Overview of IEEE Xplore Digital Library - DRDO E

Overview of IEEE Xplore
Digital Library
3rd April 2014
Technology leaders rely on
IEEE publications and
IEEE Journals & Magazines—Top-cited in the fields of electrical
engineering and computing—170 in all.
Eight New
in 2014
IEEE Conference Proceedings—Cutting-edge papers presented
at IEEE conferences globally.
Now 1,300+
Annual titles!
IEEE Standards—Quality product and technology standards used
by worldwide industries and companies to ensure safety, drive
technology, and develop markets.
Smart Grid,
NESC®, 802
IEEE Educational Courses—Over 300 IEEE educational online
learning courses, plus IEEE English for Engineering.
More Courses,
New Series
eBooks Collections— Two eBook collections now available, IEEEWiley eBooks Library & MIT Press eBooks Library
and MIT Press
IEEE quality makes an impact
Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® by Impact Factor
IEEE publishes:
18 of the top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
10 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications
8 of the top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture
7 of the top 10 journals in Automation & Control Systems
4 of the top 5 journals in Artificial Intelligence
3 of the top 5 journals in Robotics
The Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports presents quantifiable statistical data
that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals.
Based on the 2012 study released June 2013
IEEE Leads Patent Citations
Number of Patent References from Top 40 Companies to Top Journal Publishers
IEEE is cited over 3x
more often than any
other publisher
New 8 IEEE Journals in 2014
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
IEEE Cloud Computing
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network
IEEE Electrification Magazine
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
IEEE Power Electronics Magazine
All included in an IEL subscription
For a complete title listing, to go: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/opacjrn.jsp
Content Enhancements
The IEEE Conference
collection continues to grow
Now over 1,300 annual conferences. Over 2.3 million total papers.
Some of the new
conferences added in 2013
Point-of-Care Healthcare
Technologies (PHT), 2013 IEEE
Wireless Symposium (IWS), 2013
IEEE International
ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia),
2013 IEEE
Big Data, 2013 IEEE Intl Conf on
Signal and Information Processing
(ChinaSIP), 2013 IEEE China Summit
Wireless Power Transfer , 2013 IEEE
Acoustics in Underwater Geosciences
Symp, 2013 IEEE/OES
Healthcare Innovation Conference
(HIC), 2013 IEEE
MOOC Innovation and Technology in
Education, 2013 IEEE Intl Conf
Healthcare Informatics (ICHI),
2013 IEEE International
Conference on
Global Conference on Signal and
Information Processing
(GlobalSIP), 2013 IEEE
Evolvable Systems (ICES), 2013
IEEE International Conference on
Computational Intelligence in
Rehabilitation & Assistive
Technologies (CIRAT), 2013 IEEE
Symposium on
Internet-of-Things Networking
and Control (IoT-NC), 2013 IEEE
International Workshop of
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
Workshops , 2013 IEEE
What you can access
from IEEE Xplore?
unlimited, full-text access to more than three million documents;
documents delivered in PDF and HTML (as available) formats;
highly-cited, peer-reviewed research that fuels more new patents
than any other publisher, including:
166 IEEE journals, magazines, and transactions
26 IET journals and magazines, plus 20+ IET conference titles
proceedings from over 1,200 IEEE and IET annual conferences
more than 2,500 approved and published IEEE standards in key
technology fields, with the option to add draft standards;
IEEE Redline Versions of Standards;
IEEE Standards Dictionary Online;
complimentary access to more than 4,600 papers from 20+ VDE
conference titles;
access to articles accepted for future publication;
backfile to the late 1800s for select titles;
First point of Contact:
Learn how IEEE Xplore can Enhance Your Research:
Dhanu Pattanashetti, IEEE Client Services Manager
Email: dhanu.p@ieee.org
Resources: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplorehelp/#/
Register for a live online training – www.ieee.org/go/training
Technical Support: