E]_sf "|.leil-< fuffifrEF.H mlqft Oflice of the Chief Engineer frfr6s,,",T"ifX?,"i:,??f;,,, DHAKA POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED (An Enterprise of the Govemment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh) Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212 Ph: 989545 8/F ax: 8823264 E-mail c e d@dpdc. or g. bd : www.dpdc.org.bd Memo No. : DPDCiCEDiPSEEIIP I AFD Subject: Date: 1201 5 1223 l5/1212015 Addendum No. 3 of Bid Document against 6'Lot-l: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7 nos. new 132/33 kV GIS Sub-stations at char Sayedpur, Fatulla, Jigatola, Kazla, Motijheel, New Ramna and postogola on Turnkey basis." (Invitation fo r Bid No. : DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD I 2015 139, Date : 0 6 I 0S I 20 t5) Addendum No. 3 of Bid Document against "Lot-l: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7 nos. new 132133 kV GIS Sub-stations at Char Sayedpur, Fatulla, Jigatola, Kazla, Motijheel, New Ramna and Postogola on Turnkey basis" is hereby issued, which will be an integral part of the bidding document. All other terms and conditions will remain unchanged. Yours Sincerely, Chief Engineer, Development &, Project Director, Construction of New 132133 kV and 33111 kV Substations E-mail: ced@dpdc.org.bd Cony to: Director, DPDC. 2. Executive Director, Engineering/ operation/ Finance/ Adminishation, DpDC 3. Chief Engineer, Planning & Design/Company Secretary, DPDC. 4. Superintending Engineer, Implementation, 132/33 kV Substation, DpDC. 5. Executive Engineer, 132133 kV Substation, DPDC. 6. Office copy/ Master File. 1. Managing DHAKA POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD. Lot-l: Design, Manufacture, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 7 nos. new 132133 kV GIS Sub-stations at Char Sayedpur, Fatulla, Jigatola, Kazla, Motijheel, New Ramna and Postogola onTurnkey basis. [Invitation for Bid No. DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD/2 015l39,Date: 06/08/20 1 5] Addendum No.3 Memo No.: DPDC/PSEEIIP/AFD|Z\|'|LL5 sl. Reference Stated in the Bid Document Volume -3 of 3, Schedule- I, page SI-5 Type test reports of 132 kV, 2000A &33 Date:lsnztz}t5. Amendment No. I & Addendum-l, No.35 S1. kV, 2000A GIS breaker including PT, Disconnector, 132 CT, kV 12504' Air Insulated Switchgear including CT, CVT, Disconnector, 132 & 33 kV Surge Arrester, 132 kV 1x800 mm'zXLPE Cu Cable, 33 kV 1x800 mm2 XLPE Cu Cable and 11 KV 1x500 mm2 XLPE Cu Cables, 132 kV & 33 kV Plug in GIS End Termination, 132 kV , 33 kV & 11 kV Indoor/outdoor Cable Accessories and 11 kV 25004 Air Insulated Switchgear shall be submitted from arry Laboratory which is member Testing of STL, otherwise the bid will be rejected. The type test reports of higher capacity and/or higher voltage class for above mentioned equipment and cable shall also be acceptable for evaluation purpose only. However the prospective bidders shall have to confirm with a commitment letter with the technical proposal to conduct complete type test excluding destructive test as per latest version of IEC standard from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL, on offered type equipment and cable which will be selected by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. All costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor. Replace this paragraph by of 132 kV,20004 & 33 kV, 20004 GIS breaker including CT, PT, "Type test reports Disconnector, 132 kV 12504. Air Insulated Switchgear including CT, CVT, Disconnector, 132 & 33 kV Surge Arrestero 132 kV 1x800 mm? XLPE Cu Cable, 33 kV 1x800 mmz XLPE Cu Cable and I I KV 1x500 mm2 XLPE Cu Cables, 132 kV & 33 kV Plug in GIS End Termination, 132 kV,33 kV & 11 kV Indoor/outdoor Cable Accessories and 11 kV 25004 Air Insulated Switchgear or type test reports ofhigher capacity and/or higher voltage class shall be submitted from any Testing Laboratory which is member of STL, otherwise the bid will be rejected. The prospective bidders shall have to confirm with a commitment letter in case of not submitted test report of offered type of above equipment and cable, with the technical proposal to conduct complete t)?e test excluding destructive test as per latest version of IEC standard from any internationally reputed independent testing laboratory or Manufacturer's own accredited Testing Laboratory, on offered type equipment and cable which will be selected & witnessed by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. All costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor." Note: Accredited certificates are to be approved by the government.of the respective country. W 2 Volume -3 of 3, Schedule- I, page SI-2 Type Tests and Special Tests Reports of 132/33 kV, 801120 MVA Power Transformer as per relevant IEC shall be submitted from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL; otherwise the bid will be rejected. However, the bidder will be considered for further evaluation if the bidder complies the following conditions: "The type test reports of higher capacity and./or higher voltage class for power transformer shall also be acceptable for evaluation purpose only. However the prospective bidders shall have to confirm with a commitment letter technical proposal to conduct type test and loss with the complete determination excluding destructive test as per latest version ofIEC standard from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL, on offered 132/33 kY, 80/120 MVA Power Transformer which will be selected by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. A11 costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor". Replace this paragraph by "Type Tests and Special Tests Reports of 132/33 kV, 80/120 MVA Power Transformer or type test reports of higher capacity and/or higher voltage class for power transformer as per relevant IEC shall be submitted from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL or witnessed by representative of STL at Manufacturerrs own accredited Testing Laboratory or witnessed by representative of STL at any internationally reputed independent testing laboratory; otherwise the bid will be rejected. The prospective bidders shall have to confirm with a commitment letter with the technical proposal to conduct complete type test and loss determination excluding destructive test as per latest version ofIEC standard from any internationally reputed independent testing laboratory or Manufacturer,s own accredited Testing Laboratory, on offered 132/33 kY, 80/120 MVA Power Transformer which will be selected & witnessed by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. Al1 costs related to these tests shall be borne bv the contractor". Note: Accredited certificates are to be approved by the government ofthe respective country. b,+\. k W 3 Volume -3 of 3, Schedule- I, page SI-2 Type Tests and Special Tests Reports of 33lll kV, 28/35 MVA Power Transformer as per relevant IEC shall be submitted from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL; otherwise the bid will be rejected. However, the bidder will be considered for further evaluation if the bidder complies the following conditions: Type test & special test reports of 33lll kY, 20/28 MVA transformer from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL will be acceptable for evaluation Replace this paragraph by "Type Tests and Special Tests Reports of 33/11 kY,28/35 MVA Power Transformer or Type test & special test reports of 33/11 kV, 20128 MVA or higher capacity at 33/ll kV voltage class as per relevant IEC shall be transformer submitted from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL or witnessed by representative of STL at Manufacturers own accredited Testing Laboratory or witnessed by representative of STL at any internationally reputed independent testing laboratory; otherwise the bid will be rejected. purpose only, However the prospective bidders shall have commitment letter proposal to confirm with a The prospective bidders shall have to confirm with the technical with a commitment letter with the technical to conduct complete type test and loss determination excluding destructive test as per latest version of IEC standard from any Testing Laboratory which is a member of STL, on offered transformers 33/ll kV 28/35 MVA, which will be selected by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. All costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor. proposal to conduct complete type test and loss determination excluding destructive test as per latest version of IEC standard from any internationally reputed independent testing laboratory or Manufacturer's own accredited Testing Laboratory, on offered transformers 33/11 kV 28/35 MVA, which will be selected & witnessed by DPDC nominated engineers at random prior to PSI, if any. All costs related to these tests shall be borne by the contractor. Note: Accredited certificates are to be approved by the government ofthe respective country". 4 Volume-3 of 3, Schedule-B: Price Schedules A. CHAR SAYEDPUR, B. FATULLAH, C. JIGATOLA, E. MOTIJHEEL & F. NEW RAMNA I32 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & 11 KV AIS SUBSTATION Schedule No. B1&B2: 19. AIS Surge Arresters 19.02 33 kV Circuit 33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 33i11 kV power by "33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 132R3 kV & two new 33/11 kV power transformers: 4 Sets" transformers: 2 Sets Schedule No. B4: AIS Surge Arresters 33 kV Circuit 33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 33/11 kV power transformers: 2 Sets fr"V>-- Replace the quoted item "33 kV Singte phase surge arresters for two new 33i11 kV power transformers: 2 Sets" t-l w Volume-3 of 3, Schedule No. B1&B2: Schedule-B: Price 17. Schedules AIS Surge Arresters 17.02 33 kV D. KAZLA and G. POSTOGOLA 132 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & 11 KV AIS SUBSTATION Replace the quoted item "33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 33/11 kV power transformers: 2 Sets" Circuit 33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 33/11 kV power transformers:2 Sets by "33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 13283 kV & two new 33/11 kV power transformers: 4 Sets" Schedule No. B4: AIS Surge Arresters 33 kV Circuit 33 kV Single phase surge arresters for two new 33/11 kV power transformers:2 Sets 5 Volume-3 of 3, Control, Protection, Schedule-B: Price Automation & Metering 132 KY Control Panel for OHL Line at Madanganj S/S: I Lot, 132 KV Relay Panel for O/H Line at Madanganj S/S: I Lot, Schedules Schedule No.Bl,B2,B4 A. CHAR Substation SAYEDPUR & G. POSTOGOLA 132 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & II KVAIS SUBSTATION 6 Volume-3 of 3, C. Civil and Allied Works at Char Schedule-B: Price KV Substation. 1. Construction of temporary switch cum control room for accommodating 33, 11 KV Syedpur 33111 Schedules Schedule No. 84 A. CHAR SAYEDPUR I32 KV GIS, 33 KV GIS & KV AIS SUBSTATION lilt- 11 switches, control and relay panels, battery and battery charger etc., in a safe place: k Delete Item no. *7.07 132 KV Contol Panel for OHL Line at Madanganj S/S: I Lot 7.08 132 KV Relay Panel for O/FI Line at Madanganj S/S: I Lot" from Schedule 81, 82 &B4 of A. CHAR SAYEDPUR & Delete Item no. "5.07 132 KV Control Panel for OHL Line at Madanganj SS.: I Lot 5.08 132 KV Relay Panel for OHL Line at Madanganj SS.: I Lot" from Schedule B1, B2 &B4 of G. POSTOGOLA Substation. Delete quoted item "1. Construction of temporary switch cum control room for accommodating 33, l1 KV switches, control and relay panels, battery and battery charger etc., in a safe place: I Lot". I Lot. ry* 1 Volume-3 of 3, C. Civil and Allied Works Schedule-B: Price Fatullah 33111 KV Substation. Schedules 1 84 B. FATULLAHI32 KV GIS,33 KV GIS & II KVAIS SUBSTATION Schedule No. Delete the quoted items at "1. Temporary arrangement of maintaing 33 source to the existing Transformers KV Temporary affangement of maintaing 33 KV source to the existing Transformers including ffansfer of protection etc.with the cooperation of DPDC: I Lot including transfer of protection etc.with the cooperation of DPDC: I Lot 2. Relocation of existing VHF Tower to a suitable permanent locationand maintaing the communication 2. Relocation of existing VHF Tower to a suitable permanent locationand maintaing the communication with the cooperation of DPDC:1 Lot 3. Demolishing the unused Control Room for 132 KV GIS Building with basement and other top floors: 1 Lot 4. Recovery of equipment and other cooperation of 3. Demolishing the unused Control Room for 132 KY GIS Building with basement and other top floors: I Lot 4. Recovery ofequipment and other associated materials, temporarily used for continuing the electricity after energizing the newly built substaion and demolishing the temporary switch cum control room: 1 Lof'. associated materials, temporarily used for with the DPDC:I Lot continuing the electricity after energizing the newly built substaion and demolishing the temporary switch cum control room: I Lot 8 Volume-3 of 3, 9. Earthing and Schedule-B: Price Protection Schedules 9.01 Earthing System Schedule No. Bl A. CHAR SAYEDPUR I32 KV GIS, 33 KV GIS & I I KV AIS SUBSTATION 9 Volume-2 SECTION of 3, 3 132 KV GAS INSULATED SWITCHGEAR Replace quoted item "9.01 Earthing Lightning System for Complete Substation: Lot, 9.02 Lightning Protection System for for Complete Substation: Lot, Complete Substation: Lot" 9.02 Lightning Protection System for Complete Substation: Lot. By 3.9.3 Cunent Transformers: Replace this paragraph by Current transformers, where specified, shall be SF6 gas insulated, shall compatible the "Current transformers, where specified, shall be SF6 gas insulated or secondary of CT may be outside of gas chamber, shall be switchgear and shall preferably not contain any hygroscopic insulating material which could affect the SF6 gas in either the cunent transformer or in the associated switchgear in the associated switchgear chamber". be "9.01 Earthing System for Complete Substation: I Lot, 9.02 Lightning Protection System for Complete Substation: I Lot" with compatible with the switchgear and shall preferably not contain any hygroscopic insulating material which could affect the SF6 gas in either the current kansformer or chamber. W u -€,91,,,{- 10 Volume-2 SECTION of 3, 33 KV 15.3 33 KV GAS INSULATED GAS 15.3.1 Switchgear Design Replace this paragraph by "The current transformer must be of the dielectrically non-stressed toroidal-core type SWITCHGEAR 15 and mounted outside or inside the enclosures". Performance INSULATED SWITCHGEAR The current transformer must be of the di-electrically non-stressed toroidal-core type mounted outside 11 Volume-3 of 3, the enclosures. 5. Civil Works, Control Building Schedule-B: Price and Foundation Schedules Schedule No. 84: B. FATULLAHI32 Replace the quoted item "Transformer foundations(l32 KV-2nos.& 33 KV-3 nos) including oilpit etc.: 1 Lot" i) Transformer foundations(l32 KV-2nos.& 33 KV-3 nos) including by "Transformer foundations(l32 KV- oilpit etc.: 2nos. 1 Lot & 33 KV-2 nos.) including oil pit etc.: 1 Lot" KV GIS,33 KV GIS & 11 KV AIS SUBSTATION t2 Volume-3 of 3, 3. Civil Works, Control Building Replace the quoted item "Transformer Schedule-B: Price and Foundation foundations(l32 KV-2nos.& 33 KV-3 nos) including oilpit etc.: lLot" Schedules Schedule No. i) Transformer foundations(132 KV-2nos. & 33 KV-3 nos) including 84: E. MOTIJHEEL I32 KV GIS,33 KV GIS oilpit etc.: I Lot by "Transformer foundations(l32 KV2nos. & 33 KV-2 nos.) including oil pit etc.: 1 Lot" & 1I KV AIS SUBSTATION 13 RatedBurdenofVoltagelPotentia1Transformerforl32kVGIS,36kVGisffi both metering and protection instead of Rated Burden stated in the GTP or elsewhere of bid document. Rated Burden of Voltage/Potential Transformer for 132 kV AIS will be as per bid document. t4 Degree of protection for l p4>- f-,1 lkV HV compartment will be Ip5X. 8,#t6-