Cyber Security for SCADA Systems

In this white paper
Modern control systems are increasingly complex, digital and connected.
Where in the past these were isolated from other networks, today’s operators
typically require data to be transferred between industrial and external
networks. This has created the potential for malware and hackers to gain
access to and disrupt real time control systems and dependent infrastructure.
This white paper analyses the different types of control systems and their
associated threats, the methods of countering cyber intrusions, and the
services Thales is able to provide to counter these cyber security threats.
White Paper
Cyber Security
for SCADA Systems
Autumn 2013
The security of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) and realtime systems represents a significant challenge in today’s world. High profile
cyber security threats are a recent phenomenon – think of the Stuxnet or Night
Dragon attacks – yet the systems running critical industrial processes are typically
a generation older. Consequently, there are many legacy systems that may be
vulnerable to cyber attack because cyber security was simply not a consideration
at the time of initial design and installation. The security of even recently deployed
systems may also be an issue, and often there are media reports of instances
where systems are connected to the internet with inadequate protection, or the
manufacturers of the equipment have used hardcoded usernames and passwords,
thereby gifting cyber intruders with inside knowledge with the ability to manipulate
the system settings.
What is SCADA?
SCADA, or Supervisory Control
and Data Acquisition, is a type
of industrial control system (ICS).
These are computer controlled
systems that monitor and control
industrial processes that exist in
the physical world.
SCADA systems historically
distinguish themselves from other
ICS systems by being large scale
processes that can include multiple
sites, and large distances.
These processes include
industrial, infrastructure, and
facility-based processes.
It is against this backdrop that we can consider the critical differences between
real-time/SCADA systems versus the protection and risks associated the enterprise
systems. Figure 1 summarises these issues. An organisation may be more
concerned about intellectual property theft, persons gaining access to financial
or strategic information, or just plain denial of service on IT systems. Although
serious for a business, these risks are unlike those for industrial control systems
(ICS) / SCADA where the impact may be to lose visibility of the system sensor
readings, and consequently loss of control of the plant. So where threats against
business systems may impact the financial viability of the company, the potential
consequences of attacks on ICS/SCADA represent a threat to safety and human
life in an extreme case. This is not to say Industrial IT Systems are not vulnerable to
loss of critical Historical Records, loss of Data Integrity, loss of time-dependent or
synchronised performance, progressive degradation and randomised effects.
Over 1 million SCADA / ICS
systems are connected to the
internet with unique IPs
General state of real time
system security seen as poor
by hackers
Honeypot deployment of
virtual SCADA proves
attackers change settings
Business IT
Denial of
Financial and Reputational Risk
Loss of
Loss of
Loss of
Impact on Systems
Safety and Operational Risk
Figure 1 - Business System versus ICS Risk
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 2
A holistic view of security
Before moving further into the Cyber aspects we must consider the wide range of
threats that can be broadly categorised as below –
Threat Category
Typical Represention
Typical Mitigation Controls
Insider attack, bribery & subversion
Personnel Vetting
Acceptable Use Policy, Audit
regime, Logs & Alerting
Intruders, burglars, prohibited items
(drugs, explosives, firearms)
Locks, fences, CCTV, guards,
alarms, C&C etc.
Hackers, malware
Security audits, IDS /SIEM,
antivirus, firewalls, etc.
Fire, flood, earthquake, power
failure, severe weather
DR facilities, BCP, redundancy,
remote access controls etc.
In some cases it may not be practical to enforce security controls that would be
mandatory in a business environment. For example, common user accounts – though
preferable, in a real time plant environment accounts may be shared by a number
of users in a control room under a group account. It is, however, necessary to take a
holistic view and where practical a common approach to dealing with the personnel,
physical, cyber and environmental threats. For example, with a critical site there is little
point in only implementing physical controls by building a large fence with cameras
around the periphery if a cyber attack can be used to disable the cameras in a certain
location to replay a video loop, and allow access via the turnstiles into the site.
Indeed, the ability to carry out a cyber attack negates the need for a physical attack
if the systems within the site can be shut-down or put into an undesired and perhaps
unstable mode from outside, perhaps overriding interlocks, and causing pressures,
temperatures, rotational speeds and levels to go beyond safe limits. The cyber attack
may be seen as the easy option by attackers, which may be undertaken from another
country, with attribution of source difficult to prove. To put it simply, rather than travelling
hundreds or thousands of miles to perform a physical attack on a well defended site,
after months of planning, a competent belligerent is liable to instead to use SHODAN
to determine the IP number of a SCADA system located on the other side of the world,
download exploit code for the SCADA systems from Metasploit, then launch the attack
via the anonymity services of TOR, perhaps within the time frame of 1 hour or less. In
short, SCADA/ICS systems must be defended more robustly than they are now.
Industrial Systems, Controllers and Risk
The computerised equipment used in the control of equipment and industrial
processes are deployed in every aspect of Critical National Infrastructure, such as:
uclear Power Plants &
Reprocessing Facilities
Railway signalling systems
Chemical Plants
LPG Tankers
Mail Sorting Offices
Oil Refineries
Gas Processing Facilities
Food Production
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 Pharmaceutical Production
Distribution Centres and Ports
Motor Vehicle Production Facilities
Wind Turbines
Clearly an adverse event taking place in any of these facilities could have serious
health implications for those persons in the vicinity and nearby locations. Some
attacks will have more serious implications than others – a cyber attack on a
wind-farm is unlikely to have the same impact as another attack on a Nuclear
Reprocessing facility which may result in a long-lasting nuclear event, radioactive
plume, and contamination.
The consequences of a cyber, or other attack on these facilities should be given
due consideration within site risk assessments, and national risk registers, so as
to understand the extent of physical, cyber, personnel and environmental security
controls that should be put in place.
Exploitation of SCADA Systems
Google Search is an everyday common tool for most people accessing the
internet, which operates by indexing the content of web pages to allow rapid
retrieval based on user search criteria. SHODAN on the other-hand is a search
engine similar to Google except this search engine indexes HTTP (web message)
header information – allowing users to find routers, servers, traffic lights, and
industrial control equipment.
Project SHINE (SHodan Intelligence Extraction), uncovered that over 1 million
SCADA / ICS systems are connected to the internet with unique IPs, and this
figure is growing by between 2000 – 8000 / day. It is most likely that many
of these devices will be insecure and exploitable. All the attacker needs to do is
use SHODAN to determine the device facing the internet based on the header
information revealing the software version in place or other similar information,
retrieve the appropriate exploit code for that device from a repository such as
Metasploit, set up a proxy connection using TOR or similar, then exploit the
remote system.
It is commonly recognised that the robustness of SCADA/ICS in the face of a
direct cyber attack is poor, as many systems were not intended to be connected
to the internet. Systems should be designed such that there are security controls
(such as firewalls/ data-diodes, and identity & access management systems)
between the real time systems and the internet.
The current state of SCADA/ICS systems is regarded as woeful by
security researchers. It is common to find ActiveX, secure coding approaches
are rare, and many systems are so brittle they are unable to withstand security
scans & probing. Backdoor administrative accounts are present, and in some
cases hardcoded authentication credentials used – which if known guarantees
hacker access. Basic fuzzing of ICS causes some to crash and buffer overflows
are a serious problem, and some have no password timeouts allowing brute-force
login attempts.
Hacking of ICS is made easier with ready-made plug-ins for the Metasploit
framework and Nessus, to allow hackers easy access to real-time systems.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 4
Once a system has been “owned” such as a PLC, then new “ladder logic” can
be uploaded. During the attack on Natanz with Stuxnet, it was reported that the
controller logic was changed to cause the centrifuges to speed up / slow down
rapidly. A similar approach could be adopted on other systems to ignore multiple
safety interlocks with catastrophic effects. Perhaps the controllers are duplicated
for safety and availability, but if the cyber attack changes the logic in all systems,
then the outlook is not good.
Cyber attacks on SCADA/ICS are rare but increasing. The temptation is to
dismiss the problem; however, a blackhat presentation in 20131 proved that
if a honeypot was placed on the internet simulating a real-time system, some
connecting parties changed settings to potentially hazardous levels. This was just
a virtual honeypot, not a real SCADA system, but the outcome of external hackers
connecting to real systems and changing settings, may have serious implications.
If possible, robust SCADA/ICS products should be used, with security built–
in, not an afterthought. However, this may not be practical and it is therefore
essential to segregate these systems from high risk networks such as the internet,
and certainly do not allow IP numbers for SCADA/ICS to be directly accessible
from the internet, unless there is a good reason and appropriate security controls
are in place.
Industrial Protocols
A protocol, in the original sense of the word, is a code of conduct or defined
procedures to be followed. With respect to Industrial IT systems, the protocol
allows communication from one device to be understood by other devices.
Given that Industrial IT hardware has a range of functionality, provided by many
manufacturers, there has evolved a very wide range of industrial protocols, often
vendor specific. There has been some standardisation around the use of Fieldbus,
Profibus, and Modbus – but these have all been developed and deployed long
before IT security became a major issue. Modbus, for example, has no controls
against unauthorized commands and interception of data. Therefore, routing
of industrial protocols over the internet or other IP networks nowadays requires
professional care and additional controls to maintain security of the data and
ensure both commands interactions and critical information retain their integrity.
Understanding the Business Risk
The business risk will vary between different sectors of the CNI, but also within
specific aspects of the same company. For example a key risk for a Gas
Processing plant in an area of political unrest may be physical intrusion and/or
terrorist attack. However, an oil rig off the coast of the UK will have a different risk
profile – perhaps relating no non-availability of systems due to severe weather or
concerns of leaks causing environmental damage. It is this variability of threat and
risk that must be considered during a risk assessment, which should be undertaken
through the whole business cycle – from conceptual design though to close-down
and decommissioning.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 5
Typical Threat sources listed by CPNI (Centre for Protection of National
Infrastructure) that should be considered are -
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 Threat Sources / Actors
Representation of Threat
Externally employed staff on company premises, that may not be
trained in the appropriate measures that should be undertaken
(e.g. removal of faulty IT equipment from site that contains sensitive
information). These persons may not have appropriate vetting and
represent a threat if influenced to undertake malevolent activities
whilst on the CNI site (such as inserting USB key-loggers, or
gathering site security details).
Corporate intelligence
Competitors, some of whom will target CNI facilities to understand
the site and steal intellectual property such that this can be
replicated elsewhere, perhaps in competitive bids. This threat can
also be present where companies are requested to bid for lucrative
contracts, only to have these designs copied and used elsewhere in
competitive bids.
Criminals / Organised Crime
Criminals will be an issue where financial gain is of interest. This could
be a break-in to steal computer equipment, which if not backed-up
would represent a threat to business continuity. Criminals may also
subvert staff to undertake malicious activity.
Disgruntled Staff
Persons with a grudge, who may have been passed over for
promotion, notified of redundancy, have moral objections to what
the organisation is undertaking, or with other circumstances such as
financial difficulties that put them at risk of compromising security,
perhaps giving information to outsiders.
Foreign Intelligence Services
Highly capable nation state organisations that are able to deploy
considerable resources to gain information, such as interception
of data, influence other threat actors to steal data, or hack in to
environments for industrial espionage purposes. It is not only state
secrets that will interest the FIS. For countries that have a close
link between state & industry, the FIS will actively seek industrial
information, and intellectual property for financial gain of the state
linked industries.
Whether state sponsored, funded by serious organised crime, or
independently motivated, hackers have the potential to compromise
the confidentiality, integrity or availability of systems by their actions.
Externally this action may manifest itself in website defacement, or
theft of customer details. However for clients running real time / ICS
systems, perhaps geographically spread, hackers may use search
tools such as SHODAN to discover internet connected equipment,
and perform malevolent actions on this infrastructure.
Internal Attackers /
Persons on-site perhaps temporarily, who are visitors or bystanders
may pose a risk, by observing information when present in the
facility, or perhaps unauthorised access systems that are logged in.
Protestors and Activists
Persons having an ideological grudge against the operations of
the company. Traditionally this has been to blockade facilities,
or intimidate staff to impede company operations or gain media
publicity. However the recent emergence of ‘Hacktivism’ has
meant the wilful unauthorised penetration into company systems by
politically motivated parties.
Staff undertaking
unauthorised actions
Sometimes wilful, but other times may be due to inadvertent
consequences. Unauthorised actions by staff, perhaps trying to get
round what is seen as onerous / inflexible security controls can
introduce threats. A typical example would be the use of personal
USB sticks which contain malware, in the absence of an alternative
and available route to transfer information.
Persons with malicious intent whose primary aim to date has been
physical attacks on systems to compromise availability. This does
not necessarily mean that electronic attacks will not occur in future
with respect to real time / SCADA systems as available exploits
against these systems become common-place.
Regulatory Compliance
With the emergence of cyber threats and the need to secure data, standards
have arisen for other industries such as defined in the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Payment Card Industry Data
Security Standard (PCI DSS). The difficulty with applying a modern compliance
regime to SCADA systems would be the difficulty in adapting the old systems to
a new framework of controls.
With the landmark event of Stuxnet, the security issues of SCADA came
into prominence. It became evident that organised parties were intent on
performing cyber attacks to access SCADA/PLC systems to invoke damage
of plant equipment. Given the difficult nature of implementing robust controls
in industrial environments, various national authorities such as NIST and CPNI
have produced standards and security guides for real-time systems integrators.
With the abundance of poorly protected ICS equipment, which will be in place
for many years to come, often running protocols where security was never a
consideration, there has been considerable effort by national and international
bodies to define standards for securing the CNI infrastructure. Notable
examples being:
UK CPNI Security Guides
ISA 99
USA NIST 800-82
Zoning, Segregation, and
Protection of Industrial Networks
It is the interconnected nature of environments, and the need and expectation for
access to data generated in the real-time arena, that causes the challenges.
For example, in a rail transport scenario it would be very useful for travellers to
know the position of trains, but it would also represent a risk if hackers or malware
could enter via this internet connectivity, and compromise the safety of the
track signalling systems. It is only by performing thorough risk assessments, and
designing secure gateways, perhaps including one-way diodes, that ICS/SCADA
networks can be protected from external threats. ISA99 and IEC62443 propose
the zoning of architectures, and this has been generalised in Figure 2. This shows
that with no security controls, external malware and hackers may gain access to
ICS/SCADA systems, but with secure controls such as one-way-diodes, the threats
resident on the business systems cannot spread to the real time arena, with a Level
0 to Level 4 zoning approach in the segregation of systems.
The principles of Figure 2 should be followed, but the practicality of securing
a widespread ICS/SCADA infrastructure will be complex with the “conduits”
(WAN, VPNs) needing to be secured to remote outstations, and the need for
controlling support personnel having remote access into the infrastructure below
the industrial DMZ.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 7
Enterprise /
Level 5
Centralised ERP, ERM CRM,
C&C, Helpdesk
Middleware Level 4
MOM, ESB, etc.
Site Manufacturing
Operations and Control
Gateway Devices
Industrial / Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Critical I/O
Level 0
Actuators, Motors
Figure 2 - Segregation of Business and Real-Time Networks
Situational Awareness
Stuxnet graphically illustrated that even air gapped industrial controls systems (ICS)
in high security environments are vulnerable to sophisticated attack, especially
with many ICS directly controlled via the host company’s business network.
Appreciating that many ICS are directly connected to the internet, the attack
vectors, attack surfaces and likelihood of a security incident increase dramatically.
If it is not within the immediate remit of the organisation to change the design and
configuration of the network supporting the ICS. It is vital to have full situational
awareness of the nature of the attack even if it has proved impossible to prevent
the successful compromise. In order to achieve this it is necessary to incorporate
protective monitoring technology, supported by policies and process into the
organisation, coupled with experienced analysts who can identify suspicious
network activity.
Should this not be a practical solution, if for example the company size does
not justify the expenditure on full-time security monitoring, then engaging with
a managed service provider should be considered, who is able to provide the
services of a 24/7 SOC (Security Operating Centre) that can monitor vulnerable
networks together with other crucial feeds, such as Access Control Systems.
Security and Incident/Emergency Management solutions exist that build a full
Situational Awareness picture of physical, environmental personnel and cyber
domains, enabling effective controlled and recorded responses.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 8
Forensic Readiness
In the event of the worst case scenario occurring and a security compromise is
suspected or has been identified, time is not a luxury that will be available. In the
event of a serious incident, how the incident is managed and the time it takes to
investigate and remediate it is likely be scrutinized closely by various organisations.
Depending on the industry sector concerned, various compliance requirements may
be mandated, this is highly likely to include Forensic Readiness. As an example
ISO 27001 series of security control measures recommend that responsibilities and
procedures should be established in order to quickly and effectively respond to
security incidents, this includes cyber security breaches.
In the UK, the Government has published the Security Policy Framework that
mandates baseline security measures in 20 different areas to address technical
security risks; this document is applicable to all Government employees (including
contractors) and covers all areas of government and associated departments.
The Risk Treatment section (Mandatory Requirement 9) states that “Departments and
Agencies must have a forensic readiness policy that will maximise the ability to
preserve and analyse data generated by an ICT system that may be required for
legal and management purposes”.
To assist with the drafting and implementation of a forensic readiness policy,
CESG (Communications-Electronics Security Group, part of the state intelligence
agency, GCHQ) have produced a Good Practice Guide (GPG 18) together with
Information Assurance Implementation Guide Forensic Readiness Planning.
This guide recommends a scenario-based approach to forensic readiness planning,
examining hypothetical risks and real previous incidents. Each of these potential
incidents should have a corresponding incident response policy that is documented
and exercised.
Incident Response
Key to successful investigation and remediation is to have an assured Cyber
Incident Response provider identified and preferably engaged as a forensic
service provider in advance of an incident. This way the client has the confidence
that the supplier has the availability, technology and capability to manage
the incident on the client’s behalf. Engaging a forensic company that employs
manual techniques to identify and remediate a malware incident on a large
enterprise network is likely to result in a protracted cyber version of “Whack
a Mole”. Technical solutions now exist where entire enterprise networks can
be examined concurrently for malware or an unknown APT, for example by
looking for suspicious applications that are running in computer memory. Once
the malware is identified a forensic snapshot of the data can be taken and all
systems on the network forensically searched, whereupon remediation of infected
devices can take place. The remediation option could then include (if required)
the simultaneous stopping of processes or the forensic wiping of all traces of the
malware across the entire domain.
Previously, the manual approach would probably have taken weeks onsite or may
not have fully remediated the attack. Now, new technology dramatically brings
the response and remediation time down, allowing companies to resume normal
business in a timely fashion.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 9
Integration of Cyber Monitoring and Defence can be combined into modern
Security Facilities enabling Cyber Security, Physical Security and Process
Management to be combined into holistic Situational Awareness and Tactical
Response Management control rooms.
Cyber Incident Reporting
Depending on the industry sector there is likely to be a requirement for the
mandatory reporting of the incident to one of the UK Computer Emergency
Response Teams such as GovCertUK or MODCERT (MODWARP). How quickly
and accurately the information on your cyber attack is passed to that authority will
reflect in their ability to alert in a timely fashion other areas of industry, especially
critical national infrastructure. It may also be reflected in any enforcement
measures that the Information Commissioner (or similar organisation) may wish to
take as a result of the cyber breach.
So where does Thales fit in?
When it comes to security and critical systems Thales is a world leader.
There are many statistics, here are some –
T hales technology secures 80% of
the world’s financial transactions
(90% in the UK)
billion rail passengers
carried annually by the Thales
SelTrac CBTC systems
T hales implementation of the
World’s largest urban security
project in Mexico City
Thales implementation of security
for the world’s largest oil terminal
Thales securing thousands
of kilometres of pipelines and
border surveillance
Road toll collection on 4000 lanes
of 30 motorways worldwide
Significant involvement in air-traffic
management, and airport security
IT should be noted that CNI & ICS/SCADA spreads over a multitude of industries,
and Thales is a major player in these arenas, if not a world leader, with much
experience in implementing large-scale operation critical secure systems.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 10
Thales Critical Infrastructure
& Cyber-security Services
Thales believes Good Cyber is Good Business. Taking a holistic approach
to security is the critical factor. Layered architectural models should be built
that bring together world leading products from both the system/technology
integrator and third parties to ensure that the holistic security requirements of the
customer are met. It should be part of a solution to ensure the integrity of both
the integration layer and the operation elements. Individual components of the
solution should be understood in conjunction with concept of operation, policies,
training, maintenance, supportability and the service aspects. Possible individual
components and services are listed below but it should be understood that the real
benefits come from solution providers, who can deliver all encompassing holistic
security solutions.
Critical Infrastructure
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 Service
CCTV / Site Security Controls
Selection of appropriate CCTV systems, calculation of
field of view, illumination requirements, and other fence
technology such as PIDs. Calculation of zoning for image
analytics, and physical control selection such as inner /
outer fence, camera poles, towers, bunds, biometrics,
access control, video analytics and other measures to
deter & detect intruders.
Command Centre Design
With involvement in the largest and most
sophisticated command centres on a worldwide basis,
Thales is well placed to select the most appropriate
technologies for inclusion in the command centre to
support user requirements. The physical security
aspects of the command centre will be considered,
together with the internal IT system requirements / systems
integration, and secure connectivity to local and remote
stakeholders to offer holistic Situational Awareness and
Response Capabilities.
Physical Intrusion Tests
Covert intrusion by specialised Thales employees
with skills in physical entry into critical facilities, using
various techniques to overcome existing controls are
used to test existing controls and operational processes
in place to stop intruders. Thales personnel will leave
agreed markers which will signify places that were
reached which could signify the placement of explosives
or theft of material – whatever the client values and is
trying to protect.
Physical Security Audits
Visiting client sites to understand existing security controls
such as guard mechanisms, fences, doors, alarms, CCTV,
and other aspects including security management systems
and reporting mechanisms, and production of reports for
clients highlighting shortfalls and what should be done
with respect to security improvements.
Security and Emergency / Event
Management Integration
Selection of appropriate event management
software to cover security, incident and emergency
management. These systems can be highly sophisticated,
and require integration with a large number of
other system / site & remote sensors & CCTV, and
stakeholders for management of events to give
maximum operational benefit.
Communications Network Design
CNI sites may have a lot of on-site sensors such as CCTV
/ PIDs, or ground based sensors and radar technology for
detection of threats further away. GPS tracked assets such
as vehicles and personnel may need to be monitored, for
dynamic display on the video wall in the command centre.
This entire site based data, plus data to / from offsite
stakeholders, needs to be secure. Thales is skilled in the
design of such networks allowing fixed cable, wireless /
microwave / laser / radio / satellite communications in a
secure, integrated, highly available and resilient manner.
Process Control and Automation
Thales has decades of experience in providing
comprehensive Process Control and Automation systems.
SCADA, Monitoring, DCS and Command Centres,
both fixed, multi-site and mobile. The integration of
traditional Industrial IT System expertise with Security
System and Cyber System expertise sets Thales as a key
total solution provider.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 Service
Cyber-Range Activities
Ability to undertake cyber engagements against other
participants acting as APT actors or DDOS attackers.
Cyber Security Training
Ability for users of the Cyber Integration Centre to
practice incident response, and configuration of
hardware / software on both virtual and real
industrial systems.
Enterprise / Solutions
Architecture Design & Systems
Analysis of the customer requirements and
determine whole enterprise architecture requirements,
such as server architecture, SANs , enterprise
software components, ESB, Databases, etc. Design of
whole solution.
Hardware / Software Evaluation
Evaluation of hardware appliances and / or software
for external clients
Holistic Security / Cyber Maturity
Deployment of Thales personnel onto client sites, to
gather information on current client cyber maturity
and make recommendations regarding controls that
should be put in place. Thales operate teams where
personnel are members of CLAS, and recognised under
the CCP scheme.
Incident Response
Emergency deployment to client sites on a worldwide
basis to resolve issues relating to APT and other
cyber incidents. Ability to deploy hardware network
appliances and client probes to capture indicator of
compromise information, analyse the date and remove
the cyber intrusion.
Load Testing
Ability to take customer appliances and apply
severe data loading to understand behaviour.
Similarly for server based software to understand that
the specified servers will be able to support the expected
user community.
Security Architecture Design
Analysis of existing or new architecture requirements,
and determine the security controls that should be in
place to secure the architecture. Selection of products &
detailed design.
Virtualised DR Failover Testing
Use of Cyber Integration Centre to test disaster recovery
scenarios to prove that is one virtualised instance fails,
other infrastructure can recover the situation, and human
processes defined & users trained.
Virtualised Enterprise
Environment (VEE)
Ability within the Cyber Integration Centre to simulate
whole enterprise networks including servers, routers,
switches, LAN/WAN issues (bottlenecks, jitter, time
delays), real time infrastructure, and user communities.
This enables clients to understand systems prior to
deployment, or test changes prior to roll-out and
understand how the system will operate under user load.
Virtualised Vulnerability Testing
Similar to VEE above, except ability to use Thales VA
team to analyse software / firmware build status to
understand components that should be patched or have
lockdown policies applied.
Vulnerability Assessment /
Penetration Testing
Deployment of Thales teams to client sites to perform
vulnerability assessments against existing architecture,
allowing current build status and vulnerabilities to be
identified, and a report produced on these findings.
Similarly, if the customer wishes, Thales is able to take
these vulnerabilities and exploit these to gain access to
further resources. Thales team members are recognised
under the CREST scheme.
Gateway Services
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 Service
NOC as a service
Thales is able to link to client sites and undertake a
Network Operations Centre (SOC) Service, where client
network infrastructure is managed & monitored, and
software updates / patching is applied.
PSN Gateway Services
Thales is a provider of gateway services to the
PSN and other networks, and is able offer clients the
ability to connect to the UK Public Sector Network
(PSN) is required
CSOC as a service
Thales is able to link to client sites and undertake a
Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC) service,
where these networks are monitored for cyber attacks,
and APT characteristics. This is a particularly useful
service for those clients who have taken advantage of
the Thales Incident Response service, allowing through
life aftercare.
Figure 3 - One of the growing number of Thales
Cyber Integration Labs
Figure 3 shows one of the interconnected network of labs used for staging and
testing of concepts in relation to real-time / SCADA and enterprise systems.
In this case a video wall is present for displays covering CCTV and security
management. Simulations are present for nuclear reactor control, pipeline
monitoring, and site perimeter security. Other systems allow the overlay of
incidents and sensor / asset data on top of site maps. There are a number of
SCADA, PLC and Security Management systems in place and the ability to feed
these systems from a number of sensors. Within this lab a section of fence is
present, together with physical intrusion sensors, and cameras to react to intrusion
events. This lab is available for industrial control and physical security solution and
it can be linked to other labs allowing cyber incidents to be simulated. Thales has
access to thousands of malware signatures, and is able to simulate sophisticated
attacks against the ICS/SCADA and Security equipment, then design appropriate
security architectures to keep such attacks out. The virtualised labs can also act as
a Cyber training centre enabling the deployment of cyber attacks, and allowing
response personnel to train in containing the event and removal of the malware
or attackers from the network. Although the labs can operate to support cyber
range training in cyber-warfare-defence, the labs are primarily aimed at repelling
existing cyber attacks, which are commonplace.
The availability of such facilities is a formidable resource in allowing clients to
test equipment & concepts prior to deployment with realistic simulated loads
and architectures, having extensive server resources and state of the art network
simulation equipment means that millions of users can be simulated, events timed
to the nanosecond, and network problems such as bottlenecks / jitter / timedelays simulated to provide the most realistic of environments
Thales can help solve client problems, test the real system software to be used
with realistic loads and events, then deploy to client sites via our consultancy and
implementation teams, wherever the client is located on a global basis.
Physical Artefacts Switches, CCTV,
PIDS etc.
Virtualised Enterprise Environment
Virtual User
Switch / Routing
External Components
and Non-Virtualised
Server /
Internal /
External –
Security /
Industrial Control
and Process
Stage Complete /
Partial Enterprise
Processes &
Simulate Network
Infrastucture and
Stress Test
Pen Test /
Replicate Hacking
and Incident
Figure 4 - Virtualised Enterprise Environment
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 14
We live in a fast changing world. Unfortunately, this includes the threats against
the SCADA integral to the functioning and prosperity of businesses and Critical
National Infrastructure. There are many misconceptions on the levels of threat,
the extent of damage or disruption and the effort and skills required for protection.
The field of cyber security in relation to SCADA and Industrial Control Systems
is complex, and the consequences of either ignoring the threats or implementing
inadequate controls may have significant consequences, perhaps involving loss of
life if an attack was launched which achieved the end objective.
Cyber and SCADA Security is now of major concern for all industrial
infrastructures. The nature of the threat demands rapid, accurate, and informed
decision-making to ensure safety, security, and operational effectiveness are
maintained regardless of any incidents or accidents that may occur. This requires
the application of holistic security solutions, delivered by organisations such as
Thales who is able to deliver the integrated security systems designed to meet the
increasing threats and ensure that Critical Operations receive the best protection.
This white paper has shown that vulnerable organisations should take a holistic
approach to securing their SCADA systems. Interrelated cyber, physical, and
industrial IT vulnerabilities must be managed effectively from the outset to meet
new threats.
With its wide range of services and state of the art testing, integration and
simulation facilities, Thales is able to understand the nature of the customer
environment, integrate security into the system design from the ground up to cover
the main risks of physical, cyber, personnel or environmental security, or retrofit
solutions to shield legacy solutions from the wide range of threats today.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 15
About Thales
Whenever critical decisions need to be made, Thales has a role to play.
World-class technologies and the combined expertise of 65,000 employees
in 56 locally based country operations make Thales a key player in assuring
the security of citizens, infrastructure and nations in all the markets we serve –
aerospace, space, ground transportation, security and defence.
For more than 40 years, Thales has delivered state of the art physical and cyber
security solutions to commercial, critical national infrastructure, government and
military customers.
Thales will help you refocus your security spend to defend your organisation
and prevent significant loss of revenue and reputation. Thales will ensure your
competitive advantage is maintained by being able to demonstrate resilient and
secure use of physical and cyber security.
Why Thales?
As a world leader in providing modular, integrated physical and cyber security
solutions, Thales is able to:
Design and implement upgrades to the existing security of your organisation
with minimal impact to your business operations. Thales is trusted to secure
critical energy facilities, transport networks and defence assets in the UK and
around the world.
P ull through capabilities from the global Thales Group and our industry partners
to deliver secure solutions that deliver tangible business benefits. For example,
Thales implemented a fully integrated security management system in Mexico
City as part of the ‘Secure City’ project.
Use our world leading encryption product suite to protect your data.
Our encryption hardware help secure an estimated 80% of the world’s
payment transactions, including 3.7 billion BACS transactions every year.
Contact Us
Thales UK Ltd, Mountbatten House, Basing View, Basingstoke RG21 4HJ, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1256 376633 Email:
© 2013 THALES UK LTD. This document and any data included are the property of Thales UK Ltd. No part of this document may be
copied, reproduced, transmitted or utilised in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Thales UK Limited having
first been obtained. Thales has a policy of continuous development and improvement. Consequentially the equipment may vary from the
description and specification in this document. This document may not be considered as a contract specification. Graphics do not indicate
use or endorsement of the featured equipment or services.
Cyber Security for SCADA Systems - Autumn 2013 16