Municipal Alcohol Policy

Municipal Alcohol Policy
Council Approved
July 2014
Council Policy I-325
This Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) is intended to promote a safe,
enjoyable environment and ensure the health and safety of participants
and staff. This policy is in place to reduce alcohol-related problems such
as injury, violence and liability which arise from alcohol consumption on
municipal property.
The Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) outlines various stipulations and
controls on events involving alcohol, including: Special Occasion
Permits, liquor licenced events under a caterer's endorsement, and/or
events in a municipally licenced facility.
The event organizer and/or designate are
legally responsible for ensuring compliance
with the Municipal Alcohol Policy, Liquor
Licence Act of Ontario and Alcohol and
Gaming Commission of Ontario policies and
- See Section 2.2
The City of Kitchener representatives have
the authority to demand correction and/or
to shut down an event on behalf of the City
of Kitchener and will have ultimate
authority regarding decision-making on the
part of the event organizer.
See Section 2.1
Council Policy I-325
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) is a Provincial
agency, established February 23, 1998 under the Alcohol and Gaming
Regulation and Public Protection Act, 1996. The Act gave the AGCO
responsibility for the administration of the Liquor Licence Act and the
Gaming Control Act, 1992. The AGCO is a regulatory agency that reports
to the Ministry of the Attorney General. For more information go to
Caterer’s Endorsement
A liquor sales licence authorizing the applicant to sell and serve liquor
for an event held on premises other than the premises to which the
liquor sales licence applies.
For the purposes of this policy, an event is any gathering held at a
municipal facility at which alcohol will be served and/or sold. They may
include weddings, showers, dances, barbeques, birthday parties and any
other event where alcohol will be served. The duration of the event
includes event set-up, operation and clean-up. Events involving alcohol
may be in a licenced municipal facility or under a Special Occasion
Public Events
A public event is one which is open to the public to attend and is
conducted by a registered charity or not for profit entity or an event
of municipal, provincial, national or international significance.
Private Event
A private event is one which is not open to the public.
Outdoor Event
An outdoor event is one at which any alcohol is consumed in an
outdoor space (including pavilions or temporary structures).
Council Policy I-325
Event Organizer
Any person, who is 19 years of age or over, seeking to hold an event
that involves the sale and/ or service of alcohol at municipal premises.
The event organizer (which term shall include the SOP permit holder
and any designate) is responsible for the safety and sobriety of people
attending the event as well as compliance with this Municipal Alcohol
Policy and the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario and its regulations at the
event. They assume responsibility and liability for the entire operation
of the event. The event organizer MUST read and sign the Event
Organizer Checklist for Liquor Licenced Events (Appendix A) to indicate
that they understand their responsibilities.
Event Worker
Any person, who serves or sells liquor, or is involved in an event where
alcohol is served on municipal property. All event workers have a
responsibility in the operation of the event and shall not consume or be
under the influence of alcohol for the entire duration of the event. In
addition to the event organizer and permit holder, event workers may
include the following:
Floor Supervisor
A paid/volunteer person(s) appointed by the event organizer, who is
over the age of 18 and who has satisfactorily proven to the event
organizer that she/he will act in accordance with the MAP. A floor
supervisor talks with participants, monitors patron behavior,
monitors for intoxication and underage drinkers, responds to
problems and complaints, assists door monitors when necessary,
removes intoxicated persons, arranges safe transportation.
Door Monitor
A paid/volunteer person(s) appointed by the event organizer, who is
over the age of 18 and who has satisfactorily proven to the event
organizer that she/he will act in accordance with the MAP. A door
monitor checks identification and for signs of intoxication, keeps out
intoxicated and troublesome individuals, arranges for coat checking,
monitors for those showing signs of intoxication when leaving the
event, arranges safe transportation.
Council Policy I-325
A paid/volunteer person(s) appointed by the event organizer, who is
over the age of 18 and who has satisfactorily proven to the event
organizer that she/he has been trained by a recognized alcohol
server training course to include Smart Serve and/or The Server
Intervention Program. A server accepts tickets for the purchase of
alcoholic drinks, serves drinks, monitors for intoxication and
underage drinkers, refuses service when a patron appears to be
intoxicated or near intoxication, offers a non-alcoholic substitute and
co-ordinates with event staff.
Ticket Seller
A paid/volunteer person(s) appointed by the event organizer, who is
over the age of 18 and who has satisfactorily proven to the event
organizer that she/he will act in accordance with the Municipal
Alcohol Policy. A ticket seller sells alcohol tickets to a maximum of
four per person per purchase, monitors for intoxication and
underage drinkers, refuses sale to patrons at or near intoxication,
and refunds tickets on request.
Licenced Security
Security personnel monitoring entrances and patrolling licenced areas
must be licenced under the Private Security and Investigative Services
Act, to ensure the safety and security of the establishment, its
employees and patrons. For more information go to
Liquor Licence Act
Each province or territory has a Liquor Licence Act which outlines the
laws regarding the sale and service of alcohol.
See for more information.
Municipal Alcohol Policy
A local policy for municipalities to manage events held at municipallyowned facilities and properties when alcohol is sold and/or served.
Council Policy I-325
Municipal Properties
All municipally-owned or leased lands, buildings and structures.
Municipal Representative
City of Kitchener staff or a designate who attends and monitors the
event on behalf of the City of Kitchener and ensures all components of
the Municipal Alcohol Policy are met.
Religious Function
A religious occasion does not include events like a “stag and doe”,
anniversaries or birthdays.
Smart Serve
The Smart Serve training program offered by Smart Serve Ontario
( is designed to train staff and volunteers who work
in areas where alcohol is sold and/or served, such as in bars,
restaurants, banquet halls and other public facilities. The Smart Serve
Program is the only server training program that is recognized by the
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and approved by this policy.
Special Occasion Permit (SOP)
A liquor licence issued by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of
Ontario for one-time social events where alcohol will be sold and/or
SOP Holder (Permit Holder)
The individual who signs the application for a Special Occasion Permit to
sell and/or serve alcohol. A special occasion permit holder can assign a
designate. A designate is a person(s) appointed by the special occasion
permit holder, and acceptable to the City of Kitchener who is over the
age of 19 and who has satisfactorily proven to the special occasion
permit holder that she/he will act in accordance with the Municipal
Alcohol Policy. The event organizer, the special occasion permit holder
and/or designate are responsible for the safety and sobriety of people
attending the event as well as compliance with the Municipal Alcohol
Policy and the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario and its regulations at the
Council Policy I-325
event. They assume responsibility and liability for the entire operation
of the event.
Standard Drink
The Liquor Licence Act of Ontario defines a standard drink as a serving of
liquor by volume and type, as follows:
12 oz. or 341 ml. of beer with 5% alcohol, OR
5 oz. or 142 ml. of wine with 12% alcohol, OR
3 oz. or 85 ml. of fortified wine with 14.9 or more % alcohol, OR
1 oz. or 29 ml. of spirits with 40% alcohol
The event organizer and/or designate must
attend the event for the entire duration
including set-up prior to the event, cleanup after the event and be responsible for
decisions regarding the actual operation of
the event.
See Section 2.2
The event organizer, door monitors, floor
supervisors, and servers shall not consume
alcohol during or after the event is
concluded, nor shall they be under the
influence of any alcohol or other substance
during the event.
See Section 4.5
Council Policy I-325
1. Policy Objectives
To provide procedures and education to individuals or groups
wishing to hold events in and/or on municipally owned
facilities/properties in order to ensure that all Liquor Licence Act of
Ontario legislation that pertains to Special Occasion Permits or
liquor licencing is properly understood and strictly complied with.
To ensure appropriate supervision and operation of Special
Occasion Permits and liquor licenced events in order to protect the
event organizers, the participating public, volunteers, the City of
Kitchener and its staff from liability by providing education in
prevention and intervention techniques and through effective
management procedures.
To encourage and reinforce responsible drinking practices for
consumers through the development of operational procedures,
controls, training and education, and to honour the decision of
abstainers not to drink alcohol and encourage their participation by
providing alternative, non-alcoholic drinks.
2. Designation of Roles and Responsibilities
Role of Municipal Representatives
Municipal representatives are responsible for ensuring the event
organizer and/or designate are provided with written information
outlining the conditions of the Municipal Alcohol Policy and ensuring
that they comply with the Municipal Alcohol Policy, Liquor Licence Act of
Ontario and its regulations at their event.
The City of Kitchener representatives have the authority to demand
correction and/or to shut down an event on behalf of the City of
Kitchener and will have ultimate authority regarding decision-making on
Council Policy I-325
the part of the event organizer. The City of Kitchener representatives
monitoring a liquor-licenced event shall be Smart Serve trained and
competent in facility procedures.
Role of Event Organizer and/or Designate
The event organizer and/or designate is responsible for the conduct and
management of the event, including, but not limited to:
Compliance with the Municipal Alcohol Policy in addition to all
applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws, policies,
guidelines, regulations and by-laws, including, without limitation,
and the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario and its regulations
Organization, planning, set up and clean-up of the event
Sufficient number of event workers
Training of their designates and other event workers (all of whom
must be 18 years of age or older)
If applicable, posting the Special Occasion Permit (with any updates)
in plain sight on the premises to which the permit applies or keep it
in a place where it is readily available for inspection
Alcohol sales and service including the choice of beverages in
order to avoid the supply of fortified or extra strength drinks
Ensuring that no one consumes alcohol in unauthorized locations
The safety and sobriety of people attending the event including
those persons asked to leave to control the event
Safe transportation options (e.g., designated drivers, taxis)
Response to emergencies
Council Policy I-325
The event organizer MUST read and sign the Event Organizer Checklist
for Liquor Licenced Events (Appendix A) to indicate that they understand
their responsibilities.
The event organizer must provide a copy of the Special Occasion Permit
(if applicable) and any updates to the City of Kitchener at least 30 days
prior to the start of the event.
All liquor, wine and beer needs to be purchased with the SOP. Proof of
this must be provided at the event. Receipts need to have the SOP
number on them. These purchase orders and levy receipts must match
the amount of alcohol in the bar for the event and will be posted with
the SOP.
The event organizer and/or designate must attend the event for the
entire duration including set-up prior to the event, clean-up after the
event and be responsible for decisions regarding the actual operation of
the event.
Final payment is due two weeks before the event with copies of the
required documentation including but not limited to: SOP, Bartender
Certification Certificate(s) and Certificate of Liability Insurance.
The event organizer and the City of Kitchener must ensure the physical
setting is safe at all times.
3. Designation of Properties and Events
Designation of Suitable Properties
The following municipal facilities and areas are either licenced or
designated as suitable for events involving alcohol subject to the event
organizer obtaining a Special Occasion Permit or a Liquor Licence
through a caterers’ endorsement issued by the Alcohol and Gaming
Commission of Ontario and agreeing to conditions as set out by the City
of Kitchener:
 Activa Sportsplex**
Council Policy I-325
Breithaupt Community Centre
Bridgeport Community Centre
Centreville Chicopee Community Centre
Chandler Mowat Community Centre
City Hall and Civic Square
Don McLaren Arena**
Doon Pioneer Park Community Centre
Doon Valley Golf Course Clubhouse ***
Downtown Community Centre
Forest Heights Community Centre
Grand River Arena**
Grand River Recreation Complex
Kingsdale Community Centre
Kitchener Farmers’ Market
Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex**
Lions Arena**
Lions Arena Community Hall
Mill Courtland Community Centre
Peter Hallman Ball Yard
Queensmount Arena**
Rockway Centre
Rockway Golf Course Clubhouse***
Sportsworld Arena**
Stanley Park Community Centre
Victoria Hills Community Centre
Victoria Park Pavilion
Williamsburg Dedication Centre
** Some in-house policies and guidelines apply.
***No SOP allowed at the municipal golf courses, however, hall is licenced and
available for rent.
For more information regarding these facilities and any updates, please
Council Policy I-325
Designation of Not Suitable Properties
The following municipal facilities and areas are not licenced or not
suitable for an event involving alcohol:
 Breithaupt Centre pool area, viewing lounge, change rooms,
 Cameron Heights Pool
 Dressing rooms in all community arenas and Kitchener Memorial
Auditorium Complex
 Forest Heights Pool
 Harry Class Pool
 Idlewood Pool
 K-W Judo Gymnastics Training Centre
 Lyle Hallman pool area and change rooms
 Williamsburg Community Centre
 Wilson Pool
 Athletic and playing fields
 Parking lots
 Spectator areas of arenas
 Dressing rooms/change rooms
 Open park areas, trails and woodlots
 Playground areas
For more information regarding these facilities and any updates, please
Designation of Events
The serving of alcohol shall not be permitted at any events where the
focus of the event marketing is for youth under 19 years of age.
The event organizer must provide a copy of the
Special Occasion Permit (if applicable) and any
updates to the City of Kitchener at least 30 days
prior to the start of the event.
See Section 2.2
Council Policy I-325
Conditions for Events Involving Alcohol
The event organizer must provide proof of insurance by way of
submitting an original Certificate of Liability Insurance to the City of
Kitchener before occupying municipal premises for the event. The
Certificate of Liability Insurance must be in effect for date(s) where
municipal property is being used or occupied by the event organizer
including, without limitation, set-up and take-down. Failure to provide
proof of liability insurance will void the rental.
Insurance for Rentals Up To and Including 500 People
The Certificate of Liability Insurance shall:
Provide proof of a minimum of two million dollars general liability
insurance issued by an insurance company satisfactory to the City of
Kitchener that is licenced to carry on business in Ontario and which
must, at a minimum, include the following:
a) The Corporation of the City of Kitchener shown as an additional
insurer to the policy
b) Coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability
c) A liquor liability endorsement
d) Tenants liability endorsement
e) Products and completed operations liability
f) Personal injury liability
g) Advertiser’s liability
h) Thirty (30) day notice of cancellation provision
Show that coverage is in effect on the date(s) of the event
Be delivered to the supervisor having operational jurisdiction at the
event location at least 30 days prior to the start of the event. The
following information must be provided:
o Certificate of liability insurance
o Policy number
Council Policy I-325
Company name
Expiry date
Amount of insurance coverage
An endorsement from the insurance company that they are
aware of the Special Occasion Permit event and that coverage is
in place including date and location of the event
Insurance for Rentals for More Than 500 People and All
Outdoor Events
The Certificate of Liability Insurance shall include all the above
requirements and proof of a minimum of five million dollars general
liability insurance issued by an insurance company satisfactory to the City
of Kitchener that is licenced to carry on business in Ontario.
The City of Kitchener reserves the right to amend the insurance and
provisions required at any time.
All advertising must comply with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of
Ontario advertising policies and guidelines. Alcohol and Gaming
Commission of Ontario policy states that a permit holder for a private
event special occasion permit is not permitted to advertise or promote
liquor or the availability of liquor.
At events where children and youth are allowed entry, the event
organizer and/or designate shall not allow promotional advertising of
alcoholic beverages’ names, brands or manufacturers.
Event Worker Training and Staffing Levels
The event organizer is responsible to:
Ensure event workers are in attendance and as needed to monitor,
manage and control the event
Council Policy I-325
Ensure event workers wear an identification (I.D.) name tag and/or
clothing which are highly visible in a crowd so that they can be
easily identified. (Provision of this identification and clothing is the
responsibility of the event organizer and/or designate.) The type of
identification worn by the event workers must be stated on the
Checklist for Liquor Licenced Event Organizers form (Appendix A.)
It is mandatory that all event workers are Smart Serve trained and
recommended they have Safer Bars training or de-escalation of violence
training. More information about Safer Bars training is available at
The event organizer shall provide a list, at least 30 days prior to the
event, of:
a) All servers and proof of Smart Serve certification (including their
certification numbers)
b) Security staff and security licence numbers
The event organizer, door monitors, floor supervisors, and servers shall
not consume alcohol during or after the event is concluded, nor shall
they be under the influence of any alcohol or other substance during
the event.
It is the responsibility of the event organizer to ensure there are
sufficient door monitors (monitoring all entrance and access points to
ensure controls are properly managed) and floor supervisors (assisting
in managing a person who is refused sale, crowd control and deescalations of violence):
The entrance to the event must be monitored by responsible
person(s) meeting the age of majority requirements at all times.
These persons shall further observe individuals that may be
attempting to enter the premises that appear to be intoxicated or
have a history of causing problems at events.
Council Policy I-325
The event organizer and/or designate has the right to deny entry to
any individual.
When persons under the age of majority are found to have
consumed or to be consuming alcohol at an event where alcohol is
served, the authorities may be called.
Minimum event worker numbers are required on an event worker
versus guest ratio basis as described in the table “Guest to Event Worker
Ratios”. The City of Kitchener reserves the right to adjust the minimum
number or types of event workers on an event-by-event basis. This
includes the provision of both police and/or licenced security.
Guest to Event Worker Ratios
Minimum Number of Event Workers
of Guests
Up to
101 to
201 to
301 to
at each
at each
at each
(+1 for
(+1 for
at each
(+1 for
Number of
1 for outdoor
1 for outdoor
Council Policy I-325
Minimum Number of Event Workers
of Guests
401 to
501 to
601 to
701 to
801 to
901 to
at each
at each
at each
at each
at each
at each
(+1 for
(+2 for
(+2 for
(+2 for
(+2 for
(+2 for
Number of
1 (+1 for
1 (+1 for
2 ***
(+1 for
2 ***
(+1 for
3 ***
(+1 for
3 ***
(+1 for
* All access points to the licenced area must be monitored. Each venue will
require a varying number of door monitors depending on the layout of the
** The event organizer or official designate can be a floor supervisor.
*** For events over 600 guests, at least 50% of the required licenced security
workers shall be paid duty police officers.
Council Policy I-325
For any event that allows admittance to minors, additional floor
monitors may be required.
For every additional 150 guests over 1,000, an additional bartender and
an additional floor monitor are required. For every additional 300
guests over 1,000, an additional ticket seller is required. For every
additional 200 guests over 1,000, an additional licenced security worker
is required.
For all outdoor events and all events with more than 1,000 guests, an
operational plan must be developed with the Alcohol and Gaming
Commission of Ontario and the City of Kitchener in order to ensure that
all aspects of public safety are addressed (including ambulance, fire,
security, etc.).
The operational plan must be submitted to the City of Kitchener at least
30 days prior to the event (e.g., ambulance, fire, security, etc.).
All costs associated with preparing and complying with security and
operational plans shall be borne by the event organizer and/or
designate unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the event
organizer and the City of Kitchener representative.
Required licenced security or paid duty police officers for any events are
the responsibility of the event organizer and all costs associated
therewith shall be borne by the event organizer.
Enforcement Procedures
If drunkenness, riotous, quarrelsome, violent, and aggressive and/or
disorderly conduct or unlawful gaming is observed at the event, the
organizer and their event workers shall:
First ask the offending person to leave, and
If the individual refuses to leave, call the police, and
Council Policy I-325
Seek any necessary assistance to maintain control and management
of the event and ensure the safety and protection of persons,
including event workers.
The event organizer, event workers or municipal representative must
notify the police if they observe signs that a situation is getting out of
Prevention Strategies
The following controls and prevention strategies related to selling and
serving alcohol shall be in place:
Alcohol shall not be served to anyone under the age of 19
(minors). Minors are not allowed to consume alcohol on the
premises. Outdoor public events which allow admittance to
minors must implement a wrist band policy or have a fenced
licenced area where alcohol is only served to and consumed by
those 19 years of age and older. Additional floor monitors are
recommended if alcohol is being served in the presence of
Alcohol shall not be served to anyone who may appear
Closing time is 1:00 a.m. unless hours of operation for the
facility are posted differently. The sale and service of alcohol
must be within the bar hours based on the start and finish times
listed on the original SOP. On New Year’s Eve, the bar may
remain open until 2:00 a.m. as listed on the original SOP. Ticket
sales and alcohol service shall cease at least 45 minutes prior to
the end of the licenced period of the event. All alcohol and its
containers (which include empty cups/glasses) shall be cleared
away no more than 45 minutes after the end of the licenced
event as listed on the Special Occasion Permit.
Last call shall not be announced.
Council Policy I-325
Separate tickets for alcohol must be sold at all public events.
Ticket sales for alcohol shall be limited to four tickets at one
time per person. Unused tickets for alcoholic beverages can be
redeemed at any time during the event.
Alcohol service shall be limited to two drinks per person at one
Alcohol cannot be left available for self-serving.
Drinks MUST be served in soft plastic cups and a different
colour of soft plastic cup shall be used for non-alcoholic drinks.
For formal dinner settings, glass vessels may be used for
serving/consuming alcohol. Glass must be removed at the
conclusion of the dinner.
All outdoor licenced areas are required to have a barrier at least
0.9 metres high. Higher barriers and additional criteria may be
required at the discretion of the City of Kitchener.
The following controls and prevention strategies related to types of
available drinks shall be in place:
Event workers are to encourage patrons to consume food, nonalcoholic and low alcohol beverages. Non-alcoholic drinks must
be available at no charge or at a cost much lower than that of
drinks containing alcohol.
Identified designated drivers receive free non-alcoholic drinks
such as coffee, pop, or juice.
At least 30% of the available alcohol consists of low-alcohol
beverages (e.g., 4% and 2.5% beer).
No fortified drinks or extra-strength drinks shall be sold. Beer
products with more than 5% alcohol, wine products with more
than 12% alcohol and spirits with more than 40% alcohol, are
Council Policy I-325
considered “fortified” alcohol products. Beer and coolers are
not to exceed 5% alcohol content (standard drink measure).
Pre-made alcoholic drinks, such as jello shooters and punches,
etc. are NOT allowed.
There must be sufficient food available for those in attendance.
Food must not be removed until the bar closes. Food available
is not satisfied by snack foods such as chips, peanuts, popcorn.
No energy drinks (with or without alcohol in them) shall be sold.
Homemade alcohol shall not be allowed at any Special Occasion
Permit function, with the exception of homemade wine or beer
at a religious function listed under a NO SALE reception permit,
as defined by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
Where wine is provided with a meal, a non-alcoholic substitute
such as water, pop or juice must be provided to ensure that
children and abstainers are included in toasting the celebrants.
No persons shall be allowed to bring in their own alcohol to the
event or allowed to pour their own alcoholic drinks.
Alcohol shall not be offered as a prize in a contest. A lottery
licence is required if raffling alcohol (charities only). Gift cards
for the LCBO are allowed as an exception.
Marketing practices which encourage increased consumption of
alcohol (e.g., oversized drinks, double shots, pitchers, drinking
contests, jello shooters, volume discounts) are not permitted.
Please drink responsibly.
Thank you for not drinking and driving.
See Section 4.9
Council Policy I-325
Safe Transportation
Event organizers are responsible to take the necessary steps to reduce
the possibility of impaired driving. As a condition of rental, the event
organizer must have a Safe Transportation Strategy in effect. Elements
of a Safe Transportation Strategy could potentially include:
Providing non-alcoholic beverages either at no charge or at a cost
much lower than that of drinks containing alcohol
Providing alternate means of transportation for those who are
suspected to be intoxicated (i.e., call a friend, relative or taxi)
Calling police if someone who is suspected to be impaired cannot be
convinced to use alternate transportation
Providing a designated driver program which encourages and
identifies designated driver
The designated driver program and relevant local taxi phone numbers
must be prominently posted. Alternate means of transportation shall
be provided for all those suspected to be intoxicated. All advertising for
the event should indicate that a designated driver program is in effect.
As a condition of rental, the event
organizer must have a Safe Transportation
Strategy in effect.
See Section 4.8
During events where alcohol is served, the following signage, which is
approved by the City of Kitchener shall be displayed in prominent
Council Policy I-325
Signage at one or more prominent places in the licenced/bar area:
Please drink responsibly.
Bartenders reserve the right to refuse service
Bartenders cannot serve alcohol to anyone who is
intoxicated or appears to be at the point of intoxication
Bartenders cannot serve alcohol to anyone under 19
years of age – proper I.D. must be presented to event
staff when requested
You can only be served a maximum of two alcoholic
drinks at any one time
You may redeem unused tickets for cash anytime during
the event
There will be no “LAST CALL”
Thank you for not drinking and driving.
[Insert phone numbers of local cab companies.]
The R.I.D.E. program is in effect in our community.
Use a designated driver or call a friend, relative or taxi.
Signage at one or more prominent places in the licenced/bar area:
If there is an emergency
CALL 9-1-1
For a non-emergency, please call
Waterloo Regional Police at 519-653-7700
You are at:
[Insert name and address of facility]
Council Policy I-325
Signage to be posted at the boundaries of the licenced/bar area:
beyond this point.
Thank you for not drinking and driving.
[Insert phone numbers of local cab companies.]
The R.I.D.E. program is in effect in our community.
Use a designated driver or call a friend, relative or taxi.
Other signs to be posted in one or more prominent places in the
licenced/bar area:
Sandy’s Law sign (regarding alcohol and pregnancy)
‘What is a standard drink?’ sign
Low Risk Drinking Guidelines sign
Where applicable, the event organizer shall post the Special Occasion
Permit (with any updates) in plain view on the premises to which the
permit applies or shall keep it in a place where it is readily available for
Council Policy I-325
Infractions and Violations
Duty to Report
The event organizer has the duty to report to the municipal
representative issues with details of any incident that:
The event organizer and/or designate are aware of or has been
made aware of any Liquor Licence Act of Ontario or Municipal
Alcohol Policy violations
Where an Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Inspector
under the Liquor Licence Act of Ontario has reported any incident or
Involves bodily injury or property damage
Police shall be informed by the event organizer and/or designate as
appropriate. Reports shall be made no later than two days after the
conclusion of the event, but shall be made immediately when repairs or
other action is required to make municipality property secure or safe for
use. The City of Kitchener representative shall report any infraction of
this policy to the Police and/or Alcohol and Gaming Commission of
Ontario whenever they believe such action is required.
Failure to Comply and Penalties
Where there has been a failure to comply with the Liquor Licence Act of
Ontario, the Police or the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
inspector may intervene for enforcement purposes and may, at their
discretion or other authority, terminate the event. The City of Kitchener
may similarly cancel, intervene or terminate the event for violations of
the Municipal Alcohol Policy.
It remains the responsibility of the event organizer and/or designate to
manage the event and to take appropriate actions, including ending the
Council Policy I-325
event, vacating municipal property, maintaining insurance, any
conditions of insurance, and providing safe transportation options.
Regardless of the reason for termination of the event, the City of
Kitchener will not be responsible for any compensation to the event
organizer and/or designate or affected persons of their resulting
financial or other losses.
The City of Kitchener shall subsequently inform the event organizer
and/or designate and any organization they represent, via registered
letter, that there has been a violation of the policy and any imposed
consequences or penalties.
Additional short term and longer term penalties for failure to comply
may include, but are not limited to:
 Loss of privilege to hold an event involving alcohol in a municipal
property or facility
 Loss of any future use or rental of any or all municipal properties
 Individual ban or suspension of persons involved in the infractions
from any or all municipal properties for any term
6. Policy Review
The Municipal Alcohol Policy shall undergo an annual review based on
change within the industry standards and shall be updated as required.
The City of Kitchener reserves the right to make discretionary changes to
this Municipal Alcohol Policy at any time, and will advise the event
organizer and/or designate of any such changes prior to the event.
On behalf of The City of Kitchener, we
wish you a successful and enjoyable
Council Policy I-325
Appendix A
Event Organizer Checklist for Liquor Licenced Events
(This checklist must be signed and submitted to the City of Kitchener
with all supporting information, at least 30 days before the event. See
the Municipal Alcohol Policy (MAP) for additional information.)
1. Name of Event: __________________________________________
2. Location of Event: ________________________________________
3. Date and Time of Event: ___________________________________
4. Estimated Attendance: ____________________________________
5. Will persons under 19 years of age be attending this event?
Yes 
No 
6. Name of Event Organizer (the person and/or group
sponsoring/hosting this event):
Phone: ______________________ Cell: _______________________
7. Name of Special Occasion Permit (SOP) holder (if applicable) and all
official designates:
SOP Holder Name:
Phone: ______________________Cell: _______________________
Official Designates:
Name: __________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________ Cell: _______________________
Name: __________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________Cell: _______________________
Council Policy I-325
8. If applicable, a copy of the SOP permit has been provided?
Yes 
Date Received: ________________________________
9. Proof of liability insurance has been provided?
Yes 
Date Received: ________________________________
10. The safe transportation strategies that will be used at this licenced
event are:
a) ____________________________________________________
b) ____________________________________________________
c) ____________________________________________________
d) ____________________________________________________
(List on separate sheet if necessary)
11. Type of identification for event workers (please describe):
12. List the names and certification numbers of the Smart Serve trained
event workers for this licenced event:
Certification Number
(Proof of certification may be required.)
Council Policy I-325
13. List the names and security licence numbers for security staff for
this event:
Security Licence Number
(Proof of certification must be available on request.)
14. The undersigned (Event Organizer) has received the Municipal
Alcohol Policy and has read and understood the information and
requirements contained therein.
Yes 
Please note that if there is anything that you do not understand
with respect to this Policy it is your responsibility to contact the
appropriate City of Kitchener staff (Phone: _________________)
to obtain clarification and understanding prior to signing this
event organizer checklist.
Council Policy I-325
By signing this Event Organizer Checklist for Liquor
Licenced Events, the undersigned hereby agrees, on
behalf of itself/himself/herself and on behalf of
its/his/her partners, employees, volunteers, agents,
executors, administrators and assigns, as the case may
be, to comply with all of the obligations, terms and
conditions of the Municipal Alcohol Policy of the City of
Signed at ________________________, Ontario this ____________ day
of ___________________________, 20___________.
Name of Corporate Event Organizer (print)
On behalf of:
Signature of Corporate Event Organizer
Title: ______________________________________________
I have the authority to bind the corporation.
Council Policy I-325
Name of Individual Event Organizer (print)
Signature of Individual Event Organizer
Name of Witness (print)
Signature of Witness
If you have any questions, please contact
the facility you are renting.
The City of Kitchener contact centre
can also be reached at 519-741-2345.
This publication is available in alternative format on request.
Please call 519-741-2200 x7597.