OHMIC CONTACTS TO N-TYPE INDIUM PHOSPHIDE BY P-J-TOPHAM Thesis submitted and Electrical for the degree to the Engineering, of Doctor Department University of Electronic of Surrey, of Philosophy. September 1983. SUMMARY have been studied Two methods Indium high Phosphide results to explain behaviour of than resistance reference following laser and these selenium are between Data ions correlated theory these is with has been alloying and calculations presented implanted and have been alloying to laser phenomena relating annealing. metallisation A simple contacts. (ii) and metal by furnace of the properties to contacts the on and annealed over comparable or lower The relative merits discussed with conditions. Both methods problems followed has been found of ohmic a deposited observations. experimental a range on the agreement annealing selenium techniques of forming alloying semiconductor electrical reasonable and of by a variety developed laser and electrical underlying studied the : dose implantation The structural the (i) for of the to their have produced techniques. existing two contacts methods suitable are device of applications. particular and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author throughout advice the for Jim Wilde and for and Engineering Ltd are gratefully the device Research this to Mike Hales Sanders-for acknowledged his for his their are whilst Alan I. Research financial and extending ion thanked enthusiasm of appendix and Plessey help The support to Ramish Varma, for for project. their processing Council for technicians university thanks Sealy K. G. Stephens to Thanks Ian Brian and Prof. and Particular thesis. Dr. facilities patience. Blunt thank work laboratory their to Roy this this departmental implantation to wishes and writing Hughes and The Science (Caswell) assistance. CONTENTS (1) (2) Introduction (1.1) Literature (1.2) Metal-Semiconductor (1-3) Measurement of contact Metallurgy Review laser of Experimental (2-2) Alloying (2-3) Optical (2-4) RBS observation of contacts microscopy of metal (3.2) Metallisation (3-3) Doping of of of Implantation (4.2) Annealing (4-3) Recovery by ion contact composition resistivity the semiconductor selenium (4-1) diffusion layers of alloyed Analysis Doping method theory (3.0 Annealing resistivity alloying (2.1) Properties contacts implants details methods of damage implantation (5.1) Measurement (5-2) Electrical (5-3) Summary of doping techniques results by implantation (6) Measurements on contacts (6.1) Non-linear (6.2) Ohmic alloyed contacts (6-3) Ion implanted contacts Discussion contacts and Conclusions (7-1) Discussion of laser (7.2) Discussion of implantation (7-3) Comparison of contacts (7-4) Conclusions (7.5) Further alloying work References Appendices I: II Devices : Material fabricated properties of InP results results 1 (1) INTRODUCTION The aim of making in ohmic this to contacts InP compared using 1.1.1, section together fabricating devices in in section shown entirely improved 1.1.2 a deposited heavily or to metal doped techniques ohmic and the following contact resistivity. metallurgical layer. laser section 2.2 alloying. measurements in three. The results effects Again aspects of the of of of ion these implantation. the of a experimental presented two chapters damage and the a and problems these 1.2 to devoted metal are with model . with the of its a in The presented the particularly four the the with observations chapters deals thin measuring simple samples in form deposited a irradiated irradiate for deals two to section Chapter not this in are implantation, are to for methods and are basis explained derivation on the annealing, first for account electrical chapter the to two and three irradiating of is them solutions to use a laser reviews Chapters and includes to formation to methods theoretical in problem contacts existing in devices of major implantation The (1-3) section effects pulsed ion of summarised results possible was either contact laser of that two employ surface of technique here ohmic making The investigated are A properties. InP is satisfactory. problem semiconductors methods The advantages Phosphide. some experimental with these is other two novel study Indium n-type with utilising it has been to work and five. physical removal by 2 latter chapter measurements upon the The annealing. electrical The final the chapter each of the two relating to laser with the the for in contacting alloyed two techniques contacts formed specifically appendix is 7.2. is by related aim ion to in of this contacts to the 2,3,6.1 7.1. the of follow sections and The use of 4,5, 6.2 ion and 6.3 and merits of relative devices some study, As these are results have been they are 7-3. chapter implantation. ohmic simpler chapters A discussion in methods chapters chapter covered both all placed had not in I. (1.1)Literature Review (1.1.1)Advantages of Indium has Phosphide properties compared advantages with (i) in and contacts separately, are to be found the not methods contacts contacts by made may be found contained chapter Although As it the contains layers. annealed contacts six. discussion implantation discussed the on in assembled five) has been to make ohmic objective measurements (chapter Both support Indium with gallium Phosphide many It shares and these InP and GaAs have the Gunn oscillations. in advantages silicon. arsenide devices correct are fundamental some of these : band structure to 3 (ii) The low field InP and GaAs than in greater (iii) and peak electron mobility Whereas direct are silicon. has an indirect silicon compounds have in velocity bandgaps these bandgap, is which III-V for useful optical devices. (iv) It widely is varying the was optical with GaAs, these in (ii) of developing the devices are advantages are GaAs development advantages now widely of Gunn out in microwave by shown InP. importance. assumed used of and InP and compared are:. The ratio greater other oscillators for spurred the Further systems. (i) reason have GaAs result, microwave reason same Only more recently As a simple. original the subsequently form heterostructures epitaxial upon InP and GaAs. properties to The ability diodes to grow possible the of InP than peak to in valley velocity electron is GaAs. The InP peak electron is velocity higher than that of GaAs. (iii) The thermal conductivity of InP is than greater that of GaAs. (iv) InP than (v) and hole The electron for Dielectrics be deposited ionisation rates are lower for GaAs. yielding onto InP. low interface state densities can 4 These advantages with to regard the improvements The velocity of conductivity. enabled InP for be will Semiconductor The ion-implanted dB at GaAs associated gain 6 dB for of the (6) of this have GHz which InP FET's GaAs devices. which power even lower might frequency cut-off GaAs (2) this has ( due to been results (5) noise figures are same was 7.5 dB on InP Metal of 2.4 8 GHz dB to but geometry, at the observed identical almost the of performances in have given has sensitivity. the compared GaAs device. rates given an efficiency level recent are an important These have been fabricated and with most higher the with The and efficiency superior (1). InP than MESFET's the The ionisation devices. 12 the in together exhibit ) (MESFET's) FET's at 8 GHz and 3.5 in velocity (3,4). experimentally with higher peak electron greater to GaAs devices similar InP devices. temperature reduced detail, in more factor This, oscillators to bring an important and Gunn with FET's they oscillators. thermal compared is ratio diode Gunn now be discussed will peak pulse of 14% which An advantage be important level a Gunn oscillator noise level. parameter for by ion-implantation of 5W at power outputs is of in a similar the is some applications, is an alternative into InP 10.8 GHz to efficiency InP device IMPATT the that low noise although which at has an 5 It been found has recently a low density creating (7). semiconductor Insulator of This makes comparable manner mode FET's with (MISFET's) frequency a good low of 16 GHz have been reported (8). the gate in MESFET's due to the low an insulator under barrier diodes. should be useful the InP has suppression the is for of to inferior greater very shallow traps traps might is InP, than the channel which noise figure Noise oxide to cause (13) and the application InP charge-coupled low best devices propagation paralleling device (CCD) delay of partly by and these deposition. the surface of mode MISFET's have mobilities five (12) are opening fabricated the has up the The simplest gates. MOS structures which 8 GHz (8) be introduced at logic limit is dielectric channel power to interface has been entirely inverter, an silicon speed, and the of 8 dB at enhancement gate devices GaAs act invertion strong The those'of Schottky conductivity semiconductor the leakage which may also a The use of n-InP for in a as well, GaAs MESFET's and this best by improving of high possibilities Another thermal (10,11). greater substrate a high GaAs, and as a result been fabricated gate, the at (4) FET's in an insulated of of length. gate possible unlike logic the of be reduced also times in of voltage the gate of problem height power The reported that the It InP high domains (9). barrier breakdown advantages current due to The high the overcomes and Depletion on silicon. as cut-off InP InP performance frequency onto of Metal formation using MOSFET's fabricated to dielectric the possible FET's Semiconductor the between states S'02 to deposit possible gate on an InP was 350 on silicon been is ps. the operated 6 sucessfully (14). and higher speed: The the advantages test InP are of device lower had a frequency dark current limit of over InP (15) which 50 MHz. Light diodes emitting have a narrow doubler phosphors which greater interest is InP substrates lasers Both and for the the uniformity possible for opening integrating them InP FET's In all contact required. only the is devices The specification resistance. to keep. been most on wavelength systems. with The A promising. by ion-implantation is in on one substrate, (18). devices is which ohmic In unwanted above devices least at two ohmic (TED's, MISFET's) devices the layers (16,17). to be reported produced of implanted photodiodes mentioned IMPATT oscillators oscillators, necessary of have and photodetectors and for material micron area formation contact The unipolar An communication GaAlAs optoelectronic required to n-type parasitic LED's with as has been done with (1-1.2)Ohmic were 1.3 optic layers response frequency exciting light. of junction p/n in of GaInAsP quaternary fibre n-type produce and photo blue-green manufacture for for suitable growth photodetectors to width produce InP and quaternary beryllium can also line spectral be produced the area contact large signal dissipation this are contacts thesis. includes operation and LASERs the power in ohmic contacts require studied always one a such as Gunn low resistance to low a minimum. is In 7 small signal is resistance contacts for required are (e-g- such as that operation often 300'C for TED's) The conventional and GaAs is the on the dopant. be obtained a thin Contact As far resistance of the heavily doped layer. process and rapid diffusion diffuse interface between to dope metal the : InP usually a eutectic a for InP is out must the best with be and of metal the is the not the dopant germanium chapter method The adequate. is a certainly contacts InP to well can occur on the at conventional the can Alloyed in reported dissolve solution ohm. cm2 explained alloyed metal of on resistivity and semiconductor restrictions the higher contacts is and- (19,20). perfectly with melt germanium n-type heat concentration 10-6 InP concerned The dissolution places a high reasons to seem the semiconductor somewhat difficulties because During of around on (21,22) would The a problem. of InP suitable a recrystallises method as n-type parasitic to form- for to both contacts and incorporating InP have ohm-cm2 contacts contact Ias area, p-type). layer resistivities this of making not temperatures containing and Zn for n-type substrate by 10-4 1.2-2. in ohmic layer metal semiconductor to p-type contacts about In addition at high defined of making a dissolves metal regrowing the be stable closely method Ge for down cooling of to and by alloying (e. g. the cycle speed and low noise. required low and photodiodes in'FET's. example, dopant high of FET's occur form controlled in resulting (21). metals and gold and dissolve the a The need used is the for the employed InP and a commonly either Tin has been also A major gold. InP at with above ohmic with to alloy the advantages to inhibit balling and better (28,29). which It should be would for GaAs, this aluminium type to is is analysed successful on short laser heating in edges these alloyed high The in greater resistivity point melting the also , contact a cycle to smoother results to use high GaAs, is Possible (27). lower Based on for leading anneal reacts also laser. smoother alloy been used for (26). pulsed the InP furnace alloys without encouraging the results to contacts InP are thesis. A standard silicon the to measurements in presented is be possible into photo-engraved producing decomposing. semiconductor of diffuses reported that are reaction interface a with violent silver the metallisation during difficult but agent. conjunction has also already with alloying dopant its a diffuse problems, in rapidly (25) interface the of in retention reached solubility Silver-tin up of metal-semiconductor temperature (24). metal furnace over surfaces and gold these contact is gold (23), InP resulting (19) dopant using "wetting" added as a to Gunn oscillators An approach will 400*C temperature contacts strongly with problem is as the used around this or indium nickel technique production implant evaporated in the (30) GaAs on a heavily forming next as the for doped surface a field section. large ohmic emission This barrier layer onto method which of the not very means that contact, height to contacts is 9 high very contact carrier much problem damage. InP the in encapsulation electrical activity are the carried is implantation of (5,39)- FET's surface the of give Low carrier contact InP limited can a low donors concentration resistivity produce resistance liquid of of the alloyed contact contacts. have carrier in (38). growth used have been used is implants (37) holes/cm3 been as this than maximum has already (5,40) silicon Acceptors epitaxial a sufficiently ohmic 1018 the when the (36). and or hot, mobilities phase implants (35) room temperature the have precentage However, around ions similar most marked but namely Sulphur greater is InP to energy a temperature into results with at significantly the agreement give to or provision donor (32), 750*C. around InP, (37) Si N4 or 3 Silicon the out decomposition in of One techniques this A range implanted an elevated implanted concentration Ion at Similar ions two and this other out been have to GaAs. (32) has electron anneal cause are three whether layers of also All to need low reported. required (34). these temperatures annealing either InP, high being prevent S'02 pressure into (33). to implantation obtaining the manner either over Selenium implanted is used donor 1019/cm3 over The temperatures using been implanted for well a similar a phosphorus in to achieve necessary by InP success on GaAs are used are of ion-implantation of radiation those greater (31), concentrations of Doping resistivity. produced of concentrations to thought Donor to make raise the to reduce implantation high carrier concentration (see section 1.2) without to the 10 need for in alloying designed for can be controlled of non alloyed horizontal creep. to ability self the is (1-2) the source high (1-2-1) The Schottky Several authors be should derived from Om and an affinity electron levels Fermi contact given OB and the with of InP as a FET some with 1.1a) are 1.1b). work brought For of work function into function 0. contact and the to the semiconductor xs given can be a rectifying the metal is references OM > OS . potential contacts quantities useful when a metal : from these analysis 1ý diffusion and is capacitance semiconductor metal complete (fig. The barrier by =0m- (fig. coincide ensues. dealt semiconductor XS the by use of model situation n-type and mode MISFET the regions performance However, a simple case contacts more consulted. the for fully. have a enhancement parasitic frequency of diffusion vertical and drain reduces to be utilised and for the without dimensions accuracy allows of Metal-Semiconductor (41,42,43) is case align if essential material the as a mask greatly metal gate In greater with as melting contacts, the In addition much can be which temperatures at high a dopant. a allows metallisation, stability metallurgical contact of choice the need to incorporate the This metallisation. the in freedom greater the by 11 vd bias (T2 exp A* where is ohmic contact Ionically simple to the should bonded model. the Richardsons modified result on n-type for the As a result barrier n-type height InP. (42) the and The depletýon example by region in (fig. of the an 1.1c). to this surfaces of Si, GaAs, InP) are states. pins has very virtually then ZnS, conform (e. g. of surface metal 0m<0s semiconductor properties semiconductors density if theory Schottky This surface. given constant 1-5 simple However, by a high controlled 1-4 semiconductors, bonded covalently e4B) kT 47r e M*e k2 h3 A*= According 1-3 charge external j0=A* -over barrier exp K-kT )-11 electronic V= the le vjý I JO e emission (41) density a current gives by thermionic transport Current 1-2 OB =0m- the little Fermi level effect at the on the all metals form a barrier to the semiconductor under the 12 metal be can obtain obtained Hence the For termed current over occurs produces a semiconductor permittivity is width 1-7 doped material flow (figs. increases, the is field and this well an effectively is in to permit in tunnelling and fig. occurs termed field either direction ohmic width contact. is by thermionic As & 1.2b). depletion emission flow current 1.2a enough illustrated the equally the the barrier thermionic barrier and OB can become thin concentrations the ND of e2 ND concentration barrier to 1-6 depletion EsE0 lightly emission equation 2esco doping ,'=ý., (41) 2ND (X-W)2 a uniform ESC-0 - Poisson-s barrier: a parabolic EM =8 for by integrating the top the near tunnelling position 1.2c. At high through the bottom (figs. of the this : the emission. carrier is of maximum Field 1-2a carrier 10% of emission & 1.2b) and 13 (1-2.2) Ohmic contacts To be useful be capable that the is of It is defining desirable that the v PC so that specific V is the semiconductor incremental drop alone, J these contact dominated requires the (ii) (iii) Uv) (v) the the by formation in Alloy contact reverse can be used a contact the resistivity 1.8 0 is which is the not through density current to attributable the characteristics a field is emission of a heavily following doped metal the the surface ways implantation Diffusion laser and electron semiconductor necessary regrowth Pulse of part and same contact Epitaxy Ion active forward For-such drop a voltage 6A. To achieve (i) the should contact V-0 voltage area can be achieved with across polarities. 6A, where current voltage supply is parameter required similar to both connection an ohmic the with also are fabrication the supplying characteristics for device compared small device. in beam alloying and layer. this This 14 common technique The most which relies metal (which include may active electrically doped layer may also it implants by furnace has regions. deposited without compound necessary can a very It to mV was to The for Pulse expression substituted dose ion doped not used temperatures electron and dopant the is a metal is laser under influence that is high and metallisation for The calculations bias, voltage. reverse into current the and reverse this equality To obtain density expression employed, in for reverse currents extends to voltage The result are small from resistivity a bias - Stratton concentrations were performed forward applied is emission carrier and on flow current Padovanni of doping surface the for field for approximation zero of used contact for if high the of (44). heavily Diffusion the an high result as theory "ohmic" an reverse and epitaxy thin contacts the barrier at anneal A heavily phase treatment. expression that the incorporating create devices. in (45). 4.1018/cm3. noting their heat calculate a reasonable or ohmic a furnace to activate semiconductors period their forward cases to semiconductor Only and (31) regrowth metallisation. possible the Schottky equal found by melting a bias, grown diffusion useful of liquid rapid through excess by achieve resistivity. is be n-type contact which the further short is (46). and of detrimental are solubility for regrowing annealing both In beams during (20) dissolving semiconductor of component been Recently alloy a dopant), epitaxially subsequently with on amount on a small is InP of W was then 15 into substituted A second of the bias For agreement was voltage. The results presented in used are given the obtained 1.3 figure in concentrations. contact resistivity than would The in result (1-3-1) levels means parasitic of are effective of a gives the ohm. cm2 whilst same hole 10-4 about p-InP less are to contacts non-alloyed of practical 1019 electrons/cm3 obtained'in given mass for resistivity contact InP, n-type The agreement resistivities 10-6 are n-GaAs to n-InP. and bias The constants with for bias p-InP resistance. contact resistance and resistivity Techniques The contact semiconductor alone. can be rewritten PC = has previously resistivity of a contact resistance example, doping which Measurement For a highest a high contact good lower mV InP. comparison height low the 10 for constants about in results 1019 holes/cm3 (1-3) (1-8), of for (47) Sze and barrier in carrier ohm. cm2 . For linearity the presented, and p-type II. identical results concentration n-type appendix The small reasonable. InP for resistivity. check results calculatios by Changjang calculated n-type the the to concentrations with of as n-GaAs has almost is carrier for a value 100 mV was tried of voltage contact. values 1.8 yielding equation not attributable Contact for 11M I Rc.BA 1 6A- 0 linear been defined to the defined resistivityRc, contacts resistance in as of the the equation as 1-9 16 for which with a contact density current uniform to simplifies pc = Rc. A types Two distinct dealt the with bulk flows of the semiconductor, (fig. the bulk (48) Strack top is plane semiconductor. contacts LP-C = of flow resistance is In several the vertical method are contact to of surfaces principally diameters one of the first third term the For + term the the the smaller than denoted by RS , is ps 2d is resistance is term f-d4L) Arctan f -Ls 7rd 7rd2 where readily. the on both formed & Cox of deposited the on ground shown to be : Rfoial second current layer. are contacts and current and the one substrate the when flow 1-4a) of through vertically secondly surface current techniques flows be will measurement current and a thin Vertical wafer resistance when the through these through contact firstly (1-3-2) the of :- laterally In 1.10 the of spreading common case contact the back Rr resistance contact resistance of the thickness sample given + plus which contact the required and the wiring. The can be calculated diameter spreading being much resistance, by 1-12 17 hence, 4pc Rtotal - let 7rd2 Ri Rs; = - Rtotal Ri=i hence 7r a plot intercept Ps Pc arrangement in effect the resistance in equivalent the in addition probe in small, approximately 0-37ps -'ý For both techniques negligible (e. g. of bulk varying on the back contact, not the previous semiconductor surface the effect which requires is only the the error the of Hence accurately. method removes the However, fixed contacts to and partially resistance. is the The resistance identical a probe resistivity diameter contact are an and 2 I/d Ri vs. plotting by this given 4 pc / 7r of measurement calculated For small semiconductor. a slope 1-4b was developed. of the be obtained is for geometry cannot the circuit spreading the yields figure the resistance Pc need of resistivity is 1/d2 any effect of because 1-14 An error shown resistance Rr vs. the but analysis removes interface show up as a curve To avoid values Ri of the , + d2 of Rr. would 1-13 + Rr + Rs valid use in of if spreading the the low contact contact spreading resistivity resistivity by d 1-15 the metallisation by ele. ctroplating resistance gold). can be made 18 (1-3-3) Lateral technique This structures. layer epitaxial InP. A is of is mesa potential on distance, as shown, give the structure often etched are of width of the 1-5) to ensure end on fingers Vc. on an semi-insulating 1 and spacing back potential fabricated perpendicularcurrent w, length sampling device planar is Rs grown and extrapolated contact testing (fig. resistivity each to suited sheet The contacts flow. well typical A flow current to is against plotted the to end contact The contact The s. is resistance simply Rc- = VC/I 1-16 The sheet Rs=m. w/I where m is resistivity (1-3-4) the epitaxial 1 slope is area, of not, the graph in general, be derived will The transmission A simplified length and layer by given 1-17 which by the multiplied is resistance planar width of line contact w, negligible and of (fig in 1-5)the the model consists of contact thickness contact next (TIM) The sheet resistance section. metallisation resistivity and contact /Oc resistivity of on an RB 19 (fig. 1.6). and current V(x) under il. ax- cOsh characteristic z= ý Rspc -L w attenuation are situation by given Z. sinh by the the voltage and has shown that : ax1.18 V2 /Z sinh -ax- this has modelled 1.6b) contact the where and the the = V, cosh i2 (fig line transmission lossy (49,50) Berger 1-19 c( x impedance is given by : 1-20 constant is Rs 1-21 ce PC For '2 ý 0,, an end contact planar then test (fig. structure defined and V, may be measured The contact 1-5)- using resistance the is : RC = 1i,Vil 1-22 i -0 :F hence Rc =Z The term For For coth al controls al<0.5, aI>2, 1-22a a1 the Rc a i/d, Rc= Z, resistance contact PC=Rcwd = cRc W2 Rs 2 as follows: 1-23 1-24 20 from substituting (1-17) eqn. and noting VC/Ic m= 1-25 Pc = Rs w ic lc The length the is the Furthermore as a consequence contact length contact resistance. specific contact not the in achieved the specific contact junctions). drain contacts the planar width. contact the contact must the 3-3) width as in this turn rapid of be neglected. for devices the Hence in which Gunn devices', predicts be current fraction design the can vertical such as the useful In met. devices, gate at high (49) (e. g. the which Berger the bulk FET, particularly is through. may meaningful a introduced parameter is planar resistance This error by be a small only for of per unit is the is However resistance depth melt beam annealed (section -In in evaluate be shown that will doping region. melted to it melts to been used under unlikely of resistivity flow current is the improvement noted resistivity constant. extending and electron a condition level thickness semiconductor laser semiconductor as the measurement, for if contact were (1.221 method has often altered, and a interface equation sheet high the of show no significant However, the where of resistivity semiconductor diffusion the This be significantly cases the 21c will (25). layers that beyond length contact throughout density current metal effective source p-n and is parameter the affects parasitic performance, frequencies. termed the resistance end resistivity (eqn. 1.22) and has multiplied the by the value of contact PAGE NUMBERING AS ORIGINAL 22 Vac.ley .1 Ec EF EFý 777/777 cu S U-j metal In-type Ev s/c b Vd ee., E Ec F EF Ev EF ///// I '//" (0 orn) e (X, e - Ec ---EF Ev Fig. 1.1 Contact between metal and semiconductor 23 Thermionic emission a forwardbias Thermionic field emission EF Field emission EF 7 b Thermionicenission bias reverse Thermionic ffeld emission Field emission EF EF Fig. 1-2a,b Current transport mechanisms Dominant transport current Thermionic IT-F I r: -I-i 1 *8 m *6 -4 a2 01016 id"n/crrf-1 10 is id, Fig.1-2cPosition of maximumtransrWisslionthrough barrier 24 lu -4 4r, lo-5 Ob=)0-4 00--% c**. ýj Li 10-6 Qý lo-7 10 18 19 10 np 20 10 cm-3) Fig.1-3 Specific contact resistivity to n-InP p-InP n-GaAs after ref-47 25 1< d >1 II s/c resistivity= PS R, = backcontact resistance Fig. 1.4a Arrangement to measure contact method of Cox & Strack. resistance by the I (1)3 (2) Rmeta[ Rc additional probe Rs ýRr Fig. 1-4b Modified resistance, to measure contact the resistance of the back contact. eliminating arrangement 26 V__ HSH It 4. 180ym 41. 4 40ym H--*i x k 2k Fig-1-5 Arrangement planar to measure contact resistance structure. on a 27 ViT TV2 /OC 12 PS x-=O Fig. . 1.6a Contact structure Yv modelled by the TLM method. t v . Gdx Rdx >1 i, 12 x=O Fig. 1.6b Equivalent circuit of the contact used in thelanalysis. 28 (2) METALLURGY OF LASER ALLOYING two The following irradiating to the test before metal, the experimental Three types was bulk grown, on side boiling in table donor into 2.1 with was repeated Tin An in sizes the and also the res. > 10 deposited electrical by were the substrates for study its which layer ohm. cm (100) of After used are and so gold the a electrical was found silver of nickel, listed combining can be used for of by were cleaned simplicity, on GaAs (50) A composition 7 the manufacturer. was chosen a previous these crystal single The metallisations additional on InP. deals chapter on solvents. connection a metallic measurements. beneficial . one suitable organic some experimental 16 3 7cm 2.10 5.1 015 n= - the cleaved a and n-1018/cm3 Fe doped semi-insulating, being This method have beeen employed, (iii) polished laser. method Undoped n-type, orientation ruby of InP. substrate material effects The next model. alloying, Sn doped n-type, (ii) All of with measurements laser underlying (2-1) (i) together electrical the experimental the of after and of properties in the with principally the process validity a pulsed with of the of model mathematical metal details contains chapter data deposited a investigate chapters to be practice and germanium 29 is used in already InP, will which germanium to achieve the one pump down of being the were stuck samples n-type Ni-Au-Ge by hence gold with (i. e. to in glass entire by photoengraving in in lift-off photo the the the and wax case of of case The InP). then were in metal named with Contacts case out "Apiezon-W" with surface. In the first contact slides density was carried the low a energy density. energy absorbed the has it the reducing and alloying as vacuum system, samples or layer metallisation, their over metallised top laser of case laser between deposition first evaporated on the with a given multi-layer the to GaAs and contact an ohmic comparison the as compared reflectivity of In was deposited form direct a allow alloying. conventional required to industry defined the Sn and the Sn-Ag metallisation. The samples ruby (wavelength laser otherwise laser were then stated quartz beam to produce with profile a further incident of 'Ismearing large energy scale the sample density monitor on an energy entire the beam out" of 4-5% over aperture. of properties energy density somewhat integrating The small Unless duration. the the sample density larger the scale as one sample than irradiance variations has areas with As a scale. energy that The area. profile on a smaller the density energy uniform non-uniformity is Q-switched a using was used to homogenise approximately beam has a Gaussian variations of an air 25 ns pulse wave guide uniformity non-homogenised result 694 rim) of a in irradiated density measured over cause irradiated by the a 30 with a the range results those with the the the homogenised tin surplus removed using It alloy laser insoluble Table beam, anneals. photoengraving. following laser multi-mode later all alloying in the densities. energy with for adopted different of was not beam are hence less the these the same for due to either the tin than homogeniser as had the for the remove formation or was samples etchants to possible reasons accurate The semi-insulating presumeably etchants For Ag-Sn of silver. 2-1 Su bst rate Sn doped Undoped Fe doped (n+) (n) (SO Metalrisaýtion lisa i 1000 A Sn 2000 A Sn 010 101010 1000 A Sn+1500 A Ag 101010 50 Ä Ni + 1000 Ä Au +400 Ä Ge 111 0 an 31 (2-2) theory Alloying The processes by explained in parameter is the during occurring a simple mathematical which diffusion length is which given and the to be used ID 2-1 of the pulse is given diffusivity thermal are &t duration time important The conditions by K 2-2 PS where It is capacity K thermal p density S specific found vary that only conductivity heat the slowly ( KKT T 300 300 n ) capacity values can be described conductivity be may by : IDD, where At= alloying model. boundary considering thermal laser with of density and temperature by an equation of heat specific but the the form thermal (82) 2-3 32 temperature T= where = 1.2 for conBtant K300 ý thermal Using when irradiated melting the typical the with the bulk during is, surface the laser after length sample et. the the except for range, given incident R= metallisation In this the Ke temperatures much only the case the is surface initial the at than less temperature rise 0-5 2-4 reflectivity is given by 2-5 subtrate temperature assumed to be mean thermal independant conductivity over of temperature the temperature by (53) Ke where are is InP the at density energy Tp = TM + Ts Ts = initial constants is (52) al. temperature peak surface where All ei= microns remaining I 161t Tm -ý 2 ei (1 - R) 7r? S Ke where 0.5 length 25 ns duration of 0.4 mm therefore pulse. Liau pulse diffusion of the of diffusion thermal re and about thermal thickness the laser room temperatu at sample temperature Q-switched a 300K at II appendix Hence the point. heated at with 1.0 microns about conductivity from constants InP the = N/KS subscripts respectivly. Kp 2-6 "s" and "p" Employing refer to equation the initial (2.3) and peak and rearranging 33 gives : 0-5 mm Ts TP Tm =21-R where It m=n/2 be in possible, the after n "(300 300 s* 7r should temperatures that noted Liau, start of to the Tm H/ the of excess after T= 2-7 the semiconductor the calculate is equation melting temperature not valid point. It at for is alsc t, time, a given pulse: At ) +Ts ;t<At 2-8 ý T=T,, By setting the two solutions the metal is temperature times melt hence the the surface required the in metallisation time the Again molten. difference the parameter melt readily depth. observed (53) thermal diffusion layer to bring are to be at the This calculation much greater a uniform surface to the is is period is during relies on the temperature. point peak point. estimate the which the an than for solving that melting sufficiently the melting and is restriction calculated length +Ts ; t>&t point melting must not exceed the semiconductor A further semiconductor [t / At -1] [t / At T to 0-5 ý of fact the that duration pulse to consider The energy density great has been calculated 34 let previously, to melt available depth, it I is xf AHf is (i) the Significant Vaporisation (iii) Thermal have heated of the metal achieve melt 2-9 latent the layer point a temperature rise metal in the the heat of fusion. as an upper limit as is to absorb There the Tr semiconductor layer molten the modified is Es + cm ein d Tr 1-R and/or i. e. all the liquid same temperature reduce semiconductor. melting Ei = to act metal the the conditions is thickness gradient these the these energy have been neglected: has been assumed to be at of Under above may be regarded metal (ii) effect . further all Ef specific factors Each of Therefore by : calculated following tf semiconductor. ei- (1-A)äHf p , The value the the given Xf = where be denoted given melted some of are three energy thickness. layer the energy cases density : which firstly required The would below to by : 2-10 35 where cm = metal and calculated density pm= metal density d= thickness metal the is es heat specific Above Es +cm Ei Z Finally, the For the place gold-germanium calculations melting semiconductor, the point energy which are latent heat 2-11 of fusion melting point : 2-12 1+AHfxfp 2-11 eq n. silver-tin takes forms, metal semiconductor (1-R)fi=I reaction the the ein dTr + äHm pmd 1-R AHm= metal above For the to heat reqired is required where density energy previously. capacity melts has it metallisation between the layer it has been about 30C. at summarised in metals, figures been hence assumed The 2.1,2.2 assumed they that results and 2.3. melt the of that no separately. eutectic all the 36 (2-3) Optical microscopy The samples to microscopy in contacts, laser the to in a change the masking steps (i. e. gaps gap devices, and as FET's) the ruin the so increased gradually topull-back" becoming j/cm2 the metal has not of back pulled The surrounding rippled. under the under the it suggest edges the should melt at has this accurate with It not melted energy to density (fig. melted clear more the 0.38 of 2.4c). and is The finely as has the the whether InP InP The calculations but with 0-ý5 j/cm2 have a similar is and density or not. predict the becomes extent density fine with mottled changes is in subsequent energy finely any significant contact. contact alloyed to contacts from to bridge alloying InP has obviously whole sufficiently contacts of the is problem structures At an energy more serious. shows of melting between laser the becoming metal appearance the 2 J/cm. 0-33 2-4b) sufficiently As 2 is J/cm 0.14 a serious For maintained. can flow of tin metallisation alignment device. the with is phenomenon metal to pronounced not be cannot the by the InP nor hypothesis of precise tin or less j/cm2 (fig. micrograph The This edges. fabricating and the "pull-back" by the the density energy contrast unaffected of 0.096 neither metallisation. supported deposited laser tin were density density A the squares, energy energy melt. to melt calculated further an phase The 2000 A thick roughness. 200 micron of At this expected the form Nomarski using surface using 2.4a). contacts examined highlight alloying (fig is were of the model is certainty. The appearance, and 37 it is only after clearly visible melting of alloying the through The InP-Sn from At a laser energy density j/cm2 the surface is laser alloying 2.5b) although polish lines InP where are (fig pits is surface pits is energy density increases the 2 the J/cm surface is almost completely energy density At surface the increasing visible in allowing ripples greater for the in are reflectivity be alloy regrowth. due to the fine ripples 0.55 j/cm2 and further ripples energy with the to in results and pits j/cm2 0.38 due to 2.5d) the of covered 2 J/cm 0.75 the highest to is fine (fig. concluded of by very depth and this is (fig. smooth frequency density to still during whether After InP. so are density the clearly of 0.92 even larger. behaviour the tin energy density At are roughness the a micrograph. Similar but covered energy ripples the textured or whether a by the laser a Increasing in j/cm2 The pits 0.096 and appeared is surface the completely increasing have dissolved clear. results the of 2-5a) of untreated pits the on has been removed. been overlapping not that fine majority tin has 2.5c). that clearly 2 (fig. J/cm to j/cm2 more the all 0-058 identical seen visible. 0.33 are 2.4d)confirming still Increasing and at the which of 0.14 with be can samples deep ripples place. interface semi-insulating that j/cm2 (fig. contact InP has taken the 0.75 with is greater of the shown by the silver-tin contacts, thermal mass silver. Up to an energy of the contact and the density of 38 0.27 j/cm2 little The first contacts. density of j/cm2 fine deeper 2. J/cm rippling of the highest surface the of from metal 0.92 evidence back from an energy have an with dark 0.33 alloying micrograph in At . 2 the J/cm important "pull-back" that the of visible, for 0.92 at appearance. One not become observed rippled. can be maintained germanium agreement fine so densities energy is the marked deposited 2 J/cm to (fig. 2.6b) of are much smoother and the j/cm2 colour with which InP is little purple coloration is energy be taken. density (fig 2.6c) of 0.38 clearly j/cm2 showing the pulled calculated to back and results in from absent AuGe at unfortunatly results an the occurs pull surface of 2 J/cm change A similar The of 0.20 phase in again The pitting formation of j/cm2 and has severely A second 0.27 micrographs. the density of 2.6a), model. energy edges. purple attractive theoretical 0.096 only (fig. be visible to be due to At a laser density with the presumed strongly require contacts to with The contacts melt. is edges alloying phase. is very gold of surface metal is and 1.54 is to 0.55 ripples 1.24 of energy increases change contact laser and less. j/cm2 eutectic phase the edges of a these occurs, becomes grossly structures reasonable the at density densities composite the at evident energy surface deposited The nickel for except become much smoother contacts the lithographic As the energy the advantage-of is A second contacts laser seen change the 2. J/Cm when the j/cm2 phase 0.33 0.75 at is change alloying after laser allowing the relativly a 39 smooth surface energy density formation suspected the increasing in results 1.24 fairly irradiance laser (fig. but untreated are for material the to 0.75 j/cm2 the j/cm2 by the with Further RBS. by j/CM2 0.92 and energy densities contacts are of still from the identical to InP of waves and surface correlates observed swamped were visible. j/cm2 taken , is substrate in j/cm2 to progressivly the as might agreement calculations energy densities up to 0.20 had obviously melted, be fine evidence of to melt and the Increasing produces fine very just are pits appearance. laser ripples these The at 0.38 more pronounced with increasing alloying maximum irradiance shows the be expected of found the as the metal InP marked a to density clearly become ripples density energy J/cm2- the contacts of existence between previous 1.54 of examination clearly is of the become laser 0.27 at had energy and of no signs although contacts the J/cm2-. visible alloying 2 J/cm . The optical interface Very calculated for visible laser is by etching, exposed contacts metal alloying up to a roughened as and 1.54 interface, The metal-InP 0.33 in substrate. surrounding Although Increasing At the highest contacts. 2-6d) smooth NiP laser the back. which contact of smooth j/cm2 change the of pull j1CM2 results 0-55 to contraction severe from and freedom and these section. and two major InP melt. observations The metal-InP phase changes Qualitative and calculations the make 40 simplifying several for the exact phase densities the In particular metal the and are changes energy so the assumptions only could from evidence the the micrographs. from of the appearance interface exposed etch be derived the Furthermore approximate. not derived densities energy was remaining in not complete agreement. (2-4) RBS observation Once the remaining to those close is elements of Because However poor. were He+ ions a take angle laser j/cm2 impurity substrate, not a significant it but expected germanium Ni-Au-Ge less 0.27 were detector this lower in the in the energy lack the for edge After densities levels the the indium. is laser (fig. position backscattered the of metal diffusion at of of melting molten no gold spectrum than 150 - Increasing Unfortuneatly latter 1.5mm and of energy from contact. very indium significant regrowth j1CM2 results of with with is the size a spot no any The experimental 1000A. metallisation alloy for germanium. of up to indium. the from separated InP, by Rutherford for sensitivity correlates peak occurs are mass of barrier there process to atomic 1.5 MeV with at seems that a slight for depths surface This density energy from or present. the the the alloying of 0.20 2-7) to observed the is gold for conditions off the the off be can and tin silver can be resolved and so has been etched components (RBS). Back Scattering diffusion metal metal indiffused remaining of ions in the 41 so matrix definite no of germanium is concentration A high melts. could be low resistivity contacts. the InP is which Further increasing j/cm2 does result in The doping effect other interesting peak which feature as the two materials strongly react phospherous at the because of the Gold is this in present the that does in similar of the contacts in of this measuremment with large The nickel a small peak corresponding to to due the length is large is present (fig. at The higher 2-9). Again from these spectra. near to the surfaces of less it than as a diffusion GaAs (53). background is not certain. identification is acting these samples. resolved can be to high concentrations to 2.8) energy corresponding of Nip is possible nickel 0.38 6.1020/CM3. around spectrum is at the surface these samples but the diffusion may be to the InP (fig. into of 0.45 j/cm2 and 0.55 j/cm2 identification no positive but of nickel energy densities energy density of such a high concentration. exhibits surface indium, high concentration the laser of this The spectrum to the InP than the down closer at the a backscattered occurs the surface. effect for necessary is not known so no inference gold drawn on the electrical germanium into concentration of the InP diffused diffusing gold a peak impurity producing doped layer a not above 400 C and the gold was laid germanium. as such The gold has still surprising for spectrum energy density impurity to produce a heavily expected A high made. the At this of an concentration in present 0.33 j/cm2- with sample alloyed be can confirmation No 1000A. barrier germanium as it can However, due to the poor sensitivity regard to germanium, sufficient be 42 to concentrations being without 0.92 j/cm2 is these following etch an the 2.10) more than 1 the large, the micron the In The the Germanium on substrate remains substrate melts expected, but layer in phosphide. At 21/cm3 which electrical still suggest or yield diffusion is most solid the to 1.54 the InP 2-3) is into some 1.54 30% about near and are coefficients At the behaviour complex no to an high properties. be thin expected of the in process is the gold j/cm2 of surface and possibly by the to have surface. the the indium is reduced Nickel place. rapidly gold a remains When be thin The at dissolved dramatic the as might formation is Gold When the alloyed. layer. surface role densities energy might takes important concentrations laser diffuse not a of when alloying does gold confined plays high diffusion 21,3 6.10 7cm the (section liquid gold. during gold. InP is melt the of indium the summary, surface lengths about concentration. to accomodate the and movement is concentration estimated diffused depth that combined 1.24 of deeply gold possible be removed densities has the be chemically may not energy gold diffusion inhibiting nickel laser is It acting. nickel but and 1000A deep indicating compound and so could considering although the the 0.75 of 2.9) than less still anneals resistant (fig. j/cm2 6.10 is At the highest etch. to restricted barrier irradianceB (fig. be present could effect greater can be resolved still a diffusion in At still observed. no nickel diffusion doping a heavy produce the InP of the up eff ect to on 43 ro ID 4-" cz 0 C.) $4 0 h4 rf) CD C11-4 6 4-ý P, (D ra 4-ý r-4 (D al 5 11.0 ca Id 0 P, Li LU r. CD 4-3 r--l 0 j CS4 Cd 4-3 S4 ca (D P4 a> CH 0 4-1 cd r 0 V r-I Cd u C\j .I tto 44 F-4 'Xi Q) 43 cc 0 4x 4-2 1 ;4 CD 1-0 ;4 0 4.3 4-3 S C'-4 V- ri cis ý 10 co rd 00 6 0 -r-4 P, 43) P4 Li --1% LU 0 CIS 4.3 (1) 1 43 ca P4 4-3 P, 0 L4--V) C) C> CD C) C"4 Ic iw i r-i PC4 45 ro Q) -P ý I co (W1X tC 144 41 P, a) ro a -P I co m ca 10 0 cJ cýl-4 E Li LU P, r. cl) 4- 0 5 -P CD xul P a) ;4 P, 4-ý ca a) C C ( P4 4-1 0 co 4- VJ (ý ý. 3 c: CO ý3 a) zI r-I cd a> 4.11 cd co 40 .H Pý4 : : i 46 0-096 jcm-2 4 b A 0-14 jcm-2 C 0-38 jcm-2 0-75 j cm-2 Fig. 2-4 Sn coiitacts 2000 on InP a 0 .058jc m-2 b 0.14 jcm-2 C14 0-33 jcm-2 -. ", 4..,.,.. 0-75 Jcm 2 W4,41 Fig. 2-S 20004 Sri on Sl InP after 0-096 jcm-2 b 0-20 jcm-2 14 0-38 jcm-2 d 1-24 jcm -2 Fig. 2-6 NiAuGe contacts on InP etching 47 C> C14 -wD) Tco nv E 00 -0 C> E u m m C> Ln C-0ý4 C) CD Ln 4U ru 0 Li -0 ai QD ro - L- Z: cu Li . 4.cu 40 Li --I 00 m m m Li (Ii ca. (A 6 V) co rX CN C) d, LZ pjal)ý 48 nv C14 C) 117 00 IE u %lo CN Ln Ln 6x ON -0 C) C). Ln Ln LD -0 Ln Ln Li (U c2- cl, E u --A tn vi CO oý C11.4 C7% CD Lr) (ne) P1IA 49 TC14 (, C) nv -w3) -It NJ r77 c' E u M Ln IE L) 0-4 .n cD cD vi -4.- IC:) (0 V) m CN IE U It Cý4 Ln Li w Cl- (n (A CO CY- cz4 U- (-n-e) plalk 50 PROPERTIES OF ALLOYED LAYERS (3-1) Analysis An electron laser after 250 x 250 microns in that is the separate the For In first this ensures in the although The of the density the is peaks problem tin detector silver the electron that the InP and to unable the also analysis 3.1a). InP is of thick gold volume a If and tin 0.2 j/cm2 not thought the is is peak is peak This the beam (fig. observed peak is a rough at the lowest removed (fig. 3-1b) Even is kV the within removed phosphorus to melt. 5 of a phosphorus remaining. some entirely was to energy some tin tin circles technique in lack phosporus of tin qualitative as shown by the and amount a A beam was reduced amplitude of 1000 of homogeniBer, spectrum the and was to be a One radius. particularly of samples the (fig. 3.1b, c, d). energy set layer penetrates measure tin tin 1000 A thick the with dispersive energy spot overlap. without annealed used. the 50 x 50 can be considered metallisations, indium., peaks phosphorus which that The an about to 1mm circles circles. analysed compared the analysing the of over from varied area micron volume depth small 100 contacts beam was scanned this case the analyse electron the the to used contacts, the case of so silver-tin the in microns of with The of centre composition was microprobe the defocused cylinder contact annealing. the in area of may be due to the 51 large more tin the integralB a density 2 JAM to that samples peak. the in presented InP does not may be related of tin to the melting is the phosphorus to fall vapour phosphorus of increasing with 0.8 these only about results it may for anneals layers of tin in 20% of be be the that pressure. the continues as expected of 0.5 and that beneficial to contacts the density energy From remains. insufficient 2 J/cM molten system remaining is at this about of tin original energy tin-GaAs the occurs apparent InP at At a laser concluded excess would for which increases. pressure remain density this evaporation The amount of tin energy j/cm2 forced loss vapour phosphorus as occurs (56). studied previously vapour, of the A 2000 the for The loss melt. the separate For suggested by the was used to less. The mechanism (fig. homogenised and a large the increased the with Little in below spectrum 3.2. resulting tin the figure density, energy is The results 2 J/cm 0-3 of density j/cm2 annealed each elemental are well of InP alone. algorithm densities range 0.8 deconvolution layer energy energy and at identical under tin thick 3.1c) remaining beam, laser laser InP over phosphorus As the virtually For of (fig-* lost is is 3.1d) 0.4 (55). point melting for pressure vapour metal even may thicker intended for devices. The silver-tin alloying for energy process densities contacts (fig. are 3-3) up to 0.4 with more resistant no tin j/cm2. At to the laser or silver being removed higher laser energy 52 densities the results thought to melt for Almost with all the 0.75 j/cm2 laser but but intact. surface 0.9 on a different but the layer from metal remains half the below 0.8-0.9 J/cm2- sample annealed from anneal the of large the scatter removed during the with up to anneals to the same most the of importance the of detailed precludes that not the leaves is for InP is exactly substrate, conclusion being beneficial be should overall the highlights The analysis tin j/cm2 difference preparation. although densities energy the This the scattered has been removed metal metallisation, metal become inhibits silver and more than anneal 1.2 This j/cm2. properties of the only the gold and microprobe, for electrical contacts. Due to the layers germanium density edges of the but remains of is liquid at about rises 0.5 after the highest to the gold the molten Ge As the 350 C and. this would gold falls energy the used is of 1.6 suitable the contact is sharply removed original during and germanium temperature the the 3-4). is seem to be as sustrate if from gold half laser NiAuGe laser (fig. area 2 the J/cm than property yield back" a smaller more The . of the increasing with "pulling gold and a desireable density the excess results use. energy yield extent adhering obviously practical laser even in as silver by the and so occupying in From these J/cm2. This contact Au layer nickel due to probably to a limited only amount the densities At energy the of can be resolved Initially contacts. energy thinness anneal. to with increasing form a eutectic attained for be an 53 irradiance estimated two components the is Ge As the is beyond be to levels. Therefore of the laser the thick the was germanium (3.2) of most of 1 very only small are experiment, to achieve high the Ge does not metalisations doping prevent the also may not layer of of between durable quite were removed expected the results was substrate the metals. and the layer. The the to be possible based gold preferential the with felt and by 2000 improved One problem which the the 1000 A thick overlayer considerably. variation interface than silver contamination loss of of the be a problem. Metallisation An alternative thick significant studied be durable more tin results As might A 1500 a was the of the of was surface oxidation InP microprobe process. the layer due to contact of of adhesion silver each layer The addition the removal this of to 2 J/cm formation. alloying tin resolution. quantities up as a dopant the Obviously significant densities energy that manner. a similar but in be expected might present dissolved To summarise quantities only the contact successful laser using germanium required in preferentially anneals quantities, it j/CM2 be removed would removed for remain 0.1 of resistivity method of investigating the condition 54 metal layer sheet resistivity droplets) by and formation of directly in used to layer reversing the current source and flow. probes are through the tin should perform of is the blown be noted the advantage into or that the of it is contact is that alloying X-ray off quite resistance its contacts observed by on the met by any laboratory and stable and lowered reproducible times several the are used in one conduction negligable. the of 1000 n-type (fig. i thick substrates 3-5). microprobe during this with requirements easily case. This analysis the a non-homogenised in associated action this in which probe the substrates or density energy the the make low are are resistivity semi-insulating results oxidation rectifying raised semiconductor The sheet the by problems Hence readings When semi-insulating increasing either point the no voltmeter and the the with place. either Of resistivity formed has four The probes metal even when the performance of many of the instruments cannot (e. g. texture change, used was the free is current their electrical use on semiconductors. to as its of remaining metal method The method the by measurement a device. The technique application this chemical phosphides. relevant when by of amount by affected is alloying exact determined is films The . be accurately thin laser following laser laser tin rise is in and alloying beam layer on rapidly with agreement with confirms that process. was used It to 55 The sheet less (fig. sharply laser At low contacts. been blown in off the metal. At disappears which The adhesion. These behaviour. X-ray for the of extent The silver tin The 3.7). than greater the inter-diffusion found for that pure silver 2 J/cm correlate of around 20% of 0.5 resistivity it during of this problem substrate improving the an at to the alloying well the with the threshold 2 J/cm and in 0.4 - for remains metal 2J/cm of From the and hence of of related in in 0.3 has a less resistivity resistivity both around adhesion , also measurements of metal behaviour is a change 3.2) to discontinuity a which due the interface had layer the of and hence (fig. excess occurs the 0. j/cm2 -5 : expected. chemical poor shows substrate initial causing real large be to the at of tin thought melting removal in the which to the during had samples be related results densities energy the tin thinner formation 0.5 0.4 removal the above electrical microprobe irradiance substrate resistivity the of is inter-diffusion around melting This rises more durable densities sheet density energy may for beam from the of is layer the case for some of the tin thick layer densities one piece. rapid allows which thicker of energy was the important centre contamination surface the is energy the near than the which alloying areas 3.6) shows that This layer. the of resistivity i 2000 the R. B. S. clear layer results silver cut a factor and that appears the is (fig. trend of four from also significant of alloys are much greater than probable explanation of seems a the metal. It is deposition 56 the greater less but certain, irradiance at behaviour for a such as oxygen the substrate show densities in more than exact alloy this be may be which is The melt. densities greater Ag/Sn the the of alloy layer of system the of 0.5 for gold rise in metal balling up The above for these sheet the energy that j/cm2 well with the As with the suggest observed to energy with densities. is gold. phosphide anneals does not the 0.3 - indium, correlates resistivity remaining into 0.2 sheet (fig-3-8), value about for which initial components sharply j/cm2 characteristics expected density energy of but ascertained similar other rise rises excess has the of shows a smooth loss same fraction twice due to diffusion estimated the analysis & (iii) metallisation. is observes a low conductivity of metal, laser droplets. of Ni/Au/Ge system the formation remaining unconnected resistivity in the for microprobe cannot are The resistivity the at electrical times discrepancy into of ten of this silver-tin resistivity The further The ternary the resistivity (i) to and contamination Without oxidation metal layers whilst than sensitivity interfaces. 1 j/cm2 of laser The alloying a greater remaining. causes the in for 2. J/cm of metal for (ii) the silver/tin increase excess in is more complicated to is metallisation results inevitably may lead content and an 25% cause possible to and this the 0-5 above data microprobe variable densities is the with indicate rather system metal data of 2 J/cm with energy single results of sets of a binary factors both both up to 0-5 stable Agreement resistivity. the by X-ray 57 that the of pull-back the X-ray is that (3-1) the from the indicates of added multicomponent systems. metallisations is laser for that (3-3) Doping the When all alloy for of the described, any may have, the substrates were of could possible on these not for in the all three metal rises sharply the 2 J/cm . 0.5 device This is of contact. be etched doping can the using lithographic the effect be measured semi-insulating , indiffUBed that noting material. off, such measurements see if As the were not samples. As a preliminary contacts irradiance from has been removed components silver-tin laser higher clear a practical metalisation original and the layers Substrate metal previously The reactions of above be cannot the of resistivity section composition. following is densities energy measurements a contact its deposited alloy Ni/Au/Ge. the previous of of What the the of noting , resistivity analysis the ation for performance complexity significance particular etches the of explan these measurements resistivity expected the strongly comparing elec trical resistance excessive occurs microprobe determined accurately than metal from The conclusion with may be The same causes microprobe. test, Van-der-Pauw to measurements , it the was four worth point making probe was 58 As used. the the probes for readings fluctuations, so to subject tin process for the thought to melt 2 J/cm which is magnitude with of values the 3-6) of Hall irradiated the is for phase fall hence laser the an energy density . regrowth. density of these is is is metal of to the energy This no correction energy required indiffusion 50 ohms/0 of tin by alloy increasing with tin. density an order of samples coated required to the resistivity. resistivity measurements Little measurements. with layer. only energy resistivity the metallisation observed the of about than (fig. the Van-der-Pauw mobility to thick is occurs liquid allowing value The results samples conductivity using satisfactory, for incorporation not figure conductive which The as shown in 1 2000 2 J/cm. for 0.15 continues greater metal of in is samples the dice. - methods resistance approximately substrate lowest two lower 5.1 are were made samples error chapter significantly in The resistivity a the of resistances square the of large showed higher the of in semiconductor samples on the corners and so dopant increase the the removal excess the The Van-der-PaUW discussed the are in with is to resistance consideration InP. after samples A great to between densities melt measurements dots for particularly 0.4 the samples Agreement Some higher the and cloverleaf 3.9 the some inaccuracies. by alloying directly make contact less typical than of the 0.4 doping 2 (fig. J/cm iron are doped confirmed occurs 3.10) substrate. by for and the At 59 densities energy to high a in fall alloy regrowth then increases as the the allow the in is levels in the may be the crystal poor with For loss of (fig. of melting sheet in up to is in less than layers. from the energy depth carrier to the 5. chapter 100 Cm2/V/s for The reason leading layer melted 1 for similar shown of excess the 0.3 j/cm2 substrate 0.4 falls no measureable these does not j/cm2 , sharply for the which but occur. the begins for an densities, At energy substrate to in change evidence energy seem to coated behav iour. different with at been had which correlates regrowth of samples has an entirely This by alloy resistivity the of occurs densities ion-implanted phosphorus for volume This at to as great melt indicating as diffusion The maximum sheet The calculated doped layer 3.11) densities doping the of so 1015/cm2 1019/cm3. of expected quality. Ni/Au/Ge absence the that resistivity resistivity hence to The sheet energy . between is the is is The doping which that of excess microns of mechanism phase ion-implantation mobility inferior far to , by of to be saturated. I j/cm2 excess reason density, this for the InP 2 J/cm 0-5 substrate. noting in 0.5 the of liquid depth of around obtained However, the is excess concentrations this in melted entire densities is tin change energy increases, concentration electron j/cm2 depth the melting increasing with of to the dopes to density energy concentration, actual and melt coefficient carrier tin the and greater, the may be related known but not j/cm2 Increasing levels. causes 0.4 of rise melts with 60 increasing and hence the increase with clarified by the thickness densities 0.9 has semiconductor has conductivity HF+HN03) (table of 3-1). layer which which is This doping component concentration causes energy laser is 1.54 j/cm2 did to expected the densities. by sharp fall tin an order of magnitude layers but lower. as in such using energy the of of the to the a dopant. the similar sheet as sheet InP NiP germanium The resistivity is the the the breakdown The mobility alloyed etch doping barrier likely observing alloying act the a remeasuring as a diffusion be not of seem produce may be due to the of cause a chemical laser energy would would and Hall nickel-phosphide confirmed (using The samples. seems to act laser R. B. S. be with The the is no : resistivity but to situation doping no depth. spectroscopy and doping the phosphide 1.24 the substrate highest the is, discovered by The annealed sheet melt could Auger of densities nickel with resistivity samples depth expected measurement That been hypothesis the of removal for identified This cause. Hall the on not tentatively layer the so the occurred be would density. j/cm2 depend to of as the melt surprising energy results to is of a doped layer measureable Up expected This increasing is coefficient of density. energy at to the that carrier 61 Table 3.1 ---------------Energy ----------------- density ns ------------- -------------- 6.0.1012 79 1.32.10 1.54 14 1.45-10 55 782 1.. 54 14 1.54-10 52 762 on laser these alloying the InP, but microprobe the exhibit have will (section silver superior resistivity the 3-1) it lower is component the contact resistivity. that, more on metal metallisations has whilst the doping of the with tin 3.2) less pure and so might However, were is The X-ray durable (section of which that compared performance. the cause be expected were electrical in to has revealed contacts surface result layer, a conductive results tin does not cases It process. dope the 4 information obtain forming contact can heavily measurements the multi- the most produces From these uncertain. contacts tin in NiAuGe metallisation has been to measurements regarding that been found that (ohm/ 0 1.24 The aim of tin, PS (cm2/V/s). ----------------- ---------------- ------------ lis (cli2) (j/cm2) the --------------- have the shown conductive 62 than in expected. interpreting chapters 6.1 Therefore the and 6.2. electrical all these data measurements on the contacts, can only assist presented in 63 1 1 0 1000 23 A SnI InP 4 234 KeV Fig. 3.1 Microprobe analyser X-ray spectra for 1000A tin contacts to InP. 64 Sn / InP 12-ONO m CD V-%-. 0 WNW k 0 u C= V) L now 0a 1 -2 -4 -6. ' -8 E (jcm-2) Fig. 3.2 Microprobe yield of tin on InP vs. laser energy density. 65 I. Ag Sn / InP 0 0 AN. g m CD V) 0 u Sn . 01 V) 0-5 Fig- 3.3 Microprobe laBei energy 1.0 E(i cm-2) yield of silver density.. and tin 1-5 on InP vs. 66 GeAuNi/InP 2( 0 11 o ell Au 0-11-ý V) 4- . ---ft% ý- DI 111.0- .v%., (A Ge I1 40 0 ý-- 11 0-5 1.0 E(i cm-2) Fig. 3.4 Microprobd laser energy yield of density. gold and -ýý_; germanium Im%Lo 1-5 on InP VB- 67 0 Cd 94 Fig. 3.5 Metallisation laser 08 J cV2 resistivity energy density. 1-2 of 1000k tin on Inp vs. 68 -0 2.000A Sn (I, 10 Pm 0 expected vatue L 0-2 0-4 0-6 0-9- 1 1-2 1-4 E(i cm-2 Fig. 3.6 Metallisation laser energy resistivity density. of 2000A tin on InP vs. 69 HR AgSn / InP 0I0 0 0 0-5 ---11.5 E(j cm-2) Fig. 3.7 Metallisation laser energy resistivity density. of silver-tin on InP vs. 70 Ni Au 5e 10 E Qý 00 expectedvalue 0 0-4 E(j Fig 3.8 Metallisation laser energy 1-2 0-8 cm-2 resistivity density. of NiAuGe on InP vs. i 71 HR CC )5 3 04 os 03 02 0 Fig- 0-4 0.8 .E(j cm-2) 3-9. Sheet resisitivity of InP after has been etched off. 1.2 2000i tin layer 72 Sn / InP 1015[ o0 E Li 1014 400 100 W CN E 0 00 0 Fig. 0-5 3.10 Sheet carrier by laser 1-5 1 E(jc rjf2) concentration alloying 2000i tin and mobility on InP. produced 73 Ni Au Ge IR p be ro 05 V- dP 104 0 Q1, 103 & 0 0-4 Ej Fig- 3.11 Sheet resistivity of 0-8 cm-2 InP after 1-2 NiAuGe has been etched off. 74 SELENIUM IMPLANTATION OF InP The next two chapters heavily thin, doped in the with the and experiment of removal preparation techniques a polished on implants the sample The surface one substrates one close to monitored hour annealing are deals chapter observed the describes and the ion the annealing, five of details this of sample the of results by Hall 5.2. implantation greater a resistivity contamination out either to hence the to minimise normal were with with the temperature with a thermocouple. the unheated 200+20 C. the ion sample of the The was Fe-doped than 107 ohm. cm The orientation. by the manufacturer. side or heated temperature, about for (100) carried surface by 5-1), section of avoid were. after a of means chapter section Chapter 'having InP to was Se(78) by this damage used semi-insulating surface formation details material and with The third in given the surfaces (section (4.1)Implantation The of crystal backscattering. are section resulting Rutherford measurements the 4.2. section with concerned at layer The first implantation. analysed are The ion molecular slices were species used beam inclined effects and mounting 7 at from of channeling. remained at heating temperature The argon. process room took was assumed to be plate which was 75 To achieve implanted samples were schedule and 25 keV Se+ was Se2 impurity lies (fig. (S'3N, nitride 5-1) section the this peak on the ') was is hence peak was estimated by enough differences concentration. as the was of interference in thickness profile the silicon the under thickness profile surface and used the . previously atomic pyrolytically optimum the a dielectric dielectric grown The of the The below. small impurity between which accurate peak quite have little (see 700ý colour is The species a high through implant 4.1 molecular obtaining implant the 4.2). described conditions that such figure the with of in some the energies, shown are to concentration several method is interface the of implanting An alternative semiconductor layer, by obtained dielectric at ions LSS profile concentration deposited impurity surface with expected 50 kV. at high a flat of the near effect 76 (4.2) Annealing ion of implanted InP A major problem of annealing 360*C (55), (33). implants selenium during decomposition for temperatures whilst A horizontal as 1% in either supplied diluted further with temperatures to be adequate for indium temperatures these but 4-3a) hydrogen filled by prevented . raising concentration to 1%. Lowering the PH3 concentration decomposition occurring at lower temperatures under PH3 concentrations annealing 4.3c. in figure Clawson et al the was (57) is valid decomposition prevent of It it the approximately highlights surface the mechanism for liquidus filled inclusions damage or handling, then lose the at higher the PH3 results in and the results temperatures of Samples pressure show phosphorus present decomposition over filled to with which From this is that pits pressure , due to growth defects, adjacent by in excess annealed ( fig-4-3b). of the indium that and to use a pressure liquidus. melt and dissolve phosphorus (fig. the mechanism suggested damage and scratches in 'the absence of sufficient indium found that the formation higher from 0.09% to 1% are presented is necessary Indium-Phosphorus At on the surface occurred a produce This was found up to about 800'C pits be could This was to of 0.25%. used was used with hydrogen or nitrogen. in the furnace concentration phosphine anneal was the method zone furnace diffused palladium to needed ambient can be used to prevent (34) and this annealing decomposes above it of 750 C are A PH3 most of the samples. the PH3 InP is that indium minute polish phosphide to the atmosphere and are then able to 77 dissolve further material. Even with sufficient deterioration 1015 Se+/cm2 at with occurs the during occurs above with a increasing dose the 4.5a, b, c) The "grain" a substrate during place no (fig. annealing a to finish depends on the annealed damage is at a by given by implanting into introduced deterioration observable 4.4d) mirror 1015 Se+/cm2 produces be shown, will fine, very damage produced being As 200*C much less at and correspondingly crystal Increasing roughening is deterioration after 4.4a, b, c). surface eye of 1013 Se+/cm2 from (fig. temperature the of surface. more deterioration progressivly to . surface implanted samples some The amount the of state For some temperature an appearance haze. slight crystalline into (fig. having samples pressure annealing. room 7WC over phosphorus the takes implantation even after of 1015 Se+/cm2. An alternative the encapsulate about 10 20 is minutes above deterioration annealed the decomposition preventing a dielectric a onto to mixture the of samples used deposit. the on the strip surface heater deposited ammonia and which are and Although decomposition of silane temperature heated on a 1000A took the deposition of can be observed. for a further to prevents nitride 550*C was is which used was silicon The temperature to were then with from decomposed strip. temperature visible sample CVD process pyrolytically carbon of The dielectric out-diffusion. by the method ten InP no Samples minutes. 78 The silicon nitride temperature in nitride two HF concentrated holes Pin minutes. in annealing at temperatures indium filled pits form beneath and increase the the indium deteriorate not of surfaces annealed samples (compare temperature The samples PH anneals 3 which 4-5d) without a cap under but in through does not more much the between than PH3 at the a dielectric zone furnace the a hydrogen only As the better and is excess the same 4.5b). implanted were silicon them. in surface room in holes pin (fig. at the become beneath phosphide figure with number of pits were annealed nitride silicon but However, does the increased is markedly extensive. (4-3) three in after temperature anneal to removed became visible of 700 C pits was then cap of for the substrates at used was used. atmosphere Recovery of damage doses Implanting room temperature are layer (61) temperature an amorphisation an the the and necessary temperature asymptotic of InP layer amorphous thickness and ion energy during The substrate reaches & 4-7) heated amorphous implant 4.6 ion increasing which produces (figs. R. B. S. 1014 Se+/cm2 into 1015 or of dose. implant these Implanting prevents authors increases required limit of. even when increases of which with formation have shown maintain about 150 C, with with substrates the to implanted into larger by observed as ion of that an the doses. crystallinity which large prevents doses. 79 Implants of 200*C have implants be expected would damage, 4.8. The which is 'b'). thickness layer the is The surface 'c') although but temperature 'e') material original 827'C that the for dechanneling the the under implant a rate at a is 'f'). 'e') To achieve in lower by the implant increasing to anneal 827*C of that for the Unimplanted material annealed at produces a spectrum identical to therefore substrates, (curve 611'C at temperature identical not the 5.2. section annealing with a (curve The electrical damage introduced reduce 'a') 560"C reduces in after figure 507C at to at (curve layer discussed an anneal'at grown prevent and shown in amorphous. is to continues The damage produced anneals layers the temperature which conditions remains same conditions as implantation. it spectrum PH is 3 temperature much of (curve the annealing after annealing amorphous even after the under longer The disorder remains. (curve but amorphous no than temperature, room by R. B. S., after anneal further of conduction (curve sample the 4-8) has an amorphous reduced Increasing & at more easily. ten minutes as implanted substantially at held substrates 4.7 substrates observed for temperatures various into to anneal The implant (figs. damage less much corresponding 1014 Se+/cm2 into 1015 or either is due to residual complete excess the increased disorder recrystallisation 827*C is of from of necessary, this under any decomposition. by a similar tempFrature (fig. implant 4-9) of than 1014 the Se+/cm2 1015Se+/cm2 80 implant. The surface PH for 3 ten damage peak is (also considerably 658*C (curve of 'd'). 1014 Se+/cm2 is thickness degree by a with of the implants by RBS. disorder greater is by the RBS spectrum The rate of times amorphous layers all the at damage. This contrasts suggesting dependent in that of the in range in occurs the same temperature lack of the strong the on anneal 5-25 five to the minutes rather duration than may anneal the layer. even at at about remaining (fig. on temperature properties in rapid The has no observable dependence temperature is the produced was annealed thickness similar amorphous minutes. first Se+/cm2 masked layer of more deeply may extend implant 807'C that layer amorphous surface 'd') at of the amorphous sensitivity electrical layer are the in (curve 1015 is to by a dose of disorder a returned explanations this the dose disorder identical are the with but at an anneal amorphous Two anneal introduced a an The 1015 Se+/cm2 regrowth annealing for dechannelling regrowth low temperatures. 555C for than and the 758*C for in anneal 'b') is. of occurs also dose implant an The material within Se+/cm2 implant, higher after produce as observed 1015 reduced the*disorder less markedly both although of an (curve a temperature at Therefore after 562'C decomposition observable curve amorphous 'c'). by an anneal crystal and no no longer at a temperature minutes t emperature single is 4.10) hence further and on the effect of the (fig. also anneal 4-9) be duration. more 81 The 1015 Se+/cm2 implant annealed a at PH the 3 of a R. B. S. single by RBS summary, the this work 200 keV implants 750 .*C and 800*C for it 550 C could not five first Se+/cm2 heated removed could to all minutes not 200 C amorphise during by annealing at the the the 450 C. anneal Prolonged that regrowth did In anneal. surface implant if and all next is about annealing contrast 2 at produced was occur the at Se+/cm 1014 layer the layer. surface of amorphous the temperature room recrystallisation the of to are implant. an amorphous respectivly. the hot the ions temperatures low the in to that shown in be necessary was recrystallise 1015 Se+/cm2 indeed the created complete and 1015 Se+/cm2 implants all room implanted damage at that similar damage observed of the of 200*C identical will activation RBS has shown in used the of annealing electrical with implants For the it at 10 minutes 451 C for annealing that However, active. correlated In infer the than practically The complete necepsarily that is held substrate at annealing spectrum aligned electrically chapter After crystal. does a temperature lower much implant. temperature into by during even 1015 substrate damage could was be 82 Fig. 4-1 L.S.S. profile of multiple implant 1021 E Li I- I lol 0 400 800 depth(A) @ 200KeV 1015 1-82.1014 @ 100 1-55.1014 @ 50 7-4 1013@ 25 . 1200 83 m E Li ai V) lo20 InP Si3N47-1 --= 1019 500 1000 0 depth ( A) Fig. 4.2 LSS profile of implant through 700i S'3N4' 84 Co 1Z3 tko :1 0) m Me)[Ndl -4 r-4 ca CD Lr) CZ) C) 4D co 04 72 a) 0 1ý 0 a) 41 Ln 0) 10 Ile Ln 4-) cn ca ý4 co 04 9 0 44 0 F-4 q) 04 > so E-4 0"' , Pol 'A 9 ý, Wo 41 C- Q) Q Co r4-11 rý cm $.4 a:) ca Q Co Ký 40 to C: rco Co -H p4 c: Co pý -4 V-4 0 85 ef I z mc V) . I--, C) Ln Ln 10 CYI -rm ai r m PU -01 C) C m CL cn C, m mT a- -t LL C) 10 10 (01 C) CC) -I */ * " * "*** 1" C kj C) V) Ln C) I ml -01 E E cu c ýu %A C26 I (Z (U CD vi ml cn 0 86 1015Set/CM2 (I) 200keVRT 100 keVRT rl _0 Gi >1 200keV,2OCrC I 300 Fig. 4.6 RBS spectra 200 100 depth (nm) for 1015 Se+/CM2 implanted 0 at various energies. 87 +Se/cM2 I 200keV 0-1-% V) 4- 100keV,RT ru 13 ---0 50keV,RT 200keV,200"C 300 Fig. 4.7 RBS spectra for 0 200 100 depth (nm) 1014 Se+/cm2 implanted at various energies. 88 I 5'Seý, 10 200keV,RT Random a b :: 3 ru c d cli e 300 Fig. 4.8 RBS spectra 200 100 depth (nm) 0 1015 Se+/cm2 annealed for a= as implanted, e= 827 C, f= b= single 507*C, c= crystal at various 611*C, d= temperatures: 738*C, 89 104Seý,200 keV, RT 2 4- E b ro -D w .> C d 300 Fig. 4.9 RBS spectra for as implanted, 200 100 depth (nm) T014 Se+/cm2 b= 562'C, annealed c= 0 at 658'C, various d= temperatures. 758 & 807'C 90 0C 25 min, 55S (I) 4- 15min '0ýý -0 eru 10 min v _0 5min 10 15 ai Sej200keVRT 300 200 100 depth (nm) 0 Fig 4-10RBS spectra for various annealingtimes 555"C at 91 Doping (5.1) point particularly have for with in routine The Hall checking to similar dots Small four for tin in detail: cut from wire is flushed with on and takes reveals should ohmic order of GaAs but in input prove process. The method n-type the measurement. method four sample the measurement probe that usual. presented of point into that with a stable a production the of used and so is respects (1) that compared in implants. ensures Pauw resistivity requires as is donor material result is measurement of resistance of periphery Pauw geometry, n-type to the technique the on placed small hence good agreement, to Van der resistivity evaluation voltmeter the of rapid height the Comparison useful method sufficiently of is probe suited resistance der techniques The low barrier probes Implantation Measurement The four InP. by Ion are to be contacts the employ forming differs contacts in placed on Van important the four corners. (2) The heating (3) The heater reach (4) the About by bubbling ensures (5) tin stage is turned melting before forming good wetting As soon as all gas. two about to minutes point. 15 seconds the forming of the the dots gas through the dots tin melt HC1 gas is hydrochloric the InP. have melted the onto HU introduced acid, this step is turned off 92 and the heating continued does not 300 C- (6) to exceed in cool This to fragile are cloverleafs have been I (fig. samples micron high. All the of resistivity values the In to order it and mobility obtain is the Cloverleafs photoresist and etching (about small measured for and sheet carrier depth profiles of forms a and cloverleaf square is are this acid, samples presented sandblasted breakage. of error of Etchants Although were studied. amounts of InP, solvent Therefore the with square 9%) and the same hence samples are concentration only and sheet it based attacked also methanol measurements are amounts of bromine-iodine-methanol to possible was considered the concentration small away on found was carrier etch use of methanol evaporated, contacts to necessary reliably. material the InP with InP, ohmic optimistic. slightly the results to forming of softness Comparison comparison geometry. in hydrochloric shows that invalidate does not the the concentrated 5-1) allowed are samples reliable subject in seconds mesa about and by masking formed five Due to InP. n-type temperature gas. has been highly procedure contacts for forming flowing and the off the ensuring one minute turned then is The heater for black wax posed a presented. remove small undesirable used to flammable as protect hazard. 93 To avoid that the subjected devices the to this the anneal , as FET's. 5.1) formation for is conduction substrate fabricated devices When similar (table 5-2). The for degradation deposition the of cap of So far deposition. amount introduces effect of even a thin degraded planar device the high nitride density pin-holes is be overcome either both the sides by etching of the or an encapsulant of it to visible would nitride of InP during the first are At anneal preclude Another problem the away the in back the so the concerned could the the few seconds temperatures would The above and error layer the growth. at a temperature samples the that seem temperature of occurred 700*C was the of were not surface sample. samples resistivity silicon decomposition Hall with a negligible as a FET. as an encapsulant. encapsulant capping of for of Hall conduction Therefore surface. material. rich as the of such the either was performed have become indium may surface to temperature the decomposition non-stoichiometric corresponds data limited during occurred 825*ýC pin-holes which the From eye. at over a a PH3 ambient up degradation at in temperatures were annealed anneal for required anneal semi-insulating substrates temperature highest naked in pits a problem significant nitride silicon not also when for resistivity filled necessary resistive annealed resistivity of indium of is condition is highly remains The substrates their retained it measurements substrate to SOO'C and degradation the sheet semi-insulating such (table in errors use using surface decomposed , however the influence a above 700*C of silicon a dielectric which layer could or by 94 TABLE 5.1. Resistivity of Fe-doped after Anneal ('C) annealing in PH3 Sheet Resistivity (ýi/sq) >109 760 1.4.109 800 1.6.109 822 6.105 - 3.107 TABLE 5.2. Resistivity of Fe-doped after Anneal 5500/10 min -11- -it- under Si3N4 R. (2/sq. ) (*C) +700*/10 annealing min n. (cm-2) HR 2.2.105 -8.3.109 2.9.105 -5.9.109 3.2.105 -6.2.109 95 (5.2) Electrical (5.2.1) results Results After atmosphere a temperature Se+/cm2 implanted (fig. 5.2) At furnace annealed fact of to much and InP. 4-3). to rise and then falls dependant Hence for donor implanted shown by RBS, should in than on the InP the at still taken of of to The sheet achieved as a method for of low despite activity electrical to at comparatively amorphous removal evidence be not promise great up begins mobility. that 750, C slightly decomposition shows that This not is donors is room temperature at 15% electrical 'layer 1015 continues greater showed a dose of about reduction a and at Annealing surface (section R. B. S. is the in was chosen activity surface 550*C produces the that mobility for GaAs contacts temperature a substrate of Boo cm2/Vs, may account minutes Annealing . InP annealing ten of 800'C - temperature, concentration on electrical the a value carrier making 550'C maximum of this which occur a time although 800*C, reaching 825*C. (31,34) 200 keV into at a broad produces literature of range annealing the of a review phosphine capless of the as observed by activation of implantation damage. damage, crystal for as a criterion as finding conductivity.. In order to study the effect temperature on this implant, a annealed at higher temperatures of varying of the annealing 550*C was chosen were almost completely time as samples annealed 96 the during to 5 minutes constant only significant giving carrier sheet with this three any given temperature. of excess of 80% (fig. 5-4). of The 550'C to keeping the activity is the maximum concentrations its slightly implant ene rgy activity of at to about of 760'C. final 25% (fig. about be the excess 700*C smaller expected at in sensitive the The give doped 50 keV sharply this of value electrical and peaks to higher the with maximum the over 200 keV to range 750'C of more heavily from 5.5) 1019/cm3. further all with the reduced (53) 700*C magnitude 1014 Se+/cm2 the Due to would is of than of recovery in by value this activities contrast greater dose constant reduced In of time temperature an order and at a for used electrical by times a time at electrical more The annealing that annealing much 750*C. the annealing temperatures at is varying only When the a temperature annealed reaches layer. produces dose, mobility the by mobility any minutes was anneal resistivity, for complete Se+/cm2 shortest has been shown that ten of activity range 2/Vs 900CM It sufficient to when higher temperature the 1014 for times minutes. longer complete implant. is the all three the of limited may be concluded to sufficient A dose dose It being for same values time anneal is the 5-3) minutes annealing than was about sufficient for the and so which (fig. the is temperature than time concentration. ten minutes less shortest occurs practically The range minutes. difference 5 minutes of the furnace, the of ten of 25 minutes, time time time standard at implant peak electron activity falls 97 significantly being 800 C at to more sensitive Based on these 640 to range of 600'C carrier maximum values. The sheet implanted (fig. samples ions energy the electrical 5.6) are implant, single has not very the the degraded temperatures compared of the of in the multiply those implantation activation loss with the of to similar activity, a marked properties so in annealing have in results reduction At multiple temperature anneal conductivity and sheet with restricted implants 1014 the concentration 1015 Se+/cm2 800*C for implant. shallow below and the over and a corresponding the of particularly implant shallower implanted samples Exceeding decomposition surface the annealed 790*C. the to decomposition. surface results were selenium energy due possibly the of the lower principal implant. less The implants into damage than similar damage anneals of the lower out The final implant 1015 Se+/cm2 a slight peak in known. The sheet further increase 2.1014/cm2 which is achieved activity carrier in is the at implants be tried should value 500*C for almo. st a which falls temperature factor of this In view was felt and the 5-7) that 400 to range for activity at 450*C (fig. cause and 4-3). it of electrical concentration annealing implants, (section temperature room temperature temperatures annealing temperature room on the results have been shown to substrates a lower at 750*C was chosen. is heated and there is no explanation slightly to a value two less than a with of the a about same 98 into implant damage does not to the the of seems that it at is 22 about resistivity into similar after implant annealed at 750*C. of self and gate Se+/cm2 into hot a concentration reaches (fig. the and higher anneal mobility of implant temperature The implant shows a that excess hot similar a higher of to that carriers The mobility all yield is annealing 1014 Se+/CM2 at pattern percentage. to of in with implant at 5-8). fits temperatures the (fig. the electrical is as the A similar anneals that damage will higher activity energy is , radiation be no improvement. 50 keV into 550, C temperature idea that temperatures carrier above room than 1014 of The sheet the for dielectric 2/V. 1500 cm s for greater gives importance an implant the as the results 200'C treatment. for for sheet a room temperature great anneal 600*C of lowest at MISFET's value similar of results plateau dose. smaller a the the This is gate substrate 5-4). damage produces with fact aligned from being the maximum value implant This its held 600*C to at excess the is implant. From these a substrate annealing may be drawn conclusion to implants. have to withstand metal a plateau 1100cm2/V. s in anneals similar room temperature an implant fabrication for is ohms/0 reaches over at contribute of a room temperature constant iesults the 600 .C and that suggests may even The mobility maximum mobility resistivity at and the to The sheet an anneal This InP but in concentration. following superior donors compensate electron value room temperature. at a substrate less a 600*C Again the the room of studied. a hot hot substrate implants, achieved at in low 99 implants at implant has all (fig. electrical, implants. This may active The sheet electrical the of 200 ohms/C3 . implant energy for concentrations (5.2.2) Results gives using higher in annealed in the of encapsulant properties sheet the values energy within different ions. experimental a sheet electron 1200cm 2/V. s of and and less make this implant together hot substrates for suitable surface a carrier silicon at these measured filled by the as the a have greater in pin-holes produce, Van-der-Pauw implant investigated The results pits keV encapsulant similar temperatures when 200 at The non-uniformity problem. indium the 5.10). 700 C Se+/cm2 nitride than all (fig. above a 1015 of activities 550-800*C become annealing pyrolytic a PH3 atmosphere that lower high implant particularly scatter, the the activity giving capped electrical range than a 550 C anneal. A room temperature annealed into 200 The higher should implants energy multiple , the the due to with mobility energy whilst activity constant 550-756'C, range temperature annealing higher are 13 2 7cm. 3.10 of be by the produced parameters about resistivity critical defects temperature concentration 5-5) hot than greater (fig. lower the The low slightly implant for greater 5.9). had slightly electrically over is activity room temperature room temperature with temperatures a peak electrical implants keV hot sheet mobility and anneal corresponding error the temperatures, annealing of electrical means that technique the are the subject 100 to increasing a result temperature high of the iemperatures The surface. lower the may be due to the between the growing silicon the continuing time 10 minutes is (fig. atmosphere. over the without nitride The mobility is range concentration, carrier annealing out of stress expansion of the silicon The implant profile either silicon nearer hot through the ýnaffected one the surface nitride cap. silicon nitride was removed is 1015 substrates. in HF acid. 550*C then 30 minutes sheet is extended beyond 14 2 2.5-10 7cm which the carrier in a the by the used to Se+/cm2 at After The results the fall is cause PH 3 time annealing known for caused by The possible nitride, was or room temperature which expansion annealed by however, surface, somewhat PH 3 up to of implant same reason in anneal value No studied. in at for growth a constant the are minutes when the than at investigated was 40 minutes. of slightly greater still ten to mobility InP substrate. for 5.11) in decomposition major annealed nitride of 550-C increase in of mobility anneal at falls concentration with the anneal a total . samples and the dependence The fall anneal caused by differential stress nitride an As - with than values the for surface silicon The time giving maximum above 700'C activity other correlates 800 cm2/V. s than at trend up to 700*C temperature annealing of variations show no particular with temperatures annealing the this, of mobility for error in the differential shift the 200 keV into anneal for the the room 101 temperature taken are the half of 650*C and the high than greater temperatures that fact implanted the room in excess profile, bare annealing are as 750*C when post implant definitly be ascribed nitride silicon a The implant substrate the bare gives implant an anneal and dielectric aligned the anneal when account is gate to be MISFET, than between might noted that the in the that of The improved be useful where when using the all pinholes, the with be caused example implanted particularly was badly this as the silicon similar at annealing range 200*C. is at by the pitted effect cannot quality CVD of from run to run. through a a around agrees for implantation The maximum amount dielectric. with the activity for is experiment into The mobility shorter nitride control implant behaviour form deposited to varies to the implant method was of a tendancy Without anneal. this It mask. 500'C. and at undesireable, a at compensation of nitride in damage would room temperature at had less nitride of is bare dip a the much of When account silicon the This has - the bare 600'C. The level implants photo-resist note profile so implants the of activation of 5.12 with temperature damage low temperature hot level nitride. silicon in removed particular the the figure correspondance In substrate. in given profile have a greater curves hot implant 500*C. present this low taken of the activation is can necessary during temperature the ions for anneal, annealing heated a (fig. characteristic of As it into nitride 5.13) to in the trapped be the achieved gate for under metal a self silicon 102 is nitride of and hence mobility, (fig. 5.13) necessary (5-3) The results of encourageing. 25% particular in concentration Both 4.2 the whilst implant peak of for nitride at the A further the -electrical with . through pin-holes. bare of has yielded implant implants,. nitride was for low is carrier (section 5.2.1). contrast also shifted maintained temperature of this to microscopy up develop reduced to 8007C pin-holes the the density of was that the whilst the surface or even improved anneals the Performing implant the the maintained 700ýC- above In sheet a did encapsulant profile than temperatures significance activation phase annealing annealing silicon greater have maintained techniques temperatures been tried. conditions 14 4.10 electrons/cm2 The PH ambient 3 silicon annealing implant annealing resistivity substrate implant as seen by Nomarski morphology section after excess and capless capped surface in 1015 Se+/cm2 the the have InP to achieve possible the all possible 650*C of implanted ion annealing of activation and the is pip-holes. has been found It values by implantation doping Summary of final At a temperature cap had no visible nitride their resistivity contact dielectric. of the deterioration silicon lowest the between The fabrication. 6501C and so a compromise at anneal an device attain resistivity sheet after for interest particular (section compared 5.2.2). 103 The high for importance of gold level ohmic contacts 6.3 to HoweVer, considerable doping, some of despite on the section at Contact resistance electrical these layers these in 4.3 the particularly contacts. damage remained by RBS in seen as , effects of good electrical many samples . properties The role are this discussed in section results even after of of measurements presented are is surface, annealing damage and its in section 7.2 104 cli Lru Cr V) 1014 Z IC( 1013 1013 Fig. 5-1 1014 )I (cloverteaf cm-2 n Comparison with of Hall two different measurements geometries. made on samples 105 5 1()l (,- P+ 700 KPV PT 4.101 E Li V) c lol BOO 400 LI) > E U 200 (1) 81 34 r2 q2 1111111 600 Fig. 5.2 Sheet carrier resisitivity temperature. 700 Ta(oc) concentration, of 1015 Se+/cm2 mobility implant 800 and vs. annealing 106 1015 Se+@200KeV, RT Ta=553"C E L) ........................ (I, 14 14 p aI tJ) +00 > (J E Li 200 0 (1) 400 200 100 lk I 05 10 15 20 25 30 fa (min ) Fig. 5-3 Electrical function activity of annealing of 1015 Se+/cm2 time. implant as a 107 RT 1ý4 Seý20OKeV, 1111 1014 ez C%4 le 01 1100 E (A r- 1013 0----0 800,ri- (A 400 4-00 Li (n 200 200 1oc 600 700 800 (0 c) TC-3 Fig. 5.4 Electrical annealing activity temperature. of 1014 Se+/cm2 implant vs. ---L 108 1014 Se, 50 KeV,RT 4.1013 a 014 1 E u Ln 0 103 800 "T W 0 000 400 0-4 E u : 3, \, 200 I co 0 . -. 1 BQO vi40C co 600 Fig. 700 1- (00 C-3 5-5-Electrical 1014Se+/cm2 activity vs. of 800 50 keV implant annealing temperature. of 109 implant multiple 4.1014 C134 f=u 1014 8QC 0 40C 64 E Li 0 Ln Q--- 700 T3(00 c 600 Fig. 5.6 800 E16ctrical annealing activity temperature. of multiple implant vs. 110 1015Sý+@200KeV,20.OOC 4 Li :_0 0 V) C: 104 800 oý /0 oc N-I r'-4 f=Li 0 0C 0 :: 4 G 10 400 500 600 TZ a(00 Fig. 5.7 Sheet carrier resistivity function of concentration, mobility is for 10 Se+/cm2 implanted annealing temperature. 700' and hot'as a ill Se+@200:KeV,2000C 1014 1014 pp "00 2101"0 0--% 00______Q Ir-, 0 0 10. IT 0 40, 10 0 13 3 40 Fig. 500 600 ) Ta(OC ___ 700 5.8 Electrical for a 1014 Se+/cm2, hot activity implant vs. annealing temperature. 112 14 () 200 c 50 KeV,. Se' 10 1 - -11 C"-4 1,1013 E U 1013 > 1500 c4 E 1000 800 Li It) 400 0 0 200 0 ci 0 1 500 600 700 100 800 (oc) TC--3 Fig. 5.9 Electrical for a 50 keV, hot implant of activity 1014 Se+/cm2 as a function of annealing temperature. 113 lds 101E Se, 200.kev,RT E L) t/-I T I> 14 10 800 E .u 400 =3, Ln 4( , 0 --, Iv A 600 S'3N4 700 T,a ( *C) AG A800 only Fig. 5.10 Eldctrical various activity temperatures for 1015 Se+/cm2 annealed under silicon nitride. at 114 1015, 105Seý,RT, 550'C 2- -- 1014 103 -8- E Li VI I 100 /1000ý vl- S'3N4growth 1 00L Fig. 10 5-11 20 Electrical varous 30 activity times under of 40 -tca / min 1015 Se+/cm2 silicon nitride. annealed for 115 0 AS RTrm-1000 i3N4 1015Se'@20OKeV, ý4 )00 C,4 E u +00 ýjo]3 1000 600 400 0 ZO CN E 200 . 500 400 Fig. 5.12 Sheet function carrier of 1015 Se+/cm2 700 600 Ta(OC) concentration annealing through and mobility temperature silicon nitride. for as a implant of i 116 () * /In P,200C 1015Se', 20OKeV:ý' Si3N4 S E Li I / I / : : : ý014 . . ?.103 BOO 400 200 :: L 100 400 Fig. 5-13 Sheet*carrier . 500 600 (oc ) TC-3 concentration 15 10 Se+/cm2, implanted hot and mobility through silicon for nitride. 117 (6) MEASUREMENTSON CONTACTS (6.1) Non linear the Some of between existed barrier this laser had I-V energies, contacts the by laser caused diodes. The back eutectic alloy contact (n-1016) low barrier from ideal hence still is less had an I-V (fig. present energy densities mechanically 6-ic) densities, linear I-V including no weak when I-V of used a on leaky liquid tin energy was far densities of a barrier to contacts laser These lack all of 6.1b), reliably. InP melts, for so the measurements height laser characteristics anneal. due to (fig. two contacts the undoped characteristic indicating all which C-V a barrier with the characteristic about characteristic whilst to made I-V quantify probed latter and indium-gallium which alloyed for current-voltage contacts forward The 2000 A thick characteristics. had almost 6.1a) to laser contacts tin factor possible in changes measurements with reverse the an ideality not the or greater soft (fig. height with it A few of j/cm2 a still plane. ground Furthermore unreliable. made a barrier The allows which 1000 A thick had both were made. was on a copper that low with To investigate annealing, meter The as deposited the InP. measurements capacitance material and the metal annealed indicating characteristics capacitance-voltage "Boonton" contacts, alloyed 0.3 was alloyed with had linear I-V undoped InP laser contacts rectifying energy were action 118 may be due to a tin the of oxide evaporation to a poor The silver-tin the of samples behaviour used 6.2). anneal this laser have I-V the of presence energy almost of the broadly little density linear, effect but Due to at reverse current be taken the non ideal alloyed from to 0.27 j/cm2 leakage flow. current results being in limited a : at grpater alloying with energy of 0.20 deviation indicates than of the increasing bulk (fig. densities to by other contact less is sensitive the by the a properties Further The C-V measurements picture which line straight V (fig. j/cm2 energy although The for observable laser a on reverse occurred highly no change with a of The electrical obviously effect to 0.14 of metal. causes current a fixed density reverse semi-conductor. similar in to the to 0.5 barrier a slight the reduced bias the characteristic but effect. which even greater diameter) factors of barrier are The contacts techniques. ideality had as a measure energy interface alloying due also an alternative current even to melt metal-InP gentle j/cm2 an same tin barriers increase with not calculated the was reverse InP n-type densities. energy was used A significant laser undoped and poor Schottky current quantity of these of saturation low the of C-V measurements allowing with annealed the (100 micron size resistance series to characteristics contact smaller the cause. contacts diode reverse soft the vacuum was not surface in out so oxidation sound mechanically were the on to n+ InP carried The contacts InP. formed heterojunction oxide resistance 6.3b) 0.1 the is which give j/cm2 a has diffusion 119 is. potential For the soft diodes results are not deposited is (n-1018 /cm3) some of the A a densities the saturation of resistivity contact 1018/cm3 electron substrate (section formation of a 3c) very already alloyed NiAuGe laser on heavily energy characteristics densities did the All more not than deviate would to a give dope the height doped substrates. current NiAuGe does not barrier to produce 8 A/cm2 after InP of low tend energy n-type mechanism contacts which V which contact explains may be the saturation the This (fig. j/cm2 higher reaching ohm. cm2 As the concentration. doped InP. only 10-4 about 0.1 At of particularly action rectifying of 0.3 potential characteristics 6.4a) This doped Sn onto around 2 J/cm. 0.33 to a barrier corresponds (fig. increases current with I-V heterojunction. germanium anneal the this of cause possible as yielding slope deposited densities energy the the /cm3. However with alloying of laser with were non-linear formation a 6.3a) the anneals 1/C2 vs V for of only were substrates. contacts laser 6.4b). contacts laser a plot 6.4.1015 of conditions. surface energy (fig. linear concentration The Ni-Au-Ge but reliable in a change by high produced very contact a carrier after indicating reduced to seems Schottky diode by to the (69) observation low be resistivity that contacts the contacts alloyed with 0.4 j/cm2 had I-V measureable from linear. 120 (6.2) Laser The laser InP that even resistance back contact A The 2000 (fig. 6-5), to sharply 0.3 a value j/cm2 producing a heavily tunnelling contact. with increasing the lowest of estimate 1.6.10-6 error probably measured contact does alloy resistance for resistivity for of the exceed 8.10-7 step 0.6 200 with ohm. cm2. fall that the the sheet Using the the gives micron contacts a produces ohm-cm2. 1.3.2 InP, to j/cm2 chapter 100 micron the of for indicates 10-6 the of continues with of about density energy resistivity be drops necessary in the would melting which to resistivity an increases resistivity not low a UP t. 0 0-3'j/cm2 layer alloying due contacts the with density Laser ohm. cm2 whilst the surface concentration minimum measurable densities ohm. cm2 at contact energy spreading was such liquid ohmic were of well The contact was and In/Ga The contact 3.10-6 doped concentration. electron contacts ohmic the energy melts. around laser electron surface tin tin material substrate were to some alloying correlates which the the of contacts laser a the because expected starting with contacts tin although series by the measured the of doped plane. ground for heavily on resistivity level was formed thick doping substrate deposited as copper in The doping the the coating contact resistance as possible. as small fabricated The low resistivity bulk the that ensured their had method. probe contacts contacts alloyed (n-1018/cm3) third ohmic alloyed contacts the worst Hence the as case lowest 121 is resistivity the and this laser contact resistance form number It all laser these device the tin a large the at the higher have of more uncertain as the as even when of furnace alloyed between will surface makes the may the result the of no original is allowance contact resistivity (19,20) and 0.8 low resistance sufficiently during off contacts 0.3 0.8 contact a be a fraction values than the of densities these The phospherus energy that densities energy been blown and sized values. compensation may only best different greater amount areas resistance the with having The experiment. measured alloyed be"noted should Hence j/cm2- to be for useful in pure tin applications. The silver-tin layer, as This was the contacts. of properties the reason The sharp far more durable than analysis and sheet drop melting occurs greater than in for for the improve The as deposited energy contact density but above, given to expected a low laser with annealed is layer was shown by microprobe measurements. for the cause area with contacts results unconnected spreading comparable tin of metal are for measurement active made for may of electrically area. of contacts which The loss a of As a result, have been lost the resolution in may be due to anneal. donors. two sets for rises resistivity the confidence gives contacts j/cm2 the between agreement to close an energy tin. layer, but are ohmic to 0.4 of this electrical and those contacts due -density resistivity the show no tendancy resistivity', the is (fig. 6.6) to alloy the substrate 2 J/cm which expected in. as is the 122 has silver a 2 J/cM 0.4 reflectivity. The contact about 10-5 and is laser energy which produces Thus the increasing 1.6 higher j/CM2 ohm. cm2. than resistivity density. silver is required is made for for the the of less. This 4.10-6 ohm-cm2, device with presence higher the energy formation advantage as wire density causes severe to be protected reducing the contact is not the may be with 0.5 sufficient required to decomposition is bare away. would of this on have a greater the left to is that about a allow the contact InP which A and into successful the etched required of problem achieve of by the incorporating metal is j/cm2 resisivity for the effect by irradiance One slight effect this found value is affect was bonding. density It well. would method of be to place the tin durability of the known. The Ni-Au-Ge which that When allowance but a contact the density layer or subsequently energy on top but layer low energy of might silver tin produces a usefully of energy density. silver-tin little density energy the contact reflectivity reasonably active The range of 1.5.10-6 about laser energy of irradiance a greater this greater agree electrically such operations have two curves with of incident absorbed to be affected microprobe the steadily highest have over a greater secondary. the contacts due to mainly for falls resistivity contacts a given this incorporation obviously tin is that expected a contact means that which up to density silver-tin the This ohm. cm2 resisitivity due samples to a slightly lower initial substrate resistivity, doping level or 123 due to formation the measurements are (fig. which 6-7) resistivity was for the produces a previously by not a shows barrier height contact resistivity in rise j/cm2. 0.2 above contact by the and 0.1 densities energy a greater confirmed of 0.06 densities is of j/cm2 of correlates with of contact suggested (chapter formation of nickel-phosphide 3) the field a interface layer.. on the alloying conditions layer, and not by doping of is so depends not around value 0.5 j/cm2. irradiating on the Further doping the of Ni-Au-Ge after However, the laser surface are and the damage to furnace surrounding whilst alloying about after effect be noted two sets coated density may contact contact InP. It not that of the samples with cause metal. heavy resistivity. more does to a substrates producing , The substrate. no significant entirely of resistivity than improve removal the metallisation, so interface greater the a resistivity with should energy by density for were but energy it different As laser produces j/cm2 formation contact the 1 j/cm2 in as it 0.4 this producing of fall contact contact so the laser resistivity. Hence the InP, energy at the barrier melting samples InP emission semi-insulating were the with of the resistivity. increasing method irradiance of more than semi-insulating considerable contacts doping conditions Disadvantages the The laser as abrupt ohm. cm2 increasing with ohm. cm2 for contact the the 10-5 with irradiation as the fall values measured to sensitive not for Irradiating 2.10-5 about is change diode measurement resistance two metallisations. other . The melting the although The metal and must be concluded adequate give usefully device low 124 resistivity the behaviour type layer, interface of the of Ni-Au-Ge the One such irradiated with by five four contours top and follow contacts density laser the the beam. a Indeed, that modification spread the by produced inferred density energy reflects resistivity a improved the of in the in laser anneal homogeniser contact on constant that obvious greater resistance the the 6.8 bare example, the mean energy falls with in variation density energy the resistivity. sample at that on of for of resistivity figure defined The contacts At laser for measurements immediatly suggesting in in result the on contours pattern. contact pattern of is It uniformity values in and left. variation this of well these have significantly bottom 2 J/cm 0.38 of increasing smaller at ohmic process sets of plotted defined edges should was measured 6.8. the after photo-engraving The results figure a well nickel had complete are for because two metallisations. other contacts J/cm2. in right-hand the of array resistivity the pattern 0.38 the samples set the be may formed properly out developed the contacts. than to well of some in not Leaving characteristics Due to contact is contacts, This alloying. seems to be responsible which treatment. laser a similar the laser after contacts across the resembles InP. laser will It may be beam, result by in a 125 (6-3)Contacts The ion implanted the by measured metal deposition the areas. photoresist was was performed, although the was measured resistivity at almost also as does the sheet the is length flow current flow all much greater contacts is over to for the However the 100 milliohm. end expense of contact to increasing the the used in end vertical is resistivity summarised in of table layers. jo15 laser the end reduced parallel are the the effective contact the The be can are parameters best 1.3.4, contact specific the section influences contacts for cases. as it without rise all at no for probes resistivity. The ion-implanted resistivity than contacts. the and between end length. used These contacts The contact alloyed then in layer, implanted ion devices the be can gold in which of to define resistance a thicker dimension importance. paramount for which the resistivity contact minimum If resistivity. current effective pure separate important by implanting the using is for some temperature as noted importance is will increasing contacts, planar technique 1mA was used of 1.3-4). evaporation The evaporation. A current resistivity contact 6.1 used resistivity chapter using metallisation of greater parameter method (see off fingers In comparing contact lift and current. voltage their fabricated and the during of each pair line was alloying layers had samples pattern The was inevitable implanted transmission The multi-finger deliberate ion to Se+/cm2 hot alloyed resistivity cm and so in implant is or conventionally of conventi a FET structure onal this 126 length The contact for used geometries resistivities which concentration is for these keV surface carrier The reason room temperature so the due resistivity would a gives implant a leads to the nitride Again, of a high to surface the end carrier greater than noted that be should alloyed contacts the and large layer in the. increasing metal The and so contacts This for the of this a planar compared with poor carrier so lower the to results large nitride surface 200 adhesion a silicon demonstrates was for scatter surface. the may indicate had poor The metal resistivity substrate. than damage through optimum suggesting known but not greater to alloyed 1015 Se+/cm2 the at resistivity end resistivity contact of is this contaminated a bare adhesion packing and concentration resistivity be inferior superior into it contact implant. high to The implant for due to compensation be the annealed although has a lower sample alone implant 760*C of contact conventionally a high surface energy, to high a resistivity sheet present The contacts as However, the structures. planar keV implant. may and the comparable allow higher expected resistance. than less circuit. has temperature it to be implant. are The 50 this is source far would have smaller contacts when used in that implant 1015 Se+/cm2 the and an integrated hot Se+/cm2 1014 is microns contacts to be used in density 17 at in improvement show a marked would contact sheet implant device. layer a similar benefit of concentration. improved surface 127 preparation The high to be The room temperature implant is of 750'C the from expected for necessary The epitaxial finger masked produce heavily doped regions this regions, contact the For contacts. true the the and of the area for value calculated gives a smaller due to the apparently is not affected resistivity 25% in the differences it is the values in end surface of of greater significantly conditions. that transmission For the value between all implant on three is the times difference illustrates useful an The end resistivity. example is However, may be due to very This the this over, correct. and the of resistivity in resistivity sheet drain the area contact end resistivity resistivity is to process and sheet that selective value area of as the source the the of unimplanted testing FET measured the adjacent with implanted sample resistivity contact to measure same the of is implantation measurement. a true part the an artefact the this a temperature had contacts implantation be must contact the under addition be end silicon but implant during In to resistivity through sample resistivity contact large annealing. demonstrates sample of method under area selective inaccurate. a shows that which pattern elsewhere. material the line a hot the on semi-insulating surface for data complete by epitaxial than Hall is to leads results Van-der-Pauw TLM measurement resistivity poorer the than sheet produced nitride the The resistivity. of value resistivity. contact much greater that suggesting again value is resistivity sheet measured even lower to lead might of small that measurement 128 parameter. implanted The multiply temperature optimum similar gave resulted in 5.2-1). This the Hall much less is very The concentration. mainly in layer annealed in or vertical devices. would is (21). contact far were resistivity The values much less slight alloying mirror finish device fabrication. so than the spread measured (fig. than during this is values found of for mean of the evaporation. alloying- The ýmportant either 7 at circuit the tabulated seventeen the not 1cm x 1cm dice. spread of values. ohm-cm2 may All electrical planar more closely 1.8.10-6 would of a marked contacts all best contacts has a tight the the alloyed random across 6.9) to the an order integrated of values at to offers these of for in spread smaller The contact to the greater for over contacts length a resistivity process this of comparable contacting packing carrier in is for contact resistivity is when making dense higher as results but (chapter surface end resistivity The effective To investigate sets sheet temperature resistance Also the The contact and the allow applications. parameters high is temperature, mobility, Hence this improvement microns lower implant 50 keV implant to resistivity. smaller. magnitude its (20) contacts alloyed lower 640*C which of resistivity greater much the at contact the either complete the sensitive due to end the of the at annealed resistivity difference why the explains samples sample, activation at a temperature for results annealed were 760*C or at of sheet samples the present contacts be were a problem parameter if due to this 129 contact were excess than resistance. twice the in a All the if then chosen comments apply 6.10). The is spread the similar on which tempbrature with ten one values is can be drawn sets of measurements be useful or metals even if it present the less, data ohm. cm2 "test". this (fig. with no contact on end resistivity should sample were made. were necessary on the less selection of end resistivity It for pass on of 3.10-6 such as would No comparison contacts. resistance as a suitable contact histogram be a limit would a value the to alloyed would dielectrics an absolute of conclusions had be taken might mean by 50%. for available structure contacts but all Similar exceeding vertical mean which Similarly criterion. were used surface. be noted annealed at The lower to heat that 640*C anneal treat 130 6-la Curve trace Fig. IOOOA tin contact, as deposited. of 3mA-2- 8V 642 -4V -3 .2 ý-2 ., lu 16ý I/A n=2 16 6.1b Forward I vs V for Fig. the as deposited contact. 10 3mA II 0 200 Vf IV 400 2 6V 42 -2 V -3 6-1c Curve trace of Fig. 1000A tin contact, laser alloyed with 0.29 J/cm2- 131 I I I - 0 0- 102 - - 0 0 8 0 0 10 8 0 - E U - 1< IC- 10-1 - 0 - 8 0 o 0 - I I I 0.1 0 in-2 IV 03 0-2 E(j CM-2) Fig. -6.2 Current silver-tin density at contacts. a reverse bias of 0-5V for 132 0 %. 00 CN -It 00- CN4 Ln 0 000 0 . PA (A) 4J m 4-3 0 'a P 0 4-3 CH 0 P4 (1) 0 r-I 4-3 (1) rj 4-3 0 0 4-3 4-" cc %0 Ln 0 P4 IL4 0 0 rj 4; > >0 M > C-4 4-4 -01 0 Q A P 4 0 0 A4 Ln (Z_jd) Z_D 0 0 ca Ký m 1 P4 -7 E u Ln UJ 133 co C2 ca 0 m 6 00 4-3 Cýl 00 C-,4 E 91.0) 00 . 14 4-3 0 ca P (D 4-3 co ul ca r-i 00 0 ui 0 00 4-4 0 00 0 . r4 4-3 P4 CL) NAj ( CNIJ --T v) z-w3 sr > C-4 C=) T6 I *ri >.ä C-4 -t %ýo 0 C"j CU > cö -4-3 -P C) 0 ci -ý cö Co h-i . 6D -ri p4 9.4 4J ej 91 CZ 0C) 0 CD 134 1 Sn/ InP lu " 20OPm li loopm o lo- C11.4 F= u 10 -01 Fig. 0-4 E (j cm-2) 6.5 Specific contact function of laser resistivity energy 4 of 2000A tin density. as a 135 AgSnI InP III I I I-. 10-4 : 0---% C*14 E-= u u Qý 10-5 . : - 10 '. 1I 01 Fig. lI 0-4 E (j cM-2) 6.6 Specific laser contact energy resistivity density. of silver-tin vs. 136 1 I I III 10-3 E 10-4 U Qý 10-5 I I 1 -1 *2 -4 -6 -8 E(i cm-2) -02 Fig. II 6.7 Specific density codtact resistivity vs. for NiAuGe metallisation. laser energy 137 ; -o 0 3.1 " I S 0 " 0 0 0 '. 3 1.6 2. o 2.5 nCm2) C(jO-5. Fig. 6.8 Map of chip specific for contact NiAuGe laser resistivity alloyed with across 0.38 a 5x5mm j/CM2. 138 10 W -4L-) ro 4c_0 Li 40 Lcu -0 E 2 pC Fig - 6.9 Distribution the multiple ( 1CF6.nCM2) of specific contact resisitivity implant annealed at 70C. for 139 10 W 4- u ru -4-C: 0 U 40 -0 0246 (mn-cm) jOe Fig. 6.10 Distribution implant of annealed end resistivity at 700C. for multiple 140 (3) ::I, +1 +1 2, c) +1 00 - C; C14 -, T - +1 (n --T co 1ý C-- CY) C14 CN r-- Lý 04 C4 00 U-1 --t o - 7 co Cý CD -cp C'ý t C14 C)6 o +1 +1 CD +1 7.- 76 TV (D (Ij C C < 06 ta a- E C) (D C) (o 0 C. t1-1 - +1 +1 00 4; J) a) (1) CIO t- Ln to CD LO -1 (1) 0 ) C14 - (:: 10 C'47 0 Lo co 1ý0 0 0 -C LO L-- (0 +1 +1 m Ln 6,1 6 6 +1 +1 +1 L-(D co & LO Lo Lr) ý 'o "7 It co M C:) ý: - C; c:, C4 10 00 C:) C? o +1 o +1 m C4ý 00 0 (o t- c) C) C,4 (f) *T* Lol C'14 u, V) t Ln _j* -. -C: -0 0 +1 +1 10 - jZ +1 CY) --T 10 Lb +1 T a) CY) +1 --: - LO t- +1 m 64 LO +1 +1 6 :ý C; VC*f) (D L-- LO 0 cr- -4.1 -C 6 0 0 04 -0 cq 0 0 -C 0 0 04 Ln cr) ) 0 *1-1 0 M - oc: C) 0 00 0 CY) -ýt 0 0 CY) (9 o (D 6 o c1r) CY) -ýr LO +1 +1 T c) co +1 +1 a) cx) clý4 Q <jU - (D 0') (0 LI) E E CY) LO (D +1 (3) +1 +1 +1 +1 C) 6 o C-ý +1 M Cý Ln +1 U-) Cj m t-ý C3 cy') 0) M (D 0 Lo -t (0 o (D 1-1 Q) > a (L) u :;: C) 0 CN w Ul 0 0 141 (7) DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS making have produced The structural firstly in resistivity on the suitability (7.1) Discussion The novelty in of time the understanding the which is metal due to the the visible planar source semiconductor this model effects metallisations not large is may melt energy into the due to density emphasis is point required and a of metals to considered and both of to melt in wholly all for density energy of a step densities energy then absorbtion does formulation laser semiconductor an was an important various The as it melting the 2.2, metal makes involving coefficient the each categories. assumed to be absorbed The of contact InP section attenuation spectrum. of heat metal the seen at merits particular difficult, studied. reflected the in contact results As a consequence model, these and measured device a of excess scale. theoretical each of alloying the mechanisms in temperatures nano-second laser with alloying be discussed 7.2, relative 'particular laser of of grasp simple each for of 7.4 Both resistance. will the the of Phosphide. and with section methods electrical 7.1 Finally . new properties sections in be discussed will low of correlated 7.3 section method intuitive be then will results Indium. electrical in each method two study n-type contacts bulk and for both to contacts ohmic techniques work has been to this The aim of metal the in be a and energy. Based on just metal the or 142 the density energy semiconductor which correspond with Agreement with the energy density At calculations. by observed tin phase very X-ray at remains also occurred at point this temperature. low (section InP. the which measured parameters. (section 3-3) Other changes particularly are is for phosphorus to melt assumed high temperatures forming at place of phosphides may InP. contact : as the account energy In the between the with the for the theoretical metals in to the all the InP of mechanism by the to The is nature of a strong metallisation. additional changes excess of those model no reactions the high than so reactive contact and metal, point. lead attained has The more The is formation. melting metal. densities the caused sharply, the InP in loss contacts. InP as underlying to rises the appearance take also loss reactions to at pressure lost reaction occur benefit evaporation in over raised the such made because no is changes tin was resistivity that dopes pure the of the the by and possibility of forced of resistivity accounted heavily so benevolent for vapour metallisation tin is pressure density dramatic the of was metallisation energy were required This indicating obviously not that phosphorus contact is the melts, The serious suggested Chemical As 3-1). The and melting no metal phosphorus 3.2) InP which the and tin assumptions density energy the contacts the simplifying (section 232*C at the with this microprobe melts small the considering good and the the of appearance 2-3) surprisingly the in metal firstly (section observed metal. the Considering changes contacts, both melt calculated. was silver-tin to required InP, that in needed are is the 143 and the metal InP are have no effect Regarding the a great energy the less than In the which components. is seen as For theory. resistivity in visible the Au-Ge does not due increased the as shown in heavily but the poor contacts almost irradiation. the to, InP poor InP melts 3.3, This 3.2) It (fig-2.6) The the the accuracy by the in the that due to is but germanium a conducting clearly energy still layer to be nickel of densities energy is by formation for the and doping lost thought substrate up to a reaction semiconductor is of appear of As although layer is melting temperatures probably 3-1) adhesion. but at would No gold (section the change Evidence occur. alloy. section surface. laser again no point. micrographs melt probably tin pure probably manufacture. reflect reasonable (section observed eutectic do not InP very energy with metallisation InP melting regrowth the the of would device cm2/Vs contacts, predicted this the exceeding which for dopes 100 case Ni-Au-Ge the was tin become surfaces were much more durable. was metallisation 2.5d) fig. by high removed contacts to the unsuitable the is metal (see densities quality. Turning on the other assumption densities energy densities of mobilities silver-tin that the of this phosphorus rippled energy crystalline the of laser and these alloy behaviour reactivity pitted At these all thermal components simplification. render the as on the At the highest very distinct considered is lost, density not is is doped, present phosphide 144 although no metallisation although densities used, indium the tin contacts All during device for employed, Only the diffusion for study, it of of the interface is most than a InP the possibly than inbetween the 1000 i formation the of for serious metal vertical, thick) micron layers and IMPATT diodes. contact 2.4 chapter only or energy was Surprisingly - thick of at a the the gold surface nickel may have had an influence to amenable and phosphide on the movement laser alloyed gold. The loss contacts metal in laser by movement based gold that the other much smoother Gunn oscillators a layer within the at the given has been suggested layer in example reasons was contained (less as thin remain affected diffusion This the of the density. energy are to phosphorus than smoother structures devices at most the with highest the lost The given. manner a similar The contacts cause. alloying. two terminal reaction and also even at is gold again the is contacts, are little be can in rises resistivity contacts the identification positive of metal to are is adhesion of composition germanium as the interpretation or the an of a serious by contact complex difficult. a layer reactions of This improvement composite may be possible to minimise absorbing A marked use. using so it gold if problem practical obtained silver containing although be is this metallisation to loss. NiAuGe contact principle could the optimise The seems to have been the in use of successful, makes be applied exact to 145 other metallisations given alloying adjacent to (7.2) of implantation in using The main problem the common damage. the semiconductors With a large of the InP implanted at layer surface case for (section Se+/cm2 but conductivity temperature that the ion dose it is carriers is far hardly implanted less suprising dopant amorphous dopant are order present is helium ions used required reasonable to five compensated. than the active not requirement remove the a observe RBS. Very between the for the the InP has negligible low comparatively figure The value 5.2) implanted indicating mobility, of layer at the containing Some restructuring by the permit little fact the channelling restructuring selenium atom and to 300 1500 cm2/V. s but Apparently donor is electrical 1015 Se+/cm2 the evidenced to form bonds to amorphous. sufficient for 1014 the when implanted. turn of surface has occurred to dose to expected the radiation with (see not of and this necessary at 140 ohm/[] as the amorphous order minutes completely layer not was is of The as implanted of a any may be possible usually in dope introduction annealing 550*C for for damage to to room temperature after of cm2/V. S, is this the It has a resistivity layer is dopant. the of activation density results semiconductor 4-3). the reducing ion-implantation damage by annealing radiation the enough energy InP. of areas Discussion incident thereby treatment, unmetallised the reduce the give of that amount of would the of the be matrix, up a free a 146 to the electron the on resides could be tested site, and However, tin the with being heavily conductive or techniques electron might be expected the A level. of spectroscopy photon this is (63) suggests suggested this annealing seem plausible either level. implants sub-lattice Significant (e. g. ion be a the bulk should give is donor activity Ar, Kr)(35,65) to is although supporting this donor other and work The vacancy. the support produced are band conduction of by X-ray observed producing two loss shallow to a similar rise latter induced the tend damage by pulse observations vacancy would highly also these states a InP. amorphous These to be due to a phosphorus observations not preferential All eV from is produced (44,61). an indium alloying, is milling a damage 0.15 crystal. considerable the of indium the location doping donor the by laser lattice produce location on damaged layer to damage seen by indicating beam of at level that that surface (62) to layers component. postulation density amorphise annealing volatile by the satisfied will heavily the beam phosphorus, It as is ion the by produced (60) resides suggests influencing InP which the selenium lattice of tin, of the the whereas InP when introduced mobilities factor Amorphous pulse dopes that The effect heavy damage and this dominant sub-lattice sub-lattice. a be noted should by implanting poor lattice laser phosphorus indium on the RBS is It lattice. latter. vacancies shallow by hypothesis. inert on donor gas 147 An alternative implantation, high (64) in results ohm. cm is produced sufficiently high when n-type dose of protons levels together levels matches the formation of the explain may be thin of to Schottky barrier voltage around 103 InP p-type band of donor of shallow may explain ion acceptor difficulty The complexes may even observed for acceptor - the implantation. concentrations devices, film flash to similar possible when 103 ohm. cm resistivity. by InP size dope solar all would the solar for It cell. stoichiometric InP to form films. Subsequent annealing at for used defect polycrystalline be offset interest great evaporate those cell of principally and reduce the InP is amorphous polycrystalline crystal cell doping or increase only (38,66). to temperatures InP and when a into shallow levels hole possible amorphous into protons irradiated around vacancy low maximum in application produce observations. such donor phosphorus The donor to of concentration doped p-type techniques growth devices implanted fairly a experimental heavily forming is a smaller of proton material is InP of that with The presence in n-type demonstrate The authors by A maximum resistivity becomes the material is of ohm. cm) resistivity irradiated. InP is p-type (>107 high implantation The layers. damage GaAs and GaAlAs used in commonly resistivity introducing of method would have by the implanted layers densities. If InP with acceptors to be employed. higher operating it should is not then The a low temperature 148 than by silicon thin (67) with good be used to used might into substrates that a 5.7 - The difference is most 700'C concentration disorder than is more by like That donor be of defects is, in the single the but the defect the in number the deep donors so as to and causing the ionised figures at that mobility This levels band transfer can still that the defects of be prevent defects deep acceptors, impurity can be to to the like the crystalline damage. necessary room above, to the given annealing perturbation acceptor allow compensate for induced only a noted In addition is obtained, implanted is non-ionised it is marked conduction carriers. behaviour, It implanting as shown in observed the oxide, crystals for sensitive GaAs. cells tin by result But as less the bandgap centres for from exceed the two charged result. of far with clearly ionisation scattering aranged case removed significant InP crystal damaged. is considering sufficiently all the the when heavily still indium. necessary greater, electron not is are is of The expected temperature solar reduced mobilities below making voltage. the temperature cause output considerably 200'C. at anneal temperatures explained the and and 5.8 correlates of cost on p-type increase held lower activation efficiency damage is The amount of low A heterojunction techniques. film already the and cells solar may donor and are electrons. producing scattering as a 149 feature The most curious the in peak (fig. 500'C around deep donors out anneal out the absorbs the of silicon the compensation, (fig. 5.12), (7-3) is For have damage profile the only be also being 5-5). in Conversely during implantation correspondingly and room temperature implant be to about i 100 70 in specific the 10-6 L this without The depth the use as the etch specific contact This Hall etch depth depletion becoming cannot order of produces compete with resistivity requires and strip has resistivity. to contacts and so the of one contact ohm. cm2- 1019 electrons/cm3 a concentration implanted contacts around in concentration roughly carrier drop ion carrier Very surface or alloyed surface I. chapter in alloyed of about unreliable below in of magnitude conventional only overlayer a high for increase laser doping centres Comparison of contacts orders will to reduced. been demonstrated three deep acceptors damage resulting (fig. nitride of the acceptors greatest implants particularly The requirement magnitude the of majority of some acceptor the of shallow the is temperatures at The damage may with regions implants that these 750'C. above in of compensation is allowing. and dependent, created addition 500'C donors temperatures at preferentially greater above hot Se+/cm2 An explanation shallow deposition energy the 5-7). anneal the compensate Io15 when annealing activity the of annealing a surface is width measurementý'are be reduced inaccurate. This much is 150 the due to probably oxide. It value, the is that current carrier concentration If level, the all surface compensation, near for the deep donor as the the greater (chapter 6-3). acceptor compensated a very band and higher energy 3kT the the of region, be might samples contact the little depletion but on the exists valence the This thin of has within surface higher is which ionised. had also material the near of surface profile. contacts, resistivity contact may be that It fully are damage the as the resistivity carrier to gets bend in bands donors had the level level contact properties electrical sheet deep ohmic non-alloyed Capacitance Therefore a given native an anomolous doping by assuming to improve barrier this for possible from the of responsible. be derived expected level being must the implants. yields step signal. importance on first capacitance Unfortunately effect the thickness swamps the or estimated measurements greatest not a 20-30 of again is leakage Fermi found oxide surface profiling then growth also voltage Fermi rapid i which resisitivity layer of surface, strongly the pinning effectively the raising height. Another formation of problem the spread grown barriers Schottky in native introducing semi-conductor deliberately with contact to to InP resistivity non-alloyed layer oxide ohmic between (68). the It is the and the barrier. an additional improve contacts rectifying was noticeable was produced by the metal This oxide properties that layers the the is of lowest on which 151 the gold adhesion did not adhere well contacts also alloyed in necessity the using resistivity measurements. is to expected In dope the technique is employed a vertical contact for Strack the laser Heavy doping in the the and for is semiconductor of contacts to observed densities effect at which (section dopant and the doped to the on measurements tunnelling the (section 6.2). is mechanism (21). Lowering of contacts no doping the of At higher can diffuse in, solubility limit the tin from producing The the contact metallisation contacts) this reason that work Cox of & the the presence metal known that reduced other barrier melting low contact this the the energy Hall InP melts thick layer point. ' Hall model and so high resistivities in is by measured a relatively through for the by systems height 6.1) densities confirm silver is for is the at mechanism be (section producing of the surface only It InP can energy contacts the suspected Sn and Ag/Sn can occur surface silver 3-3). for not height both method in contacts. barrier for discussed to alloying. such as nickel the and problem similar structure the unambiguously this by laser on InP laser alloyed contacts and this the where ohmic (81) Some of highlights (i. e. suitable alloyed of particular forming sintering at not gold contacts correct semiconductor TLM the for Another the of the to determine resistivity use which and this surfaces concentration. the to scatter. adhesion clean contact one was layers a greater had poor carrier surface chapter had obtaining in problems the was good whilst layers field region observed grown from 152 the dual hence It than achieved tin dopant to promote was. how The use of nickel The reason for adding the and adhesion line so this well study of the would seem of contact seem would of of what as a "wetting" is based silver loss regardless it be might may reduce activity same effect and contact However, the the tin minimum metallisations increase dopant. the doping source. and other hence and tin a pure factor the greater may have as it equally adhere from of solubility and increase obvious other or undesireable the loss the level not a major phosphorus dissolved is diffusing is phosphorus doping the reduce resistivity. the may inhibit metallisation agent to appears to be the most profitable. (7.4) Conclusions and contacts. However competi tion. heats diffusion in The devices detectors. fabrication which could is stuck a down is most a for formed support. techniques in is alloying the at the the bulk very whilst thin of the The major back it can be dopants and optical device cool may wave devices millimetre the that so acceptor such as LED/lasers direct surface surface for serious resistance not laser laser of low are a micron) junction advantage to produce beneath to keep have contacts can of than deeper p/n The ability be a (less diffusion with the advantage major dopants This both techniques two the layer a thin of eliminated. implantation ion alloying only that has been demonstrated It of the disadvantage contact of laser 153 laser or indeed alloying, decomposition the of devices planar On the furnace forming regions both employ implantation top contact or techniques implanted laser problem for out application fabrication form the p/n laser formation of ion implantation suitable for are is are a ohmic successful, device being promising has to be Also any to the subsequent implanted proton might usefully IMPATT's forming using the ohmic alloying. differing already but in MISFET above. InP of suitable problem which junctions using a implanted the of the the alloying carried by maintained layer whole noted is p-type contacts application. One ion an all resistivity lost. the summary, alloying high to to not with problems to have techniques ion In diffusion the the be would areas topographical no However, the would or anneal whilst to is are layers and recently (69). leading serious surfaces implanted there devices isolation proton ion of has been reported annealed finish mirror Therefore planar the those be a could is general, particularly This contrary, encapsulant. in as FET's. such annealing final surface, by metallisation. covered InP annealing used solution by contacts but laser complementary Ion structures. for actual looking devices for an 154 (7-5) Further as Further and laser implantation Both results work ohmic regards on the information by combining anodic the to etching profiles. The importance for measurement actual Hall to n-type could be successive is the and with derived and concentration carrier InP. chemical concentration be compared usefully encouraging or mobility of critical of results resistance this results on contacts half of the at degree of of measurement. native will sintering occur Once the conditions been self-aligned contacts might formed anyway in thermo-compression for bonding producing these non-alloyed gate MISFET-s. (see have advantages for This processes to contact I). be through surface. mounting contacts appendix the might metal the lowest the complicate and soldering the probe although the on monitor point resistivity device many found also contact to diffuse contacts inevitably oxide such as have in carrier to four of does remove peak etching, substrate improvement the steps by of material conducting Further the be possible should sucessive with by sintering obtained It to be used could revealing surface. etching a etching profile, and removal measurements presence or anodic implant an concentration any carrier resistivity The same chemical the with measurements contact could layers ion-implanted surface given formation contact produce near have alloying a package. resistivity should benifit These non-alloyed Gunn oscillators with an 155 ohmic than rather an injecting to be investigated do remain damage resulting effect in presented is under operating field, device I are to necessary temperature dopant intentional chromium, The problems in dopants temperatures to appear implants. The problems several (75), for strip or volume might be stoichiometry in a similar tried in the raising by implanting manner to scanning (77) the lamp bulb the hole phosphorus use of electron from to the the are the most Another concentration is gallium with for of a laser promising approach to maintain example, selenium of with or heating. with, order order beam (76) which donor with decomposition surface annealing of p-type significant compared a furnace or anneal for reduced rapid source is is for higher poor both iron as severe (73) and, for (74), production more high of substrates. in employed light diffusion tin-doped time electric implantation such diffusion available incoherent the impurities also migrate The remove by still annealing heater to necessary is of commonly Methods seconds. graphite the if minutes be might and high Furthermore which activity lessened are (16,31,72). InP electrical are in diffusion of Extended reBect. defects epi-layer have been found which respults performance. unwanted and this temperature necessary the degrade damage may itself initial remaining microwave cycle annealing in the whether has a de trimental although of high the seen dose implants if out conditions degrade to to be encouraging find Some problems contact.. remains performance appendix study It such high from the on cathode cadmium for GaAs 156 (78,79). A further those class for damage, of the in a level be could investigated This material. example protons, using of centre the bandgap are used are be can oxygen InP can be doped with the Alternativly gases. which semi-insulating producing production ions of or by noble an impurity having by Fe, Cr and as possessed Co. higher If temperatures short are increased. for doping a double temperatures has proved successful of pin-holes is is an amorphous found is in layer(chapter both a dielectric The encouraging up. Further However 4-3). work is some guidelines results dioxide encapsulants a Some and However ambient for Other The formation problem. so good with a even higher and silicon this particularly is phosphorus For dielectric with eliminates quite without be developed. and could encapsulant, surface using not and nitride silicon encapsulant up to 750'C. up to 800'C. a common fault quality with (35) a PH3 ambient use of surface cap of Used nitride silicon with temperatures annealing the of quality temperatures dioxide even if annealing, shown that InP for for have used silicon workers the work has This encapsulant useful demands on the the times, for for the as it annealing sample with advantage may an be and a PH3 ambient. of necessary can be laser to alloying find the offered : should optimum the be followed metallisation. use of a low 157 the energy reduces thereby melt, in a the the as InP surroundine actually conventional high temperatures forming composition or gold found but magnesium, in to going Another major the problem of should more control profitable sputtering give to use combined compositional metal with data. benefit InP as conventionally (20). alloyed If alloyed Initially the such as gold-zinc be might reliability is contacts diffusion technique electron the Laser may be variable. this Auger the contacts. which profiling Again, may be of great in a the alloyed some benifit over 6 pulse to be alloys of the to akin melts. to existing based platinum penetration give again more mixtures resistivity contact be similar could alloying to p-type ohmic contacts have a high contacts of use novel may allow laser be with to The InP may not the metal only which reached The laser the platinum damage reduce ruby may mechanism in alloying sucessfully. in the with forming up to a millisecond. extending but melt may again interesting silicon of aim to use a free-running is duration envelope the which approach and The results gold, A particularly platinum with absorber Another silicide. use silver and to InP. compared with required. to is InP underlying robust mass contact density energy the damage to the surrounding the thermal considerably germanium, for was particularly of development silicon work necessary reducing lower much reducing line density based contact silver this in layer, top reflectivity and such spectroscopy such a sophisticated it as depth of alloying will ion be beam (AES) to technique is 158 not a cross available sawing or it A final a as simple even features. as for to deposit a ion metallisation the or lattice matched the to InP, work been techniques, higher performance integrating amplifiers areas small needs for will selectivly From the above the it GaInAs contacts ability of prove InP and The and the to relating in Almost highly with may no compounds Although ion a families these substrate ion to applicable cost same off anneal. 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C-V method Debye either profile indicates there the the . surface (excluding implant at epi whilst height on the and of surface concentration based profiler of before the keV a PH3 ambient injection. which The usual 50 at The a high (81 ). highly electron to obtain differences significant in effective activation "spike" thin thin the automatic The carrier level 1.7-1012 vapour height creates with by substrate. barrier electron a silver grown (n-1018/cm3) injection the necessary was possible layer hot a device made by alloying the annealed one a vertical : The vertical "spike" doped created It 1.0. reduce reduces which achieves to and then This minutes. doped heavily causes heated on a tin sintered a thin with device. (n-1015/cm3) doped to a lightly process normally ion employing or of No micron. taken profiles surface been doping) annealed and 164 that the annealing have conditions impaired not the epitaxial layer. the anneal the same manner as for ordinary at 300 C Following in the contact was sintered injection required ratio in processed sinters diffusion of silver, be much less in the dose implant the desired These results devices processed at growth and excellent results on be applicable that the cathode implanted but five, required in sample. minute the InP (21), By increasing it energy lowering otherwise Obviously problem ion the of one current. the the produce not implanted will be should to give the best an efficiency of required the encouraging 7-4W with was better slightly same time. device the than ion silver need no longer contacts. have could be One further be made of silver given (1) Optimisation better give in devices devices. conditions conventional improvements alloyed implanted and the which conventionally to and Subsequent processing, performance alloyed highly GHz and annealing microwave conventionally are were epitaxial improve to piece barrier 17.4 at of implantation cathode another reducing results result also silver ratio. 12.2%. should devices However a serious exact and the minute similar the of the injection RF is and/or The microwave pulsed a give case I manner which to produce possible the to 390 C for was identical an at which into were processed devices 30%. of sample same epitaxial layers expected uniformity advantage (to give to than is the 165 required Shottky soft metallurgical implantation an enhancement FET (MISFET). to are that by a The structure reduces is CVD process, and InP. implantation in an anneal a PH3 ambient (section to produce formation of of dioxide in over the oxygen source dioxide silicon The 600 C. drain over how the rises gain drain with parasitic ideal regions was drain for contact to metals an aluminium gate holes then of was aligned opened were layer a in the and drain. has with of in, the identical decomposition Finally by has been shown by pyrolytic I-2b) per millimetre, were deposited source milliSiemens "wells" and alloyed device (fig. and 200 keV followed processing gap and contact the problem implant and doped deposited 340'C. at This doped Source was fabricated characteristics source at Further InGeAu were of silicon silane 1014 Se+/cm2 at deposited iron and drain of heavily be isolation The source is and differences but can the by ion I. 2a significant substrate elimenates substrates. consisting figure The most the 5-2) contacts. non-implanted for chosen semiconductor grown by oxidation not This insulator in shown capacitance. parasitic by hot formed is dielectric semi-insulating be can has been fabricated mode metal MOSFET. silicon a the that structure planar, is but sintering) on InP. stability The other, similar on gate increasing resistance. the a maximum In width. gate bias This transistor usual gain of particular about 8 note requires a low demonstrates the which 166 beneficial drain regions. (fig. I. 2c) the to required the oxide form the tracer Apparently annealing has in in : the Some of as sodium voltage, the on the edge of in these has the curve effects no are effect or damage to an implant mask to frequency is gain is much shown recently the a no reduced improvement RF is a self that and results to use a the use of to aligned give useful are available even higher gain improvement is improvement The parasitic It transistor to dose can as high capacitance structure. gate in metallisation structure. sensitive molybdenum gate gain, the A great aligned by a self increased this and implantation outstanding have device. the particularly treatment annealing create (69) possessing considerably implanted ion using deposition accompany should of not dielectric ion the performance although the active feasibility whilst devices conventional which but either and threshold such as loops electrically shows the MISFET's improvements expected the reduced device This of damage also level. negligible InP the low such up to be expected is potential right effects, might characteristics, abscent. for extend and so damage induced channel the negative a and implantation ions in source surface. by positive to regions the that a shift channel, leakage semi-conductor causing implanted The gate. the may have been caused in drain source may be presumed degraded not implanted resistance bias zero and so it leakage trapped 4 The has annealing low the of effects has been withstand the characteristics, date. implants A further and produce 167 non-alloyed In produced alloyed is ohmic summary, results contacts. to be expected conditions should contacts. both these comparable ion to As both. these that structures conventional devices devices first optimisation produce implanted even better were of implantation performance. produced have by attempts and annealing it 04 ý--l _0 N) CD M C3- C) -pC) C) . pi c+ 0 C3rD 0i tA c:: ) U3 CD kj. F(D 0 F-t >0 oN CD c:: ) CD m CO CD m C+ 0 Ul cylý n( cm-3) --1 Source ohmic S'O2 Gate Drain ohmic rL--j n+ 71 P-type or Semi-insulating Fig. I. 2a Cross-section Fig. I-2b&c Source-drain implanted of a self aligned characteristics MISFET. gate for MISFET. an ion 170 APPENDIX II Physical Material properties of InP constants Value Quantity Molecular Units 145-79 weight Density 4.79 g/cm3 Atomic density 3.96.1022 atoms/cm3 Lattice constant 5.87 A Thermal constants Value Units 1058 C 594 jIg Quantity Melting Latent point(at 21 atm. ) heat of fusion Thermal conductivitY(300K) 0.68 Specific 0.31 J/g. K 4.5-10-6 per C Coeff. heat of expansion --- J/cm. K 171 Electronic properties Quantity Value Units Band gap (30OK) 1-35 eV Dielectric const. Effective LF 12-35 Optical 9.6 mass electron 0.069 M e light hole 0.078 Me heavy hole 0.4 Me electron 4600 CM2/Vs hole 150 CM2/Vs Value Units Lattice mobility Optical constants Quantity Refractive index Reflectivity (at 694nm) 3.41 30 % Absorption coeff. 3.5-104 per cm Absorption edge 0.92 micron