www.ietdl.org Published in IET Power Electronics Received on 12th May 2013 Revised on 6th December 2013 Accepted on 22nd January 2014 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 ISSN 1755-4535 Active neutral point clamped converter for equal loss distribution Ayoub Taallah, Saad Mekhilef Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mail: saad@um.edu.my Abstract: Active neutral point is the most attractive inverter topology in many applications such as a photovoltaic system because of the equal loss distribution among switches. This study presents a new single-phase five-level active neutral-point clamped converter topology. It can be applied to achieve optimal total harmonic distortion. In addition, this topology helps to obtain voltage balancing among the capacitors. An analysis of the switching state and commutation of the converter are also presented here in order to balance the power losses among the semiconductor devices. The simulation has been carried out in MATLAB SIMULINK to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed topology. Experimental results are presented to validate the proposed topology. Moreover, a comparative study has been made to show the cost-effectiveness of the proposed topology. 1 Introduction Neutral-point clamped (NPC) is the most well-known multilevel configuration [1]. It was introduced in 1981 by Nabae. It is widely used in photovoltaic and wind turbine applications because of the following advantages it offers. † It has lower dv/dt. † Less voltage stress on the switches. † Reduction of total harmonic distortion (THD) of output and common mode current is possible. However, the most common disadvantage of NPC topology is voltage imbalance among the series capacitors [2]. In many studies the balancing problem of multilevel three phases diode-clamped was the main focus. However, until now, the only solution that has been implemented is for high modulation indices. Balancing is not possible unless additional hardware is used for balancing the voltage as the number of levels increases in the converter [3–9]. Another drawback is unequal distribution of losses among semiconductor devices. This characteristic reduces the maximum output power and reduces the converter efficiency [10–14]. To maintain equal distribution of losses among switches devices the three-level active neutral-point clamped (3 L-ANPC) converter is considered the best choice [15]. Since the introduction of the 3L_ANPC great deal of attention has been given to multilevel converters topologies [16, 17]. To achieve optimal THD active neutral-point clamped five-level (ANPC-5 L) has been proposed [18–21]. However, the capacitors voltage balancing is a crucial task in ANPC and the control is also more complex. To maintain the voltage of the capacitors in the dc link, numerous redundancies are used to control the IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 capacitors voltage. Such topology contributes to increasing the inverter output voltage levels and enhances the power quality [22, 23]. This paper presents a novel single-phase 5 L-ANPC for low-voltage applications. The waveform profile of the inverter output is close to a pure sine wave. A technique to make the voltage in dc-link capacitors balanced has been proposed. To ensure the equal distribution of switching losses two pulse-width modulation (PWM) strategies are used and compared with each other. A brief comparison between the proposed inverter and other counterparts is carried out. Finally, simulation and experimentation results are provided to ensure the feasibility of the proposed inverter and the employed modulation techniques. 2 Proposed ANPC-5 L converters Fig. 1 shows a single phase of the 5L_ANPC, which is a derivative of the 3 L-ANPC inverter. The 5 L-ANPC consists of four capacitors on the dc bus and ten insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switches on the dc side of the inverter. The voltage across each capacitor is Vdc/4. Hence, the five different voltage levels are −Vdc/2 −Vdc/4, 0, Vdc/4 and Vdc/2. The performance of ANPC topology is prolonged by distribution losses in switches. The proposed topology has fewer components compared with other 5 L-ANPC circuits. It has been mentioned above that the balancing the dc-link capacitor voltages for a three-phase diode-clamped circuit with more than three levels is not possible to guarantee. The new topology 5 L-ANPC is based on single phase with four capacitors. Fig. 2a shows that as the middle capacitor C2, C3 decreases in voltage, C1, C4 increases to the value of ±Vdc/2 because of the neutral point potential. Therefore, 1859 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 www.ietdl.org 3 3.1 Analysis of the proposed topology Switching state To improve the balancing losses of the topology, the switching states are selected so that the distribution losses become better among the switches. Table 1 is listed with all the probability of switching zero states. 3.2 Fig. 1 Proposed single-phase five-level inverter after a time period, the output voltage will be three levels instead of five levels. In this case the addition of circuitry is inevitable, see Fig. 2b. The proposed balancing method is based on closed-loop voltage control. The circuit consists of four sensed dc-link capacitors whose voltages are used to figure out the imbalance values of each inner dc-link points. Then, these values are sent to the balancing algorithm control block to adjust the four switches T1, T1′ and T2, T2′ and ensure that the capacitors remain balanced. R1 and L1 ensure that the current is kept low. The operation of the algorithm is as follows † † † † U2 > U1 U2 < U1 U3 > U4 U3 < U4 T1 = 0; T1 = 1; T2 = 0; T2 = 1; T1′ = 1. T1′ = 1. T2′ = 1. T2′ = 0. Commutation At zero state, the control of conduction losses distribution can be acquired by the proper allocation of different NPC paths. Different commutations states have been also used to control the switching losses. Assume that in all commutations, the phase current and output voltages are positive and the dc-bus capacitors are large enough such that the voltage is kept at V/4 across each capacitor, finally all the switches are ideal. The commutation process is illustrated in Fig. 3. (U1-to-0U4): The phase current commutates from upper path one level dc rail to the upper path of neutral tap. S4c is turned off after S2 is turned off, then S4 is turned on after dead time, consequently the switch S2 and S4c will experience switching turn off losses, whereas S4 experience turn on losses. The voltages across the on-state switches S4 and S3, S5, S2c, S5c are given by VS3 = VS4 = S5 = S2c = S5c = 0, and the voltage on each of the off-state switches S2, S3c and S4c is equal to E, while S1 and S1c equal to 2E. (0U4-to-U1): The reciprocal case phase current commutates from upper path of neutral tap to upper path one level dc rail. First S4 is turned off then S2 is turned on, finally S4c is turned on. Hence, the switching losses occur in S2 and S4. The voltages across the on-state switches S2, S5, S4c and S5c are given by VS2 = VS5 = VS4c = VS5c = 0, The voltage on each of the off-state switches S1, S3, S4, S3c and S2c is equal to E whereas the voltage S1c is equal to 3E. In a similar way, Table 2 summarise the distribution of switching losses for several of the commutations. Fig. 2 New topology 5 L-ANPC based on single phase with four capacitors a Voltage across the capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4 b Proposed topology including the balancing capacitors circuit 1860 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 www.ietdl.org Table 1 Switching states of the proposed topology U2 U1 0U4 0U3 0U2 0U1 0U 0 0L 0L1 0L2 0L3 0L4 L1 L2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S4c S3c S2c S1c S5c ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Fig. 3 Commutation process for 5 L-ANPC Table 2 Switching losses during the commutations Switches Commutation S1 U2 ↔ U1 †* 0 E U1 ↔ 0U4 U1 ↔ 0U31 U1 ↔ 0L2 U1 ↔ 0L1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S4c S3c S2c S1c S5c 0 0 †* 0 E 0 E E 0 0 0 † 0 E 2E E E E 4E 3E 0 0 E E E 0 3E 2E 0 0 E E †* E 0 †* E 0 0 0 E 0 3E E/2 0 0 0 E 0 0 †* 0 0 †* 0 0 3E 2E E 2E E 0 †* E E/2 * E E/2 E E E E 0 E †* 0 0 2E E † E 0 †* E 0 E E 3E 2E 0 0 E 2E E 2E E 0 E E E 0 0 0 †* 0 0 †* 0 0 †* 0 0 (†) Switch will experience switching losses or diode experience recovery losses for the present commutation (*) for its reverse. IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 1861 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 www.ietdl.org PWM strategies. Two known PWM strategies for ANPC are presented in this section. For the ANPC topology there are two famous classical carrier-based PWM modulation strategies, named PWM-1 and PWM-2. A comparison between these modulation techniques leads to our novel power loss distribution topology. The new control method for 3 L-ANPC was made by Floricau et al. [24], thus reduction of the total power loss and thus to an increase in efficiency. (U1-to-0/0U/0 L): the commutation from the positive dc rail to the states 0U or 0 or 0 L. The current distributes through the upper and lower path, however only the active switch and one diode encounter essential switching losses. 3.3 Modulation strategies From the previous description it is clear that the new ANPC has more flexibility because it is controlled by different Fig. 4 Switching signals for PWM-1 and PWM-2 modulation strategies a Switching signals for PWM-1 modulation strategy b Switching signals for 0050WM-2 modulation strategy Table 3 Switching sequences for the PWM-1 strategy U2 U1 0U 0L L1 L2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S4c S3c S2c S1c S5c ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF Table 4 Switching sequences for the PWM-2 strategy U2 U1 0U 0L L1 L2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S4c S3c S2c S1c S5c ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF Fig. 5 Distribution losses for PWM-1 and PWM-2 a Simulated distribution of losses for PWM-1 b Simulated distribution of losses for PWM-2 1862 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 www.ietdl.org 3.3.1 Strategy PWM-1: In the PWM-1 technique, control of the S1, S1c, S5, S5c, S3 and S3c signals are at high frequency ( fsw/2), whereas S2, S4, S2c and S4c signals are switched at low frequency. Fig. 4a shows the switching signals for the six switches, which are obtained by comparing the reference signal with the four carrier waves. Through the comparison process, six switching states are achieved: U2 (2Vdc), L2 (−2Vdc), 0U and 0 L, see Table 3. frequency, whereas the rest of the switching signals occur switch at a high frequency. The signals for the six switches are illustrated in Fig. 4b, which are obtained by comparing the reference signal with three carrier waves. The six switching states are achieved: U2 (2Vdc), L2 (−2Vdc), 0U and 0 L according to Table 4. 3.3.2 Strategy PWM-2: PWM-2 strategy differs from PWM-1 in that switching signals S3 and S3c are at low All the modulation strategies which have been presented in the previous section have been simulated with a carrier 4 Calculation of the losses Fig. 6 Simulation results for switch currents and voltages of the proposed topology IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 1863 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 www.ietdl.org Fig. 7 Simulation results for output voltage Table 5 Parameters simulation of proposed topology Parameters dc-link voltage switching frequency dc-link capacitors load resistance inductance Value Vdc fsw EC RL R1 L1 200 V 5000 Hz 2200 μF 20 Ω – 50 mH 0.5 Ω 1 mH wave frequency equal to 5 kHz, and a unity modulation index (M = 0.99) and (PF = 1). To distribute losses equally between the IGBTs, different commutations and zero states in the topology can be used. The different commutation processes which are addressed in Section 3 enable to improve the unequal loss. To calculate the power losses analytically, a MATLAB SIMULINK simulation model has been developed. The semiconductor devices which have been implemented in the simulation models are IGBTs with anti-parallel diode incorporated in the circuit. This is achieved by using the information provided in the datasheet of the (HGTG20N60NB3D) device [25]. The turn-on (Eon) and turn-off (Eoff ) switching loss values of the voltage and current across the device, along with their junction temperature are used to determine the energy losses with the help of a lookup tables. By adding a heat sink to the simulation model, the conduction and switching losses of the semiconductor devices can be improved. Also, a thermal description has been to be added to the semiconductor components model. This decision was made in order to determine the behaviour of the semiconductor switches in the simulations similar to the behaviour of semiconductor switches that have been used in the implementation. Another method is to use the fitting tool Modelling Toolbox in MATLAB SIMULINK. From the datasheet of Fig. 8 Voltage differences from four dc capacitors due to voltage drop a Output voltage and current with lagging power factor PF = 0.8286 (s/A) b Balancing capacitors with PF = 0.8286 (s/A) c Output voltage for (R1 = 0.5 Ω and L1 = 1 mH)(s/V) d Output voltage for (R1 = 0.5 Ω and L1 = 6 mH)(s/V) 1864 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 www.ietdl.org Fig. 9 Voltage harmonic spectrum of the proposed topology the utilised semiconductor components, the approximate curves of voltage drop (Von) and Eon, Eoff can be determined from the equation in the Appendix. The equations are given by Eon Von = 1.418e0.016i(t) = 201.6e0.04418i(t) − 291.6e−0.1265i(t) × 10−6 Eoff = 323.9e0.005125i(t) × 10−6 (1) (2) 5.1 Results and discussion Simulation result The simulation results which have been obtained for a resistive load using the PWM-2 modulation strategy are presented in Fig. 7 and the parameters of the simulation are illustrated in Table 5. The new balanced circuit includes two IGBTs and some resistance. The IGBTs are complementarily turned on or off to control the power flow among the capacitors. To achieve voltage balancing of the dc capacitors, a feedback control has been introduced in Section 2. However, a small voltage differences would remain from four dc capacitors because of voltage drop that occurs in the two IGBTs and the resistance. Fig. 8b shows the two outer capacitors C1–C4 are always charged so as to have the higher voltage, whereas the two inner capacitors C2–C3 are always discharged to have lower voltages from 0 to 0.6 s. The inner capacitor voltage decay to zero after some period of time; thus, the ANPC_5 L acting as a three-level inverter. To improve the performance IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 h = 100 × pload /pload + ploss or h = 100 × pOUT /pIN (3) The simulation result shows that the total power losses by PWM-1 are unequally distributed among the inverter’s switches, which limits the output power of the converter. Figs. 5a and b illustrate the distribution of losses for the proposed topology. It can be seen that the switches S1, S5 and S3 suffer higher losses than others. The power difference is created because of the frequency rate difference among the different switches. Here, S1, S5 and S3 switch at a higher frequency compared to S2. The switch S4 does not have any power losses, because a resistive load connected across it through which there is no current passing. The distribution of the total power losses between the switches in PWM-2 seemed more balanced compared with the PWM-1. Fig. 6 shows the switch currents and voltages of the proposed topology with a filter. 5 of the proposed circuit and the control technique, an inductive load has been included. Initially, during the first 0.6 s, the dc-voltage balancing technique is not activated. After 0.6 s, the dc-bus voltage balancing technique is switched on. It can be seen that after 0.6 s, when voltage balancing is achieved, the dc-bus voltage is regulated and in steady state. After 0.6 s, Fig. 8a shows the output voltage and current with a lagging power factor of ∼0.83. The optimised value of the capacitor and inductor in the low-pass filter are 5 μF and 2 mH, respectively. The capacitor voltages and dc-bus voltage are shown in Figs. 8c and d, respectively. The capacitor voltages remain stable and balanced with a maximum deviation of < 5%, in the case where R1 = 0.5 Ω and L1 = 1 mH. In the case where R1 = 0.5 Ω and L1 = 6 mH, the maximum deviation is < 3% and the voltage is about 50 V which means less ripple but the costs are higher. Fig. 9 shows the output voltage harmonic spectrum of the proposed inverter. It can be noted that the proposed topology records an acceptable harmonic content with a low THD value equal to 1.95%. The intention is not to save total converter losses, but to distribute them equally. The efficiency of the proposed topology has been calculated based on one of these equations and takes a value approximately η = 96 at low-power conditions 5.2 (4) Hardware result A prototype has been manufactured in order to prove the new structure operation of 5-ANPC. IGBTs are employed as switching devices. To produce the switching signals for the proposed inverter, a digital signal processor (DSP) (TMS320F28335) was used. Simulation and hardware results clearly show the reliability of sinusoidal PWM technique in the control of the 5-ANPC inverter. During the hardware implementation, the inverter has been tested under dc-link voltage Vdc = 50. For high frequency implementation, the modulation index is chosen as 0.9 with a switching frequency equal to 5 kH. The experimental result shown here does not vary that much from the simulation results seen in Fig. 10a, for output voltage. Fig. 10b shows experimental results for the output voltage (Vo) and the load current (io). The archetype of the proposed inverter that includes the following: four high-voltage dc power supplies, multiple switching devices and a DSP as shown in Fig. 10c 5.3 Comparison of ANPC topologies The proposed topology provides high performance with the lowest number of components. Therefore the propose topology has more flexibility for power losses distribution balance perspective on degrees of freedom. Table 6 shows the main characteristics of the four different ANPC topologies including the five levels of NPC as a reference. For the ANPC [19], the cost is much higher than the proposed topology from a three-phase point of view. From the given topology, it can be seen that the (total components over the output voltage) ratio in the proposed topology is substantially lower than the other four topologies. Furthermore, in the NPC topology, the 1865 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 www.ietdl.org Fig. 10 Experimental results for the output voltage and the load current a Output voltage using PWM-2, b Output voltage and current load of the proposed topology c Prototype of the proposed topology Table 6 Characteristics of the four different ANPC topologies switches IGBT diode number of levels efficiency number of capacitors distribution of losses additional balancing circuit NPC [26] ANPC [27] ANPC [30] ANPC [28] Proposed topology 8 6 5 low 4 unbalance yes 8 0 4 high 4 balance no 10 0 4 high 3 balance no 8 0 5 high 9 in the three-phase operation balance — 10 0 5 high 4 balance yes distribution of losses among the switching is unbalanced compared with others because of the active switches used with ANPC topologies in general. ANPC topology can be extended to three phase using only one side of series capacitors, while the topology presented in [19] has to duplicate for each of the three phases. Another advantage is the balancing of capacitors voltage can be achieved for both ANPC topologies and the proposed topology. However, the additional circuit of the proposed topology provides more reliability and robustness in the over load or unbalanced load comparing other methods using the selection of switching state sequences. 1866 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014 6 Conclusion A new 5 L-ANPC converter topology has been described in this paper. The topology showed performance in both the simulation and the experimental tests. The topology has more degree of freedom which makes it easy to distribute the losses among the switches and it has been confirmed by implementing two different PWM strategies. Moreover, the structure of the propose topology required fewer components compared with other topologies. Furthermore, a new strategy for balancing capacitors voltages has been proposed, which effectively balances the dc link. Finally, IET Power Electron., 2014, Vol. 7, Iss. 7, pp. 1859–1867 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2013.0373 www.ietdl.org the experimental results were compared with MATLAB simulation and are found to be in very close agreement. As an extension of this work, this topology will be a good choice for three-phase 5 L-ANPC implementation. 21 22 7 Acknowledgment 23 The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia and University of Malaya for providing financial support under the research grant No. UM.C/HIR/MOHE/ENG/16001-00-D000017. 8 References 1 Rodriguez, J., Bernet, S., Steimer, P.K., Lizama, I.E.: ‘A survey on neutral-point-clamped inverters’, IEEE Trans. Ind. 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Pcond = fsw t1 +tswon t1 is · vs dt + t2 +tsw off is · vs dt (6) t2 where fsw is the switching frequency, t1 represents the moment when the IGBT states to turn on, t1 + tswon represents the time needed to turn on, whereas for the turn off, t2 and t2 + tswoff . is and vs is the instantaneous current and voltage. 3. Diode losses Pcond = VD0 · IDav + rD · ID2 rms (7) where IDav is the average current and IDrms is the rms value of the current through the diode [27]. 1867 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2014