Research Directions Volume 1 , Issue 6 / Dec 2013 ISSN:-2321-5488 Research Article COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS K.VENKATESWARLU AND CH.CHENGAIAH PG Student Associate Professor Abstract: Modern manufacturing systems are automated machines that perform the required tasks. The electric motors are perhaps the most widely used energy converters in the modern machine tools and robots. These motors require automatic control of their main parameters such as speed, position, acceleration etc..Electrical machines like DC motors, brushless DC motors, permanent magnet DC motors are being controlled with power electronics converters. The control has become precise with invention of Micro Controllers and power devices like IGBT , Power MOSFET .The introduction of MATLAB made the designers to simulate complex circuits with the modern electric drives or power converter circuits. In this project the attempt is made to simulate a speed control of separately excited DC motor with PID and FUZZY Controllers.The aim of development of this project is towards providing efficient method for control speed of DC motor using analog Controller.Withthe availability of MATLAB/SIMULINK, FuzzyController for comprehensive study of modeling analysis and speed control design methods has been demonstrated. KEY WORDS: DCmotor, open loop, closed loop, system, speed control,PID controller and FUZZY controller.. INTRODUCTION: The field of electrical energy may be divided into three areas of specialization: Electronics, Power and Control. Electronics basically deals with the study of semiconductor devices and circuits at lower power .Power involves generation transmission and distribution of electrical energy .the stability and response characteristics of closed loop transfer function is the concerning of control area of specialization. In recent times many new modernelectromechanical energy conversion machines have been invented. Electrical machines like dc motors, brushless dc motors, permanent magnet dc motors are being controlled with power electronics converters. Power electronics deals with use of electronics for the control of large power . The control has become precise with invention of microcontrollers and power devices like IGBTs , Power MOSFET . In this project dc motor isused ,since it has various applications such as defense, industries, Robotics etc. In this project separately excited DC drive system is used, because of their simplicity, ease of application, reliability and favorable cost have long been a backbone of industrial applications and it will have a long tradition of use as adjustable speed machines and a wide range of options have evolved for this purpose. In these applications, the motor should be precisely controlled to give the desired performance. Many varieties of control schemes such asproportional,integral,derivative, proportional integral (PI), PID, adaptive, and FLCs, have been developed for speed control of dc motors[8]. The speed of dc motor is controlled by varying the voltage to its armature or varying the voltage to the field , one can only run the motors at speed higher than base speed at the expense of the falling torque. The important aspect of the speed control dc motor is the armature voltage control method .By varying voltage to the 1 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS armature of the dc motor the speed of the motor should be varied. Speed of DC motor can be controlled by PID controller. In this project mainly concentrated on speed control of separately excited DC motor with designed a mathematical model of the separately excited DC motor using MATLAB code and SIMULINK model is used for studying the performance characteristics of dc motor and concentrated on the design of PID controller using MATLAB SIMULINK model for improving the drawbacks in normal system(dead time ,rise time etc. remains large). In order to eliminate the dead time present in the model and to improve the system performance ,FUZZY controller (PID) using MATLAB was proposed. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF SEPARATELY EXCITED DC MOTOR AND STABILITY ANALYSIS In order to build the DC motor's transfer function, its simplified mathematical model has been used.This model consists of differential equations for the electrical part,mechanical part and the interconnection between them. Theelectric circuit of the armature and the free body diagram of therotor in the Fig 3.1 below.[1] Fig.1: The electric circuit of armature and the free body diagram motor system of the rotor for a DC motor Table1:Physical parameters of the DC motor Here consider 600 rpm as reference speed and it is considered as 1 pu.The motor torque, Tm, is related to the armature current, i, by a constant factor Kt. The back emfem is related to the rotational speed by the following equations = I = ………….(1) ………….(2) Assuming that, Kt(torque constant) =Ke(electromotive force constant) =Km (motor constant). From Fig.1 and physical parameters of system mentioned above, the following equations can be writtenbased on Newton's law combined with Kirchoff's laws. J +b = i- …… (3) + i=V..(4) Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 2 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS a)Transfer FunctionModel of DC Motor: Using Laplace Transforms, the above equations can be expressed in terms of s-domain s(Js+b) (s)= I(s)- (s)……….(5) ( (s)+ )I(s)=V(s)- s (s)…(6) By eliminating I(s), the following open-loop transfer function can be obtained, where the rotational speed is the output and the voltage V is the input. When the motor is used as a component in a system, it is desired to describe it by the appropriate transfer function between the motor voltage and its speed. For this purpose assuming (load torque) TL=0 and (friction torque) Tf=0, since neither affects the transfer function. (7) b)State-SpaceModel of DC Motor: In the state-space form, Eqs.3 and 4 can be expressed by choosing speedandi as the state variable and V as an input. Basic form of state equation is =Ax(t)+Bu(t). ..............(8) Output equation y(t)=Cx(t)+Du(t).................(9) wherex(t)is the state variable matrix; r(t)is the input; y(t)is the output; and a, b, c, and d are constant coefficient matrices. For the system considered in this project state equation and output equation are = = + V.....(10) ..............................(11) c)DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: The design requirements for the separately excited DC motor are as follows. Since the most basic requirements of a motor are that it should rotate at the desired speed, the steady-state error essof the motor speed should be less than 1%. The other performance requirement is that the motor must accelerate to its steady-state speed as soon as it turns on. In this case, it is desirable to have a settling time Ts in less than 2sec. Since speed faster than the reference may damage the equipment, a peak overshoot Mp ofless than 5% is wanted. c.1)Open-loop Response: The transfer function in Eq. 7 can be represented into MATLAB by defining the numerator (num) and denominator (den) matrices as follows: num=Km and den=(Js+b)(Lm s + Rm) + Km2 The motor parameters were determined on the basis of its step response about a steady-state operating point, namely input voltage V= 6 volts and speed è = 600 r/s. Also, it makes the motor takes 3sec to reach its steady-state speed; this does not satisfy the 2sec settling time criterion. Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 3 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS c.2)Closed Loop Control System: In a closed-loop system the control input is affected by the system output.By usingoutput information to affect in some way the control input ofthe system, feedback is being applied to that system. It is often the case that the signal fed back from the system output is compared with a reference input signal, the result of this comparison (the difference) then being used to obtain the control or actuating system input. Fig 2:Closed loop control system Such a closed-loop system is shown in Fig.2,where the error = reference input - system output. Very often the reference input is directly related to the desired value ofsystem output, and where this is a steady value with respect to time it is called a set point input. By means ofthe negative feedback loop output is subtracted from the reference input the accuracy of the system output in relation to a desired value can be much improved when compared to the response of an open-loop system. This is simply because the purpose of the controller will most likely be to minimize the error between the actual system output and the desired (reference input) value. c.3)Open Loop and Closed Loop Response Results Using MATLAB Coding: With the help of MATLAB programming , the performance of separately excited DC motor in time domain was obtained and the results are shown in table 2 below. Table 2:Comparison of results with and without feedback Results without feedback RiseTim e: 1.1362 sec SettlingTime: 2.0653 sec Settling Min: 0.0901 Settling Max: 0.0999 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.0999 PeakT im e:5.2388 sec Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 Results with feedback RiseTime: 1.017 sec SettlingTim e: 1.847 sec SettlingMin: 0.0825 SettlingMax: 0.090 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.090 PeakTim e:4.6398 sec 4 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS Fig loop and closed loop Here we have observed that gain in closed loop response decreases as we have employed -ve feedback for the system ( from fig 3) . But system performance has been improved i.e system reached its steady state output much before the open loop system. Here in the above case settling time is about 4 seconds which is very high .this much amount of settling time is not desirable in the system. There is a dead time in the system also about 1 sec which is also very high. So by employing this methods we have not reached our objectives , d)Root Locus Control Design Method: For designing a controller using the root locus method, it should follow the following steps: i. Open-loop Root Locus: The main idea of root locus design is to find the closed-loop response from the open-loop root locus plot. Then by adding zeros and/or poles to the original plant, the closed-loop response can be modified. So, first, it is necessary viewing in the root locus for the plant. Three arguments must be founded are the damping ratio (zeta) term (î> 0.8 corresponds to an overshoot the natural frequency (ùn) term (= 0 corresponds to no rise time criterion), and the sigma term (4.6/2 = 2.3 sec). Using these criteria results a root locus plot shown in Fig. 8. The following three equations are used in continuous system designs: îùn≥ 4.6 / Ts (Sigma term) (11) ùn≥ 1.8 / Tr ………..….(12) Results without feedback RiseTime: 1.1362 sec SettlingTime: 2.0653 sec Settling Min: 0.0901 Settling Max: 0.0999 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.0999 PeakTime:5.2388 sec î? Results with feedback RiseTime: 1.017 sec SettlingTime: 1.847 sec SettlingMin: 0.0825 SettlingMax: 0.090 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.090 PeakTime:4.6398 sec ..(13) where î: Damping ratio, ùn: Naturalfrequency, Ts: Settling time, Tr: Risetime and Mp: Peak overshoot [11]. Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 5 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS Original Bode Plot: The main idea of frequency-baseddesign is to use the Bode plot of theopen-loop transfer function toestimate the closed-loop response. Adding a controller to the systemchanges the open-loop Bode plot,therefore changing the closedloopresponse. First, the Bode plot for theoriginal open-loop transfer function From Bode Plot we can obtain gain margin and phase margin and from these two values we can analyse the stability. If both GM and PM are greater than zero then the system is stable.If both GM and PM are equal to zero then the system is marginally stable. If both GM and PM are less than zero then the system is unstable. With the help of MATLAB programming , the performance of separately excited DC motor in time domain and frequency domain was obtained and the results are shown in table 3 below and various plots of the system are shown in fig 4. Table 3 :Time and Frequency responses: In the following figures various plots were discussed: Fig 4: various plots of system funcions. PID CONTROLLER DESIGN: Types ofControllers : The basic controllers depending upon the manner in which the control signal is produced are classified as 1) Proportional Controller 2) Derivative Controller 3) Integral Controller 4) Proportional - Plus - Integral Controller (PI) 5)ProportionalPlus-Derivative Controller (PD) 6) Proportional Plus - Integral Plus - Derivative Controller (PID) 1 Proportional Controller(P): The controller for which the control signal at the output of the controller is simply related to the input of the controller by a proportional constant is known as proportional controller. If u(t) is the control Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 6 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS Time response characteristics RiseTime: 1.1362 sec SettlingTime: 2.0653 sec SettlingMin: 0.0901 SettlingMax : 0.0999 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.0999 PeakTime: 5.2388 sec Frequency response characteristics GainMargin: Inf GMFrequency: Inf PhaseMargin: Inf PMFrequency: Inf DelayMargin: Inf DMFrequency :Inf Stable: 1 signal at the output of the controller and e(t) is theinput of the controller, then u(t) á e(t) or u(t) =Kp e(t) where Kp is termed as proportional gain. The block diagram shown in figure4.1 represents the proportional controller 4.1 Block diagram representation ofProportional Controller Fig 5:Characteristics of Proportional Controller Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 7 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS In the above Fig.5, PB, Proportional band is a band of error where every controller output has proportional error signal or vice-versa. The proportional band should not be narrow or wide because if it is narrow, the controller mode exhibits the characteristics of the discontinuous mode of controller. If it is mode, it has permanent residual error known as offset in its operating point. Proportional controller with very high gain acts as two -position controller. The forward gain Kp has effect on both transient response and the steady state response . If Kp increases, steady state error decreases. Rise time and setting time decreases and overall steady state response improves.The main drawback of proportional control system is it has maximum overshoots and is more oscillatory. This isobjectionable for many of the control system applications.Therefore, while going in for proportional control action forimproving system performance, a control system engineer will have to make a compromise in choosing a proper gain K, so that the steady state error and the maximum overshoot of the output response are within the acceptable limits. This will become a difficult proposition. 2. Integral Controller(I): In the proportional control of a plant whose transfer function does not possess an integrator 1/s, there is a steady state error or offset, the response to a step input such an included in the controller. In the integral control of a plant, the control signal, the output signal from the controller, at any instant is the area under the actuating error signal curve up to that instant. The control signal u(t) can have a non zero value when the actuating error signal e(t) is zero. This is impossible in the case of proportional controller since a non zero control signal requires a non zeroactuating error signal. Therefore u(t) á ∫e(t)d(t) or u(t) = Ki e(t)dt Where Ki — Integral gain constant Genetic algorithm that yields good results in many practical problems is composed of three operators:Selection:Theindividualsare selected randomly at initial stage & organized pair-wise using Roulatte wheel technique, for the implementation of crossover. Crossover: The individuals, randomly organized pair-wise, have their space locations combined, in such a way that each former pair of individuals gives rise to a new pair.Mutation: Some individuals are randomly modified, in order to reach other points of the search space. Block diagram representation of integral controller. 3.Derivative Controller (D): The derivative controllers are implemented to account for future values, by taking the derivative, and controlling based on where the signal is going to be in the future. Derivative controllers should be used with care, because even small amount of high-frequency noise can cause very large derivatives, which appear like amplified noise. Also, Derivative controllers are difficult to implement perfectly in hardware or software, so frequently solutions involving only integral controllers or proportional controllers are preferred over using derivative controllers Block diagram representation of derivative controller. Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 8 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS 4.PID Controller : The PD controller could add damping to a system, but the steady-state response is not affected. The PI controller could improve the relative stability and improve the steady-state error at the same time, but the rise time is increased. This leads to the motivation of using a PID controller so that the best features of each of the PI and PD controllers are utilized Fig 6. Block diagram representation of PID Controller. (s)= + s+ ................(14) The PID controllers are the standard tools for theindustrialautomation. The flexibility of the controller makes it possible to use PID control in many situations. The controllers can also be used in cascade control and other controller configurations. Many simple control problems can be handled very well by PID control, provided that the performance requirements are not too high. The PID algorithm is packaged in the form of standard regulators for process control and is also the basis of many tailormade control systems. Transfer function of PID controller is As an alternative, the PI portion of the controller can be designed first for a portion ofthe requirement on relative stability, and, finally, the PD portion is designed. With the help of MATLAB programming , the performance of separately excited DC motor with and without PID controller was obtained and results are tabulated in table 3 and corresponding MATLAB coding was presented. Table 4:Comparision of results for open ,closed loop and PID controller responses Open loop Closed loop Response response response with PID controller Rise Time: 1.1362 sec Settling Time: 2.0653 sec Settling Min: 0.0901 Settling Max: 0.0999 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.0999 Peak Tim e: 5.2388 sec Rise Time: 1.0173 sec Settling Time: 1.8476 sec Settling Min: 0.0825 Settling Max: 0.0908 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 0.0908 Peak Time: 4.6398 sec Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 Rise Tim e: 0.1195 sec Settling Time: 16.0857 sec Settling Min: 0.8841 Settling Max: 1.0878 Overshoot: 8.7813 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0878 Peak Tim e: 0.2337 sec 9 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS Here a clear cut comparison is given for various values like rise time,dead time etc.. in table 3 . By employing this PID controller we can see(Fig 4.9) that it has drastically reduced from 1.1362 in openloop to 0.1195 in closed loop system. Coming to peak time there is significant change from open loop to PID controlled system i.e from 5.2388 seconds to 0.2337. but coming to settling time there is a drastic change from 2.0653 to 16.0857 , this is not desirable . There is change in dead time i.e improvement in dead time from 4 sec to 2 seconds in this system . SIMULINK Model for Implementation of PIDController Fig 7:Simulink model of PID controller Fig 8:Response with PID controller FUZZY CONTROLLER DESIGN: Fuzzy logic is a problem-solving control system methodology that leads itself to implementation in systems ranging from simple, small, embedded micro controllers to large, networked, multi-channel PCor workstation-based data acquisition and control systems. Fuzzylogic was conceived as a better method for sorting and handling data but has proven to be an excellent choice for many control system applications since it mimics human control logic. a)Fuzzy Logic Controllers : Once the system behavior is thoroughly studied, comprehensiveperformance objectives of the controller can be speculated. Then the help of intelligent trial and error science as well as self-institution learned from experience can formulate the heuristic rules that describe the system behavior equation. This forms the basis for the design of a Fuzzy logic controller as shown in Fig 9 gives an idea of the construction of a Fuzzy logic based controller. The principal design parameters for a Fuzzy logic controller arethe following: Data Base : 1. Discretization / normalization of universe of discourse, 2. Fuzzy partition of the input and output spaces, 3. Completeness, 4. Choice of the membership function of a primary Fuzzy set; Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 10 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS Rule base: 1. Choice of process state (input) variables and control (output)variables of Fuzzy control rules, 2. Source and derivation of Fuzzy control rules, 3. Types of Fuzzy control rules, 4. Consistency interactivity, completeness of Fuzzy control rules Fuzzy inference mechanism, Defuzzification strategies and the interpretation of a defuzzificationoperator. Fig 9:Control System with Fuzzy Logic Controller b)Membership functions : Membership functions form a crucial part in a Fuzzy rule base model because they only actually define the fuzziness of a control variable or a process variable. The most popular choices for the shape of the membership functions are triangular and trapezoidal functions. It is easy to see that parametric choice of the triangular function is the most economical one. This explains the predominant use of this type of membership functions. Once the shape of the function is selected, one has to map each element of the term set on the domain of the correspondinglinguistic variable. This mapping can affect the nature of the Fuzzy controller in a number of ways Triangular Membership Function The triangular membership function can be generally defined using aleft point, center point, and right point. Using these we can calculate the slopes of the sides of the triangle. Once the triangle is thus constructed, membership values can be calculated. Trapezoidal Membership Function The maximum membership value of 1.0 occurs over small rangeabout the central point of the function. Studies show in general that these functions give a better performance than triangular membership functions. Oscillations encountered when triangular functions were used greatly reduces. This can be attributed to the flat top of the membership function. The flat top actually stabilizes the decision over a range and there forethereis not great change in the decision as would happened in a triangular membership function. c)DefuzzificationModule : The functions of a defuzzification module (DM) are as follows : Performs the defuzzification, which converts the set of modified control output values into single pointwise values. Performs an output denormalization, which maps the point-wise value of the control output onto its physical domain. This step is not needed if non normalized Fuzzy sets are used. A defuzzification strategy is aimed at producing a non-Fuzzy control action that best represents the possibility of an inferred Fuzzy control action. Seven strategies in the literature, among the many that have been proposed by investigators, are popular for defuzzifyingFuzzy output functions: 1. Max-membership principle 2. Centroid method 3. Mean-max membership 4. Center of sums 5. First (or last) of maxima Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 11 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS The best well-known defuzzification method is centroid method. c.1)Centroid Method : The centroid method also referred to as center - of - area or center - of - gravity is the most popular defuzzification method. In the discrete case (U = {u1,…………… un} this results in = ........... (15) In the continuous case we obtain classical integral Fig. 10.shows the above operation in a graphical way. It can be seen that this defuzzification method takes into account the area of U as a whole. Thus the areas of two clipped Fuzzy sets continuing U overlap, then the overlapping area is not reflected in the above formula. This operation is computationally rather complex and therefore results in quiteslowinferencecycles. Fig 10:Centre-of-area method of Defuzzification d)Design of PID FuzzyController : As stated earlier, for a PID controller, the inputs to Fuzzy controller are Kp,Kd and Ki. and the output of Fuzzy controller in u. To start with, we have to activate Basic Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) editor either by typing FIS editor viewer in the Fuzzy logic tool box of the launchpad Fig 11:Simulink model for FUZZY controller Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 12 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS O u t p u t Time in sec Fig 12:Response with FUZZY controller Any Fuzzy controller involves the following: Basic FIS editor Membership function Rule editor Rule viewer Surface viewer Table 5: Comparision of results. Open Loop Closed P ID FUZZY R isetime Rise time 1.5sec 0.2sec S ettling Settling time time 0.6 Loop R iseTime: RiseTime: 1.1362 sec 1.017 sec S ettling SettlingTi T ime: me:1.847s 2.0653sec ec P eak: Peak: 0.0999 0.090 P eakTime: Peak 5.2388 sec Time:4.63 1.2sec Deadtime Dead 0 sec time 1sec 98sec Research Directions • Volume 1 Issue 6 • Dec 2013 13 COMPARATIVE STUDY ON DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROL USING VARIOUS CONTROLLERS all these shows a great change in the performance of the system. However there is peak overshoot and steady state error .This stedy state error can be removed by increasing the gain and peak overshoot automatically will reduce as load is employed on the system. Hence these will not pose any problem on system performance . The above Simulink results is tabulated in Table 5. From fig12 there is no dead time in the system i.e dead time is 0. Hence we have reached one of our aim .there is a considerable decrese in risee time which is in the order of 0.2sec . This shows how fastly the system is responding .system has reached its steady state before 0.6 seconds , all these shows a great change in the performance of the system. However there is peak overshoot and steady state error . This stedy state error can be removed by increasing the gain and peak overshoot automatically will reduce as load is employed on the system. Hence these will not pose any problem on system performance . CONCLUSIONS Speed response characteristics of separately excited dc motor were obtained by mathematical model using MATLABcoding and SIMULINK model .The response is found to be not satisfactory i.e response doesn't satisfy the desired design requirements like rise time ,settling time ,peak value ,steady state error and dead time etc. There exists a dead time of 1 sec which is a major drawback to the system by conventional method. To overcome the above drawback we employed PID controller design, by proper tuning of KP, KI and Kdwe have improved the characteristics like steady state error .But the above designed system failed to reduce the dead time of the system. Hence in order to reduce the dead time modern technique like FUZZY controller was employed. FUZZY controller is proposed to replace conventional PID controller to improve the system characteristics.. The corresponding step response is very smooth and ripple free The rule base adopted is of MAMDANItype and its rule viewer is presented .A thorough tuning of rule base may be required for improvement of the response further. REFERENCES: [1]Dr. Jamal A. Mohammed, Modeling, Analysis and Speed Control Design Methods of a DC Motor ,Eng. & Tech. Journal ,vol .29, no.1,2011 [2] J. Santana, J. L. Naredo, F. Sandoval, I. Grout, and O. J. 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