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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer journal homepage: On the role of inserts in forced convection heat transfer augmentation☆ Chou Xie Tan, Wai Loon Mah, Yew Mun Hung ⁎, Boon Thong Tan School of Engineering, Monash University, 46150 Bandar Sunway, Malaysia a r t i c l e i n f o Available online 20 July 2012 Keywords: Dimensional analysis Enthalpy Heat transfer augmentation Insert a b s t r a c t The role of inserts in internal forced convection has been widely acknowledged as a passive device in the heat transfer enhancement. The present study is aimed to empirically investigate the heat transfer enhancement in a tube fitted with a square-cut circular ring insert in the transitional and the fully turbulent flow regimes. By performing an in-depth analysis on the experimental data, the role of insert has been quantified by deriving a new non-dimensional group. This new non-dimensional group is proposed to characterize the effect of inserts on the heat transfer enhancement. While the findings show the incorporation of insert in the flow passage enhances the heat transfer rate, the characteristics of the flow in the transitional and the fully turbulent flow regimes induced by the effect of insert are distinct. The new non-dimensional group provides interesting insights into the role played by the insert. The physical significance of the non-dimensional number which provides a measure of the change of enthalpy relative to the change of flow energy in the flow direction can be used to explain the decrease of heat transfer augmentation in the turbulent flow regime relative to the transitional flow regime. Based on the analysis of the non-dimensional group, it can be deduced that the contribution of the axial pressure drop in the heat transfer augmentation is marginal albeit not negligible compared to the temperature rise in the characterization of the heat transfer augmentation with the incorporation of insert. The evaluation of heat transfer augmentation efficiency based on the rate of change of internal energy shows that the performance efficiency of an insert would be identical in different flow regimes, contradictory to the widely held axiom that the effect induced by the insert on the heat transfer augmentation diminishes in the turbulent flow regime. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Towards the goal of improved thermal management, heat transfer augmentation is a subject of vital importance in increasing the heat transfer rate and achieving higher efficiency. The interesting features of the insert and its promising potential in many heat transfer applications such as heat exchangers, nuclear reactors, solar heaters, gas turbines and combustion chambers have promoted abundant studies [1–8]. The effect of the insert in the flow passage does not stem from the existence of a new phenomenon but, as pointed out in the previous studies, the heat transfer augmentation is attributed to either one or both of the following two mechanisms [9]. According to the first mechanism, the insert is considered to act as a swirl flow generator producing helical flows at the periphery. Centrifugal forces are induced when the rotating helical flows are superimposed with the axially directed central core flow. As the density of most liquids decreases with temperature, the resultant centrifugal forces move the heated fluid from the boundary layer towards the core of the flow passage and hence produce a heat transfer augmentation. In the second mechanism by inducing redevelopment of the boundary ☆ Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz. ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (Y.M. Hung). 0735-1933/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2012.07.014 layer and increasing the heat transfer surface area, the insertion of insert in the flow passage is considered as one of the techniques used for effective heat transfer augmentation by increasing turbulence. Through the separation and reattachment mechanism, the insert may serve as a turbulence promoter by increasing the flow turbulence level in addition to disturbing the existing laminar sublayer. Generally inserts function based on the active and passive methods. The former refers to technique requiring additional external energy provided to the inserts, while the latter does not involve the use of external energy. In addition, inserts can be classified into two types. The first type of insert occupies the entire flow passage; thus, the swirl and/or the turbulence promoting effects are induced to the flow passing through the insert. Hence, the type and number of insert are crucial factors in governing the heat transfer characteristics and pressure loss of the flow passage. The second type of insert is located at the entrance of the flow passage where the swirl flow and/or redevelopment of boundary layer occur and subsequently after passing the insert, the flow is freely developed [10]. Although the degree of heat transfer enhancement varies under different flow conditions, significant increases in heat transfer rate and pressure drop have been observed and reported in the laminar, transition and turbulent flow regimes and studies on the performance of inserts in such flow regimes have been well established in the literature. For the laminar flow regime, the effects of pressure drop and heat transfer of Author's personal copy C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 Nomenclature A Br cp D f h h̃ k l _ m Nu Pr Δp Q_ Re T t ΔT ũ V cross‐sectional area, m 2 Brinkman number specific heat, J/kg ⋅ K diameter, m friction factor heat transfer coefficient, W/m 2 ⋅ K specific enthalpy, J/kg thermal conductivity, W/m ⋅ K length, m mass flow rate, kg/s Nusselt number Prandtl number pressure drop, Pa heat transfer rate, W Reynolds number temperature, K thickness, m temperature rise, K specific internal energy, J/kg average velocity, m/s Greek symbols ε surface roughness, m η heat transfer augmentation efficiency ρ density, kg/m 3 μ dynamic viscosity, Pa ⋅ s ϕ transfer number Subscripts 0 of plain channel i of inlet m bulk mean o of outlet s of wall surface 1139 flow passage including inlet section, test section, diffuser, mixing chamber and outlet section. The air channel (test section) which has a length of l = 1.25 m, with inner diameter D of 50 mm and thickness t of 10 mm, is mounted on the main unit. An insert, which acts as a heat transfer promoter whose cross‐section is depicted in Fig. 1(b), is placed at the inlet section. The six-blade insert with a pitch length of 10 mm, a diameter of 5 mm and 4 square-cut angled at 90 o apart at each blade is placed at the inlet section, which is sufficiently long for the turbulent flow to be hydrodynamically developed before entering the test section after passing through the insert. The channel at the test section is heated by the thin film element heating mats, providing a uniform heat flux wall boundary. The outer surface of the test section is properly insulated to minimize heat loss to surroundings and necessary precautions have been taken against air leakages. Air is drawn into the inlet section by a three-phase centrifugal fan with a power rating of 0.37 kW and the air flow rate can be adjusted by a motor-speed inverter. The experimental apparatus is equipped with the necessary measuring equipment. The air velocity is measured by a calibrated thermo-anemometer, and the accuracy of measurements is estimated at 4%. The pressure transducer records the pressure drop across the test section using an electronic differential pressure transmitter based on the piezoresistive measuring principle, with an estimated accuracy of 3%. Temperatures are recorded using 12 K-type thermocouples, with an overall accuracy of 2%. Two thermocouples are placed in the inlet and outlet of the test section and 10 thermocouples are soldered on the outer surface along the circumference of the channel. Both measurements of the pressure drop and temperature would be data-logged in a MIDI logger, with an accuracy of 0.1% for the pressure drop measurement and 0.05% for the temperature measurement. The experimental uncertainties have been calculated by following the monograph by Holman [32] and the maximum values of such calculations for the pertinent parameters based on a 95% confidence level are shown in Table 1. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Hydrodynamic and thermal considerations The isothermal pressure drop is investigated over a range of Reynolds number Re = ρVD/μ from 9,000 to 15,000, in the air turbulent flow regime. Fanning friction factor f is evaluated from average air velocity V and pressure drop Δp measurements by means of inserts have been investigated [9,11–19]. While most of the previous studies on inserts concerned the turbulent flow regime [20–28], such investigations in the transitional flow regime [9,29–31] are relatively scarce. Based on the fact that the two differing mechanisms proposed to explain the role of the insert in forced convection heat transfer enhancement are not clearly apprehended, we empirically analyze this type of problem by characterizing and quantifying the role of an insert in convective heat transfer enhancement. The heat transfer augmentation is typically characterized by two important pertinent parameters, namely, the attendant pressure drop, Δp, and the accompanying temperature rise from the inlet and the outlet, ΔT. A non-dimensional group is proposed for evaluating and comparing the importance of these two parameters and the characterization is based on the experimentation of cases with and without insert in the flow passage. The deviation of the two cases is analyzed for scrutinizing the changes entailed in the heat transfer enhancement due to the incorporation of the insert in different flow regimes. f ¼ ΔpðD=lÞ : 2ρV 2 ð1Þ Fig. 2 depicts the variation of the friction factor as a function of the Reynolds number. Plain channel friction factor results have been compared to the established correlations of friction factor in the turbulent flow regime. The correlation proposed by Blasius [33] is given by −1=4 f ¼ 0:0791Re ; ð2Þ the empirical relation derived by Bejan [34] using the Prandtl's one-seventh power law to calculate the friction factor is given by −1=4 f ¼ 0:078Re ; ð3Þ and the Karman–Nikuradse relation [35] is expressed as 2. Experimental investigation The schematic diagram of the experimental set-up is depicted in Fig. 1(a). The experiment test rig consists of an assembly of channel 1 f 1=2 1=2 −0:396: ¼ 1:737 ln Ref ð4Þ Author's personal copy 1140 C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the experiment set-up. (b) Cross‐section of the square-cut circular ring insert. As shown in Fig. 2(a), the experimental data of friction factor for plain channel correlates well with the above three established equations in the fully developed turbulent flow regime. It can be observed that the friction factor decreases with increasing Reynolds number. With the incorporation of insert, the friction factor experimental results coincide with those of the plain channel. It was observed in some of the previous studies that the friction factor with insert is higher than that of a plain channel [9,36–40]. The present results are distinct due to the fact that the insert is placed upstream of the test section and the turbulent flow is hydrodynamically fully developed before entering the test section. Therefore, it shows that the addition of insert does not significantly increase the friction factor when the flow is hydrodynamically developed in the turbulent flow regime. Nusselt number is used to characterize the forced convection heat transfer characteristics in the channel. The average heat transfer coefficient is evaluated based on the measured temperatures and heat inputs. With constant heat flux imposed on the channel wall, the axial convected thermal energy rate Q_ is given by _ p ðT o −T i Þ; Q_ ¼ mc ð5Þ and the average heat transfer coefficient h is evaluated as h¼ Q_ ; As T s −T m ð6Þ _ and cp are the measured mass flow rate and specific heat of where m air, respectively, and As = πDl is the convective heat transfer surface area. The inlet temperature Ti and the outlet temperature To are measured while the bulk mean temperature Tm is defined as Tm ¼ Ti þ To ; 2 ð7Þ where all the thermophysical properties of air are evaluated at the bulk mean temperature. The average surface temperature T s obtained from the local surface temperatures Ts along the axial length of the test section of the channel is given by ∑T s T s ¼ : 10 ð8Þ Table 1 Estimation of measurement uncertainty. Parameter Uncertainty (%) Mass flow rate Voltage Current Pressure drop Fluid temperature Wall temperature Heat transfer coefficient Friction factor Nusselt number Reynolds number 4 0.2 0.2 3 1.2 1.4 4.8 8.3 5.2 4.4 Author's personal copy C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 1141 excellent agreement is observed between the experimental data and the Colebrook correlation which is given by 1=3 Nu ¼ 0:125f RePr ; ð12Þ where the friction factor is dependent on the relative surface roughness and its implicit expression is given by ! 1 ε=D 2:51 pffiffiffi ¼ 2 log þ pffiffiffi : 3:7 f f Re ð13Þ The favorable agreement indicates that the current experimental data are satisfactorily accurate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, thereby validating the present experimental model established for the study of the role of insert in forced convection. It can be observed from Fig. 2(b) that the Nusselt number increases when the insert is incorporated in the flow passage, verifying the heat transfer augmentation. For turbulent flow the location where the heat transfer measurements are taken is preceded by a channel length longer than the hydraulic entry length downstream of the insert. Several previous studies did not identify the developing flow region and have reported the results with insert in the test section as the fully developed flow region. Distinct flow regime can be identified from the variation of the Nusselt number with the Reynolds number. The transitional region is bounded within the range of Reynolds number from 2300 to 9000 where the Nusselt number increases exponentially with Reynolds number while the fully turbulent flow regime is identified for Reynolds number exceeding 9000 where the increase of Nusselt number is retarded. Therefore, there are two distinct regions with different convection heat transfer characteristics due to the effect of the insert. The heat transfer augmentation efficiency is defined as the ratio of the Nusselt number with incorporation of insert to that of a plain channel, given by ηNu ¼ Fig. 2. (a) Variation of friction factor as function of Reynolds number. (b) Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number. Following this, the average Nusselt number is defined as Nu ¼ hD ; k ð9Þ where k is the thermal conductivity of air. Fig. 2(b) depicts the variations of the Nusselt number with the Reynolds number for the cases with and without the insert. As expected for a plain channel, in the transitional and turbulent flow regimes, the data shows a linear increase in the Nusselt number, consistent with the data taken from literature. Verification of the Nusselt number of plain channel is performed by comparing with the established correlations. The Dittus–Boelter correlation is given by 0:8 Nu ¼ 0:023Re 1=3 Pr ; ð10Þ while the correlation derived by Wu and Little [41] in the turbulent flow regime is expressed as 1:09 Nu ¼ 0:00222Re 0:4 Pr : ð11Þ It can be observed that the experimental data are consistently deviated from both the correlations, due to the surface roughness of the channel. By including the relative surface roughness ε/D in the Colebrook correlation [42] using Chilton–Colburn analogy [43], Nu ; Nu0 ð14Þ where Nu0 is the Nusselt number for the case of plain channel. The heat transfer augmentation efficiency as defined in Eq. (14) is modeled with respect to the Reynolds number by regression using least-squares fit. In Fig. 3(a), significant heat transfer augmentation is observed at low Reynolds number where the Nusselt number of the case with insert is doubled compared to that without insert. However, it is observed that the heat transfer augmentation decreases with Reynolds number, showing that the role of the insert becomes less significant when Reynolds number is increased. Therefore, the effect induced by the insert on the heat transfer augmentation diminishes in the turbulent flow regime [26,36–40]. The reason behind this is yet to be explained and the present study is aimed to reason out the explanation of this phenomenon based on the physical interpretation of the pertinent parameters involved in the convection heat transfer as we shall discuss later on. Based on an intuitive judgment, the contribution of the viscous dissipation is considered to be the reason in explaining this phenomenon due to the fact that viscous dissipation manifests itself as an appreciable rise in fluid temperature due to the conversion of kinetic motion of the fluid to thermal energy [34]. Following this, it is conjectured that the incorporation of insert in the flow passage might intensify the viscous dissipation effect. As Brinkman number is a dimensionless number used to characterize the effect of viscous dissipation of convective heat transfer, it is calculated based on the experimental data, given by μV 2 : Br ¼ k T̄ s −T m ð15Þ Author's personal copy 1142 C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 temperature and the bulk mean temperature of fluid. By choosing D, V, k, and ρ as the recurring parameters, these four parameters can be grouped to form four basic dimensions, i.e., M ≐ ρD 3, L ≐ D, Τ ≐ D/V, and Θ ≐ ρDV 3/k, where M, L, Τ and Θ are the basic dimensions of mass, length, time and temperature, respectively, and the relational symbol ≐ denotes “dimension of.” The remaining seven parameters can be expressed in terms of the recurring parameters as follows: 3 M k M ρV D ; ≐ ; μ≐ ≐ρVD; ΔT≐Θ≐ LΤ k ΘΤ 3 D 3 2 ρV D ML L k 2 ; Δp≐ 2 ≐ρV ; cp ≐ : ΔT ≐Θ≐ ≐ k ΘΤ 2 ρVD Τ l≐L≐D; h≐ ð16Þ There are a total of 11 parameters and 4 basic dimensions; according to the Buckingham Pi theorem, there exist 7 independent dimensionless groups, Π1, Π2, Π3, Π4, Π5, Π6, Π7 which can be recast as ρVDcp l hD ρVD ; Π2 ¼ ; Π3 ¼ ; Π4 ¼ ; D k μ k kΔT kΔT Δp Π5 ¼ ; Π6 ¼ ; Π7 ¼ : ρDV 3 ρDV 3 ρV 2 Π1 ¼ ð17Þ From Eq. (17), it can be easily identified that Π2 is Nusselt number Nu and Π3 is Reynolds number Re, while Π3 and Π4 can be regrouped to form Prandtl number with Pr = Π4/Π3, Π1 and Π7 form the friction factor f = Π7/2Π1 and Π3 and Π5 form the Brinkman number Br = 1/Π3Π5. Following this, a new non-dimensional group can be formed by combining Π4, Π6 and Π7. For the sake of convenience, this new non-dimensional group is denoted as transfer number ϕ, which is given by ϕ¼ Fig. 3. (a) Heat transfer augmentation efficiency based on Nusselt number as a function of Reynolds number. (b) Brinkman number as a function of Reynolds number. Fig. 3(b) plots the variation of Brinkman number as a function of the Reynolds number. It can be observed that the numeric value of the Brinkman number is substantially small to render the significance of the effect of viscous dissipation in the present study. Apart from that, as expected, the Brinkman number increases with Reynolds number, indicating the viscous dissipation effect is more significant when the flow becomes more turbulent. In addition, the Brinkman numbers of the plain channel are higher than those with insert, contrary to the initial conjecture that the heat transfer is enhanced with the incorporation of insert. Therefore, apparently the primary heat transfer enhancement effect is not attributed to the viscous dissipation effect, and hence there is a need for deriving a new non-dimensional group to characterize the role of insert in the forced convection heat transfer, an important point we shall explore shortly in the following by employing a dimensional analysis. 3.2. Dimensional analysis The effects induced by the insert on the convection heat transfer are pertinent to the pressure drop and temperature difference between the inlet and the outlet. Therefore, the significance of the insert can be analyzed based on the pressure drop Δp = − (po − pi) and temperature rise from the inlet and the outlet ΔT = To − Ti. The heat transfer coefficient, h, depends on Reynolds number and geometry of the pipe; hence, the pertinent parameters include D, l, V, k, μ, ρ, cp and ΔT ¼ T s −T m which is the difference between the wall Π 4 Π 6 cp ΔT : ¼ Δp=ρ Π7 ð18Þ It is essential to interpret the physical significance of the transfer number for evaluating the role of the insert in convection heat transfer. In Eq. (18), the numerator represents the axial convected thermal energy while the denominator represents the change of flow energy in the axial direction. The implication of the transfer number is evident that it provides a measure of the change of enthalpy relative to the change of flow energy in the flow direction. The physical interpretation of the transfer number is axiomatic based on the fact that the insert in the flow passage acts as an obstacle to increase the pressure drop while simultaneously increasing the temperature rise from the inlet and the outlet. The transfer number provides a measure of the effectiveness of the insert following its physical interpretation that higher transfer number characterizes higher effectiveness of the insert if the change of enthalpy is high and the change of flow energy is low and vice versa. To justify the use of the transfer number on the heat transfer augmentation attributable to the insert, Fig. 4 depicts the variation of the transfer number as a function of the Reynolds number for transitional and turbulent flow regimes. It is coherent that the transfer number for the case with insert is higher than that of a plain channel. The deviation of transfer number between the cases with and without insert is much higher in the transitional flow regime compared to that in the turbulent flow regime. This shows that the role of the insert becomes less significant when Reynolds number is increased, consistent with the variation of the heat augmentation in Fig. 3(a). The synchronization of Fig. 4 with Fig. 3(a) can be used to explain the decrease of heat transfer augmentation in the turbulent flow regime relative to the transitional flow regime. The numerator of the transfer number representing the change of specific enthalpy is plotted as a function of Reynolds number in Fig. 5. The change of specific enthalpy is attributed to the heat absorbed by the air in the flow direction, cpΔT. As Author's personal copy C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 Fig. 6. The change of specific flow energy between the inlet and outlet of the test section as a function of Reynolds number. Fig. 4. Variation of transfer number as a function of Reynolds number. expected, cpΔT is higher for the case with insert and it decreases with increasing Reynolds number, similar to the trend of the transfer number. On the other hand, the change of flow energy per unit mass, Δp/ρ, which is plotted as a function of Reynolds number in Fig. 6, increases with the Reynolds number. However, for the case of plain channel, Δp/ρ is found to be more invariant compared to the case with insert, especially in the turbulent flow regime. The incorporation of insert decreases Δp/ρ due to the fact that the insert is placed upstream of the test section and the flow is hydrodynamically fully developed before entering the test section. By comparing the magnitude of cpΔT and Δp/ρ, it is observed that the effect of the insert is mainly dominated by the change of enthalpy. Therefore, it can be deduced that the contribution of the change of flow energy and hence the pressure drop in the heat transfer augmentation with incorporation of insert is marginal. Based on the information obtained from the change of enthalpy and the change of flow energy, the rise in internal energy, Δũ, of air can be evaluated using the following thermodynamics relation: Δ ũ ¼ Δ h̃− ð−ΔpÞ ; ρ 1143 ð19Þ Fig. 5. The change of specific enthalpy between the inlet and outlet of the test section as a function of Reynolds number. where h̃ and ũ are specific enthalpy and specific internal energy, respectively. By excluding the flow energy which is the energy to displace the system's surroundings, the internal energy is considered as the total energy contained by a thermodynamic system. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the rise in internal energy, which is attributed to the total heat added and work done, is the main concern for practical considerations in thermodynamics. The change in internal energy is the most crucial parameter in thermodynamics when considering the total energy change due to the flow of heat and mechanical work, particularly in a system involving internal forced convection. As shown in Fig. 7, the addition of the insert increases the change in internal energy of the fluid. This is as expected since the heat transfer augmentation is ultimately attributable to the increase in the change of internal energy of the fluid flowing through the insert. Following this, it is instructive to investigate the heat transfer augmentation efficiency based on the change of specific internal energy, ηΔũ, and the rate of change of internal energy, ηm_ Δ˜u, which are, respectively, given by ηΔ ũ ¼ Δ ũ ; Δ ũ0 ð20Þ Fig. 7. The change of specific internal energy between the inlet and outlet of the test section as a function of Reynolds number. Author's personal copy 1144 C.X. Tan et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 1138–1145 augmentation diminishes in the turbulent flow regime [26,36–40]. In such case, it would be appropriate to claim that the performance efficiency of a particular insert is identical in different flow regimes based on the evaluation by the rate of change of internal energy, which is the intrinsic total energy of a thermodynamic system. 4. Conclusions Fig. 8. Heat transfer augmentation efficiencies based on the change of specific internal energy, rate of change of internal energy, specific enthalpy, heat transfer rate and Nusselt number, as a function of Reynolds number. ηm_ Δ ũ ¼ _ ũ mΔ : _ ũÞ0 ðmΔ ð21Þ Fig. 8 plots the variation of these heat transfer augmentation efficiencies with the Reynolds number. The heat transfer augmentation efficiencies based on the specific enthalpy,ηΔ˜h , and the heat transfer rate , ηQ_ , which are, respectively, given by ηΔ h̃ ¼ ηQ_ ¼ Δ h̃ Δ h̃0 ; ð22Þ _ p ΔT mc Q_ : ¼ Q_ 0 _ mcp ΔT ð23Þ 0 as well as that based on Nusselt number ηNu, as shown in Eq. (14), are also included for the sake of comparison. The subscript “0” denotes the value evaluated for the case of plain channel (without insert). All the heat transfer augmentation efficiencies are modeled with respect to the Reynolds number by regression using least-squares fit with the R-squared values exceeding 0.9. All the heat transfer augmentation efficiencies, except for ηNu, amount to a factor of increase higher than 200%, indicating that the effect of heat transfer enhancement induced by the insert is substantially of practical significance. Among all the augmentation efficiencies, ηNu is the lowest, varying between 95% and 210% while others vary between 235% and 255%. The heat transfer augmentation efficiencies based on the change of specific internal energy, ηΔũ, and the change of specific enthalpy, ηΔ˜h , also decrease with Reynolds number, and the former is marginally quantitatively higher than the latter. Compared to ηNu as depicted in Fig. 3(a), the performance efficiency is enhanced when it is evaluated based on the change of specific internal energy and the change of specific enthalpy, induced by the incorporation of insert. Interestingly, the augmentation efficiencies based on the rate of change of internal energy, ηm_ Δ˜u, and the heat transfer rate, ηQ_ , which overlap each other, are apparently invariant with the Reynolds number. This shows that the performance efficiency or the role played by an insert would be the same in different flow regimes based on the fact that the rates of increase in the rate of change of internal energy and heat transfer rate are uniform throughout the transitional and turbulent flow regimes. This is contradictory to the widely held axiom that the role of the insert becomes less significant when Reynolds number is increased whereby the effect induced by the insert on the heat transfer We empirically analyze the heat transfer augmentation using insert in convective heat transfer. While the findings show the incorporation of the insert in the flow passage enhances the heat transfer rate, the characteristics of the flow in the transitional and the fully turbulent flow regimes induced by the effect of insert are distinct. The heat transfer augmentation is typically characterized by two pertinent parameters, namely the attendant pressure drop, Δp, and the accompanying temperature rise from the inlet and the outlet, ΔT. Based on the experimentation of cases with and without insert in the flow passage, besides evaluating the increase in the Nusselt number in the transitional and turbulent flow regimes, a non-dimensional group denoted as transfer number is proposed for evaluating and comparing the importance of the pressure drop and the temperature rise. Significant heat transfer augmentation is observed at low Reynolds number and the heat transfer augmentation decreases with Reynolds number, indicating that the role of the insert becomes less significant when Reynolds number is increased. The physical significance of the transfer number provides a measure of the change of enthalpy relative to the change of flow energy in the flow direction. The transfer number can be used to explain the decrease of heat transfer augmentation in the turbulent flow regime relative to the transitional flow regime. By comparing the magnitude of the change of enthalpy and the change of flow energy, it is observed that the effect of the insert is mainly dominated by the change of enthalpy. Therefore, it can be deduced that the contribution of the change of flow energy and hence the pressure drop in the heat transfer augmentation is marginal albeit not negligible compared to the temperature rise which is the dominant parameter in the characterization of the heat transfer augmentation using an insert. The evaluation of heat transfer augmentation efficiency based on the rate of change of internal energy shows that the performance efficiency of an insert would be identical in different flow regimes, contradictory to the widely held axiom that the role of the insert becomes less significant when Reynolds number is increased whereby the effect induced by the insert on the heat transfer augmentation diminishes in the turbulent flow regime. 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