APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS VOLUME 80, NUMBER 13 1 APRIL 2002 Frequency response of current-driven polarization modulation in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers Guy Verschaffelt,a) Jan Albert, Irina Veretennicoff, and Jan Danckaert Department of Applied Physics and Photonics (TW–TONA), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Sylvain Barbayb) and Giovanni Giacomelli Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata and INFM, Largo E. Fermi 6, 50125 Florence, Italy Francesco Marin Department of Physics, University of Firenze and INFM and LENS, Largo E. Fermi 2, 50125 Florence, Italy 共Received 3 July 2001; accepted for publication 30 January 2002兲 We present an experimental study of the current-driven polarization modulation properties of vertical-cavity surface-emitting Lasers 共VCSELs兲. Some VCSELs exhibit a high-contrast polarization flip for a particular value of pump current. By modulating the current around this value we measure the critical modulation amplitude necessary to force current-driven polarization switching as a function of the modulation frequency. We thus obtain the polarization modulation frequency response, which shows the same cut-off frequency as the thermal frequency response. This indicates the necessity to incorporate a temperature-dependent variable in realistic models that describe the polarization behavior of these VCSELs. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1465113兴 The polarization state of the light emitted by verticalcavity surface-emitting lasers 共VCSELs兲 is not defined a priori by their structure. Nevertheless, VCSELs do actually emit linearly polarized light in one of two orthogonal linear polarization modes 共PMs兲, which are usually oriented according to specific crystallographic directions. The two PMs have a difference in frequency, which can vary between 1 and 40 GHz.1 In some VCSELs, polarization switching 共PS兲 between PMs is observed as the current is changed. During the past few years experimental2–7 and theoretical work8 –11 has been aimed at understanding this effect. Generally, the different proposals for explaining the observed PS can be divided into two categories: those invoking slow 共lattice兲 thermal mechanisms2,4 – 6 and those relying on other, faster mechanisms.3,9–11 The dynamic mechanism and the dominating time scales of PS are not only interesting from a physical point of view, but also of great practical importance if one wishes to exploit the VCSEL’s polarization properties for applications in which fast controlled PS is required. In this letter we present the results of a systematic experimental investigation of the current-driven polarization modulation properties of single mode VCSELs12,13 as a function of both the amplitude and frequency of modulation. We have studied different types of VCSELs 共proton implanted, air post and oxide confined兲, operating at different wavelengths 共850 and 980 nm兲 that present different types of switching 共from the lower to the higher optical frequency mode with an increase in current, called type II PS, and vice versa, called type I PS兲. We focus in this letter on the results a兲 Electronic mail: Present address: Laboratoire Photonique et Nanostructures, 196 Avenue H. Ravera, BP 107, 92225 Bagneux Cedex, France. b兲 obtained on proton-implanted VCSELs from VIXEL Corporation. While the steady state characteristics and some of the dynamic features of these devices have already been reported,4 – 6,13,14 the experimental study presented here is original and represents a critical bench test for models describing the polarization features of VCSELs. Our gainguided proton-implanted GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well VCSEL operates around 850 nm and exhibits a threshold current close to 7mA. The VCSEL shows type II PS in its singletransverse mode regime when operated under continuous wave 共cw兲 conditions on the high frequency side of the gain maximum.5 The switching current can be tuned over the entire current region of single-transverse mode operation by applying a controlled amount of stress with our selffabricated laser holder.6 In our setup, the light emitted by the VCSEL is collimated with a lens and sent through a linear polarizer to select one of the two PMs. The polarization resolved intensity impinges on a 2 GHz bandwidth detector whose output signal is visible on an oscilloscope. All the optical components are slightly misaligned to prevent optical feedback, which could cause extra instability in the VCSEL. The bias current generated by a stabilized current source and the modulation signal from a function generator are combined in a bias T and subsequently sent through the VCSEL.13 The temperature of the VCSEL package is actively stabilized up to a few mK. The frequency responses of all the individual electronic components were calibrated beforehand. The overall amplitude response 共from the signal generator to the laser current兲 was checked as being linear up to at least several hundred MHz in the small amplitude modulation regime. When the VCSEL is biased close to the PS current, random mode hopping between the two orthogonally polarized 0003-6951/2002/80(13)/2248/3/$19.00 2248 © 2002 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 18 Oct 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 80, No. 13, 1 April 2002 FIG. 1. Time trace of the polarization-resolved laser intensity when modulating the VCSEL around a PS current of 10.3 mA with a 200 kHz sinusoidal signal and amplitude of 0.62 mA. fundamental modes occurs,7,13–15 indicating that a small bistable region is present. The average residence time 共or dwell time兲 in the mode-hopping regime strongly scales with the switching current: from ns when the PS current is close to the laser threshold to nearly seconds when the PS current is about two times the threshold. This stochastic hopping due to spontaneous emission also shows up in modulation experiments.13 While modulating around the switching current, PS occurs with a random delay 共i.e., jitter兲. If this delay is longer than half a modulation period a polarization switch will be missed. An example of a polarization-resolved time trace with three switches missed is shown in Fig. 1. We define a ‘‘successful’’ modulation period as one where the laser undergoes the complete PS cycle. Throughout the measurements we track the average time spent in each of the PMs in real-time by means of an oscilloscope with built-in statistical functions.14 This allows us to bias the VCSEL at the PS current where the randomly jumping laser spends on average an equal time in the two PMs. After setting the bias current, we add a sinusoidal modulation signal with fixed frequency and varying amplitude. In Fig. 2 we plot the fraction of successful modulation periods measured as a function of the amplitude of a 200 kHz sinu- Verschaffelt et al. 2249 FIG. 3. PS frequency response for switching currents of I sw⫽9.85 and 10.3 mA. soidal modulation signal. Low amplitudes have only a small fraction of successful cycles. This fraction grows rapidly as the modulation amplitude is increased: through a narrow transition region (⬃0.3 mA) one attains a regime of nearly 100% successful cycles. One should keep in mind that we are actually modulating the current around the center of a bistable region. In order to have PS, the modulation amplitude should exceed the width of the bistable region. Due to stochastic effects, however, the transition is smoothened 共see Fig. 2兲. Based on Fig. 2, we define the minimum amplitude for current-driven polarization modulation as the amplitude that yields 80% successful modulation cycles. We have measured this minimum amplitude as a function of the modulation frequency. In Fig. 3 we plot the inverse of this minimum amplitude as a function of the modulation frequency, henceforth called the PS frequency response, that can be compared with the response of a standard first order system 共see below兲. These measurements were performed for PS currents of 9.85 and 10.3 mA, corresponding to dwell times of 10 ms and 5 s, respectively. We have chosen these high switching currents because the associated long dwell times reduce the occurrence of PS due to spontaneous mode hopping with respect to PS forced by modulation. Still, as we will discuss below, the effects of spontaneous mode hopping cannot be discarded completely. In Fig. 3 two regimes can clearly be distinguished and they are separated by a cut-off frequency of about 90 kHz. In the low frequency range there is a clear 共albeit weak兲 monotonic increase of the PS frequency response with a decrease in frequency. Above 90 kHz the PS frequency response decreases drastically with an increase in frequency. For higher frequencies 共above 3 MHz兲 the measurements are disturbed by the fact that the minimum modulation amplitude is so large that it drives the VCSEL from the threshold up into the higher transverse mode regime. When we compare the experiments for the two different switching currents, we notice a vertical shift of the measured PS response curve. This is because the bistable region is wider for higher switching currents. However, the overall shape of the PS frequency response is not changed. The PS cut-off frequency in VCSELs is much lower than would be expected from the measured switching time of 10 ns,13,16 and is also much lower than the one encountered in FIG. 2. Fraction of successful cycles as a function of the modulation amplitude. The VCSEL is biased at PS current of 9.85 mA and modulated with a 200 kHz sinusoidal signal. Downloaded 18 Oct 2002 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 2250 Verschaffelt et al. Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 80, No. 13, 1 April 2002 FIG. 4. Thermal frequency response measured at bias current of 11.1 mA and modulation amplitude of 0.1 mA 共closed squares兲 and fit to a first-order response function with a cut-off frequency of 90 kHz 共solid line兲. edge-emitting lasers 共where 500 MHz PS has been reported17兲. The low cut-off frequency of 90 kHz observed in our VCSELs cannot be explained on the basis of existing models8 –10 that only take much faster time scales into account 共such as photon and carrier lifetimes兲. Thermal effects are an obvious possibility as an explanation. To test this conjecture, we have evaluated the thermal frequency response of our VCSEL with a scanning Fabry-Pérot spectrum analyzer by measuring the width of the modulation-induced shift 共or chirp ⌬F兲 of the optical frequency emitted as a function of the modulation frequency. The optical frequency emitted is indeed determined by the cavity resonance, which in turn depends on the lattice temperature of the laser cavity. For the frequency range measured, the chirp ⌬F is mainly due to Joule heating. The result of this measurement is shown in Fig. 4. This thermal response corresponds very well to the transfer function of a linear first-order system, given by A ⌬F , ⫽ ⌬I 冑1⫹ 共 f / f 0 兲 2 where f is the modulation frequency, f 0 is the cut-off frequency, A is a proportionality constant and ⌬I is the current modulation amplitude, which is kept constant throughout the measurement. When we compare the PS and thermal frequency responses 共see Figs. 3 and 4兲, we notice two main differences. First, for low frequencies the PS response is not as flat as the thermal response. Second, the PS frequency response curve does not decrease as quickly as the thermal one in the high frequency region. The origin of these differences requires further investigation. Numerical simulations and a preliminary theoretical analysis indicate that the slope in the PS response at low frequencies can be explained by switching events triggered by spontaneous mode hopping. In any case, both response curves show a cut-off frequency of about 90 kHz, suggesting that thermal effects play an essential role in PS in these VCSELs. Different thermal mechanisms have been proposed to explain both type I 共Refs. 2 and 4兲 and type II 共Ref. 5兲 PS. Type I PS can be understood to be the result of a thermally induced frequency shift of the cavity modes with respect to the laser’s gain curve.2 The type II PS studied here can be explained on a thermal basis by two mechanisms 共or a combination of them兲. The first takes the temperature dependence of the loss curve into account5 in addition to the thermal shift of the gain curve. The second relies on lifting of the gain degeneracy of the two PMs due to strain.6 As a function of temperature the two resulting gain curves move with respect to one another. Both mechanisms can explain thermally induced type II PS and are therefore compatible with our experimental results. In conclusion, we have studied the current-driven polarization modulation properties of an 850 nm VCSEL as a function of both the amplitude and frequency of modulation. The device exhibits type II polarization switching. We measured the PS frequency response for different values of the switching current. These frequency responses display a cutoff of about 90 kHz that coincides with the thermal cut-off frequency of the VCSEL measured, indicating that it is necessary to incorporate a temperature-dependent variable in models that describe the dynamic polarization behavior of these VCSELs. This research was supported in Belgium by FWO, IUAP, GOA and the OZR at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Two of the authors 共G.V. and J.D.兲 acknowledge the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders 共FWO兲 for fellowships. The collaboration between the Brussels and the Florence groups was supported by EU Programs COST268 and by the RTN network VISTA 共Contract No. HPRN-CT-2000-00034兲. The authors would like to thank D. and T. Westmalle for stimulating the discussions. 1 M. P van Exter, A. K. Jansen van Doorn, and J. P. Woerdman, Phys. Rev. A 56, 845 共1997兲, and references therein. 2 K. D. Choquette, D. A. Richie, and R. E. Leibenguth, Appl. Phys. Lett. 64, 2062 共1994兲. 3 J. Martı́n-Regalado, J. L. A. Chilla, J. J. 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