MATERIALS AND PREPARATION: Two easels and tear sheets. Use

 Two easels and tear sheets.
 Use the consolidated Challenge tear sheets from Workshop 2. 1
TIME 3:00/3:00
Instructors INTRODUCE yourselves.
INTRODUCE the workshop.
WELCOME participants to this workshop, developed for the 2015 VOCA National Training Conference. 2
TIME 2:00/5:00
Briefly REVIEW the six workshop topics.
This workshop is the last of six in a leadership and strategic planning series. ASK: How many of you have attended all or most of the previous workshops? EXPLAIN that it is okay if participants did not attend the previous workshops, as this last workshop is a little different. However, challenges discussed in previous workshops will be used to examine the results of the DiSC Assessments.
TIME 3:00/8:00
SHOW the tear sheets with the key challenges from Workshop 2.
TELL participants that these are the key challenges (for both Assistance and Compensation) from Workshop 2.
EXPLAIN that participants who have attended the previous workshops should plan to work on the challenge they previously selected. Those participants who have not attended previous workshops should select one of the challenges on the appropriate tear sheet.
DISCUSS selections with participants as necessary.
TIME 5:00/13:00 INTRODUCE the DiSC assessment:
 In this workshop we’re going to take a personal assessment called DiSC.  DiSC is an acronym that stands for four different dimensions of your personality: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. The characteristics of each dimension are shown on the screen, but the handout I distributed goes into more detail on the behaviors.  DiSC measures your personality and behavioral style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values. DiSC profiles describe human behavior in various situations. For example, the DiSC questionnaire asks about how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, how you respond to rules and procedures, and about your preferred pace of activity.
DiSC is used to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. The assessment is non‐judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioral differences. It’s valuable because the DiSC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others. When facing challenges, it helps if you understand your own behavior and communication styles, as well as those of the people you’re working with.
DiSC profiles help you and your team:
 Increase your self‐knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what motivates you, what causes you stress and how you solve problems.
 Facilitate better teamwork and minimize team conflict.
 Develop stronger client skills by identifying and responding to client styles.
 Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members.
 Become more self‐knowledgeable, well‐rounded.
ASK: How do you think a better understanding of your personality and communication style would help you in the challenges you’re facing? ALLOW for several responses.
TIME 5:00/18:00 EXPLAIN the DiSC letters:
 D stands or Dominance. People with this profile are confident and driven to accomplishment. They tend to be direct in conversation, often blunt.
 I is for Influence. People with this profile like to persuade others. They are enthusiastic and collaborative, but they do like attention.
 S is for Steadiness. These people are dependable, calm and supportive.
 C is for Conscientious. People with this profile place high value on expertise and competency. They like to work independently, and they are good with details.
Remember that none of these profiles are better than the others. Most people – although they may be strong in one of the four areas – have a mix of profiles. Furthermore, profiles change depending on the situation and interaction with others.
TIME 30:00/48:00 INTRODUCE the DiSC Assessment.
DiSC can be taken electronically but because we’re doing it in this workshop, we’ll use a paper version.  To take this assessment, just answer some simple questions about your own behavior. You are regarded as the expert on yourself. There are no right or wrong answers.  After taking the test you’ll score yourself and produce a profile report. You'll be able to read about your unique behavioral style, your tendencies, needs, preferred environment and strategies for effective behavior. You'll learn more about your strengths and weaknesses. Each profile report also includes information about other DiSC styles so you'll learn more about others as well. EXPLAIN that most of questions will be answered if they read the instructions carefully.
DISTRIBUTE the DiSC booklets. ALLOW participants about 30 minutes to take the assessment.
TIME 15:00/63:00 REVIEW participants’ results by asking the questions on the screen. REMIND participants that no one profile is better than another.
As a final question, ASK: How can the strengths revealed in your DiSC profile help you in your selected challenge? ALLOW for several responses.
TIME 17:00/80:00 DIVIDE participants into three groups.
DISTRIBUTE the DiSC Scenarios Handout and the DiSC Dimensions of Behavior Handout. EXPLAIN that the DiSC Dimensions of Behavior Handout provides additional information on what the letters mean, and participants can refer to it as they work through the activity.
ASSIGN one scenario to each group and INSTRUCT them to answer the question for their scenario, incorporating the DiSC profiles.
After participants have finished ASK each group to report out.
TIME 10:00/90:00
ASK for final questions on the topic. THANK participants for attending.