International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (2010) 8(5):1009-1017 DOI 10.1007/s12555-010-0510-3 Frequency Response Computation of Fractional Order Interval Transfer Functions Celaleddin Yeroğlu, M. Mine Özyetkin, and Nusret Tan Abstract: The paper present extensions of some results developed in the parametric robust control to fractional order interval control systems (FOICS). Computation of the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of FOICS are studied. Using the geometric structure of the value set of fractional order interval polynomials (FOIP), a technique is proposed for computing the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of transfer functions whose numerator and denominator polynomials are fractional order polynomials with interval uncertainty structure. The results obtained are useful for the analysis and design of FOICS. Numerical examples are included to illustrate the benefit of the method presented. Keywords: Bode envelope, fractional order interval transfer functions, nyquist envelope, parametric uncertainty. 1. INTRODUCTION A system represented by differential equations where the orders of derivatives can take any real number, not necessarily integer number can be considered as a fractional order system. The significance of fractional order representation is that fractional order differential equations are more adequate to describe real world systems than those of integer order models [1,2]. Therefore, in recent years considerable attention has been given to the fractional order control systems (FOCS) due to the better understanding of fractional calculus [3] and the emergence of a new electrical circuit called “fractance” [4] which make the implementation of a fractional order controller feasible [5]. As a result, some important studies dealing with the applications of the fractional calculus to the control systems have been done in [6-10] and references there in. Results related to the stability analysis and controller design for such systems can be found in [11,12] and references there in. For example, synthesis of robust fractional order controllers using the quantitative feedback theory is proposed in [13]. This field of research is still new and there is not much work dealing with robustness analysis of FOCS with parametric uncertainty [14-16]. The computation of frequency responses of uncertain transfer functions plays an important role in the application of frequency domain methods for the analysis and design of robust control systems. The frequency __________ Manuscript received September 3, 2009; revised March 12, 2010; accepted April 11, 2010. Recommended by Editorial Board member Ju Hyun Park under the direction of Editor Hyun Seok Yang. Celaleddin Yeroglu is with the School of Computer Engineering, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey (e-mail: cyeroglu@inonu. M. Mine Ozyetkin and Nusret Tan are with the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey (e-mails: {mmozyetkin, ntan} © ICROS, KIEE and Springer 2010 domain analysis of systems is an important topic in control theory. There are some powerful graphical tools in classical control, such as the Nyquist plot, Bode plots and Nichols charts, which are widely used to evaluate the frequency domain behaviors of systems. Motivated by the results especially the Kharitonov and the Edge theorems [17,18] obtained in the parametric robust control, there have been several studies [19-23] on the computation of the frequency responses of control systems under parametric uncertainty. An interval analysis algorithm is proposed for automatic synthesis of fixed structure controllers in quantitative feedback theory in [24]. However, these results are related to the integer order control systems with parametric uncertainty. Therefore, extensions of these results to FOCS with parametric uncertainty will be very important. Some preliminary results in this direction have been obtained in [25]. The purpose of this paper is to present a method for computation of Bode and Nyquist envelopes of fractional order interval transfer functions (FOITF). The numerator and denominator polynomials of a FOITF are a FOIP of the form P( s, q ) = q0 sα0 + q1sα1 + q2 sα 2 + q3 sα3 + + qn sα n , (1) where α 0 < α1 < < α n are generally real numbers, q = [q0, q1 , q2 ,..., qn ] is the uncertain parameter vector and the uncertainty box is Q = {q : qi ∈ [qi , qi ], i = 0, 1, 2,..., n}. Here qi and qi are specified lower and upper bounds of ith perturbation qi, respectively. Thus, a FOITF can be represented as, G ( s, a , b ) = = N ( s, b) D ( s, a ) b0 sα 0 + b1sα1 + b2 sα 2 + ... + bm sα m a0 s β0 + a1 s β1 + a2 s β2 + ... + an s βn (2) , Celaleddin Yeroğlu, M. Mine Özyetkin, and Nusret Tan 1010 where α 0 < α1 < ... < α m and β 0 < β1 < .... < β n are generally real numbers, a = [a0 , a1 ,..., an ] and b = [b0 , b1 ,..., bm ] are uncertain parameter vectors, A = {a : ai ∈ [ai , ai ], i = 0,1, 2,..., n} and B = {b : bi ∈ [bi , bi ], i = 0, 1, 2,..., m} are uncertainty boxes. In this paper, it is first shown that the value set of the family of polynomial of (1) can be constructed using the upper and lower values of uncertain parameters. Then, using the geometric structure of the value set, a procedure for computing the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of FOITF represented by (2) is given. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the construction of the value set of FOITF is given. An algorithm is proposed for the computation of the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of FOITF in Section 3. Numerical examples are given in Section 4. Section 5 includes conclusions and remarks. (a) Uncertainty box in the parameter space. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF THE VALUE SET OF FOIP The fractional power of jω can be written as ( jω ) µ = ω µ j µ = ω µ [e π j ( + 2 nπ ) 2 ]µ = ω µ [e (3) π j ( µ + 2 nµπ ) 2 ], (b) Images of exposed edges in the complex plane. 1 2 where n = 0, ± , ± ,... and µ is a rational number. µ µ Thus, ( jω ) µ = ω µ (cos π π µ + j sin µ ). 2 2 (4) For FOIP of (1), substituting s = jω gives, P ( jω , q) = q0 (k0 r + jk0i )ω α0 + q1 (k1r + jk1i )ω + j (q0 k0iω + q1k1iω + + qn kniω αn α1 v2 ( s ) = q0 sα 0 + q1sα1 + q2 sα 2 + + qn sα n (6) (5) = (q0 k0r ω α 0 + q1k1r ω α1 + + qn knr ω α n ) α1 v1 ( s) = q0 sα 0 + q1sα1 + q2 sα 2 + + qn sα n v3 ( s ) = q0 sα0 + q1sα1 + q2 sα 2 + + qn sα n + + qn (knr + jkni )ω α n α0 Fig. 1. For a polynomial of the form of (1) with 3 uncertain parameters. ), where klr and kli , l = 1, 2,..., n are constant. From (5), it is clear that the uncertain parameters appearing both in the real and imaginary parts are linearly dependent to each other. The value set of such a polynomial in the complex plane is a polygon. Thus the corresponding polytope of a family of (1) in the coefficient space has 2( n+1) vertices and (n + 1)2n exposed edges since the polynomial family has (n + 1) uncertain parameters. For example, the uncertainty box in the parameter space and image of the exposed edges in the complex plane for a polynomial of the form of (1) with 3 uncertain parameters are shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). Using the upper and lower values of the uncertain parameters, all 2n+1 the vertex polynomials of P ( s, q) can be written in the following pattern. v2( n +1) ( s) = q0 sα0 + q1sα1 + + q2 sα 2 + + qn sα n From these vertex polynomials, the exposed edges can be obtained. For example, the vertex polynomial v1(s) and v2(s) have the same structure except the parameter (q0) is its lower value (q0 ) in v1(s) and its upper value (q0 ) in v2(s). Thus, one of the exposed edges can be expressed as, e(v1 , v2 ) = (1 − λ ) v1 ( s) + λ v2 ( s ), (7) where λ ∈ [0,1]. Similarly, the remaining exposed edges can be constructed. Define the set which contains all the vertex polynomials as PV = {v1 , v2 ,....., v2( n +1) } (8) and the set of exposed edges as PE = {e1 , e2 ,......, e ( n +1)2n }. (9) Theorem 1: ∂P ( jω , q) ⊂ PE ( jω ), (10) Frequency Response Computation of Fractional Order Interval Transfer Functions where ∂ denotes the boundary and PE is defined in (9). Proof: From (5), it can be seen that the uncertain parameters in the real and imaginary parts are related with each other linearly. This type of polynomial family is called polytopic family [22]. Therefore, a linear map of the uncertainty box Q from the parameter space to the complex plane is a polygon whose vertices and exposed edges can be obtained by mapping the vertices and exposed edges of Q as shown in Figs. 1(a) and (b). As a result, the boundary of the value set of P ( s, q) at * s = jω can be obtained from the images of exposed edges. Therefore, ∂P ( jω , q) ⊂ PE ( jω ) for all real ω [25]. vertices of the polygon. Consider the transfer function given in (2), and let n1 , n2 ,..., n2m +1 and d1 , d 2 ,..., d 2n +1 be the vertex polynomials of N ( s, b) and D( s, a) polynomials, respectively. Define the sets NV and NE which contains the vertices and edges of N ( s, b) as NV = {n1 , n2 , n3 , n4 ,..., n2m +1 }, N E = {ne1 , ne2 , ne3 , ne4 ,..., ne 3.1. Bode envelopes of FOITF The numerator and denominator polynomials of FOITF of (2) are in the form of P ( s, q) of (1). Therefore, the results given in the previous section can be used to obtain the Bode envelopes of FOITF. Theorem 2: The magnitude extremums of P ( s, q) at } (14) similarly define DV and DE for the D( s, a) as DV = {d1 , d 2 , d3 , d 4 ..., d 2n +1 }, ( n +1)2n The Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a transfer function are important in classical control theory for the analysis and design. For example, the frequency domain specifications such as gain and phase margins can be obtained using the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a transfer function. The Bode plot of a control system provides a clear indication of how the Bode plot should be modified to meet given specifications. Therefore, controller design based on the Bode plot is simple and straightforward. However, in order to apply this classical design method to fractional order uncertain control systems, it is necessary to compute the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a given FOITF. (13) ( m +1)2m DE = {de1 , de2 , de3 , de4 ..., de 3. FREQUENCY RESPONSES OF FOITF 1011 (15) }. (16) Then, the magnitude and phase extremums of G ( s, a, b) at s = jω * can be calculated from the following theorem. Theorem 3: max G ( jω * , a, b) = max N ( jω * , b) min D( jω * , a) = max nk ∈NV nk min del ∈DE del (17) , min G ( jω * , a, b) = min N ( jω * , b) max D( jω * , a) = min ne p ∈N E ne p max dr ∈DV d r , max arg[G ( jω * , a, b)] = max arg[ N ( jω * , b)] − min arg[ D( jω * , a)] = max arg nk ∈NV [nk ] − min arg dr ∈DV [d r ], ma x P ( jω * , q ) = ma xvk ∈PV vk , (11) min P ( jω * , q ) = minel ∈PE el * and the phase extremums of P( jω , q ) are min arg[ P( jω * , q)] = min arg vk ∈PV [vk ], ma x arg[ P ( jω * , q)] = max arg vk ∈PV [vk ], (12) where k = 1, 2,..., 2n +1 and l = 1, 2,...., ( n + 1)2n. Proof: The proof of this theorem can be done by using the geometric structure of the value set of P ( s, q) at s = jω * . Since the value set of P ( jω * , q ) is contained in a polygon as shown in Fig. 1, the maximum distance from the origin to the edges of the polygon is achieved at the corner of the polygon and minimum distance comes from the edges. The phase extremums will be on the (19) min arg[G ( jω * , a, b)] = min arg[ N ( jω * , b)] − max arg[ D( jω * , a)] = min arg nk ∈NV [nk ] − max arg dr ∈DV [d r ], s = jω * can be written as (18) where k = 1, 2,..., 2m +1 , p = 1, 2,..., ( m + 1)2m , (20) r = 1, 2, ..., 2n+1 and l = 1, 2,..., (n + 1)2n. Proof: The proof of this theorem follows from the results of Theorem 2. Since at each frequency, the value set of N ( s, b) and D( s, a) are similar to the value set of P( s, q), the magnitude and phase extremums of G ( s, a, b) can be found from the magnitude and phase extremums of polygons corresponding to N ( s, b) and D( s, a). 3.2. Nyquist envelope of FOITF The numerator and denominator polynomials of FOITF of (2) are in the form of P( s, q) of (1). Therefore, the results given in the Section 2 can be used to obtain the Nyquist envelope of FOITF. Celaleddin Yeroğlu, M. Mine Özyetkin, and Nusret Tan 1012 Define the extremal system as GE ( s ) = NV ( s ) N E ( s ) , ∪ DE ( s ) DV ( s ) (21) K * = infG ( s )∈GE ( s ) K G , θ * = infG ( s )∈GE ( s ) θG , where NV, NE, DV and DE are defined in (13)-(16). Theorem 4: At s = jω , ∂G ( jω , a, b) ⊂ GE ( jω ) = NV N ∪ E, DE DV (22) where GE is defined in (21) and ∂ denotes the boundary [25]. Proof: Let A1 and A2 be the two complex plane polygons with vertex sets VA1 , VA 2 and edge sets E A1 , EA 2 respectively. Then, from the complex plane geometry, the following is known [22]. A VA1 ∂ 1 ⊂ A2 E A 2 E A1 ∪ VA 2 Since the value set of the numerator and denominator of (2) are independent polygons, one can write (24) ∂G ( jω , a, b) ⊂ GE ( jω ) = NV N ∪ E. DE DV (25) 3.3. Robust Gain and Phase Margins: Gain and phase margins are two important frequency domain specifications. For systems with a nominal transfer function, these margins are computed from the Nyquist or Bode plots of the open-loop transfer function. However, in the case of systems with parametric uncertainties, the computation of the gain and phase margins becomes very complex. In this section, we deal with the calculation of the robust gain and phase margins for systems with an uncertain transfer function of the form of (2). Suppose that a closed-loop system with an uncertain plant of the form of (2) is stable. The robust gain margin is then the largest value of the gain K greater than 1 for which the stability of KG ( s, a, b) is preserved, and the robust phase margin is the largest value of phase θ for which the uncertain system with e− jθ G ( s, a, b) is robustly stable. Thus, the worst case gain margin K * and phase margin θ * can be stated as * E A1 and E A 2 , respectively. From the complex plane geometry, the following is then known: ∂( A1 + A2 ) ⊂ ( E A1 + VA 2 ) ∪ (VA1 + E A 2 ). * K = infG ( s )∈G ( s , a,b) KG , θ = infG ( s )∈G ( s, a,b ) θG , (26) where KG is gain margin of G ( s ) and θG is phase margin of G ( s ). Using Theorem 5, values of K * and θ * can be computed from the extremal system GE ( s). (28) Now, for the calculation of gain margin, we need to find the maximum value of K greater than 1 for which (29) is stable. The multiplication of a convex polygon with a fixed K is still a convex polygon. Thus, for a fixed value of K , one can write VA1 = KNV , VA 2 = DV , E A1 = KN E , E A 2 = DE . (30) From (28), following equation can be written: ∆( jω ) ⊂ ∆ E ( jω ) = ( KN E + DV ) ∪ ( KNV + DE ). Thus (27) where GE (s) defined in (21). Proof: Let A1 and A2 be the two complex plane polygons with vertex sets VA1 and VA 2 , and edge sets ∆ ( s) = KN ( s, b) + D( s, a) (23) VA1 = NV , VA 2 = DV , E A1 = N E , E A 2 = DE . Theorem 5: Suppose a unity feedback system with G ( s, a, b) is stable. The robust gain and phase margins are then (31) Therefore, stability of ∆ E ( s) implies stability of ∆ ( s ). For the phase margin calculation, the gain K will be a complex gain and the same proof will be valid [25]. Following procedure can be used for computation of the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a given FOITF: • Construct the vertices and edges of N ( s, b) and D( s, a) using (8) and (9). • From (13)-(16), obtain the vertex and edge sets. • For each s = jω , using (17)-(20), obtain the magnitude and phase extremums, and construct the Bode envelopes. • For each s = jω , using (22), obtain the Nyquist envelope. • From the Bode and Nyquist envelopes and using Theorem 5, compute the robust gain and phase margins. 4. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Example 1: Consider a negative unity feedback control system with the following FOITF G ( s , a, b) = N ( s , b) 1 = , D( s, a) a0 + a1s 0.9 + a2 s 2.2 (32) where a0 ∈ [0.8,1.2], a1 ∈ [0.5, 0.9] and a2 ∈ [0.6,1]. The objective is to compute the Bode and Nyquist envelopes and investigate robust stability of the system. It can be seen that N ( s, b) = 1 which is constant and Frequency Response Computation of Fractional Order Interval Transfer Functions 1013 D( s, a) has 3 uncertain parameters. Therefore, there are 23 = 8 vertex polynomials and 3 x 22 = 12 exposed edges for D( s, a). The vertex polynomials of D( s, a) are d1 ( s) = 0.8 + 0.5s 0.9 + 0.6 s 2.2 , d 2 ( s) = 1.2 + 0.5s 0.9 + 0.6s 2.2 , d3 ( s) = 0.8 + 0.9s 0.9 + 0.6 s 2.2 , d 4 ( s) = 1.2 + 0.9s 0.9 + 0.6s 2.2 , d5 ( s) = 0.8 + 0.5s 0.9 + s 2.2 , (33) d6 ( s) = 1.2 + 0.5s 0.9 + s 2.2 , d7 ( s) = 0.8 + 0.9s 0.9 + s 2.2 , d8 ( s) = 1.2 + 0.9s 0.9 +s 2.2 Fig. 3. Value sets of D(s,a) for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 3. , thus DV = {d1 , d 2 , d3 , d 4 , d5 , d6 d7 , d8 } (34) and the set of exposed edges of D( s, a) is DE = {de1 , de2 ,...., de12 } e(d1 , d 2 ), e( d1 , d3 ), e( d1 , d5 ), e( d 2 , d 4 ), = e(d 2 , d 6 ), e( d3 , d 4 ), e( d3 , d7 ), e( d 4 , d8 ), . e(d , d ), e( d , d ), e( d , d ), e( d , d ) 5 7 6 8 7 8 5 6 (35) The value set of D( s, a) is bounded by the images of the exposed edges which are given in (35). The value sets of D( s, a) for ω = 1rad / sec. and for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 3 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The 8 vertex transfer functions of G ( s, a, b) can be written as Gi ( s) = 1 , di ( s ) Fig. 4. Bode plots of 8 vertex transfer functions. (36) where di ( s ), i = 1, 2,...,8 are given in (33). The Bode plots of these 8 transfer functions are shown in Fig. 4. On the other hand, the Bode plots of 1000 transfer functions, Fig. 5. Bode plots of 1000 transfer functions. Fig. 2. Value set of D(s,a) at ω = 1rad / sec. which are obtained by taking 10 points within the range of each uncertain parameter, of G(s,a,b) are shown in Fig. 5. When Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 are compared, it can be seen that the boundary of the phase envelopes and the minimum boundary of the gain come from the Bode plots of Gi(s). However, the maximum boundary of the gain is mostly but not completely covered by Bode plot of Gi(s). Using the results obtained in this paper, the magnitude and phase envelopes of G(s,a,b) are obtained 1014 Celaleddin Yeroğlu, M. Mine Özyetkin, and Nusret Tan Fig. 6. Bode envelopes of G(s,a,b) with Bode plot of nominal (---) transfer function. Fig. 9. Nyquist plots of 8 vertex transfer functions. Fig. 7. Nyquist template at ω = 1rad / sec. Fig. 10. Nyquist plots of 1000 transfer functions. Fig. 8. Nyquist envelope. Fig. 11. Bode envelopes of C ( s) G ( s, a, b). as shown in Fig. 6. Looking at Fig. 6, one can say that the given FOICS is not robust bounded input bounded output (BIBO) stable. The Nyquist template at ω = 1rad / sec. and the Nyquist envelope of G(s,a,b) are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. From Fig. 8, one can also say that the given FOICS is not robust BIBO stable. The 8 vertex transfer functions of G(s,a,b) can be written as in (36). The Nyquist plots of 8 transfer functions are shown in Fig. 9. The Nyquist plots of 1000 transfer functions, which are obtained by taking 10 points within the range of each uncertain parameter of the G(s,a,b) are shown in Fig. 10. When Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 are compared, it can be seen that the boundary of the Nyquist envelope for this example come from the Nyquist plots of Gi(s). However, in general, the boundary of the Nyquist envelope is Frequency Response Computation of Fractional Order Interval Transfer Functions 1015 d1 ( s ) = 0.4 + 2 s 0.8 + 3s 2.2 + s 3.1 , d 2 ( s) = 0.8 + 2s 0.8 + 3s 2.2 + s3.1 , d3 ( s) = 0.4 + 3s 0.8 + 3s 2.2 + s 3.1 , d 4 ( s) = 0.8 + 3s 0.8 + 3s 2.2 + s3.1 , d5 ( s) = 0.4 + 2s 0.8 + 6 s 2.2 + s 3.1 , (42) d6 ( s) = 0.8 + 2 s 0.8 + 6s 2.2 + s 3.1 , d7 ( s) = 0.4 + 3s 0.8 + 6 s 2.2 + s3.1 , d8 ( s) = 0.8 + 3s 0.8 + 6 s 2.2 + s3.1 , thus DV = {d1 , d 2 , d3 , d 4 , d5 , d6 d7 , d8 } Fig. 12. Nyquist envelope of C ( s) G ( s, a, b). (43) and the set of exposed edges of D( s, a ) is (37) In this case, the Bode envelopes of C ( s) G ( s, a, b) are shown in Fig. 11 and the Nyquist envelope of C ( s) G ( s, a, b) are shown in Fig. 12. By using Fig. 11 and 12, it can be calculated that the robust gain margin is equal to ∞ and the robust phase margin is about 30o. Therefore, the given system is now robust stable. Example 2: The Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a fractional order control system with the following transfer function is studied in this example G ( s, a, b) = b0 + b1s 0.9 N ( s, b) , (38) = D ( s, a ) a0 + a1s 0.8 + a2 s 2.2 + a3 s 3.1 ⎧e(d1 , d 2 ), e(d1 , d3 ), e(d1 , d5 ), e(d 2 , d 4 ), ⎫ ⎪ ⎪ = ⎨e(d 2 , d 6 ), e(d3 , d 4 ), e(d3 , d7 ), e(d 4 , d8 ), ⎬ . ⎪ ⎪ ⎩e(d5 , d 6 ), e(d5 , d 7 ), e(d 6 , d8 ), e(d 7 , d8 ) ⎭ (44) Bode plots of 625 transfer functions, which are obtained by taking 5 points within the range of each uncertain Bode diagram 20 0 gain / dB C ( s ) = K p + K d s μ = 20 + 3s1.15 . DE = {de1 , de2 ,...., de12 } -20 -40 -60 -1 10 0 10 frequency(rad/s) 1 10 0 -50 phase / º mostly but not completely covered by Nyquist plots of Gi ( s ). Now, consider that the following fractional order PD μ controller is connected in the forward path of the given control system. -100 -150 21 = 2 vertex polynomials and 1x 20 = 1 exposed edge. D( s, a ) have 3 uncertain parameters. Therefore, it have 23 = 8 vertex polynomials and 3 x 22 = 12 exposed edges. The vertex polynomials of N ( s, b) are n1 ( s ) = 1 + s 0.9 , n2 ( s ) = 1.2 + s 0.9 , -200 -1 10 0 The vertex polynomials of D( s, a ) are -20 -40 -60 -1 10 (39) 0 10 frequency(rad/sec) 1 10 0 (41) Phase deg (40) and the set of exposed edges of N ( s, b) is N E = {ne1} = {e(n1 , n2 )}. 1 10 20 thus NV = {n1 , n2 } 0 10 frequency(rad/sec) Fig. 13. Bode plots of 625 transfer functions. Gain db where a0 ∈ [0.4, 0.8], a1 ∈ [2,3], a2 ∈ [3, 6], a3 = 1, b0 ∈ [1,1.2] and b1 = 1. Thus, the transfer function has four uncertain parameters. It can be seen that N ( s, b) has one uncertain parameter. Thus, N ( s, b) have -50 -100 -150 -200 -1 10 0 10 frequency(rad/sec) Fig. 14. Bode envelopes of G ( s, a, b). 1 10 Celaleddin Yeroğlu, M. Mine Özyetkin, and Nusret Tan 1016 obtained from, ∆ ( s, a, b) = 1 + G ( s, a, b) = 0 which gives, 0 -0.2 ∆( s, a, b) = b0 + a0 + a1s 0.8 + b1s 0.9 + a2 s 2.2 + a3 s 3.1. (45) -0.4 The value sets of ∆( s, a, b) for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 2 are shown in Fig. 17. Looking at Fig. 17, one can see that “0” is not included in the value sets. Therefore, from zero exclusion principle [22], one can conclude that the system is robust stable [15]. yr -0.6 an ig a m I -0.8 -1 5. CONCLUSIONS -1.2 -1.4 -1.1 -1 -0.9 -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 Real Fig. 15. Nyquist template at ω = 1 rad / sec. 0 -0.5 -1 yr an ig a m I -1.5 -2 -2.5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Real Fig. 16. Nyquist envelopes of G(s,a,b). In this paper, a method has been presented for the computation of the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of fractional order control systems with interval uncertainty structure. The results obtained are basically extensions of some results developed in the parametric robust control to the FOICS. The given method is based on the computation of the value set of FOIP. It has been shown that the value set of a FOIP family can be constructed using the exposed edges. Since the value set of a FOIP is a convex polygon, the phase extremums and the value of the maximum magnitude can be calculated from the vertices of the value set, however, the value of the minimum magnitude can be calculated from the exposed edges. Thus, using the geometric structure of the value set of a FOIP, an effective algorithm has been proposed for the computation of the Bode and Nyquist envelopes of a FOITF whose numerator and denominator polynomials are FOIP. Numerical examples have been given to illustrate the application of the method presented. The results obtained will be very important for the robust stability analysis and design of FOCS with parametric uncertainty. 4 2 [1] 0 -2 [2] -4 [3] -6 [4] -8 -10 -12 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Fig. 17. Value sets of ∆ ( s, a, b) for 0 ≤ ω ≤ 2. [5] [6] parameter, of G ( s, a, b) are shown in Fig. 13. Using the algorithm provided in this paper, boundary of the Bode envelopes of G ( s, a, b) are obtained as in Fig. 14. 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He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Trakya University in 2000. His research interests include fractional order control systems, robust control, nonlinear control, modeling and simulation. M. Mine Özyetkin received her B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from İnönü University in 2003. Her research interests include robust analysis and design of fractional order control systems and nonlinear control. Nusret Tan received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Hacettepe University in 1994. He received his Ph.D. degree in control engineering from University of Sussex, Brighton, U.K., in 2000. He is currently working as a professor in the department of electrical and electronics engineering at Inonu University. His primary research interest lies in the area of systems and control.