SPECIFICATION for the proposed MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICE SYSTEMS to the MOORLAND CENTRE EDALE DERBYSHIRE in association with GINO LOMBARDO ASSOCIATES Building Services Consultants Client Consult Projects Gino Lombardo Associates Tel No: 0115 969 3399 Tel. No: 01332 342 990 Document Ref glaEMC01 Issue 01 – December 2015 CONTENTS 1.0 Project Particulars 2.0 General Engineering Preliminaries 3.0 Standard Mechanical Engineering Specification 4.0 Particular Mechanical Engineering Specification SECTION 1.0 PROJECT PARTICULARS SECTION 1.0 PROJECT PARTICULARS CONTENTS Clause Description 1.1 The Project 1.2 Scope of Works 1.3 The Site 1.4 Design Drawings 1.5 Conditions of Contract 1.6 Parties to the Contract 1.7 Engineering Standards 1.8 Programme of Works 1.9 Site Visit 1.10 Tender Queries 1.11 The CDM Regulations 2015 1.12 Hazardous Substances 1.13 External Site Infrastructure Services 1.14 Energy Efficiency/Carbon footprint Etc. 1.15 Building Construction & The Building Regulations 1.16 Conflict SECTION 1.0 PROJECT PARTICULARS 1.1 The Project The Contractor shall be responsible for the design supply, installation and commissioning of the mechanical building services systems to the Edale Moorland Centre refurbishment and extension building project as described in this Employer’s Requirements (ER)specification. The Main Contractor will be responsible for undertaking builders work and other specialist services installations including the new electrical service installations identified below. The Contractor will be responsible for liaison with the Main Contractor to ensure effective coordination of the various work packages. 1.2 Scope of Works This work package comprises the design supply, installation and commissioning of all mechanical building services systems described in this document. The contractor shall be a member of the Building & Engineering Association (B&ES) formerly the HVCA and shall employ competent persons familiar with the type and nature of the proposed building services installations. See also section 3.0 All refrigeration systems work pipework shall be undertaken by competent engineers and in accordance with the F Gas Regulations. The contractor shall be Refcom certificated. Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accredited contractors shall undertake all Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) heat pump installations under the requirements and guidelines of Ofgem. All installations shall comply with requirements of the Local Authority planners, Building Control and the Building Regulations A suitably qualified site manager/ supervisor shall be employed to oversee the works and provide effective support to the design team during the construction phase. All works shall be installed in accordance with relevant legislation, good engineering practice, and the technical standards described in this specification document The Contractor shall include for the following building services systems installations noted below: Mechanical building services systems Removal and modification of existing services. ATW HP space heating services ATW HP hot water services Mains cold water & boosted water systems Mechanical ventilation systems Comfort cooling BMS, controls & sundry services Testing and commissioning. The Contractor shall allow for the co-ordination and integration of the various work element packages with the Main Contractor and specialist building services contractors Specific specialist site work packages include: Air to Water heat pump ATW Heat Pump services Evaporator HE &Condenser HP plant. Compressor & liquid receiver HP plant Buffer vessel and circulation transfer pump sets Associated HWS storage vessels Interfacing controls and sundry equipment BMS interface Testing and commissioning Electrical building services systems Removal and modification of existing services Small power systems & Internal lighting Fire detection/ Intruder detection Public address, hearing loop services Door access control & Alarm systems Data/communication/Telephone cabling & wireways Mechanical services wiring Testing and commissioning. Main Contractor: Builder’s work in association with building services systems General construction builder’s work and ground works All other specialist services 1.3 The Site The site is located at the Moorland Edale, Edale, Peak District National Park, Derbyshire. 1.4 Design Duty of Care The Contractor shall be responsible for the design duty of care and shall production of detailed design drawings, specifications and all other associated information that may be required to demonstrate compliance to the Regulations, standards and guidance noted in the ER specifications and all other contract documents. 1.5 Conditions of Contract General conditions of contract, preliminaries and preambles are detailed under separate cover and are to be read in conjunction with this specification document. These are available from the Main Contractor and the Contract Administrator. 1.6 Particular Parties to the Project 1.6.1 The Contract Administrator Gino Lombardo and Associates 1.6.2 The Architectural Consultant & The CDM Coordinator Gino Lombardo and Associates 1.6.3 Tel. No: 01332 342 990 The Building Services Engineer Consult Projects (Production of the ER specification) 1.6.4 Tel. No: 01332 342 990 Tel. No: 0115 969 3399. The Contractor The Contractor shall be the successful mechanical services contractor responsible for the works described in this document. The Contractor shall be a sub-contractor to the Main Contractor. 1.7 Engineering Standards The installations shall be installed in accordance with ER specification sections 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and room data sheets contained in this document. 1.8 Programme Milestones & Order of Works The programme milestones and specific order of works are contained under separate cover in the Contract Administrator’s documentation package. The centre is to remain operational throughout the duration of works and a phased order of works involving decanting to and from various sections of the building will be implemented. 1.9 Site Visit The Contractor shall be responsible for visiting site to carry out a pre-tender survey to ascertain the conditions under which the work is to be carried out and to review the existing local built environment. Special attention is to be given to means of access to the building and obtaining full particulars of any part or parts of the existing installation that are to be re-used or adapted. No allowance shall be made for ignorance due to the Contractors neglect in this respect. The building is a secure facility and all necessary security vetting for approved & accompanied access shall be arranged via the Main Contractor All site visits must be by prior arrangement via the Contract Administrator in the first instance. 1.10 Tender Queries All queries on contract matters should be directed to the Contract Administrator. All referred technical queries on technical matters should be addressed to the Building Services Engineer noted in 1.6 above. 1.11 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2014/2015 The project will require notification under the current CDM Regulations. Works are to be co-ordinated with the main contract work packages. A Principal Contractor and a CDM co-ordinator have been appointed for the works The contractor shall liaise with the Principal Contractor and CDM co-ordinator and provide to them all necessary risk assessments, method statements and safe systems of work as may be reasonably requested The contractor shall be responsible for issuing all necessary information to the Principal Contractor for inclusion within the Health and Safety File which shall be reviewed by the project the CDM co-ordinator. 1.12 Hazardous Substances It is not envisaged that hazardous will be encountered during the works. The contractor shall undertake relevant risk assessments when undertaking his work. If the contractor suspects that hazardous substances are present, he must immediately stop that particular operation and inform the Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator will organise the carrying out all necessary testing and removal. The existing LPHW services may contain water treatment chemicals. Details are available from the Employer. An asbestos survey analysis/register is available from the CA 1.13 Existing Site Infrastructure/distribution and ‘As Built’ Services The existing incoming water services infrastructure will remain unaltered. The existing LPHW, ventilation services and H&C water services cold water distribution systems are to be utilised and modified where necessary to service and interface with the new building refurbishments and extension layouts /arrangements. The main contractor will be responsible for undertaking site investigations and scans in respect existing concealed services that may affect the works. Record drawings and as built technical information is available to the contractor from the Employer’s H&S files. It is the responsibility of the contractor to determine the accuracy or otherwise of this information prior to any modifications or extensions to the existing systems. When removing or modifying existing services the contractor shall undertake relevant risk assessments and produce method statements for the project CDM Co-ordinator. The CA & Employer shall be kept in formed of any potential existing services infrastructure disruptions and the contactor shall plan and co ordinate milestone dates for any building services interconnections, disconnections and or removals. 1.14 Energy Efficiency / Carbon Footprint / CO² Emission Rate Calculations The building services systems and building construction are to be designed to achieve the requirements of Building Regulations part L2A & L2B target CO² emission rate (TER) and the buildingCO² emission rate (BER) requirements for this type of development. Building construction/carbon footprint improvements shall be made in accordance with the architectural consultants specification documents. Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) engineering works include a new air to water heat pump system to replace the current electric HWS installations and to provide new space heat to specific areas currently unheated. A specialist will undertake any necessary ISBEM calculations that may be required on behalf of the CA. The main contractor will be responsible for obtaining the necessary written compliance approvals & certificates and for the liaison with Building Control. 1.15 Building Construction & The Building Regulations The building construction elements and finishes are indicated on architectural drawings available under separate cover. The construction and services installations are to comply with the current Building Regulations and shall be approved by Building Control. The Contractor shall review the building fire strategy plans and effectively interface building services systems to ensure fire compartment integrity is maintained. The building services installations shall be installed to maintain the acoustic integrity of the elements of building construction. The works shall be compliant to the in force Building Regulations and in particular the supporting ‘The Non–Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide’ NDBSCG document. including all amendments. 1.16 Conflict Any contradiction between the specification and drawings must be brought to the attention of the Contract Administrator during the tender period when a ruling will be given. A discrepancy between the specification and drawings will not be accepted as a basis for additional payment after receipt of tenders. The Contractor shall ensure all plant equipment and building services systems can be adequately integrated within the building construction elements of structure and are fully co-ordinated with other specialist building services systems. SECTION 2.0 GENERAL ENGINEERING PRELIMINARIES SECTION 2.0 GENERAL ENGINEERING PRELIMINARIES Clause Description 2.1 Contract Preliminaries 2.2 Standards of Installation 2.3 Site Visit 2.4 Programme of Works 2.5 Design Team etc Meetings 2.6 Contractor’s Project Team 2.7 Health, Safety and Welfare 2.8 The CDM Regulations 2.9 Protection of the Environment 2.10 Design Calculations 2.11 Design Review Process 2.12 Contract Drawings 2.13 Working Drawings 2.14 "As Fitted" Drawings 2.15 Operating and Maintenance Manuals 2.16 Facilities Maintenance Supplier Liaison 2.17 Schedule of Rates 2.18 Dimensions 2.19 Samples for Approval 2.20 Materials & Protection 2.21 Labelling & identification 2.22 Commissioning and Completion 2.23 Engineering Operational Assets (EOA’s) 2.24 Ease of Maintenance 2.25 Final Inspection and Handover SECTION 2.0 GENERAL ENGINEERING PRELIMINARIES 2.1 Contract Preliminaries Particular contract preliminaries are detailed under separate cover along with the general conditions of contract. The contractor shall read the following general engineering preliminaries in conjunction with the above documents. 2.2 Standards of Installation Technical standards and workmanship standards are defined in sections 1.0, 3.0 & 4.0 together with the room data sheets in appendix A. The contractor shall be a member of the Building & Engineering Services Association. (B&ESA) formerly the Heating and Ventilating Contractor's Association (HVCA) and shall employ competent persons familiar with the type and nature of the proposed building services installations. Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accredited contractors shall undertake all Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) installations under the requirements and guidelines of Ofgem. All refrigeration pipework shall be undertaken by competent specialist refrigeration engineers registered with REFCOM and in accordance with the requirements of the F Gas Regulations. All installations shall comply with requirements of the Local Authority planners, Building Control and the Building Regulations A suitably qualified site manager/ supervisor shall be employed to oversee the works and to provide effective support to the design team during the construction phase. The contractor shall employ suitably qualified and experienced operatives to carry out the works and shall provide comprehensive management and supervision of the works. All works shall be installed in accordance with relevant legislation, good engineering practice, and the technical standards described in this specification. 2.3 Site Visit The contractor shall be deemed to have examined the site, specification, drawings and any other documents, which form part of the contract or describe the works. In the case of an existing building, the contractor shall be responsible for visiting site to carry out a pre-tender survey to ascertain the conditions under which the work is to be carried out, means of access, requirement for scaffolding building structure and obtaining full particulars of any part or parts of the existing installation which are to be re-used or adapted and make full allowance in his cost for all such like factors. No allowance shall be made for ignorance due to the contractors neglect in this respect. Where the particular specification refers to quotations from specialists, manufacturers, stockists, the references are intended for guidance only. The contractor is responsible for ensuring that the quantities, service or equipment included within his offer satisfies the requirements and intents of the scheme. Any doubt in the connection must be clarified before costs are submitted. 2.4 Programme of Works The contractor shall produce a detailed programme for the works indicating: - Activity Reference. Activity Interfacings. Commissioning Periods. Duration of Activity. Contract Milestones. Site Resources. The programme shall be agreed with the Contract Administrator (CA) and co-ordinated within the main contract programme. The testing and commissioning of engineering services shall be executed before the completion of the works and the master programme shall take this into account. 2.5 Design Team, Progress and Site Meetings Design team, progress and site meetings are to be held as and when required during the precontract and contract stages of the project. These may be planned periodically convened and or ad hoc meetings. The contractor shall attend all such meetings and make all necessary arrangements for itself, its personnel, and for any specialist required 2.6 Contractor’s Project Team The contractor shall provide a project organisational chart indicating key personnel and their respective duties as may be required to deliver the service. All team members shall be suitably trained, experienced qualified and competent to perform their respect duty of care. 2.7 Health, Safety and Welfare The contractor shall comply with all enactments, Regulations and working rules relating to the safety, health and welfare of workpeople, tenants and the public. The contractor's attention is drawn to primary codes of practise and Regulations noted in the contract documents and sections 3.0/4.0 of this specification. The contractor shall supply the CA with a copy of his Safety Policy Statement prior to the commencement of the Contract. The contractor shall nominate a person to be responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety provisions. . 2.8 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2014/15 The contractor shall refer to the contact CDM requirements noted under separate cover The contractor shall undertake relevant contractor’s & designer’s duties/ responsibilities as laid down in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2014/5. The contractor shall ensure all contractors and sub-contractors are adequately briefed on particular potential hazards on the site and on general site safety and welfare. Competent and qualified persons shall be employed on the site. The contractor shall obtain safe systems of work and method statements for potentially hazardous contracting operations and initiate permit to work procedures where appropriate. The contractor shall provide a project organisational chart indicating key personnel and their respective duties as may be required to deliver the service. All team members shall be suitably trained, experienced qualified and competent to perform their respect duty of care. 2.9 Protection of the Environment The contractor shall undertake the works with due regard for the environment and in particular The Environmental Protection Act 1990 with amendments. The client and design team recognise the impact that the work package activities may have on the environment and we are committed to high standards of environmental care and to continually improving our environmental performance. The contractor shall aim to improve environmental performance by:* Complying with legislation and, if possible, exceeding the minimum legal requirements. * Maintaining effective and efficient environmental management systems. * Minimising environmental risks and preventing pollution. * Reducing the visual impact of operations. * Promoting the efficient use of transport in all activities. * Preventing, minimising and recycling waste products where appropriate. The contractor shall recognise that stakeholders have a role to play and aim to:- 2.10 * Educate and train staff to conduct their activities in an environmentally responsible manner. * Inform suppliers/contractors of the high environmental standards required. * Encourage high standards throughout the supply chain. * Encourage all stakeholders to use energy and resources efficiently. Design Calculations and Documentation The contractor shall prepare and submit upon request of the CA two copies of all design calculations, working drawings and specifications that may be considered reasonable and proper to substantiate the contractor's design. Broad-brush outline design documentation and indicative drawings shall be prepared during the pre-contract period and presented on request of the CA. The contractor's proposed design framework and engineering principles shall be tabled and discussed at the design development and construction stages of the project or as and when advised by the CA Upon appointment the contractor shall prepare full detailed design documentation, which shall be presented upon request no later than four weeks before commencement of the contractor's site installations. This documentation shall include complete diagrammatic drawings and detailed design arrangements of the installations. The contractor shall expand and/or revise his designs as necessary to reflect the designs of other disciplines of the design and build contractor's project team, and issue appropriate design documentation on an on-going basis in full compliance of the CDM Regulations. The contractor shall include all costs associated with provision of this documentation. 2.11 Contract Drawings The contractor shall be responsible for submitting copies of all necessary drawings, design calculations and associated construction information to the building landlord/landlords agent’s as advised and requested by the CA Information packages will be required at the feasibility, design development and construction stages of the project to fully inform the building owner’s /occupiers of the contractor’s proposals. Arrangements shall indicate the impact of the contractor’s proposals on the building structure and the interface of the installations with the normal trading operations of the building and associated site. It is the responsibility of the contractor to make due allowance for all materials, items of equipment, necessary to provide a complete finished and functional installations. Installations shall be fully co-ordination with the building elements of construction and other building services installations and equipment. The contractor's drawings shall be produced on AutoCad or other interfacing system 2.12 Working Drawings The contractor shall on receipt of order prepare production of fully detailed working drawings of each service to be installed including all-purpose made plant and equipment. These working drawings must be fully co-ordinated with all other services and the structure. The contractor shall work in conjunction with other sub-contractors to ensure that all working drawings are fully co-ordinated. Working drawings shall include details and positions of all supports and fixings. The contractor shall ensure that the requirements of other contractors are taken fully into account prior to any installation commencing. Working drawings shall be produced in accordance with a programme to suit the overall programme for the project. Reasonable allowance shall be made for incorporating any comments made by the CA or his representative. Work on site should only commence after the client or his representative has reviewed working drawings and accepted their content. The contractor's working drawings shall include the following and shall be produced on Auto Cad 2014 or interfacing system :Co-ordinated Plans, Elevations, Sections 1:50 / 1:100 Co-ordinated Plant Layouts and Sections 1:20 Schematic Diagrams Builderswork Drawings NTS 1:50 and 1:20 Manufacturers Drawings of all Plant & Equipment Details Diagrammatic Arrangements of all Systems NTS The contractor will be required to take site dimensions during the preparation of working drawings and shall be responsible for their accuracy. The contractor shall carry out setting out of the works on site and any errors arising from inaccuracies in setting out shall be rectified at the contractor's expense. The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the drawings. Drawings and technical information shall be issued on hard copy and on DVD CD formats. The CA or his representative requires a minimum period of 10 working days to comment on the working drawings from receipt of the drawings. 2.13 "As Fitted" Drawings The contractor shall maintain on site, a record of all changes to the design scheme as works proceed so that "As Fitted" drawings can be produced immediately after the installation has been completed. The contractor shall produce the "As Fitted" drawings, which shall be based on the construction drawings and shall be at least equal in quality and content. The drawings shall include all relevant information and shall exclude any information that is relevant during tender and construction. Each drawing shall be clearly labelled "As Fitted Drawing" and shall bear the contractors title block. The contractor shall submit one set of "As Fitted" drawings in paper format to the CA for review. Immediately following this review, the contractor shall forward an electronic set of drawings copied to disk format. The contractor's attention is drawn to the requirements of the CDM Regulations and shall include all relevant information for inclusion in the building Health and Safety File where appropriate Drawings shall be produced on Auto Cad or interfacing system and DVD CD format disk copies together with two hard copies of each drawing shall be handed over to the Employer. 2.14 Operating and Maintenance information Two hard copy manuals together with two DVD CD format disk copies of the system operating and maintenance manuals should be issued to the CA at or before hand over. Those in charge of the premises must be fully informed of the operational procedures necessary for the safe and proper use of the systems. The manuals shall include a fully detailed written description of the installation and shall contain non-technical descriptions together with technical data sections including: Copies of all test certificates and commissioning sheets. Specialist manufacturer’s plant / equipment drawings and data sheets. A tabulated representation of recommended maintenance tasks. Fully tabulated parts /spares list and manufacturer’s installation manuals. Schedule of Engineering Operational Assets (EOA’s) information. Scaled service systems drawings with diagrammatic/schematic layouts. Simplified operating procedures under both normal and emergency circumstances written in "laymen's" language. The manuals shall be bound and titled, contain an index for ease of reference and prominently display the name and address of the contractor and the Employer together with emergency telephone numbers. The contractor shall include an adequate allowance to brief the Employer’s personnel of the new installations and thereby complete system operating parameters. The brief shall include a conducted walk around of the site installations 2.15 Building Occupiers’ Manuals and Instruction The building occupier's manual shall include a fully detailed written description of the operation of the systems and installation details. The contents shall include non-technical and where appropriate technical text and shall include : Copies of all test certificates and commissioning sheets. Specialist drawings of plant and equipment. Specifically identified manufacturer’s data sheets. A tabulated representation of recommended maintenance tasks. Diagrammatic/schematic drawings. Simplified operating procedures under both normal and emergency circumstances written in "laymen's" language. The Contractor shall include within this tender sum an adequate allowance to brief the end users personnel upon the new installations and the complete system operating parameters. The brief is to take the form of a seminar given by the Contractor at the site premises. 2.16 Facilities Maintenance Supplier Liaison In laying out the works, the contractor shall at all times give proper consideration to the future maintenance of the plant and shall include for such component parts as are available from the manufacturer of the equipment or plant to ensure ease of maintenance. The contractor's attention is drawn to the CDM Regulations 2014/5. The contractor shall at the contract handover stage of the project have a formal meeting with the end user and their Facilities Maintenance Supplier. This progress shall overview the project construction installation and the associated life time operational and maintenance requirements. 2.17 Schedule of Rates A schedule of rates for the project shall be provided within 14 days of the receipt of an instruction to proceed. The schedule shall clearly show the following:Item, Quantity, Rate/Quantity, Total Cost. The rate given shall be inclusive of all on-costs and the total of the schedule prices shall equate to the contract sum cost. The prices given shall be shall be used for costing variations to the contract and the evaluation of work for interim payments. When used for costing variations of a like basis it is deemed that the schedule price given includes for all contract administration overhead and profit costs and that no additional charges will be levied. 2.18 Dimensions Where plant or equipment is to be installed inside or close to building and structures, the contractor shall take his own dimensions of the buildings or structures for the purpose of installing any plant and materials. The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of such dimensions. The contractor shall include for preparing working drawings and undertaking final site measurements to ensure plant and services can be effectively integrated within the building structure and co-ordinated with other service installations. Dimensions written on drawing shall in all instances be taken in preference to those measured on a drawing to a given scale. Any discrepancies or conflicts shall be notified before installations commence. 2.19 Samples For Approval The contractor shall submit for approval, such samples of workmanship, materials or equipment that the contractor proposes to use in the execution of the Works as e requested by the CA. Where the samples submitted are not of a sufficiently high standard or are unsuitable for use in the proposed circumstances, the contractor to shall obtain alternative materials or equipment. 2.20 Materials and Protection All materials and equipment shall be new. The contractor must ensure that all specified materials are correctly applied and installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s advice and requirements. The contractor shall ensure adequate, safe and suitable storage for all materials and equipment. All materials shall be adequately supported and stored under cover to prevent bending, distortion and corrosion. The contractor shall ensure that the condition of all materials and equipment is maintained during the course of the contract and that no damage, corrosion, soiling or deterioration of any kind affects the materials or equipment. 2.21 Labelling of Plant and Equipment The contractor shall provide all necessary Identification and H&S signage that may be applicable to his installations and systems. All plant/ equipment shall be complete with: Manufacturers Identification Labels Contractor system duty ID (m3/h against PD etc) Appropriate Health and Safety Signage Appropriate Plant References Services Identification to BS 1710. Safety signage shall conform to the Signs and Signals Regulations 1996. 2.22 Commissioning and Completion The whole of the service systems shall be set to work, tested & commissioned to the satisfaction of the CA prior to the handover inspection. The contractor shall provide attendance to all commissioning carried out by specialist contractors and shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of such works. The contractor shall also provide attendance during the commissioning of any other site works where he has a contractual involvement. The commissioned systems shall be demonstrated to the CA or his representative at an agreed time .Commissioning data and test certificates shall be presented in the project Health and Safety file documentation package and signed off by the Employer or his representative. New & clean air filters shall be provided by the contractor to all air plant/systems as part of commissioning handover process. Commissioning shall conform to the Building Regulation requirements and the CIBSE codes. The Contractor shall undertake snagging /defects inspections and prepare a signed check list confirming that all systems are complete, tested, commissioned and in satisfactory working order. The contractor shall provide all necessary test certification and commissioning data for inclusion in the O & M manual 2.23 Engineering Operational Assets (EOA’s) Schedule - As Built information The contractor shall provide an engineering operational assets (EOA) schedule of manufacturer’s plant in the form of an agreed plant asset schedule requirements within the ‘as built’ O/M document package. The information shall be handed over to CA at the handover stage for issue to the Employer’s specialist maintenance service providers who will provide maintenance to the new systems. 2.24 Ease of Maintenance In laying out the works, the Contractor shall at all times give proper consideration to the future maintenance of the plant and shall include for such component parts as are available from the manufacturer of the equipment or plant to ensure ease of maintenance. The Contractor's attention is drawn to the CDM Regulations 2015 2.25 Final Inspection and Handover The Contract Administrator or his representative will undertake an inspection of the installations and prepare a list of outstanding and/or remedial works. The Contractor shall attend to all items noted immediately in order that the installation is completed to the Contract Administrator’s satisfaction before the handover date. Upon completion of all outstanding works and/or remedial works the Contractor shall notify the Contract Administrator that all works are ready for handover. A final inspection will then be carried out at an agreed date to suit all parties. The Contract Administrator or his representative will carry out this inspection with the Contractor in attendance and if the work has been completed to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator or his representative a handing over certificate will be issued. SECTION 3.0 TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND DESIGN CRITERIA SECTION 3.0 TECHNICAL STANDARDS CONTENTS Clause 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 3.41 3.42 SECTION 3.0 Description Scope of Works Workmanship and Standard Engineering Specifications Regulations and Standards The Building Regulations Building EPC Non Domestic Building services Compliance Guide Commissioning of Services Health, Safety and Welfare Fire Engineering Services Life Time Operation and Design Space Planning & Co-ordination Safety Signage Services System ID Room Data Sheets Air Handling Equipment The F Gas Regulations Condensate Systems Mechanical Ventilation Systems Galvanised Ductwork Systems Plastic Ductwork Systems Grilles and Diffusers External Louvres Hot & Cold Water Services LPHW Heating CW Cooling Fan Coil Units Split HP Comfort Cooling Systems. Valve Regimes HP Drains Air Venting & Drainage Pipework Systems Soil & Vent and Waste Systems Sanitary Ware Thermal Insulation Protection Painting and Cleaning Support Systems Works Tests Control Systems Commissioning Electrical Services Builder’s Work 3.10 3.0 TECHNICAL STANDARDS 3.1 Scope of Works The contractor shall include for the supply, delivery, erection, setting to work and commissioning of the mechanical building services and associated systems as described in sections 1.0-4.0 of this specification document. 3.2 Workmanship and Standard Engineering Specifications The contractor shall supply and install systems/equipment in accordance with good practice, manufacturer’s requirements and the following standard engineering specifications. Where no specification design, performance or installation standards are quoted the contractor shall with these specifications : CIBSE Technical Memoranda, Guidance and commissioning specifications BS&E Specification and Codes of Practices including: HM Government Non domestic Building services Compliance Guide Including: TR6 TR11 TR17/18 TR30 RAC70 RAC80 DW143 DW144 DW/TM2 3.3 Site pressure testing of pipework Use of plastic pipework Ventilation systems /Ventilation hygiene Heat Pump installations Commercial and light commercial industrial ventilation Unit air conditioning Practical guide to air testing. Specification for sheet metal ductwork Internal Cleanliness of new ductwork systems Regulations and Standards The contractor’s installations shall comply with all current relevant Statutory Instruments / Regulations and in particular with the following guidance: CIBSE Guides and current Technical Memoranda including:- A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 E G TM13 TM 31 TM 39 3.4 Environmental Design Heating Ventilation and air conditioning Ductwork Refrigeration and heat rejection Noise and vibration control Fire engineering Public Health Engineering Minimising the risk of Legionnaires disease. Building log book toolkit Building energy metering The Gas Safety Regulations 1998. The Water Regulations and the WSWF Regulations 1999 The F Gas Regulations The Environmental Protection Act. The IEE Regs. for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, BS.7671 Health & Safety Commission ACOP Legionellosis Disease. Building Control & the Fire Officer's Recommendations and Requirements. All relevant current British Standards and Codes of Practice. The current Building Regulations including all amendments. The Building Regulations. The contractor shall install all systems in accordance with the Building Regulations including Part L and specifically the ‘Non –Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide’ published by the HM Government. The contractor’s installations and manufacturer’s plant and equipment shall be designed to achieve the requirements of the Building Regulations part L2A target CO² emission rate (TER) and actual CO² emission rate (BER) requirements for this type of retail development. The contractor’s attention is draw to the following key elements of design and he shall make appropriate provisions and analysis during the design development, construction and commissioning stages of the project. 3.5 Controls. Energy meters. Electric Heating. Gas Heating. Comfort Cooling. controls Provide effective controls for energy efficiency Provision of effective automatic metering Suitable energy efficient plant and effective controls Suitable energy efficient plant and effective controls Suitable energy efficient plant, passive design and effective Air distribution. Fan power. Air Leakage. Insulation. Fan power, inverter control, energy effective plant & controls Provision of fan power criteria and variable speed drives. HVCA DW143/ 144 specification and standards. Appropriate insulation of pipework & ductwork systems Passive design. Passive design. Passive design. Non AC areas and limiting solar gains. Non AC areas and thermal comfort AC areas and TER/BER Commissioning. CIBSE. O/M manuals. CIBSE. TER/BER. Set to work and effectively commissions for energy efficiency Commissioning Code M Provision of as built information/operational instructions Provision of a building log-book. Design calculation data Energy Performance Certification The contractor shall liaise with the design team and provide fixed building services information to enable the energy performance of the building to be established in accordance with the requirements of the Building Regulations parts L2 and the Building Control body (BCB) The Building Emission Rate (BER) and the Target Emission Rate (TER) shall be recorded in the as built information/log book .A building energy performance certificate (EPC) shall be provided by others 3.6 The Non –Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide. (NDBSCG) The contractor shall supply and install all systems in minimum compliance with the in force Building Regulations and in particular the supporting NDBSCG document . The contractor shall refer to section 4.0. The contractor shall proactively supply & install energy efficient building service plant and systems in consultation with the design team to target low carbon footprint construction and life time operational parameters. 3.7 Commissioning of Services The contractor shall set to work and commission the building services systems in accordance with the CIBSE and BSRIA commissioning codes listed below. CIBSE Code A Air distribution systems CIBSE Code C Automatic controls CIBSE Code R Refrigeration systems CIBSE Code M Commissioning Management BSRIA Commissioning of air systems All commissioning is to take place within the contract period and adequate time allowances shall be included with the overall construction programme for this critical activity. The Employer or his representative may witness commissioning tests. The contractor or his sub-contractor shall provide all necessary labour, supervision, certified instruments, accessories, fuel and materials to carry out all site tests and trial runs prior to commissioning. All air ductwork pressure tests shall be carried out before the application of thermal insulation in accordance with the requirements of the BRs and DW143/144. Air leakage tests, volume/velocity flow tests, temperature and pressure tests shall be undertaken to a pre-programmed schedule and in a logical manner. Gas services shall be purged, vented & commissioned in compliance with the Gas Regulations. Refrigeration services shall be commissioned in compliance with the FGas Regulations. Commissioning shall be undertaken by manufacturer’s specialist commissioning engineers or by the contractor’s qualified and competent personnel. Specific guidance on commissioning is given in the technical sections. 3.8 Health, Safety and Welfare The contractor shall comply with all enactments, regulations and working rules relating to the safety, health and welfare of workpeople, tenants and the public. In particular the Contractor's attention is drawn to the following:- 3.9 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). The Working at Height Regulations 2004 Workplace (Health Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Management of Health and Safety at Work ACOP. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992. The C D M Regulations 2014/5. The inforce IEE Regulations. BS.7671. The contractor shall supply the Employer with a copy of his Safety Policy Statement prior to the commencement of the Contract. The contractor shall nominate a person to be responsible for the implementation of the Health and Safety provisions whilst carrying out work within the Contract. Fire Engineering Services The contractor shall include for fire stopping all engineering services to maintain fire prevention integrity and observe the store fire compartmentation strategy. The contractor shall determine the particular precise store requirements during the design development stage and include for co-ordinating his systems with the overall particular store fire prevention strategy. The contractor shall allow for appropriate fire dampers at ceiling void cavity fire barriers to facilitate particular zoned separation areas in accordance with the Building Control/fire strategy requirements. The individual fire compartmentation locations will be indicated on the fire strategy plans and the contractor shall ensure that installations do not compromise the fire prevention integrity of the building. All fire dampers installations shall be complete with ductwork access doors and identification labelling. Ductwork fire dampers shall be complete with access doors of appropriate size and ID. All construction standards and compartment zoning shall be in accordance with the Building Regulation and all particular Local Authority and Employer’s requirements. 3.10 Acoustic Engineering The contractor shall be note all internal NR levels detailed in the room data sheets. The contractor shall design and select appropriate external/internal plant and equipment suitable for the local built environment, any specific Local Authority /Building Control requirements and the specification noise level criteria requirements. The contractor shall select low speed low noise equipment and provide plant/ductwork sound attenuating systems where necessary. Where low speed selection cannot wholly ensure compliance external acoustic cladding & screening systems shall be supplied and installed by the Main Contractor to the contractor’s detailed requirements should these be agreed to be necessary. Particular attention shall be given to the roof deck plant and systems due to the close proximity of the surrounding buildings and facilities. Care and attention shall be given to the location of central plant ductwork and pipe services transmitting fluids and air, and to fixing details and locations, to avoid transfer/outbreak of noise. Anti-vibration mountings and fixings shall be used on all rotating equipment including line fans. Absorbent matting shall be incorporated on all air handling plant/localised ductwork and condenser base frames between the plant and the resulting detail. The contractor shall provide sound level frequency spectrums for all plant as may be requested by the main contractor. The contractor shall ensure all systems are fit for their purpose and do not cause nuisance to building occupants and the surrounding built environment. All dynamic rotating machinery shall be isolated from the building structure by vibration isolators and vibration isolation materials that shall be purpose designed and selected to suit the machinery. Anti- vibration control shall include the following: 3.11 Central AHU fan(s) AV mountings/ base frame isolation matting FCU void pack heat recovery AV mountings and flexible duct connections. FCU void pack base frame isolation matting Line air fan AV mountings and flexible duct connections. Line attenuators base isolation matting. The contractor shall also refer to section 4.0. Lifetime Maintenance & Operation and System Design. The contractor shall design and install environmental systems with due regard for the efficient and effect lifetime maintenance and operation of the particular systems. Systems shall not pose any H&S hazard and shall be installed at appropriate levels and in acceptable configurations and arrangements. The contractor shall note the following key engineering criteria. 3.12 Ductwork systems shall incorporate removable access doors for coils/actuators/back draught shutters and line VCD’s/FD’s etc. These shall be stiffened and insulated. AHU plant, silencers, filter boxes and inline mechanical ventilation fans shall incorporate supports, independent of connecting ductwork systems Condensate systems and support drop rods shall be suitably installed so as not to restrict or hinder access or cause H&S hazards. Manufacturer’s /Building Regulation space planning requirements shall be observed. Systems, plant and equipment shall be designed so as not to cause acoustic nuisance to the local built environment or discomfort to the building occupants. Filter/coil withdrawal and inspection zones shall be appropriately designed and access demonstrated. Filters shall not be installed in food storage areas or the staff room. Roof top/indoor plant shall be suitably laid out and condense pipework routed clear of maintenance area working zones with discharges clear of AHU access panels. Internal line fans, actuators and AHU shall not be installed at heights greater than 3.2m unless specifically agreed. Space Planning and Service Co-ordination The building services installations shall be effectively co-ordinated and integrated within the building structure. The contractor shall include for adequate planning, co-ordinating his designs to ensure effective interfacing with the building construction. The contractor shall provide detailed setting out plans in consultation with the Main contractor indicating mechanical services provisions and space allocation for electrical services (by others) prior to design and fabrication of services. The contractor shall ensure that all plant can be accommodated within the allocated areas indicated on the tender plans and that adequate structural requirements are provided. Building services design solutions shall be developed to maximise retail sales space and minimise erosion of usable area by plant rooms and distribution systems. Plant design, arrangements and location shall be selected to: Minimise the cost of services distribution. Maintain good access for plant maintenance/replacement. Achieve acoustic specifications and integrity Give the best visual and environmental effect. Maintain the store fire prevention strategy. 3.13 Safety Signage The contractor shall include for all relevant safety signage requirements for his installation systems and equipment. Manufacturer’s signage shall be incorporated where applicable. Signage shall conform to the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 and with be provided by the contractor. Safety Signage shall be affixed to all plant room access/escape doors and to accessible compartments/riser cupboards containing services, plant and equipment. Gas safety signage shall conform to the Gas Regulations 3.14 Services ID Labelling, Identification & Signage. All services and plant and equipment shall be labelled and identified. Services shall be complete with services designation and colour coding to BS1710. Air handling plant, filters, fans, heat exchangers, condensers, cassette units, motorised dampers, fire dampers and gas meter(s) shall be complete with approved permanent rigid plastic ID labelling. Air handling plant is also to be complete with design performance labelling as noted in section 4.0. In store situations were common roof decks contain plant of varying ownership/demise the contractor shall in addition install ownership labelling. All individual refrigeration and condense pipelines shall be labelled with reference to the indoor and outdoor interlinking plant and equipment. ID shall be provided in all cellular spaces and at bundles of services. General plant labelling shall not be less than 50x50mm (See also section 4.0) and refrigeration pipelines shall be tagged with coded discs secured around the insulation diameter. The contractor shall provide all relevant safety signage requirements for his systems and equipment. Manufacturer’s signage shall also be incorporated where applicable. Signage shall conform to the Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996. Safety Signage shall be affixed to all plant room access/escape doors and to accessible compartments/riser cupboards containing services, plant and equipment. Gas safety signage shall conform to the Gas Regulations. All necessary trip, acoustic and headroom hazard signage shall be supplied and fixed by the contractor. The concealed locations of plant and equipment including the following shall be identified with colour coded suspended ceiling disk markers as noted. Fire dampers access, VCD’s, line fans, filters, heat recovery units, ductwork access and silencers etc. Line VCD’s Blue circular 10mmØ and legend FD access Red circular 10mmØ and legend Silencers/filters Black circular 10mmØ and legend Air plant etc Black circular 10mmØ and legend Ductwork systems shall be identified with triangular colour coded directional arrows All fresh, exhaust, supply, return, re-circulation, and extract air ducts shall be labelled. The contractor shall provide refrigeration pipeline system identification and reference on all individual refrigerant lines. Cross-references to internal cassette/cooling coils and external heat rejection condenser plant shall be incorporated on the individual pipelines. Similarly all condense pipelines shall be identified. The contractor shall provide commissioning setting markings on all air system VCD’s /OBD’s. These shall be in black indelible ink. Extract air valves shall be identified with a legend/tag with the number of full turns from the 100% closed position. (i.e. 2.25t ) 3.15 Room Data Sheets The contractor shall refer to the data sheets contained in appendix A of this specification. The data sheets contain room specific requirements and design criteria. 3.16 Air Handling Equipment General The contractor shall install air-handling plant as indicated in the technical sections. Where closed looped refrigeration systems are provided, these shall incorporate a ‘green’ refrigerant. Where direct gas fired units are specified, flue gas exhaust systems shall conform to the Clean Air Act. Units shall be installed in accordance with the Gas Regulations 1998 and manufacturer’s recommendations. Units shall be fit for their intended use and shall be off suitable construction. Non-corrosive units with coil protection shall be installed in all situations Free cooling facilities with exhaust fans shall be provided in all situations The contractor shall refer to the technical specification section 4.00. Units shall be complete with automatic control and generally be complete with:(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) Fresh Air Inlet/ Mixing Box/ Discharge/Exhaust Air Sections. Free Cooling Facility including powered exhaust fan Heat Exchanger / Coil Cooling Coil/Condenser sections. Staged Compressors Controls. Filter Sections with Condition Indicators. Supply Air Fan/ Interfacing Extract Air Fan where appropriate. Anti-vibration mountings Silencer Sections/Line Attenuators as appropriate Manufacturer’s Base Frame Cooling/Heating/Air volume flow/external resistance ID plate/ System ID. Manufacturer’s ID plate. Weather Proof Enclosure in External Applications Construction Each unit will have an insulated frame and heavy-duty corner pieces. Panels shall be manufactured having double skin steel with insulation to form a rigid non-vibrating panel. Each panel shall have a galvanised steel inner face and a primed and "Plastisol" finished outer surface. Panels shall be secured by means of key operated clips. Demountable, air sealed panels with handles shall be provided to give access to filters, fans, damper assemblies and each side of heater/cooling batteries. Each unit shall be complete with all supporting steelwork runners and bearers etc., and shall be adequately braced to prevent drumming. Where AHU's are split down to facilitate installation the method chosen for fastening together the sections shall prevent leakage between sections and be resistant to vibration. Units shall be sited on a builder’s work steel base frame/curb. 10mm Tico sound absorbent matting shall be installed between the unit and the frame. All component sections i.e. coils, filters etc, will be enclosed in the same form of casing, with external finish as described above. Connections to cooling coils will be external to the casing and the apertures around the pipes sealed with suitable rings and cover plates. Fan Sections Units shall be provided with low noise high efficiency centrifugal fans with variable speed inverter control. Fan curves and sound power level criteria are to be provided for each unit. Fan power/efficiencies shall comply to the requirements of the No-Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide (NDBSCG) All fans and motors are to be mounted on common frames with correctly designed and selected anti vibration mountings. These will be of the spring type with a minimum efficiency of 90%. Approval must be obtained for rubber in shear or any other types of anti-vibration mountings. All fan scrolls are to be connected to the unit casing with flexible connections to prevent the transmission of vibration. A spare matched set of belts will be provided for each fan drive. Mounting systems will allow for adjustment of drive belt tension. All fan inlets and the vee belt drive will be fitted with a galvanised wire mesh guard. The drive guard will be split and flanged on the drive centre line and will have access holes and covers over fan and motor shafts to enable tachometer readings to be taken. Full fan sound power data is to be provided for each unit. Filter Sections Panel filters shall be of appropriate rating for the particular store application and be of proprietary manufacture. Filters shall not include any glass fibre material. Filters shall be efficient to G4 (EU4 Panel filters) and F6 (EU6 Bag filters). Each bank of filters will have fitted across each an inclined tube manometer of suitable scale upon which shall be marked 'Clean' and 'Dirty' pressure drops. Filters will be arranged to facilitate access for cleaning, removal and refitting. Purpose made seals will be provided to minimise air leakage around filters and the effectiveness of the seals will not be impaired by periodic removal and refitting of the filter cells. Filter removal arrangement will be rear withdrawal. Mixing Boxes Mixing boxes will have doubled skinned enclosure panels to the same specification as the remainder of the plant. Dampers will be fitted to the mixing box to provide the facility of bringing fresh air and re-circulated air. Dampers shall have parallel blades to ensure complete mixing of the air. Control rods will be extended through the unit casing to allow actuators to be fitted. Free Cooling/Exhaust Fans All units shall be complete with free cooling airflow facilities including exhaust air fans. The percentage air volume flow ‘free cooling’ ability of the units shall not be less than the requirements noted in section 4.0. Acoustic Design and Treatment Units shall be of suitable acoustic specification for their particular application. Where applicable the contractor shall provide low noise units complete with:(1) Low revolution fans/Acoustic silencer sections. (2) Acoustic insulation of fan sections. (3) External line silencer attenuation. Mountings and Supports The AHU(s) shall be complete with manufacturer’s steel base frame and anti- vibration fixings. The unit(s) shall be mounted on an adequate structural base, which will be constructed by the contractor. The contractor shall install absorbent matting between the manufacturer’s base frame and the structural base. 3.17 The F Gas Regulations and Refrigeration Pipework. The contractor shall supply and install refrigeration systems in accordance with the FGas Regulations and shall employ competent and qualified site personnel. The contractor shall provide an ‘as-built’ log book/manual of all particular store refrigeration systems. The manual shall contain the following information for each system which shall be attached to the corresponding EOA plant information System cooling capacities and refrigerant type & charge quantity in kg. As installed locations of refrigeration pipelines Condenser and coil locations and arrangements Manufacturer’s inspections/maintenance requirements The contractor shall provide pipeline system identification and reference on all individual refrigerant lines. Cross-references to internal cassette/cooling coils and external heat rejection condenser plant shall be incorporated on the individual pipelines. All refrigeration pipelines shall be insulated and shall be complete with individual system ID and a propriety galvanised cable tray containment/supports system. 3.18 All plant room sections at risk of impact damage shall be protected on both faces by a robust containment system. All external refrigeration shall be protected from vermin/bird attack by use of a galvanised containment system sandwiching . Condensate Collection Systems The contractor shall install condensate collection systems for the following plant. Internal heat pump plant and terminal units. External/internal condenser heat rejection/AHU plant. Heat recovery heat exchangers. Internal heat pumps, condenser plant & Heat recovery heat exchangers Condense pipelines shall be installed in copper systems and the. discharge systems shall connect to the building drainage waste system at an appropriate location. All systems shall be installed with appropriate falls and system ID. All collection trays shall be complete with a bottom outlet with suitably engineered falls. A line trap water seal shall be provided on the discharge line adjacent the plant connection. The trap(s) shall be capable of inspection, fill and removal. The condense discharge systems shall be connected to the building drainage system at an appropriate location and shall incorporate a line trap water seal. The trap shall be capable of inspection, fill and removal. Condense pipeline systems shall be of appropriate diameter and not less than 25Ø in internal diameter. Terminal units shall be provided with, where necessary, interconnecting condensate lifting pumps. Condense lifting pump hose line(s) shall be kept to a minimum in travel and shall discharge into the rigid trapped discharge systems. Braided hose pipelines shall be provided on all pumped condensate applications to the diameters recommended by the equipment supplier. External condenser plant The contractor shall route all condense discharge away from roof top AHU plant and equipment. Systems shall be routed to terminate at low roof levels or at roof gully locations away from all access panels and AHU equipment. Remote AHU condenser plant shall be sat on raised plinth(s) to avoid steel frames sitting in flooded condense water. Collection trays/rigid discharge pipelines shall be provided in sensitive areas such as goods in /loading bays and plant rooms. Discharges shall be routed to agreed locations. Heat pump condenser plant shall be sited in appropriate locations. Where condense discharge may cause nuisance or H&S risk due to freezing collection trays/rigid direct connection discharge pipelines shall be provided. Where banks of condenser units are installed the contractor shall provide a condense collection tray complete with bottom exit outlet and appropriate falls to prevent stagnant water accumulation. Systems shall be suitable supported and engineered Discharges shall be routed to agreed locations. All systems shall be installed with appropriate falls and system ID. Condense mains shall be identified with as trip hazard signage where appropriate. 3.19 Mechanical Air Ventilation Systems The Contractor shall supply and install mechanical ventilation systems as noted in section 4.0 and in the room data sheets. Ductwork systems shall be manufactured and installed to DW144. The ductwork systems shall be so configured as to avoid cross talk between spaces. Attenuation shall be provided as necessary to achieve the room NR levels noted in the data sheets. The contractor shall provide all grilles and diffusers as may be necessary to provide efficient and proper ventilation. Fire dampers shall be installed in ducted systems where appropriate, and attenuators shall be installed in the ductwork where necessary. Air exhaust/discharge terminations shall be carefully co-ordinated to discharge in appropriate locations and clear of all fresh air/supply air inlets. Terminal locations shall be carefully coordinated to sympathetically compliment and interface with the building structure and external brickwork/window fenestration details. External louvres/terminals shall discharge in appropriate positions clear of down-pipes, boiler flue terminals (supply and extract) and other obstructions. Ventilation rates and system selections shall be in accordance with the technical specifications noted in section 4.0 and on the room data sheets. Systems shall be complete with the following: Suitably selected supply diffusers/return grilles with OBD’s/line VCD’s. See 3.22 Appropriately sized ductwork systems. See 3.20 Appropriately sized energy efficient heat recovery air handling plant. Localised small room exhaust/extract fans. Attenuation as necessary. Building intake/exhaust louvres sized at a maximum free area face velocity of 2m/s. Appropriate fire compartmentation. Appropriate cleaning and maintenance provisions. 3.20 Galvanised Ductwork Systems Design The contractor shall supply and install ductwork systems in-accordance with CIBSE guide B3 ‘ductwork’ and HVCA DW144 ‘specification for sheet metal ductwork’. Ductwork pressure drops shall be minimised where possible and systems shall be designed to comply with the fan air volume/fan power energy requirements of the Building Regulations part L2. Ductwork velocities shall conform to the maximum recommended limits identified in the CIBSE guide B3 tables 3.1 and 3.3. Low velocity system (Class A) requirements are: All Areas NR35 6m/s main duct 5.5m/s branch 3m/s run outs Lower velocities may be necessary in sensitive applications or in complicated ductwork configurations. Ductwork dimensional ratios shall not normally exceed 3:1. The contractor shall include for a design allowance air leakage rate capacity appropriate to the system static operating pressure. Systems shall be designed to attain the thermal comfort design conditions identified in the technical sections and shall satisfy the following criteria. Appropriate noise generation to attain relevant NR levels Compliance with Building Regulations fan power requirements Non-excessive system pressure drops. Avoidance of turbulent airflow. Effective air distribution/collection. Effective space planning/building integration. System Distribution The contractor shall include for interfacing the ductwork systems with the proposed building shape and form. Ductwork arrangements shall be as symmetrical as possible to aid regulation and provide uniformity of air change rate. Systems shall be appropriately zoned to cater for perimeter and core internal area heating and cooling loads. Uniform environmental conditions shall be achieved within the relevant spaces by appropriate zone design and positioning of air terminals and control sensors. Ductwork systems shall be complete with compartment fire dampers to maintain the fire integrity of the building structure. The fire rating of dampers shall be no less than the respective compartment construction time duration rating. Fire dampers shall be out of air stream fusible link type unless otherwise directed by Building Control and shall comply with the requirements of the Local Authority. In line volume control dampers (VCD’s) shall be provided and located to effectively control and balance the system. The contractor shall also refer to section 4.0 particular requirements Cleaning and Access Provisions The contractor shall provide adequate access doors within the ductwork system for maintenance, cleaning and access to plant and equipment such as volume control dampers and fire dampers. The contractor shall also refer to section 4.0. Locations and sizes of access doors shall be in accordance with the guidance given in the BS&E publication TR17 ‘ Cleanliness of Ventilation Systems’ The contractor shall provide ductwork access doors of appropriate sections and design to safely access systems and facilitate PP maintenance. Access doors provisions for cleaning & inspection shall include the following: (1) = One side. (2) = Two sides Fire dampers. (1) Deep core/line VCD’s not accessible by removal of local 1000mm terminal flexes.(1/2) AHU finned heat exchanger coiling coils/heating coils. (2) Motorised dampers/actuators that cannot be readily removed from the air stream. (2) Turning vane/equalising ductwork sections (2) Air plenum boxes at lourve connections (1) Complex ductwork configurations. (2) Adjacent silencer installations. (2) End of run (branch & main) stockroom header ductwork sections. (1) Internal AHU plant where site installations restrict manufacturer’s access. (1) All access doors shall be of a sandwich-insulated construction and be complete with a safety chain permanently attaching the door cover to the ductwork section. Access door ductwork sections shall be suitable stiffened to prevent drumming and shall be of the minimum sizes noted in TR/17 tables1-4. The contractor shall refer to TR/17 tables1-4 for guidance notes on the number, size and location of access panels (doors) for particular applications. The contractor shall allow adequate provision of flange plate sections to facility the blanking off and pressure testing of the ductwork systems to comply with the commissioning requirements of the Building Regulations part F & L2A/L2B. The contractor shall prepare a method statement of proposed ductwork, maintenance and cleaning procedures indicating recommended methods that are to be adopted to satisfactorily maintain optimum design conditions and to ensure that systems do not become contaminated. Ductwork support systems The contractor shall install adequate ductwork systems in accordance with DW 144. Insulated ductwork shall incorporate support systems that do not compress or distort insulation and that maintain the insulation vapour barrier. Ductwork support drop rod treads shall be of an appropriate length and shall not pose ay H&S hazard. Ductwork systems shall be independently supported from interconnecting AHU’s, fans, silencers, partition walls and roof systems to facilitate independent plant/ductwork section removal. 3.21 Plastic Ductwork Systems Where plastic ductwork systems are installed, the contractor shall provide materials to the following specifications:(1) Ductwork greater than 150mm internal equivalent diameter: DW151 Grey UPVC. (2) Ductwork less than or equal to 150mm internal equivalent diameter: Unplastisized PVC pipe (Soil Pipe Specification). 3.22 Grilles and Diffusers The contractor shall design and install air diffusers/grilles in suitable pattern arrangements to provide effective and uniform air distribution to the occupied zones. Designs shall conform to the manufacturer’s technical guidance requirements and good practice criteria. Selections shall be made with due allowance for appropriate discharge velocities, air throw pattern distribution, acoustic performance and system PD resistance. The contractor shall provide suitable air terminal device arrangements to ensure: Low noise face velocity No circulation/mixing of intakes/exhaust air. Effective air transfer. Energy efficient fan power/pressure drop characteristics. All units (supply/return/extract) shall be complete with OBD/VCD air volume dampers. Commissioning settings shall be clearly marked with concealed indelible ink markings. All diffusers/grilles shall incorporate ductwork plenum spigot boxes with unrestricted side/top entry duct section and flexible connections. Direct ductwork/flexible ductwork connections to terminals shall not be permitted. Diffuser/grille flexible ductwork connections shall be complete with quick release clamps adjacent line dampers to facilitate access for cleaning and maintenance. Flexible duct connections shall be insulated and shall not exceed 900mm in length. Acoustic flexible duct connections shall be provided to all occupied staff accommodation. Large section sales floor return air plenum boxes shall be complete with individual flexible spigot connections or large rigid plenum box connection with access doors for cleaning and maintenance. Finished ductwork/diffuser/grille installations shall be free of visible ink markings. Spare damper keys shall be handed over to the CA Air terminal devices shall be located in accessible areas to facilitate ease of maintenance. Blades shall be trimmed and cleaned at the commissioning stage prior to hand over. All diffusers, grilles and air valves in sales floor/staff areas etc shall be colour coded white. The contractor shall also refer to the requirements of section 4.0. 3.23 External Louvres The contractor shall design and select external air louvres in suitable pattern arrangements to provide effective intake/exhaust air distribution. Systems shall be colour coded as necessary to the CA requirements Large section plant room louvre systems shall be supplied and fitted by the main contractor to the contractor’s requirements. Designs shall conform to the manufacturer’s technical guidance requirements and good practice criteria. Selections shall be made with due allowance for appropriate intake/exhaust velocities, acoustic performance and system PD resistance. Louvres shall be provided with the following. Individual active plenum box connections with access doors for cleaning. Appropriate exhaust/intake section design to prevent air short circuiting/re circulation. Insect screen and bird guard protection. Free face area velocity of no greater than 2m/s. Appropriate acoustic performance Effective stiffening of plenum ductwork sections to prevent drumming. Effective design to prevent no rainwater entrainment in air streams/pooling on faces. Appropriate fresh air intake siting to avoid input of local environment stale/polluted air. Fresh air and exhaust air external weather louvers shall be appropriately sited so not to cause short-circuiting of air. Active louvre sections shall be complete with individual airtight plenum box connections and separated from opposing direction air streams and other individual air systems. Non-active sections shall be blanked off with removal plating systems. Acoustic louvres systems shall be provided were necessary in sensitive locations and the contractor shall advise the main contractor in this respect. 3.24 Hot and Cold Water Services The Contractor shall install hot and cold water services systems of the type specified in section 4.0.Distribution services shall generally be installed within floor and ceiling voids or concealed areas. Pressure reducing valves and/or pressure booster sets shall be installed as appropriate to meet the individual appliance water pressure requirements. Cold and hot water services at individual combined outlets shall be suitably balanced in pressure. Double check valves shall be installed as necessary to comply with Water Regulations. The systems shall comply with good engineering practice and the Water Regulations. Individual ballofix in-line valves shall be installed adjacent all sanitary ware fittings. Common isolation gate valves shall be installed at branch connections to groups of sanitary fittings when distributing off main distribution runs and at termination of the index run. Adequate valves shall be provided for sectionalised, control, isolation and draining down of the installation. All hot, cold, tank and mains water supply systems shall be designed and installed to the requirements/guidance of EN8558 and chlorinated prior to completion. Each system shall then be flushed out and charged with fresh clean water. Hot and cold water services shall, after pre-commissioning cleaning and hydraulic testing, be sterilised by the application of sodium hypochlorite in accordance with BS.6700, and The Water Regulations. 3.25 LPHW Space Heating Systems General When noted in section 4.0, the Contractor shall provide low pressure hot water space heating installations. The system shall be complete with air to water heat pump (ATW HP) energy input, buffer/pressurisation sets, circulation pump set(s) and automatic controls Pressed steel panel radiators shall be provided unless noted and shall be generally located beneath windows and on external walls. All radiators shall have a minimum margin of 10% over and above the calculated heat loss and shall be complete with individual thermostatic control valves. LPHW heating systems shall be two-pipe conventional type. The maximum pressure drop in any particular pipe shall not exceed 250 P/m and the maximum water velocity shall not exceed 1.0 m/s. The systems shall operate at the designated ATW HP design flow and return temperature conditions noted in the data sheets. Distribution pipework shall be installed in the ceiling/floor voids and shall be insulated. Circuit isolation valves and regulation valves shall be installed to adequately balance the installation. After pre-commissioning cleaning, the LPHW heating system shall be chemical treated with anti-corrosion inhibitor. Circulating Pumps Each circulating pump shall be installed with a valve on the inlet and a valve on the outlet connections. Pumps shall be adequately sized for the system design flow rate and resistance and shall be of the pipeline-mounted type. Pumps and adjacent pipework shall be isolated from the structure by means of vibration isolation mountings to ensure noise and vibrations are not transmitted through the structure. Pumps shall be suitable for the temperature and pressure of the system. The pumps shall be of the variable speed type and shall be selected at the mid speed. Radiators Steel radiators shall be fabricated from not less than 1.25mm thick mild steel sheet welded at the seams and strengthened by spot-welding between waterways; they shall be free from distortion, have pressings which are regular in contour and be uniform in appearance. All radiators shall be tested at works to a hydraulic gauge pressure of 6.9 bar (100 lb/sq.in). Radiators shall be supplied with standard enamel finish. A minimum clearance of 75mm shall be provided between the floor and the underside of any pipe serving a radiator. The minimum clearance between the floor and the underside of a radiator shall be 150mm. The Contractor shall include for taking down radiators once for painting and for re-fixing. All radiators shall be fitted with a thermostatic radiator valve on the flow and a lockshield valve on the return. Low surface radiators shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Radiators shall be to EN 422. 3.27 Air to Water Heat Pumps (ATWHP) The Contractor shall supply and install ATWHP systems as noted in section 4.0. Systems shall conform to the guidance requirements of B&SE TR30 & BSEN 8558, BSEN 12831 and BSEN14825 The system shall be a packaged unit of proprietary manufacture complete with all integral parts and associated engineering components and features including the following; Fully sealed and pressurised HP cycle and LTHW loops External/internal condenser, evaporator, compressors, expansion, control valves. Buffer storage vessel. HWS cylinder(s), Wet heat exchange coils/elect immersions LPHW/HWS primary circulation pumps Control panel with BMS interface volt free contacts Fully automatic controls and localised electrical isolation The LTWH side has be of appropriate F/R temperatures to satisfy the required of the HWS and LPHW flow rates and thermal demands at peak times and maximum temperature differences. The wet water system side shall be complete with Line isolating/commissioning stations/ strainers. Dial immersion temperature gauges on HWS F/R and LPHW F/R System fill and chemical treatment facilities Pressurised system components. Fully automatic controls and localised electrical isolation Both internal and external HP sections shall be installed to the manufacturer’s technical and space planning requirements with appropriate maintenance arrangements. The FCU’s and associated controls shall be commissioned by the manufacturer’s /component commissioning engineer. The contractor shall detail all necessary associated bulderswork requirements including plant room space planning allowances over and above the arrangements noted on the architectural tender/planning drawing layouts. 3.28 It is the responsibility of the design and build contractor to determine fit for purpose plant room space planning arrangements. Split HP & VRF Comfort Cooling Systems. Where indicated on the room data sheets the contractor shall install direct expansion (DX)/VRF comfort cooling cassette/wall units. Inverter drive Heat pump (HP) units shall be provided in all applications. Heat pump units shall be capable of simultaneous heating and cooling to each of the cellular areas. The units shall be capable of achieving the total cooling and heating requirements for area. The units shall incorporate a 'green’ refrigerant charge and shall be complete with all interconnecting refrigeration pipework and control wiring. Individual room controllers shall be provided for each internal unit. The indoor units shall, be of the recessed ceiling mounted type or wall mounted with centrifugal forward curved fans dynamically balanced, filters and directional supply air louvres. Units shall be positioned so as not to cause thermal discomfort to sedentary occupants and shall be complete with individual room wall mounted controllers. Units shall be provided with rigid condensate discharge drainage and where necessary interconnecting condensate lifting pumps. Lifting pump small diameter hoses shall connect to the rigid pipework sections immediately adjacent the cassette unit. Rigid condense pipeline systems shall comprise 25mm rigid plastic pipework with solvent welded joints. The condense discharge systems shall be connected to the building drainage system at an appropriate location and shall incorporate a line trap water seal. The trap shall be capable of inspection, fill and removal. Condensate drip trays shall be provided to collect local moisture from heat exchangers, tube bends and fitting assemblies. Condense pipework falls shall not be less than 1-100 and all pipework shall be adequately supported and complete with ID. All condensate discharges are to be piped to convenient locations so as to cause no risk of icing in severe weather conditions The external condensing units shall be complete with variable speed compressors and shall be located in agreed locations. Enclosing security cages and are to be provided by the contractor where noted . The units shall be installed and commissioned by a specialist refrigeration engineer. The external condensing units shall be suitably supported and positioned in agreed external locations. Protective cages shall be provided where units are to be sited in vulnerable locations. Alternative systems such as VRV may be selected where refrigeration pipelines do not fall within acceptable limits or other store particular applications warrants this design solution. Systems shall be capable of simultaneous heating and cooling to each of the areas and of achieving the design criteria noted in the technical sections. Suction and hot gas refrigeration pipework shall be insulated with class O vapour sealed insulation to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Refrigeration pipework runs shall not exceed the manufacturer’s maximum recommendations. Confined spaces at risk of receiving an accidental refrigeration discharge spillage and causing potential danger to health shall be adequately ventilated. Comfort-cooled areas shall be provided with scheduled mechanical fresh air supply to maintain a pleasant environment and satisfy occupancy requirements either via the indoor cassette unit or via a supply air terminal. A mechanical ventilation balance shall be achieved by either direct extraction from the respective space or via interfacing utility air extract systems. The systems shall be installed and commissioned by a specialist refrigeration engineer and shall comply with the F Gas Regulations. Refer to section 4.0 for system Heat pump/VRF design The contractor shall design and install refrigeration systems in accordance with the FGas Regulations and shall employ competent and qualified site personnel. The units shall be installed and commissioned by a specialist refrigeration engineer 3.29 Valves & Valve Regimes The Contractor shall supply and install valve stations in the positions indicated on the drawings to efficiently and adequately balance the space heating hot and cold water services installations. All valves shall be installed in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Crane, Hattersley or equivalent. Valves shall be provided to effective control and isolation of the water distribution systems. Bodies of valves and cocks up to 50mm size shall be of cast gunmetal / bronze or approved non-dezincifiable hot-pressed body valves equal. Isolating valves shall be full gateway type for heating, hot and cold water supply systems. Stop taps or cocks shall be of approved types and located in positions accessible for operation and maintenance. TABLE 1 : VALVE SCHEDULE SERVICE/TYPE SIZE (mm) LPHW /CW HEATING & COOLING Isolating Valves Gunmetal Gate Valve PN20 Cast Iron Gate Valve PN6 15 - 50 65 and above Check Valve (NRV) Gunmetal Check Valve PN25 Cast Iron Check Valve PN16 15 - 40 50 and above Strainers Malleable Iron PN16 Cast Iron PN16 15 - 50 65 and above Radiator Valves Flow - Thermostatic Valve with locking facilities Flow - Wheel Valve Return - Chrome Plated (Lockshield) Open Vent 3-Way T-Port Gunmetal PN16 15 and 20 20 and above MAINS COLD WATER (MCW) Slot Operated Ball Valve Bronze Stop Cock BS.1010 Double Check Valve BS.6282 Single Check Valve BS.6282 15 - 22 All Sizes 15 - 22 15 - 22 HOT & TANK COLD WATER SERVICES (HW, TCW) FIRE MAIN Isolating Valves Gunmetal Gate Valve Capillary Fitting PN16 Compression Fitting PN16 Lever Operated Ball Valve Gunmetal Flanged PN16 15 - 54 15 - 54 15 - 28 67 and above GAS Cast Iron Lubricated Plug Lever Operated Ball Valve 32 15 – 25 Individual valves shall be provided to all hot & cold water appliances, at all building entry locations and at all other positions indicated on the contract drawings Valves shall be full bore line size and installed in accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s requirements and recommendations and the Water Supply and Fittings Regulations 1999. The Contractor shall supply and install LPHW/CW valve stations in the positions indicated on the drawings to efficiently and adequately balance the low-temperature hot water service. Radiator and pipe coil valves shall be provided as noted in 3.13 and section 4.0 Valve stations shall be gate valve type to enable variable flow regulation. (Not ball valve type) 3.30 High Pressure Drains Pressure discharge pipeline systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of The Building Regulations and Pressure Regulations. Pressure discharge locations shall be agreed with Building Control and shall cause no danger to persons in or about the building. The discharge pipeline system shall be designed to accept water temperatures of 95°C. 3.31 Air Venting and Drainage. Automatic devices for air venting shall be provided at all high points in the pipework that they are intended to vent. Automatic air vents have gunmetal or brass bodies, non-ferrous or stainless steel floats and guides, and non-corrodible valves and seats. Radiators, FCU’s and hot water appliances shall be provided at their lowest points with keyoperated gland cocks having hose unions connections. 15mm key-operated cocks with hose unions shall be fitted at other low points in hot and cold-water systems and in wet space heating/cooling systems to ensure adequate drainage facilities. Adequate provisions shall also be made within the installations for flushing out, draining down and filling the systems prior top final commissioning. 3.32 Pipework Systems Particular pipework system materials are specified in section 4.0 of this document. Black steel pipework for gas services shall have welded joints unless specifically noted in section 4.0. Only qualified and competent welders shall be employed and they shall have approved welding certificates of recognised bodies. Fittings for copper pipework shall be of capillary type. All joints shall be pulled up tight without distortion of any parts, and cleaned thoroughly on completion. The Contractor shall allow in his tender for setting round piers and other obstructions and for any minor modifications required by the Contract Administrator to circumvent site difficulties, which are not obvious from the drawing. Details of any modifications required due to particular site conditions shall be forwarded to the Project Manager for approval. Pipework in visually exposed conditions shall be installed to have the neatest possible finished appearance. Pipes generally shall follow the contour of the room. Vertical pipes shall be plumb without off-sets and shall be set close to local projections in order to mellow their lines. All fittings shall, as far as practicable, be the same size as the tubes and pipes connected to them. Bushes will only be accepted if the required outlet size of a fitting is not of standard manufacture and reducers are not available. Eccentric bushes and square tees shall be used where concentric bushes and pitcher tees might cause air to be trapped in the system. Pipework shall be adequately supported in such a manner as to permit free movement due to expansion and contraction. Pipework supports shall be arranged as near as possible to joints and changes of direction. The spacing of the supports shall not exceed the centres given in the Tables 1 and 2. Where there are two or more sizes of pipes the common support spacing shall be based on the centres required by the smallest bore pipework. Provision for movement due to expansion and contraction shall be made by changes in direction of the pipework or by loops. Where the pipework is required to be pre-stressed for the purpose of reducing expansion stress under working conditions, the extent of the cold pull shall be indicated on the drawings. Workmanship and standards shall be in accordance with good practise and the standards identified in section 3.2 of this specification. Pipework Centre Supports TABLE 1 : CENTRE OF SUPPORTS FOR STEEL PIPEWORK Horizontal Vertical Tube Size (mm) Bare (m) Lagged (m) Bare or Lagged (m) 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.5 5.5 8.5 9.0 10.0 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.5 5.5 8.5 9.0 10.0 TABLE 2 : CENTRE OF SUPPORTS FOR COPPER PIPEWORK Horizontal Vertical Tube Size (mm) Bare (m) Lagged (m) Bare or Lagged (m) 15 22 28 35 42 54 65 76 108 133 159 1.2 1.2 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.7 4.5 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.7 1.8 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.33 Soil/Vent, Waste and Overflows Where noted in section 4.0 the Contractor shall include for the supply, erection, testing and commissioning of all above ground soil/vent, waste and overflow systems in accordance with The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (WSWF) the specifications given below, and for the subsequent supply, delivery and erection of the systems. Systems shall be fixed in accordance with BS.8000 and the entire installation shall be of one manufacture and type, a mixture of manufacturers' systems will not be permitted. The Contractor shall include for all necessary connectors, brackets, vent guards, etc. for the complete installation. Ridge vents, conventional vents and "Durgo" automatic admittance valve arrangements may be used for venting purposes subject to approval by the Local Authority. Where soil pipes, vents and waste pipes pass through fire compartments floors and fire walls, the Contractor shall supply and fit "Firesleeve" type intumescent sleeves. All sanitary fittings shall be provided with deep seal traps to match the pipework system. All WC's shall be fitted with a 20mm overflow pipe connected to atmosphere or other Local Water Authority approved arrangements. 3.34 Sanitary Ware Where noted in section in 4.0 the Contractor shall supply and install the sanitary ware installations in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sanitary ware shall be to BS.3402 and be of vitreous china manufacture. The Contractor shall ensure all sanitary ware is adequately fixed at appropriate levels and shall set all ball valve levels and ensure that all orifice outlet installations are matched to the connected water pressure service provisions. Overflows shall be installed in accordance with the WSWF regulations. 3.35 Thermal Insulation General Specific requirements on insulation are noted in the 4.0 technical sections. Thermal insulation shall comply with the requirements of BS.5422:2009 and BS.5970:2012 and shall be installed by a specialist insulation contractor. The insulation shall be pre-formed rigid glass fibre sections/fibre glass duct wrap, protected and finished in foil faced with aluminium band wrapping. Insulation shall be complete with vapour barriers. All insulation shall be suitably identified in accordance with BS.1710 including directional arrows and service designation. Insulation thickness shall be calculated to BS EN ISO 12241:2008 Ductwork Specifications Internal Ductwork Pre-formed rigid glass fibre insulation complying with BS.5422 finished with a facing of factory-applied aluminium foil / plastic film, secured by adhesive and piercing fasteners, wire netting enclosed or fibreglass duct wrap secured with aluminium straps /bands with vapour barrier and finished in foil faced class 0 . External Ductwork Rigid duct slab insulation finished in aluminium cladding suitably sealed and weather proofed. with vapour barrier. Where insulation is installed in vulnerable/accessed locations, the contractor shall ensure adequate builders work protection/strengthening is provided to alleviate any potential risk of damage to the insulation system. Or Ventureclad aluminium type finish. Piped services Rigid half section pre-formed insulation complying with BS.5422 finished with a facing of factory-applied aluminium foil / plastic film ID bands, secured by aluminium strap bands with vapour barrier and finished in foil faced class 0 . Not withstanding the above all insulation systems shall be suitable to resist attack from vermin and birds. Ductwork Insulation shall be neatly trimmed around trimmed access doors with edge cloaking plates. Silencer sections shall be insulated with ID. Refer to section 4.0 for particular requirements The thickness of insulation for all ductwork shall be determined in accordance with Table 3 below. TABLE 3 : MINIMUM THICKNESS OF INSULATION ON DUCTWORK CARRYING WARMED OR CHILLED AIR Maximum Temperature Difference (°C) between Air in Ductwork and Ambient Air: 10 25 50 Insulation Thickness: 38 50 63 Pipeline Specifications Insulation thickness shall be calculated to BS EN ISO 12241:2008 The thickness of insulation for cold pipework for anti-condensation purposes shall not be less than 20mm. TABLE 4 : MINIMUM THICKNESS OF INSULATION FOR PIPED SERVICES Size of Pipe (mm) Domestic HWS LPHW Chilled Water CWS Int. CWS Ext. Steam Condense Boiler Feed 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 25 25 32 32 32 32 32 32 38 44 44 50 44 20 25 25 25 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 44 44 25 25 32 32 32 32 38 38 38 38 38 50 50 32 32 32 32 32 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 38 38 38 38 38 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 63 63 75 75 75 75 75 90 90 90 100 50 25 32 32 38 38 38 38 50 63 63 63 90 50 Flat Surfaces 3.36 Protection, Painting and Cleaning The contractor shall arrange for the protection of any part or parts of the Works which are liable to damage by others and for the continuation of such protection as long as is necessary. Plant and equipment items that are sent to site in a finished condition, i.e. air handling plant, grilles etc, will be adequately protected during the execution of the works and will be cleaned down on completion of work. Damage shall be suitably rectified by the contractor to restore the item to it’s original specification. All ferrous pipework shall be given two coats of red oxide following installation. Where the lacquered finish has been damaged before installation, pipework shall be wire brushed and given one coat of red oxide prior to installation and a further coat after installation. All welds will be wire brushed and given a coat of red oxide on the day of the weld. All supporting steelwork will be wire brushed and painted before assembly. Brackets and steelwork manufactured away from site will be painted one coat of red oxide before delivery to the site. After installation any damage will be made good and ferrous fixings painted. The contractor shall include for finish painting of all gas service pipework as noted in 3.25 above. Before any system or installation is subjected to site testing or commissioning it shall be thoroughly cleaned both internally and externally. 3.37 Support Systems and Structural Requirements The contractor shall include for all secondary steelwork and specialist support systems and suspensions to adequately fix and suspend plant and services from the building structure. The contractor shall include for providing working drawings for approval prior to fabrication of the installations. All mild steel systems shall be primed and finished in gloss paint to an agreed colour. 3.38 Works Tests The CA will be entitled, at all reasonable times during the manufacture, to inspect, examine, and test all equipment to be supplied under the Contract. The Employer shall inform the contractor which equipment he wishes to inspect or test equipment at the manufacturer’s works. 3.39 Control Systems Specific details are given in the technical sections. The control system shall have the capacity to be interfaced with a central controlled Building Energy Management System. All plant and equipment shall have volt free contacts. The equipment shall be engineered, supplied and commissioned by a specialist controls contractor. The specialist controls specialist supplier shall be responsible for the selection of the control components, supply of fully schematic wiring diagrams, site supervision and commissioning of the control systems. The controls specialist supplier shall install all damper actuators, pipeline and duct detectors and control valve actuators. Commissioning shall be in accordance with the CIBSE Commissioning Codes and installations in accordance with the 17th Edition of the IEE Regulations BS 7671 with Both the contractor and the controls specialist supplier shall be in attendance . The contractor will be required to co-ordinate the commissioning with other building services systems commissioning elements outside his direct control and shall liase with all specialist contractors in this respect. The contractor shall prepare a control design philosophy and table this to controls specialist supplier. A system operational parameter/interfacing control design concept solution shall be agreed as is necessary to provide satisfactory and effective HVAC/environmental control of the contractor’s building services systems. The contractor shall ensure that the specialist’s proposed controls package is compatible and can be effectively integrated to the contractor’s system design. The contractor shall advise on the particular requirements for averaging sensors/detectors points were common zone return air systems may jeopardise the contractor’s particular design solutions.(Such as return air placement and design) The contractor shall liase with the specialist controls contractor during the design development stage of the project to ensure that both the HVAC design and the interacting controls systems are fit for purpose. See also section 4.0 3.40 Commissioning of Services The contractor shall set to work and commission the building services systems in accordance with the CIBSE/ BSRIA commissioning procedures and the current Building Regulation Requirements. All commissioning is to take place within the contract period and adequate time allowances shall be included with the overall construction programme for this critical activity. The Employer or his representative may witness commissioning tests. The Contractor or his sub-contractor shall provide all necessary labour, supervision, certified instruments, accessories, fuel and materials to carry out all site tests and trial runs prior to commissioning. All air ductwork pressure tests shall be carried out before the application of thermal insulation. Air leakage tests, volume/velocity flow tests, temperature and pressure tests shall be undertaken to a pre-programmed schedule and in a logical manner. Commissioning shall be undertaken by manufacturer’s specialist commissioning engineers or by the Contractor’s qualified and competent personnel. spaces and at bundles of services. Pipework shall be tested to twice the normal operating pressure (6bar test minimum) 3.41 Electrical Services The contractor shall include for detailing and specifying all the mechanical services installation electrical requirements to enable installation of these services. The contractor shall allow for providing all manufacturers wiring diagrams and technical information that may be reasonably requested. All electrical services will be undertaken by a specialist contractor on behalf of the Main Contractor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that air distribution systems are not compromised or rendered less effective by the inappropriate interfacing of air diffusers and electrical services lighting/containment installations during installation works. 3.42 Builderswork All general builderswork will be by the Main Contractor. The contractor shall include for providing all builderswork schedules and details necessary for the incorporation of the contractor's installations within the overall building construction. The contractor shall refer to the architectural layouts and structural engineering drawings where appropriate. SECTION 4.0 PARTICULAR ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION SECTION 4.0 - PARTICULAR ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION – CONTENTS Clause Description 4.1 Extent of Works 4.2 Hazardous Materials 4.3 Disruptions to Existing Services 4.4 Removal & Modification of Existing Services 4.5 Existing Services Arrangements 4.6 Design Concepts 4.7 Mains Cold Water Infrastructure Services 4.8 Hot Water & Cold Water Services 4.9 HWS Cylinders 4.10 MCW & BCWS Distribution Services 4.11 Thermostatic Mixing Valves 4.12 Existing CWS Storage Tanks 4.13 Site Water Pressure 4.14 Boosted Cold Water Services 4.15 GSHP LTHW 4.16 ATWHP LTHW 4.17 Isolation Valves etc 4.18 Draining Down &Venting 4.19 ATWHP System 4.20 Server Comfort Cooling 4.21 F Gas Regulations 4.22 Pipework & Ductwork Services 4.23 Valve regimes 4.24 Galvanised Ductwork Systems 4.25 Diffusers & Air Terminals 4.26 Mechanical Ventilation/Exhaust Systems 4.27 Interview Room Air Transfer System 4.28 Thermal Insulation 4.29 Sanitary Ware Etc 4.30 Controls and BMS 4.31 Water Treatment & Sterilisation 4.32 Materials for Salvage 4.33 Fire strategy 4.34 Acoustic Engineering 4.35 Steelwork Supports 4.36 Interior Design 4.37 Commissioning 4.38 Room Data Sheets 4.39 Indicative Drawings 4.40 Electrical Services 4.41 Builder’s Work 4.42 Cost Inclusions 4.43 Programme and Order of Works 4.44 Temporary Works 4.44 Metering of Services SECTION 4.0 PARTICULAR ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 4.1 Extent of the Contract Works The contractor shall be responsible for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of all necessary equipment and services to complete the works as detailed within the specification and shown on the tender drawings. The primary works shall include the following new services: Removal/ modification of existing building services. Air to water heat pump (ATWHP) systems ATWHP space heating & hot water systems Mains cold water (MCW) and boosted cold water (BCW) services Comfort cooling systems Mechanical ventilation systems. Automatic control systems Testing and commissioning. Refer also to the accompanying indicative drawing 536/M/01 4.2 Hazardous Materials It is not envisaged that hazardous will be encountered during the works. The contractor shall undertake relevant risk assessments when undertaking his work. If the contractor suspects that hazardous substances are present, he must immediately stop that particular operation and inform the Contract Administrator. The Contract Administrator will organise the carrying out all necessary testing and removal of hazardous substances/materials that may be required. An asbestos survey analysis/register is available from the CA The existing LPHW services may contain water treatment chemicals. Details are available from the Employer. 4.3 Disruption to Existing Services The contractor shall minimise disruption to the operation of the existing building centre facilities. The contractor shall liase directly with the Contract Administrator to ensure that all work packages that affect the disruption of existing services and buildings are programmed accordingly to minimise service down time and disturbance to the centre. All such disruption milestones shall be clearly identified on the contractor's programme, and the contractor shall provide a method statement of each respective downtime work package. Reference shall be made to the contract programme milestone dates. The contractor shall allow for all necessary temporary services and out of office/business operational hours that may be required to maintain essential heating/cooling/ventilation services throughout the duration of the contract. This is a critical element of the project works. The contractor shall refer to the order of works/phasing requirements of the project as defined in the preliminaries /conditions of contract under separate cover. See also 4.42 4.4 Removal & Modification of Existing Services The contractor shall include for removing all redundant building services systems and for modification of existing services to affect the architectural building layout arrangements. The contractor shall use safe and recognised practices in removing services and shall wear appropriate protective clothing. The contractor shall make proper and adequate arrangements for disposal of all waste materials/liquids and shall comply with all Local Authority requirements and statutory regulations. 4.5 The contractor shall carefully ascertain the designation of all services prior to removal. Should the contractor remove any services in error he shall replace these with any equal and approved service at his own expense. Particular plant and equipment shall be carefully removed for salvage and handed over to the client /Employer for potential spares & reuse. Existing Building Services Arrangements. The full extent of the concealed pipework distribution systems is not known. The Contractor shall undertake obtrusive site surveys at the time of the construction phase to precisely determine location, size and type of existing services that are to be removed and modified. The contractor shall undertake scan testing as appropriate and report his findings to the CA or his representative. Specific as built drawings are available from the Employer but the accuracy of these cannot be fully verified. There are no incoming or site distribution natural gas services 4.6 Design Concepts The Contractor shall include for the design concepts detailed within this engineering specification in his tender return. The Contractor may offer alternative design solutions and associated cost alternatives for review by the CA. Written clarification is necessary in respect of any departures from the engineering principals indicated in the specification document. Primary concepts are as follows:Exhibition Building Retain GSHP space heating, electric water heaters/H&CWS, mechanical exhaust systems. Modify and provide additional services were noted. Farm House (FH) Building Retain GSHP space heating and mechanical exhaust systems. Modify and provide additional services were noted. Install new ATWHP space heating to existing unheated areas as noted Install new mains water services and ATW HP pressurised hot water services. Remove existing electric point of use water heaters. Install new mechanical ventilation systems as noted. Retain existing mechanical ventilation as noted Camping FH Building Install new ATWHP space heating as noted Install new boosted water services and ATW HP pressurised hot water services. Remove existing central electric HWS storage cylinders & point of use water heaters. Install new mechanical ventilation systems as noted. Retain existing mechanical ventilation as noted The contractor shall refer to the room data sheets and section 4.0 of this specification for design criteria and particular work package requirements 4.7 MCW Incoming Infrastructure/Distribution Systems The existing incoming mains cold water infrastructure service to the building centre is to remain unaltered as the current existing arrangement. The contractor shall investigate and record the precise arrangements by way of isolation flow tests to all installed appliances. It is currently assumed that a single 22mm MDPE enters the site and splits 22mm to the new exhibition plant room and 22mm to the camp site female campers WC. A water meter is located at each incoming location. The underground interconnecting service is to remain as this existing arrangement. The contractor shall undertake localised removals, modifications and extensions to the internal distribution MCWS as noted in the specification 4.8 Installations shall conform to local water utility company requirements and the WSWF Regulations 1999. All systems are to be sterilised prior to completion and handover. Hot and Cold Water Systems Exhibition Area The contractor shall retain the water meter and general MCW arrangement to the exhibition area. An electric point of use heater and an extended MCWS service shall be installed to service the new visitors WC in this area. Thermostatic mixing valve control (TMV) shall be provide at the discharge A main pressure Zip Aqua III water heater shall be salvaged from the existing farm house installation for this application. Farm house (FH) All hot water services shall be provided by the central ATW HP mains pressure hot water storage cylinder(s). All existing pressurised electric point of use water heaters shall be removed A secondary HWS pumped circuit shall be installed to minimise dead legs and maintain HWS drawn off temperatures within design tolerances. The cold water system shall comprise a mains pressure system. Camping Building Area (FH) All hot water services shall be provided by the central ATW HP pressurised hot water storage cylinder(s). All existing pressurised electric point of use water heaters and central gravity fed HWS cylinders shall be removed. The cold water system shall comprise a boosted pressure system. Thermostatic mixing valve control (TMV) shall be provided at the shower & wash basin discharges The contractor shall include for phased sterilisation of the systems as required to meet the project phasing/ programme milestones and as necessary when modifying or extending existing services. Sterilisation certificates shall be included within the O&M manuals Installations shall conform to local water utility company requirements and the WSWF Regulations 1999. The general HWS thermal input shall be provided by an ATW HP via a buffer storage vessel heat sink and pressurised water storage cylinder(s) of appropriate thermal ratings and storage capacity HWS shall be stored and circulated within the cylinders at 60C at times of operation. Appropriate electrical immersion thermal input boost rating shall be provided to maintain delivery and storage hot water temperatures and to offset system losses A secondary HWS pumped circuit shall be installed to minimise dead legs and maintain drawn off HWS temperatures within design tolerances Hot water to the exhibition area WC is to be provided by a reused Zip Aqua III pressurised electric point of use water heater serviced from the existing local plant room mains cold-water service. The contractor shall undertake localised removals, modifications and extensions to the HWS system primarily in the existing toilet accommodation in the Farm House Building. Individual ball type in-line valves shall be installed adjacent all water appliance/sanitary fittings. Hot and cold water services at individual combined outlets shall be suitably balanced in pressure. All pipework shall be insulated in accordance with the specification and shall be pressured tested to twice the normal working pressure of the respective service. The contractor shall provide all non-mixed hot water service (60ºC) tap ware outlets with suitable ID labels denoting ‘caution VERY hot water’. Including campers pot water sink units Installations shall conform to the local utility requirements and the WSWF Regulations 1999 4.9 Hot Water Storage Cylinders. ATWHP System The contractor shall provide hot water service storage cylinders of appropriate design and capacity. Hot water service generators/storage cylinders shall be sited at ground floor level within the store/ plant room. The hot water shall be generated by the AWT HP primary coil(s) and uplifted at the cylinders o by electric immersion heaters. Outflowing system HWS shall be at 60 C and reduced in some instances in temperature at the point of use thermostatic mixing valves. Cylinders shall be complete with the following fittings / accessories and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. ATW HP primary heat exchange coil of appropriate size/rating HWS f/r with isolation valves Safety valve/HP safe discharge to drain Drain down isolation cocks Interconnecting parallel pipeline configurations Valved boosted water cold feed Automatic programmer and control system (volt free contacts) Dial temperature and pressure gauges on HWS primary & secondary F/R Secondary HWS pump set/valves arrangement Mains pressure/expansion vessel with control/pressure relief valves Staged kw electrical Immersion heaters of appropriate size/rating Storage capacities shall be determined from CIBSE guidance and EN 8558 the Contractor shall not be less than the particular design parameters noted below. No of showers in peak 5 min period 7no ( 1no full session) Peak no. of showers in 10 minute period 12 no.(2no full sessions) Peak no. of showers in 60 minute period 22 no.(4no full sessions) Average shower duration 5 mins at 5 litres/min HWS flow. In addition allow for appropriate campers pot wash and general basin consumptions in addition. (Confirm diversity factor allowance) Recovery time not less than 120 minutes for complete storage water volume. The contractor’s design HWS storage capacity and associated heat recovery period shall be agreed in consultation with the AWTHP manufacturer and shall be such so as not be impose undue electrical immersion load on the system. 4.10 Mains and Boosted Cold Water Services Internal Distribution The contractor shall retain the exhibition area metered MCW services & extend the system to the new WC accommodation adjacent the existing disabled WC. The camper’s area MCW service shall be modified as follows: New 22mm MCW service to the ATWHP plant area/boosted water storage tanks ball valve assemblies. Boosted CWS to campers area and to the HWS storage cylinder cold water feeds 15mm MCW to the Farm House offices toilet/utility areas The 22mm MCW feed to water storage tank(s) is to be metered (Metering of BCWS – to cylinders and connected HW appliances & connected CW appliances) The contractor shall include insulation of MCW & BCWS services as the specification requirements. 4.11 Thermostatic Mixing Valves. The contractor shall provide localised thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) arrangements to the following appliances to limit hot water outlet temperatures. All male, female and accessible showers All male, female and accessible basins Access WC basin & Visitors WC basin Existing exhibition WC basin All TMV’s shall be have an integral flow restriction capability. Multi point TMV’s may be provided subject to compatibility with the design HWS flow temperature inputs and the system hot and cold water pressure criteria. All general showers are to be complete vandal resistant components, including fixed riser pipe/head and push button time flow restriction to limit the amount of water discharge. Accessible showers are to be complete with lever flow/ temperature control with flexible riser pipe. Particular care and attention shall be given to laying out services to ensure valve stations/ TMV’s are fully accessible and pose no H&S risk and legs shall not exceed 2m in length. Units shall be shall be suitable for the system hot and boosted cold-water pressure arrangements and be complete with flushing kit & inline strainer and isolation valve assemblies. The showers shall incorporate motorised on off automatic control by way of coin operated activation. The type and extent of the system shall be agreed with the employer. The contractor shall include for individual coin activation control to each of the 7no showers. The units shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements and the installations shall comply with the Water Regulations, the Water Supply and Fittings Regulations 1999. Showers - Mira. Basins -/Hornes Engineering or equal. 4.12 Existing CWS Storage Tanks. The existing campers area is currently serviced by two gravity fed HWS storage cylinders each of approximately 300 litres capacity located at ground level in the male campers area. These existing cylinders are to be removed and replaced with ATWHP system cylinders of greater capacity. The cylinders are fed by two GRP tanks located above the male camper’s area. Each tank is approximately 2000x1000 x1500h (2500litres each), See also 4.44 It is envisaged that that these tanks can be retained and utilised to provide a stored water reservoir source for the proposed boosted water pump set/HWS cylinder(s) feed and cold water supply. The contractor shall provide additional supplementary storage capacity as may be required for his design proposals. The contractor shall allow for inspecting, draining down, cleaning and adapting the tanks as may be required for incorporation into his design strategy and for specification compliance. Tank outflows shall be symmetrical in design to ensure equal through flow in each tanks. Additional supplementary storage capacity shall be provided as required The tanks shall be suitable for and provide a potable water service supply. The completed tank installation shall conform to local water utility company requirements and the WSWF Regulations 1999. All systems are to be sterilised prior to completion and handover. 4.13 Site Water Pressure. The Contractor shall site test the existing incoming mains cold water infrastructure water pressure It is currently proposed to provide a boosted water services (BCWS) water storage system to the new ATW HP hot water services cylinder(s) feed cold water service as noted above. The boosted water services shall be designed to operate at a minimum working pressure of 3 bars and pressure tested to 5 bars. The Contractor shall ensure ‘fit for their’ purpose functional designs and systems. 4.14 Boosted Water Services The Contractor shall install within the designated ground floor level plant room, a cold-water booster set complete with storage water break tanks. (Existing 2no storage tanks utilised See 4.12) The unit shall provide a boosted water facility to the ATW HWS service feed and cold water appliances and shall incorporate the following design features: Duplicate ball valve assemblies and normally open/closed valved interconnections. Pipeline arrangement to ensure equal and adequate water flow/drawn of through each tank. Sequenced inverter duty pumps (2No) and standby pump (1no). Low noise pumps. Integral control panel with pump high/low water alarm controls. AV mounting kit and flexible delivery & suction pipeline connectors Anti-surge valve protection Normally closed bypass linking incoming MCW service & outgoing boosted water service Raised out of tank ball valve assembly/housing to maximise tank water storage capacity. Pre insulated tank and insulated pipework services. Overflows and valved drain to each tank section. Concrete plinth and bearing base for pump set. Electrical isolation and automatic control panel with volt free contacts The booster pump set shall be a proprietary packaged set and shall be installed and commissioned by a specialist contractor/manufacturer or equal approved. Design arrangements shall be configured accordingly and the combined booster pump set/ tanks installations shall be suitable for a potable water storage supply. The system shall be suitable for the peak drawn off hot and cold water service flow rate and capacity demands. The installations shall conform to the requirements of the water utility company requirements and the WSWF Regulations 1999. 4.15 GSHP LTHW Heating Underfloor & Radiator Space Heating Systems The existing ground source heat pump (GSHP) associated underfloor heating (Exhibition area) pumped circuit is to remain unaltered. The existing ground source heat pump (GSHP) associated radiator (Farm House) pumped circuit is to be modified to accommodate the new architectural layout arrangements. Specific existing radiators are to be repositioned and selective new steel panel radiators of appropriate thermal output are to be installed. All heat emitters shall be appropriately sized are to cater for the building fabric, natural air infiltration and mechanical ventilation loads in accordance with BSEN 12832 and shall have localised thermostatic control. Systems shall incorporate drain and air venting provisions. The contractor shall refer to the room data sheets for details. The contactor shall allow for all necessary drain downs, refills, venting and recommissioning of the GSHP installations as may be required to facilitate these works and provide fit for purpose systems. Water treatment chemical additives contained in the system shall be replenished by the contractor. All new sections of pipework shall be pressured tested to twice the normal operating pressure. All new system components shall be suitable for the existing GSHP F/R temperatures and system pressures. 4.16 ATWHP LTHW Radiator Space Heating Systems The contractor shall install new radiant wet panel radiator installations/pipe coils to the Farm House and Campers areas as noted in the room data sheets. The primary energy source shall be via the new ATWHP installation. A dedicated automatically controlled pump set two pipe heating circuit shall be provided. A separate circuit shall be provided to the camper’s area and to other areas. (2no zones) This is facilitate heat metering of the camping zone area. All heat emitters shall be appropriately sized are to cater for the building fabric, natural air infiltration and mechanical ventilation loads in accordance with BSEN 12832 and shall have localised thermostatic control. Systems shall incorporate drain and air venting provisions. All new system components shall be suitable for the ATWHP F/R temperatures and the respective system pressures. New commissioning valve stations and isolation arrangements shall be installed as required. All concealed pipework within voids and in plant room & stores shall be insulated to the specification requirements. All new sections of pipework shall be pressured tested to twice the normal operating pressure. Systems shall be designed to operate at the ATWHP flow & return design conditions. (50C flow/35C return @-5C –TBC/ATWHP manufacturer to advise) All radiators/radiant panels are to be tested to 6.9 bar and are to be complete with the manufacturer’s special brackets, concealed air vents and connections noted below. Radiators shall be free from distortion, have pressings/castings, which are regular in contour, and uniform in appearance. Radiators shall be finished in standard white primer and shall be decorated by others. Contractor is to allow for removing and re-fixing the radiator casings once for decoration. All radiators shall be finished in RAL 9003 standard powder coated finish. A two-pipe conventional mild steel distribution pipe system shall be installed as indicated on the drawings. Cross-over/rising services to radiators shall be carefully co-ordinated. Radiators shall be complete with 15mm BOE connections, key operated air vent, drain cock and thermostatic and locksheild valves. Myson/Stelrad or equal 4.17 Isolating, Regulating and Commissioning Valve Stations The Contractor shall supply and install valve stations to efficiently and adequately balance the space heating hot and cold water services installations. . All valves shall be installed in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Crane, Hattersley or equivalent. 4.18 Draining Down, Venting, Setting to Work & Recommissioning The Contractor shall include for draining down/venting, setting to work and re-commissioning all new, retained/utilised existing LTHW,CW,BCWS & HWS plant and services as necessary to ensure complete and proper operation of the systems. Where necessary the contractor shall consider freezing of pipelines to minimise disruption to the primarily distribution services and to expedite the works. The contractor shall undertake a detailed survey of the existing isolation valve stations arrangements and prepare method statements including cause and affects outcomes prior to any attempted isolation of pipeline services. This is to ensure as far as reasonable practical the contractor determines the requirements for any pipe freezing/new valve installation and the degree of potential disruption to the building centre services. 4.19 Air to Water Heat Pump System (ATWHP) General The Contractor shall supply and install ATWHP systems as noted in section 4.0. Systems capacities and performance shall conform to the guidance requirements of B&SE TR30 & BSEN 8558,BSEN 12831 and BSEN14825 The system shall be a packaged unit of proprietary manufacture complete with all integral parts and associated engineering components and features including the following; Fully sealed and pressurised HP cycle and LTHW loops External/internal condenser, evaporator, compressors, expansion, control valves. Buffer storage vessel. HWS cylinder(s), Wet heat exchange coils/elect immersions LPHW/HWS primary circulation pumps Control panel with BMS interface volt free contacts Fully automatic controls and localised electrical isolation The LTWH side has be of appropriate F/R temperatures to satisfy the required of the HWS and LPHW flow rates and thermal demands at peak times and maximum temperature differences. The wet water system side shall be complete with Line isolating/commissioning stations/ strainers. Dial immersion temperature gauges on HWS F/R and LPHW F/R System fill and chemical treatment facilities Pressurised system components. Fully automatic controls and localised electrical isolation Both internal and external HP sections shall be installed to the manufacturer’s technical and space planning requirements with appropriate maintenance arrangements. The ATWHP sectional components shall be sited in allocated locations as indicated on the architectural layout plans The unit shall be sized to cater for the HWS and space heating demands of which the HWS instantaneous demand shall take precedence in the control philosophy. Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accredited contractors shall undertake all Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) heat pump installations under the requirements and guidelines of Ofgem. The contractor shall be accredited under the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) and shall undertake all heat pump installations as per Microgeneration Installation Standard (MIS) 3005 (issue 4.3) and any other requirement deemed by OFGEM in order to enable the «client» to successfully claim the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). Upon commissioning, the contractor will deliver a valid and compliant MCS Certificate for the installation(s). The contractor shall at the earliest opportunity determine the design electric peak/diversified electrical loadings and associated run amperage to enable the Employer/design electrical contractor to undertake a feasibility of the proposed connected load against the existing building incoming power take. Under no circumstances shall the project proceed on site and or plant and materials be ordered until this feasibility study has taken place and the contractor is authorised to proceed in writing. The ATWHP shall be supplied by Dimplex or equal and installed by Geowarmth or equal approved Contact Dimplex Mark Deeney 07977 982230 Con’td Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) Installer Standards The systems shall conform to the standard requirements of the MCS including in the categories Material supply Design Installation Setting to work and commissioning, Energy Metering and reporting. Approved guidance and reference materials to be used with the standards can be found below and within MCS guidance MIS3001/2/3/4/5 and 3072 The completed installations must be MCS or equivalent EN45011 or ISO 17065 accredited if installed capacity is 45kWth or under the requirements heat pumps Energy Related Products (ErP) Designation Manufacturer’s equipment and the installer’s completed system shall carry an energy related products ErP designation as required post March 2016. The ErP comprises of two directives: Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. Ecodesign will set a minimum energy performance and environment criteria for energy related products, and Energy Labelling will see the introduction of a product label with an efficiency band between A+++ to G (with A+++ being the highest performing product).There will also be an energy label for the complete installed system. The contractor shall provide system components and completed integrated system of not less than A+++rating. (coming into force March 2016) Energy Metering The contractor shall supply and install metering station equipment to satisfy the requirements of Ofgem for RHI systems and installations. Guidance is given in the Ofgem publication ‘Essential Guide to Metering’ Space heating, domestic hot water services, heat pump electrical consumption and hot water service immersion heater circuits shall be appropriately metered .Metering positioning and span of control guidance is given in Appendices 3 and 4 of the above publication. Meters shall be positioned in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements to ensure accuracy of readings. Wet meters sham be installed with appropriate free length inlet and outlet runs to ensure laminar flow and prevent turbulent flow inaccuracies. In addition to the metering equipment the contractor shall be responsible for provision of all associated requirements such as remote temperature detection/sensing facilities. All meters shall be complete with system ID and be of the smart meter type. The contractor shall liaise with the electrical contractor to ensure adequate electrical power requirements are made for all metering stations End User Interfacing The contractor shall allow for appropriate liaison and support with the designated end user/client representative to ensure a seamless and coordinated approach in respect of particular applications for any available grant/funding,in the RHI scheme allocation progress and in preparation of Ofgem/MCS submission documentation at the design, installation and completion stages of the project.’ 4.20 Server Room /Compartment Comfort Cooling Heat Pump System The Contractor shall supply and install a wall mounted comfort cooling/heating heat pump systems to service the server cabinet compartments. a specialist approved contractor shall install installations on behalf of the contactor to the arrangements noted below. The electrical contractor shall provide power supplies for the systems. GPR/plastic off white covering systems shall be provided to contain all internal visible control and refrigeration pipeline systems. All external refrigeration pipelines/wiring to/from condenser areas shall be protected by removable containment systems. Internal heat pump terminal unit shall be complete with a switched fused spur contained in a non-conspicuous location. (Not a rotary isolator).The system shall be complete with all interconnecting components/controls/refrigeration lines and small bore pumped hose condensate drainage line taken to the gravity condense drainage collection system. The internal terminal condensate discharge shall be piped in 22/28mm diameter to a convenient waste water drainage system located in the staff kitchenette or other agreed location via condensate lifting pumps. The external condenser shall be located in an agreed location (Exhibition disabled WC -TBC). The external condenser shall be concealed in a builders work timber compound with hit/miss fencing to the HP manufacturer requirements The system shall be complete with refrigeration pipeline/indoor & outdoor unit ID The system shall incorporate an automatic wall mounted key pad controller and which shall be located in the kitchen office The systems shall contain R410A refrigerant or equal and shall be complete with volt free contacts/hardware IQL’s for Trend interface connection. Each individual terminal unit and outdoor condenser shall be complete with a piped condensate discharge/ drainage system taken to a convenient foul waste drainage system. A removable security cage shall be provided unless otherwise directed by the CA Systems shall be installed by a specialist refrigeration contractor in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Mitsubishi Electric or equal 4.21 The F Gas Regulations and Refrigeration Pipework. The contractor shall design and install refrigeration systems in accordance with the F gas Regulations and shall employ competent and qualified site personnel. The contractor shall provide an ‘as-built’ log book/manual of all particular site refrigeration systems. The manual shall contain the following information for each system. System cooling capacities and pipeline/plant refrigerant charges in kg. As installed locations of refrigeration pipelines Condenser and coil locations and arrangements Manufacturer’s inspections/maintenance requirements The contractor shall provide pipeline system identification and reference on all individual refrigerant lines. Cross-references to internal cassette/cooling coils and external heat rejection condenser plant shall be incorporated on the individual pipelines. Refrigerant pipelines shall be finished in Armaflex black and be contained in trunking/containment systems within all internal and undercroft distribution areas 4.22 Pipework and Ductwork Services The Contractor shall install new services in the following materials:- 4.23 Service Material LTHW heating Copper Tube to BS.2871 Part 1 Table Xl BCWS &MCS/HWS Copper Tube to BS.2871 Part 1 Table X. Condense trap drains UPVC plastic to system manufacturer’s specifications Ductwork DW144 galvanised above 110mm dia Ductwork UPVC 110mmdia Valve Regimes The Contractor shall include for adequate and proper valve arrangements for the regulation and control of the wet building services systems. Individual valves shall be provided to: ATW HP/cylinder/tank connections as detailed in this document. Sanitary ware appliances & Bib taps. White goods appliances & electric water heaters Buffer vessels and water appliances and distribution services as detailed in this document. Domestic sprinkler services as required by the specialist contractor. Valves shall also be requirements/recommendations 4.24 provided as the equipment manufacturers Galvanised Ductwork Systems The contractor shall install galvanised air distribution ductwork to DW144 as indicated In the data sheets. Ductwork systems shall be complete with access inspection/cleaning door provisions and fire dampers and shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of section 3.0. A specialist contractor on behalf of the contractor shall undertake the galvanised ductwork installations. The contractor shall produce fabrication drawings of ductwork arrangements and support details for review prior to fabrication and erection of the installations. The contractor shall supply and install the grilles, diffusers and terminals noted in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. All supply, return and extract grilles/diffusers run off branches shall be complete with line volume control (VCD’s), together with an adjacent clean out access door. In addition all terminal grilles /diffusers shall be complete with OBD’s or other form of damper control. Acoustic lined flexible connection ductwork with a maximum section length of 750mm shall be provided off the diffuser/grille spigot box for connect to the associated rigid galvanised ductwork. Ductwork fire dampers od appropriate design and rating shall be provided to all systems were required as an integral part of the building fire compartmentation and fire prevention/spread strategy. Ductwork access and cleaning doors shall be provide a strategic locations, fire dampers and bends and configurations as noted in section 3.0 and 4.25 Diffusers, Grilles and Air Terminals The contractor shall supply and install appropriate fit for purpose diffusers & grilles. All terminal units shall be installed in accessible locations and be of adequate density in number All diffusers/grilles to be complete with OBD’s, acoustic flexible ductwork connections All diffusers/ grilles to be colour coded white All eggcrate grilles shall be complete with removable core grilles Exhaust/extract ductwork shall not be insulated but shall be complete with ID 4.26 All diffusers and grilles shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Gilberts (Blackpool) Ltd or equal Mechanical Extract/Exhaust Ventilation Systems The Contractor shall supply and install mechanical ventilation systems as noted below and in the room data sheets. The Contractor shall provide all air movement fans, ductwork and grilles as is necessary to provide efficient and proper ventilation in accordance with the Building Regulations and this specification. The primary systems concepts are noted on indicative drawing 536/M/01. The contractor shall include for the mechanical ventilation concepts as noted on the indicative drawing within his cost submissions. Alternative design solutions/cost may be tabled separately. Primary system concepts as follows; Ducted extract to the female and male changing/toilets with gable discharges Ducted extract first floor offices accommodation with gable discharges Ducted systems to Laboratory , Manager and Kitchen areas Wall fan exhaust to open plan area Air transfer system to interview room. See below. All design concepts shall be agreed with the contract Administrator and Local Authority planners All discharge terminal locations and designs shall be clearly defined: All exhaust terminals shall be colour coded and co coordinated with the building construction details All exhaust locations and types must be agreed with the project design team and LA planners Fans shall be of a ducted or wall mounted type as noted on the room data sheets. Individually fans shall be complete be complete with automatic control facilities as follows: Appropriate IP rated/ Low voltage fans shall be installed in ‘wet’ zone areas. System fans to be ceiling recessed type where possible and complete with: Appropriate IP rating & local electrical isolation Speed control. Dual speed-trickle/boost to female and male toilets. Boosted speed operation by humidistat over-run timer /PIR operation with adjustable over-run timer. Local electrical isolation Minimum air change rates are noted in the room data sheets 4.27 Interview room Air Transfer System Mechanical Ventilation System The Contractor shall provide an air transfer fan(s) system (ATF) to the open plan area cellular interview room. The system shall incorporate the following features/components. Ducted room SA input sourcing from the open plan area and discharging into the interview room. 2way diffuser in corner of room, line fan and speed control Ducted room ExA discharge exhausting from the interview room to atmosphere at high level. 2way diffuser in corner of room, line fan and speed control Speed /on/off control to each of the air input and air exhaust systems. Low noise system and fans. NC 35 Minimum 10ac/h input and exhaust The interview room is to have a false ceiling and the ductwork/fans shall be installed above this level in accessible locations. Fresh air is to be transferred from the open plan area which is naturally ventilated. 4.28 All design concepts shall be agreed with the contract Administrator and Local Authority planners All discharge terminal locations and designs shall be clearly defined and concepts shall include: Thermal Insulation of Services A specialist-approved contractor on behalf of the contractor shall execute the whole of the insulation works under this contract. Services shall be provided with insulated vapour barriers (VP) where noted and are to be insulated in accordance with the specification tables and with Kooltherm or equivalent thin section products and finished as follows: All plant room services to be finished in foil faced insulation with VP were appropriate All concealed/boxed in LTHW heating services to be finished in foil faced insulation. All concealed/boxed in MCW/BCWS to be finished in foil faced insulation with VP All concealed/boxed in HWS cooling services to be finished in foil faced insulation with VP Direct exhaust or extract air ductwork shall not be insulated. All distribution services to be adequately identified and band coded to BS.1710 with directional arrows together the respective service designation. Armaflex or similar insulation products are not acceptable as insulation systems 4.29 Sanitary Ware, Tap Ware and Waste Systems These systems and appliances are detailed under separate cover and are to be provide by others. The Main Contractor will supply and install all sanitary ware appliances and tap ware in the positions indicated on the drawings. The contractor shall allow to connect directly to all sanitary and white goods appliances The Contractor shall set WC cistern levels and ensure systems are suitable for operation on the boosted cold water pressure. The Contractor shall include for connection to kitchen/laundry appliances including washing machines dryer, dishwashers etc provided by the Main Contractor. 4.30 Control Systems.& BMS Trend Controls The contractor shall provide all automatic controls as required for the complete and energy effective operation of the systems. Automatic controls shall be provided as follows. The ATWHP shall be complete with a manufacturer’s control system & panel incorporating pump set selection/changeover, pressure set, buffer HWS and cylinder storage vessel(s). Time programmes/ temperature control/pressure sensors/detectors/immersion heaters. control and including all remote The server comfort cooling system shall be complete with time and temperature key pad control. The boosted water pump set shall be complete with a manufacturer’s control system & panel. Mechanical ventilation systems fan control facilities such as humidity/temperature/presence detection/speed & reverse controls as noted in the room data sheets. The following fan systems shall incorporate dedicated (individual) multi- channel time control with pre- set trickle speed and boosted speed selection. Male campers……….Female campers…………..Pot wash The following plant and equipment shall incorporate volt free contacts and have future capability for remote control via a BMS Trend system house ATWHP……….Server comfort cooling………..Boosted water pump set Controls shall be of a propriety manufacturer and supplied as an integral part of the respective system. All control shall be set to work and commission by the manufacturer/component person 4.31 Water Treatment Regimes Etc The Contractor shall include for chemical dosing of the space heating system in accordance with the ATW HP manufacturer’s/underfloor heating specialist’s requirements. Provision shall be made in the system design for drainage, sampling and fill of chemical additives for life time maintenance regimes. The domestic hot and cold water services systems shall be cleaned and sterilised in accordance with the WSWF Water Regulations 1999. 4.32 Materials for Salvage & Reuse The contractor shall carefully remove and reuse one Zip Aqua III electric point of use water heater within the new exhibition visitors WC. All other redundant Zip Aqua III electric point of use water heaters and associated accessories shall be carefully removed and deposited with the Employer for his potential reuse. The contractor shall include for disposal of the said plant and materials in part or full should the Employer decided to retain specific parts or decline the offered salvaged items 4.33 Fire Strategy and Building Compartments The Contractor shall note the individual building fire compartments as indicated on the fire strategy architectural plans available from the Main Contractor. All mechanical services passing between these areas shall be fire stopped in accordance with the Building Regulations and Building Control requirements 4.34 Acoustic Engineering The contractor shall install services so as to minimise the outbreak/transference of sound. Appropriate hangers and bracketing arrangements shall be incorporated on all plant, equipment and systems. Anti-vibration mountings and fixings shall be used on all ATW HP, boosted water pump sets & rotating fan equipment and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. All fans and other noise producing plant/equipment shall comply to the NC requirements of the specification 4.35 Steelwork Support Systems and Access Provisions The Contractor shall include for all secondary and specialist support systems and suspensions to adequately fix and suspend plant and services from the building structure. All mild steel systems shall be primed and finished in gloss paint to an agreed colour. The Contractor shall include for providing working drawings for approval prior to fabrication of the installations. 4.36 Mechanical Services and Interior Finishes/Design The development is to be built to a high standard with attention to interior design excellence and the mechanical services will be required to be effectively co-ordinated and integrated. Distribution services shall generally be concealed in voids and boxing details as indicated in this document and on the accompanying Architect’s drawings. 4.37 Commissioning The Contractor shall include for commissioning for all new and retained/reused existing plant and services. This is to ensure complete and proper operation of the mechanical building services systems both to the proposed refurbishment areas and the retained exhibition areas shall include GSHP……AWTHP….LTHW…./HWS….MCW&BCWS…..Mechanical ventilation system. The Contractor shall include for the testing and commissioning of the systems in accordance with B&ES and CIBSE Commissioning Codes of Practice and the Building Regulations including parts L2A/L2B. Component persons shall undertake commissioning and certificates shall be provided. 4.38 Room Data Sheets The Contractor shall refer to the room data sheets attached in appendix A. 4.39 Indicative Mechanical Services Drawings The Contractor shall refer to the accompanying indicative drawings. Mechanical Services 536/M01 4.40 Electrical Services The Main Contractor shall be responsible for all electrical services associated with the mechanical building service installations. The works shall be carried out by a suitably qualified ECA/NICECI registered electrician and shall comply with BS.7671 including all amendments The contractor shall provide a schedule of electrical heat pump system requirements including all associated energy metering requirements. The Contractor shall provide all necessary wiring diagrams/control logic diagrams and other details as may be reasonably requested to enable installation of the works. 4.41 Builders work The contractor shall be responsible for detailing all builders work requirements necessary for the integration and co-ordination of the building services installations. The main contractor shall undertake these works 4.42 Tender Inclusions and Schedules The contractor shall include within his tender return for the manufacturer’s plant and materials noted in the specification. The contractor may offer separately alternatives for the employer’s consideration. Any cost adjustments must be declared. The contractor shall complete in full the itemised summary of costs form. The successful contractor may be required to complete a full schedule of rates prior to commencement on site. 4.43 Programme and Order of Works The contractor shall undertake his works in consultation with other trades and to the Contract Administrator’s (CA) TARGET programme and associated detailed order of works. The programme is available under separate cover from the CA The centre is to remained operational throughout and personnel and equipment shall be decanted at strategic time window slots to specific areas of the centre. The contractor shall minimise service downtimes and plan his works to effectively engineer new works and retain operational of existing services and systems wherever possible. The contractor shall produce an interfacing detailed programme/order of works schedule of his work packages for incorporation into the master programme The general order of works is as follows. 4.44 Provide external remote temporary ‘Portacabin’ camping toilet/shower facilities. Relocate camp manager’s accommodation Undertake new female showers/males showers etc works in toilet/shower wing Complete visitor centre works (VC) Decant central Farm house GF/FF personnel into VC Complete central Farm house GF/FF works. Temporary Mechanical Services Works The contractor shall include for the following temporary works in connection with the proposed programme and order of works. 4.45 Provide a 22mm underground MCW service from the existing camp female toilet/shower incoming location to the new temporary ‘Portacabin’ toilet/shower facilities. Relocate the existing central HWS cylinders from the male camper’s toilet/shower boxing to the adjacent ranger’s workshop due to become the office/laboratory. Re commission to temporarily service the refurbished female/male shower areas in event that the ATWHP/HWS cylinder plant is not up and running at this time. Undertake localised space heating (GSHP & AWTHP) and HWS/CWS/BCWS as required for the general decants, relocations and new works. Temporarily retain electric point of use HWS in specific areas until the ATWHP central HWS system is commissioned and then remove at appropriate time. Metering of Services The contractor shall include for the following sub-metering; MCW feed to CWS storage tanks. HWS supply to camping areas Campers ATWHP heating circuit In addition the contactor shall provide all necessary energy metering of the Air to Water Heat Pump installation as noted in 4.19 TENDER RETURN FORMS MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICES APPENDICES A & C MOORLAND CENTRE EDALE A.1 MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICES MOORLAND CENTRE EDALE REFURBISHMENT FORM OF TENDER Sirs, I/We the undersigned having visited the site hereby offer to execute and complete the whole of the Works in accordance with the Tender Conditions, Specification, Conditions of Contract, Drawings and Letter of Invitation to Tender, to the entire satisfaction of the Employer for the fixed sum of: £ ........................................excluding VAT. (in words) .................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................... In addition I/We note the following % schedule for Dayworks Percentage required for Dayworks: ................% on Materials ................% on Plant ................% on Labour Signed ...................................................................... Dated ................................................................ Print Name ............................................................... Position ............................................................. For and on behalf of ......................................................................................................................................... Address ............................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................... A2 MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICES MOORLAND CENTRE EDALE REFURBISHMENT SUMMARY OF TENDER 1. Removal & Modification of Existing Services £…………………… 2 ATWHP & Central Plant £…………………… 3 ATWHP & GSHP Space Heating Systems £…………………… 4 Hot & Cold Water Systems £…………………… 5 Comfort Cooling systems £…………………… 6 Mechanical Ventilation Systems £…………………… 7 Sundry Systems £…………………… 8 Control & BMS Systems £…………………… 9 Testing & Commissioning £…………………… 10 As-Built Information & Demonstrations £……………………. ________________ TOTAL (excluding VAT) CARRIED FORWARD TO FORM OF TENDER: In Words: £ ________________ .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Signed: .......................................................................................................................... Date:..............................For…………………………………………………………………………………… … The Contractor shall complete all individual itemised costs. C1 MECHANICAL BUILDING SERVICES MOORLAND CENTRE EDALE REFURBISHMENT ATWHP TECHNICAL APPRAISAL 1. Base cost of system (Item 2 from appendix A2) £…………………… 2 ATW Heat pump and system ErP rating …………………… 3 ATWHP design output (kW) …………………… 4 System design F/R temperatures …………………… 5 External design temperature …………………… 6 Building heat loss (kW) …………………… 7 ATHW Electrical max consumption (kW) …………………… 8 Buffer vessel storage capacity …………………… 9 HWS Cylinders Storage capacity (Litres) …………………… 10 HWS immersion heater electrical max consumption (kW) .…………………… 11 ATHW SPF (Seasonal Performance Factor) ……………………. 12 (Litres) Other information ……………………………………………………………………………………… In Words: .......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Signed: .......................................................................................................................... Date:..............................For…………………………………………………………………………………… … The Contractor shall complete all itemised sections EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE APPENDIX B MECHANICAL ROOM DATA SHEETS EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Meeting Room Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing exhibition space) ITEM Sheet: 00 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy 8no…. others transient/hot desking (2) Heating Mode Existing underfloor heating (UFH) Zones retained as existing (3) Mechanical ventilation systems No (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Natural infiltration via openable windows Automatic window control to be modified* (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None (10) Electrical requirements ICW none (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing UFH utilised. Internal design condition 21C Design contractor to recommission UGH room detector/sensor set points as required. *Main contractor to modify automatic actuator window opening system control functions EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Interview Room Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing exhibition space) ITEM Sheet: 01 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy 4no…. others transient/hot desking (2) Heating Mode Existing underfloor heating (UFH) Zones retained as existing (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust system and input system Each 10ac/h minimum (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Air transfer fan system input /discharge from open plan office to atmosphere. See specification (5) Direct exhaust air Yes see above (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None (10) Electrical requirements ICW Yes. ATF systems (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing UFH utilised. Internal design condition 21C Design contractor to recommission UGH room detector/sensor set points as required. EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Open Plan Office Issue Date: December15 /01 (Existing exhibition space) ITEM Sheet: 02 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy 6no…. others transient/hot desking (2) Heating Mode Existing underfloor heating (UFH) Zones retained as existing (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Intermittent exhaust air. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Natural infiltration via openable windows Automatic window control to be modified* (5) Direct exhaust air Yes. High level wall fan discharge above flat roof 4-6ac/h. With reverse direction/speed control (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls Room controller for wall fan. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Wall fan power supply (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing UFH utilised. Internal design condition 21C Design contractor to recommission UGH room detector/sensor set points as required. *Main contractor to modify automatic actuator window opening system control functions EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Visitors WC Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing retail space) ITEM Sheet: 03 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode Existing underfloor heating (UFH) Zones retained as existing (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG as required 8ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Complete with basin thermostatic mixing valve.(TMV ) Mains pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power supply (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: (Point of use pressurised under sink water heater sited in LL boxing for hot water service REUSED from Farm House Area) Mains cold water service in existing disabled visitors WC to be utilised/ extended. Existing UFH utilised. Internal design condition 19C EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Server room Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Part existing kitchen) ITEM Sheet: 04 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy None (2) Heating Mode Yes. See below (3) Comfort cooling Yes. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air None (5) Mechanical ventilation systems None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems Condense drainage (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls AC control with BMS interface (10) Electrical requirements ICW External condenser supply NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New comfort cooling heat pump to server room. Condenser sited externally to Architect’s details Internal design condition 21C External Design Temperature - Winter: Design Temperature - Summer: -4°Cdb Saturated. 29°Cdb, 19°Cwb. Heat rejection equipment shall be sized to deliver the required cooling with an external ambient temperature of 30°C. Internal Heating: Cooling: Humidity: 32°Cdb +/- 2°C. 32°Cdb +/- 2°C. 40-60% variable. Humidification is not to be provided. The cooling systems will be designed to incorporate heat gains from occupancy, equipment, incidental, and solar gains. The system is to be capable of automatic operation 24 hours per day. Equipment to be complete with BMS volt free contacts. EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Access Toilet (Existing store) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 05 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW radiator. Existing fan radiator to be relocated to adjacent lobby.(shift approx. 300mm) F&R distribution mains retained as existing (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG. 8ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Complete with basin thermostatic mixing valve.(TMV ) Mains pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power supply (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: HWS provided via ATW heat pump MCW supplied from new from campers location Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system utilised. Internal design condition 21C @-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location WC1 (Small) (Existing store) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 06 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode Via adjacent lobby radiator (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG 8ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. . (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others. (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power supply (11) Special requirements None NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: HWS provided via new ATW HP system MCW extended from existing campers location. Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system utilised. Internal design condition 19C @-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location WC2 (Large) (Existing WC) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 07 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW radiator. (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Existing exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA. (5) Direct exhaust air Existing system utilised Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power supply (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: HWS provided via new ATW HP system MCW supplied from new from campers location Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system utilised. Internal design condition 19C @-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Store1 Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing small store) ITEM Sheet: 08 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode Existing radiator relocated clear of new doorway to new agreed location in store (19c) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air None (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water Existing MCW/HWS to be removed. (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing point of use pressurised water heater currently sited in small store to be relocated /utilised provide hot water service to exhibition WC. See data sheet 03. Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system utilised. Internal design condition 19C@-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Toilet -Camp Manr Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing large office) ITEM Sheet: 09 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode Via camp manager’s office (19C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG 8ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: HWS provided via new ATW HP system MCW supplied from new from campers location Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised. Internal design condition 19C@-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Camp Managers Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing large office) ITEM Sheet: 10 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy One (2) Heating Mode New LPHW fan radiator sited on external wall l (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Ducted exhaust fan 2ac/h Inlet Located over sink worktop area (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Sink (7) Internal waste systems Yes. Sink (8) Sanitary appliances Yes. Sink (9) Controls On/off fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R radiator system extended/utilised. Internal design condition 21C@-5c HWS provided via new ATW HP system MCW supplied from new from campers location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Ramped Lobby Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing ramped lobby) ITEM Sheet: 11 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode Existing LPHW fan radiator l (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air None (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None. (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R radiator system extended/utilised. Internal design condition 21C@-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Kitchen/Welfare Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing large office) ITEM Sheet: 12 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Two & transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW radiator sited under window (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Ducted exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off control. 4ac/h Inlet Located over sink worktop area (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Mains pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems Sink others (8) Sanitary appliances Sink by others (9) Controls Fan on/off control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements None Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: HWS provided via new ATE HP MCW supplied from from campers location Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised. Internal design condition 21C @-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Camp Office Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing camp office) ITEM Sheet: 13 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW fan radiator sited on storage partition wall (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air None (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None. (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: LTHW radiator supplied from ATW HP system. Internal design condition 21C@-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Storage2 Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing small office) ITEM Sheet: 14 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW pipe coil sited under external wall storage cupboard system* (19C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via adjacent windows (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None. (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised. Radiator removed Internal design condition 19C@-5c *Primary heat provide by oversized storage 3 area new ATW HP system radiator EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Storage3 –New build Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 15 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New LPHW radiator sited under windows. Sized for storage 2 & 3 (19C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via adjacent windows (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None. (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: LTHW radiator supplied from ATW HP system. Internal design condition 19C @-5c EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Male Campers Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Ex .female campers) ITEM Sheet: 16 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system. Min 2no panel radiators (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Direct exhaust air (6) Hot & Cold water (7) Internal waste systems 3no showers /4no basins /3no WC by others Floor gully (8) Sanitary appliances 3no showers /4no basins /3no WC by others (9) Controls Fan controller. Shower coinage/MV valves (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power Shower coinage/MV valves (11) Special requirements Cold water wash down key bib tap Roof cowl fan or Ducted fan with on/off /speed control. 10ac/h Controller sited in camp managers office Yes. Complete with shower & basin thermostatic mixing valve(s).(TMV ) Mains pressure H&C Boosted water service . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. 23C shower area/21C Wc’s @ -5c New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service Fan control to incorporate tickle ventilation and peak boost automatic time control See indicative drawing for mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Female Campers Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Ex. male campers) ITEM Sheet: 17 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system. Min 2no panel radiators (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Ducted Exhaust air system. Minimum 4no grille terminals. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Direct exhaust air (6) Hot & Cold water (7) Internal waste systems 3no showers /4no basins /3no WC by others Floor gully (8) Sanitary appliances 3no showers /4no basins /3no WC by others (9) Controls Fan controller. Shower coinage/MV valves (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power Shower coinage/MV valves (11) Special requirements Cold water wash down key bib tap Roof cowl fan or Ducted fan with on/off /speed control. 10ac/h Controller sited in camp managers office Yes. Complete with shower & basin thermostatic mixing valve(s).(TMV ) Mains pressure H&C Boosted water service . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. 23C shower area/21C Wc’s@-5c New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service Fan control to incorporate tickle ventilation and peak boost automatic time control See indicative drawing for mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Drying Room (Ex. disabled WC) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 18 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator (21C) at high level over appliances (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Ducted Exhaust air system. Minimum 4no grille terminals .See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with HUMIDISAT on/off/overrun control 10ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. White goods .Boosted pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems White goods by others (8) Sanitary appliances White goods by others (9) Controls Humidistat fan control (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service) Ladder CP towel rail below coats -TBC EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Access Shower/WC (Existing laundry) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 19 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator (23C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan HUMIDISAT on/off/overrun control 10ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Complete with shower & basin thermostatic mixing valves.(TMV ) Boosted pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems Shower, WC and basin by others Floor gully (8) Sanitary appliances Shower, WC and basin by others (9) Controls Humidistat fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Cold water wash down key bib tap . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service . EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Pot Wash (New build) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 20 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator Frost protection only (12C) High level above worktop (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration. (5) Direct exhaust air Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control 10ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. (7) Internal waste systems 3no sinks by others. Floor gully (8) Sanitary appliances 3no sinks by others (9) Controls Integral fan control. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service . EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Laboratory/Offices (Ex. Ranger’s) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 21 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Four (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system 2no panel radiators (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Speed controlled on/off Ducted exhaust fan extracting from sink area See specification (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via openable glazed screen windows (5) Exhaust air Ducted on/off extract fan 6ac/h –sink area (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. (7) Internal waste systems 1no Sink by others (8) Sanitary appliances 1no Sink by others (9) Controls Exhaust fan speed control (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Workshop Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Ex. camp site manager store) ITEM Sheet: 22 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator (19C) On office wall (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Natural infiltration (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Exhaust air (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances No (9) Controls NA (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements Low noise NC40 None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. (Internal design 19C@-5C) EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Racking Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Ex. camp site manager WC) ITEM Sheet: 23 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Exhaust fan extracting from drying area (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Exhaust air Room fan with HUMIDISAT on/off/overrun control 10ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. CW bib tap (7) Internal waste systems Yes Gully (8) Sanitary appliances No (9) Controls Exhaust fan/humidistat (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements None 4no 40mm north-south pipeline coil runs under racking. Full height CP drying ladder in drying area with electric immersion heater back up.(21C) . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. (Internal design 21C@-5C) EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location GF Plant Areas Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Ex. Camp site manager) ITEM Sheet: 24 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system plant (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water MCW incomer New ATWHP system plant Boosted water pump set (7) Internal waste systems Floor gully. HP drains/Safety valves (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls /BMS interface New ATWHP system plant (10) Electrical requirements ICW New ATWHP system .BCWS plant (11) Special requirements External heat pump located adjacent racking area . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space hot water system (HWS). See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location Existing cold water storage tanks utilised for boosted water service. SEE SPECIFICATION EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF office1 (6wstations) (Existing office) Issue Date: December 15 /01 Sheet: 25 of 32 ITEM QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Six (2) Heating Mode Existing LPHW radiator retained. (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Ducted exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off /speed control. 6ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls Fan controller. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised (Internal design 21C@-5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air fan system See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF Multi-purpose (Existing office) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 24 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Two (2) Heating Mode Existing LPHW radiator retained. (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off /speed control. 6ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls Fan controller. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised (Internal design 21C@-5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air fan system See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF office 2(1workstations (Existing office) Issue Date: December 15 /01 Sheet: 25 of 32 ITEM QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy One (2) Heating Mode Existing LPHW radiator retained. (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems No (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised (Internal design 21C@-5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air fan system See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF Office 3(3workstations) Issue Date: December 15 /01 Sheet: 26 of 32 (Existing office) ITEM QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Four (2) Heating Mode Existing LPHW radiator retained. (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off /speed control. 6ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water Remove existing sink and water heater* (7) Internal waste systems Remove (8) Sanitary appliances Remove (9) Controls Fan controller. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing LPHW F&R/ radiator system extended/utilised (Internal design 21C@-5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air fan system See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Toilet-Offices (Existing WC) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 27 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New radiator (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Existing exhaust air system. (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA (5) Direct exhaust air Existing system utilised. Room fan with lighting/PIR on/off/overrun control Door transfer grille DTG (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. (7) Internal waste systems WC and basin by others (8) Sanitary appliances WC and basin by others (9) Controls Integral fan control.(existing) (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements No . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: LTHW radiator & HWS provided via new ATW HP system (Internal design 19C@-5C) Boosted water services EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Lobby Toilet-Offices (Existing lobby Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 28 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New radiator (21C) under window (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air NA (5) Direct exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water None. (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls None (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements No . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: LTHW radiator via new ATW HP system EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF office 4(3wtations) (Existing Rangers office) Issue Date: December 15 /01 Sheet: 29 of 32 ITEM QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Four (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off control. 6ac/h (6) Hot & Cold water None (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls Fan controller. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (11) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. (Internal design 21C@-5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air fan system See indicative drawing for gable end mechanical ventilation ductwork discharge location EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF Printer Issue Date: December 15 /01 (Existing Store) Sheet: 30 of 32 ITEM QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode New ATWHP system panel radiator (21C) (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Yes. Exhaust air system. See below (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration via window (5) Direct exhaust air Ducted fan with on/off control. 6ac/h Activated on high temperature with ORT (6) Hot & Cold water Yes. Complete with sink thermostatic mixing valve.(TMV ) Mains pressure H&C (7) Internal waste systems None (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls Fan controller. (10) Electrical requirements ICW Exhaust fan power (10) Special requirements Low noise NC35 . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: New air to water (ATWHP) heat pump space heating system. Internal design condition 21C@ -5C) Summertime intermittent exhaust air WALL fan EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location FF Tank Areas (Ex. Tanks) Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 31 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Notional Design Occupancy Transient (2) Heating Mode None (3) Mechanical ventilation systems None (4) Minimum occupancy fresh air Other supply air Natural infiltration (5) Exhaust air None (6) Hot & Cold water MCW incomer Boosted water pump set storage tanks (7) Internal waste systems Tank overflows (8) Sanitary appliances None (9) Controls /BMS interface None (10) Electrical requirements ICW None (11) Special requirements None . NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Existing cold water storage tanks modified & utilised for CW boosted water service 2X 2000X 1500X1000 . Approx 2500litres each See specification EDALE MOORLAND CENTRE DERBYSHIRE MECHANICAL SERVICES ROOM DATA SHEETS Location Other Areas Issue Date: December 15 /01 ITEM Sheet: 32 of 32 QUANTITY/REQUIREMENTS (1) Remodelling/strip outs Refer to ERS documents t (2) Heating Mode Refer to ERS documents (3) Mechanical ventilation systems Refer to ERS documents (4) Hot & Cold water Refer to ERS documents (5) Internal waste systems Refer to ERS documents (6) Sanitary appliances Refer to ERS documents (7) Electrical requirements ICW Refer to ERS documents (8) Other Refer to ERS documents (9) Special requirements See below (10) - - NOTES/SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Allow for removing and making good of all redundant hot & cold water services and ventilation systems to facilitate new building arrangements in; Former toilet/utility areas Ranger’s workshop Laundry room and wash room Camp managers/adjacent WC Ground and first floor offices Circulation areas