CONFIDENTIAL $'r H ^l-1 47 6 rLE-I:- : :t5 lFvztfl l-Y-l l-t I \]J^Vr O s-o -\ UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER I SESSION 20rrl20r2 COURSE NAME POLYPTIASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS COURSE CODE BEF 23803 PROGRAMME 2 BEF EXAMINATION DATE JANUARY 2OI2 DURATION 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES INSTRUCTION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS THIS PAPER CONSISTS OF TEN (10) PAGES CONFIDENTIAL BEF 23803 Qr (a) with the aid of phasor diagram, write the phase voltage expression of three-phase generator E*, Ebn, and E.n for ABC sequence and ACB r"q.retr"e in phasor form. (8 marks) (b) A three phase 33 kV, 50 Hz line is connected to loads as in Figure Ql(b).Evaluate (i) (iD (iii) (iv) (D several balanced three phase The real power, reactive power, apparent power and power factor of each load, The line current and phase current of the motor and Load 1, Total real powel (p), reactive power (e), apparent power (S), and power factor drawn to the loads. If the poweT factor of the system needs to improve to 0.9g lagging, find the required reactive power of capacitor bank should Ue i.rstafGO in parallel with the loads, If the capacitor bank in Q@)(iv) is delta-connected, calculate the per phase capacitor value. (17 marks) Q2 (a) A single-phase system has two transformers Tl and T2 connected between each other by line B. The rating of the components is: Transformer Tl Transformer T2 Line B Load (i) (iD (iii) 500 V/l.3 kV, 7 kVA, leakage reactance 5%o ll20 V, 5 kVA, leakage rcactance 3yo 1.2 kV series impedance 0.5 + j3.0 O 120 V,3.5 kVA at 0.8 power factor lagging Compute the value of load impedance in ohms Find the actual ohmic impedance of transformer Tl and T2 referred to their primary and secondary sides Express all the system impedance in per-unit values if the base voltaee and base power at B is 1.2 kV and l0 kVA respectively. (12 marks) (b) construct an impedance diagram for the one-line diagram of three-phase transmission system in Figure e2(b) and express all the quantities in p.u. use common base of 100 MVA and 69 kV on the generator side-. The generaior has a synchronous reactance of 0.18 p.u. The line length is 65 km with the reactance of 0.5Olkm. (13 marks) BEF 23803 Q3 (a) proof that the constant ABCD parameters for nominal-n circuit of medium transmission line model as shown in Figure Q3(a) is given by, u=('.7) B=Z , =r(r*q\ 4) '=('.+) \ (10 marks) (b) simple three-phase power system network is shown in Figure Q3(b). By applying Kirchoffs Current Law (KCL) to the independent nodes 1 through 4, construct the bus admittance matrix, Y6u, for the network' A (15 marks) Q4 (a) (D Sketch the phasor diagram representation of symmetrical components for positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence. Write the expression olpositive sequence current for each phase in phasor form. (ii) Obtain the symmetrical components for the following set of unbalanced currents, Io = l-8130' A, Ib = l'02180' A' I" = 0'8 2135" A (9 marks) (b) Sketch the zero sequence equivalent impedance diagram for the oneline diagram shown in Figure q+Ol. Then, find the total impedance for the circuit looking from point p. fne zero sequence per-unit values for each component is depicted in Table Q4(b). (16 marks) BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION PROGRAMME :2 BEF SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER V SESSION 2OIII2OI2 : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS COURSE COURSE CODE : BEF 23803 2.5Hp 33 Three phase motor p.f. :0.65 lagging kV, 50Hz line Efficiency :90% 200 kvA 3(D A-connected load p.f. = 0.8 lagging FIGURE Ol(b) T2 T1 A B C Load E FIGURE O2(a) 4 BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER V SESSION 2OIII2OI2 COURSE : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAMME :2 BEF COURSE CODE: BEF 23803 Bus 50 MVA 3 Load MVA 69/t32kV MVA 132/lt kv r0% 7% 30 25 FIGURE O2(b) Z:R+JXI FIGURE 03 (a) 10 MVA 0.8 p.f lagging BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION PROGRAMME :2 BEF COURSE CODE: BEF 23803 SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER V SESSION 2OII/2012 : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS COURSE 7 : jo.3 Z : j0.08 F'IGURE O3ft) JY^ -lf q,.--r rY TL I.2 TL2-3 ^Yl 2 YI A FIGURE O4(b) BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER Y SESSION 201I/2012 COURSE : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS PROGRAMME :2 BEF COURSE CODE : BEF 23803 TABLE O4(b) ComDonents X'(pu) Gr 0.07 Gz 0.10 G3 0.05 Gr 0. T1 0.10 T2 0.10 Tr 0.r2 Ta 0.1 l0 l TL:rz 0.50 TL1-3 = TL2-3 0.80 7 BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER V SESSION 2011/2012 : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS COURSE Formula Single Phase per-unit system ' Base current. A= Base impedance - kvA t' base voltage, kVt" base - base voltage' vt* base current, A kVlp base MVA 16 Base power, kWlp = base kVA l/ Base power, MW 14 = base MVA l/ Base impedance = (base voltage, )2 Three Phase per-unit system Base current, A= basekVA3, J3 Xbasevoltage,kVtt /1 Base impedance = 1, base Base Power, kW3O = base unit zn"* =per- unit Transmission Line % =AZn + B1R Ir=CVp+DIR t2 )' MVA, kVA3/ Base Power, MWsA = base per- r rr Oasg voltag-? -kvt-t MVA3, rd.[ffi)'[ffi) PROGRAMME :2 BEF COURSE CODE: BEF 23803 BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER V SESSION 2OIII2OI2 : POLYPHASE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS COURSE : 2 BEF COURSE CODE : BEF 23803 PROGRAMME Zero sequence equivalent circuit of Transformer -T- Vs Ir -r Vr Vs - \i Zg BEF 23803 FINAL EXAMINATION v SESSION 20t1t2ot2 :poLypHASE cIRcuIT ANALysrs SEMESTER/SESSION : SEMESTER couRSE pRocRAMME : 2 BEF couRSE coDE: BEF 23803 Zero sequence equivalent circuit of Transformer lsFz F-+- Ir Vs + Vr Y \i H + Is Ir o-->-a Vs Vr 10