United States Patent [191 [11] 4,107,723 Kamath [45] Aug. 15, 1978 Primary Examiner-Martin H. Edlow Attorney, Agent, or Firm-William J. Bethurum; W. H. MacAllister [54] HIGH BANDGAP WINDOW LAYER FOR GaAs SOLAR CELLS AND FABRICATION PROCESS THEREFOR [75] Inventor: [73] Assignee: [57] G. Sanjiv Kamath, Malibu, Calif. Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver ABSTRACT The speci?cation describes a semiconductor solar cell and fabrication process therefor wherein a thin N-type City, Calif. gallium arsenide layer is deposited on a larger P-type substrate layer which is selected from the group of [21] Appl. No.: 792,840 [22] Filed: May 2, 1977 I [51] [52] Int. Cl.2 ........................................... .. H01L 27/14 US. Cl. ...................................... .. 357/30; 357/16; [58] Field of Search ............................ .. 357/30, 16, 61 III-V ternary compounds consisting of aluminum phos phide antimonide, AlPSb, and aluminum indium phos References Cited phide, AlInP. P-type impurities are diffused from the substrate layer into a portion of the thin N-type gallium arsenide layer to form P-type region therein which de?nes a PN junction in the thin gallium arsenide layer. Thus, the quantity of gallium arsenide required to pro vide this PN photovoltaic junction layer in the cell is U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS minimized, and the P-type substrate serves as a high 357/61 [56] bandgap window layer for the cell. Such high bandgap 3,614,549 10/1971 Lorenz ............................... .. 317/234 3,914,136 10/1975 Krersel . . . . . . . . . . .. 3,960,620 6/1976 Ettenberg . .... .. 148/175 3,981,755 4,012,760 4,015,284 4,053,920 9/1976 3/1977 3/1977 10/1977 148/171 Gowers . .. 148/171 Hara ............ .. 357/ 30 Hara ............ .. 357/16 Enstrom ............................... .. 357/30 of this window material is especially well suited for ef?ciently transmitting the blue spectrum of sunlight to the PN junction, thus enhancing the power conversion efficiency of the solar cell. 6 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures Sunlight Insulator P Contact Support kN Contact U. S. Patent 4,107,723 Aug. 15, 1978 Fig.1. / / // / /'/ _ / / / / / / / p’ / / / / GuAs3 Fig. 2. // / / / / / / / / / AU'ZD'AU / // AlInP N Contact \r / / T0205 Au-Ge-Ni Support AlPSb or / /l3 / / / / / // \PN Junction 4,107,723 1 HIGHBANDGAPWQWLAYER FOR Gm SOLAR CELLS AND FABRICATION PROCESS I 2 THE INVENTION Accordingly, the general purpose of this invention is THEREFOR _ to provide a new and improved gallium arsenide solar , 5 cell and fabrication process therefor which process not I FIELD OF THE INVENTION only greatly reduces the gallium quantity requirement in solar cell manufacture, but at the same time improves This invention relates generally to gallium arsenide the transmission of the blue spectrum of sunlight in the solar cells and more particularly to such solar cells resultant solar cell relative to the above described prior exhlblt which an areImproved relativelypower inexpensive qonverslon in cost ef?clency' and which 10 simultaneously xegzlég?ugsi?ieé?ggilucrg reducing theirszllzrmiilll?fgsiixxgs production costs. BACKGROUND . To accomplish this purpose, I initially provide a P . type substrate material selected from the group of ter substhnml efforts have ,been made. m recent W“ 15 nary III-V compound semiconductors consisting of toward lmprovmg the ef?mehcy an‘? ylelds ohsemlcoh' aluminum phosphide antimonide and aluminum indium dhctor solar cehs_a_hd reducing the“ Produchoh costs‘ As colhpared to “been, gihhhm arsenide has long been phosphide. This substrate is’then exposed to an epitaxial deposition process wherein a thin uniform N-type layer l'ecoghlled as a material Wlth a bahdgap more favorahle of gallium arsenide is grown to a predetermined thick for maximizing solar cell ef?ciehcy and also a material 20 ness, typically on the order of about 1 micrometer. better suited for operation at elevated temperatures. During this epitaxial growth step, a p_type impurity Additionally, because of the small Optical absorption (e.g. aluminum) in the substrate diffuses into a portion of depth in direct transistion semiconductors like gallium the thin N-type epitaxial layer to convert the conductiv arsenide, short minority carrier diffusion lengths can be ity of that portion to P-type and thus form the required tolerated, and this leads to better resistance to radiation 25 photovoltaic PN junction for the cell. Finally,~ state-of damage_ the-art metallization deposition and anti-re?ective coat Qne state.°f.the_art type of gallium arsenide Solar C511 ing ?lm deposition techniques are used to provide the which has evolved as a result of continuing efforts in necessary front and back contact metallization for ex solar cell research is a gallium arsenide solar cell com- trashing POWer fro") the device and also the necessary prising an N_type gahum arsenide substrate upon Which 3O anti-re?ection coating on the I?-type_ window layer a P_type layer of gallium aluminum arsenide is epitaxh thereof. The windowilayer for this device 18, of course, ally deposited. One such structure is shown, for examth? P'typg shbstmte Instead of an epltaxlal layer as 1“ ple, in an article by J. DuBow in Electronics, Vol. 49, pug; art. Willie's‘ d1 . d h h . No. 23 Nov. 11, 1976 at page 89. Another such struc. ’. . . . us’n w e re? 1y appreciate. t at t 6' reqmre' 35 ment for the expensive element gallium has been sub f‘ure 1S dlsclosed by H‘ J‘ Royal elal m an amcle :mltled stantially reduced to only that required to form a thin GaI-XAIXAS ' PPN neFero-luhhhoh Solar Cells ’ Jou" epitaxial gallium arsenide layer, typically of one to ?ve "al of the Electrochem'cal soc'ety' septfhhber 19.73 at micrometers in thickness, instead of a much thicker Pages 124E132’ and both of these arhcles are lhcor' gallium arsenide substrate, typically of two hundred Porated herein by reference- Yet ‘mother such Solar cell 40 micrometers or more. Simultaneously, the utilization of structure is disclosed in a copehdhlg application of San‘ the above P-type substrate window material having a .liv Kameth st 31-, Sef- NO- (PD-76165) assigned to the higher band-gap energy than gallium aluminum arse present assignee. While the above type of gallium arsenide-gallium nide substantially improves the power conversion effi ciency of the solar cell by improving the transmission of aluminum arsenide solar cell has proven to be a rela- 45 the blue spectrum of sunlight to the device’s PN junc tively efficient device and generally satisfactory in sevtion. eral respects, it nevertheless requires a relatively thick Therefore, it is an Object of the Present invention to bulk gallium arsenide substrate starting material for its provide a new and improved gallium arsenide solar cell manufacture. This requirement is partially responsible and fahl’lcahoh pl'ficess thel'sfof_ _ for the expensive manufacturing cost for these solar 50 Another oblect 15 "Q provldeh galhlhh arsehlde solar cells as a result of the high cost of gallium. However, it ceh of the typehescnhed havmg ah Improved Power is well known that major efforts are continually being conversion efficiency relative to known state-of-the-art made in both silicon and gallium arsenide solar cell gagmhatsehghe S913‘ cells‘ .d 1 research to reduce solar cell manufacturing costs by d pr0“ less manufacturing cost than those state-of-the-art solar .din hi h .eld and large Volume manufacturing 55 g g yl . . it‘? Cir-lift ‘5 at’) prov‘ 6 ago ardcell of the lype escri e w 1c. may e mass pro uce at substantially pr°ceSSes.s.for economlcauy makmg these solar cells’ cells utilizing a gallium arsenide substrate as the process In addition to the above efforts to reduce solar cell starting material_ costs’ there at? also cohhh‘hhg efforts to mcreas? the A feature of the present invention is the provision of Poweh cohversloh efhclehcy of these chjhs‘ In th1_s he‘ 60 a gallium arsenide solar cell of the type described which gard, 1t has been observed that the gahmm alummhm exhibits a good crystal lattice match between the vari arsenide window material of the above state-of-the-art type gallium arsenide ' gallium aluminum arsenide 5013!‘ cell is somewhat limited in its transmission of the blue Gus layers that make up the cell_ Another feature of the invention is the provision of an improved solar cell having a window material with a spectrum of Sunlight This, of course, is a limiting factor 65 wide bandgap which permits good transmission of the as regards the maximum attainable ef?ciency for these blue spectrum of sunlight to the'device’s PN junction. cells as well as the ultimate cost reduction of large scale solar cell arrays. Another feature is the provision of a process for mak ing gallium arsenide solar cells which requires an abso 3 4,107,723 4 ber 22 such as copper or aluminum, and in actual prac tice many of these solar cell structures are connected in lute minimum of the expensive element gallium in the fabrication of these solar cells. series and in parallel on a much larger support member These and other objects and features of the invention (not shown) in the fabrication of large array solar cells will become more readily apparent in the following description of a preferred embodiment of the invention. 5 operative for the generation of relatively large amounts of electrical power. DRAWINGS Various modi?cations may be made in the above described embodiment of the invention without depart FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 illustrate schematically a preferred ing from the true scope thereof. For example, the pres processing sequence for practicing the invention; and ent invention is not limited to the particular aluminum FIG. 4 is an isometric view of the completed solar cell structure of FIG. 3. phosphide antimonide and aluminum indium phosphide Referring now to the drawings, there is shown in III-V ternary substrate window materials and may also FIG. 1 a P-type substrate starting material 10 which be fabricated using other aluminum-containing ternary or binary III-IV compounds, such as aluminum arsenide monide or aluminum indium phosphide and which is 15 or aluminum phosphide. Additionally, the present in vention may be extended to the manufacture of semi appropriately doped with a P-type impurity such as Be conductor devices such as laser diodes and light emit or Ge. The substrate 10 will typically be on the order of ting diodes to which the objects and features herein 200-250 micrometers in thickness and has a large band preferrably consists of either aluminum phosphide anti apply. Also, vapor phase epitaxy (V PE) can be used gap greater than 2 electron volts to provide good light transmission to the PN junction of the solar cell. Addi 20 instead of liquid phase epitaxy in forming the thin GaAs layer 12 previously described. tionally, the composition of the P-type substrate 10 will The following process and materials values are appli be adjusted to provide a good crystal lattice match for cable to one process and one device embodiment of the the thin epitaxial layer 12 of N-type gallium arsenide present invention, but should not be deemed as restric which is deposited on the upper surface of the substrate 10 as shown in FIG. 2. 25 tive of the invention as claimed. Preferably, this epitaxial deposition process used to form the thin N-type later 12 is carried out using the EXAMPLE A substrate of beryllium doped aluminum phosphide antimonide of AlP,25Sb_75 composition is initially cleaned and polished using standard wafer processing vertical graphite slide bar and saturated solution growth LPE techniques which are described in allowed co pending application Ser. No. 717,806 by Sanjiv Kamath et al entitled “Method for Growing Thin Semiconduc techniques and is then submerged into a saturated solu tor Epitaxial Layers”. The gallium arsenide epitaxial tion of gallium arsenide in gallium using the above iden ti?ed vertical slide bar LPE epitaxial deposition tech niques of S/N 717,806. The Be doping concentration in layer 12 will typically be from 1 to 5 micrometers in thickness and will have a resistivity on the order of about 10-3 ohm centimeters. During the epitaxial 35 the AlP_25Sb,75 substrate is preferably on the order of about 1x1018 atoms per cubic centimeter, and the GaAs growth step to form the layer 12, a P-type impurity such as germanium or beryllium is diffused from the substrate 10 into a portion 13 of the epitaxial layer 12 to form the PN junction 14 therein, as indicated by the dotted line in FIG. 2. As compared to the relatively scarce and expen 40 sive element gallium required of conventional GaAs substrate starting materials, aluminum is a widely avail able and inexpensive element. Therefore, the use of aluminum as a principal element of the compound semi conductor substrate (instead of gallium) greatly reduces in GA solution is initially doped with either Te or Sn to a concentration of approximately 1017 atoms per cubic centimeter or greater. During this LPE growth process, a thin N-type 5 micrometer GaAs epitaxial layer of 10*3 ohm cm resistivity is grown on the P-type AlP_25Sb_75 substrate, which substrate has a bandgap of greater than 2.3 electron volts. By reducing the initial solution growth temperature of about 750° C or greater 45 at a rate of 02° C per minute for about 5 minutes, a thin N-type GaAs layer of about 5 micrometers can be grown on the Be doped aluminum phosphide antimon ide substrate, and the Te or Sn N-type doping of the substrates as a starting material for the process. GaAs in Ga solution provides a PN junction in the thin The structure in FIG. 2 is then transferred to a con ventional ohmic contact deposition station wherein an 50 GaAs epitaxial layer at a depth of between 0.2 and 0.5 micrometers from the substrate -epi layer interface. N-type contact layer 16, such as a gold-germanium After the formation of the basic PN junction structure nickel alloy, is evaporated on the exposed surface of the described above, the contacts and coating layers 16, 18 epitaxial layer 12. Finger-like electrodes 18 of P-type solar cell processing costs as compared to the costs of those prior art processes which utilize gallium arsenide and 20 of FIGS. 3 and 14 are applied to the outer sur metallization, such as a gold-zinc-gold alloy, are then deposited using known and appropriate resist masking 55 faces thereof using standard metallization techniques. techniques to cover only selected areas of the exposed surface of the P-type window layer 10. A suitable anti As an alternative to the above aluminum phosphide antimonide substrate in the above example, an alumi retlective (AR) coating 20, such as tantalum oxide, num indium phosphide substrate of Al_40I_60P composi tion and with a bandgap of greater than 2 electron volts TA205, is deposited as shown in FIG. 3 between the electrode members 18 and typically has an index of 60 can be used as the substrate starting material. Addition ally, other binary compound substrate starting materials refraction of about 2.1. Finally, the stucture of FIG. 3 is such as aluminum nitride or boron nitride can be substi encapulated in a suitable quartz glass (not shown) and tuted for either of the above Al-including ternary com this cover glass will preferably include a coating of pounds withoutvdeparting from the scope of the present magnesium ?uoride, MgFz, on the surface thereof to minimize light re?ection at the outer surface of the 65 invention. That is, either the Al or B in the last named binary compounds would provide the required P-type device. substrate conductivity for subsequent conversion to N The structure of FIG. 3 may be bonded, as shown in type by the Sn or Te doping of the GaAs in Ga solution. FIG. 4, to a suitable metallic conducting support mem 5 4,107,723 Furthermore, the use of B and N in addition to Al in the substrate starting material ‘can result in a higher sub strate bandgap energy than that of the above ternary 6 3. The device de?ned in claim 2 which further in cludes anti-re?ective coating means disposed between selected contact metallization areas on the surface of compounds. However, good crystal lattice matching said substrate layer for minimizing re?ectivity thereat, should be maintained between the alternative binary compound substrate window material and the GaAs 5 and means adjacent said contact means for supporting said solar cell in a desired position or array. epitaxial layer deposited theron for optimum solar cell 4. A PN junction semiconductor device including: performance. Thus, the universal abundance of B and N a. a gallium-free P-type substrate layer selected from the group of materials consisting of aluminum makes the above binary compound substrate window phosphide antimonide, aluminum arsenide, alumi materials economically attractive for low cost solar cell num indium phosphide, aluminum nitride and fabrication for the same reason that the abundance of Al ' boron nitride, and makes the Al-containing ternary compounds attractive for this manufacture. What is claimed is: 1. A semiconductor solar cell including, in combina 15 tion: a. a P-type substratelayer selected from ,the group consisting of aluminum phosphide antimonide, alu minum arsenide,e aluminum indium» phosphide, boron nitride and aluminum nitride, and I b. a thin layer of Nv-type gallium arsenide disposed on said substrate layer and having a photovoltaic PN junction thereinfor generating power in response to sunlight inpinging on said solar cell, whereby 25 said substrate layer serves as an ef?cient light trans b. a thin layer of N-type gallium arsenide disposed on said substrate layer' and having a PN junction therein, whereby said device requires a minimum amount of gallium in its fabrication, and solar cells, light emitting diodes, laser diodes and other PN junction devices may be formed as PN junction structures utilizing ,a minimum of gallium. ‘ 5. The device de?ned in claim 4 which includes means for providing electrical contacts at the outer surfaces of said substrate layer and said gallium arsenide layer, respectively. i 6. A PN junction device comprising a gallium-free B-type substrate window layer of a material selected from the group consisting of aluminum phosphide anti mitting window layer for said cell .and having a _ monide, aluminum arsenide, aluminum indium phos high bandgap energy, and the gallium required to ' phide, boron nitride and aluminum nitride, and a thin provide a photovoltaic gallium arsenide PN junc . layer of N-type gallium arsenide disposed on said sub tion layer is minimized. 30 strate layer and having a PN junction therein, whereby 2. The device de?ned in claim 1 which further in said device requires a minimum amount of gallium in its cludes electrical contact means on the surfaces of said fabrication, and solar cells, light emitting diodes, laser substrate layer aridv said thin gallium arsenide layer, respectively, for transmitting power from said solar cell in response to sunlight inpinging thereon.v diodes and other PN junction devices my be formed as PN junction structures utilizing a minimum of gallium. 35 45 50 55 * i it 1! t