Course # Course Course Learning Learning Teaching/Learning

Course # SOIL 3060 Course Name Course Objectives Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor Introduction to Agrometeorology explain basic concepts of energy and mass transfer in the earth’s atmosphere and how they impact agriculture (2) content / technical expertise ideas lectures short and long answer exam questions describe common instruments used to characterize weather (2) content / technical expertise ideas class demonstrations short answer exam questions solve basic problems related to quantifying weather and climate that impact agriculture (1) scholar connections problem assignments evaluation of assignments extensions term project written report compute important agro‐ (1) scholar meteorological values from weather (4) communicator data and assess the impact of specific weather conditions on crop yield potential P. Bullock Course # SOIL 3600 Course Name Course Objectives Soil and Landscape in our Environment Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor D. Lobb learn the necessary scientific back‐ (2) content/tech exp. Ideas ground for a comprehensive understanding of soils and landscapes, their place in agriculture and forestry and the role they play in our environment lectures short and long answer exams carry out basic soil characterization in the field (2) content/tech exp. Ideas (4) communicator field trip, group project group written assignment, peer assessment carry out basic soil characterization and analyses in the laboratory (2) content/tech exp. Ideas laboratories, group project independent written assignments peer assessment prepare a basic report on soils and landscapes and the biophysical processes that have affected them (1) scholar (5) professional project independent written report connections extensions Course # SOIL 4510 Course Name Soil and Water Management Course Objectives Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor P. Bullock short and long answer exam questions explain relationships among soil, (1) scholar water and air as they relate to (2) content / environmental quality and agriculture technical expertise in western Canada ideas lectures interpret soil and landscape data for the purpose of identifying potential environmental impacts of agricultural practices connections laboratory exercises laboratory assignment submissions design, while working with a group of (3) social actability classmates, a manure management (4) communicator plan for a specific livestock operation (5) professional and explain the rationale for the design both orally and in written form extensions group term project evaluation of group presentation, term paper (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise Course # SOIL 4520 Course Name Course Objectives Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor Soil Fertility D. Flaten understand the principles and practices of nutrient requirements and management for crop production (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise ideas connections lectures, laboratory problems case studies, and field project 3 exams of lecture material consisting of short and long answers, 1 lab exam with problems and case studies, weekly lab exercises understand the implications of soil fertility management practices on agricultural sustainability and environmental protection (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise (3) social actability (5) professional ideas connections lectures, laboratory problems case studies, and field project 3 exams of lecture material consisting of short and long answers, 1 lab exam with problems and case studies, weekly lab exercises apply their individual and collective knowledge to solving real world nutrient management and soil fertility problems (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise (3) social actability (5) professional connections extensions group based laboratory problems, case studies, and field project (consulting report) weekly lab exercises plus 1 lab exam with problems and case studies communicate their recommendations for nutrient management and soil fertility to others (4) communicator extensions field project (oral and written consulting project) written and oral consulting reports for soil fertility recommendations for a real farm Course # SOIL 4060 Course Name Physical Properties of Soils Course Objectives Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor O. Akinremi describe the physical properties of the soil (2) content/tech exp ideas lecture short answer lab measuring these physical properties (2) content/tech exp connections laboratory lab report relate the soil physical properties to soil processes and plant growth (1) scholar extension lecture weekly assignments and short answer exam Course # SOIL 4130 Course Name Course Objectives Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy Learning Outcome(s) Learning Level Teaching/Learning Method Assessment Method Instructor T. B. Goh test and take‐home assignments identify the kinds and amounts of different rocks and minerals in soil (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise ideas lectures discuss the properties, origins, changes in soil minerals in different climate (1) scholar (2) content / technical expertise ideas connections lectures measure and calculate chemical composition of natural and anthropogenic materials in soil ‐ how, why and where measure and calculate chemical constituents in soil solution and large water bodies (2) content / technical expertise ideas extensions lectures and problem‐based learning (2) content / technical expertise connections extensions lectures and problem‐based learning assess and evaluate the fate of nutrients and pollutants in soil and water – detailed discussions about chemical and biochemical reactions in the soil environment (1) scholar (3) social actability connections extensions impromptu questions, choice tests and take‐home of a current problem and the assignments solution based on soil‐plant‐ water interactions complete a practicum in soil science/ environmental land sciences (1) scholar (4) communicator extensions lecture and selected recent scientific publications combine the knowledge about reactions occurring between soil‐ solution‐air‐biota (3) social actability (4) communicator extensions tests and take‐home assignments final examination using all formats 