Pursuant to Regulations (EC) 216/2008 and (EU) 748/2012 and
subject to the conditions specified below, the Agency hereby
Aero-Dienst GmbH & Co. KG
FlughafenstraBe 100
90411 NUrnberg
approved according to Part 21, Section A, Subpart J.
1. The approval is limited to that specified in the enclosed Terms of Approval, and
2. This approval requires complian ce with the procedures specified in the Company
Management Manual (CMM) of Aero-Dienst GMBH & Co. KG and the Design Organisation
Exposition, reference ADN.DOE .21J.041, in the latest revision, and
3. This approval is valid whilst the approved Design Organisation remains in compliance with
Part 21, Section A, Subpart J.
4. Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain valid until
surrendered or revoked.
For th e European Aviation Safety Agency,
Date of issue: 20 November 2015
ropean Unfon
TE.DOA.00830-003 © European Aviat ion Safety Agency. All rights reserved. IS09001 Certified.
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Terms of Approval 21J.041
Issue 4, 20 November 2015
Aero-Dienst GmbH & Co. KG
Terms of Approval
Design Organisation Approval Certificate
Scope of approval
This Design Organisation Approval has been granted for:
designing in accordance with the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection
supplemental type-certificates and minor changes to aircraft related to avionic and electrical
components, connected with the necessary electronic, electrical and mechanical installations;
minor changes and minor repairs to aircraft related to Cabin Interiors, Galleys, and other interior
equipment, limited to the following:
Dresscover changes/repairs to seats and divans,
Seat Cushion Changes/Repairs to seats limited to aircraft which does not have XX.562 in its
applicable certification basis,
Replacement of carpets and NTF flooring,
Replacement/Refurb.ishment of and changes to Interior Panels.
demonstrating and verifying the compliance with the applicable type-certification basis and
environmental protection requirements, and
demonstrating to the Agency this compliance.
Categories of products
Large and small aeroplanes,
Large and small helicopters.
List of products
[Not applicable]
The holder of this design organisation approval shall be entitled to perform design activities under
Part-21 and within its scope of approval.
Subject to 21.A.257(b), compliance documents submitted by the holder of this design organisation
approval for the purpose of obtaining a supplementa l type certificate shall be accepted by the Agency
without further verification.
The holder of this design organisation approval sha ll be entitled, within its terms of approval and
under the relevant procedures of the design assurance system:
1. to classify changes to type design and repairs as "major'' or "minor";
2. to approve minor changes to type design and minor repairs;
TE.DOA.00831-003 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights reserved . 1509001 Certified.
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Terms of Approval 21J .041
Issue 4, 20 November 2015
Aero-Dienst GmbH & Co. KG
to issue information or instructions containing the following statement: "The technical content of
this document is approved under the authority of DOA ref. EASA.21J .041";
to approve minor revisions to the aircraft flight manual and supplements, and issue such revisions
containing the following statement: "Revision No [VY] to AFM (or supplement) ref. [ZZ], is
approved under the authority of DOA ref. EASA.21J.041.".
[See in 1, above]
1. The development and certification of software and airborne complex electronic hardware is limited
to Design Assurance Level E.
2. Changes which impact the product's environmental characteristics are excluded.
Date of issue:
20 November 2015
ominique ROLAND
ead of Design Organisations Depart ent
TE.DOA.00831-003 © European Aviation Safety Agency. All rights rese rved. 1509001 Certified.
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