A 10 GW PULSED POWER SUPPLY FOR HPM SOURCES ∗ 1 B.M. Novac, 1M. Istenič, 1J. Luo, 1I.R. Smithξ, 1J. Brown, 2 M. Hubbard, 3P. Appelgren, 3M. Elfsberg, 3T. Hurtig, 3 C. Nylander, 3A. Larsson and 3S.E. Nyholm 1 Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK 2 Dstl, Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 7BP, UK 3 Swedish Defence Research Agency(FOI), Grindsjön Research Centre, SE-147 25, Tumba, Sweden Abstract I. INTRODUCTION A research activity involving the detailed consideration of novel high voltage transformers (HVTs) for pulsed-power applications has recently begun at Loughborough University (LU). Although the main goal is the demonstration of a compact and lightweight unit employing magnetic self insulation under vacuum conditions, the initial stage of the work is directed towards the development of a conventional air-cored HVT as a main component in a compact power supply for HPM sources. In cooperation with the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), the power supply has been tested with a HPM source of the vircator type. The power source for the system uses a 70 kJ/25 kV capacitor bank and an exploding wire array to generate a 150 kV voltage pulse in the primary circuit of the HVT. A pressurised SF6 spark gap in the secondary circuit sharpens the high-voltage output, so that pulses approaching 500 kV and with a rise time below 100 ns are generated on a 20 Ω high-power resistor. The peak power produced by the power supply is in excess of 10 GW. Measurements provided by various diagnostic techniques are analysed with the aid of a detailed numerical code. Experimental results are presented from final testing of the system, where a reflex triode vircator replaces the 20 Ω resistor. Measurements made of the microwave emission using free-field sensors are presented for various electrode configurations. Comments are made with the microwave emission from the same vircator powered by a Marx generator at FOI. ∗ ξ Modern applications of HPM generators require the development of compact pulsed power supplies capable of generating a voltage pulse of up to 1 MV and of sustaining the voltage for up to 1 µs when a considerable microwave output is required. No simple solution is available for this type of power source, and although Marx generators represent the most obvious solution, they are complex and have a high volume/weight ratio. An attractive alternative is however based on explosive magnetic flux compression generators (FCGs) particularly when only a single-shot and possibly expendable system is required. To generate the necessary high-voltage pulse, it is necessary to attach a conditioning unit incorporating an opening switch (OS) to the FCG output. One of the simplest high-voltage OS is the exploding wire array (EWA), in which a number of long thin metallic wires are transformed into plasma columns in a high-pressure N2 or SF6 environment. A number of such systems have been produced at Loughborough, and based on the experience gained it was decided that, before a 1 MV EWA was attempted, a much reduced system would be produced. This would be coupled to a HPM vircator provided by FOI and would be tested as part of ongoing considerations into the use of vircators in compact HPM power sources. The paper describes a 10 GW generator based on a relatively low voltage EWA and coupled to the vircator through a high-voltage transformer (HVT). The main results obtained during the many stages of the development programme are presented, and followed by results from the overall system. Work supported in part by EPSRC (UK) through Grant GR/T01044/01 and the Swedish Armed Forces email: I.R.Smith@lboro.ac.uk II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Pulsed power supply An equivalent electrical scheme of the overall system is given in Figure 1. The power source is a low inductance 70 kJ/25 kV capacitor bank [1] feeding an EWA through a flat, low inductance transmission line and two 1.2 MA parallel connected closing switches [2]. The EWA consists of 37 parallel connected OFHC 99.99% purity copper wires, 250 µm diameter and 370 mm long and mounted in a flat, plane geometry (Figure 2). Insulation between the plane of the wires and the copper strip part of the current return path is provided by a 25 mm thick polyethylene plate with an expendable 5 mm polyethylene layer that is replaced after each firing. Although the use of cylindrical geometry and thinner wires in a pressurised gas would provide a more efficient EWA, the simpler, cost effective, reliable and easy to replace solution was preferred in this case. A spiral-strip geometry HVT was used with the following electromagnetic characteristics: primary/secondary self inductance 255 nH/5.75 µH and mutual inductance 1.1 µH. The output is coaxial with the HV centre directly connected to a SF6 pressurised spark gap (SG) mounted inside the HVT. The SG design used ANSYS® software to ensure a high field enhancement factor (FEF) of 1.31, while avoiding surface breakdown inside the switch by maintaining a very low electric field strength close to the plastic cylindrical container. During preliminary testing, a CuSO4 doped water resistor formed a 23 Ω high power load (HPL). The HVT, SG and HPL, together with their corresponding connections and diagnostics are all mounted inside a plastic transformer-oil filled tank (Figure 3). A metallic surface covers the bottom of the tank and is connected to ground through a low inductance circuit. The transformer oil is permanently filtered and a sealed cover protects the oil from copper debris resulting from the EWA explosion. B. Vircator The vircator at FOI is usually powered by a Marx generator [3, 4] delivering approximately 200 kV to 250 kV over the diode with a peak power of 2 GW. The reflex triode type vircator is built into an eight inch, four way, stainless steel, vacuum cross. One of the ports of the vacuum cross is bolted on to the oil tank with the connections for the high voltage and the ground submerged in oil. Two other ports are connected to a vacuum pump and to the adjustable cathode holder respectively, while the fourth faces a semi-anechoic chamber. The 120 mm diameter anode (A) consists of a woven copper mesh of 71 % transparency or a stainless steel mesh of 55 % transparency fitted inside a brass circular holder. The cathode (K) is a circular brass disk of diameter 90 mm, on which an emitting surface of velvet cloth is glued. The A-K distance can be adjusted by screwing the cathode brass stock inwards or outwards. In the experiments presented the velvet cloth had a diameter of 62 mm and the distance between the anode and the cathode was 10, 12 and 14 mm. A vacuum level of 10-5 torr was obtained in the vircator housing. C. Diagnostic equipment The current in the primary circuit (Figure 1) is monitored by a pair of in situ calibrated pick-up probes positioned in a tunnel in the flat transmission line and that in the secondary circuit (Figure 1) by a 40 MHz commercial current transformer. Current through the vircator is monitored using a pair of 20 MHz current transformers. A fast LU built, 500 kV capacitive divider [5] measures the secondary voltage of the HVT which is used to detect accurately the SG breakdown voltage. A commercial 40 MHz, 1 MV capacitive divider records the load voltage and the light emitted by the EWA explosion is detected by optical fibres, each coupled to an opto-electronic converter. The electromagnetically decoupled output signals are used to trigger the five 500 MHz battery-powered oscilloscopes that provide recordings of all the above measurements. Radiation from the vircator is measured using several B-dot probes and two 20 GS/s, 4 GHz and 5 GHz oscilloscopes. To facilitate the radiation diagnostics, the vircator is installed in a semi-anechoic chamber. The system overall arrangement is shown in Figure 4. Figure 1 Equivalent electrical scheme of the system III. PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS The development of the overall system involved six different stages, but space restrictions allow only the most significant experimental results to be presented. Figure 5 shows the primary current, its time rate-ofchange and the load voltage measured with the SG short-circuited. Load powers in excess of 10 GW were generated in some experiments. Figure 2 EWA before a shot Figure 3 Arrangement inside the oil tank during preliminary testing IV. NUMERICAL MODELLING Accurate modelling of the system is needed to both ensure a successful design and to interpret correctly experimental data should a failure occur. The present system design was based on the well proven 2D filamentary technique [6], and involved modelling of nonlinear elements of both the EWA and the vircator. A simple phenomenological model using voltage and current measurements established for the EWA both the normalised dynamic resistance REWA(t)/REWA(0) and the specific Joule energy w/m deposited in the wire, where w(t ) = ∫ REWA (t ) I 2 (t )dt and m is the EWA mass. The corresponding model for the vircator used a dynamic impedance obtained from Marx driven experiments performed at approximately the same voltage level. V. FINAL SYSTEM TESTING Due to space restriction, only the most relevant results obtained during final testing of the complete system are presented. A more detailed analysis will be published elsewhere. In the most successful experiments a stainless steel mesh was used with the A-K distance set to 10 mm while the power from the pulsed power supply was varied. Figure 6 shows the results from an experiment where the peak voltage applied to the vircator was 250 kV In this particular experiment the corresponding pulse length was limited to 170 ns due to a breakdown across the HVT primary. Microwaves, measured 0.95 m in front of the output window, were emitted for 140 ns coinciding with the length of the voltage pulse although the strongest field was emitted during only some 40 ns. Figure 4 Overall view of the complete system The peak magnetic field of 50 A/m corresponds to approximately 1 MW/m2 assuming far-field conditions, which is less than what obtained in previous FOI Marx generator experiments. In the frequency spectrum two peaks can be observed: one at the frequency 5.1 GHz occurring at about 8.76 µs and one of 3.3 GHz occurring at about 8.78 µs. The frequency shift is explained by the vircator voltage falling from a higher to a lower value. Noting that the voltage is approximately 250 kV and 180 kV at the times for the two frequencies the oscillation frequency f can be calculated using [7]: f = 5 6π eV , where V is the md 2 voltage applied across the A-K gap, d is the A-K distance and m and e are the mass and electron charge respectively. This expression gives a frequency of 5.6 GHz and 4.7 GHz respectively, agreeing not very well with the measurement. However this difference between theory and measurements is also observed in other experiments when the vircator is powered by a Marx generator [4]. 100 0 -100 H-field [A/m] Voltage [kV] Voltage over Vircator 300 200 8.66 8.68 8.7 8.72 8.66 8.68 8.7 8.72 8.74 8.76 Time [µs] H-field 8.78 8.8 8.82 8.74 8.76 8.78 8.8 Time [µs] Normalized Power Spectrum of H-Field signal 8.82 50 0 -50 1 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency [GHz] 7 8 9 10 Figure 6 Results from final system testing: (top) voltage pulse across the vircator, (middle) microwave pulse and (bottom) FFT spectrum VII. REFERENCES Figure 5 Results during preliminary testing at full power (SG shorted): (from top to bottom) dI/dt and integrated primary current (dots are theoretical predictions) and load voltage. The load peak power is in excess of 10 GW. VI. CONCLUSIONS A 10 GW pulsed power generator has been designed, constructed and successfully tested at LU coupled to a HPM vircator load provided by FOI. The common LUFOI experiments, with a vircator not in any way optimized for the pulsed power supply, show that it can be powered with this type of system. All shots produced microwave radiation with frequencies between 1 GHz to 5 GHz depending on the vircator parameters and the level of voltage. A complete analysis of the results will be published elsewhere. [1] B.M.Novac, I.R.Smith, D.F.Rankin and M.Hubbard, ”A fast and compact θ-pinch electromagnetic flux-compression generator”, J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. vol. 37, Oct. 2004, pp. 3041-3055 [2] Titan corporation, model 40302 [3] P.Appelgren, M.Akyuz, M.Elfsberg, A.Larsson and S.E.Nyholm, "Description of a Charger and Marx Generator System Including Initial Experiments and Numerical Simulations", 2nd European Pulsed-Power Symposium, Hamburg, Germany, 2004, pp110-114 [4] T.Hurtig, C.Nylander, P.Appelgren, M.Elfsberg, A.Larsson and S.E.Nyholm, "Initial results from experiments with a reflex triode powered by a Marx generator" 15th IEEE Int. Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 2005 (these Proceedings) [5] R.D.Shah, R.J.Cliffe, B.M.Novac, I.R.Smith and P.Senior,”An ultra-fast electro-optic probe for 500 kV pulsed voltage measurement”, Meas. Sci. and Tech., vol. 13, Jan. 2002, pp. 226-228 [6] Jing Luo, B.M.Novac, I.R.Smith and J Brown,”Fast and accurate two-dimensional modelling of highcurrent, high-voltage air-cored transformers”, J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys, vol. 38, , March 2005, pp. 955-963 [7] V.L.Granatstein and I.Alexeff, High-Power Microwave Sources: Industrial, Artech House, 1987