Quality Manual

Quality & Environmental
The Sensing and Control (S&C)
Global Management System
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Global Management System Manual
No. GMS 0001 Issue 6
Revision Date: August, 2011
The only valid copy is the master on the Global Quality web page, paper copies are uncontrolled.
A copy of this manual may be accessed by entering the S&C Global Quality Intranet Website
Approvals and Revision History
1 Introduction
2 Purpose
3 Scope
4 Global Management System Requirements
4.1 General Requirements
4.2 Documentation Requirements
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Quality & Environmental Manual
4.2.3 Control of Documents
4.2.4 Control of Records
5 Management Responsibility
5.1 Management Commitment
5.2 Customer Focus
5.3 Quality & Environmental Policy
5.4 Planning
5.4.1 Quality & Environmental Objectives
5.4.2. Quality & Environmental Planning
5.5 Responsibility, Authority, & Communication
5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority
5.5.2 Management Representative
5.5.3 Internal Communication
5.6 Management Review
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Review Inputs
5.6.3 Review Outputs
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6 Resource Management
6.1 Provision of Resource
6.2 Human Resources
6.2.1 General
6.2.2. Competence, Awareness & Training
6.3 Infrastructure
6.4 Work Environment
7 Product and/or Service Realization
7.1 Planning of Realization Process
7.2 Customer Related Processes
7.2.1 and 7.2.2 Determination & Review of Requirements Relating to the Product
7.2.3 Customer Communication
7.3 Design & Development
7.3.1 Design & Development Planning
7.3.2 Design & Development Input
7.3.3 Design & Development Output
7.3.4 Design & Development Review
7.3.5 Design & Development Verification
7.3.6 Design & Development Approval
7.3.7 Control of Design & Development Changes
7.4 Supply Management
7.4.1 Supply Management Process
7.4.2 Supply Management Information
7.4.3 Verification of Purchased Product and/or Services
7.5 Production and Service Operations
7.5.1 Operations Control
7.5.2 Validation of Special Processes
7.5.3 Identification and Traceability
7.5.4 Customer Property
7.5.5 Preservation of Product
7.6 Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices
8 Measurement, Analysis, & Improvement
8.1. General
8.2 Measurement & Monitoring
8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction
8.2.2 Internal Audit
8.2.3 Monitoring & Measurement of Processes
8.2.4 Monitoring and Measurement of Product
8.3 Control of Nonconformity
8.4 Analysis of Data for Improvement
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continuous Improvement
8.5.2 Corrective Action
8.5.3 Preventive Action
Appendix A -- Definitions
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Approvals and Revision History
This document is approved by the President, the VP of Integrated Supply Chain, and VP or
Director of Quality for S&C.
Tony Sugalski
Dean Anderson
Peter Fritsche
President of S&C
Director - Quality
Changes that do not affect the content will not require either review or approval but will be
recorded in the Revision History section by the technical owner.
Issue 1, revision date 13 February 2003 – New document covering the Global Management
Issue 2, Updated for clarification on the purpose of the GMS, as well as the addition of
environmental requirements throughout the manual. Removed references to IM&C and ECC
and updated scope accordingly. Revision made to approval requirements based on this manual
only applying to S&C. Updated revision references on Standards. Added references from both
the AS and TS standards throughout the manual. Clarification regarding the three levels of
management reviews and management representatives.
Issue 3, Updated sections. 4.2.4, 5.1, 6.2.2, 7.1, 8.3 and 8.5.2 for references to the new revision
of ISO 14001. Update title from VP of Operations to VP of Integrated Supply Chain.
Issue 4, Section 3, added reference to support of VPP. Section 4.2.2, added sign off by VP –
Quality. Section 5.3, updated the Environmental Policy, also update links to external web sites
for Quality and Environmental Policies. Section 5.5.2; remove reference to Global and Business
Management Representatives and Figure 5.6, eliminate reference to business reviews and global
as global and business levels are not required. Section 7.4.3, corrected typo. Section 8.1, added a
reference to Honeywell Operating System. Section 8.2.4., added reference to cover positive
recall of material released without verification. Section 8.5.1, added reference to HOS and
included a NOTE: which previously appeared as part of the definition of “continual
improvement”. Update definitions in Appendix A.
Issue 5, Section 4.2.3, added clarification that that 10 days for review is from date of receipt.
Section 8.5.1, added clarification that GEMBA walks may not be used at all sites. Reviewed and
updated links contained in this document. Throughout the document, changed error-proofing to
the current terminology used, mistake-proofing.
Issue 6. Revised organization changes to reflect new leadership. Updates sections to AS9100C
definitions. Updated sections to reflect movement of information from one section to the other
related to AS9100C. No major changes in definition, just location of information. AS9100C
increased focus on contract review, risk assessment and flow down. For Honeywell S and C,
these procedures were already a focus for our business and involves no major change to
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Honeywell is committed to quality leadership and continual improvement of its products and
processes, including the Global Management System (GMS) which supports them. This
document describes the elements of that framework.
Additional information about Honeywell International is available on the internet at
Identify and document a common Quality and Environmental Management System. The
GMS is designed to incorporate the needs of our customers/regulatory agencies and uses ISO
9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 as its foundation with AS9100C, and TS 16949 requirements
also being included and applicable in locations having the need to comply. AS9100C
requirements are printed in italics and TS 16949 requirements are printed in bold.
The document is intended to provide an umbrella Quality & Environmental system.
Honeywell's vision is to use the GMS to provide a framework for sharing best practices and
ensuring consistent processes. Processes that are identified which can be effectively
deployed at a global level will be added to the GMS.
To meet the requirements of the relevant standards and the effective operation of individual
site operations, the GMS will be supported by local site supplement quality manuals,
procedures and processes where appropriate.
Sector specific quality standards or other relevant third party certifications not covered by
this manual will be referenced in the appropriate site quality manual supplement.
The scope of this manual covers the Sensing and Control (S&C) businesses within
Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions, hereafter referred to as “The Organization.”
It incorporates the following:
Design development and manufacture of controls for Sensing and Control.
These controls cover applications for sensors, switches, controls systems, actuators and
instruments for measuring pressure, air flow, temperature and electrical current.
The integration of the quality and environmental systems supports the idea that quality and
caring for our environment should be part of our daily business.
Note: All references to Environmental Management Systems in this manual apply only to
sites that are ISO 14001 certified or in the process of becoming certified and in support of
those sites interested in become a VPP Star Site. References to AS 9100 and TS16949
requirements only apply to those sites which require certification or compliance to these
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Global Management System (4 ISO 14001)
4.1 General Requirements (4.1 ISO 14001)
A. Introduction: Description of Key Processes (Ref GMS section 4.1)
Figure 4.1
Market or
Customer Needs
Support Processes
Core Processes
Customer Needs
Product / Process
Design &
Scheduling and
Supplier Selection
and Management
Customer Support
(Quotes, Contracts,
Order Management)
Shipping &
To Support
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Each site must align their local management system with the Key Process map, Figure
4.1. Some sites may not have all of the processes identified on the map. Elements of
this may be sub-contracted or may be carried out by other sites within the scope of the
GMS. In those cases, any processes carried out by other locations should be stated in
the site quality manual supplement.
The organization is responsible for conforming to customer requirements,
including those which may be controlled in outsourced processes.
The organization’s quality management system shall also address customer and
applicable statutory and regulatory quality management system requirements.
4.2 Documentation Requirements
General (4.4.4 ISO 14001)
The documentation requirements of the GMS, including those requirements
imposed by the applicable regulatory authorities, and their relationships are
described in the Figure 4.2.3.
The organization shall ensure that personnel have access to the quality
management system documentation and are aware of relevant procedures. The
quality management system documentation, and change history within them, is
available on-site to customers and/or regulatory authority representatives and
this manual can be viewed on-line at
Quality & Environmental Manual (4.4.4 ISO 14001)
This manual describes the requirements of the GMS. Each Site is required to
support the GMS and to provide direction and guidance to their relevant areas.
The Quality and HSE managers constitute the interface between the
requirements of the Quality and Environmental standards and the structure of
the company. The GMS is established and reviewed under the responsibility of
the Quality function and approved by the President Honeywell S&C, the Vice
President of Integrated Supply Chain and the Vice President or Director of
Cross references to Global Procedures are made in the appropriate sections of
this manual which they support. A hyperlink to each procedure is included for
internal usage only and is identified in a
In addition to the GMS Manual, sites have a manual supplement. The
supplement defines:
a.) local processes and practices potentially including their relationship to the
requirements of the applicable standards
b.) scope of system including identification of support locations and exclusions
(along with justification), and
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c.) the applicability and sequence of the global key processes (Ref Figure 4.1) in
relation to the site.
ESGP 04.02.02 Application of the EMS to Projects, Production
Control of Documents (4.4.5 ISO 14001)
Documents which maintain and improve the quality and environmental
performance of our products & processes are controlled by procedure, reference
QSGP 04.02.03 for the global procedure regarding document control. Sites are
responsible for establishing and documenting procedures which cover the
approval, legibility, periodic review, revision control, distribution, availability
and disposition of obsolete documents, as might be appropriate for site specific
QSGP 04.02.03 Control of Documents
Figure 4.2.3
Who does what?
Quality and Environmental
Policies, Objectives, Site
Supplements and Global
How? Site
Guidelines and
Site Processes
and Procedures
Local Processes and Procedures
How? Dept/Function
Guidelines and Records
External documents, such as engineering specifications are distributed and
reviewed in a timely manner or as customers may specify (10 days for
TS16949). Appropriate actions are taken and records of implementation
dates are maintained.
Control of Records (4.5.4 ISO 14001)
Records which are required to show the effective operation of the GMS and its
processes are established and maintained at all appropriate levels. QSGP
04.02.04, Records Control Procedure is used at the S&C level.
Sites are responsible for establishing and documenting a Records Control
Procedure which controls the identification, storage, protection, retrieval,
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retention and disposition of records, as
satisfying the needs of their customers
includes any records which are created
suppliers. Where identified by customers
are available for their review.
appropriate for their business in
and regulatory authorities. This
by and/or retained by Honeywell
and regulatory authorities, records
All necessary precautions for the good conservation of the filed documents are
taken. Documents can be stored in computer file. Computer backup shall be
executed daily or at a defined frequency per Honeywell guidelines. All
documents are analyzed, evaluated, indexed, filed and maintained by the
responsible department at each site.
Corporate retention periods are defined in the following web link
QSGP 04.02.04 Control of Records
Management Responsibility (4.4.1 ISO 14001)
5.1 Management Commitment (4.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.7 ISO 14001)
Management at all levels is responsible for demonstrating their commitment to the
GMS. This is accomplished through:
conducting reviews of the QMS (otherwise known as the Management Review
establishing the Quality and Environmental Policies and Objectives;
assuring compliance and continuous improvement to the GMS;
ensuring resource availability;
communicating and ensuring customer and regulatory authority needs and
expectations, and
conducting reviews which assure the effectiveness and efficiency of the
product realization and supporting processes.
Each site shall establish and maintain procedures identifying the potential for and
responding to accidents and emergency situations, and for preventing and mitigating
the environmental impacts that may be associated with them. Procedures covering
emergency response are reviewed, revised as needed and tested periodically.
ESGP 05.01 Objectives, Targets and Programs
5.2 Customer Focus (4.3.1, 4.3.2 ISO 14001)
The primary goal is to focus relentlessly on satisfying customers.
Management ensures that the customer and consumer needs and expectations are
determined, converted into requirements and achieved, e.g. contract review/customer
satisfaction surveys/field trials/quality function deployment.
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Customer feedback including any field returned products are monitored/analyzed and
used to drive internal improvement.
Management ensures through management review, Customer Care Organization, and
communication with employees that customer satisfaction is a continuous focus of our
Top management shall endure that product conformity and on-time delivery
performance are measured and that appropriate action is taken if planned results are
not or will not be achieved.
5.3 Quality & Environmental Policies (4.2 ISO 14001)
Management establishes, approves and maintains a Quality & Environmental Policy
which is applicable throughout the organization. Communication of the Policy to
employees, the public and other stakeholders is the responsibility of management.
Refer to:
These policies are reviewed for continuing suitability.
Quality Policy
Pursuit of Perfection in Everything We Do
Be the
first choice of our customers by delivering products and services of
uncompromising quality.
Utilize Six Sigma Plus and Digitization to become a Premier Lean
Achieve Operational Excellence through
Ensuring Ownership and accountability by all stakeholders.
Implementation of best practices and global processes.
A systematic review process which identifies and eliminates performance gaps
Focusing on Customer data to drive change
Environmental Policy
The Environmental Policy is described in the “Sustainable Opportunity Policy”
Sustainable Opportunity Policy
Honeywell’s Commitment to Health, Safety and Environment
By integrating health, safety and environmental considerations into all aspects
of our business, we protect our employees, our communities and the
environment, achieve sustainable growth and accelerated productivity, drive
compliance with all applicable regulations and develop technologies that
expand the sustainable capacity of our world. Our health, safety and
environmental management systems reflect our values and help us meet our
business objectives.
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We protect the safety and health of our employees, and minimize the
environmental footprint of our operations through efforts to prevent
illness, injury and pollution.
We actively promote and develop opportunities for expanding sustainable
capacity by increasing fuel efficiency, improving security and safety, and
reducing emissions of harmful pollutants.
We are committed to compliance with all of our health, safety,
environmental and legal requirements everywhere we operate.
Our commitment to health, safety and the environment is an integral
aspect of our design of products, processes and services, and of the
lifecycle management of our products.
Our management systems apply a global standard that provides protection
of both human health and the environment during normal and emergency
We identify, control and endeavor to reduce emissions, waste and
inefficient use of resources and energy.
We are open with stakeholders and work within our communities to
advance laws, regulation and practices that safeguard the public.
We abide by the company’s own strict standards in cases where local laws
are less stringent.
Our senior leadership and individual employees are accountable for their
role in meeting our commitments.
We measure and periodically review our progress and strive for
continuous improvement
These are our commitments to health, safety, and the environment, and to
creating Sustainable Opportunity everywhere we operate.
5.4 Planning (4.3 ISO 14001)
Quality & Environmental Objectives (4.3.3 ISO 14001)
Management is responsible for establishing top level quality and environmental
objectives and measurements. These objectives and measurements are
established during the annual strategic planning process and are cascaded
throughout the organization to the relevant functions and levels. The objectives
are to be measurable and consistent with the Quality and Environmental
policies. Quality objectives and measures are defined in support of the
Quality Policy and recorded in the Business Plan.
ESGP 05.01 Objectives, Targets and Programs
Quality & Environmental Planning
Management is responsible for the planning of resources and activities in order
to achieve the Quality & Environmental objectives at all levels. The objectives
in 5.4.1 are reviewed during the annual evaluation of the performance
appraisal/HPD and management review processes.
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In general, our Quality and Environmental management systems are designed to
ensure business objectives are not compromised when organizational changes
ESGP 05.01 Objectives, Targets and Programs
5.5 Responsibility, Authority & Communication (4.1 ISO 14001)
Responsibility & Authority (4.4.1 ISO 14001)
Management ensures that functions and their interrelations are identified in the
key process Figure 4.1 and ensure that responsibilities and authorities are
defined and communicated within the organization through items such as lower
level organizational charts, job descriptions, and Site procedures, as well as
team and department meetings.
President and VP of Integrated Supply Chain:
Ensure Global Management System and Quality & Environmental policies are
communicated and deployed, as applicable, throughout the entire organization.
Operations, Technology and Business Leaders:
Ensure Quality and Environmental Policies and GMS are communicated,
deployed and implemented, as applicable, throughout their reporting
Global Quality & Environmental Leaders:
The Global Quality and Environmental Leaders are assigned the responsibility
and authority for development and maintenance of the GMS and ensuring its
implementation and responsible to act on the behalf of the top management to
 the GMS and Quality & Environmental Policies are communicated,
effectively deployed and implemented; and
 the GMS and its core processes are measured, monitored, and continually
Product or process nonconformities are promptly reported to the manager
who is responsible for assuring the corrective action. When action is needed
to correct product quality problems, the person responsible for the quality
of the product may stop production. In multiple shift operations, each shift
has a shift leader who is responsible for product quality.
Management Representative
Site Quality and HSE Management Representatives:
The scope of the Site Quality and HSE Management Representatives
responsibilities are defined by the Quality or Environmental certification
applicable to their site. They are responsible for ensuring consistency between
site specific documentation and the GMS Manual and to ensure all local
documentation is compliant with ISO9001, as well as AS9100, TS 16949 and
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ISO 14001 requirements when applicable. Their responsibilities include but are
not limited to:
 ensuring the GMS is established, implemented, and maintained at the site
 reporting to top management at the site on the performance of the GMS as a
basis for continual improvement of the GMS;
 ensuring the promotion of awareness of customer requirements throughout
the organization; and
 the organizational freedom and unrestricted access to top management to
resolve quality management issues.
Additional responsibilities include the communication of information from the
Site Quality Management Reviews to Global Quality Leaders as appropriate
The Management Representative is responsible for ensuring that customer
requirements are reviewed and addressed.
Internal & External Communication (4.4.3 ISO 14001)
It is the responsibility of management to gather and communicate information
regarding the effectiveness of the Global Management System to their
The Site Leader is responsible for the external communication in case of
incidents. The HSE manager is responsible for the communication with local
environmental authorities.
The Site Leader will ensure that customers and/or regulatory authority
representatives can obtain access to relevant documentation, when requested.
The Site Leader will ensure that quality and HSE matters are included in regular
communications within their sites.
ESGP 05.01 Objectives, Targets and Programs and ESGP 07.02.03
Environmental Related Communications
5.6 Management Review (4.6 ISO 14001)
The Management Representatives (as described in Section 5.5.2.) are
responsible for conducting management reviews of the GMS at least once a
year. These reviews ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy, and
effectiveness of the GMS, including assessing opportunities for improvement
and the need for changes.
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The HSE & Global Quality leadership are responsible for continuous
improvement of the Environmental and Quality System. The complete
Management Review process is described in the Figure 5.6.
These quality reviews include all of the quality management system
requirements and performance trends, including quality objectives, cost of
poor quality measure, and customer satisfaction.
QSGP 05.06 Global Management Review
Review Inputs
There are standard inputs for the management review. Besides the standard
inputs, the team can add other (system related) inputs, if required. These inputs
 review Quality and Environmental objectives, targets and Policies;
 results of assessments/audits;
 supplier selection and Quality performance;
 customer satisfaction feedback;
 process performance (reference Global Scorecard);
 product conformity;
 status of preventive and corrective actions;
 follow-up actions from earlier management reviews;
 planned changes that could affect the Quality & Environmental management
 recommendations for continual improvement;
 analysis of actual and potential field-failures and the impact of these
failures on quality, safety and the environment;
 summary of results related to design and development phase
 incidents and accidents*; and
 development in techniques and legal requirements.
*recommended for all sites. Required only in those sites with ISO 14001
Review Outputs
The output from the management review includes decisions and actions related
 improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality & Environmental
framework and its processes;
 improvement of product and processes related to customer requirements;
 resource needs.
Results of management reviews are to be recorded and maintained.
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Figure 5.6 - Management Review Process
Audit Results
Customer Feedback
Process Conformity
Corrective/Preventive Action Status
Mgmt Rev Follow-up Actions
QSM Changes
Improvement Recommendations
QSM Improvements
Product/Process Improvements
Resource Needs
Resource Management (4.4.1 ISO 14001)
6.1 Provision of Resources
Management is responsible for planning and deploying resources to achieve the goals
of the GMS. Resource requirements are defined during the business planning process
and reviewed during the Management Review process. Resources include human
resources and specialized skills, technological and financial resources. New employees
are always instructed on Quality & Environmental related items.
6.2 Human Resources
Management is responsible for identifying and assigning personnel based on
appropriate education, training, skills, and experience. Ref performance
development through HPD.
Competence, Awareness & Training (4.4.2. ISO 14001)
Management uses the HPD (Honeywell Performance and Development) system
or annual performance review system to assess and manage the training
requirements and competency of employees.
Management cascades goals throughout the organization annually using the
Annual Operating Planning process which then cascades objectives down to
Each site develops procedures regarding identification of training needs,
implementation of training, and assessment of competence. Training includes
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assuring that individuals are aware of how they contribute to quality and
environmental policies, objectives and targets.
Product design personnel are skilled in the usage of the appropriate tools
for achieving the design requirements.
In addition to the identification of training needs, the documentation
includes responsibility for conducting training, recording of the completion
of training and evaluating the training provided.
Both full and part time personnel, who affect the quality of products and
services, are given on the job training when given new or changed work
assignments. Also they are told of the consequences to customers when
there is a non-conformance in quality requirements.
Processes are in place to motivate achievement of quality objective,
continual improvements, and an environment for innovation, with a
measurement process for determining the level of employee awareness.
6.3 Infrastructure (4.4.1 ISO 14001)
The organization provides and maintains the infrastructure necessary to achieve
conformity of products and services (including subcontracted).
Including but not limited to:
 buildings, workspace and associated facilities;
 process equipment, both hardware and software; and
 supporting services (e.g. transport, communications, facilities, maintenance).
The organization utilizes a cross-functional team approach in developing the plans
for facilities, equipment, and processes. The objective is to optimize process and
material flow, floor plans, and the use of floor space. As indicated in the
appropriate procedures, evaluations are made of the factors that affect our
manufacturing capability, such as plant layout, work flow, automation and human
factors issues, and inventory management.
Plans are developed to assure that emergencies which cause work stoppage are
planned for. This includes plans for utilities and equipment failures, labor
shortages, and field returns.
6.4 Work Environment
Functions and sites provide the appropriate work environment needed to achieve
conformity of product, and to minimize any risk to the environment.
In the design and development of products and manufacturing processes,
consideration is given to the safety risks of employees.
This includes
considerations made during FMEA risk analysis, mistake proofing during design
and process control, and consideration for compliance to regulations.
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The sites maintain a clean and orderly work environment appropriate to the
products being produced.
Product and/or Service Delivery (Realization) (4.4, 4.4.6 ISO 14001
7.1 Planning & Product Delivery (Realization) (4.3.1, 4.4.6, 4.5.2, ISO 14001)
Management provides the infrastructure (including needed resources) for deployment,
maintenance and implementation of processes, including local and customized
The organization establishes and maintains controlled processes for performing and
verifying all key processes shown in Figure 4.1. These processes are described in
procedures (text or process map) and work instructions.
Each process has its own clearly defined targets. It is the site leader’s responsibility to
ensure and evaluate compliance with Honeywell requirements, and environmental
legislation, as well as other applicable requirements (4.5.2 ISO 41001).
ESGP 07.01 Legal, Regulatory and other Requirements
Environmental aspects (4.3.1 ISO 14001) are considered for each key process shown in
Figure 4.1. The identification and impact assessment of the environmental aspects is
documented in a global procedure (ESGP 04.02.02) These are reviewed annually at a
minimum and consideration is given to new developments, activities and products, as
well as those currently existing.
ESGP 04.02.02 Application of the EMS to Projects, Production
During the development of the quality plan, consideration is given to customer
specific requirements, as well as those of the current revision of the TS 16949
Acceptance criteria for product is defined in test plans and approved by the
customer if required. Acceptance criteria for attribute data sampling is zero
Confidential documents and data are controlled to ensure against possible misuse.
This includes customer data and documentation.
A process is in place for control and reaction to changes to both products and
processes, and which looks at the effects of the changes. The need for verification
and validation of changes is determined and carried out as appropriate.
Consideration is given to the requirements of the customer during verification and
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As appropriate, quality objectives and requirements for the product shall be
determined. Aspects for consideration may include:
 product and personal safety
 reliability, availability, and maintainability
 producibility and inspectability
 suitability of parts and materials used in product
 selection and development of software
 recycling or final disposal of the product at the end of its life
 configuration appropriate for the product
 resources to support the use and maintenance of the product
7.1.1 Project Management
As appropriate to the organization and the product, the organization shall plan and
manage product realization in a structured and controlled manner to meet
requirements at acceptable risk, within resource and schedule constraints.
7.1.2 Risk Management
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a process for managing risk
to the achievement of applicable requirements.
7.1.3 Configuration Management
A configuration management process is established, documented and maintained as
appropriate to the product.
7.1.4 Control of work transfers
The organization shall establish, implement and maintain a process to plan and control
the temporary or permanent transfer of work (e.g., from one organizational facility to
another, from organization to supplier, or supplier to supplier) and to verify the
conformity of work to requirements.
7.2 Customer Related processes
7.2.1 and 7.2.2 Determination and Review of Requirements Relating to the Product
(4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.4.6 ISO 14001)
The method of determining and reviewing product requirements is controlled at
the Business and/or Site levels as appropriate for each business and customer
set. The organization determines customer requirements both stated and not
stated, as well as other additional requirements including statutory and
regulatory requirements. Reviews are conducted prior to acceptance of a
contract or order.
These reviews include requirements of the product, order or contract. Needs
related to special characteristics, traceability, safety, environmental
requirements, produceability, and after sales support will be defined.
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Manufacturing feasibility, including risk analysis, are conducted and
documented as part of these reviews. In addition, risks are evaluated to
determine those which may adversely affect the ability to meet the commitment
to supply product to the customer.
QSGP 07.02.01 Agency Approval
QSGP 07.02.02 Product Sales Contract Review Procedure
Customer Communication (4.4.3 ISO 14001)
Customer focus and two way communication is a key element of everyone’s
responsibility. When designated, the customer’s specified language and
format for communications is followed.
Feedback of the customer and regulatory agencies, related to both positive and
negative experiences is used as feedback for the organization and is used for
continuous improvement of the quality & environmental system.
ESGP 07.02.03 Environmental Related Communications
7.3 Design & Development (4.4.6 ISO 14001)
The product development processes define the inputs, outputs and review process
The organization uses the “New Product Introduction Process” to manage product
development. It may be customized, to meet unique operating environments. Owners of
customized processes are responsible for ensuring deployment, maintenance,
implementation, and monitoring of these customized processes. Input data is reviewed
to verify that there is consistency with the requirements identified.
Design and Development Planning
The development process is defined by documented procedures. Every project
encounters different circumstance, conditions and constraints and has different
needs and requirements which must be met. Each project development team
has responsibility to determine and document the elements (both mandatory and
optional deliverables/tasks) that are necessary to accomplish the project and the
order in which they will be accomplished in a project plan, as well as
identification of configuration management needs. In planning, consideration is
given to identification of project owner and team members, design requirements
including the input and output needs as it relates to each element, and for
achieving the objectives for the safety and functionality of the product including
those requirements identified by customers and regulatory authorities.
Environmental considerations are part of the design process from early concept
through to delivery. Each element’s input data is reviewed to assure that they
are consistent with the requirements.
ESGP 04.02.02 Application of the EMS to Project and Production
ESGP 07.03.01 Application of the EMS to the
19 ofand
37 Development
of New Products
A cross-functional approach is used in the product realization process, including
the development and review of FMEA’s and control plans, as well as the
development and monitoring of special characteristics.
Design & Development Input
During the requirements stage, a detailed methodology is available to assure
that customer and environmental requirements are accomplished. Documents
are used to identify and register the different requirements.
The technology organization is responsible for completing all necessary steps
needed for customer, agency and environmental requirements.
The design and manufacturing process design inputs are identified,
documented and reviewed, and include the identification of special
Design & Development Output
Quality records required by the project plan are kept in a project file (electronic
or hardcopy). These are the outputs in the stage summary matrices of all
elements that are mandatory as well as all other project specific elements the
team has selected. The project outputs:
 meet the inputs requirements,
 provide valuable information to assure appropriate purchasing, production,
and servicing,
 identify the acceptance criteria for the product,
 identify any characteristics important to the safe and proper use of the
product, and
 specify as applicable any critical items such as key characteristics related to
the design and contract requirements.
The product design output is verified and validated, and includes:
 design FMEA, reliability results,
 product special characteristics and specifications,
 product mistake-proofing, as appropriate,
 product definition including drawings and mathematically based data,
 product design review results, and
 diagnostic guidelines, where applicable.
The manufacturing process design outputs are verified and validated
against manufacturing process design input requirements, and includes:
 specifications and drawings,
 manufacturing process flow chart/layout,
 manufacturing process FMEAs,
 control plan,
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work instructions,
process approval acceptance criteria,
data for quality reliability, maintainability and measurability,
results of mistake-proofing activities, as appropriate and methods of
rapid detection and feedback of product/manufacturing process
A project file accessible to all team members are established and maintained by
the project team. Data is provided which supports the configuration, design,
manufacture, and sale of conforming product. This includes, but is not limited
to, drawings, part lists, routings, product specifications, inspection and test
documents, work instructions, and quality plans.
Design & Development Review
During the stages of the Design and Development process, reviews are built in
to assure the full potential of the new design/development to meet the
customer/market and environmental requirements. During review, problems are
identified and solutions proposed, and if warranted authorization is given to
move on to the next design and development phase. Checklists are completed to
keep track of the process.
Measurements for specific phases of design and development are defined,
and analyzed. These may focus on areas such as quality risks, costs, leadtimes, and critical paths, to name a few. Results from the analysis are
summarized and provided as input into the site’s Management Review.
Design & Development Verification
The verification of the Design and Development Process is planned to assure
that output of this process is consistent with inputs of the process. Records are
completed as a part of the verification process.
Design & Development Approval
The Design and Development approval process is a team based process. A
project approval form is completed by the team.
Upon completion of the design and development activity, records showing that
the product meets the defined specifications are maintained.
The planning, conducting, reviewing and documenting of tests for verification
and validation are performed when required and reviewed to insure they meet
the specification requirements. This provides evidence that:
 the plans address the product and test objectives, acceptance criteria, the
conditions that the test is run under, and the resources to be utilized;
 the test procedures address the test methods, performance and results;
 the proper product configuration was provided for testing;
 the test plan and procedures were followed; and
 the criteria for acceptance were met.
Page 21 of 37
Design and development validation is performed in accordance with
customer requirements (e.g. program timing).
The prototype process utilizes the same suppliers, tooling, equipment and
processes that are planned for use in the production of the product.
Performance testing to requirements is conducted according to plans.
Outsourced processes are controlled in the same manner that would be
applied if they were being performed in-house, including the providing of
technical support.
The product and manufacturing process approval procedure applies both
internally and to suppliers.
QSGP 07.03.06 U.S. Military Qualification Maintenance Tests
Control of Design & Development Changes
When changes in the design or development occur, the team reviews the impact
for the customers. When the changes have a significant impact for the
customers, or there are contractual requirements to do so, the changes are
discussed with the customer. Design and development changes shall be
controlled in accordance with defined configuration management processes.
7.4 Supply Management (4.4.6 ISO 14001)
Supply Management Process
The organization ensures that requirements for purchased products and services
are clearly defined, communicated to and understood by the supplier. This
includes the need for purchased products and materials to conform to any
applicable regulatory requirements.
Suppliers are evaluated and selected on their ability to meet the defined
requirements, the nature and criticality of the product or service being
purchased and the supplier’s environmental impact. Suppliers are certified to
ISO 9001 and have a goal of achieving conformance to the TS 16949
standard. Exceptions require customer approval. The use of customerdesignated approved suppliers may be specified by the customer through
contract; purchase orders, drawings, or specifications.
consideration is given prior to the usage of a customer-designated supplier to
assure that the supplier is capable of providing the same quality of product
and service, we require from all our suppliers. The organization maintains
records of qualified suppliers.
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To ensure the quality of the supplied material meets the requirements, a supplier
selection and assessment process has been established. New suppliers are
selected according to criteria, including but not limited to, the following:
 quality;
 delivery time;
 price;
 service and readiness to join in a continuous quality improvement program
(zero defects goal); and
 environmental aspects.
Goods and services are purchased from suppliers that are included on our
current approved suppliers list/database which identifies the supplier and scope
of their approval. Supplier performance is reviewed and the level of controls to
be placed on individual suppliers is identified. The extent of control exercised is
dependent on the type of product being purchased, and when applicable, the
supplier’s previously demonstrated capability and performance. This control
includes the actions which are taken on suppliers who do not meet
requirements, the use of customer-approved special process suppliers, and a
process for disapproving the use of suppliers. Risks shall be determined and
managed for supplier selection.
Supply Management Information
The organization’s purchasing documents clearly describe the products or
services being purchased. Including where appropriate:
 the requirements for approval of the product or service,
 qualified personnel,
 management system,
 identification (including revision) of drawings, procedures (processes,
inspection) and other technical information,
 acceptance methods (test, inspection, etc.),
 management of test samples (production, identification and storage),
 handling of nonconforming product, including notification and approval;
 product and process changes;
 access of supplier facilities and records by the organization, also by our
customers or their representative, and any applicable regulatory agencies
when specified by contract and with prior coordination with the
organization; and
 flow down of requirements from the supplier to its sub-tier suppliers,
including any Key Characteristics.
These documents are reviewed and approved for the adequacy of the specified
requirements prior to release to the suppliers.
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Verification of Purchased Product and/or Services
The organization plans for verification of purchased products and services to
determine that they meet the specifications of purchase. This verification may
include one or more of the following:
 receipt of and review of objective evidence of quality of the product
supplied, including documentation such as inspection and test reports, C of
C’s, statistical data and process control records;
 inspection or audit at suppliers facilities, including those by 2nd or 3rd
parties when supported by delivery of acceptable product quality;
 documentation review;
 incoming inspection;
 evaluation of material at an approved laboratory, and
 delegation of inspection to supplier or certification by supplier.
When specifically agreed to by the customer, other verification methods
may be utilized.
Incoming material released without verification is recorded to allow for recall
and replacement.
The organization may delegate the verification activities to the supplier.
Records of delegation are maintained. Methods, acceptance and reporting
criteria for these verification activities are documented in appropriate
procedures, quality plans or other instructions. Test reports for raw materials
are periodically validated by the organization.
Where specified on the purchasing documents, verification at the supplier’s
premises may be carried out by the organization and by customer’s
representative or regulatory agencies when the contract specifies. Verification
by the customer is not evidence of quality control and does not relieve the
organization of its responsibility to provide product which meets requirements,
nor does it prevent rejection by the customer later.
Supplier performance is monitored based on the following:
 product quality;
 customer interruption including those involving field returns;
 delivery performance (including incidents of premium freight); and
 quality or delivery issues identify by customer.
Suppliers are encouraged to monitor the performance of their own
production processes.
7.5 Production & Service Operations (4.4.6 ISO 14001)
Operations Planning and Control
Operations Planning includes establishing of process controls and the
development of control plans, when key characteristics are identified;
establishing in-process verification method, when conformance cannot be
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verified at later phases of production; provision of tooling to take variable
measurements, include those for key characteristics; and consideration of
special processes (see 7.5.2).
The organization establishes and maintains controlled conditions for performing
and verifying production and service processes. These controlled conditions
 information describing the product characteristics;
 monitoring and controlling suitable process and product characteristics
during production, with emphasis on those characteristics designated as key
by the organization, or the customer;
 documented procedures and/or work instructions for production;
 generation and retention of quality records as evidence of the completion of
planned manufacturing and inspection operations.
 identification of activities related to process monitoring and measurement;
to release, delivery and post-delivery; and to Foreign Object Detection;
 use of suitable equipment and working environment (including documented
compliance with government safety, environmental, and hazardous material
related regulation as appropriate)
 planning and performing of regular scheduled maintenance of production
equipment as necessary, to ensure process capability and reduce downtime,
 criteria for workmanship are either written or expressed by means of
representative samples;
 identifying and accounting for all product during production; and
 monitoring and controlling utilities (such electricity, gas and water) and
supplies (such chemicals) as it relates to their effect on product quality.
These processes are described in detail at the Business or Site level and include
quality and environmental controls.
Control plans are developed for the pre-launch and production phases and
are updated when changes affect the product realization. Processes that
affect the quality of the products are documented in procedures or work
instructions and support the quality plan, control plan and product
realization process. This documentation is available to the employees
responsible for these processes. Verification of job set-ups is preformed
when setting up the initial run, and after change over. Set up personnel
have access to the work instructions as well. Statistical techniques are
utilized where appropriate.
Preventive and predictive maintenance
methods are applied to key equipment, tooling and gauging.
conjunction with outside resources, tooling and gauging is designed,
produced, and verified. Production scheduling is driven by customer
requirements. Field claims are managed through the corrective action
process and involve manufacturing, engineering and quality. When a
service agreement is in place by customer contract, action will be taken to
assess the effectiveness of the service centre equipment, tools including
software and training of personnel.
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Production operations are completed in accordance with approved
documentation which may include, but is not limited to, drawings, part and
tooling lists, routings, product and process specifications, inspection and test
documents, work instructions, and machine programs.
Changes to production processes are reviewed to assure that they do not result
in any adverse effects to the quality of the product. Documented processes are
in place to control changes affecting production processes, equipment, tooling
and programs. Approval of changes is limited to those identified as authorized
to do so. When required by contract or regulatory requirements, approval of
changes is obtained from customers or regulatory authorities.
Prior to usage, production equipment, tooling and programs are checked to
assure that they have been maintained and inspected in accordance with
documented procedures. First piece inspection to design specifications prior to
production may be used as validation. Periodic checks of tooling and equipment
in storage are conducted.
If work must be temporarily transferred outside of the organization’s facilities,
it is controlled and monitored in the same manner applied internally in order to
assure the quality of the work is maintained.
When identified as part of an agreement with a customer, the service process
will include:
 collection and analysis of service data;
 investigation, resolution and reporting of problems related to service;
 control and maintenance of related service documentation;
 control, implementation and approval of repair instructions; and
 controls for performing work off-site.
Validation of Special Processes
The organization validates processes where resulting output cannot be verified
by subsequent measurement or monitoring. The organization ensures that these
processes are carried out under control conditions which are documented at a
Site level. This includes any processes where deficiencies may become apparent
only after the product, service, or solution has been delivered. Validation
includes review, qualification and approval of the process before use, approval
of equipment and qualified personnel, control and usage of documented
operating procedures, maintenance of records and re-validation.
Requirements stated in this section apply to all production processes which
must be compliant to TS 16949:2002, not just those identified as Special
Identification & Traceability
The organization maintains identification of products throughout
manufacturing, stocking, delivery and services in accordance with procedures.
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A record of the product configuration as it is built is maintained to allow for
identification of any discrepancies between the “built to” and “agreed to”
Stamps, electronic signatures and passwords utilized for
acceptance authority are controlled by the organization.
A unique identification is used and recorded when traceability is a requirement.
Dependent on the level of traceability required by customers’ contract or
regulatory requirements, the system is capable of maintaining:
 identification of the product throughout its life;
 traceability of all products manufactured from the same batch of raw
material or in the same manufacturing batch (including the tracking of all
product from the batch);
 identification of components in the next higher assembly; and
 retrievable records of the products production.
7.5.4 Customer Property
The organization identifies, verifies and protects customer supplied materials,
equipment, intellectual property and data. Customer property, including
returnable packaging, which is lost, damaged or otherwise found to be
unsuitable for use is recorded and reported to the customer.
Customer-owned tooling and equipment are visibly and permanently
marked to allow identification of ownership.
7.5.5. Preservation of Product
The organization maintains processes on the handling, storage, packing and
delivery for the preservation, protection of products (including its individual
parts), and the environment. The organization maintains processes to ensure
that documents required by the contract/order are sent with the product and are
protected against being lost or destroyed during shipment.
Where applicable, preservation includes provisions for:
 cleaning;
 prevention detection and removal of FOD Foreign Object Debri;
 handling of sensitive products( such as ESD sensitive);
 marking and labeling (including warnings related to safety);
 controlling shelf life and rotation of stock; and
 handling of materials which may be hazardous.
At a minimum, annual stock condition checks are conducted. Finished
product stock is managed on a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) basis. Obsolete
product is handled in a manner similar to that of nonconforming product.
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7.6 Control of Measuring & Monitoring Devices (4.5.1 ISO 14001)
Functions and sites using measuring and monitoring devices are responsible to provide
a process for identifying measurements and the monitoring devices required to assure
conformity of product to requirements, as well as those devices required for the
environmental management system. This includes employee-owned and customer
supplied devices which may be used to provide evidence of conformity. A listing of
active devices is maintained along with its location and identification information, a
detail description of the item, the calibration frequency, method for checking and
acceptance criteria, and certification showing traceability on primary standards.
Calibration records also include revisions following engineering changes,
assessment of the impact of out-of-specification conditions, evidence of conformity
after calibration or verification, and data regarding the notification of the
customer if suspect product has shipped as a result of an item in out-of
specification condition.
Measuring and monitoring devices are used and controlled to ensure that measurement
capability is consistent with the measurement requirements. The environments of the
calibration areas are controlled to maintain suitable conditions for the types of
calibrations being performed.
Where applicable, measuring and monitoring devices are:
 calibrated or verified at specific intervals or prior to use, against measurement
standards traceable to international or national measurement standards; where no
such standards exist, the basis used for calibration and verification is recorded;
 adjusted or re-adjusted as necessary; safeguarded from adjustments that would
invalidate the calibration;
 identified to enable calibration status to be determined;
 safeguarded from adjustments that would invalidate the measurement results;
 protected from damage and deterioration during handling, maintenance and storage;
 recalled through a system which provides a listing of items due for recertification.
Statistical studies are utilized to analyze the variation of each type of measuring
and test equipment system.
Internal and external laboratories which perform calibration, testing and
inspection, have a documented scope which defines their capabilities to perform
these services. Before utilizing an external laboratory, evidence is in place to
demonstrate that either the customer accepted the lab or the lab is accredited to
ISO/IEC 17025 or an equivalent national standard.
Measurement, Analysis, & Improvement (4.5 ISO 14001)
8.1 General
Management plans and implements monitoring, measurement, analysis, and
improvement processes which ensure conformity and continuous improvement of the
GMS, as well as conformity of products and services to requirements. Six Sigma Plus
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and Honeywell Operating System (HOS) tools and the review and monitoring of targets
are used to drive improvement of processes, products and the environment. During
APQP, determination is made on the appropriate usage of statistical tools and is
included in the control plan. Basic statistical tools are understood and use
throughout the organization.
8.2 Measurement & Monitoring
Customer Satisfaction
Management monitors the level of customer satisfaction and other information
relating to customers’ perception as to whether customer requirements are met
and appropriate actions are taken. Customer Satisfaction is also monitored by
evaluating PPM, customer disruptions, delivery performance including
premium freight costs, and notifications to customers regarding product
quality and delivery.
Product quality and the efficiency of the
manufacturing processes are monitored for compliance to customer
Internal Audit (4.5.4 ISO 14001)
The organization plans and documents internal audits which are used to assess
the effectiveness of the GMS, compliance to its requirements and identify
related opportunities for Continuous Improvement activities. Qualified
auditors conduct assessments to a wide variety of standards, such as ISO
9001, ISO 14001, AS9100 and TS 16949. When identified by customer
contract or regulatory requirements, internal audits are conducted in
accordance with those requirements. In addition to the effectiveness of the
GMS, audits are conducted at defined frequencies to verify compliance to
TS 16949 and customer specific quality requirements, effectiveness of the
manufacturing processes, and conformity of products, including product
dimensions, functionally, packaging and labeling, at appropriate phases of
production and delivery.
Ref. QSGP 08.02.02.a S&C Global Internal Auditing Process. This procedure
the responsibilities and requirements for conducting assessments;
ensuring the personnel conducting the quality & environmental system
assessments are independent of the functions being assessed;
recording results; and
reporting to appropriate management.
When planning the audit program, consideration is given to the status and
importance of the activities and areas to be assessed, as well as the results of
previous assessments, internal and external nonconformities, and
complaints. Internal audits cover all quality management processes and
activities on all shifts. The assessment scope, frequency and methods are
defined. Management takes timely corrective action on deficiencies found
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during the assessment. Follow-up actions include the verification of the
implementation of corrective action, and the reporting of verification results.
Checklists, process flowcharts and other similar tools are used to support the
audit process in assessing the organizations performance and in assuring the
completion of an effective internal audit.
QSGP 08.02.02.a S&C Global Internal Auditing
Monitoring & Measurement of Processes (4.5.1 ISO 14001)
The organization defines, plans and implements appropriate monitoring and
measurement activities to achieve planned performance. The performance is
affected by the deployment, implementation, effectiveness, maintenance
activities, and improvement of its processes. Local environmental legislation
requirements will be monitored as required. Corrective action is taken when
planned results are not achieved. In addition to taking corrective action on a
process non-conformance, determination is made as to the possible effects on
product conformity or other processes. Product nonconformity is addressed in
accordance with QSGP 08.03, Nonconforming Material Procedure.
QSGP 08.03 Nonconforming Material Procedure
Process studies are conducted and documented on new manufacturing
processes. When characteristics are not statistically capable or are
unstable, a reaction plan from the control plans is initiated. Records are
maintained of the effective dates of process changes.
Where environmental significant aspects are identified, processes are in place to
monitor and measure these as a basis for continuous improvement. Each site
will establish and maintain a procedure for periodically evaluating compliance
with relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
Monitoring & Measurement of Product
The organization establishes practices for monitoring, measuring and verifying
that specified product requirements are met throughout the product realization
process. Key Characteristics are monitored and controlled. Product control
plans specify the need for completion of layout inspections and functional
verifications to customer requirements and product performance
Inspection procedures are developed which control sampling levels applied, in
order to minimize risk and maximize benefits to our customers. Unless
otherwise required by customer specifications, C=0 sampling is used for
inspecting incoming material as well for final inspection on product. When
required by customers, these plans are presented for their approval.
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No product is released until specified operations in the appropriate quality plan
or other instructions are satisfactorily completed and verified.
Incoming material released without verification is recorded to allow for recall
and replacement.
Inspection and testing requirements are contained in a variety of process and/or
product documentation. Contained with the documentation is information
 acceptance/rejection criteria;
 identification of the point in the process which the inspection and testing
operations are completed;
 records of the inspection and test results; and
 information regarding the equipment/instruments used to perform the
inspection and testing operation.
When required by the plan, inspection and test data is recorded and the record
is maintained to demonstrate product compliance to requirements.
The First Article Inspection process typically consists of verifying dimensions,
characteristics, and weight of a sample or representative item for a product run
for the first time or following significant changes which may affect the results
from the prior First Article conducted. Additional First Article requirements
may be included through agreement with customers.
8.3 Control of Nonconformity (4.5.3 ISO 14001)
The organization ensures that materials which do not conform to requirements are
identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery. Suspect material or
that whose status is unknown is treated as nonconforming material.
The responsibilities for control of nonconforming materials are documented in QSGP
08.03, Global Nonconforming Material Procedure. Site procedures define the process
for approving personnel who review and approve the disposition of nonconforming
QSGP 08.03 Nonconforming Material Procedure
QSGP 08.03.a Product Safety Council
One or more of the following actions are taken when addressing nonconforming
 eliminate the nonconformity;
 authorization to either use, release or accept under specified conditions, which may
require approval by the customer as well; and
 prohibit the use of the material for its original intent.
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Records of the nonconformity and the actions taken are generated and maintained.
Approved documentation is available for the repair, rework, reclassification, or
sort of material. Also included are instructions for re-inspection.
“Use-as-is” or “repair” dispositions are not utilized without prior approval of the
customer, except when the design is not under the control of the customer and the
material continues to meet the customer specified requirements.
Until scrap material is made physically unusable, it is controlled to prevent its
unintended use. Control may be the obvious and permanent marking of the material as
scrap or maintaining the scrap material under secure conditions.
Upon detection of delivery of nonconforming material, interested parties are
promptly notified.
A customer waiver is required prior to the deviation from any approved process
or product. Records related to terms of the waiver are maintained, and any
material shipped under this waiver is appropriately identified.
8.4 Analysis of data for improvement (4.5.1 ISO 14001)
Relevant data is gathered and analyzed to determine the suitability and effectiveness of
the GMS and to evaluate where continuous improvements are needed. Data reviewed
includes but is not limited to:
 customer satisfaction;
 conformance to product, service, or solution requirements;
 characteristics and trends of processes, products and environment including
opportunities for preventive action;
 suppliers; and
 quality and environmental objectives/targets.
Actions are taken when results show that progress is not being made toward
achievement of objectives.
8.5 Improvement (4.2 ISO 14001)
Continuous Quality & Environmental Improvement (4.3.4 ISO 14001)
The organization utilizes process improvement methodologies including those
defined by Six Sigma Plus and HOS to continuously improve the effectiveness of
the GMS.
Continuous improvement is supported through the following elements:
 quality & environmental policies;
 quality & environmental objectives;
 audit results;
 analysis of data;
 corrective and preventive action;
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management review;
Define Measure Analyze Improve Control (DMAIC) cycle used by Six Sigma
projects, and
GEMBA Walks by management (in sites with HOS implemented).
The improvement of manufacturing processes focuses on the reduction of
variation and it subsequent control.
NOTE: The process of continual improvement need not take place in all areas of
activities, products and services simultaneously; business units and sites may
prioritize continual improvement efforts based on their specific quality and
business objectives.
Corrective Action (4.5.3 ISO 14001)
The organization establishes and maintains problem solving procedures for
eliminating the cause of nonconformities identified against their products,
processes and environment to prevent reoccurrence. Reference QSGP 08.05.02,
Global Corrective Action Procedures unless there is agreement with the
customer to utilize another defined process. Procedures for the corrective
action process will cover:
 reviewing nonconformities (including customer complaints);
 determining the causes of nonconformity (if root cause is identified as the
responsibility of a supplier, requirements for corrective action are flowed
down to the supplier);
 evaluating the need for actions to ensure that nonconformities do not recur;
 determining and implementing the action needed includes mistakeproofing;
 recording results of action taken including those on similar products and
processes; and
 reviewing corrective actions taken (if actions are not timely or effective,
additional actions are specified).
QSGP 08.05.02 Corrective Action Procedure
Customer’s rejected parts are analyzed in a timely manner and corrective
action taken to prevent reoccurrence.
Preventive Action
The organization establishes and maintains procedures (Reference QSGP
08.05.03, Global Preventive Action Procedures) for eliminating the cause of
potential nonconformities identified against their products, processes and
environment in order to prevent occurrence. Procedures for the Preventive
Action process will cover:
 determining potential nonconformities and their causes;
 evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrence of non conformities;
Page 33 of 37
determining and implementing action needed;
recording results of action taken; and
reviewing preventive action taken.
QSGP 08.05.03 Preventative Action Procedure
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Appendix A - Definitions
Systematic, independent process for obtaining evidence and evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which certain criteria are fulfilled (Internal Audits QSGP 8.2.2.a).
Continual improvement:
Includes improvement of the GMS framework and business and product, service, or solution
performance. NOTE: The process of continual improvement need not take place in all areas of
activities, products and services simultaneously; business units and sites may prioritize continual
improvement efforts based on their specific quality and business objectives.
Corrective Action:
An action taken to eliminate the cause of an existing detected nonconformity or other undesirable
situation; action taken to prevent recurrence. These actions may include but are not limited to:
(1) root cause analysis; (2) changes to processes; 3) changes to procedures; (4) changes to
requirements; and (5) changes to monitoring and measurement programs.
Critical items (AS9100C terminology):
Those items (e.g., functions, parts, software, characteristics, processes) having significant effect
on the product realization and use of the product; including safety, performance, form, fit,
function, producibility, service life, etc.; that require specific actions to ensure they are
adequately managed. Examples of critical items include safety critical items, fracture critical
items, mission critical items, key characteristics, etc.
The term customer is used in this document to describe both external customers and regulatory
Information and its support medium; may include but is not limited to electronic, photographic,
drawn, written or printed material
Functional organizations:
Organization performing specific tasks or functions, for example: legal or procurement.
Global Management System (GMS):
The Honeywell Quality & Environmental Management System put in place to provide direction
and support to the business processes which includes organizational structure, planning
activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing,
implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the Quality & Environmental Policy.
Key Characteristics:
An attribute or feature whose variation has a significant effect on product fit, form, function,
performance, service life or producibility, that requires specific actions for the purpose of
controlling variation.
Page 35 of 37
A specified way to carry out an activity or a process; a series of activities that define a particular
task, which may include, but is not limited to, instructions, checklists, and flowcharts.
Purchasing function.
Result of a process, services and items developed, manufactured, assembled, provided or sold by
the organization. Products: components, assemblies, parts, software, support, education,
management; includes products, services, intellectual property and solutions.
Quality & Environmental Policies:
A statement by the organization, which provides a framework for setting quality &
environmental objectives and targets.
Document stating results achieved or providing evidence of activities performed; evidence that
an event or activity occurred including, but not limited to, written evidence in the form of hard
copy or soft copy memoranda, checklists, meeting minutes or notes, presentations, budgets, and
capital and/or expense plans.
Risk (AS9100C terminology):
An undesirable situation or circumstance that has both a likelihood of occurring and a
potentially negative consequence.
see product
Special Requirements (AS9100C terminology):
Those requirements identified by the customer, or determined by the organization, which have
high risks to being achieved, thus requiring their inclusion in the risk management process.
Factors used in the determination of special requirements include product or process
complexity, past experience and product or process maturity. Examples of special requirements
include performance requirements imposed by the customer that are at the limit of the industry’s
capability, or requirements determined by the organization to be at the limit of its technical or
process capabilities. KPP’s or KPC’s should be used per Honeywell definitions. Ref
QFDs/FMEAs as well.
"must" or "is required."
"suggested" or "recommended"
Any Honeywell site, including but not limited to, manufacturing, development, research,
distribution, marketing sites, and field and service centers. Included in the site scope are the
functions located within the site (or rooftop) regardless of the reporting structure.
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Top Management:
The highest level of management with direct responsibility for an enterprise, site, function, or
product. Where the term top management is applicable it should be defined.
End of Document
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