_ V1.1 Hardware Reference ST SPC58 B Line Emulation Adapter ST SPC58 B Line Emulation Adapter System ST SPC58 B line emulation adapter primary use case is providing Nexus trace functionality for the SPC58 B line devices in the QFP64 and the QFP100 packages, where Nexus trace port is not available. The emulation adapter is based on the 144-pin superset device and provides the adaptation to 64-pin and 100-pin QFP target package. Alternative use case is also a standalone operation. In this case customer can start developing and testing the application while his target may not be available yet. ST SPC58 B line emulation adapter is based on the SPC582B60E5 device in the QFP 144 package, only in which the Nexus trace port is exposed and available. It’s a superset device with 1MB program flash and can emulate all ST SPC58 B line devices in smaller packages. Complete emulation adapter is split into individual parts which makes it flexible when support for different target packages is required. A typical setup in conjunction with the target contains: IEA-SPC582B (Microcontroller part) Pin Count Conversion Board Solder Part iSYSTEM, July 2016 1/12 Optional is a power supply part, which is used for emulation adapter standalone operation without the target or when there are problems with the target supplying the power. Minimally the IEA-SPC582B (Emulation Adapter) and the IEA-PS (Power Supply) items are required for standalone operation without the target. Minimal setup for standalone operation Ordering Code: IEA-SPC582B IEA-PS QFP100 IEA-SPC582B-TQ100 IA100TQ-SOLDER QFP64 IEA-SPC582B-ATQ64 IA64ATQ-SOLDER Description: Emulation Adapter Emulation Adapter Power Supply (optional) 100-Pin Count Conversion Board Solder Part TQ100QFP (14x14) 64-Pin Count Conversion Board Solder Part TQ64QFP (10x10) The emulation adapter can be used in conjunction with iSYSTEM iC5000, iC5500 and iC6000 debug and test tool or any other third party tool supporting ST SPC58 B line Nexus trace port. Debug tool connects to the standard 38-pin Mictor connector (P6) providing debug and Nexus trace interface connection. iSYSTEM, July 2016 2/12 Jumper configuration J1: target reset configuration Jumper J1 connects the reset line between the emulation device and the target. By default J1 is populated. J2 and J3: clock source configuration Jumpers J2 and J3 select clock source for the emulation device. Per default, both jumpers are set to position 1-2, which yields the clock source being used from the target. Note that the emulation adapter may not operate when crystal circuit is used in the target. Typical design guideline is that the crystal should be as close as possible to the microcontroller. However, it may happen that the target crystal may not oscillate in conjunction with the emulation adapter since clock lines (XTAL, EXTAL) between the target and the emulation device on the emulation adapter can become too long consequentially too much affecting the impedance of the crystal circuit. There should be no problem if the oscillator is used in the target. If an oscillator in the target is not an option and the target crystal doesn’t oscillate in conjunction with the emulation adapter, clock from the emulation adapter must be used (J2 & J3 position 2-3). In this case, a crystal circuit must be assembled on the emulation adapter. Crystal circuit Note: Crystal circuit is located in the corner of the emulation adapter, next to the 38-pin Mictor connector P6. Per default 10pF capacitors are populated for C1 and C2 and the crystal Q1 is not populated. Note that C1 and C2 values are valid for 40MHz crystal only. If different crystal is used, the default 10 pF capacitors must be replaced with proper value. iSYSTEM, July 2016 3/12 J4 & J6: GND connecting points Real target microcontroller in the QFP package provides an exposed GND pad in the middle of the microcontroller at the bottom side of the package. This provides GND connection between the microcontroller and the target. In case of the emulation adapter usage, the solder part (IA100TQSOLDER or IA64ATQ-SOLDER) is soldered instead of the microcontroller. Note that the available solder parts at the introduction of this emulation adapter, did not provide support for the exposed GND pad. For this reason, user must ensure replacement GND connection between the emulation adapter and the target using a dedicated GND wire. Without this connection, the system will not work. Use provided GND wire which comes along the emulation adapter and plug it to the pin J6 (see picture above) on the emulation adapter. Connect the other side to the ground potential on the target - as close as possible to the microcontroller respectively solder part being soldered instead of the microcontroller. This connection must be quality and reliable otherwise debugging and tracing over the Nexus trace port may not work. Alternatively, GND connection can be also established over the J4 ground bridge. P5: power selection The P5 header row is used for power supply selection. Refer to the microcontroller user manual for more details which power supply designation belongs to which power supply. Signal direction target target target target target Signal Pin Pin NC VDD_HV_OSC VDD_HV_ADV VDD_HV_ADR_S VDD_HV_IO_MAIN VDD_HV_FLA NC NC NC NC GND GND GND 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 Signal 2 NC 4 CVDD_HV_OSC 6 CVDD_HV_ADV 8 CVDD_HV_ADR_S 10 CVDD_HV_IO_MAIN 12 CVDD_HV_FLA 14 NC 16 NC 18 NC 20 NC 22 GND 24 GND 26 GND Signal direction CPU CPU CPU CPU CPU P5 signal description By default jumpers are set and connect target power supply coming from the target to the microcontroller residing on the emulation adapter. If a different power source is to be used (e.g. in case of standalone operation), jumpers must be removed, and power source must be applied to CVDD_HV_OSC (pin 4), CVDD_HV_ADV (pin 6), CVDD_HV_ADR_S (pin 8), CVDD_HV_IO_MAIN (pin 10), CVDD_HV_FLA (pin 12) and GND (pins 22, 24, 26) signals. iSYSTEM, July 2016 4/12 Optional emulation adapter power supply (ordering code: IEA-PS), which can provide 3.3V or 5V voltage, connects on top of the emulation adapter directly to the P5 header row and allows standalone usage of the emulation adapter. This is convenient when the target is not available or it’s not adjusted for the emulation adapter connection yet. IEA-PS (optional emulation adapter power supply IEA-SPC582B Emulation Adapter iSYSTEM, July 2016 5/12 Next picture shows a pinout of the four connectors P1-P4 on the bottom side of the emulation adapter. GND GND 109 111 113 GND GND 110 112 nc nc 105 103 nc nc 97 nc nc nc nc nc 85 83 81 nc nc nc nc GND GND 115 nc 119 121 123 125 nc 129 131 133 nc 137 139 nc 143 nc 118 nc 122 nc nc 128 130 132 134 nc 138 nc 142 144 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 nc 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 nc nc nc 23 nc nc nc nc nc nc 30 31 32 33 nc nc 36 GND GND GND GND 108 106 104 102 nc 98 96 nc nc nc nc 86 84 82 80 78 nc nc GND GND GND GND nc GND GND 72 69 nc 67 68 65 66 63 64 nc nc 59 nc 57 nc 55 56 53 54 nc nc nc nc 47 48 45 46 43 44 41 42 39 40 nc – Not Connected Optionally, the user could also design his target directly providing connection to the emulation adapter via P1-P4 connectors. Connectors being used on the emulation adapter are female Tyco Electronics connectors, part number 0-0104652-4 (40 pin). Bottom side of the IEA-SPC582B iSYSTEM, July 2016 6/12 37 38 QFP100 Adaptation IEA-SPC582B-TQ100 100-Pin Count Conversion Board This part connects between the IEA-SPC582B emulation adapter and the solder part IA100TQ-SOLDER being soldered on the target side. IA100TQ-SOLDER (TET solder part) Solder part, which is being soldered to the target. Recommended (by TET) PCB footprint size: (Unit: mm) A B C D E K L 16.5 1.125 17.0 17.0 2.15 19.55 19.55 When it’s meant soldering the solder part manually, it’s highly recommended prolonging the dimension E on the outer side (e.g. for 1.5-2 mm) during the PCB design. Note that without this modification it’s very difficult to solder the solder part manually. iSYSTEM, July 2016 7/12 IA100TQ-SOLDER dimensions User must be familiar with the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) soldering in order to solder the IA100TQ-SOLDER to the PCB instead of the original microcontroller. On request, iSYSTEM can provide this service too. QFP64 Adaptation IEA-SPC582B-ATQ64 64-Pin Count Conversion Board This part connects between the IEA-SPC582B emulation adapter and the solder part IA64ATQ-SOLDER being soldered on the target side. iSYSTEM, July 2016 8/12 IA64ATQ-SOLDER (TET solder part) Solder part, which is being soldered to the target. Recommended (by TET) PCB footprint size: (Unit: mm) A B C D E K L 12 1.505 13.0 13.0 2.3 14 14 When it’s meant soldering the solder part manually, it’s highly recommended prolonging the dimension E on the outer side (e.g. for 1.5-2 mm) during the PCB design. Note that without this modification it’s very difficult to solder the solder part manually. IA64ATQ-SOLDER dimensions User must be familiar with the SMT (Surface Mount Technology) soldering in order to solder the IA64ATQ-SOLDER to the PCB instead of the original microcontroller. On request, iSYSTEM can provide this service too. iSYSTEM, July 2016 9/12 Schematic iSYSTEM, July 2016 10/12 Notes: iSYSTEM, July 2016 11/12 Disclaimer: iSYSTEM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may appear in this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information herein. iSYSTEM. All rights reserved. iSYSTEM, July 2016 12/12