Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. DC MOTOR CONTROL USING CHOPPER MOHAMMADREZA HAIRI YAZDI School of Mechanical Engineering University of Tehran College of Engineering, Karegar St.North, Tehran IRAN NAZANIN AFRASIABI Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran Kish Island IRAN Abstract: - This paper deals with DC motor control in a high performance manner. The DC motor control system is designed and performed using a chopper circuit. The four different parts of control of DC motors will be considered here. Using chopper as a converter the speed of DC motor is controllable. The chopper firing circuit gets signal from controller and then by supplying variable voltage to the armature of the motor the desired speed chopper is achieved. There are two different types of control loops, current controller and speed controller. The controller used is Proportional-Integral type. Using this controller the delay is removed and fast control is achieved. Separately excited DC motor is designed and the complete layout of DC drive mechanism is achieved. The current and speed controller is designed and in order to get stable and high speed control of DC motor, the speed controller is optimized using modulus hugging method. After obtaining the entire model of DC drive system, the model is utilized with MATLAB (SIMULINK). DC motor drive is computer simulated and analyzed under various speeds and load torques. Key-Words: - chopper circuit, four quadrant control, DC motors, control loops, MATLAB (SIMULINK). 1. Introduction more complex and expensive. D.C motor is considered as a SISO (Single Input and Single Output) system which has torque/speed characteristics and is compatible with most mechanical loads. By proper adjustment of the terminal voltage [3] the mentioned characteristic makes a D.C motor controllable over a wide range of speeds. In this article controlling DC motor speed using Chopper as power converter and PI as speed and current controller is investigated. A chopper is a static power electronic device that converts fixed dc input voltage to a variable dc output voltage. Chopper systems have smooth control capability and are highly efficient and fast in response. A chopper can be used to step down or step up the fixed dc input voltage [2] like a transformer. High performance motor derives are necessary parts of industrial applications. A motor drive system with high performance has special characteristics such as good dynamic speed command tracking and load regulating response. DC motors are well known for their excellent control of speed for acceleration and deceleration. In a DC motor the power supply directly connects to the field of the motor and causes a precise voltage control which is essential for applications which need control of speed and torque. Because of various advantages such as simplicity, ease of application, reliability and favorable cost, DC drives have long been a backbone of industrial applications. In comparison with AC drive systems DC drives are less and are normally cheaper for low horsepower ratings. DC motors are identified as adjustable speed machines for many years and a wide range of options have evolved for this purpose. Adjustable speed AC drives would be 67 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. 2. Principle of chopper operation current are the two set values. When the load current gets its maximum value, chopper is switched off and the chopper is switched on when the load current goes below lower limit. By setting maximum and minimum level of current it is possible to control the frequency of chopper. A chopper is a "on" or "off" semiconductor switch which is so high in speed. It connects source to load and disconnect the load from source at a fast speed. As shown in Fig1. During the period Ton, chopper is on and load voltage is equal to source voltage Vs. During the period Toff, load voltage is zero and chopper is off. In this manner, a chopped dc voltage is produced at the load terminals [2]. Current limit control involves feedback loop, the trigger circuit for the chopper is therefore more complex. For the power control in chopper circuit PWM technique is the commonly chosen control strategy [2]. 2.2 Basics of Separately Excited DC Motor In Fig2 a separately excited dc motor is shown. When a separately excited dc motor is excited by a field current of if and an armature current of ia flows in the circuit, the motor develops a back EMF and a torque to balance the load torque at a particular speed. The field current if is independent of the armature current i a. Each winding is supplied separately. Changing the armature current does not have any effect on the field current. The if is generally much less than the ia. Instantaneous field current: Figure1.Chopper Circuit and Voltage and Current Waveform. Average Voltage, Vo= (Ton/ (Ton+Toff))*Vs (1) = (Ton/T)*Vs =aVs Ton=on-time. Toff=off-time. T=Ton+Toff = Chopping period. Fig2. Separately excited dc motor a=Ton/Toff. 2.1 CURRENT- LIMIT CONTROL In this different control method, the on and off of chopper circuit is set by the previous set value of load current. Maximum load current and minimum load (2) 68 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. Where and If Ra is a small value (which is usual) or when the motor is loaded lightly, i.e. Ia is small, are the field resistor and inductor, respectively. Instantaneous armature current: (8) (3) That is if the field current is kept constant, the motor speed depends only on the supply voltage. Where Ra and La are the armature resistor and inductance respectively. The developed torque is: The motor back emf is expressed as: (9) (4) The required power is: Kv is the motor voltage constant (in V/A – rad/Sec and is the motor speed (in rad/sec). (10) By changing the armature current (Ia) for a fixed field current, or flux (If) it is possible to satisfy the torque demand. The torque developed by the motor is: (5) The motor speed can be controlled by controlling Va (voltage control) and controlling Vf (field control). These observations lead to the application of variable DC voltage for controlling the speed and torque of DC motor. Generally, the speed correspond to the rated V a, rated Ia and rated If. Ia and If are kept constant to satisfy torque demand. Va is maintained at the rated value and If is reduced to increase speed. However, the power developed by the motor (= torque x speed) remains constant. This phenomenon is known as Field weakening [4]. where (Kt - Kv) is the torque constant. (in V/Arad/s) Sometimes it is written as: (6) For normal operation, the developed torque must be equal to the load torque plus the friction and inertia, i.e.: 2.3 The motor speed can be easily derived: MODELIMG OF DC MOTOR FOR DRIVE SYSTEM The basic principle behind DC motor speed control is that the output speed of DC motor can be varied by controlling armature voltage for speed below and up to rated speed keeping field voltage constant. The output speed is compared with the reference speed and error (7) 69 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. signal is fed to speed controller. Controller output will vary whenever there is a difference in the reference speed and the speed feedback. The output of the speed controller is the control voltage Ec that controls the operation duty cycle of (here the converter used is a Chopper) converter. The converter output give the required Va required to bring motor back to the desired speed. The Reference speed is provided through a potential divider because the voltage from potential divider is linearly related to the speed of the DC motor. The output speed of motor is measured by Tachogenerator and since Tacho voltage will not be perfectly dc and will have some ripple. So, we require a filter with a gain to bring Tacho output back to controller level [1]. The basic block diagram for DC motor speed control is show below: From motor’s basic armature equation, after taking Laplace Transform on both sides, we will get [1]: (14) Suppose the motor with the following specifications: Model of this DC Motor is shown in Fig3. Fig3. Closed loop system model for speed control of dc motor [1]. Fig3. Block Model of Separately Excited DC Motor The torque equation will be given by: (11) 3. Controller design For the correction to the output which will keep on adding or subtracting a small amount to the output until the motor reaches the set-point, an improvement is required. This can be done by keeping a running total of the error speed observed for instant at regular interval (say 25ms) and multiplying this by another gain before adding the result to the proportional correction found earlier. This approach is based on what is effectively the integration of the error in speed. So we use a PI (proportional-integral) controller. The job of fast-acting correction is done by the proportional term does the job of fast-acting correction which will Assuming absence (negligible) of friction in rotor of motor, it will yield: B=0 Therefore, new torque equation will be given by: (12) Equation for back emf of motor will be: Also, (13) 70 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. produce a change in the output as quickly as the error arises. The integral action takes a finite time to act but has the capability to make the steady-state speed error zero [5]. We use saturation block as limiting speed error and armature current error [1]. Speed error limiting is between zero and triangular signal amplitude and armature current error limiting is between zero and rated current. We use two loop for armature current and motor speed. Since chopper takes a fixed DC input voltage and gives variable DC output voltage. It works on the principle Pulse Width Modulation technique [2]. Fig7. Speed close loop circuit Reference speed and motor speed is shown in Fig8. 3.1 MATLAB SIMULATION, RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Since chopper takes a fixed DC input voltage and gives variable DC output voltage, it works on the principle Pulse Width Modulation technique [2]. It is represented in Fig 4. We use a triangular wave with amplitude Vtri=5v and frequency fs=33kHz that compare with Vref (output of PI controller). This signal is used for turn off and turn on IGBT switches. Fig8. Refrence speed and motor speed Speed error is shown in Fig9. Simulink Model for Speed Control of Separately Excited DC motor using Chopper Converter is shown in Fig 5. Kpwm is shown in Fig4. Current close loop circuit is shown in Fig6. Fig9. Speed error Reference current and motor current is shown in Fig10. Fig6. Current close loop circuit Speed close loop circuit is shown in Fig7. 71 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. In this paper based on closed loop system model and using chopper as a converter and Proportional-Integral type Speed and Current controller the speed of a dc motor has been controlled. At first for controlling speed of DC motor a simplified closed loop is utilized and requirement of current controller is studied. After that DC motor is modeled more completely and a full layout of DC drive system is achieved. A current and speed controller is designed. The speed control loop is optimized through Modulus Hugging approach. A DC motor specification is taken and corresponding parameters are driven from derived design approach. Finally simulation is performed for model with and without filter used after reference speed the response of both methods are compared with each other. An analysis is also performed on the simulation results obtained under different reference speed and different loads. The model shows good results under all conditions employed during simulation. Fig10. Reference current and motor current Current error is shown in Fig11. Fig11. Current error 4. Conclusion Fig 4. Block Model for Chopper Design 72 Global Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (ISSN : 2322-2441) Issue 8, 2013 , pp. 67-73 © GJSET Publishing, 2013. Fig5. Simulink Model for Speed Control of Separately Excited DC motor using Chopper Converter References: [3] Dubey, G.K., Fundamentals of Electrical Drives. New Delhi, Narosa Publishing House, 2009. [1] Gopakumar, K., Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Video Lectures 1-25, Centre for Electronics and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. [4] Salam Dr. Zainal, UTJMB, Power Electronics and Drives (Version 3-2003). [5] Infineon Technologies, Basic DC motor speed PID control with the Infineon Technologies [2] Bimbhra, P.S., Power Electronics. New Delhi, Khanna Publishers, 2006. 73