eet ffi" 64, Build your understanding! Attempt the following questions on your own or in a group setting. 1. Complete Table 6.1 on some major types of energyand their sources. vTable6.1 ,i#it,l,[l:i,ffiii:r#tftktA Chemical potential energy Fuelssuchas oil, wood and coal, electric cells,food and explosives 1 Nuclear energy Atomic bombs,nuclearreactors 3 Light energy Electrical energy lnternal energy 6 The electromagnetic{EM) spectrumsuch as visiblelight, radio waves,infra-red (lR) radiation,ultraviolet([IV) radiation, X-raysand Gammarays The energyassociatedwith the current in electricdrills, power tools and immersionheaters The energypossessed by the atoms or moleculesof matter in the form of kinetic energyand potentialenergy Mechanical energy ( a ) Kinetic energy (a) All objectsin motion (b)Cravitationalpotential energy (b) \X/aterfall.raisedobjects O 2007 MarshallCavendishInternational(S) Pte Lto PhysicsMattersWorkbookVolurne1 49 2, (a) Statethe Principleof Conservationof Energy. Energy can neither be creatednpr destroyedin any process.It can be convertedfrom one form to another or transferredfrom one body to another,but the total amount remains constant. (b) Figure6.1 showsa simplependulumsetinto oscillationin a vacuum.Note that P and S are the two extremepositionsof the oscillation,R is the lowest or equilibrium position and Q is an intermediateposition betweenP and R. Describethe energy changesthat occur asthe pendulumoscillatesfrom P to Q to R to S.\7hich principle is illustratedhere? <Figure6.1 O'-P o Taking position R as the reference level where the gravitational potential energy of the pendulum is zero. the pendulum has the maximum gravitational potential energy at either of the two extreme positions P and S where it is momentarily at rest (i.e. zero kinetic energy). As it swings down acrossfrom P to O. it loses part of its gravitational potential energv but gains kinetic energv as its speedincreases.At Q, the pendulum possessesboth kinetic energy and potential energy.When it reachesR. the kinetic energy of the oendulum is a maximum. The principle illustrated here is the Principle of Conservationof Energy. 3. Describequalitatively the term efficiencyas applied to a power station which converts input energyfrom fuels to useful output electricalenergy. The efficieilcy of a power station measuresthe fraction of ase,r?/electrical energy output we can obtain from the total energyinput in the form "ff Between the input and output, there are a series of energy transfers which waste energy in the form of heat to the surroundings. tr Haveyoulearntthatenergycanneitherbecreated nordestroyed, andthatit canonlybe transformed? Canyoustatethe Principle of Conservation of Energy? p ,# 50 Energy,Workand Power @2007MarshallCavendish International(S) PteLtd 4. An obiect of mass L kg at rest falls through a height of 5 m before hitting the ground. (Takeg=10ms-2) (a) \[hat is its initial gravitationalpotentialenergy? Eo:mgh:lx10x5:50J (b) 'Without calculation, what is the gain in kinetic energy when the object hits the ground (neglectingair resistance)? Explain how you arrivedat your answer. The gain in kinetic energy would be 50 J. This answer is derived using the Principle of the loss in initial gravitational potential energy equalsthe gain in kinetic energy. (c) Find the maximum speedof the object just before it hits the ground. By thePrincipleof Conservation of Energy, lossin initialgravitational potentialenergy : gain in kinetic energy t_ mgh: ,mrP.* - v.* -- ,pA .: Jzxtoxs : 10m s-twhichis themaximumspeedof theobject J. Define each of the following with an equation (using symbols that are clearly explained). (i) Kinetic energy Eu= )mfwhere { = kinetic energy(inJ), m: massof the body (in kg), and v: speedof the body (in m rt) (ii) Gravitational potential energy Er: mgh where Eo = gravitational potential energy (inI), m: mass of the body (in kg), g : accelerationdue to gravity (in m sr), and h: height raised (in m) \ \ @2OO7Marshall CavendishInternational(S) Pte Ltd PhysicsMattersWorkbookVolume1 51 ( b ) Figure6.2 showsa box of mass2 kg, initially at rest, being pulled up a smooth slopeby a 25 N appliedforce.If the distancemovedis 4 m alongthe slopeand the speedof the box at that instantis 8 m s-1,calculate surface <Figure6.2 (at rest) (i) the work done by the 26 N force, Work done= 26 x 4 =104J (ii) the gain in kinetic energy of the box, = ! *v'= I 2x82=64J Kineticenergygained zz " (iii) the gain in gravitational potential energy of the box (Take g = L0 m s-2). Gravitationalpotentialenergygained= mgh =2xl0x4sin30o=40J (iv) tUfhatdo you noticeabout the answersin (i), (ii) and (iii)? Sincethe answersin (ii) and (iii) total up to give the answerin (i), it showsthat the work done energyofthe box. tr n 52 potentialenergy? for kineticenergyand gravitational Haveyou learntthe relationships Do you know what the quantitiesm, v, g and h represent? The aboveequationsare used to calculatepotentialenergychangesnearthe Earth's surface.Do you know how to use them to calculatethe speedof a 100 kg sackof gold nuggetsjust beforeit hlts the groundif it toppleddown a hill? Energy, WorkandPower @2007MarshallCavendish International(S) Pte Ltd yourself! #"hallenge Attempt the following questions on your own. You are advised to spend no more than the time indicated. 1,. Figure 6.3 below shows the side view of a roller coastertrack. The car is releasedfrom position P. Which of the following statementsis/are true? I The total energy is the same at each of the three positions shown. il The kinetic energy of the car is greater at Q than at R. III The gravitational potential energy of the car is greater at R than at P. A I only B I and II C I and III D I,II and III (B) A boy drops a ball from a height, as shown in Figure 6.4.Ignoring the effects of air ---4. resistance,the total energYis ^$,| A B C D greatestat point L. greatestat point 2. greatestat point 3. the sameat all points. ball / o2 <Figure6.4 ( D ) o3 3, Figure 6.5 shows a car, initially at rest, rolling down a hill with its engineturned off. <Figure 6.5 A student uses ideas about energy to produce a spreadsheetto model the motion of the car. The student assumesthat there is no air resistanceor friction. The student's spreadsheetis shown inTable 6.2. (Nov02/P21Q1,2) @ 200'7Marshall Cavendish International (S) Pte Ltd PhysicsMattersWorkbookVolume1 53 The mass of the car used in the calculationsis 860 kg. Take g, the gravitational field strength,as 10 N kgr. (a) (i) Explain how the valuesfor the gravitational potential energyin column B are calculatedfrom the valuesof the height of the car in column A. The gravitational potential energy in column B is given by the product of the mass of the car, the acceleration due to gravity and the height ofthe car. (ii) Calculatethe height of the top of the hill. Heightof the car: (gravitationalpotentialenergy)/ (massof car x gravitationalacceleration) : (l I 18000J) / (860kg x l0 N/kg): 130m (b) (i) State the Principle of Conservation of Energy. ThePrincipleof Conservation of Energystatesthat energyof any systemcanbe converted from one form to anotherandno energyis lost from the system. (ii) Use this principle to explain how the values of the kinetic energy in column C were calculated from the values in column B. The total energyfor column B and C is 1 ll8 000 J. According to the Principle of Conservation of Energy,the lossin gravitationalpotentialenergyis convertedinto a gain in kinetic energy. (c) Calculatethe velocity of the car when the height of the car is zero. I kineticenergy: i *t': I t ,# 54 i l: I 118000J (s6oke)(l): I 118000J J2ffi'm s-r 50.9901 m s-r: 51.0m s-t O l l 1 80 0 0J / 4 3 0k g Energy,Workand Power (S) Pte Ltd @2007 Marshall Caveodish:trntornational