Documentation Requirements LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE 2.1 SM RENOVATION, LANDSCAPE + INFRASTUCTURE, AND BUILDING TYPOLOGIES April 2015 Documentation Requirements TM LIVING BUILDING CHALLENGE 2.1 RENOVATION, LANDSCAPE + INFRASTRUCTURE, AND BUILDING TYPOLOGIES April 2015 HOW PROVIDED INFORMATION WILL BE USED This packet was compiled to provide a complete documentation requirements reference guide for teams pursuing project certification under Living Building Challenge version 2.1. As the administrator of the Living Building Challenge, the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) will request specific information from various members of the project team (Team) to determine compliance with Living Building Challenge Imperatives. This data will be shared in a limited capacity with the project’s assigned Auditor, a third party who is responsible for performing document review and onsite verification once the twelve-month performance period is complete. When on site, the Auditor may look for additional complementary information to support the project team’s claims in the written documentation. Therefore, additional records may be required for further proof of compliance. ILFI and the Auditor will treat with confidentiality any/all project drawings, project manuals, and construction documents submitted by members of a Team. ILFI may use and retain other non-sensitive project documentation as deemed necessary to further the educational mission of the organization, and may share information contained within the documentation with members of the Living Building Challenge Community (Community) or the general public. ILFI retains the right to use and/or publish essays written by the Team, and will attribute the content to the members of the Team as directed. By submitting photographs and/or 3D renderings of the project, the Team grants ILFI royaltyfree use of these image(s) in promotional material, such as web-based, printed, and other presentation formats, to support the Living Building Challenge or one of its auxiliary programs. ILFI will use the image(s) in a manner consistent with a Creative Commons “Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States” license. The Team will be expected to share documentation information about the project’s performance on the publicly-accessible ILFI website Case Study Database once the project is through Audit. Additional feedback may be added to the project’s case study after Certification through coordination with ILFI. ILFI has an ongoing goal to reduce the amount of documentation needed to demonstrate compliance with the Living Building Challenge Imperatives. Over time, items may be deleted or slightly modified to reflect this effort. Teams may elect to submit information using either the most current guidelines at the time of project registration or any subsequent releases. TYPES OF DOCUMENTATION CASE STUDY DOCUMENTS The Case Study requirements (for Imperative 20, Inspiration and Education) have been pulled out of this document into a separate Case Study Questionnaire. Case Study information for the Imperatives being audited must be submitted as part of the Audit documentation, even if Imperative 20 is not part of the current LBC Audit. BASIC DOCUMENTATION All projects require all Basic Documentation, unless noted otherwise. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION Projects that use exceptions or compliance paths that are not standard for all projects require Additional Documentation. Documentation Summary tables indicate which Exceptions require which piece of Additional Documentation. Specifics of the requirements by Exception are described under the documentation type. GENERAL All documentation requirements must be digitally transmitted from the Team to ILFI for review. The Team should contact ILFI at least one month in advance of their planned submittal date to initiate the certification process. The Team should review and update the project information that was provided at time of registration and include the following: PROJECT INFORMATION SYNOPSIS (1 PAGE) Project Typology (Renovation, Landscape + Infrastructure, or Building) Living Transect (L1-L6) Project Area (specify square meters or square feet) Gross Building Area (specify square meters or square feet) Building Footprint (specify square meters or square feet) Project Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Start date of twelve-month performance period GENERAL DOCUMENTATION In addition, the following general information should be submitted: 1. A complete Construction Document set in PDF format 2. An annotated site plan with the Project Area clearly noted 1 3. An electronic copy of the Project Manual (specifications) 4. At least ten digital color 3D renderings or photographs of project 5. Brief description (150-500 words) explaining the rationale for Transect selected and confirmation from ILFI Staff, if applicable. 6. Copies of Dialogue posts or other formal correspondence with ILFI that substantiates decisions that are not expressly in alignment with the stated Imperative requirements. Such correspondence, if relevant to a specific Imperative should be referenced in, or accompany, the documentation provided within that Imperative. LETTERS FROM TEAM MEMBERS Letters from individual Team members are required to document the Team’s statement of TM compliance with the requirements of the Living Building Challenge and to affirm the Team’s intent to meet individual Imperatives. The statement of compliance with the listed Imperatives may be combined into one letter from each of the following Team members, printed on each company’s respective official stationery (sample letters are located in Project Team Resources). Owner: I-01 Limits to Growth I-02 Urban Agriculture –noting long-term commitment I-15 Conservation + Reuse I-17 Democracy + Social Justice – noting public access to all externally focused elements in perpetuity, I-18 Rights to Nature – noting absence of noxious emissions and unrestricted public access to waterways in perpetuity 1 The Project Area must be applied consistently to all Imperatives. The annotated site plan must be clearly labeled and identify, at a minimum: site boundaries; distances to adjacent sensitive habitats (if applicable); building footprint(s); placement of any outbuildings and infrastructure; location and size of agricultural area and related infrastructure; and access to waterways (if applicable). 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 2 I-20 Inspiration + Education Architect of Record: I-11 Red List I-13 Responsible Industry I-14 Appropriate Sourcing I-15 Conservation + Reuse I-17 Democracy + Social Justice – noting ADA compliance Engineer(s) of Record: May be multiple parties, depending on the structure of the Team I-05 Net Zero Water I-06 Ecological Water Flow I-07 Net Zero Energy I-09 Healthy Air General Contractor: I-11 Red List I-13 Responsible Industry I-14 Appropriate Sourcing I-15 Conservation + Reuse REQUIRED NARRATIVES Documentation requirements for some Imperatives include essays or narratives. All page count descriptions noted are recommendations meant to convey the amount of information expected. Teams may submit longer narratives if necessary to clearly communicate the Team’s intent, but teams are encouraged to be succinct and focus on compliance issues. The Auditor will use this information to assist with the assessment of the project. In some cases, no additional information will be required to review each Imperative. In others, specific additional data has been requested. These are organized by Petal on the following pages. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 3 SITE IMPERATIVE 01: LIMITS TO GROWTH Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I01-1 Aerial Photo Image taken no later than December 31, 2007, showing the site and its adjacent properties to a minimum distance of 1,000 feet beyond the project property line. Image must show land use on all sides of property. The image must identify any wetlands, primary dunes, old-growth forest, virgin prairie or prime farmland and the distance of separation from the proposed development. Acceptable images include aerial photos or satellite imagery with a date stamp or similar classification. If a project team is unable to produce photographic evidence of site conditions prior to the I-01 Limits to Growth cutoff date (i.e., December 31, 2007), acceptable alternative documentation must be cleared with the Institute prior to submittal. Potential acceptable alternatives include third-party written documentation such as county records (written descriptions and images) or newspaper articles. Existing Buildings: Projects in existing buildings operational prior to December 31, 2007 must provide a photo showing that the project building was complete and operational prior to December 31, 2007 I01-2 Flood Map FEMA-issued Flood Map documenting the location of the flood zone. For projects outside the United States or in instances where a FEMA-issued Flood map does not exist, a zoning diagram or letter from the Authority Having Jurisdiction may be submitted. I01-3 Landscape Plan A detailed landscape plan that confirms native and/or naturalized plant species. I01-4 Landscape Narrative A narrative explanation of plans for ongoing plant community restoration. 2.1 Living Building Challenge I01-c Technical Docs I01-d Context Docs I01-e Calculations I01-b Conservation Docs EXCEPTION NUMBER TITLE NA Brownfield I01-E1 Greenfield Protecting Virgin Land I01-E2 Greenfield Developed before 12/31/07 I01-E3 Greenfield Surrounded by Development I01-E4 Greenfield in Developing Area I01-E5 - E8 Varies I01-E9 - E10 Farming & Working Ports or Docks I01-E11-12 Floodplain Exceptions I01-E13* Educational Landscapes *New since publication of May 2013 Site Petal Handbook I-01 Documentation Summary Table I01-a Brownfield ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x x x x x x x x x Documentation Requirements p. 4 I01-a Brownfields Documentation demonstrating US EPA designation as a Brownfield, or a State, Province, County or jurisdictional equivalent. I01-b Conservation Documentation A letter from an acceptable third party, or copies of ecological, environmental or civil reports as necessary to demonstrate that the site complies with the requirements. I01-E1, E5, E6, E7 & E8 (sensitive ecological habitats): Copies of conservation program literature must be included in the submission. I01-E4: Documentation that predominant societal land-use pressures require the allowance of partial development as a condition to preserve the majority of the property as a conservation area. I01-c Technical Documentation Documentation of economic activity supporting the required use. I01-E3: Aerial photo showing that at least 75% of the project site was surrounded by properties developed prior to December 31, 2007, or documentation of project site’s designation for increased density under a Growth Management Act ratified before Dec. 31, 2007. I01-E9 & E10: Documentation must include at least one document from each of the following two categories: Official documents: business license, registration, or official correspondence that shows both the project address and evidence that the project is registered as a working farm or port. Contracts or receipts: documents showing the purchase of inputs to or sale of outputs from the farm or port. I01-E13: Documentation verifying the educational purpose of the program and the need to maintain the landscape in a certain state. I01-d Context Documentation I01-E11: Historic map or photo showing pre-1945 development of the project site. I01-E12: Evidence of L5/L6 verification, such as context information or confirmation from ILFI. I01-e Calculations I01-E3: Calculations to clearly demonstrate compliance, if not clear from aerial photo. IMPERATIVE 02: URBAN AGRICULTURE Typology: Building BASIC DOCUMENTATION I02-1 Agriculture Narrative A one-to-three page narrative written by the landscape architect or other appropriate consultant describing the methods of agriculture used to meet this Imperative (crops planted, livestock raised, etc), their intended use, and a long-term support and harvest plan. The narrative should demonstrate: The project’s climate can support the proposed species as a harvestable source, Access to the infrastructure necessary for the type(s) of ‘farming’ A clear plan of use for the harvest 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 5 I02-2 Photographs Representative photographs and/or diagrams showing use patterns throughout the year. I02-3 Area Calculation A calculation of the area of each type of agriculture used to fulfill this Imperative, and how the team determined the appropriate area required for the species, with supporting photos/diagrams as necessary. I02-b Non-edible Plant List TITLE Sensitive Ecological Habitats Non-edibles x EXCEPTION NUMBER I02-E1 I02-E2 I-02 Documentation Summary Table x I02-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION I02-a Exception Narrative A narrative describing compliance with Exception requirements. I02-b Non-edible Plant List A list of all non-edible plants within the poly-culture mix, including an explanation of their function and rationalization for the amount of area devoted to non-edibles. IMPERATIVE 03: HABITAT EXCHANGE Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I03-1 Offset Terms An official letter or document from the Land Trust stating the terms of the offset. I03-2 Receipt A receipt from the authorized Land Trust for the Habitat Exchange donation. I03-3 Land Trust Records Records indicating that the selected Land Trust meets the Challenge definition of Authorized Land Trust. I03-c Summary Analysis Exception Number Title I03-E1 Conservation and Parks Organizations I03-E2 Single-Family Residences I03-E3* Small Non-profits I03-E4* Local Land Trusts *New since publication of May 2013 Site Petal Handbook I03-b Volunteer Hour Records I-03 Documentation Summary Table I03-a Technical Docs ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x x x x I03-a Technical Documentation Contracts, maps, legal or economic documents that show Exception requirements were met. I03-E1, E3 & E4: Documents showing project organization meets Exception requirements 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 6 I03-b Volunteer Hour Records Official records documenting volunteer hours spent during project design, construction or occupancy, including the volunteers’ names and the dates and hours worked, provided by the Land Trust in at least one of the following formats: Volunteer log books Board rosters, meeting minutes or other printed/digital matter that verifies time period of participation A signed letter from Land Trust staff I03-E2: Records documenting a minimum of 100 volunteer hours spent by the Owner or their immediate family. Basic Documentation is not required for this Exception. I03-E3: Records documenting volunteer hours by non-profit staff, board members and direct recipients of services (e.g. clients or students). Basic Documentation is not required for this exception. I03-c Summary Analysis A comparison of Approved Land Trust requirements and proposed land trust qualifications demonstrating Exception requirements have been met. IMPERATIVE 04: CAR FREE LIVING Typology: Building Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I04-1 Calculations Calculations that show the Project Area FAR before and after the project meet the requirements. I04-2 Car Free Living Narrative A brief narrative explaining how the project’s potential to encourage car free living was evaluated. Include a description of the methodology used for any occupancy type calculations, if relevant. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION None at time of Issue 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 7 WATER IMPERATIVE 05: NET ZERO WATER Typology: All BASIC DOCUMENTATION I05-1 Water Narrative A one-to-three page narrative written by the consulting engineers describing the annual water balance, contributing system(s) and major components, their function and location, as well as the water treatment method(s). The narrative must document that onsite supply sources are not compromised as a result of it being tapped to serve the new project (i.e. by aquifer recharge or evapotranspiration). Include a description of the design tool(s) and calculation method(s) (e.g. data source, software, etc.). I05-2 Photographs Photographs of the systems, particularly portions that will be hidden from view at time of audit due to completion of construction. I05-3 Water Bills Water bills for a continuous twelve-month period, beginning with the designated start date of the occupancy phase. If the project is not connected to a Utility and therefore has no water bills, the project Owner must write and sign a letter substantiating that this is the case. This statement may be included in the Owner’s General Letter. I05-4 Completed Water Supply and Use Table Total actual water use from monthly readings throughout the 12-month occupancy period from meter(s) or other onsite tracking systems that clearly record the amount of water used from each supply source. Water Supply and Use Table 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 8 x x None x x I05-c Appeal Docs TITLE Municipal Potable Water Supply Initial Water Purchase Chlorine Disinfection Municipal Water for Fire Protection I05-b Technical Docs EXCEPTION NUMBER I05-E1 I05-E2 I05-E3 I05-E4 I-05 Documentation Summary Table I05-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x I05-a Exception Narrative A narrative documenting compliance with Exception requirements I05-E1: A narrative describing their alternative design approach I05-b Technical Documents I05-E1: A water balance calculation demonstrating that the site has adequate carrying capacity to meet the water needs of the project I05-E3: Evidence of 0.5 micron carbon block filter or equivalent I05-E4: Design documents showing that municipal water is only for fire protection system I05-c Appeal Documents Documentation of the appeal process, including what was submitted and the official response. I05-E1 & E3: A copy of the appeal(s) filed with the appropriate agency (or agencies) IMPERATIVE 06: ECOLOGICAL WATER FLOW Typology: Landscape + Infrastructure, Building BASIC DOCUMENTATION I06-1 Water Flow Narrative A one-to-three page narrative written by the consulting engineers describing the stormwater, greywater and blackwater treatment and management system(s) and major components, their function and location. For any stormwater leaving the project site, an engineering analysis of the predevelopment hydrology of the site (taking into account historic features such as slopes, soil types, and vegetation) and a description of the tools and methodologies used to determine historical flow patterns. I06-2 Photographs Photographs of the systems, particularly portions that will be hidden from view at time of audit due to completion of construction. I06-3 Calculations Water balance calculations clearly indicating the monthly and annual inputs and outputs on the site, including climatic elements like rainfall or groundwater quantities. Sources of data and design assumptions must be recorded. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 9 EXCEPTION NUMBER TITLE I06-E1 Transects L5 & L6 Municipal Connection I06-E2 Fire System Flushing I06-E3 Municipal Overflow Connections I06-E4* Municipal Sewer Connection *New since publication of May 2013 Water Petal Handbook. I06-c Code Appeal Docs I-06 Documentation Summary Table I06-a Compliance Statement I06-b Meter Readings/ Calculations ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x x x x I06-a Compliance Statement I06-E1: the Dialogue ruling stating that a conditional exception for stormwater runoff from a project was granted I06-E4: Statement from the municipal organization confirming that water is treated without chemicals to tertiary levels; that the project is not exacerbating an overtaxed combined system; and that it is not separated from the plant by a municipal lift station I06-b Meter Readings / Calculations I06-E2: meter readings or other documentation showing that the sanitary sewer connection is only used for periodic fire system flushing I06-E3: meter readings or other documentation showing the connection was not used during the 12-month Performance Period I06-E4: documentation showing there is a balance of sewer output and water input from the municipal plant; pumping energy is included in project energy data and watershed data showing the distance from the project to the municipal plant. I06-c Code Appeal Documentation I06-E3: documentation of the appeal filed with, and rejected by, the local municipality. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 10 ENERGY IMPERATIVE 07: NET ZERO ENERGY Typology: All BASIC DOCUMENTATION I07-1 Energy Narrative A one-to-three page narrative, written by the consulting engineers, describing the renewable energy system(s) and major components, including system function and location. I07-2 Photographs Photographs of the systems, particularly portions that will be hidden from view at time of audit due to completion of construction. I07-3 Energy Bills Utility bills for a continuous 12-month period, beginning with the designated start date of the performance period. If the project is not connected to a Utility and therefore has no energy bills, the project owner must write and sign a letter substantiating that this is the case. This statement may be included in the Owner’s General Letter. I07-4 Completed Energy Production and Demand Table Completed Energy Usage Table with monthly data from the 12-month performance period, from meter(s), other onsite tracking systems or web-link to online mechanism that clearly records energy produced and consumed (e.g., total energy generated; total energy use by system [heating, cooling, lighting, fans + pumps, plug loads + equipment, vertical transportation, domestic hot water]; simulated/designed demand if available). If a project installs a fireplace or woodstove under Exception I07-E4, the team must demonstrate that all heating requirements can be made without needing to use the combustion source. Energy Production and Demand Table 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 11 x I07-d Photographs I07-c Technical Docs TITLE Pre-existing Infrastructure PV Array Ownership Natural Gas in Commercial Kitchens Bunsen Burners (Specialized I07-E4 Combustion) I07-E5 Ornamental Fireplaces I07-E6 Emergency Fire Systems I07-E7 Periodic Cultural Festivals I07-E8 Sub-metering in Existing Buildings Tenant Improvements in Exist. HighI07-E9 rises* rd I07-SJ1 Shared/3 Party Arrangements I07-SJ2 Campus Setting I07-SJ3 District Energy System I07-SJ4 Rural Projects *New since November 2013 Energy Petal Handbook I07-b Metering Data EXCEPTION NUMBER I07-E1 I07-E2 I07-E3 I-07 Documentation Summary Table I07-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x None x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I07-a Exception Narratives A one-page narrative explaining compliance with Exception requirements. I07-E1: Narrative signed by the owner confirming their approach and that the system was planned, designed and installed specifically to service the project. I07-E4: Narrative submitted to the Dialogue describing why this Exception is needed, as well as the Dialogue response. I07-E5: Narrative describing the fireplace with regard to the requirements of Exception I07-E5 and I-19 Beauty + Spirit. Note: the fireplace should also be addressed in the I-19-1 Owner Narrative. I07-E6: Narrative explaining the need for backup power, particularly in the context of the project’s size and function, and illustrating that every effort has been made to reduce the size of the system and prevent its use. I07-E7: Narrative describing the festival importance, requirements and how use of Exception will be limited to festival events. I07-E8: Narrative describing an alternative solution for how the project will meet the intent of this Imperative to sufficiently provide a feedback loop on predicted vs. actual energy end uses. I07-E9: Narrative describing the existing building systems, the implemented efficiency improvements, and why reduction measures were required rather than installation of renewables. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 12 I07-b Metering Data I07-E1: Historical records that inventory the amount of energy produced by the existing PV array and used by the campus prior to the addition of the LBC project. I07-E7 & E8: Metering data showing combustion use meets Exception requirements. I07-E9: Metering data from the 12-month Performance Period and the year prior showing overall reduction equal to 105% of LBC project’s energy over during the Performance Period. SJ1 & SJ2: Sub-metering data showing the energy required for the LBC project is covered by the system and attributed to only the LBC project. SJ3: Documentation that the kWhs (BTUs) being sent back to the DES are equal to the building’s demand during the 12-month performance period. I07-c Technical Documents I07-E2: Agreement showing a minimum 15-year lease of the energy system by the project owner. I07-E9: Documents, such as correspondence, lease agreement and/or financial records showing the upgrades were the result of the project. SJ1: Documentation of the project’s financial relationship to the development of the renewable system, such as: Proof of purchase and maintenance agreements Third-party agreements to acquire the equipment and manage ongoing maintenance. SJ4: Documentation showing that the financial contribution increased the local PV array sufficiently to address the annual energy requirements of the project. I07-d Photographs I07-E1: photographs of the existing system I07-E9: photographs of systems before and after improvements. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 13 HEALTH IMPERATIVE 08: CIVILIZED ENVIRONMENT Typology: Renovation, Building Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION Relevant Construction Drawings Dimensioned construction documents such as plans, window schedules, and/or elevations clearly showing compliance with the requirements of this Imperative. EXCEPTION NUMBER I08-E1 I08-E2 TITLE Special Use Areas Existing Buildings I-08 Documentation Summary Table I08-b Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION I08-a Supplemental Drawings I08-1 x x I08-a Supplemental Drawings or Diagrams Additional partial floor plans, building sections or diagrams as necessary to demonstrate compliance with Exception requirements. I08-E2: Drawings showing compliance with further window distance requirement. I08-b Exception Narrative A one-page narrative explaining compliance with Exception requirements. I08-E1: Narrative describing special use areas and why access to daylight and fresh air is a concern IMPERATIVE 09: HEALTHY AIR Typology: Renovation, Building BASIC DOCUMENTATION I09-1 Healthy Air Narrative One-page narrative of ventilation approach(es) for kitchens, bathrooms, copy rooms, janitorial closets and chemical spaces (as applicable) that also outlines the approach to dirt track-in systems for the project with supporting floor plans as needed. I09-2 Testing Results Results from air quality tests at pre-occupancy and at least nine months after occupancy measuring Respirable Suspended Particulates (RSP), Total Volatile Organic Compounds and Carbon Dioxide (CO2). CO2 levels may not exceed those stated in ASHRAE-62. I09-3 Equipment Performance Verification Verification of performance for permanently installed equipment used to monitor levels of carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature and humidity. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 14 TITLE Residential Cleaning x I09-b Product List EXCEPTION NUMBER I09-E1 I-09 Documentation Summary Table I09-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x I09-a Exception Narrative A brief explanation of how the project meets Exception requirements. 109-b Product List A list of products relevant to Exception requirements. IMPERATIVE 10: BIOPHILIA Typology: Landscape + Infrastructure, Building Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I10-1 Biophilia Narrative Two-page illustrated narrative written by the architect describing the biophilic design elements within the project. The narrative should reference photographs and specific construction documents for the location of the elements in the project. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION None at time of issue 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 15 MATERIALS IMPERATIVE 11: RED LIST Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I11-1 Materials Tracking Table The Materials Tracking Table must be completed and provided in sortable Excel format. I11-2 Supporting Data Acceptable documentation must include one of the following for each product in the building, confirming no Red List chemicals are present (see Acceptable Documentation under Clarifications in the current 2.1 Materials Petal Handbook): Living Building Challenge Compliant or Red List Free Declare ID number Complete Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Complete manufacturer-supplied ingredient list x x EXCEPTION NUMBER TITLE I11-E1 General Red List I11-E2-4 Varies I11-E5 Red List and Code N/A HDPE and LDPE I11-E7-E13 Varies I11-E14 HCFCs in TIs I11-E15 Proprietary >1% I11-E16 Unintentional Trace Amounts I11-E17-E19 Varies x I11-E20 Small Electrical Components x I11-E21* Glass-mat Gypsum Sheathing x N/A Miscellaneous Hardware I11-E23* PVC Wire in Residential Projects x I11-E24* HFRs in Non-PVC Wiring (NonResidential Projects) x I11-c Manufacturer Letter I11-b Advocacy Letter I-11 Documentation Summary Table I11-a Due Diligence Documentation ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION None x x See Clarifications x x x x x None See Clarifications *New since publication of May 2013 Materials Petal Handbook 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 16 I11-a Due Diligence Documentation Documents demonstrating genuine effort to exclude Red List products. Communications should include requests to the parties supplying, and/or requiring the non-compliant material, as well as the response from those parties. I11-E5: Communications with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) regarding a variance for the project must include an official statement of the policy, the request for a variance and the official response from the AHJ. I11-b Advocacy Letter A letter to the entity providing or requiring Red List products, advocating for the elimination of Red List materials. Advocacy is required for all non-compliant products that are part of a Living Building Challenge project, including those already acknowledged in the Standard and Dialogue as established exceptions. Sample letter templates are posted online under the Materials Petal in the Dialogue (from Footnote 42 of the Standard). I11-E5: Two letters are required: Advocacy, after the final decision has been issued, to the AHJ that requires Red List products be used, requesting the policy be changed. Advocacy is also required to the manufacturer providing the code required but non-compliant material, requesting a Red List compliant alternative. I11-E15: Advocacy is not required when the proprietary amount is less than 1%. If the amount is greater than 1%, advocacy for transparency and participation in Declare is required. I11-c Manufacturer Letter I11-E15: Letter confirming there are no Red List ingredients in the product. If more than 1% of ingredients are withheld, the letter must also state the percentage of ingredients that are proprietary. MSDS or ingredients list are still required as basic product documentation. IMPERATIVE 12: EMBODIED CARBON FOOTPRINT Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I12-1 Calculator Results The input for and results from a carbon calculator showing tCO2e for the project I12-2 Carbon Offset Receipts A receipt from a carbon offset program as proof-of-purchase EXCEPTION NUMBER I12-E1* I-12 Documentation Summary Table I12-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION TITLE Renovation Offset Reduction x *New since publication of May 2013 Materials Petal Handbook 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 17 I12-a Exception Narrative A one-page narrative describing how the project meets the Exception requirements. I12-E1: Description of the calculation methodology and carbon reduction percentage based upon calculator used and extent of work for the project. IMPERATIVE 13: RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I13-1 Receipts and COC documentation Receipts referencing FSC-certified wood acquisition and the Chain-of-custody (COC) numbers, as well as receipts from the seller/broker of all salvaged wood procurements. I13-2 Advocacy Letters Copies of letters written to the national trade associations and ASTM International requesting third-party standards for the metals, stone and rock industries. TITLE I13-E1 Zone Jumping I13-E2 Existing Buildings & Salvaged Wood I13-E3 Invasive Species x x I13-E4* Underwater Salvaged Wood x x I13-E5* Pending FSC Certification I13-E6* Intentional Harvest I13-d Photographs EXCEPTION NUMBER I13-c Advocacy Letter I 13-b Technical Docs. I-13 Documentation Summary Table I13-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION See Clarifications x x x x x x *New since publication of May 2013 Materials Petal Handbook I13-a Exception Narrative One-to-two page illustrated narrative with photos. I13-E3: A narrative explaining how harvest practices met the extraction standards of the Forest Stewardship Council and ensured effective collection to limit the spread of the invasive species. Topics should include, at minimum, site inventory, economic benefit to community, worker training and impact on local ecology. I13-E4: A narrative addressing indigenous people’s rights I13-E6: Narrative must document both how tree removal was required for construction or part of a reforestation/restoration program, and the milling process to create finish goods (from Footnote 49 of the Standard) I13-b Technical Documents I13-E1: Due diligence documents demonstrating genuine effort to source FSC Mixed/FSC-100% products and the need to jump a Zone. Communications documents must include requests to the parties that could not supply compliant material, as well as the response from those parties. Typically at least three suppliers are expected. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 18 I13-E3: A statement that the species is considered to be invasive or overpopulated in a particular region. This statement must be by a named authoritative body that has made an official assessment, has demonstrated expertise and does not have a direct commercial interest or other conflict of interest. I13-E4: Permitting and ownership documentation I13-E5: Documents showing FSC Certification Audit was completed before project wood was processed. I13-c Advocacy Letter I13-E4: Letter advocating the salvage operation certify under the Rainforest Alliance Underwater Salvaged Standard, I13-d Photographs I13-E2: Photographs documenting the wood as “in situ” or salvaged. I13-E3: Photographs of the invasive species forest, trees, and wood products, supporting the Exception narrative. I13-E6: A few photographs of before, during and after harvest IMPERATIVE 14: APPROPRIATE SOURCING Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION Materials Tracking Table must be completed and provided in sortable Excel format (see I11-1 Materials Tracking Table). I14-1 Project Team Roster Roster including the name of each organization or individual participant on the Team, role, office location, and proximity to the project site (in kilometers). I14-2 Supporting Documentation Documents stating manufacturer location and source location information, as required for each tracked product. Acceptable options include: Declare ID Manufacturer documentation (cutsheet, letter or other document that states the location information) 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 19 x TITLE I14-E10 Red List & FSC Compliance I14-E11 Proprietary Claims I14-E12 Match Existing x I14-E13 Function x I14-E14 Preferred Processes x I14-E15 Declare I14-d Declare ID x EXCEPTION NUMBER I14-c Narrative And/Or Photos I14-b Advocacy Letter I-14 Documentation Summary Table I14-a Due Diligence Docs. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x x x I14-a Due Diligence Documentation Documents demonstrating that the team made every effort to source a compliant product within the allowed Zone before taking a Zone Jump exception. This may be in the form of communications with manufacturers or suppliers and/or research into alternatives. Typically at least three manufacturers must be contacted in order to demonstrate sufficient effort to find compliant products. I14-b Advocacy Letter Advocacy to manufactures in the originally allowed Zone, that were not selected for the project, requesting they bring their non-compliant, or non-preferred products into compliance with the higher standard of the selected product. All advocacy letters must address: Why the non-preferable product was not selected for the project The preference for regional products I14-c Narrative and/or Photos Additional explanation by the team, as required, for certain Exceptions. I14-E12: Labeled photographs of both existing and new products are required I14-E14: Explain the preference for the particular product compared to others in its class that are available in the allowed Zone I14-d Declare ID I14-E15: A Declare ID number is needed if a Zone Jump was taken in order to use a Declare product. IMPERATIVE 15: CONSERVATION + REUSE Typology: All BASIC DOCUMENTATION I15-1 Conservation Management Plan Completed Conservation Management Plan I15-2 Receipts Copies of receipts, recycling percentage reports and addresses for all tipping fees, recyclers, and building materials salvage services. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 20 I15-3 Diversion Table Completed construction waste diversion table showing percentages of waste diverted (by weight) in each category (metals; paper + cardboard; soil + biomass; rigid foam, carpet + insulation; and all others). The table must be based on tangible data that correlates to receipts provided. I15-4 Photographs Photographs of specific designated area on site for separated or comingled construction waste. I15-5 Pre-Building Audit Report (when applicable) A copy of the pre-building audit report for projects using sites with existing infrastructure. I15-E1 Hazardous Materials I15-E2 Municipality Limitations I15-E3* Surplus to Project Team I15-a x x I15-c Photographs TITLE I15-b Advocacy Letter EXCEPTION NUMBER I-15 Documentation Summary Table I15-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x Exception Narrative A brief narrative describing how project met Exception requirements. I15-E3: Narrative substantiating claims of weight and how the materials will be reused. I15-b Advocacy Letter I15-E2: Letters to the AHJ advocating that public systems be put in place to collect all listed construction materials. I15-c Photographs Photographs documenting materials as needed for Exception compliance I15-E3: Photographs of surplus materials 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 21 EQUITY IMPERATIVE 16: HUMAN SCALE + HUMANE PLACES Typology: Landscape + Infrastructure, Building Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I16-1 Human Scale Narrative One-page illustrated narrative describing how the project has addressed the human scale and promotes culture and interaction among people and the community. I16-2 Drawings Dimensioned drawings showing compliance the requirements of this Imperative. I16-E1* Human Scale and Code Requirements I16-E2* Surface Parking in Campus Settings x I16-E3* Rural Gathering Places x I16-d Advocacy Letter TITLE I16-c Variance Documents EXCEPTION NUMBER I16-b Official Documents I-16 Documentation Summary Table I16-a Exception Narrative ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION x x x *See Imperative 15 in the 3.0 Equity Petal Handbook for more information I16-a Exception Narrative A two-to-three page narrative describing the project’s need for the Exception, the approach to and implementation of the alternative solution, compliance with Exception intent, and how the scale and ecological impact of the infrastructure in question has been reduced as much as possible. I16-b Official Documents An official statement of the policy or code that conflicts with Imperative requirements. I16-c Variance Documents The request for a variance and the official AHJ response to that request. I16-d Advocacy Letter A copy of the communication sent to the AHJ or other mandating authority requesting a change to their policy or code. IMPERATIVE 17: DEMOCRACY + SOCIAL JUSTICE Typology: Landscape + Infrastructure, Building Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I17-1 Narrative One-page illustrated narrative describing how the project benefits the public and is publically accessible. I17-2 ADA Statement Signed Statement from team affirming compliance with ADA requirements. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 22 Photographs (Transects L3-L6 only) Photographs of accessible street furniture I-17 Documentation Summary Table I17-b ADA/ABA Documents ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION I17-a Exception Narrative I17-3 EXCEPTION NUMBER TITLE I17-E1* Restricted Access I17-E2* ADA/ABA Exceptions x I17-E3* ADA/ABA International Equivalence x x *See Imperative 16 in the 3.0 Equity Petal Handbook for more information I17-a Exception Narrative A one- to two-page narrative explaining how Exception requirements were met. I17-b ADA/ABA Documents An excerpt of the applicable sections of ADA/ABA code and, as applicable: • A description of the project’s compliance with ADA/ABA exemptions; • An in-depth analysis demonstrating the ADA/ABA equivalence of local code. IMPERATIVE 18: RIGHTS TO NATURE Typology: Landscape + Infrastructure, Building BASIC DOCUMENTATION Sun Shading Calculations Calculation(s) or 3D diagram(s) demonstrating compliance with maximum shading allowances of adjacent properties. Title I18-E1* Restricted Access I18-c Waterway Access Exception Number I-18 Documentation Summary Table I18-b Emissions Protections ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION I18-a Exception Narrative I18-1 x When Applicable x x *See Imperative 16 in the 3.0 Equity Petal Handbook for more information I18-a Exception Narrative A one- to two-page narrative explaining how Exception requirements were met. 118-b Emissions Protections If the project type contains uses that may result in questionable emissions that could compromise adjacent properties from using natural ventilation (manufacturing, laboratories, hospitals etc.), a system description, narrative or emission air testing results that demonstrates measures taken to address this issue. I18-c Waterway Access Documents showing access to adjacent waterways and/or compliant access path for project boundaries more than 60 meters long. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 23 BEAUTY + INSPIRATION IMPERATIVE 19: BEAUTY + SPIRIT Typology: All BASIC DOCUMENTATION I19-1 Beauty Narrative A two-to-four page narrative written by the project designer and/or owner that describes how the project meets the intent of the Imperative. The essay must be accompanied by photographs, diagrams and drawings that illustrate major ideas. I19-2 Survey + Results Survey and results from project occupants/users. Survey must describe the intent of this Imperative and inquire of respondents whether they think the project has succeeded. Survey respondents must represent a randomized sampling of 10% of project occupants. Surveys may be administered online or in person. For single-family residences, testimonies from the home’s occupants, visitors or family members may be used. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION None at time of issue IMPERATIVE 20: INSPIRATION + EDUCATION Typology: All Eligible for Preliminary Audit BASIC DOCUMENTATION I20-1 Case Study Questionnaire All Projects: The Team must complete an ILFI case study questionnaire, to be posted for public viewing on the ILFI website. All Imperatives submitted for a particular Audit (NZEB, Preliminary or Final) must be completed in the Case Study at the time of Audit. I20-2 Open House Single Family Residential Projects: At least one “open house” to educate the public about the project and its achievements. This “open house” shall be publicized to the community at large. Subsequent events are encouraged, but not required. All Other Projects: At least one annual “open day” to educate the public about the project and its achievements. This “open day” shall be publicized to the community at large. I20-3 Web Site Single Family Residential: Educational web site (URL to be provided at submission) that shares information about the design, construction, and operation of the house. Performance metrics are encouraged to be included. All Other Projects: Educational web site (URL to be provided at submission) that shares information about the design, construction, and operation of the project. Performance metrics are encouraged to be included. I20-4 Owner’s Manual Non-Residential and Multifamily Residential Projects: A copy of the Operations and Maintenance Manual. Single Family Residential: A simplified Owner’s Manual that explains the systems in the house and other unique features to assist future owners/occupants. No interpretive signage or detailed O&M manual is necessary. 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 24 I20-5 Brochure Non-Residential and Multifamily Residential Projects Only: A simple brochure describing the design, environmental features, and how occupants can help maintain and operate the project. I20-6 Signage Non-Residential and Multifamily Residential Projects Only: Interpretive signage that teaches visitors and occupants about the project. I20-7 OPTIONAL Video An educational video describing the project’s environmental features ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION None at time of issue 2.1 Living Building Challenge Documentation Requirements p. 25