as a duplicate, then after running the IPP - Reverse Transfer (TRANR) process, the IPR_STAT is set to ‘Possible duplicate’. PPL 020785 TRANR 1.4 ACU deletes DUP and DUL records When the Admissions Clean-Up Processes (ACU) process is run from the IPP tab, the Duplicate match (DUP) and Possible duplicate (DUL) records are now removed for an applicant, enquirer or booker when other records are removed. This prevents orphaned records being left after IPR data clean up. PPL 022257 ACU 1.5 Generation of IPP records available from relevant top level screen The Populate IPP/IPO tables (XIPP) screen is now available via the Other menu from the following top level screens: MAS Course Details (MCR), Course Details (CRS), Module (MOD), Route (ROU), Fund (FND) and Area of Interest (ARI). The option is called ‘Generate IPP…’. PPL 019035 XIPP 1.6 Changes to Populate IPP/IPO tables When running Populate IPP/IPO Tables (XIPP) to create IPP and IPO records using MCR and MCR-CBO as the Source, the IPO Title field is now populated from the Title field (CBO_TITL) on the relevant Course Block Occurrence. The Period slot and Mode of Attendance are also populated on IPO. When the Overwrite IPPN (narrative) check box is ticked on XIPP, if new IPN records are found that are not currently attached to the IPP, then IPPN records will be created. PPL 025228, 025291 XIPP 1.7 Retrieval fields added to IPP Occurrence Narrative Fields have been added at the bottom of IPP Occurrence Narrative (IPON) that can be used for retrieval purposes: IPO Academic Year (AYR) IPO Period Slot (PSL) IPO Department (DPT) IPO Faculty (FAC) IPO Block (BLOK) IPO Occurrence (OCCL) These fields enable the user to enter both IPO and IPON data in order to retrieve IPON records. Entering retrieve criteria in any of these fields enables IPON records that match the criteria to be retrieved. A related IPO record must exist that matches the data in these fields in order for the IPON to be found. PPL 023748 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 19 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes IPON 1.8 Duplicate Matching Process allows more information The SRS_XDUP Duplicate Matching Process screen has been enhanced to allow more information to be displayed. · Application records can now be viewed from XDUP using the new Application and App buttons. The screen that is displayed is determined by the new System Parameter (SYP) SRS_XDUP_08, applicant records that can be displayed are either Registration (IPR), Application Fields (IPF) or Registration Question Responses (IPRQ) · An Add button has been added to allow the user to view a possible duplicate’s Address records. · Import Current and Import all buttons have been added to give more flexibility when importing records. · No records will be changed until the Import buttons are selected; if an applicant is selected for import and the screen is closed the applicant will require re-selection when the screen is re-opened. · Additional details can now be displayed for each applicant or possible duplicate. This is determined by the new System Parameters (SYP) SRS_XDUP_01 and SRS_XDUP_02. · The sort order of the UCAS applicants or the IPP applicants when they are retrieved can be specified in the new System Parameters (SYP) SRS_XDUP_03 and SRS_XDUP_04. · The format of how the DUP and DUL names are displayed on the screen can be determined by the new System Parameters (SYP) SRS_XDUP_05 and SRS_XDUP_06. · When the screen is used to process UCAS applicants the new System Parameter (SYP) SRS_XDUP_07 can be used when the match/no match is made to determine if the UCAS import runs instantly or when the next UCAS batch import is run. The Duplicate Matching section of the manuals has been modified accordingly. PPL 024275 XDUP 1.9 Web version of the Populate IPP/IPO Tables (XIPP) screen A new web version of the Populate IPP/IPO Tables (XIPP) has been developed which allows users to create Institutional Publishing (IPP) and associated records via e:Vision. PPL 015575 XIPP 1.10 Screen to Process IPPN/IPON records (XIPN) A new screen, Process IPPN/IPON records (XIPN) has been developed to allow Narrative (IPPN) and Occurrence Narrative (IPON) records to be created/updated/deleted without having to go through the Populate IPP/IPO Tables (XIPP) screen. This allows specific Narrative Type (IPN) records to be used for processing using specific retrieve profiles. The Process IPPN/IPON records (XIPN) screen is described in the Creating Programmes section of the online manual. PPL 023750 XIPN 2 Enquirers (IPP02) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 3 Applications (IPP03) 3.1 System Parameter SRS_IPP_104 – Applications Navigation Bar The setup of the applications navigation bar links have now been moved from boilerplate BP003 on Program Access (PRA) SIW_IPP_TAB to System Parameter (SYP) SRS_IPP_104. If an institution had customised this boilerplate then this will need to be copied to SYP SRS_IPP_104. Note that the order of each item has been switched (i.e. Logout= LOGOUT becomes LOGOUT=Logout). 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 20 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 014482 SYP 3.2 System Parameter SRS_IPP_107 – Advanced Course Search mode The System Parameter SRS_IPP_107 enhances the functionality of the integrated course search that is used during the IPP application process. The three new features are: · Advanced Mode – this enables search results to display on the same page as the search parameters (i.e. SIW_IPP_CRSS is not required) · Filters – additional filters (up to six) can be setup in the parameter which are included in the search criteria · Limit – An upper limit of the number of results returned can be set, e.g. 25 results returned. For more information see the Integrated Course Search section of the online manuals. PPL 025326 SYP 4 Publishing (IPP04) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 5 Bookings (IPP05) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 6 Call Centre 6.1 System Parameter SRS_IPP_102 – Call Centre Navigation Bar The setup of the call centre navigation bar links have now been moved from boilerplate BP001 on Program Access (PRA) SIW_IPP_TAB to System Parameter (SYP) SRS_IPP_102. If an institution had customised this boilerplate then this will need to be copied to SYP SRS_IPP_102. Note that the order of each item has been switched (i.e. New Call=CLEAR becomes CLEAR=New Call). PPL 014482 SYP 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 21 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Students (SRS) – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 1 Students General 2 HESES - Early Statistics Return 3 HESA 4 Finance 5 Placements 6 Progression and Assessment 7 DLHE - Destination of Leavers Return 8 Award Ceremony 9 Research 10 SAM – SITS:Vision Accounting Module 11 Alumni 12 Scottish External Reporting 13 Student Automation 14 Fund Management 15 Accommodation Interfaces 16 Accessibility Assessment Management 17 Individualised Learner Return 18 Survey Manager 19 Student Engagement Manager 20 Curriculum Manager 21 Key Information Sets (KIS) 22 Gradintel 23 Contract Billing 1 Students General (SRS01) 1.1 Age of student no longer increased if MST_TYPE set to deceased The age of a student, which is recorded in the STU_AGE field on the Student Record (STU) (and anywhere else it is displayed), stops increasing when the MST_TYPE on their Master (MST) record is set to deceased. PPL 019372, PMR 001122 STU 1.2 Any SCJ field can now be defaulted when running ATR The System Parameter (SYP) SRS_ATR1_19 can now be used to specify default values for all Student Course Join (SCJ) fields when Applicant Transfer (ATR) is run. The only exception is the Student Course Join Code (SCJ_CODE) field, which is the primary key. PPL 019745, PMR 001096 SCJ 1.3 Changes to GBO to include HESA fields The Generate Course Block Occurrence (GBO) process has been changed to include HESA fields. The fields now included in GBO are: CBO_CLSC, CBO_COLO, CBO_CSF1, CBO_FTEA, CBO_FTEB, CBO_FTEM, CBO_MAVO, CBO_MODC, CBO_PSL1, CBO_UOMC and CBO_YLEN. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 22 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 009297 GBO 1.4 Two new Entities for Course Description created Two new entities, Course Notes (CRN) and Plan Course Notes (PCRN) have been created to provide a free text area where more information can be added about the content of the course. A new field, Description Version Number, has been added to CRS (CRS_DVNC), CBO (CBO_DVNC), PCRS (PCRS_DVNC) and PCBO (PCBO_PDVNC). PPL 020762, PMR 001198 CRN, CRS, CBO, PCRN, PCRS, PCBO 1.5 UDF field addition to MAT User Defined Fields (UDF) have been added to the Master Person Appointee Type (MAT) entity. These are accessed via the UDF button. PPL 026872 MAT 1.6 Description field added and Full Name field extended on ESB A Subject Description (ESB_DESC.DUM1) field has been added to the External Subject (ESB) table to allow a text area where a full description of the subject can be added. The Full Name (ESB_NAME) field has been extended to 120 characters to allow for exact JACS3 names to be stored. PPL 026665 ESB 2 HEFCE / HEFCW / SFC Early Statistics Return – HESES (SRS01) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 3 HESA (SRS01) 3.1 HESA Core Data tables updated The HESA Core data tables have been updated in accordance with the 2011/12 files that HESA send to institutions. The HESA Core Data (HCD) record has had the fields QUALENT3, XSTUDIS01, XNATGR01, XPDLHE02, XDLEV301, XDLEV501, XDLEV601 and INSTCAMP added. The HESA Subject Data (HSD) record has had the XJACSLEV101, XJACSLEV201 and XJACSLEV301 fields added. The HESA Cost Centre (HOD) record has had the XFTE01 field extended to 6 characters. This functionality has been released in software update: 851-0021S, 850-0050S and 841-0072S. PPL 024612 HCD, HSD, HOD 3.2 Prevent HESA updates for the specified and previous academic years A new System Parameter (SYP) has been added ( SRS_XHER_132) to prevent HESA records being updated or deleted. When an Academic Year (AYR) is specified in this parameter the system will not allow HESA updates or record deletion for the specified and all previous academic years. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 23 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes This functionality has been released in software update: 851-0052S and 860-0019S. PPL 014886, PMR 000953 HST, HIN, HEN, HQE, HQA, HRA, HSM, HSB, HCS, HMS, HMD 3.3 Changes to HESA 2012/13 HESA 2012/13 has required the creation of additional entities and fields. They include a large volume of new FE related data which you can now submit in the HESA return. A summary of the new fields and entities that have been created as part of this development can be seen below. All the relevant data extraction processing options on the HESA screen have been updated in order to reference the changes made in these developments. The HESA xml creation process has also been modified to account for the new requirements. For further details on this development please see the HESA 2012/13 FAQ. The following new fields have been added to the existing HESA tables: HCI Awarding Body (HCI_AWDB - 8) – AWARDBOD (total of 8 fields) HCS Awarding Body (HCS_AWDB - 8) – AWARDBOD (total of 8 fields) HSM APEL Indicator (HSM_APEL) – APEL HST Gender Identity (HST_GNID) – GENDERID, Religious Belief (HST_RELB) – RELBLF, Sexual Orientation (HST_SXOR) – SEXORT HMD Franchiser Indicator (HMD_FRID) – FRANIND HMS Cost Centre (HMD_CCOC) – COSTCN The following new entities have been created and can be included in your return: SUK Statutory UK Data SUKE Statutory UK Employment Status HLE Learner Employment Status HEM Employment Status Monitoring HLF Learner Funding and Monitoring HDF Learning Delivery Funding and Monitoring The HESA Instance (HIN) record has been restructured as part of this development. We have moved all the Further Education (FE) fields from the main HIN screen on to a HIN related FE popup screen. This new popup screen also contains links to the new FE entities listed above. Entry Profile forced by HESA (SCE_FEPH) has been added to Student Course Enrolment (SCE) as a checkbox to indicate whether or not a HESA Entry Profile record should be created when HESA Option 1 is run. A new APEL Indicator field (HSM_APEL) has been added to the StudentOnModule entity, which will populated with the value of ‘3’ where the System Parameter SRS_XHER_002 = “W” (for Wales institutions only). This functionality has been released in software update: 851-0052S and 860-0019S. PPL 021571, 025064, 025158, 018453, 026143 HCI, HCS, HSM, HST, HMD, HMS, SUK, SUKE, HLE, HEM, HLF, HDF, HIN 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 24 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 3.4 HESA ITT option 5 now deletes related HESA Messages (HMG) records HESA ITT option 5 has now been enhanced to delete associated HESA Messages (HMG) records as a part of this process. PPL 024664 ITT, HMG 3.5 Statutory UK table created to hold additional data A new Statutory UK (SUK) table has been created to permit the holding of additional Data to be sourced for the HESA return. It can be linked with the Student Course Enrolment (SCE) record to hold FE data for the HESA return and the Course Application (CAP) record to hold Visa CAS Request (VCR) data. PPL 025155 SUK 3.6 ATAS Certificate Reference Number An applicant’s or student’s ATAS Certificate Number can now be recorded within SITS:Vision. The value can be held in the ATAS Certificate Number field on the Statutory UK Data (SUK) record. PPL 023405, PMR 001221 SUK 3.7 CSD now split to 4 decimal places The Percent (CSD_PERC) field on the Course Subject Department (CSD) table now holds figures to 4 decimal places. This is so that subject/departments can be split much more accurately. PPL 023731 CSD, HMD, HMS 3.8 New field added to EFU for HESA 2013/14 A HESA ELQ Indicator (EFU_ELQC) field has been added to the External Fundability (EFU) table, in order to store data which will be returnable for HESA 2013/14. PPL 026523 EFU 4 Finance (SRS02) 4.1 Message buffer enhancement in DDRC option 3 When running option 3 from the Direct Debit Collection Process (DDRC) screen, the message buffer now displays the sum of the processed Ledger Transaction Records (LGT). PPL 024825 DDRC, LGT 4.2 SYP controls whether SFE records used in SEN creation A new System Parameter has been created, (SYP) SRS_XSFE_013, to control whether the presence of SFE records are used in Student Enrolment Notification (SEN) creation. PPL 024052 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 25 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes ISFE, SEN 4.3 DDRP extended to include New Zealand bank codes The Direct Debit Registration Process (DDRP) has been amended to take into account System Parameter (SYP) SRS_IBK_002. When the System Parameter is set to NZ, a user who is using New Zealand bank codes can now run DDRP Option 1 to update the Direct Debit Mandate (DDM) records status field to ‘Awaiting submission’ and DDRP Option 2 to update the DDM status to ‘Registered’. PPL 022364 DDRP 4.4 Flo2Cash Online Payment Interface New online payment interface Flo2Cash supported in 8.6.1. SYP SRS_F2C_001 controls account details and callback SRL. PPL 026700 SIW_SAM_2 4.4 Active total field added on FDU A new Active total field has been added to the Fees Due (FDU) screen. The field shows the total amount of FDUs which have not been cancelled. The Total field shows the combined amount of all FDUs including ones that have been cancelled. PPL 016008, PMR 000952 FDU 4.5 Extra option added to SYP SRS02_060 In System Parameter (SYP) SRS02_060 if the value is set to ‘X’ then Fees Due (FDU) records and Fee Transaction (FTR) records which are set to cancelled will be locked. FDUs which are extracted and FTRs which are posted will also be locked. PPL 016008, PMR 000952 FDU, FTR 4.6 Additional fields indexed on SFU and SFB Additional fields on Student Finance Update (SFU) and SLC Bursary Export Data (SFB) have been indexed so counts on the records and storing related entities have improved performance. PPL 026435, PPL 019246 SFU, SFB 4.7 Additional functionality to re-process fees due for a specific period slot Additional functionality to allow Generate Fee Transactions (GFT) option 7 to re-process fees only for a specific period-slot, in line with how Generate Fees Due (GFD) option 1 processes course fees. This results in only reversing/re-processing incorrect Fees Due (FDU) records and correct records remaining intact. PPL 026630 GFD, FDU, GFT 5 Placements (SRS03) 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 26 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 5.1 Icon displays number of SPF records on Direct Placement Assignment screen On the Direct Placement Assignment screen within Placement Management (PPM), if a student has more than one Student Placement Frequency (SPF) record for a week, i.e. they have been assigned to more than one Placement (PLC) for the same week, the button on the right of the Student Placement (SPL) section of the screen will display a number to represent the number of SPF records the student has. This replaces the blue question mark image that was previously displayed when a student had already been assigned to a placement for a given week. PPL 017413, PMR 001002 PPM 5.2 Placement Type field increased to 12 characters The Placement Type (PLT_CODE) field on the Placement Assignment screens has been increased from 6 to 12 characters in length. This field has also been increased on all other related screens and entities. PPL 019376, PMR 001081 PPM 6 Progression and Assessment (SRS04) 6.1 Prevent confirmation of Programme Progression until Pathways confirmed Programme progression will only confirm if any related Pathway progression records have been agreed previously (e.g. they must be either Agreed or Complete status.) PPL 025264 SRS_WCSP_PCF, SIW_CSP2 6.2 Undo Pathway Progression in e:Vision The Undo Pathway Progression process now has the same functionality in e:Vision as client-server. There is more information about pathway progression in e:Vision in the online manuals. PPL 024940 SIW_CSP7 7 HESA Destination of Leavers Return – DLHE (SRS05) 7.1 Remove STY exclusion of ‘Z’ from DLHE Return The value of ‘Z’ on a student’s Student Type (STY) record has been removed from the POPDLHE exclusion list when Generate Student Employment Destinations (GSE) Option 1 is run. PPL 024706 STY, SRS_XSED_1 8 Award Ceremony (SRS07) 8.1 Addition of Dietary Info and Response Date fields on CYT New Dietary Info. (CYT_DIEI) and Resp. Date (CYT_RESD) fields have been added to the Ceremony Task (CYT) screen. These fields can be manually populated by the user if required. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 27 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 023419, PMR 001251 CYT 8.2 Default Selection Criteria used in planning ceremonies A Default Selection Criteria (CMY_DEFS) field has been added to the Awards Ceremony Record (CMY) . When in planning mode, it records a profile of selection criteria against CMY, so when in Invite mode, the criteria is automatically set to these values. PPL 006586 CMY 8.3 Printing of multiple ceremony blocks Multiple ceremony blocks can be printed at the same time via the Seating Blocks screen. A new screen has been created (SRS_CMY_CBS_1) to select multiple blocks if required, which can then be printed in Standard or HTML format in a combined view. PPL 017865 CMY 9 Research (SRS09) 9.1 Actual end date field on RDX used when assigning examiner Where an Actual end date is added to the Research Degree Student Examiner (RDX) record the examiner specified will no longer be available for use when assigning research events to students that are scheduled to take place after that date. The next available examiner will be assigned or none if no others are available. PPL 015430, PMR 000937 RDX 9.2 Enhancement to ETG source start and end dates Extra values have been added to the Event Type Group (ETG) source start and end date dropdown lists. These now allow the RDE event creation process in RSH to get dates from the SCJ’s expected HESA start/end date, the RDS expected start/end dates and the RDS current and original expiry dates. PPL 017400, PMR 001040 RDX 10 SITS:Vision Accounting Module – SAM (SRS10, SRS19, SRS20, SRS21) 10.1 Debtor information panel added to CLEH and MLEH A debtor information display panel has been added to Create Ledger Entry Header (CLEH) and Create Ledger Entry Header (MLEH) screens. It allows institutions to specify their own customised LGB based SRLs in order to show information about the debtors account, such as overall balance, or contact notes. PPL 019378, PMR 001172 CLEH, MLEH 10.2 Enhanced Ledger Action Rule validation when accessed from other screens When accessing Ledger Rules (LAR) table from other screens, including both data screens (e.g. DDM, LPS, LDT etc.) and process screens (e.g. LGAA, STFI, RSD etc.), the retrieve menu accessed via clicking into the LAR field and 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 28 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes pressing F2 will now only display rules where the entity and rule type defined on LAR both match the purpose requirements of that screen. For example, the Ledger Payment Schedule (LPS) screen is used to select Ledger Transaction (LGT) records to reschedule, therefore only “selection” type LAR records with LGT defined as the entity would be displayed to the user when accessing the retrieve menu. PPL 025050 All forms which reference LAR 11 Alumni (SRS11) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 12 Scottish External Reporting (SRS15) 12.1 Additional options on GFR to update outcome only Two check boxes, Outcome only (OUTC_ONLY) and Element result only (ER_ONLY), have been added to the Generate SFEFC FES return (GFR) screen. When the Outcome only check box is used and Option 4 to generate FES2 records is run, it will only update the Student Outcome (FES_SOUT) field on the FES record. When the Element result only check box is used and Option 5 to generate FES3 records is run, it will only update the Programme Element Result (FES_PERS) field. PPL 018630, PMR 001099 GFR 13 Student Automation (SRS16) 13.1 New Automation Example page in the manual A new page An Automation Example has been added to the online manual which shows an example of how an Automation collection could work by grouping together individual operations. PPL 023613 AMP 14 Fund Management (SRS17) 14.1 Fund Bid Rollover A new screen, Fund Bid Rollover (FNBR) has been created to aid the creation of and rollover of Fund Bid (FNB) records. The FNBR screen can be used to replicate existing FNB records and copy them to a new Fund Occurrence (FNO). This facility will aid the administration of student funding that spans multiple occurrences. PPL 020845, PMR 001218 FNBR 14.2 Enhance FNR1 on the web programs to allow the use of standard letter parameters in tasking When using FNR1 on the web in tasking it is now possible to use standard letter parameters (SLP) to reference the particular FNR records you wish to display on screen within task element (TTE) parameters. Within the SLP records you are able to use build text to provide greater flexibility within the program parameters stipulated on the TTE record. PPL 022122 SIW_FNR1_F, SIW_FNR1_K, SIW_FNR1_E 15 Accommodation Interfaces (SRS18) 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 29 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 16 Accessibility Assessment Management (SRS20) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 17 Individualised Learner Return No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 18 Survey Manager (SRS24) 18.1 Include a blank value in dropdown lists Survey questions that make use of a dropdown list will now include an additional option which will be treated as a blank answer. This means that any mandatory questions will now require the survey participant to select a value from the list instead of the first answer in the list being used as default. This additional option can either be blank or it can reference some default text such as “select one”, with any text being defined within boilerplate 10 of the Survey Page (SIW_BSP) PRA record. PPL 022046 SIW_BSP 19 Student Engagement Manager (SRS30) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 20 Curriculum Manager (CAM26) 20.1 Planning notes and additional fields added to existing entities Two new fields, Planning Notes and Additional Fields, have been added to Plan Course Block (PCBK) , Plan Course Block Occurrence (PCBO) , Plan Course Module Association (PCMA) , Plan Course Qualification Aim (PCQA) , and Plan Course (PCRS). An additional planning status value of ‘Ready For Deployment’ has also been added. PPL 026723 PCBK, PCBO, PCMA, PCQA, PCRS 20.2 Curriculum Planner 18 new Entities created The follow new entities have been added to the component to allow future enhancements to the Curriculum Manager: Plan Award Route Name (PARN), Plan Marketing Course (PMCR), Plan Pathway (PPWY), Plan Programme Award (PPAW), Plan Programme Route (PPRU), Plan Reading List (PMRL), Planning Route (PROU), Planning Route Element (PROE), Plan Valid Admissions Route (PVAR), Plan Assessment Due Dates (PMAD), Plan Award (PAWD), Plan Award Rules (PPAWR), Plan Award Rules Body (PAWB), Plan Course Subject Department (PCSD), Plan Valid Course Option (PVCO), Planner Programme of Study (PPRG), Planner Formed Module Collection (PFMC) and Plan Formed Module Element (PFME). PPL 026726, 026727, 026860, 027095 PPRU, PMRL, PROU, PARN and more 21 Key Information Sets (KIS) (SRS34) 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 30 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 21.1 KIS Course moved to be first element on all KIS screens KIS screens have been changed to start with KIS Course field as the first element in the retrieve profile. Changed screens are KIS Accreditation (KAC) , KIS HESA IDs (KHI) , KIS Course (KIC) , KIS Course Stage (KCS) , KIS Popular Modules (KPM), KIS Popular Credits (KPC) and KIS Marketing and Admissions Course (KMC) . PPL 024505 KIS 21.2 URL checker has been added to KIC and KAC screens A Run button has been added after each URL field on KIS Course (KIC) and KIS Accreditation (KAC) screens. These buttons allow you to check if entered URLs are valid or not by opening the default internet browser and retrieving the URL. PPL 024502 KIS 21.3 Added Use for KIS check box to CBK A Use for KIS check box has been added to the Course Block List (CBK) table to prepare for the subsequent process which will look at this field to provide more control over the way CBKs are used to generate KIS Course Stage (KCS) records. PPL 023502 KIS 21.4 Enabled option 7 button on KIS screen Functionality has been added to the Run button on KIS option 7 for opening the KIS Validation Kit. The System Parameter (SYP) SRS_XHER_114 is used to get the location of the Validation Kit. PPL 023262 KIS 21.5 Added PAB name on CPA and KAC screens The Course Professional Accreditation (CPA) and KIS Accreditation (KAC) screens have been changed to display Professional Accreditation Body (PAB) name instead of only the code. This will help for identifying the professional accrediting body. This was released in software updates 850-0078S, 851-0052S and 860-0019S. PPL 023263 CPA, KAC 21.6 Added Run Screen option on KIS The Run Screen option has been added on the KIS process screen to quickly access KIS related information which matches the selection criteria. The Run Screen button provides access to the screen selected from the dropdown list, the available screens are: KIN , KCR , KMC, KCD , KIC , KAC, KHI , KCS, KPC, KPM , MCR (using KMC link). PPL 021986 KIS 21.7 Option 8 (Clear down KIS related records) added to KIS process screen 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 31 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes KIS option 8 enables you to remove all process driven KIS records. By using the Academic Year, Institution Code and KIS Course selection criteria on this screen you can use option 8 to delete the following records: KCD , KIC , KHI , KCS, KAC, KIL , KPC, and KPM . PPL 023266 KIS 21.8 New System Parameter to exclude SMRs from Popular Modules on basis of grade A new System Parameter (SYP) SRS_KIS_018 has been added. This parameter allows a user to exclude Student Module Results (SMR) based on the actual or agreed grade. PPL 023257 KIS 21.9 Added the ability to exclude KIC from the XML/return A new Include in XML field (KIC_RTYN) has been added to the KIS Course (KIC) record. The new KIC field indicates whether the records related to that KIC should be included in the XML return file. Entering a value of 'N' in this field will exclude this KIC record and all its associated KIS records from the XML return file. PPL 024029 KIC, KIS 21.10 Added institution numbers to KIS HESA record Two new fields have been added to the KIS HESA IDs (KHI) screen to record the registering institution number and the teaching institution number. This information is included to the KIS XML output. PPL 025956 KHI, KIS 21.11 Added Student Union URLs to KIS institution record Two new fields have been added to the KIS Institution (KIN) screen to record the Student Union English and Welsh URLs. This information is included to the KIS XML output. PPL 025957 KIN, KIS 21.12 Ability to specify mode of attendance for KIS courses KIS Course Mode (mode of attendance) field has been added to KIS Course Descriptor (KCD) and KIS Course (KIC) , which is populated via the MOA record associated with the linked MCR course record. This information is included to the KIS XML output. PPL 025955 KCD, KIC, KIS 21.13 Added National Health Service (NHS) flag to KIS course descriptor and KIS course A new flag to indicate a National Health Service (NHS) course has been added to KIS Course Descriptor (KCD) and KIS Course (KIC) , which is populated manually on KCD and copied to KIC via KIS Option 2 . This information is included to the KIS XML output. PPL 025959 KCD, KIC, KIS 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 32 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 21.14 Added Total Number of Stages field to KIS course descriptor and KIS course Total Number of Stages field has been added to the KIS Course Descriptor (KCD) and KIS Course (KIC) screens. When this field is populated on KCD (KCD_NSTG) and Option 2 on KIS screen is run, it will populate the field on the KIC (KIC_NSTG) related record. PPL 025960 KCD, KIC, KIS 21.15 KCR KIS course code field validated by HEFCE definitions The KIS Course code field on KIS Course (KCR) has been improved to be validated against the permitted set of characters defined by HEFCE. The System Parameter (SYP) SRS_KIS_020 has been created to define the valid characters. Existing KCR records are validated on leaving the KIS Course code field, but new KCR records have the KIS course code field validated and do not store if the validation fails. An SRL (operation: CHECK_KIS_CODE) can be run against multiple KIS Course codes to determine which existing KIS Course codes are not valid. PPL 025961 KCR 21.16 Location data for KIS return information adapted to comply with HEFCE's updated requirements The Accommodation fields on the KIS Institution (KIN) record have been replaced by the new KIS Location (KLN) table fields, so they are now redundant fields and have been moved to the bottom of KIN screen under a line and marked as ‘Non Returnable Fields’. External title, External title – Welsh, Latitude and Longitude of campus fields have been added to the Campus (CMP) table. The Campus code has also been changed from 1 to 2 characters on the CMP record. The Latitude and Longitude fields of campus location can be validated by a run button, which uses System Parameter (SYP) ( MEN01_001 ) to open the location in the institution’s preferred mapping website. The KLN records are accessible via the Other menu on the KIS Course (KIC) screen where a new field has been added as a list field (KIC_CMPL) to allow multiple KLN records to be associated with a single KIS Course (KIC) record. A new Change Location field (KIC_LNYN) has also been added to KIC screen to indicate if the course does change location. KIS Option 2 process has been amended for populating the new Location identifier field (KIC_LCID) on KIC. A new Campus field (MCR_CMPC) has been added to MCR screen , to provide a source for KIS campus code derivation. The KIS XML generation process has been amended to create the Location-based element. PPL 025951 KLN, KIC, MCR, KIN, CMP, KIS 21.17 Accreditation data for KIS return information adapted to comply with HEFCE's updated requirements A new field has been added to the Course Professional Accreditation (CPA) table (CPA_ATYP) and KIS Accreditation (KAC) table (KAC_ATYP) to hold the HEFCE issued 5 characters Accreditation Type. The Type of Accreditation and URL Explaining Accreditation fields on CPA (CPA_ACCT, CPA_ACCU) and KAC (KAC_ACCT, KAC_ACCU) are now redundant fields so they have been moved to the bottom of both screens under a line and marked as ‘Non Returnable Fields’. The KIS option 2 process has been changed to use the new field on CPA (CPA_ATYP) to populate the new field on KAC (KAC_ATYP). The KIS option 6 has been changed to use the new Accreditation Type field from KAC (KAC_ATYP) instead of the redundant field (KAC_ACCT) within the XML output. The URL Explaining Accreditation field 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 33 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes (KAC_ACCU) has also been removed from the XML output. PPL 025952 KAC, CPA, KIS 21.18 Course titles for KIS return information modified to comply with HEFCE's updated requirements A new KIS Course Aim (KCA) table has been created. The Qualification Aim Code and With Honours fields have been added to KIS Course (KCR) , KIS Course Descriptor (KCD) and KIS Course (KIC) screens. The Sandwich Year, Year Abroad and Foundation Year fields have also been added to KCD and KIC screens. The KIS option 1a process has been changed to use the new fields on KCR to populate the new fields on KCD. It should be noted that HESA has altered the requirements for the format of the Course Title data. As a result it is highly recommended this year that you derive your Course Title value from KCR rather than using SRF functionality to populate from an alternative source during KIS option 1a or KIS option 2. The KIS option 2 process has also been changed to use the new fields on KCD to populate the new fields on KIC. The XML generation process has been amended to use the new fields related to the Course Titles (Qualification Aim Code, With Honours, Sandwich Year, Year Abroad and Foundation Year). PPL 025953 KCA, KCR, KCD, KIC, KIS 21.19 HESA Course ID changed to comply with HEFCE's updated requirements The KIS Option 2 has been changed to now produce multiple KIS HESA IDs (KHI) records (one KHI per year) instead of "Both" years concept in the HESA year field. The KIS XML output is now inline with new HEFCE guidelines. PPL 025958 KIS 21.20 KIS field population logic updated in line with HEFCE guidelines All field population rules detailed in HESA specification have been reviewed based on the KIS type of the course, when the KIS option 2 process is run. PPL 025962 KIS 21.21 HESA latest changes to Student Union URL fields within specific locations and KIS Course Aim Code The KIS Course Aim Code field has been changed from 2 to 3 characters on the KIS Course Qualification Aim (KCA) , KIS Course (KCR) , KIS Course Descriptor (KCD) and KIS Course (KIC) tables. The Student Union URL (KLN_SURL) and Student Union URL Welsh (KLN_SURW) fields have been added to the KIS Location (KLN) table. These new fields have been added in the KIS XML return within the location data structure. PPL 025950 KCA, KCR, KCD, KIC, KIS 21.22 Improvements on MAVT roll forward as part of KIS for GMV The Scheduled Study%, Independent Study%, Placement Study %, Written Exam %, Practical Exam %, Coursework %, Scheduled Study Hours, Independent Study Hours and Placement Study Hours fields, related to the KIS, have been added to be rolled forward to the next academic year as part of the Generate Module Availability (GMV) process. PPL 024504 MAVS, MAVT, GMV 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 34 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 21.23 Enable KHI field population via HCS within SRF process The KHI population process within KIS Option 2 has been enhanced to allow the Source of Fields (SRF) process to reference the HCS table, so that HCS user defined fields could be used to populate the Registering and Teaching Institutions. PPL 027313 KIS 21.24 Current and previous XML return format production functionality Ability to produce the KIS XML return in the previous, as well as the current, year’s format, due to potential overlaps between the time periods for amending the KIS return for the previous year and producing the KIS return for the current year. PPL 027362 KIS 21.24 Additional field on KHI to store Teaching Institution A new field has been added to KIS HESA ID (KHI) to allow the teaching institution to be stored. PPL 026967 KHI 22 Gradintel (SRS33) 22.1 Processing Status added to Gradintel In-Tray record A new Gradintel Status (GII_STAT) of ‘Processing’ (P) has been added to Gradintel In-Tray (SRS_GII) so records that are in a processing state can be represented. PPL 026103 SRS_GII 23 Contract Billing (SRS39) 23.1 UDF field added to CNS User Defined Fields (UDF) have been added to the Contract Billing Student List (CNS) entity. These are accessed via the UDF button on the Contract Billing Student List (CBES) screen. PPL 023949 CNS 23.2 UDF field addition to CNB User Defined Fields (UDF) have been added to the Contract Billing (CNB) entity. These are accessed via the UDF button on the Contract Billing Student List (CBEM) screen. PPL 023953 CNB 23.3 Long and Short name fields and In Use check box added to CBE Full name and short name fields have been added to the Contract Billing Entry (CBE) entity. An In Use check 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 35 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes box has also been added. If the In Use check box is not ticked, then any Contract Billing Student (CNS) records for that Contract Billing Entry (CBE) will not be picked up by the Generate Fees Due (GFD) process. PPL 023951, 023952 CBE 23.4 Student Name, Status and Order fields added to CNS A non-editable field which displays the student name has been added to the Contract Billing Student List (CNS) entity, so that it is easier to identify students. A Status field has been added which will show whether the Contract Billing Student List (CNS) record has been run through the Generate Fees Due (GFD) process or not. A four digit numeric Order field has been added which will hold the order in which Contract Billing Student List (CNS) records have been sorted on the Contract Billing Entry (CBE) screen. PPL 023939, 023944, 023948 CNS 23.5 Zero percentage amounts allowed on CNB and CNS Contract Billing Entry (CBE) slots will allow a percentage amount of zero. Contract Billing Student (CNS) slots can be created with a percentage amount of zero. PPL 023954 CBE, CBES 23.6 Re-sort contract slots CNS A new re-sort button has been added to the Contract Billing Entry (CBE) screen. This will use the sort order as defined on the associated Ledger action rule (LAR) to sort the related Contract Billing Student (CNS) records and update the Order field. Contract Billing Student (CNS) records that have a status of ‘On Hold’ will be ordered last by the re-sort process. Contract Billing Student (CNS) records that have a status of ‘Processed’ will not have their order regenerated by the re-sort process. PPL 023945 CBE 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 36 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Programmes (CAMS) – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 1 Diets 2 Module Registration 3 Waiting Lists and Ranking 4 General 5 Basic Data Menu 6 Student Scheduling 7 Room Scheduling 8 Events 9 Manual Scheduling 10 Assessments 11 Awards 12 Exam Scheduling 13 Room Bookings 14 Student Absences 15 Progression 16 Assignment Submission 17 Invigilation Scheduling 18 Module Scheduler 1 Diets (CAM01) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 2 Module Registration (CAM01) 2.1 Undo Module Selections in Programme Approval mode Online Module Registration now gives the option to allow students to undo Module Selections in Programme Approval mode (when SIW_MRG_PAA is set to ‘Y’), even after they have submitted their selections and have a Student Scheduling Number (SSN ) record status of Entered. This functionality is enabled using a parameter on the SIW_MRG COP ( MEN_COP_MRG). PPL 016578, PMR 000972 SIW_MRG 2.2 Evaluate all MMR across multiple SPRs It is now possible to check Module/Module Rules across multiple Student Programme Routes (SPRs) in different years and periods, allowing modules from a previous SPR to be used to pass rules for the current SPR. A new hidden field has also been added to the Student Programme Planning (SPP1) entity to record whether the data used to pass the rule is taken from a different SPR to the one being processed. PPL 025344, 025817, 025856 SPP1 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 37 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 2.3 Ability to switch off PDM advanced search It is now possible to switch on and off different search criteria such as Level, Credits, and Tutor from the Enhanced Module Registration’s advanced search dropdown through COP options on MEN_COP_MRG. When no options are ticked, the advanced search will be hidden. PPL 023298 SIW_MRG 3 Waiting Lists and Ranking (CAM37) 3.1 MAV flag to indicate Waiting List There is a new checkbox on the main Module Availability (MAV), Module Availability Maintenance (MAV1), MAV Scheduling View (MAV3) and Module Occurrence (MAV) screens. This new field indicates whether the associated MAV record has students present on the Waiting List . PPL 026079 MAV 3.2 Student Module Waiting List (SMW) The Student Module Waiting List (SMW) entity has been created to allow users to add students to waiting lists for a particular Module Availability (MAV) if the specified MAV is full. A function allows them to be accepted if and when space becomes available. The table can be accessed via a top-level screen, or via the ‘Waiting List’ option on the Other menu from the MAV screen. PPL 026080 SMW 3.3 System Parameter to allow MAV target to be updated The System Parameter (SYP) CAM37_01 has been created to determine whether the Target (MAV_TRGT) field on the Module Availability (MAV) record can be amended when the Students on waiting list (MAV_WAIT) check box is ticked and Student Module Waiting List (SMW) records are attached to the MAV. The value of the SYP is checked when the target is amended on any of the following Module Availability screens: MAV, MAVS, MAV2, MAV3. PPL 026081 MAV, MAVS, MAV2, MAV3 3.4 Student Module Waiting (SMW) Records added into System Parameter CAM02_23 Student Module Waiting (SMW) records have been added into the System Parameter (SYP) CAM02_23 , Source of Target Check, so that it is possible to include these records in the MAV target which is used by processes such as module registration and student scheduling (SST) to check for vacancies. PPL 026409 SMW 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 38 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 3.5 Waiting Lists in Module Registration The new waiting list facility can be used from e:Vision’s online enhanced and standard module registration facility. When the Waiting list check box on Module Availability (MAV) entity is ticked this allows students registered for that module occurrence to opt to be placed on the waiting list for that module should it become full when they register for their modules online. Students will be notified via a warning message that a waiting list is in operation for the module. When they submit their selections which include a waiting list module choice then a Student Module Waiting List (SMW) record will be created. The SMW will record a student status of ‘Waiting’ for submitted waiting list modules, and a student status of ‘Provisional’ for online module selections saved to submit later. PPL 026410 SMW 4 General 4.1 Day (DAY) screen The Day (DAY) screen is now available as a top level screen using the menu option DAY. A TUS Code field has also been added to the screen to hold the Time Usability (TUS) code that the DAY record is linked to. PPL 024972 DAY 5 Basic Data Menu (CAM01) No changes have been made to this area of the software in this release. 6 Student Scheduling (CAM02) 6.1 Set Up My Teaching Enhancements Several enhancements have been done in the Set Up My Teaching (XTEL) screens including changing the name of the screens and amending both screens and documentation from “Student Scheduling Wizard” and “Setup My Lessons” to “Set Up My Teaching”. The Set Up My Teaching screen now includes a ‘More Details’ link to open the TEL screen related to the selected module teaching pattern. The ‘Concurrent Group’ box has been removed. The Set Up My Teaching screen is also now accessible from the MAV screens. PPL 024622, 025044, PPL 025803, PPL 026465, PPL 027022, PPL 027024, PPL 027030 MAV, TOC, TOE, TOP, TEL, TFR, TRR, TPR, FRQ, FQE, XTEL 6.2 SQA validated Modules in MAV screen Modules that are SQA (Scottish Qualification Authority) validated are now themselves validated when a new Module Availability (MAV) record is created. The validation checks the QPL record and if a Module is deemed invalid you are informed by means of a popup with a request to continue. PPL 019459, PMR 001158 MAV 6.3 MAVT Fields changed to accept decimals The following nine fields (hours and percentages) on Other Module Availability Details (MAVT) accessed via the MAV1 option, were changed to accept decimals: Scheduled Study %, Independent Study %, Placement Study %, Written 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 39 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Exam %, Practical Exam %, Coursework %, Scheduled Study Hours, Independent Study Hrs, Placement Study Hours. PPL 025361 MAVS, MAV1 6.4 Set groups of Modules to automatically allow retakes You can now tick a checkbox on the Unit Type (UTY) record attached to one or more Module (MOD) records to set it to automatically allow students to retake the module (rather than querying or cancelling attempts to add the student to a completed course in accordance with System Parameter CAM02_15). PPL 016860, PMR 000875 MOD, UTY 6.5 Hidden field added for Validate Student Programme Process A hidden field (SPP_SPR1) has been added to the SSP1 screen to support the Validate Student Programme (VSP) process. PPL 025856 VSP, SPP1 6.6 Auto-Schedule Flag on Room (ROM) A new Auto-Schedule flag has been added to the Room (ROM) record. This field is used by the Module Scheduler to find rooms that are available to it. Rooms that do not have the auto-schedule flag ticked are still available for manual scheduling. PPL 026417 ROM 7 Room Scheduling (CAM09) No changes have been made to this area of the software this release. 8 Events (CAM02) 8.1 Adding students when already passed Module When adding a student to an Event when they have already passed the Module you are now asked via a popup question whether you wish to continue. We have taken this opportunity to improve the functionality around the various questions you can be asked when adding a Tutor, Room, Student or Facility to an Event. You will now be asked all questions in one popup making the addition of these records easier. PPL 014358, PMR 000874 EVA 8.2 Timetable cannot be viewed correctly The new System Parameter CAM_XTTB_05 can now be used to control the height of slots when viewing the timetable in the ‘Month’ view, or with days across the top/side. PPL 014447 EVA 8.3 Adding students when Room Capacity is exceeded 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 40 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes When adding a student to an Event where the number of students attached to the Event will exceed the capacity of the Room attached to the Event, you are now asked via a popup question whether you wish to continue. PPL 019375, PMR 001127 EVA 8.4 Fields added to Occurrence Route Selection Screen (ORS) Two fields have been added to the Occurrence Route Selection (ORS) screen, these are the Programme (PRG) field and the Level (LEV) field. The <GOLD>* and the <GOLD>? wildcards can be used as search criteria in these fields. It is also possible to view the Occurrence Route Selection (ORS) screen from top -level. PPL 011553, 026148 ORS 8.5 Event Version Number (EVE) The Version number (EVE_VERN) field on the Events (EVE) screen is now validated by the Timetable Version (TTV) table. The field is also validated by TTV where on the Event Supervisor (EVES), Generate Events (GEV), Schedule Students (SST), Exchange Student Modules (XSM) and Event Processes (EVP) screens. TTV records will be created during the 8.6.1 upgrade where the Version number field is populated with a value for existing Events. PPL 026188 EVE, EVES, GEV, SST, XSM, EVP 8.6 Implement Lock Feature in Scheduling (EVE) The Event Processes (EVP) screen now allows you to lock Event records making them non-editable by the Event Modification Wizard, the Drag and Drop Timetables, or manually. PPL 025473 EVP, EVE 8.7 Record Source Field on Event Related Tables A new Record Source field has been added to the Event Instance (EVI) , Event Attribute (EVA), and Event Attribute Detail (EAD) tables to report the source of the Event data. The record source of Scheduler is part of the CAM39 Module Scheduler component. PPL 025491 EVA, EVI, EAD 8.8 System Parameter CAM_YTTI_001 The system parameter CAM_YTTI_001 has been added that defines the directory location of XSD (XML Schema Definition) files used within the Timetable Interface APIs. PPL 025028 SYP 8.9 Validated Import of Event (EVE) Data New operations have been added for a validated import of Event (EVE) and event related data. There are 4 levels of 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 41 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes validation that you can choose from. These operations belong to the Timetable Interface and the operations include XMLLOAD_EVE, XMLLOAD_EVI, XMLLOAD_EVR, XMLLOAD_EAD, XMLLOAD_EVA, and XMLLOAD_BASIC. PPL 025027, 025028 EVE, EVA, EVI, EAD 9 Manual Scheduling (CAM19) 9.1 Add/Edit Event Pop-Up in the Drag and Drop Timetable Enhancements have been made to the Add/Edit Event pop-up in the Drag and Drop Timetable (SIW_XTTB2), to aid usability. Various fields have been made mandatory: the Activity, the Event Type, Day, Start Time, End Time, and either Module code or Course code. Functionality has also been added to enable the automatic calculation of the duration when the Start Time and End Time fields are completed. PPL 015915 EVE 9.2 Drag and Drop Timetable Allow Changes for this Week Onwards Enhancements have been made to the Drag and Drop Timetable (SIW_XTTB2) to allow the option to edit the current week and all subsequent weeks. In the dropdown menu located in the options menu, there is a new value called Future Weeks. When amendments are made to an Event Instance (EVI) with this value selected, the current EVI and all subsequent EVI’s will be amended. This includes changing days/times of an EVI and removing rooms and personnel. When adding rooms and personnel, the value in the dropdown is ignored. PPL 010032 SIW_XTTB2 10 Assessments (CAM04) 10.1 e:Vision mark entry navigation improvements Several new buttons have been added to the e:Vison Mark Entry screens in order to help users to navigate between the relevant pages without having to return to the main screen. PPL 022444, PMR 001266 SIW_MSA 10.2 XML import facility for RAS in addition to SAS It is now possible to import re-assessment marks/grades using the XML import facility, in addition to the existing assessment import functionality. This development requires a CAM32 component licence and includes the following: · The base tags within the XML have changed from <assessments> to <records> (with associated end tags), though it is still possible to import the earlier file formats where required. · It is possible to import the re-assessment XML using the existing CAM_XSAS_XML.IMPORT_FILE, CAM_XSAS_XML.IMPORT_STREAM and CAM_XSAS_XML.IMPORT.XML operations. · Re-assessments can be imported with use of <reassessments> and <reassessment> start and end tags and it is also possible to import a mixture of assessment and re-assessment data within the same file 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 42 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes where required. More information, along with example xml files can be found in the XML import section of the online manual. PPL 024711 CAM_XSAS_XML 10.3 SIW_MAP1 has been updated to use up to date web standards The e:Vision Assessment Setup screen SIW_MAP1 has been reviewed and updated in order to reflect the most up to date e:Vision standards. Please merge and publish the SIW_MAP1.hts in order to make use of these improvements. PPL 017274 SIW_MAP1 10.4 Included SAS and SRA grades options to the Module Grade Breakdown on results lists When running Mark Entry (SIW_MME) via a Container Option (COP), a number of parameters are available. One of them, the ‘Include module grade breakdown on results list’, has been changed by adding two new options – SAS and SRA grades. The options now are: · None (do not show the breakdown) · SMR (show the breakdown for module results only) · SAS (show the breakdown for Student Assessments only-per MAB) · SRA (show the breakdown for Student Re-Assessments only-per MAB) · All This can be seen on the View Module Results or View Re-assessment Results pages on e:Vision. PPL 017861 SIW_MSA_VMK 10.5 Student Search in e:Vision mark entry reworked The Student Search option available within the Enter Marks screens in e:Vision mark entry has been reworked. Though functionality remains much the same – with the exception of a new COP Parameter (Search box on Enter screens moves with screen) to allow the search to be frozen in place rather than following the user – this will require amendments to each mark entry HTS file that references the old JavaScript file. References to sharedFunctions.js and mme_search.js have now been replaced by a single reference to siw_msa.js. PPL 026014 SIW_MSA 10.6 Get Grade from Mark added to e:Vision Mark Entry The ‘Get Grade From Mark’ functionality available in Client Server is now available in e:Vision Module Mark Entry. This functionality can be controlled by a new dropdown Default grades on Enter screens as user types on the SIW_MME COP parameter which contains three options: 'No', 'Get Grade' and 'Suggest'. The Get Grade from Mark field on the Module Assessment Body More Details (MABS) screen needs to be set to ‘Yes’ in order for this functionality to work. PPL 024067, PMR 001169 SIW_MSA 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 43 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 10.7 Improved documentation for SIW_MME COP Parameters The functionality available through the parameters popup on the Container Option (COP) for SIW_MME has now been documented in more detail. PPL 025376 SIW_MME 10.8 Improved documentation for Assessment Process Overview A new diagram has been added to the Assessment Process> Process Overview page in the Online Manual. This diagram outlines each of the steps and likely responsibilities in the normal initial assessment process. PPL 026033 CAM04 10.9 Documentation for SIW_MAP1 has been moved to its own page Previously, Module Assessment Pattern and Module Assessment body (SIW_MAP1) setup on the web was documented within Assessment Question setup. We have now moved documentation regarding SIW_MAP1 to its own page in the manual. PPL 026455 SIW_MAP1 10.10 New COP Parameters for the Assessment Setup screen Two new Container Option (COP) Parameters have been added for the Assessment Setup (SIW_MAP1) program in order to determine which records can be viewed/edited within the screen: · Display Assessment Pattern (MAP and MAB) · Display Assessment Question (AQH, AQS and AQE) PPL 025750 SIW_MAP1 11 Awards (CAM04) No changes have been made to this area of the software this release. 12 Exam Scheduling (CAM08) 12.1 Random order of Exams and Slots The Assessments to Schedule can now be scheduled in a random order. This is done by updating the order field on the Assessment to Schedule (WAS) record with a random number. This means that you can randomly schedule your exams so, for instance, Archaeology does not get scheduled first all of the time. It is also possible to schedule Assessments to a random slot order. This will provide an exam timetable that is more balanced over the whole timetabling period. This will spread the exams across the examination period. PPL 010836, PMR 001034 WASP 12.2 Duration field added to WSI 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 44 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes The Wasp Exam Invigilator (WSI) record, both top-level and in WASP, now holds the Duration that Invigilator will be working. PPL 026870 WASP 12.3 UDF fields added to MRP User Defined Fields (UDF) have been added to the Master Role Preference (MRP) entity. These are accessed via the UDF button ion MRP. PPL 026871 WASP 13 Room Bookings (CAM12) No changes have been made to this area of the software this release. 14 Student Absences (CAM14) 14.1 Improved performance of Unconfirm Absence process The performance of the Unconfirm Absence process from the Generate Student Absence (GDR) screen has been improved. When clicking on the Run button for a confirmed Event Instance (EVI) record using GDR would take a long time to run, this should now be a lot quicker. PPL 013892 GDR 15 Progression (CAM13) No changes have been made to this area of the software this release. 16 Assignment Submission (CAM16) 16.1 Enhancements to enable concurrent marking The Assignment Submission component has been enhanced to allow multiple personnel tasks to run concurrently as an option rather than only allowing sequential processing. This allows you to have, for example, a first marking task running at the same time as a second marking task with different staff members assigned to each one. To include this functionality, a number of changes have been made to existing entities in addition to the creation of an entirely new entity. These amendments are as follows: The Brief Task Item (BTI) entity has been created to allow you to define the tasks that should be created upfront as part of the same processes that create the initial student submission tasks (e.g. SAS option 1b, Process Module Results, etc). These tasks are the ones that are considered to be concurrent, and will be created with personnel being assigned to them – the assignment of staff will occur once the student has submitted their assignment, or through use of the Manual Personnel Assignment screen. The Next Rule Element (NRE) entity has been enhanced to include the Task Present List and Task Complete List fields, along with the associated Task Present List Mode and Task Complete List Mode fields. These fields can be used to ensure that rules are only processed when particular groups of task have been completed or created, which allows you to define rules such as only create a moderation task when both a first marker and second marker have completed their tasks. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 45 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes The Module Assessment Body (MAB) entity has been enhanced to include a Personnel field that allows a Personnel Collection (PRC) to be defined for use as an override within assignment submission. When the Personnel field is populated on MAB this will override any collection defined on the Brief Task (BRT) during personnel allocation. PPL 024116, 025502, 024704 BTI, MAB, NRE 16.2 Multiple Markers: Amendment of GTK entity Three new fields have been added to the General Task (GTK) entity: · Batch Number (GTK_BATN) · Finalise (Marks) (GTK_FINL) · SPR Code (SPR_CODE) A fix process (MEN_FIX) will be run automatically as part of the upgrade, and will populate the SPR Code field using information held in the Parameters field on the GTK record where available. PPL 024700, 024991 GTK 16.3 Task Parameter entry screens created within TTE for assignment submission New Parameter popups have been created within Task Element (TTE) for the following programs. These screens make it easier for you to specify the program Parameters and are accessible via the Parameters button within TTE. · View Assessment Task (SIW_JASN_1) · Complete Task / Check Task Complete (SIW_JASN_2) · Request Due Date Extension (SIW_JASN_3) · Attach Notes to Task (SIW_JASN_5) · View Group Members (SIW_JASN_6) · Complete Marking of Assessment (SIW_JMRT_2) · View Notes Attached to Task (SIW_JMRT_8) · Decline Task (SIW_JMRT_3) · Process Due Date Extension Request (SIW_JMRT_4) · Refer Task to Another Marker (SIW_JMRT_5) · Send Query to Administrator (SIW_JMRT_6) · Refer Task Back (SIW_JMRT_7) PPL 014328-014332, 024689-024695 TTE 16.4 Parameter entry screens created within COP for assignment submission New Parameter popups have been created within Container Option (COP) for the following programs. These screens make it easier for you to specify the program Parameters and are accessible via the Parameters button COP. · Enter Mark/Grade Selection Criteria (SIW_GTK_MRK1) · Enter Decision Selection Criteria (SIW_GTK_MRK2) · Update SAL and manually assign markers (SIW_JMRK_3) · Decline Tasks (SIW_JMRK_5) 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes within 46 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 024698, 024696, 024697, 025923 COP 16.5 Ability to export/import marks within Assignment Submission It is now possible to create a .CSV export of assessment/re-assessment records within Assignment Submission. · In client, the Import/Export marks for Assignment Submission (CAM_XGTK_EXP) screen has been created in order for exports to be created based upon a range of selection criteria and then for the files to be imported once they have been updated. · In e:Vision the Export Marks for Assignment Submission (SIW_XGTK_EXP), and Import Marks for Assignment Submission (SWI_XGTK_IMP) Programs have been created. Please note that these screens are not run directly from COP but are, instead, run from a POG/POD (via SIW_POD). Alongside the above developments, four new System Parameters (SYP) have been created: · SIW_ASN_EXP1 – Enables you to define additional fields for inclusion within the export file, from the STU, SPR, MAV, MAB and/or GTK entities. · SIW_ASN_EXP2 – Indicates the location for storing the spreadsheet files that are created via the e:Vision export. · SIW_ASN_IMP1 – Determines whether existing marks are overwritten upon import. · SIW_ASN_IMP2 – Indicates the location for storing spreadsheet files imported by the e:Vision Assignment Submission Mark Export option. For further information on the export screens please see the Export Marks within Assignment Submission section of the online manuals. PPL 024070, 24069, 26637 XGTK, SIW_XGTK_EXP 16.6 Ability to Add Notes within Assignment Submission It is now possible to enter notes within the Mark and Grade Entry (SIW_GTK_MRK1) and Decision (SIW_GTK_MRK2) screens in e:Vision. These notes are then stored as General Tasks Notes (GTKN) records. PPL 024072 SIW_GTK_MRK1, SIW_GTK_MRK2 16.7 Amending completed marks It is now possible to amend completed marks (those with a Task Stage of between 30 and 50 inclusive), up until the point that the marks are finalised (i.e. the GTK_FINL field is ticked), on the Mark and Grade Entry (SIW_GTK_MRK1) and Decision (SIW_GTK_MRK2) screens in e:Vision. This functionality is optional and is controlled by a new COP Parameter (AMEND_COMPLETE). PPL 024066 SIW_GTK_MRK1, SIW_GTK_MRK2 16.8 Moderator prevents marks being changed after moderation The Finalise (Marks) checkbox on General Task (GTK) will be automatically ticked for each Personnel based task associated to each student assessment. This prevents marks from being changed after moderation so that those marks are final on Decision (SIW_GTK_MRK2) screen in e:Vision. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 47 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 024073 SIW_GTK_MRK2 16.9 Moderator selects marks for students In the Decision screen (SIW_GTK_MRK2), dropdowns have been added beside each student which will allow the Moderator to either copy the marks from a previous marker, or to use an average from all previous markers. There is also a dropdown at the top of each page which will default the values for every student on that page. More information can be found in the following section of the online manuals Decision (SIW_GTK_MRK2) . PPL 024071 SIW_GTK_MRK2 16.10 Viewing marks and comments from previous markers A new option, Use Previous Markers Option (USE_BRT_VMRK) has been added to the COP parameters for the Mark Entry (SIW_GTK_MRK1) screen that allows the program to check the View previous Markers field on the Brief Tasks (BRT) screen to see whether previous markers’ marks or comments should be viewable. Setting the dropdown to ‘Y’ allows the BRT field to be used and setting it to ‘N’ means that no previous markers’ marks or comments will be displayed. PPL 024068 SIW_GTK_MRK1 17 Invigilation Scheduling (CAM18) No changes have been made to this area of the software this release. 18 Module Scheduler (CAM39) 18.1 Create Event Instances (EVI) With No Date and Time The Generate Events (GEV) process now generates Events (EVE) that have no date or time information on the Event Instance (EVI) records. These types of Events will be used for the Module Scheduler and will have a status of “Awaiting Module Scheduler.” Personnel, Rooms, and Facilities may still be attached to these Events via Topic Element (TEL), Frequency Element (FQE), or manually from the Event Attribute (EVA) records. PPL 024346, 024578 GEV 18.2 Module Group (MGP) top level screens The Module Group entity (MGP) allows you to view Module Groups. You can select “Module Group Modules” from the Other menu to open the Module Group Module (MGM) entity. The MGM entity shows a list of all of the Modules in the chosen Module Group. PPL 024543, 025246 MGP, MGM 18.3 Day Slot (DYS) record The Day Slot (DYS) record allows you to set up and view slots for each day of the week in to which teaching events will be scheduled. Day Slot (DYS) records can be generated by using the option located on the Day (DAY) screen. PPL 024809, 024946 DYS 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 48 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 18.4 Student Group (STG) record The Student Group (STG) record is system generated by the Build Student Groups operation located on the Module Scheduler Processes & Setup (XTMS ) screen. The record defines unique paths through the timetable for groups of students doing the same selection of Modules. PPL 024807, 024966 STG, XTMS 18.5 Event Module Scheduler (EMS) record The Event Module Scheduler (EMS) record is primarily system generated in the Generate Events (GEV) process. It is used by the Module Scheduler to find out what needs to be scheduled. PPL 024803 EMS 18.6 Week Pattern Record (WKP) The Week Pattern (WKP) record is system generated in the Generate Events (GEV) process. It is used by the Module Scheduler to find the weeks an event needs to be scheduled. PPL 024801, 024802 WKP 18.7 Module Scheduler Action Record (MSA) A Module Scheduler Action (MSA) record will now be created when changes are made to data which affects the Student Group (STG) records. Module Scheduler Action (MSA) records with an entity code of ‘MGP’ are created when changes are made to the Module Group (MGP) records. Module Scheduler Action (MSA) records with an entity code of ‘MAV’ are created when changes are made which affect the Event (EVE) records and Event Module Scheduler (EMS) records. PPL 024969, 024970, 025463, 025574 MSA, XTMS 18.8 Module Scheduler Process Screen (XTMS) The Module Scheduler Processes & Setup screen (CAM_XTMS) is where all the processes needed for the integration of SITS:Vision and the Module Scheduler can be run from. A Module Scheduler Processes & Setup: Advanced screen has also been added, as a low-level screen. It allows the user to add further criteria to the chosen operation. PPL 025576 XTMS 18.9 Module Group (MGP) Creation Process (XTMS) This operation automatically creates the Module Group records (MGP) based on the modules that students are taking (SMO), or modules that students have selected (SMS). The operation is run from the Module Scheduler Processes & Setup screen (CAM_XTMS). 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 49 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes PPL 025246, 025566 XTMS 18.10 XML Build Student Group Operation The Module Scheduler XML Build Student Group Operation is the main operation used to send Student Group and Module data to the Module Scheduler. This operation sends lesson specific, and supporting institution XML files to update the Module Schedule and is run from Module Scheduler Processes & Setup screen (CAM_XTMS). System Parameter (SYP) CAM39_01 allows you to set a threshold so that only Student Groups above a certain number are sent to the Module Scheduler. PPL 24348, 025235 XTMS 18.11 Re-Build Student Group Operation (XTMS) The Rebuild Student Groups operation checks for any unprocessed Module Scheduler Action (MSA) records and rebuilds the Student Group (STG) records accordingly. PPL 025574 XTMS 18.12 Send Incremental Updates to Module Scheduler When event data has been changed, that does not require the Student Groups (STG) to be rebuilt, incremental updates including the changes will be automatically created and sent through Stu-Talk to update the data in the Module Scheduler. PPL 024971, 025612, 025463 XTMS 18.13 System Parameter CAM39_02 System Parameter (SYP) CAM39_02 is used to control when, during the year, the automatic Module Scheduler processes run. PPL 025463 SYP 18.14 System Parameter CAM39_03 System Parameter (SYP) CAM39_03 holds the default code for the Module Group you are using to send updates to the Module Scheduler. PPL 026098 SYP 18.15 Receive Data From Module Scheduler – XML Load Operation The XML Load operation imports XML files to SITS:Vision through StuTalk to update the associated lesson records. PPL 024951 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 50 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 18.16 Timetable Constraint Record (TCO) The Timetable Constraints (TCO) record allows the user to create constraints at an institutional level for both staff and students that limit the number of consecutive hours, hours per day and hours over a number of days that can be scheduled. These are used by the Module Scheduler when determining how to timetable events. PPL 026180 TCO 18.17 Timetable Model Definition Record (TMD) A new entity and top level screen has been created to allow Timetable Model Definition (TMD) records to be created. TMD allows you to set up different scenarios that will affect the timetable, such as an increase in student numbers or adding a module. These can then be applied to different Timetable Versions (TTV) so that you can see how the timetable will change. PPL 026181 TMD 18.18 Timetable Version Record (TTV) The Timetable Version (TTV) record allows the user to create different versions of a timetable to see the effect that changing certain factors has on the timetable. Both Timetable Model (TTM) records and Timetable Constraints (TCO) records can be attached to the Timetable Version (TTV) records. This allows them to make an informed decision about the best set up and choose the timetable which is most suitable. PPL 026179 TTV 18.19 Timetable Version Link Table (TVL) The Timetable Version Link (TVL) table links the Timetable Version (TTV) to the Timetable Model (TMD). This is a linking table and you may use the Timetable Version Setup (TTVS) screen to manage which models are attached to each version. PPL 026183 TVL 18.20 Timetable Version Setup (TTVS) The Timetable Version Setup Screen (TTVS) is the maintenance screen for different versions of the timetable. This screen lets you combine your student constraints and different Timetable Models (TMD) to make the version you will use in the automatic scheduler. PPL 026467 TTVS 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 51 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes System Parameters (SYP) – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 System parameters, which are new, modified or have been deleted for this version of SITS:Vision are listed below. They should be reviewed using System Parameter Maintenance (SPM). Please consult with relevant members of staff regarding setting the parameter values. For further information please refer to the System Parameter section of the appropriate Manual. Parameter Name Default Parameter Value CAM02_23 Source of Target Check SMA=N SMW=N SMS=N SMO=Y CAM37_01 Allow MAV Target to be updated N CAM39_01 MGP Threshold 0 CAM39_02 Module Scheduler Operation Times Blank CAM39_03 Default Module Group code Blank CAM_XEVA_01 Question choice for EVA questions screen COMMON_TEACHING=Y·;ADD_TO_ALL_TEL=Y·;ROOM_CAPACITY=Y·; Defaults for the EVA questions screen COMMON_TEACHING=N·;ADD_TO_ALL_TEL=N·;ROOM_RESERVATION=E·; CAM_XTTB_05 Timetable Slot Height MONTH=10·;SIDE=1·;TOP=1 CAM_YTTI_001 Location of Timetable API XSD Files No default FI_GEN_001 Use CSD splits instead of TOP splits during export N MAS01_008 e:vision: Auto change block if MCR code changed? Y MEN_LOG_002 Users allowed access when Blank CAM_XEVA_02 13/06/2013 ROOM_ACTIVITY=Y·;ROOM_RESERVATION=Y·;SPECIAL_REQUIREMENTS=Y·; CHECK_SCE=Y·;CHECK_DUPLICATE_SMO=Y·;EVENT_OCCUPANCY=Y ADD_MISSING_SMO=N Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 52 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes system disabled MEN_LTS_001 LTS "Owner" User Restriction S MEN_SRL_006 Enable 'SRL Syntax Toolbar' OFF MEN_SRL_007 Recent Entities Used in the 'SRL Text Panel' No default MEN_YADD_10 Default COD Code for Address lookups No default MEN01_001 Mapping URL link<<$latitude$>>,<<$longitude$>> MEN03_004 Restrict Certificate generation by SCY N MEN12_02 XET Export Performance Flag This functionality was introduced in 860 to speed up XET export. However due to its importance in system integrations, we would like customers to test and feedback rather than switching on by default. When we are satisfied that it is a worthy replacement, we will default the SYP to Y. We aim for this to happen for the 870 release. Please feedback. The values are: Y = Use 'New XET export process' N = Do not use 'New XET export process' Note: If you set this flag to use the New XET process, you MUST re-store your XET records. This Store process will populate the new column, XET_ELST, which is used in the New XET process. You can globally update all XET records with a simple change like adding a space at the end of the description. SIW_ASN_EXP1 Additional fields to include in mark export No default SIW_ASN_EXP2 e:Vision Assignment Submission Export Directory No default SIW_ASN_IMP1 Overwrite existing marks during import No SIW_ASN_IMP2 e:Vision Assignment No default 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 53 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Submission Import Directory SIW_PORTAL01 e:Vision page tabs mode N SRS02_060 Locking records on FDU and FTR by status N SRS10_019FC1 Values to select APD for Finance One GL balance ·;·; SRS10_094A LEH to LGB Source field mapping. No default SRS10_060 Retrieval for LGT from SAV & FQR A SRS10_061 LGT UDF Population via LTEI No default SRS10_062 List of LTE UDF’s to be mapped to LGT UDFs No default SRS10_100 List of LTE UDFs to be mapped to LGT UDFs No default SRS17_044 Bid Status to allow FNB Rollover Creation No default SRS17_045 Default screen values for FNBR No default SRS19_012 Default screen size for CLEH and MLEH SMALL SRS19_013 SRLs for info boxes in CLEH and MLEH No default SRS_ATR1_19 Populate SCJ fields at start of programme (HESA) SCJ_HAPC=·;SCJ_CODC=·;SCJ_UCID=·;SCJ_INSC=·;SCJ_YLAI=·;SCJ_SECL=·; 13/06/2013 SCJ_OCBC=·;SCJ_SCLC=·;SCJ_YLAS=·;SCJ_EXPD=·;SCJ_QENC= Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 54 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes SRS_ATR1_30 Default Year and Month of Entry on ATR No default SRS_ATR1_31 Default values for CAP retrieve on ATR No default SRS_F2C_001 Controls Flo2Cash accounts details & SRL for updating SITS postpayment ACCOUNT_ID = no default; URL_HANDLER = no default; SRLG = MHD_EREF as default. SRS_GFT_002 Default values for GFT YEAR_CODE=·;FEE_STATUS=·;FUNDING_CATEGORY=·;ENROL_STATUS= ·;MODE_OF_ATTEND=·;COURSE_CODE=·;COURSE_BLOCK=·;COURSE_OCC=·;COURSE _GROUP=·;PROGRAMME=·;ROUTE=·;TRACE=·;TRIAL=·;SCJ_CODE=·;FPE_PRF1=·;FPE_PRF2 =·;FPE_PRF3=·;FPE_PRF4=·;FPE_PRF5=·;FPE_PRF6=·;FPE_PRF7=·;FPE_PRF8=·;FPE_PRF9= SRS_GFT_009 SSP ordering for mix of RANK set & not set N SRS_IPP_102 Call Centre Navigation Bar CLEAR=New Call·;SEARCH_IPP=Find Programme·;SEARCH_MST=Find Person·; SRS_IPP_103 Default Navigation Bar CLEAR=Clear &amp; Restart·;LOGOUT=Logout·;MORE_IPP=New query·;LOGIN=Login SRS_IPP_104 Application Navigation Bar CLEAR=Clear & Reset·;LOGOUT=Logout·;COURSESEARCH=Course Search·; SEARCH_IPR=Find Registration·;LOGOUT=Logout USER=User Details·;QUESTIONS=Questions·;APPLICATIONFORM=Application Form Options·; VIEWFORMS=Application Form·;DOCUMENTS=Documents·;APPLICATIONPAY=Payment SRS_IPP_107 Configuration options for IPP course search MODE=S·;FILTER1=·;FILTER2=·;FILTER3=·;FILTER4=·;FILTER5=·;FILTER6=·;LIMIT=·; SRS_KIS_018 Grade selection to exclude No default SRS_KIS_019 Part time code on FCM No default SRS_KIS_020 Check Invalid Characters No default SRS_QDAD_05 Method of logging agent code in QAS AGL (Store agent on AGL) SRS_VCR_011 SQE type for SELT scores No default 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 55 SRS_VCR_012 SELT score end date No default SRS_XDRP_01 Campus (CM) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_02 Course Of Study (CO) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_03 Unit Of Study Completions (CU) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_04 Commonwealth Assisted Stu's (DU) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_05 Student Enrollment (EN) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_06 Load Liability (LL) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_07 OS-HELP (OS) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_08 ECAF (PO) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_09 Past Course Completions (PS) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_10 SA-HELP (SA) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_11 ECAF (PO) FNF Code No default SRS_XDRP_13 Scholarship Type Field (FLD) Code No default SRS_XDRP_14 Scholarship Types 00·;01·;02·;06·;07 SRS_XDRP_15 Load Liability (LL) Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_16 AD, OD and PD Retrieve Profile No default 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 56 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes SRS_XDRP_17 Offer Details (OD) First Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_18 Preference Details (PD) First Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_19 Offer Details (OD) Second Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_20 Preference Details (PD) Second Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_21 Domestic National Identities No default SRS_XDRP_22 Undergraduate External Qualification Aims 08·;09·;10·;13·;20·;21·;22 SRS_XDRP_23 Commonwealth Schlorships (CS) Retrieve Profile No default SRS_XDRP_24 Commonwealth Schlorships (CS) Filter Condition No default SRS_XDRP_25 Commonwealth Assisted Students 110·;111·;112·;201·;202·;203·;220·;230·;231·;232·;233 SRS_XDRP_26 Fee Paying Overseas Students 310·;311 SRS_XDRP_27 Character Encoding Mode A SRS_XDRP_31 Condition to find latest MSD record No default SRS_XDRP_32 XDRP screen refresh rate No default SRS_XDRP_33 Condition to Define nonaward Research for 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 57 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes LL File SRS_XDRP_34 ATY to Use When Retrieving ADD Records AD_CONT=C·;DU_CONT=C·;DU_HOME=H·;EN_CONT=C·;EN_HOME=H·;CS_CONT=C·;PO_CONT=C SRS_XDRP_35 Creation of DRD/DRDN Records AD=Y·;CD=Y·;CM=Y·;CO=Y·;CS=Y·;CU=Y·;DU=Y·;EN=Y·;ER=Y·;LL=Y·;OD=Y·;OR=Y·;OS=Y·;PD=Y·;PS=Y·;RL=Y·;RO=Y·;SA=Y·;SR=Y·;PO=Y SRS_XDRP_36 Condition to Define Research Student for LL File No Default SRS_XDRP_37 Subject to Use in SSD Retrieve for Research STU No Default SRS_XDRP_38 Criteria Used in Default Value Mappings No Default SRS_XDUP_01 SRL text for note 1 ID: <<DUP_SRID.DUP1>> Source: <<DUP_SRCE.DUP1>> {{SEL:("<<SOURCE.DUM1>>"="IPP"): (<<IPR_IPPC.IPR>> / <<IPR_IPOS.IPR>>)}} Name: <<NAME.DUM2>> Gender: <<DUP_GEND.DUP1&GGEN_NAME.GEN.SRS>> DOB: <<DUP_DOB.DUP1>> {{SEL:("<<DUP_DOB.DUP1>>"!=""): (<<$date&D-<DUP_DOB.DUP1>&M/365.25-.5&Nzz9&S' '="">>)}} {{SEL:("<<SOURCE.DUM1>>"="IPP"):----------------------------------Add line 1: <<IPR_HAD1.IPR>> Add line 2: <<IPR_HAD2.IPR>> Add line 3: <<IPR_HAD3.IPR>> Add line 4: <<IPR_HAD4.IPR>> Add line 5: <<IPR_HAD5.IPR>> Post code: <<IPR_HAPC.IPR>> Tel 1: <<IPR_HTEL.IPR>> Tel 2: <<IPR_DTEL.IPR>> Mobile: <<IPR_HAT3.IPR>> Email: <<IPR_HAEM.IPR>>}} ----------------------------------{{SEL:("<<DUP_FNM1=<DUP_FNM1.DUP1>·;DUP_FNM2=<DUP_FNM2.DUP1>·; DUP_FNM3=<DUP_FNM3.DUP1>·;DUP_SURN=<DUP_SURN.DUP1>·; 13/06/2013 DUP_DOB=<DUP_DOB.DUP1>·;DUP_GEND=<DUP_GEND.DUP1>·; Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 58 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes NOHITS=0·;WARNKEYS=N·;WARNMAX=N·;WARNZERO=N&G[DUP.SRS:TOT:COUNT: ·<·<DUP_SEQN.DUP.SRS·>·>]&N999999>>">"000001"):WARNING: This applicant has been recorded as a possible duplicate already, as multiple DUP records exist. Please review them before merging -----------------------------------}} SRS_XDUP_02 SRL text for note 2 WARNING: MST not found - Showing data from external source. --------------------------------------------------------------MST: <<DUL_MSTC.DUL>> Name: <<DUL_NAME.DUL>> DOB: <<DUL_DOB.DUL>> {{SEL:("<<DUL_DOB.DUL>>"!=""): (<<$date&D-<DUL_DOB.DUL>&M/365.25&Nzz9&S' '="">>)}} Gender: <<MST_GEND.MST&GGEN_NAME.GEN.SRS>> SRS_XDUP_03 Sort order for UCAS mode SRID.DUM2:A SRS_XDUP_04 Sort order for IPP mode SRID.DUM2:A SRS_XDUP_05 Format of DUP name IPP=<<IPR_TITL.IPR&ASUFFIX=" ">><<DUP_SURN.DUP&ASUFFIX=", ">> <<DUP_FNM1.DUP&ASUFFIX=" ">><<DUP_FNM2.DUP&ASUFFIX=" ">> <<DUP_FNM3.DUP>>·;UCAS=<<DUP_SURN.DUP&ASUFFIX=", ">> <<DUP_FNM1.DUP&ASUFFIX=" ">><<DUP_FNM2.DUP&ASUFFIX=" ">><<DUP_FNM3.DUP>> SRS_XDUP_06 SRS_XDUP_06 <<MST_TITL.MST&ASUFFIX=" ">><<MST_SURN.MST&ASUFFIX=", ">> <<MST_FNM1.MST&ASUFFIX=" ">><<MST_FNM2.MST&ASUFFIX=" ">><<MST_FNM3.MST>> SRS_XDUP_07 Run UCAS import Y SRS_XDUP_08 Application to open for IPP IPR SRS_XEFT_035 Length of student id. for finance export checking 0·;N SRS_XHER_132 No HESA updates allowed for this academic year No default SRS_XKIN_008 Retrieve profile for LRC’s option 4 XKDX No default SRS_XSFE_013 Prevent SEN creation where no SFE record N 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 59 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes AYRC=·;LREC=·;ISUD=·;XSTA=·;TRACE= SRS_XVOS_008 Default entry values for VOS screen SRS_XVOS_013 Suffix for VoS export filename DATE=·;SUFFIX= SRS_YSCE3_01 Institution ABN No default SRS_YSCE3_02 Institution Centrelink User ID No default SRS_YSCE3_05 List of EQA codes that define Cross Institution No default SRS_YSCE3_06 List of EQA codes that define Master & Phd No default SRS_YSCE3_07 Semester date range SEM1_START=01/01·;SEM1_END=30/06·;SEM2_START=01/07·;SEM2_END=31/12 SRS_YSCE3_08 Status to define a currently enrolled student C·* SRS_YSCE3_09 Condition to define a research student No default SRS_YSCE3_10 List of agreed marks that define unit withdrawal No default SRS_YSCE3_11 SRL text to define EFTSL value of a module No default UXL_APP_01 Determines which tabs to be used on XAPP UCAS_APP=Applicant data·;UCAS_APP_1=Choices Data·;UCAS_APP_2=Personal Statements·;UCAS_APP_3=Work Experience·;UCAS_APP_4=Fees·;UCAS_APP_5=Q and A·;UCAS_APP_6=References·;UCAS_APP_7=Qualifications UXL_ATT_01 UKPASS attachments document type No default UXL_ATT_02 UKPASS attachments document type No default 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 60 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes (URA) UXL_ATT_03 Field on URA to hold "Document to be imported" No default UXL_ATT_04 Field on URA to hold "URL attachment name" No default UXL_ATT_05 Attachment test mode LIVE UXL_REP_001 XML Link Reports display options SITS.CSS UXL_REP_001 XML Link Reports display options 2 No default 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 61 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Technical – Release Notes – Version 8.6.1 The following section details the technical changes for the release. Tribal strongly recommend that the opportunity to update the Apache and Apache Tomcat applications to the last patch for your version when downtime is scheduled for an upgrade. If a regular Operating System patch schedule is not implemented, then the Operating System should be patched as well. Platform Support/De-support Information SITS:Vision 8.6.1 is supported on the following server platforms: SITS:Vision v8.6.1 product family Supported platform matrix Tested Service Pack RDBMS Platform SQL Server SQL Server 2005 (i) 2008 (ii) SQL Server 2012 (iii) Oracle 10.2 (iv) Oracle 11R1 (v) Oracle 11R2 Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (32bit) SP2 Y - - Y Y Y Microsoft Windows 2003 Server (64bit) SP2 Y - - Y Y Y Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (32bit) SP1 Y Y - Y Y Y Microsoft Windows 2008 Server (64bit) SP1 Y Y - Y Y Y Microsoft Windows 2008 Server R2 (64 bit) - Y Y Y Y N Y Red Hat Linux Enterprise Edition 5.5+ (64bit) - - - - Y Y Y Red Hat Linux Enterprise Edition 6.x (64bit) - - - - N N Y Sun SPARC Solaris 9 - - - - Y N N Sun SPARC Solaris 10 - - - - Y Y Y Sun SPARC Solaris 11 - - - - - - Y Key: Y = Supported in all current versions N = Not supported and no current plans to provide support Notes: (i) Service Pack 3 is strongly recommended. (ii) Use SQL Server, System DSN, ODBC connection or SQL Server Native Client (SNAC) 2005, not SNAC 2008. Service Pack 1 for SQL Server 2008 is strongly recommended. SQL Server 2008 R2 on Windows 2008R2 is the recommend 2008 combination. (iii) The SQL Server Native Client 2012 should be used with the MSS driver 5.0 in the Uniface assignment files. (iv) There is no support for Oracle 10.1 (10g R1) (v) Oracle 11gR2 is the recommended version of Oracle 11g if moving from Oracle 10g R2 Customers running the Solaris 9 platform should ensure that the latest patch-set has been applied to the operating system, specifically the C++ shared libraries. Please see FAQ 810 for more information. Customers running 64bit Windows 2003/2008 Server can also run SQL Server 2005/2008 64bit as a supported combination (SQL Server on the same bit version as your operating system is strongly recommended). 64bit Windows operating system is strongly recommended for increased memory usage and high performance. Database version and platform combinations other than those specified in the matrix will not be supported if Uniface is running on the database tier, even if support is offered by Oracle on that combination. The Uniface software uses a platform and database version specific driver to produce the SQL, the use of an unsupported Oracle Server/Client combination could result in the production of illegal or non-optimal SQL statements. Linux versions other than those on the above matrix will not be supported. Uniface 9 is not compiled at install time, but instead uses shared objects. Tribal relies on Compuware to generate Uniface binaries for Linux and can therefore support only those platforms certified by Compuware. The only exception is for Web servers requiring only the WRD/SRD and which do not run Uniface Services. Virtualised servers can be used for the application and web tiers of the SITS:Vision product. For performance reasons it is highly recommended that database servers are not virtualised. It is strongly advised that Tribal provide a Technical Audit for any new hardware and architectural changes to your system. This will ensure that SITS:Vision is provisioned correctly over the hardware lifecycle for your needs and meets the best practice requirements. Future De-Support Notification Tribal are announcing future de-support for the following platforms from SITS version 8.7.0 planned to be released in November 2013: - Oracle Database 10gR2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Windows Server 2003 - Windows XP - Windows Vista - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 32bit - Solaris 9 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 62 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes Current suggested upgrade paths are - Oracle 11gR2 - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - Windows Server 2008 R2 (and Windows Server 2012 expected from Nov 2013 – SITS 8.7.0) - Windows 7 (and Windows 8 expected from Nov 2013 – SITS 8.7.0) - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Solaris 10 SPARC (Solaris 11 SPARC support Nov 2012 - SITS 8.6.0) This is in line with the vendors own lifecycles; Oracle 10gR2 extended support ends July 2013, XP extended support ends April 2014, Windows 2003 mainstream support ended July 2010 and extended support ends July 2014. If you would like to discuss migration options please contact Business Operations ( to arrange a meeting with a Technical Consultant. Browser Support Information SITS e:Vision is supported on all the major browsers as follows: Web Browser Supported Version Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 8, 9 & 10 Mozilla Firefox Latest Google Chrome Latest Opera Latest Apple Safari Latest (excluding Microsoft Windows, as Apple are no longer developing Safari for Microsoft Windows) e:Vision is likely to work on other or older browsers, however layout issues may be found with older browsers, and older browsers may not support the more advanced “rich internet” / Web 2.0 features, such as using AJAX calls to dynamically update content. With the exception of Microsoft Internet Explorer, browsers now only support the latest version, and will automatically upgrade to the latest version each time they are used. Firefox currently supports only the latest version. These five browsers are normally identified by the HTTP “user agent string”, and then stored in the Master Access Log (MAL) “browser field”. Other browsers are not automatically recognised. The manuals are best viewed using any of the supported versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer. Therefore when opened from within the SITS client-server application via “Help > SITS:Vision Manual” (Control+F1) Microsoft Internet Explorer will always be used. Uniface 9.5 Like SITS:Vision Version 8.6.0, Version 8.6.1 uses Uniface 9.5. Version 8.6.1 uses Uniface Patch R114, rather the R109 as used for Version 8.6.0. Start-up Application Shells The "RT" start-up application shell has been placed on de-support notice, and is now no longer usable, as it has been replaced by a new secure command line startup application shell called " MENRUN ". To improve security, and optionally enable “ Web Transaction Logging ”, all web based Userver processes should use the SIWLOG application shell, rather than the standard Uniface UServer application shell. This is achieved by mapping userver.aps to siwlog.aps in the web server assignment file as shown below: [FILES] usys:userver.aps \\server\siapp\vision\xxxx\sits\aps\siwlog.aps Enhancements 1 Caching of SLPs In order to improve performance we have enabled the caching of Standard Letter Parameters (SLP). This can be controlled using the logical CACHE_SLP in the assignment file. If there is no value in the logical then the default will be to enable SLP caching. The cache can be cleared by using a screen that reloads user settings such as USR or CUS . PPL 021212 SLP 2 New SRL Syntax Toolbar A new SRL Syntax Toolbar has been created to help users quickly and more efficiently insert SRL text into the SITS application. The toolbar can be used throughout the system in order to insert any of the following into a specified field, therefore making writing and building SRL syntax much easier. PPL025191 SRL Syntax Toolbar 3 Enhancement to the Email Utilities (YEML) table 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 63 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes The Email Utilities (YEML) table has been improved. There are now more fields on YEML relating to the Email (EML) table that will help users to retrieve a more specific set of EML records, which they can resend or delete depending on which action they choose to run. If users have existing repeating batch jobs for the program MEN_YEML, these will need to be stopped after the upgrade, and recreate the jobs using the new YEML screen. This is due to the availability of many more selection fields. PPL025382 YEML 4 Emails will now retry depending upon the SMTP error code The error messages that are given when an email fails are now real SMTP error codes , if an SMTP error code is unavailable it will fall back to using the Uniface error messages. Both of these error messages are still recorded on the Email (EML) table, if EML records are set to be created. Whether the email will retry is now based upon the SMTP code that is given. If the error code is anything other than a 5XX code than the email will retry (if the retries is set in the System Parameter (SYP) MEN_ZGSL_02). PPL025383 EML 5 User password algorithm changed to a one-way hash The algorithm used to encrypt User Security Role (USR) passwords has been changed to an industry standard one-way cryptographic hash that is 88 characters in length and BASE64 encoded. This makes the password even more secure and extremely difficult to decrypt, even if the stored value is known. PPL 023893 USR 6 Master User password algorithm changed to a one-way hash The algorithm used to encrypt Master User Access (MUA) passwords has been changed to an industry standard one-way cryptographic hash that is 88 characters in length and BASE64 encoded. This makes the password even more secure and extremely difficult to decrypt, even if the stored value is known. PPL 023893 MUA 7 Enable LDAP to use its own Uniface Server Type A new MEN_YAPP_LDP service form has been created for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) . This is partly to improve performance, but also enables clients to optionally map the LDAP security check to use a separate Uniface Server Type (UST) . Using a different Uniface Server Type (UST) makes it easier to monitor and control LDAP issues separately to the normal Uniface Application Server logs. PPL 019451 LDP 8 Improvements made to Web Resource Files The Web Resource File Maintenance Utilities (FMU) process screen has been enhanced in order to make it easier to use. More fields have been added to the top of the screen so users can give a more detailed selection criterion. The Web Resource File (WRF) screen has been rearranged to make it more understandable and new fields have been added. The Tribal Web Resource File (XWRF) table now has a top level screen and is available as the XWRF menu option. A new Tribal Web Resource File Log (XWFL) table has been added to hold information about each version of the Tribal released Web Resource Files. These records will be useful in identifying the change tribal have made to the Web Resource File (WRF) records. It is now possible to edit the content of Web Resource Files (WRF) directly within Client. WRF files of type HTS will now have the option on screen to Edit Content ; users can then make and save amendments to the file contents directly on the left hand side of the screen making the editing of these files much more efficient. Other facilities such as the ability to copy full contents or sections from existing Web Resource File Logs (WFL) and Tribal Web Resource File Logs (XWFL), and export and import are also available on this screen. WRF / FMU 9 Urouter Monitor section of Manual The Menu System (MENSYS) -> Technical Guide > Applications > Urouter Monitor section has been updated and extended to bring it in line with the new functionality in version 8.6.1. 13/06/2013 Version 8.6.1 Release Notes 64