Learning Outcomes for the Non‐Domestic BER Examination Introduction Learners who intend to sit the Non-Domestic BER Examination must be able to: • Explain key objectives and the background to the EPBD • Demonstrate the ability to undertake limitation of primary energy use and or CO2 emission calculations required by the Building Regulations Part L and as outlined in the associated Technical Guidance Document to the Building Regulations Part L • Demonstrate the ability to accurately collect data from plans, specifications and physical surveys to correctly calculate BERs and associated CO2 emissions performance using the NEAP methodology and software for both new and existing non-domestic buildings of varying complexity • Produce BER Certificates and Advisory Reports for non-domestic buildings • Explain the significance, in BER terms, of varying the specifications for non-domestic buildings Structure of Learning Outcomes Units The specific learning outcomes are grouped into 8 units: Unit 1 Building Energy Rating (BER) in Ireland 1.1 Background to the EPBD 1.2 Building Regulations Part L and Technical Guidance Document to Part L 1.3 BER Administration 1.4 Non Domestic National Administration System (NDNAS) Unit 2 Non-Domestic Energy Assessment Procedure (NEAP) Unit 3 Building Geometry Unit 4 Building Fabric Unit 5 Building Services Unit 6 Sustainable Technologies V1 November 2011 Unit 7 BER Assessments Unit 8 Advisory Reports 1 Building Energy Rating (BER) in Ireland 1.1 Background to Building Energy Rating Explain the key objectives of the EPBD Describe what the EPBD requires in terms of BERs Describe the process that has been adopted for implementing Articles 3 to 7 of the EPBD in Ireland Identify the appropriate legislation published to date to implement Article 7 of the EPBD in Ireland Identify the types of buildings which are exempt from BER requirements Explain the meaning of a BER to a client in terms of energy efficiency, the limitations and constraints and validity of the energy assessment Differentiate between the BER for non domestic buildings and Display Energy Certificates (DEC)s for large public buildings 1.2 Building Regulations Part L and Technical Guidance Document to Part L Identify the Buildings Regulations that various buildings were constructed to. Describe the requirements of the Building Regulations that relate to heat loss and thermal performance Explain how all applicable versions of the Technical Guidance Documents to Part L of the Building Regulations (TGD L) can be used to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations Part L Describe how the Part L primary energy use and/or CO2 emission limitations are calculated for applicable non domestic buildings Describe the Part L requirements which the NEAP software can and cannot demonstrate conformance with Differentiate between Part L4(a) compliance requirements and EPBD Article 7 BER requirements List the requirements of Building Regulations Part L that are applicable to all non domestic buildings and list those requirements that are only applicable to non domestic buildings that have specific planning permission and construction dates Describe an assessor’s obligations under the Code of Practice where a building being assessed is found not to conform to the requirements of Part L 1.3 BER Administration Describe how the BER scheme is administered in Ireland Outline the roles of the key statutory bodies responsible for administering BER in Ireland Describe the process for registering as a BER Assessor Describe the obligations that an assessor accepts or agrees to by accepting the Code of Practice for BER Assessors V1 November 2011 Describe the grounds upon which SEI may terminate or suspend an Assessor’s registration List the types of buildings that an assessor is prohibited from assessing under the Section 6 of the Code of Practice Describe the rights and powers reserved by SEAI where an assessor is found to have not acted in an independent manner Explain the type of information that an assessor and client should agree in writing with a client before commencing any BER assessment Describe the data storage requirements that are included in the Code of Practice Describe implications the current data protection legislation has for assessors Describe the type of audits an assessor may be subject to under the BER Quality and Assurance program Describe assessors obligations under the BER monitoring and auditing scheme Describe the key elements of the BER complaints, disputes and appeals procedures Describe an assessor’s legal duty for health and safety in the workplace as required by legislation Identify the risks associated with surveying a building Describe the actions to take to minimise or mitigate risks to people, property or information while conducting a BER assessment including a survey 1.4 Non-Domestic National Administration System (NDNAS) Describe the key functions of the NDNAS Demonstrate how to manage a NDNAS account Demonstrate how to upload a BER assessment to the National Administration System Explain why NDNAS may return errors or notices on an uploaded assessment Describe what assessors are accepting responsibility for when they choose to publish a BER rating Demonstrate how to search for a BER within an assessors account Explain how BER Certificates and Advisory Reports are published Explain how the NDNAS charges for published BERs Differentiate between a Provisional BER and BER that represents the building as built. Describe the circumstances where a Provisional BER must be published on the NDNAS 2 Non Domestic Energy Assessment Procedure (NEAP) Describe the key principles, assumptions, limitations and constraints of NEAP Outline the relationship between NEAP, sbem, isbem, approved DSMs tools and approved sbem software interfaces Describe the importance of ensuring that the correct version of an approved software tool and associated reference material is used in any BER assessment List the software tools which have been approved for use under NEAP Describe the operation principles for applicable approved software tools Describe the calculation process used in SBEM V1 November 2011 Describe the type of buildings that can be assessed using SBEM based tools Describe the building features that can not currently be represented using SBEM based tools Assess a building’s features to determine whether a SBEM based tool or a DSM tool would be more appropriate for completing an assessment Explain how to estimate time required to produce a non domestic BER Describe the purpose of the notional building and how the actual building relates to it Describe the purpose of the reference building and how the actual building relates to it Describe the values of the key characteristics of the notional and reference buildings 3 Building Geometry Describe the geometry related definitions and conventions that are embodied within SBEM and an approved software tool Describe all the geometry related information that is required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Explain how geometry related specifications affect the energy demand of a property Detail how to obtain all the geometry related information required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Survey a building in a safe, methodical and consistent manner and apply NEAP surveying conventions to obtain all relevant geometrical information required for a BER assessment Gather and interpret data from drawings and specifications to obtain all relevant geometrical information required for BER Determine the year of construction Identify the default geometry related data that is contained within an approved software tool Describe circumstances where it may be acceptable to use default building geometry data instead of actual data Describe the justification documentation that must be maintained to substantiate data used in a BER assessment Describe the requirements and conventions that apply to measuring a property as defined by NEAP Apply NEAP rules to measure all envelope areas and zone heights from plans Apply NEAP rules to measure all envelope areas and zone heights from surveys Describe the zoning requirements and conventions that apply to a property as defined by NEAP Divide up a building into the appropriate zones Produce dimensioned sketches for each floor of a property, showing overall building layout and the demarcation of each zone in the property Assign the appropriate activities to each zone V1 November 2011 Describe how a zone’s specification should be amended where none of the activities associated with the original zone specification adequately describes the activity taking place in that zone. Describe how the activity specified for each zone affects the energy demand of the property Apply a system for naming zone elements Describe how to do an air tightness test on a building Determine the validity of an air tightness test certificate Explain the term thermal bridging Explain how non repeating thermal bridging is accounted for in an approved software tool Define circumstances where the thermal bridging factor should be varied from the default factors Calculate the liner transmission heat loss coefficient associated with non repeating thermal bridges Input building geometry related data to an approved tool in order to determine BERs Make further investigations where geometric observations are inconsistent with existing evidence and expected findings 4 Building Fabric Describe the building fabric related definitions and conventions that are embodied within SBEM and an approved software tool Describe all the building fabric related information that is required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Describe how building fabric specifications affect the energy demand of a property Detail how to obtain all the building fabric related information required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Survey a building in a safe, methodical and consistent manner and apply NEAP surveying conventions to obtain all relevant building fabric information required for a BER assessment Gather and interpret data from drawings and specifications to determine obtain all relevant building fabric information required for BER Identify the default building fabric related data that is contained within an approved software tool Describe circumstances where it may be acceptable to use default building fabric data instead of actual data Describe the justification documentation that must be maintained to substantiate data used in a BER assessment Demonstrate the ability to recognise acceptable sources of information for U-value calculations Determine the U-value of various types of walls, roofs, floors, glazing and doors using NEAP default tables and recognised technical information documents Calculate U-values for each element in a building envelope using International Standards V1 November 2011 Describe how unconditioned spaces such as underground car parks, stairwells, access corridors, and large glazed areas affect a BER Calculate the effective thermal capacity [Cm (Kappa)] for each element in a property Describe how the total solar energy transmittance (T solar) affects a BER Calculate the total light transmittance (L solar) for different types of glazing Identify acceptable sources of information for total solar energy transmittance and light transmittance calculations Input building fabric related data to an approved tool in order to determine BERs Make further investigations where building fabric observations are inconsistent with existing evidence and expected findings 5 Building Services Describe the building service related definitions and conventions that are embodied within SBEM and an approved software tool Describe all the building services related information that is required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Explain how space and water heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and auxiliary energy systems affect the energy demand of a property Detail how to obtain all the building services related information required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Identify the different types of building service systems (space and water heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and auxiliary energy systems) and the controls associated with each system in a property from drawings, specifications and site surveys Survey a building in a safe, methodical and consistent manner and apply NEAP surveying conventions to obtain all relevant building services required for a BER assessment Gather and interpret data from drawings and specifications to obtain all relevant building services information required for BER Identify the default building services related data that is contained within an approved software tool Describe circumstances where it may be acceptable to use default building services data instead of actual data Describe documentation that must be maintained to substantiate data used in a BER assessment Describe how the plant efficiency values are calculated Identify acceptable sources of information for plant efficiency Explain what constitutes a full lighting design. Explain how to calculate ‘lumens per circuit wattage’ of a lighting system. Categorise a lamp type based on visual inspection. Describe how to assess a building served by district heating / cooling. Describe how to deal with zones with more than one HVAC system Describe how exhaust extracts should be handled in a BER assessment Describe how an assessor should deal with a HVAC system that does not “fit” a NEAP V1 November 2011 category Describe how enclosed car parks should be treated in a BER assessment Describe how to deal with zones with more than one lighting type and/or lighting control systems Input building services related data to an approved tool in order to determine BERs Make further investigations where building services observations are inconsistent with existing evidence and expected findings 6 Sustainable Technologies Describe the sustainable technology related definitions and conventions that are embodied within SBEM and an approved software tool Explain how the different sustainable technology systems affect the energy consumption and carbon emissions of buildings Explain how all applicable sustainable technology systems are handled in NEAP Detail how to obtain all the sustainable technology related information required to complete a comprehensive BER assessment Survey a building in a safe, methodical and consistent manner and apply NEAP surveying conventions to obtain all relevant sustainable technology information required for a BER assessment Gather and interpret data from drawings and specifications to obtain all relevant sustainable technology information required for BER Identify the default sustainable technology related data that is contained within an approved software tool Describe circumstances where it may be acceptable to use default sustainable technology data instead of actual data Describe the justification documentation that must be maintained to substantiate sustainable technology data used in a BER assessment Input sustainable technology related data to an approved software tool in order to determine BERs Make further investigations where sustainable technology observations are inconsistent with existing evidence and expected findings 7 BER Assessments Input all appropriate administrative information pertaining to a project, property owner and assessor into an approved software tool Describe where to find the MPRN for any property Describe how to proceed with the BER Assessment when there is no MPRN or it is not unique to the building for which the BER is being prepared Conduct a BER assessment using an approved software tool for a variety of properties (both new and existing) of varying complexity Check that data has been entered correctly into the software and describe how to review data if the calculation will not process V1 November 2011 Describe how you would determine if a BER is outside the expected range for the type and age of building and the further investigations and assessor should take under such circumstances For a variety of building forms, of varying complexity, compare the calculated BER and the CO2 emission results Determine if a property is in compliance with specific requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations Demonstrate how the BER is affected by changes in the geometry, building fabric, building services or sustainable technologies specified Evaluate the effect that fuel switching has on CO2 emissions and energy efficiency Save a BER assessment and generate the associated xml file to a required directory 8 Advisory Reports Explain the purpose of the Advisory Reports Describe the range of measures to improve the energy performance of properties that may be included within an Advisory Report Produce appropriate Advisory Reports for new and existing non domestic buildings which are consistent with the BER assessment Describe how approved tools automatically select recommendations for an Advisory Report Describe the type of situations where it would be appropriate to remove a recommendation from an Advisory/Supplementary Report Edit and delete recommendations in an Advisory Report Describe how to recognise where a default recommendation in an Advisory Report has been amended Add a comment to a recommendation in an Advisory Report and a Supplementary Report Describe the purpose of the Supplementary Report Explain to a client the benefits, costs and potential risks that should be considered before any remedial work is undertaken to improve the energy efficiency of a building. Explain to a client the day to day practices that affect the energy demand associated with space and water heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and auxiliary energy systems V1 November 2011